Who cares about the oppai, it's the hips that's most important.
Who cares about the oppai, it's the hips that's most important
Other urls found in this thread:
Hell yeah
go on....
>whips out cock
And they're best when accompanied with dfc.
I want to impregnate Jack!
This logic is stupid. All girls have hips, not all girls have boobs.
Fucking retard.
Nigga you gay if you like some boxy ass scrawny boy hips.
Nothing more wonderful than having some nice, wide hips to grab on to while slamming it missionary. I assume.
Damn straight.
is this kid for real?
That's not how a midriff works
Small waist, Wide hips and small breasts with short wavy hair can easy a girl perfect.
It accentuates them, its sheer aerodynamic aesthetic drawing your eyes to the most inherently feminine aspect.
/terag/ is in /vg/ not Cred Forums my friend
wide hips are nice on boys
You mean Oketsu?
too bad that she died, she had very sexy thighs, and hips. plus a beautiful navel that you just want to kiss.
oh, and a fantastic ass, of course.
rest in peace my delicious babe.
She isn't dead though.
Died against Atalanta and Jeanne in Apocrypha.
Why is Tewi always so sexual?
>Who cares about the oppai
Any non retarded male
Another deceased pair of thighs and hips courtesy of Type-Moon.
>lower body of adult
>upper body of child
I'll agree with the central points - Hips are the great unifier indeed.
And who does indeed care about the size of the mammaries with the hips are ripe for baby-dropping?
But hips make the titties irrelevant in both cases of oppai and pai ga nai. Nigh all breasts are best when paired with a well sized pelvis.
Wide hips is a man's paradise
Only in that particular Grail War.
She lives in FGO for me.
Which is the only HGW in which she was really important, had focus and development as a character, and significantly contributed to the plot.
FGO is mostly canon fanservice, even the joke events. No Servants die in FGO, and even if they do, you can just summon them again. However, in the Apocrypha world her existence was exorcised forever. She is dead for sure in that one, they made sure to kill her for good, permanently.
>her existence was exorcised forever.
What? Even off the Throne of Heroes?
Her is Apo death was disappointing. Wish they had given her a sexier death. How would you prefer Jack's death if you wanted to make it as sexy as possible?
Eliminated for sure in the Apocrypha universe. Jeanne exorcised forever the wraith and curse of those ghost children. She didn't kill her by normal means, but rather eliminated her existence. The Burial Agency and other members of the Church can also remove permanently beings like ghosts, ghouls, and dead apostles. Think of what Kirei did to Zouken, but way worse, multiplied like by a thousand, since Jeanne is a saint with the highest level in exorcising powers.
It's still just a copy, unlike ghouls, ghosts and dead apostles.
the throne probably keeps a record of her existence but the one we got to know in apocypha was erased.
she didn't manage to return to the throne as jack herself, since ruler obliterated the curse she embodied. if jeanne and atalanta had killen by normal means or let her mana run out after reika was killed, she would have return as jack to the throne.
>It's a loli body with wide hips episode
Apocrypha was shit anyway so who cares.
Since that scenario won't be used for continuity anyway, you might as well consider it a non-canon "what if" scenario. An isolated story with little relevance in the overall series.
>How would you prefer Jack's death if you wanted to make it as sexy as possible?
she could have died in her confrontation against mordred.
once jack summoned her mist to execute mordred, the latter would just get desperate, ignore the mist with her instinct, and blow the sexy loli away with her np, not before disintegrating her clothes and leaving her naked for a few seconds, of course.
Why do breast people like stupidly disproportionate breast and hip people like stupidly disproportionate hips?
hip people are way closer to what is physically possible than cowtit lovers are
lolis with thunder thighs are a miracle of the universe.
Tried telling them before it looked like she had chicken wire pulled across her stomach and the skeleton was all kinds of fucked up but they were having none of it
I prefer nice hips/ass myself but absurd hips require an absurd skeleton whereas absurd tits do not. You can only fix one with plastic surgery.
i want some pears
>not before disintegrating her clothes and leaving her naked for a few seconds
I like this.
Jack receives Mordred´s attacks, her clothes dissolve, and she cutely screams in embarrassment while she is in a lewd position, like . Trying to cover her cute pussy with her hands, while some tears and cracks appear in her face. Mordred then proceeds to remove her hands so that she can finger her down there and give her a goodbye kiss, while Jack tries to orgasm just to end up cracking more and turning into dust.
Hips can beat the cock unlike tits, so they will never be Cred Forums favorite
Having preferences is ok, everyone have preferences, but only retards with unhealthy obsessions say "who cares about X"
This and the rest of the thread
>tfw will never impregnate pear shaped girls
jack is my wife btw
how would you fantasize the perfect sexy death for jack?
Hipster detected
death isn't sexy you weirdo
I want to marry a Elin!
High quality tits can beat the cock too!
I'm only a lolicon for wide-hipped lolis
Thick thighs as well
which aren't really lolis but flat chested small girls like tatsumaki
I'm going to fuck Elins, you can't stop me
are you guys trying to kill me
Boys with wide hips are fine too
No. It's The pussy is the most important.
His Nue doujin almost killed me.
literally me at the middle
Shuten a best. A BEST.
Shuten is best for bullying my dick with her tight loli pussy, but I still prefer Jack for facesitting.
The haircare must be a bitch. Why don't you cut and donate it?
Those thighs can fell empires. imagine the softness
Are you a an old, sweaty bald man by any chance?
>3 out of 4
I'll be one day.
That doujin is literally heaven
>Since I'd really like to be raped by Nue-chan, I decided to draw this book
What a relatable guy.
Ive never seen so much good taste in one place
Why only have one if you can have both?
All types of tits go well with hips
She has pretty nice tits, but the ass is the focus.
Jesus that perfect everything.
>Brazilian "people"
>tfw I don't need huge hips or big tits, I just like small things.
What if the gorgeous hips are on a guy?
>Not wanting Lalafell
>Not wanting both
I'm glad I made my sister stop watching this after Kai...
>Her tighhigs pinching her lag fat
There's gotta be a fetish for this.
Least he's honest.
This entire thread is a great argument.
But it's a girl
All boatsluts are girls
delete this
Ok FUCK IT. I'm into Loli's with huge hips now.
Fuck me I'm entering a very dark stage of my life...
Never thought I'd be into lolis
This is it. THIS IS IT!
user you have no idea what you've just done for me!
My pleasure
but they're boys user
Shit fetish.
Who the hell in their sane mind would like bodies that will become fatasses in the future? Boobs are better as long as they're not ridiculously huge.
>in the future
The future doesn't matter. To fap to loli, you must learn to live in the present.
>having a different bone anatomy makes you fat
american pig please go
is there a tag for flat chest and big hips/ass?
pettanko and... I guess shiri or something.
And paired with THICC thighs.
not a specific tag but if you search loli+thighs or thickthighs or wide_hips even or flat chest + those things u might find some
I posted a bunch of my favs in this thread so maybe look up their artists
Fuck this thread, I didn't want to fap today.
Yes, it's elin_(tera)
Being in the middle of a nofap is suffering.
Nofap is a meme, succumb to the power of the elins.
>those thighs
Lalas are nowhere near elins in the thighs department.
They're closer to toddlers more than anything.
i'd still totally fuck one though
I think they are sexy, not heart attack inducing cute. Wrong reaction much?
post hmanga with best hips
>How can someone react differently than me to something?
I'll let you sit and ponder that for a while.
If you are gonna meme, then do it right.
>Liking pear over hourglass
I bet you also get off to alien porn, OP.
>would you like to rub my thighs
what did he mean by this?
>she will never sit on your face
Why live?
No one's meming, you're just retarded.
Dominates the Oni tag
What is this?
I wish I was the oni tag.
usagi pants
Came here for these.
As much as I love these threads, why aren't they made /e/ instead?
I'll agree its a good fucking combo, its the only time i like dfc
Ah, I was looking for the source of the image. Reverse image searching and searching with tags on *booru is coming up empty.
Am I just dumb?
Sauce? Reverse search isn't helping.
So hip to be pear.
i want to see more of this oc
so moe
I don't know about that man, there are some pretty good Lalafell out there.
Extra points because they have that little extra chubbiness to them that pushes them over the edge.
We need more boys in here stat
I hate how gay this makes me feel but fuck
I need a sauce for this
i agree but i don't want a loli with it. I want a fully grown person with no chest but a killer ass
Am I doing it right?
Nothing gay about feminine dicks
Midriffs/navels > hips/thighs/ass > breasts
They're basically Ken dolls. Nothing between their legs. What are you, gay?
Wise man.
To the child, both are very important, user.
Yami counts. Mikan is suffering.
She looked like this before she became a kanmusu.
Now you made me waste my ammo against the ones who say this on the actual threads.
Yeah whatever Vali
Hartman hips, makes my blood boil.
Try this on then.
The runt of the Unryu sisters, but still one of the hottest CVs, Katsuragi
Just chubby.
Is that Ilya?
He's done that style before, but the way the eyes are drawn looks nothing like his general style.
With what?
Chubby tummies.
Don't think I really have any more saved, right now.
This right here lads. It doesnt get better than this.
Loli tummies make the world go round
Why's that?
Cute. I bet it'd feel nice to touch it.
They're filled with hopes and dreams.
Maki is loli?
Found this gem today.
Why you faggots kept this from me?
it has many good things in it other than hips, but every time i reread it i become invested in the story again. it's a really good manga.
Did he just snap his own?
I think you're confusing something here, user.
I know it's Cred Forums but go watch wakfu, you won't regret it
but you can have oppai and have wide hips
the best of both worlds
This is too lewd.
>This thread.
I have to say I'm sorry.
Maki is not loli?
Post more Jack
Do not sexualize my daughteru.
I want to DICK your daughteru
I just posted this in another thread but I thought I'd share it here since I find a woman's hips the most pleasing part of her anatomy.
A girl with huge hips and also big tits/ass is still better than just hips alone.
That's true.
>Even more fertility
Good sirs as a colleague and fellow lover of gorgeous wide hipped, thick thighed anime women I must express fault and disagreement with your opinion. This guy said it better than I can but basically it boils down to mature, fertile women with bountiful breasts lacking a crucial aspect of adorableness that only lolis and young flat chested schoolgirls possess, but when the latter happens to have a nice fat ass with well developed legs they become semen demons of equal standing while still keeping that undefeated level of cuteness. Plus that chest to hip ratio is just so fucking delicious, as men you can't tell me it doesn't have it's own unique sexy charm that beautiful cowtits simply can't replicate.
>but basically it boils down to mature, fertile women with bountiful breasts lacking a crucial aspect of adorableness that only lolis and young flat chested schoolgirls possess
As someone who's fetish is shortstacks, I take exception to your line of thinking. I specifically have a fetish for girls who are small and cute, but also happen to have huge tits.
You don't need to have a flat chest to be 'cute'.
I think people who like big breasts and grown women are tall and big guys in general, while those who like lolis or small girls are generally underheight at least.
A man wants a girl who is endearing and cute to him, and you can't really feel such way towards a big, mature girl if you are short yourself.
>trying to reason with flatfags
>trying to argue with breastfags
Goes both ways.
>small chest/ or flat chest + nice thighs + nice hips + nice butt
I wasn't arguing with anyone. Just pointing out my opinion.
>that contrast between a small chest and thick thighs/wide hips
That's why this is my fetish
I like Noi, what does that say about me? Am I 7' and a professional bodybuilder?
You are not wrong, friend. Many an adorable shortstacked female have I seen in my time, but I simply cannot find myself believing a petite big tittied girl could possess the raw moe of a purely natural flat chested loli. Sure you can go oppai loli, but that's totally a different thing. The always relevant and rightfully praised kemomimi onsen would almost be the perfect example of the contrast but the tanuki is more on the oppai loli side than the shortstack side, not that I necessarily find that to be a bad thing.
This thread is far too wonderful to die this early. Thighs for the thigh god, booty for the booty throne.
This is my favourite tread today
>butts thread: ok
>hips thread: ok
>thighs thread: ok
>feet thread: ok
>ankles thread: ok
>bellybuttons thread: ok
>armpits thread: ok
>elbows thread: ok
>napes thread: ok
>chins thread: ok
>boobs thread: nope
My fellow legs bretheren
Or to put your head against
They're okay to anyone except the mad DFC fags.
Fuck off, it's DFC hater shit like you who always start up fights and try to do it again in this thread.
The irony.
But /user/ how will flat girls feed your children?
>DFC lover starts a thread specifically saying "who cares about oppai?" and spamming tons of DFC girls
>claims big tit lovers are the ones starting shit
Tits threads imply nipples and we know what mods think about those.
I actually knew a girl who had this problem.
Boy did I try to help her with it.
You were the one starting shit, yes.
Nobody attacked your precious unnatural breasts.
Breast size has nothing to do with how much milk a breast can produce, underage boy.
>posts horseshit quality art
There's a reason why people don't like cowtit fags.
Is it the work of nipplemod? Is he even still alive? That would explain lots of things.
>Nobody attacked your precious unnatural breasts.
>Breast size has nothing to do with how much milk a breast can produce, underage boy.
Holy shit, is this guy real?
What do you mean?
Both of those points are right.
Someone post that big hips megumin
Please continue telling us how you helped her
I'm 29
>I'm 29
Then you are one sadly uneducated 29 years old.
I didn't get to help her. She just whined every day about her breasts being too big and being embarrassed about having lactation without being pregnant. I tried to overtly hint that some guys don't mind it at all, but she never accepted it and just got breast reduction surgery.
She made the right choice.
She probably didn't want to be courted by freaks.
>She probably didn't want to be courted by freaks.
>got into a relationship with a ugly white guy who never showered, obsessed over Star Trek and had a KKK beard
You sure know women user.
That's still better than what the life had in store among those people who would have loved an ever lactating pair huge breasts.
Also she can probably still stand straight.
>if you like big tits that means you're the scum of humanity
>its the big breast lovers who are flinging hate!
Mods, just delete this pathetic thread.
>cowtit fag triggered that a thread is not circlejerking about huge breasts
Actually yes. Yes, it is you who fling hatred. Nobody were talking about breast size wars before.
And liking big tits is one thing, but huge, life ruining, lactating tits is another.
Also stop using Lina for your shitposting.
Breast size has nothing to do with the ability to produce milk, breasts are there only for sexual attraction. Which makes OP statement quite stupid
>DFC lover triggered that someone mentioned big tits in his thread
Who are you quoting?
Actually, if a girl has small enough breasts, she will struggle to make milk. You still need to have a certain size breast to have enough mammary glands to produce milk. Let alone have it come out.
Hence why a wetnurse exists.
>She probably didn't want to be courted by freaks.
Then she made the wrong choice
Actually, the flattest of flat girls will have their mamary gland grow enough during pregnancy, and the same way, large breasts can still have problems, because despite how fat there is, the mammary gland can still be undersized.
I know, because my cousin had huge tits and still had problems.
So breast size has nothing to do with milk producing.
Oh yeah, that chick sure said it, please link to her blog wink wink!
>Also stop using Lina for your shitposting.
Why do you care? She's not flat. I'd think you'd go on a rant about him posting a girl with actual breasts.
Why not both?
>Actually, the flattest of flat girls will have their mamary gland grow enough during pregnancy
Some of them.
>large breasts can still have problems, because despite how fat there is, the mammary gland can still be undersized.
While this can happen, statistics show that girls with larger breasts have a smaller chance of that issue happening. You're also overlooking that just because the mammary gland is producing milk, that doesn't mean the girl can pump the milk out of her breast. A common problem for girls with smaller breasts.
Why do YOU care?
She's a "disgusting, small breasted, not-even-woman", without huge balloon tits, so you shouldn't even tolerate seeing her without throwing up.
>draw an adult female
>call it a girl child
??? why does japan do this
Shouldn't image dumps of butts go on /e/?
When did I ever say I disliked tits? Why are you generalizing everyone as being opposed to you?
That other guy was right. You're just looking for someone to fight. Might I suggest a trip to Charlston NC? There's a large group of like minded people who will be happy to let you join in their rage. Just watch out for those rubber bullets.
>have shitty day at school and bomb calc II exam
At least I can come home to some anime booty
thanks for being here Cred Forums
I exaggerated less than you did though, shit eater.
I said unnaturally large tits are shit, which Lina's isn't, so there's no point in you bringing up Lina having breasts.
why? do you not like butts
People are hard to please these days.
nice desu ne
Who gives a shit what that bitch wants? There are plenty of wide-hipped lolis who'd love to embrace whatever freaky fetishes a guy has, if a titless 3D pig can't appreciate that then she can fucking blog about it on reddit or whatever.
my nigga
A nice pair of hips can't be ignored. Good taste, everyone.
Oh god, you win.
Tall, small breast, wide hips it's the perfect freakshow body that I love
No, I think we all win. That's the best part.
Trips confirm, we are all winners.
T-that's a duck.
>This thread
>3DPD thinking anyone on here cares what she thinks
who is this beauty? where is this from?
Why are pear-shaped girls so great, Cred Forums?
Is there any feeling better than pulling a wide hipped loli down to the hilt as you cum inside?
>wanting an amalgamation of little children to have a sexy death
Calling the police now
The slenderness of the rest of the body compared to the hips emphasize the thickness of the hips that much more. And thick hips is the most natural part of the female anatomy to be attracted to, because they signify fertility much more than cowtits.
Lolis with big hips also signify the logical midpoint between innocence and budding sexuality. It's like that perfect point of ripeness where the fruit is not too sour but also not too sweet (and certainly not stale and bitter).
Thighs > tits > butt > navel > hips > lips > pits > feet
well said
Because you're autistic. There's studies about that, you know?
>“Preference for the very large buttocks was characterized by a need for order (neatness, organization, orderliness)… Those who preferred the largest buttocks figure tend to be business majors (accounting?) and tend not to be psychologically minded… In social situations, they are dependent and given to self-abasement (guilty, self-blaming). Their value orientation tends not to be stoic in nature.
On cowtits:
>“Also characterizing large-breast preference was a tendency to date frequently, to have masculine interests, and to read sports magazines. Further, large-breast preference was related to a need for heterosexual contact and for exhibitionism (saying witty things and being the center of attention). In social relations, men who preferred the large breasts tend to be non-nurturant and independent. This latter result gives support to Scodel’s (1957) finding of a lack of fantasy dependence among college men who preferred large-breasted figures. In the present study, preference for large breasts was positively correlated with smoking and negatively correlated with endurance (perseverance in work habits).”
ie. Like big breasts? You're a manly man. Like big butts? You're autistic.
Wiggins, J.S., J. Wiggins, & J.C. Conger (1968). Correlates of heterosexual somatic preference. J Pers Soc Psych, 10(1): 82-90.
>OP wants a hips thread
>turns into an ass thread
I'm not mad or disappointed I'm just surprised
>I'm actually an autistic accounting student who likes big butts and don't understand the appeal of cowtits
>most niggers are autistic
Something's off.
>it's just a thinly veiled flatfag/lolicon thread
Ass love transcends age preference. Even lolis have asses though they often shouldn't be shaped as curvy as they're drawn or with hips as wide.
I wish people would stop posting studies from the hippie woodstock vietnam war era as if they're somehow current.
This is the best body type.
Is she?
Kurou a slut!
Kuro shouldn't be so unsexy, it's not becoming.
Yes. Kuro is very unsexy.
>ankles thread
>elbows thread
When did those happen?
Kuro is a futa
Fine, a dick is just another handle bar to use.
But she's gonna put her dick in you!
>Not using displacement thaumaturgy to ensure every attempt goes into tohsaka's anus.
Nigga I don't do math. All I know is Kuro is hyper-sexual and aggressive and with a futa dick that mean she always tops.
Now I want to see Kuro fuck Illya's and Miyu's brains out with her futa dick.
I'd be completely open to frotting and sharing a hole with her, or double penning another cute girl.
so this is becoming a type moon thread now? would actually bang these 3 girls.
I hope you all realize that when the Japanese say hip, they mean ass, right?
She's a semen demon who wants your mana. As far as I know, dicks are mana dispensers, not drainers.
She recycles the mana injected into her and injects it into others. Or simply produces her own, don't you know the basics of futa biology?
Well, the ass is part of the hip, so yes. Kind of.
Why would she want to give it away? Being a semen demon ain't charity work.
Futas are gregarious creatures. What do you think she would want to do when she sees Miyu and Illya in skimpy outfits?
Kiss all the mana out of them.
>study doesn't count because it's not been done in the timeframe I propose
Confirmed for autism. Holy shit. It's true.
Yes, exactly. Kiss them with her dick.
You'll never catch me
Our methods for study 50 years ago probably do not hold up by today's standards. There are tons of studies like this. Freud's entire field of research would be laughed out of any scientific community.
Add in the fact that things change over time.
If any study were to be done 50 years apart you'd see different results each time.
Her dick kisses the womb I'm sure.
Deeply, passionately, and empathetically. But enough talk about Kuro's massive futa dick, I should pass out and not fap.
congratulations, it just means you will forever be welcomed and accepted here user.
once you've accepted that all old ladies are damaged goods, your path to the darkside will be complete
Those Prisma futa doujinshi were nice. Thanks.
Well, hips have a front- and backview.
> it's another "only the tits matters" even though she's got those wonderful hips.
I like breasts too but come on. And looking at how nice the author draws the hips he should like them.
I'll never complain.