The lewd is coming at you
Now let's wait for translated or raw content we will be grateful to receive
The lewd is coming at you
Now let's wait for translated or raw content we will be grateful to receive
Other urls found in this thread:
Momo is my beautiful wife and I want you all to be nice to her. She works very hard and doesn't deserve such mean words.
Do Erwinfags and Momofags feel the need to spam every thread because they're afraid that their waifu will disappear or something?
Reminder that Darjeeling is pure and not for lewd.
Yes. It can happen to you.
I want to do lewd things with Sodoko.
Darjeeling is my wife!
I want to BREAK the rules
I want to have a love as pure as Sawreehfag's
One has to wonder how much does the guys in charge of the series know about Salo or the 120 Days of Sodom to make Pazomi has that name?
How did he do it?
The better the woman, the more she inspires in her man. This is the best Momo can inspire.
But Momo inspires me everyday to not give up in my life of financial troubles and unending lonleyness. That's just about all I can ask of her.
I want to read this but I always feel lazy to try.
Something something puke.
I unironically love these threads.
Erwin is mine and only mine
She mine for the rest of the thread
Fuck I want to rip her skirt, pull down panties, grab her ass and fuck her
Why is Yukari so adorably retarded?
>ask Momo out on a date
>she starts crying
>tell Momo you love her
>she starts crying
>ask Momo to marry you
>she starts crying
>Momo finds out you got her pregnant and she's going to have a girl
>she starts crying
>Tell Momo you bought her a beautiful house
>she starts crying
>Tell Momo you bought her a tank to drive around with after work
>she starts crying
>Your daughter tells you and Momo she wants to do Sensha-do like her mommy
>she starts crying
>grow old together with Momo and have many more happy memories
>she starts crying
This girl is broken, I want a new one.
There was a time when nobody liked the Duce, what a dark time
I managed to feel more and more empty inside as I read your post. Thank you, user.
But I'd love her, even just like that.
Sadist Miho is .... ....
We need to stop her!
cant stop wont stop
Is this the thread where /ak/ scanlators hang around?
Da-dang is a miracle of the universe
VERY fast panzer running at incredibly hihg speed!
I'm in love with da-dang!
>her favorite flower is the dandelion
Does a horrific Eldritch flesh monstrosity lurk beneath that cute, fluffy facade?
sometimes, but you're most likely to find waifuposting these days
Just in case they show up. Do they plan on picking up arpeggio again? I heard crunchy dropped the manga.
Did you remove her tear duct? That's the first step to dating Momo.
whats with the stars on the left
The M4A3E2 is my cute wife.
I just love when the japs use Australia's flag, and even then it's missing stars.
I want to drink Kay's urine!
>tfw no clara gf
Clara is nice.
>Clara and Nonna will never sing Russian nursery rhymes to you as you drift into a wonderful soviet dreamscape
What's the fucking point of being alive
Kay is my wife and I definitely do not want this.
The tears stay! Flustered girls are cute!
to live on long enough to the point where we can upload our consciousness onto a server with our waifus in it
She would look very cute in traditional Adidas outfit
Is that Katyusha?
Hey! Yukari didn't do anything wrong, leave her out of this!
Doggos need dicipline.
>slapping Yukari and telling her to shut up
Did she reveal the filthy things Momo does in front of old men for funding?
Trust me, I discipline her well.
She probably interupted training to spew tank facts.
>tfw you have so much things in common with Erika
We all do. We are all Erika on the inside.
You yelled at your crush for messing up a game to save someone's life and forced them to transfer schools? Thus ruining her smug forever?
user, if she kept her smug we'd all be in for a less heartwarming ride.
But Erika never yelled at her crush for messing up a game to save someone's life and force them to transfer schools, thus ruining their smug forever.
>everybody but Koume looks/is autist
Autistic stoic cuteys are 100% acceptable.
Actually, is anyone NOT autistic in GuP?
I will always be nice to Momo, as you have shown me and my wife, Saori much kindness as well. You are a true friend, Momofag.
(I'm not dead, ive been working on my car for the past two days.)
>Actually, is anyone NOT autistic in GuP?
I wanna see that. It'd be like "If Shinji had a spine" except "If Miho kept her smug." She'd tell people to fuck off, she'd fuck all the commanders and Yukari because she knows she's hot. At the beginning of the series, when Anzu thinks she's forcing Miho to go back to senshado Miho dominates her says she calls the shots and not her potato eating ass.
My bad. She yelled at Miho after Miho saved her life.
She is only pretending
What a coincidence. My car is in the shop now.
But she is pretending to be american
Good joke, user!
Maybe. But only because we haven't seen much of her.
Mika pls
>Actually, is anyone NOT autistic in GuP?
You can't pretend to be American. All you have to do is love America enough to wear red white and blue underwear. Kay is American through and through.
That's Mika way to get some cute autistic
She probably hates Michael Bay movies
Extremely autistic.
Orange Pekoe.
>quoting historical figures all the time while preceding it with asking "have you heard this saying?"
That's pretty damn autistic.
Orange Pekoe
She's among the biggest autists
She plays along with Darjeeling. Therfore slightly autistic.
She plays along because she doesn't want to hurt Darjeeling.
Using those names is already pretty autistic.
I bet Darjeeling named and force them to use those names.
>implying she's doing it to humor Darjeeling
Her name is Orange Pekoe.
Must be a tradition
Final verdict: All the girls are autistic to some degree. Everyone go home!
R*ki, please
Ayumi is so irrelevant, that she doesn't even qualify for that
I like Ayumi because o *PAM.
She got that leg crap once. That kind of autistic right?
Emi is great.
>Kuririn's gorgeous hair is not in the image
Ayumi: Confirmed to be autistic enough to shout Monty Python jokes in public.
Anyone else?
Holy shit that gif.
Guess only Saki doesn't have any mental issues.
Azusa isn't autistic
>14 results
good night, thread
maybe tomorrow you won't be this shitty
>mini Miho
>not autistic
She's like Miho without the PTSD.
It's like this until further news comes out. Strap in.
Katyusha growth spurt when?
There's someone out there for everyone, even Erika.
She probably got a good mother too, unlike Miho.
This image would've been perfect if Nonna didn't have that slight smile.
Someone with the family charts, I need it for reasons
oh nonna and katyusha dont have siblings, that explains a lot
Koyama women are so fertile.
Danke user.
Is the order a rabbit?
>Azusa is an onee-chan
That explains alot.
Erwin is cute and she is also my wife!
>The only available scans of Wolt's Mako doujin is in chinese.
Fukcing chink hogging the RAW for themselves.
>Momo tries to be cool for her little brother
Gooks uploaded it first.
>You'll never see Kay and Darjeeling eat their feces
I want to turn Sodoko into a very lewd girl.
ASSam, the girl who enjoys anal the most.
So it's one of these threads...
I'm pretty sure all st Glorianal girls are masters in the art of the buttpussy, but who is the most skilled? Darj?
Only when it comes to skill, but Assam got the most sensitive one.
Autistic Maho is the best Maho.
I wish I could post the better version
I would this.
>those delicious lump of meat
What a cute loli Erika.
I didn't see this post till just now. I'm sure you can user, just search your dreams, she will come. Like how Saori came to me.
Who is she?
>user made full-length video of Cossack Lullaby YEARS ago by digitally editing a record so the voice sounded like Nonna's
>youtube vid is full of "who's playing the balalaika in the video?" comments
>movie gives us this
Further proof that they lurk the fandom and love to play with us.
>love America
>disrespecting the flag by using it for a costume
Choose one
Tsk, tsk. Dem retards and their lack of knowledge about the rules regarding the flag
Fuck you. Seriously, fuck you with this shit. This is a blue board faggot.
To be fair, when she was introduced by the manga she was not that likeable.
Yuki 2cute
Yuuki value4money
Every time
Uh, is that an edited version?
Because i think Chovy forgot an important part of her bikini....
Which girls suck dick the best?
Also, any hard details about the next anime?
Yeah, silly girl left it hanging on my dick.
>any hard details about the next anime?
No format yet
All we know is that the Student Council is getting changed up and that the girls are gonna be in their winter uniform
It's edited.
>Student Council is getting changed
don't they do that whenever they enter or exit their private sauna?
Friendship when?
At what time in the school year does the GuP Movie take place? The end of Summer break?
Presumably, according to Yukari, they begin their new semester in a week
I've no flipping clue how the japanese school year is structured though
Yep, I think Mako or Saori says she hasn't finished her summer homework.
Ah, right you are.
So it the Student Council have graduated in this forthcoming anime/movie, it must take place at least 6 months after Der Film.
I unironically love you
That makes sense, they're wearing winter uniforms in the PV.
Either that or they got kidnapped/went rogue like some nips think
>grimderps grimderping about fakely grimderp GuP previews made to troll grimderps
Nothing new here
I mean, going rogue, MIGHT be possible, but a fucking KIDNAPPING? In GuP? Tsk, tsk, do we need to "leak" fake dead fluffy pics again?
The preview is real and posted on bandai's actual youtube account. And will you stop typing like a retard?
They're already better than friends user
>takes the effort to do a nude edit
>Barbie anatomy
Why? I just don't understand. Why going through all that effort just to do that?
>The preview is real
Nobody is denying that. But there is no clear evidence in the trailer that anybody has been kidnapped or went rogue.
I know the preview is real. And you should already know that GuP previews have an habit of pretending to be grimderps, which is what I explicitly stated ("fakely grimderp"), not saying at any point than the preview itself was fake. Whole point being that the REAL preview is very likely meant to troll grimderps.
In short: Before accusing others of not using or understanding language correctly, remember: pot, meet kettle.
How about you stop typing like a retard first, so we can all understand each other?
Likely he's just one of those grimderps
I know, I still ask "why?"
Remember when everybody thought that Der Film was gonna be a lot darker than it turned out to be?
Someone who can into spoken Japanese should give us a TL;DR of what's actually said in that PV unless it has already been posted, in which case I'd take a link to it to go with my apologies for having missed it
Or the shitstorm about the Rabu Rabu previews and volume 1 cover
Momogatari is best intellectual waifu.
This poster was real, too.
It was TL'd the first hour the PV went out and it didn't really say anything new
>Kaichou didn't read the fine print of the written document signed in der Film to save Ooarai
>the boat sequence is just her action packed at sea honeymoon with her new bespectacled husband, MEXT guy
I remember people speculating from the few early promo posters and frames that it'd be about some kind of fatal accident in the sport.
I see. Thanks.
I'd still be grateful for a link to the old thread - or some key word to search for in the archives.r
It's been done and it reveals little more than we had derived from the images.
Wait, I don't remember that. What exactly where people pissed about?
I have this
if it amounts to anything
I remember nothing interesting coming out of the TLs in that thread, but give it a read
>a distressed miho
>a boko bear is featured
>wrecked tanks, happens every episode
>schoolship superstructure in the distance, a schoolship is featured as part of the plot
Everything checks out, anyone who saw that poster and expected something darker weren't paying attention
>some kind of fatal accident in the sport.
>Wait, I don't remember that. What exactly where people pissed about?
Oarai became (briefli) world's tallest building.
Has Youjo Senki ch2 been translated?
>promo art portrays movie as being more dramatic than it actually is
This isn't exactly unusual, user.
>Oarai became (briefli) world's tallest building.
I feel like I am missing some valuable context here - and I've read all of Rabu Rabu.
that's the file I saved with original filename with the biggest laugh
>I feel like I am missing some valuable context here - and I've read all of Rabu Rabu.
RR previews hinted at it being dark and grim as FUCK. You know how it all ended
Anyone tried playing Senshado Daisakusen yet?
What are you talking about, user? Der Film was the darkest, most depressing anime movie I've ever watched.
That's hilarious in retrospect.
So was the PV with Beethoven's 5th
Is that the fan-made RTS on Steam Greenlight?
Which PV was that?
You should have posted Pravda's Last Stand instead.
Yes, or at least it was started. But I don't think it was typeset.
No, because I was being sarcastic. Pravda's last stand was probably the only remotely dark part of the film.
Don't have link, sorry - the first one (not counting the one when the movie was anounced), the one that used the Da-da-da-DAAAAN! as its music.
I want to make Sodoko go all flustered by giving her a light kiss on the cheek and telling her that she looks cute
OK, this is getting stupid. Can't find the blasted PV, not even in Bandai YT channel. Anyone still got a link?
Is Asuza doing something lewd?
Besides, you guys don't want a grimdark GuP right?
is it time?
What about the grave of the fireflies?
Never4get the May
poor Yukari
>all these tank commanders turned out of the turrets suddenly disappearing when their tank does flip
>ywn have a club with tanks enthusiasts
shame the club was dissolved
I can't comment on the rest, but you can actually see Noriko retreat inside the tank and close the hatch just before Duck team's tank topples over at the end.
>"Just watch! Katyusha will now join the ranks of adulthood!!"
I want to make Katyusha become an adult.
Carbon retreating
Nah she just disappears. All you see the the hatch flapping about.
>grave of the fireflies
what this
I'm not talking about the fields of Normandy, I'm talking about /ak/ core movie
>I'm talking about /ak/ core movie
Girls und Panzer: Der Film?
My love for Katyusha is far stronger than Sawreehfag's love for Saori!
>Naomi can fly a G-5 Galaxy
All things considered, that's pretty damn impressive.
should i play war thunder or world of tanks?
Can't see a fucking thing on my screen because of this sun.
Men of war
you should play __________
Neither. Save yourself a world of misery.
t. 3 year WoT veteran
These threads lack Rosehip.
You missed out on quints because you were a lazy git and didn't post a picture.
I want to cuddle with Shizuka!
If you MUST play one of them, play War Thunder.
How thirsty is Rin?
But aren't Gaijin even bigger gold-diggers than Wargaming?
Why do you think she's thirsty? They probably pack some drinks for matches to not get dehydrated,
Would be pointless.
Arguably. But it's still fun.
Based Miyazaki was /k/ as fuck
>st gloriana decides to upgrade
>Rukuriri the Ravager gets a black prince
>obliterates duck team
>ravages anglerfish team
>looks in the general direction of saunders
>all of their shermans combust
>with a perfectly aimed shot she destroys Klara , Katyusha and Nonna in 1
Looking forward to season 2?
>one round fired, already ready to load next round, before previous round's shell has started falling
>with a single-shot bolt
Yeah. Kids stuff.
With your level of fantasy, I rec you sticking with Ponyo instead of GotF
>Me and my wife Katyusha on our honeymoon
>ywn be Katyusha
>implying that Ukulele The One Meme Army will do any of that, even commanding a black prince
War Thunder. If you have friends get them to play it.
That's exactly what I'm implying. Prepare to have your waifus ravaged.
>Kids stuff.
Answering myself. Sarcasm wasn't directed at Nausicaa mad work-da-bolt skillz (nice filename), but at those saying Miyazaki only did kids' stuff
>wanting rukuriri's ravaged second hand goods
With her anal sphincter?
Nigga, are you blind?
The only thing that's gonna get ravaged is Rukuriri's anus.
with her 2 pounder
Better watch out or you'll get it too.
Rin, please. It's not Shizuka we're talking about.
It's already done. Check /ak/'s website.
More importantly chapter 3 manga translation fucking where?
She puts even her own 2 pounder through her ass?
Certain. She's even WORSE than Shizuka.
The user doth protest too much
>ravaged reading comprehension
why would anyone give a shit about tanks when superior planes exist?
>protesting because of rough painal
Ukelele doesn't
>The only thing that's gonna get ravaged is Rukuriri's anus.
posting superior plane
>this projection
do you really want 2 pounded that bad?
yes, really
I'm wondering, would one of the drawfags depict Ukelele taking Nina's 152mm in the butt?
>Rukuriri elegantly on top of you in the cowgirl position, expecting to dominate
>put it in her ass instead
Doujins where?
>1/20 scale
For what purpose?
I can't believe that girl get so much attention
>I can't believe that girl get so much attention whoring
Since when did Rukuriri become so popular?
>"he" is Shinobu
>Saki watching
They do write themselves
My sides
For those that believe Ukelele's name has nothing to do with tea:
Since she first appeared on the show
There's been a surge in fan art of her in recent months for some reason though.
>For those that believe Ukelele's name has nothing to do with tea:
I didn't realize Rukuriri is famous outside of tea.
Mizushima making last episode now.
what a バカ
I will ravage your Matilda.
>this is what duct team actually believes
I'm not duck team, nigga.
not everyone is a teafag. For those Ukelele is known only because of her ass ravaging at the hands of Ducks and Fukuda and Pershings and...
So that's where "ukelele" comes from?
seems so
link because not bothering to save to computer
>he thinks that piece of scrap can intimidate someone in a matilda
Rukuriri is the one who does the ravaging
>piece of scrap
>matilda can't even penetrate it
Dr. Ukulelefag, I'm M26E1.
not in the movie
Looked like an M46 Patton there, son.
If you want to use Patton please do it like Erika.
I just don't have more photos of M26.
>bring me robert shaw
every time
>matilda can't even penetrate it
Rukuriri penetrates what she wants when she wants
We haven't found out that in WT yet.
When are we gonna get a scene Maho ordering Erika to sing loudaaa
You keep running away in fear of the inevitable.
Now it's perfect time to sing.
You didn't even asked for the nickname/password in custom battles.
Nigga that's 2 pounder!
It got trouble penetrating even something as thin-armoured as your mom.
Sorry, I couldn't hold myself.
Ob's stürmt oder schneit,
Ob die Sonne uns lacht
>american banter
SF3D I guess?
You win this round.
Poor Erika just can't catch a break.
I win bitch I always win.
My last thread disagree's.
The suffering makes her stronger. In time she will become the greatest Senshado Captain the world has ever seen.
Sure, she'll have crippling emotional issues, but she'll be successful and respected - and that's all that matters.
>last episode
I fucking hope it's not just one episode.
But that thread is dead now and I have rightfully reclaimed the throne of head husbando.
Erwin is my ONE and ONLY, since forever ago!
Everybody here was saying that it was a movie only a few days ago. Nobody is sure what the fuck is going on.
What she really needs would be Maho giving her a nice hug and saying some encouraging words to her.
That would probably work better than everything else.
Erika singing that song reminds me of things i'd rather like to forget.
Shiho pls marry Erika to Miho already.
Please, you don't even Erwin Daki.
You show no real love.
Sorry, Nishizumi are only for Shimada
>What she really needs would be Maho giving her a nice hug and saying some encouraging words to her.
But she needs to improve as she is nowhere near ready to take over from Maho. Currently her only motivation to improve is Maho's approval. Give her the prize on a plate and she may stop trying.
Nishizumi style has a proven track record, user. You can't argue with results, even if said results are earned by emotionally broken, husks of women.
And who will the Son of Shiho be married to, Chiyo?
>emotionally broken, husks of women.
Cease and desist, this is a peaceful thread!
You know not the passion of the Erwinfag user.
Maho could give her some nice words and still encourage her to work on herself and try to become better, i don't see that as a big problem.
Does this look like the face of compassion to you?
I can think of some nice words Maho can tell Erika
Sorry to interrupt you GuP conversation.
I have a question here.
We are all GUPfags in the end. Do not destroy your fellow man!
No that's a Valmet.
Compared to her usual blank stare it is an improvement.
State your business.
>When you cum inside her
I have a question.
Do you lads think that Maho is really suited to be a commander?
I mean - she's extremely skilled and all that but she lacks situational awereness (because she's autistic). During the Ooarai vs. KMM match you can see that she's not even paying attention to her panicking teammates when Turtle Team is ravaging their asses.
You know, the meme use of this is starting to become... boring.
What's next? All your base are belong to us?
You don't understand, user.
The Turtle team is VERY sneaky!
Enough with the autistic meme
Look at the others:
Kay doesn't give a shit about what her team is doing
Chovy can't hold ther group of idiots together
Katyusha leaves it to Nonna
Asparagus and Eclair don't even have full control over their respective teams, at least not at first
Alice.. well, yeah.
>Kay doesn't give a shit about what her team is doing
She just don't knew about that.
Don't forget. They're just Highschool girls.
Does a commander really directly command a tank company like that in real life?
What a strange alternate universe.
>No Turtle Team
>Kay doesn't give a shit about what her team is doing
It's not like she's not giving a shit. It's just that she's not the brightest person alive.
>Chovy can't hold ther group of idiots together
I'm not blaming her. It's actually quite impressive that she can make her bakas respect a chain of command.
>Katyusha leaves it to Nonna
Actually Katyusha can come out with a good battle plan. The problem is that she's getting mad easily and that makes her abandon the original strategy. And nobody in Pravda even bothers arguing with Katyusha.
I don't get it
war thunder is great fun
I don't want Erika to suffer any more ;_;
I want to be Katyusha's boyfriend and feed her cake while she's lying on my lap.
She'll get fat.
>not liking the stare
Well feeding her cake when she's lying on my lap wouldn't be an everyday thing, and besides, so what if she'd get fat?
I'd still love her, because Katyusha is Katyusha, and I shall always love her
God I love the pool edition of Rabu Rabu.
>Look at the others:
It's telling that you omitted Darjeeling.
You mean this PV, right?
That's the one.
Yep. I mistakenly thought it wasn't because I didn't remember it started with speaking. Overly dramatic, grim- and darkness implying PV in great GuP style, all right.
>tfw new series of Red Dwarf is starting tonight.
so was this part of the movie
Happy Birthday, Duce Anchovy! It's September 23 in Japan now.
Was that real?
>no sound
that webm definitely has sound user
Jesus, I'm an idiot. I was wearing headphones connected to my phone, not my laptop.
Stop that, Miho.
yes, and of course being rabu rabu they had to give it a gay spin
Maybe Maho will comfort her. Or Koume.
>When she sees your dick
>implying GuP wasn't gay to begin with
Very. Very real.
It's also canon.
Its about 50/50 gay.
I know that Rabu Rabu is real and canon, but I was just wondering was that cover/promotional material actually real.
I can't believe it took so long for us to finally settle more or less on just calling it sensha-do
user, that's what I was refering to. That the cover is the real RR vol 1 cover, and that the cover's existence in-universe is canon. Apologies if the intended meaning didn't come out clearly.
GuP is not gay.
If it has tanks in it, it cannot be gay.
Even Ribbon Warrior
Naomi is so straight she fucks teenage girls
I will always call it Tankwondo.
if there was no homosexuality in gup then kaydar would not be canon
ergo there is homosexuality in gup
why she is talking with his pants?
>kaydar would not be canon
But it's not, they met only one or two times.
And then there's this faggot
>they met only one or two times.
That we know of.
ive only met ur mum 1 or 2 times but it didnt stop us from fuckin
You stop that right now.
RW being a fanfic has nothing to do with it breaking /u/, user. That's the only good part about it.
>three kaydars in 60 seconds
my negros
So, whatever happened to the V5 subs? I'm still using some V4.5 version.
Three different subbers started doing them. Apparently, all three stepped down in favor of the others.
Such is life.
Chovy basically repeats her line about her fearing neither NIshizumi nor Shimada style, then the moms are showing up.
Nah thanks your alright
I was actually the first one to start calling her Ukelele after that was translated, I felt they were missing a trick with that
Who said NTR? NTR is doing things beneath lover's back. This is voyeurism. Learn your fetishes.
It includes Saki? Won't that end in tentacles?
Saki indeed loves to watch things and stuff
Indeed. Up Ukelele's ass. I *SAID* the doijins wrote themselves.
Took me a moment to realise what this was but the idea of the ducks trying to do tank maintenance makes me laugh
Smooth operator
>Saki will never peep on you cracking one off in your room.
Why live?
I have a lot of fetishes, cuckoldry is not one of them
Can you really call it peeping if she's ceaselessly watching?
I dunno, what I want to know is when Saki is going to stop peeping and sneak into my room and offer to 'help' me.
>He thinks a pile of American crap can even dent an inch of British steel
Foolish colonial!
>all three stepped down in favor of the others.
Classic Cred Forums.
But V4.5 was so close to the desired V5 standard - very little work would have been required (I'm not even 100% what needed to be altered in fact).
>Measuring gun caliber in weight of projectile
>Have only AP shells
>Not using AP shells as fortification destroyers
>you will never attend Kuromorimine
That's because you're a boy user
if I wanted to spend time with surly wehraboos I'd go to Cred Forums
>spend time with surly wehraboos I'd go to Cred Forums
There's no hot, emotionally repressed girls there though.
You're in the club and this girl slaps your girlfriend's ass. What do you do?
Sperg out
Slap her ass.
Start a fight with her, because nobody touches my girlfriends arse but me
anyone have sauce on this?
Based Hiroyuki, he makes the best perflat
And he is uploading a new one everyday too.
Doujin soon
in exchange for the sauce, please accept this cute mika
That's a smug one!
>(I'm not even 100% what needed to be altered in fact).
All text was corrected, basic signs were done, and Ye Olde was about half-done in making pretty, not-basic signs. Then shit happened.
Basically, you can treat 4.4444 or 4.5 as finished if you wish.
Got a download link to 4.4444?
In Soviet Russia, fortification destroyer penetrates you.
Literally - the "AP" rounds of many heavy howitzers were actually anti-bunker rounds
>Pepperoni's face
Did he do the rest of the student council?
Bullied Momo when?
General Slim once described the British using the 75mm AP round on the M3 Grant to destroy/suppress Japanese fortifications in the final stages of infantry assaults, since they couldn't fire HE with the infantry up close but the Japanese would repel the infantry if the tanks stopped firing.
Which one? The one on the wiki is broken.
Literally the only result on iqdb.
Is Erika just us in anime form? Quick to anger, wants to fuck Maho and Miho, obsessed with Hitler, and enjoy stupid shit like tank stacking.
I don't remember Erika wanting to fuck Maho and Miho and in the anime.
>Erika has a sister
No it isn't.
>All episodes including recaps + OVAs + YTCs
>(muxed files) [mega]
This one
>her name is Maho
Slap the jap back
you fucking people
at least we are not fucking white males
Is GuP director autistic?
Considering how half of the girls are and how is he saying things and the saying they are not real
>You get a letter asking you to come to the school hym
>You enter the gym and see tis
What do?
Watch Shirobako, it's kind of about him.
>being sexual
also reminder that her mother is death and the white butterflies are her spirit acting like a guardian angel
If the Old Ones wants me to be their Chosen One's mate, there's little I can do to escape my fate...
Take advantage of that retard.
Wait, Jingles is real?
I thought he was just a meme.
It would be funnier if you posted on /k/, rather than Cred Forums.
And of course it's a frog gun, don't you see how it surrenders easily?
Saki is her own mother.
Is that... Nogami?
Way to make Erika suffer...
Translations never ;-;
>that Benantoka doujinshi featuring Saki will never be uploaded
It looks cute too.
Now that explains the Darjeeling meme
I forget. What does Saki even do when the bunnies are operating the tank? You know, besides being really cute.
Loads the 37
reminder to report the /vg/ eceleb spam
>Find ducks
Knock knock. It's the United States. With huge boats. With guns. Gunboats.
Your least favorite Garupan is on her knees apologizing to you and saying you can fuck her or shove your dick down her mouth. What do you do?
>Your least favorite Garupan is on her knees apologizing to you
What is she apologising to me for?
She ate your pudding
It's not like i hate Naomi or anything, she doesn't need to apologize. I'll still accept her apology and fuck her though.
How long was I standing in front of Saki for her to say all that? Seven weeks?
I just had a dream where I was kissing Saori whilst cradling her head in my hands, my fingers running through her silky hair. Each time I'd go to pull away she'd pout a little and ask for another. After we'd finished she nuzzled into my chest as we told each other how much we loved one another. She eventually fell asleep and I gave her a big hug before falling asleep myself.
I love my wife, Saori!
Accept her apology and walk away.
Wait LEAST favorite. I haven't even thought of which GuP I like the least.
How can Saki be your least favorite?
Apologize to Saki.
In that case I'd just accept her apology, if she bought me another pudding.
I'm happy for her to eat my pudding, I'll buy some more if she's hungry, playing volleyball must make her quite hungry
You mean Way of the Tank?
Cut Fakuda's head off
I wonder if Darjeeling likes watching Red Dwatf?
I thought he said most favorite. Does this mean I have to get on my knees, apologize to her, and say she can fuck me or shove her cute, little pussy in my mouth?
Oh I didn't see least either
Dunno then, maybe just ask her not to do it again or give me some money to get some more and the leave
Yes, get ready to be mind broken.
She's a jap, jap do that, the need to be more civilized like Kay
I cannot forgive you Caesar, please leave me alone.
Because you don't wanna fuck her or because she doesn't need to degrade herself?
Still butthurt she refuse you your kiss Carpaccio?
dumb shipper
Execute the fascist bastard in front of my platoon.
Loader, lookout, psychic powers to contact with the Old Ones in acordance with ancient omens (you know which pic I should post but am too lazy to find) (I made it) (I'm a lazy fuck)
>least favorite Garupan
doesn't compute
blind detected
>I don't remember Erika wanting to fuck Maho
Was her dedication too subtle?
>I don't remember Erika wanting to fuck Miho
That's because it never happened in the show
Godspeed, you drunk son of a bitch. It's pure fucking love.
Who are the worst -fags?
momo and edwinfags
Waifufags and shippers.
Fuck off Erwin is my favorite since 2012 and some fag claiming her as his wife triggers me
Why are Erwinfags so violent?
Erwinfags could learn a thing or two from Momofag and Sawreehfag. They are just too angry.
We are not angry, some of us are only child like MY wife Erwin so we don't like to share
>/gup/ meet up
>Erwinfags show up
>Erwinfags turn it into a riot
Erwinfags are the niggers of waifufags
im sorry, you're alright then
>GuP meet
>Sinning Finnfags show up
>all the food goes missing, anons who showed up with cars have theirs stolen
>GuP meet
>momofags starts crying
I mean like I'm not sure but from what I've gathered us duck fags are pretty willing to share
Learn to be like us
Anti who?
>GuP meet
>Kayfags shout over everyone asking where the other Kayfags are
>Ducefags start chanting Duce!
>Katyushafag glares enviously at Saorifag
>Darjeelingfags plot to assassinate that /vg/ guy
>Nishifags start feeling ill
Finnfags would only molest another fags
I wouldn't cry!
Well, maybe I would. Meet ups are never good.
Nishifags start plotting to kill the Orefag who started the ebin puke pasta.
I'm sure Saorifag would lend you a shoulder. You both seem pretty chummy.
>>Katyushafag glares enviously at Saorifag
Fight me
>Ribbon warrior fag
>burns the whole place down with the other fags still inside
Saorifag to me is what Saori is to the rabbits.
A guide in what love truly is. I want to make Momo a happy wife!
>Erikafags are doing III Reich LARP
>Erwin fags starts to fight each other
>Sawhreefag sits drunk in the corner shouting from time to time "I love youuuu Sawhreeee!"
>That one guy is still screaming that he wants to be Shiho's son
>Mikafags are drugging and mugging other Cred Forumsnons
Hell yeah.