Why are stories with slave girls being taken care of so fucking good?
Slave girl appreciation thread
Why are stories with slave girls being taken care of so fucking good?
Slave girl appreciation thread
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>death march manga
What is this? It looks promising
Hmm, as deep as my fetish for slave girls runs, I don't know many non hentai stories involving them, to be honest. None where they're actually focus anyway, and it isn't just part of their backstory or they're just side characters.
I'll just post this picture of Sill.
I think the first few chapters of Shield Hero had a focus on it. Honestly, I can't think of any where it's the focus but it's always nice when thrown in as something extra.
Aze is the best girl.
Google gives me nothing lads, help a nigga out.
death march
Death March is such absolute garbage.
Literally the first reply.
Don't bother, the clinically retarded can't be helped.
Thought it was a description of the plot, not the title.
>a description of the plot
I wish.
Yeah, reading it now its almost a parody of a cliche-storm.
I suppose the trio are this stories sole gimmick to interest you in yet another NEET escape power fantasy.
>the trio
Slave girls MC #1419821 picks up.
>Slave girls
He picks up like hundreds of them or something. You expect me to remember 3 of them?
You can read shieldbro and enjoy the master slave relationaship for a while, but that start decreasing after the plot turn on and forgot completely about the thing because it turns to be another shitty harem in the circle shit of the isekai
The initial plot seems similar to Dungeon Seeker, with the MC getting many levels due to defeating high level monster in the beginning of the story. But at least this one isn't a retard who put all the points into one status.
My biggest complaint with sheildbro. If it were just about healing a broken tanooki slave daughteru then it would have been a solid 10/10 for me. Shame that it only lasts for 1 volume.
>story has game features like levels and ability points
Into the trash it goes.
>If it were just about healing
Stopped reading there.
This shit has far too much goddamn healing.
Maybe you should have finished reading. I said healing the slave, not sheildbro. My problem with it is that Raphtalia is perfectly A-OK by the time vol. 2 rolls around instead of making her recovery a slow one.
Haven't played this in a while.
Are there a lot of new scenes?
I hope the manga, at least, doesnt take the route of the webnovel it was a complete trash after the Queen show up
There's the h-scene involving the nurse outfit, going outside at night, drinking wine, and eventually missionary kimono and oral maid.
Because they're definitely inferior to you so you don't feel threatened by them
Uh what did he max the shit out of, luck?
Well if you guys care to wait until the manga catches up to the volume 10's where he starts building the happy slave village
Chapter 8 when?
That's around the time the story start sucking though, the chapters when he was exploring the countryside peddling and shit righting wrongs as he found them with his growing little harem were the best parts. After the town started and it became an autistic town simulator the shit went full retard for like 4 volumes. It got better when the end game was approaching but the fucking parallel shieldbro plot was garbage.
if anyone has the raws for death march i could give a try an traslate them
Manga or LN? The WN is already being translated, let me try and find them.
You can google "death march manga raws" and find the zips.
thats the lizardgirl? this whole time ive been thinking lisa was a girl with lizard head and scales something like an argonian.
manga, i will post the translated text here since i dont have editing skills
i will search tomorrow its late right now
>wage slave gets transported to fantasy rpg world
>special power
>becomes high level but hides it
>only wants to live peacefully
>meets loads of girls
>demon king
Motherfucking kill me
>ln adaptation about a guy getting transported into an rpg
This needs to end now
It gets worse
>Able to use all skills proficiently
>Becomes God of cooking just because
>Can recreate anything from the real world
The only good thing about this is that at least it's still a bit better than Arifureta.
So on a scale of Shield Hero -> Re:monster how garbage is this particular isekai series?
Better questions is why do nips keep buying this shit. Obviously it exists because there is a demand. The question is, why is there so much demand for this shit?
Liza best girl
I doubt there's a particularly huge demand for it, but it's trivial to shit out. So the ratio of cost to produce to demand is good.
Oh boy
>Found waifu High Elf but need to be a God to do it
>Is implied to be an amnesiac God/ summoned by another waifu Goddess
Better question is why do you keep asking the same question over and over? It's not like you'll ever understand, not that you even want to understand. You just wanna vent that your shit taste is better than their shit taste and turn these threads into spiteful circle jerks for your social interaction quota for the day aka loneliness.
This is my first time asking this question so I have no idea what you're referencing.
a lot of nips like the idea of power fantasy and being OP in everything because this reflects their inner urge to become something useful in life, which they won't. It's acting as a sort of stress reliever for most where they want everything handed to them on a silver plate and using self-crafted plot devices to ensure they get what they want. People who like shit will create shit geared towards those specific shit eaters who in turn will buy it because this specific shit speaks to them on a personal level.
There's a lot of shit in this world, you don't have to like it all equally. But Japs like it.
>re:monster is the worst isekai he can think of
you have no idea how low WN writers are willing to go to scrape together some readers.
RE:Monster is mediocre for the genre. If you want to so see how garbage a series can get read the first volume of Magi's Grandson and that ones not even the worst of them. There are some stories where the author completely forgets about characters, storylines and power scaling. I read one where the motherfucker introduced the same character almost scene for scene 100 chapters later then he goes "lol sorry" and just deletes like 20 chapters worth of story to start over. WN's are the worst kind of fucking stories there are when they get turned into a LN or manga at least an editor tones down the power fantasy and autism factors. Though not by much.
Arifureta. Now with extra edge.
So is this isekai or normal fantasy? What's it about?
I've been burned by slave mangas recently.
I don't get it. Why evasion? Didn't he just absorb an ability that immunizes him from most forms of injury?
arifureta with NTR right ???
I'm not going to entertain Cred Forums with this one, I enjoy Death March for the casual slice of life + adventuring aspect of it. It's shameless but it doesn't fuck up it's arcs becoming lower than average. It's not something you invest like mushoku tensei, but enjoy the occasional read.
There are many stories in this genre that isn't worth the time, and it's like anime that has a compunding effect. The more terrible stories you read, the less you can appreciate the arlight ones.
>game developer gets isekai'd
>thinks it's a game he was patching because he has access to babby mode features he was adding
>commits a dragon genocide by accident
It's kinda generic, but the novel is not centered about fighting. It took him one chapter to defeat a particularly powerful demon lord, but two chapters to find a place where they make pickled radishes.
Not something great, but being OP is just a feature not the point of the story so it's just dumb fun. Like how he made a lolification magic by accident.
Escapism. Can't you see it's not healthy.
It kinda exploded after SAO. We had some pre-SAO Isekais once in a while like Escaflowne, Magic Knight Rayearth, that Maou comedy show, .hack series. But after SAO it just went wild wild west.
Were getting to the parallel worlds arc sooner thsi time coming vomume 8 naofumi's level is even reset to 1 too!
Thanks, I'll give it a shot. Isekai is my guilty pleasure even if it's recently almost entirely garbage.
>Lich attribute
Hmm, there actually is a slave tag on Madokami
seems 90% of it is gay though...
Thanks for the tip.
Just read through the first 5 chapters, and excluding the slave girls, this is like "NEET goes to RPGland" madlibs.
I mean, at least in other works of the genre the MC has a personality:
Momoga from overlord is a hopeless roleplayer,
Subaru from Re:zero is a supplicant beta,
Kazuma from Konosuba is a snarky asshole.
The MC here is about the blandest thing I've ever seen. His only emotion is "Things are happening, huh."
Throw in the OP-from-the-get-go shit and it's like the author is allergic to conflict in their own story.
"Things are happening" protagonists could be cool if it was the point. I remember playing the fist few minutes of the Amnesia otome and the choices were you don't give a shit are kinda fun.
Oh, don't get me wrong, when the super-neutral character gets put in an outrageous situation it can be played for laughs pretty easy. Or when they're a rougeish sociopath type that like to play people against one another, they can make a very interesting villain.
But fuck man, it just doesn't WORK when there's nothing going on around that character
Holy shit, the WN translation is awful. I can't handle the unedited transliteration as well as trashy isekai. I guess I'm sticking to the manga.
Even the "nothing special is going on" thing can be done way better. Take a look at Grimgar, it was basically the daily life of a RPG party and they barely remembered they came from another world, and they just went with the flow except for the traumatic character death, but it was a million times more interesting watching them do normal adventurer stuff than this garbage.
>We'll do anything-nanodesu!
What did she mean by that ?
WN/LN translations are so addicted to transliteration that I have a easier time recognizing the original Japanese sentence than trying to parse their pseudo-English rendition of it.
The desu is not enough so now we get desudesu, nanodesu, and degozaimasu desu
>My field of vision is a game screen!
>Dragons shown to be the strongest thing by far in the Death March universe
>MC-kun kills one within the first 5 minutes of entering the world on accident
That's good. Would hate for a main character to have any obstacle. Might cause some conflict, make the story interesting or god forbid cause some dramatic tension
This is a slice of life my dude
He's going to be able to dodge the ground at the rate he's going. Also his ability only works on attacks he can anticipate so a high evasion means that even a sneak attack can miss.
Still retarded though and the fact that he got a magnum that's reloaded by mana on top of immunity and enough levels to make a souls player cry is equally bullshit.
Wait so why didn't the death march guy get his level and shit on his visa?
Read the LN description, this is moe moe SOL first and foremost, every battle and conflict would be ended with an anticlimax
he never updated his status window so it showed him as a lvl 1. then he figures out how to set names and levels and ends up with 20 different identitys
Seems like a pretty useless identification system huh.
him accessing status without a special skill is a dev bonus like his built in maphack and unlimited inventory. it gets pretty damn stupid though. its at the point where if nice new character shows up in a alternate pov chapter it was him is disguise all along. hes also had to fake conversations with his other identities to prove they arent the same people
Right, but the off thing is the identification status had to be updated manually in the first place.
its only like that for him everyone else auto updates
It's a weird convenience for only his status to not update, especially since he hadn't even accessed that window in the first place.
>Last chapter a month ago
>Chapter before that 150 days ago
God damn it.
just read ln
What happened to that girl's skin?
Anyone know any similar VNs?
A certain Tanuki was not posted yet, I am dissapointed.
I'll definitely go with this memebuild one day.
its a lizardgirl, doggirl, and catgirl
it the most pathetic lizard girl appearance in manga
I hate it.
Well I hope it keeps being a SoL about an isekai jew who actively avoids using force despite his bullshit power.
>.hack series
Even that wasn't technically Isekai in the strictest definition (then again, neither is SAO).
Both the shows and the games focused on characters that were not stuck in the game but rather had loved ones and friends who ended stuck inside the game (leaving aside the whole debate on if being stuck in a VR but having a way "home" counts as Isekai given all other sentient characters are also "players" rather than a parallel society).
Which is a shame, I really like the .hack premise/approach more both from a videogame perspective and from a storytelling perspective (then again I liked Log Horizon more than SAO due to it more accurate to actual videogame mechanics while SAO basically breaks its own game mechanics/rules)
This Himekishi ga Classmate! manga is kinda nice.
OP got me interested in finding stuff about slave girls.
Also what exactly is the difference between ecchi and H? Because it has a lot of sex in it, but it's ecchi. Is it because it doesn't explicitly show genitals?
Oh, another thing that looks okay is Isekai Maou to Shoukan Shoujo Dorei Majutsu. I haven't read it but it looks interesting enough.
>Why are stories with slave girls being taken care of so fucking good?
It's classic feel good fiction that's been a thing since the time we actually *had* slaves, everyone wants to see compassion and courtesy being given to people that never expect it and watch their reaction. Do recall that these kind of stories stop feeling good after they're "brought up" from living fucktoys to free women.
Ecchi is just fanservice. It never goes to third base, at least visually. The closest you'll get is probably some implied fingering. Sometimes you get a glimpse of every part of the body, but you will never see exposed genitals. Maybe an elephant to denote a dick, or a boner sticking out while covered by underwear or pants, but no visible dick. Same with vagina; you only ever see just above it, or a cameltoe through panties.
Hentai is outright porn, but animated. Genitals are visible and tend to be put to use, usually leading to the vagina looking like a pitbull's face full of mayonnaise. Nothing is held back, except for Japan being massive bitches and using mosaic censors all the damn time.
Don't watch the illustrations, they are trash. Only pochi and tama look okay in them.
Read the thread. She's been posted already.
>Death March
>hm I wonder what this is about
>"lol guy gets succed into geimu" plot
>instantly lose interest
Can Japan just do a regular fantasy series without it being inside a video game?
They did that for far longer than they've been doing this, though.
i miss dodgetanking
How exactly do you kill anything when you are an inverse glass-cannon?
Does he have some damage ability that scales with dodge or is it a full meme build?
OP here. Definitely going to check both of these out.
what the fug
Without the drawings I couldn't put up with this much mediocrity.
Isekai Maou is vapid shit, but if you're into this sort of thing it will be fine.
However they translator puts a bunch of shitty jokes into the pages as notes, so enjoy that cancer.
At least Kenja no Mago isn't harem, he chose one girl, propose and get married in the first 40~ WN chapters.
But I hate when MC uses his OP powers and still ask himself why the others are surprised to see his level of magic, and this shit happens almost everytime he uses them.
What's fine in Isekai Maou is that it doesn't use the game mechanics bullshit even if it's a game isekai.
The characters have no way of telling the level of a person, only an approximation, skills are something that you train for, not magically gain through level ups and so on.
Even MC's game knowledge is not flawless, and after using a lot of mana he devolves into a NEET since mana = willpower.
Yeah I just read the first few chapters. Wasn't too into it.
It's to stroke the self-inserting author's ego. "What, you peasants, you can't even dream of doing something like this even though for me it's about as difficult as scratching my head?", more or less.
His gun deals damage regardless of stats, or maybe it just scales with his level I dunno.
On the other hand, the gun uses mana to shoot and the moron didn't put any in MP, probably because he liked the idea of his gun having limited shots like them cowboys.
And the author's name is literally sakamoto666.
That's a pretty awful scale, because both of those things are awful.
>All faggots in this thread asking someone why they want to be the strongest
Fucking embarassing if you don't know why you would want to become The Strongest Man in the World
if the series turned into the MC fucking up his build and getting shit on every chapter it would be a masterpiece
That reminds me I wanted to read Rokka no Yuusha at some point.
please don't do it.
I read all the summaries, it's a total plot chaos.
It's nearly as crazy as Master of Martial Hearts.
>Death march
>MC goes level 1 to 310 instantly the first minute he enter the game world.
For what purpose?
I loved the anime but I have the suspicion that reading the ln would ruin it for me.
Useless neets can't identify with someone working for their success.
Yeah that's basically isekai as a genre. It's just Instant Gratification: The Story.
The author has explicitly stated that Liza in the LN is a different species than WN Lisa.
Pochi and Tama are the best.
I fucking hate harems.
>We'd meet with Zena again much sooner than expected
>a fuckload of chapters later and still no Zena
harem got too bloated
She's a shit anyway
Zena has no chance.
>harem got too bloated
there was no point to adding more harem members past the first 5 other than to say the MC gets a lot of girls. even the girl he "chose" has no personality other than she's cute and playing hard to get.
How do you write a million year old living deity?
Are their any translated LN/mangas that focus on sex slaves?
You make them turn into lolis when their god power is low.
Because if you treat a slave well, they're far less likely to shank you in the back.
I think I've stopped trying to remember them. All the nobles blend in together.
How can you not love Aze?
You nerf them until they're a bitter, cynical shell of their former self and then have the MC tenderly heal them while occasionally being caught off guard by their experience.
Sometimes I fantasize about one day buying a cute slave from a third world country so I have some companionship/someone to do chores/have sex with, but the fantasy always turns to them stabbing me to death while I'm sleeping. Or robbing me. Or both.
As though it wouldn't be hard enough just getting one in the first place.
It all started with Count of Monte Cristo.
What is so crazy about master of martial hearts?
her personality is her verbal tick of going "awawa" and functioning as a plot device that drops back story.
the whole romance with her consists of Satou meeting her, a few work related conversations, groping her breasts and suddenly he's in love. and his courting is just him professing his love and bringing expensive gifts with more "awawa"s.
>kills one
he killed thousands amount of them, he even killed a god.
all within the first few minutes.
That's why you buy them as a kid and raise them. They won't kill you for giving them the only life you know and protecting them from what most slaves endure (being beaten, etc)
I'm not saying you're wrong or anything, but the writing quality of this series isn't exactly good enough to be holding characterization to higher standards.
How the fuck the strongest being in this universe and the being responsible for most of Satou's skill points got killed by mere pebbles when Satou is now killing Eldritch abominations that eat planets?
Because you are afraid of interacting with a woman on equal footing and want her to treat you as her master, but you don't want to feel bad about it, so you fantasize about slave women who want you to be their master after you save them from another master.
She's great. The only other girl that comes close is Liz.
>Mere pebbles
Orbital bombardment is pretty terrifying, ask the dinosaurs.
She also literally told him to go make at least a hundred children of his own race before she even considers to tell him the possible way to become worthy of marrying her
>Yes, I'm not the miko of Ra Anubis, but Pochi Pendragon nano desu
This is firmly in so bad it's good territory
the fluffiest
it's just a shame because I actually liked the series for the first few volumes. then the author started copying and pasting characters for the harem. and the plot turned into MC resolving random crap no one cares about.
couldn't get through 20 chapters before dropping it.
the top NU review for it is on point
>Chapters consist solely of
>1. Problem
>2. Problem solved instantly by mc
>3. Every one says mc is genius
>4. Mc says not a big deal cya tomorrow.
I thought of that, but third world kids can be fucked up, I don't trust them much either.
Unless you meant really young, in which case it's more of a case of me being their slave till they're not completely incapable anymore.
You know what isekai series is shit? Youhei-dan no Ryouriban. That shit reads like the college fat acceptance copypasta every single chapter. You know the one that goes "the professor was visibly shaken... and he died from overuse of saunas at age 25." Every single fucking chapter the MC makes some common Japanese food and it teaches someone the meaning of life and gives them superpowers.
I was shitting bricks wondering how things got so dark at this part.
This image is my fetish. reminds me of that user from /ck/ who picked up a hobo, let her use his shower, gave her food, etc and then got married to her
slave harem has to be the absolute worst out there.
it's basically the lowest common denominator of the worst the genre has to offer.
Infinite-damage babbymode dev features.
It might have visibly looked like a meteor storm, but it actually just auto-killed everything in the area.
Please tell me you have a screencap/pastebin of the story.
It's probably a fake story since there's also another one, and both of them end with the girl dying.
Reading them felt like a short novel that tried to convey a message. "Good things will happen even in bad times"
sure thing, user
you're probably thinking of the 9/11 one
No the one I remember was with the polish girl taking home and marrying a few months/years later the hobo user.
damn son
That's what monks and bear druids do now.
That very last line just made it seem fake as fuck.
that, and happy, well adjusted people don't post on Cred Forums.
Don't even care if it's fake or not, that's cute as shit.
>that, and happy, well adjusted people don't post on Cred Forums.
you could probably find happy, well adjusted people on /soc/ /out/ /wsg/ /o/ /x/ /ck/ and specifically /an/ desu senpai. it doesn't mean they're not still fucked in the head, it just means they're happy with their disabilities
>two cute lolis and one nicely developed girl
He's gay if he doesn't hit those.
Arisa and Karina are best girls. Aze is worst girl.
be honest, how much nipshit have you consumed?
He's a pedophile if he does. Nigga's 29
your an adult at like, 2 in the game. The inn keeper said she was only two.
>death march
I tried to read it.
I really did.
It was boring as hell.
Like those mid-story chapters from Shield Hero, when he was starting to build up his village, and each and every chapter was a "the shield hero is the greatest cook ever who cooks for all the (his) kids"... That was the absolute worst of that story, too. And this one is ALL like that. What's more, at least Shield Hero wasn't an unbeatable Gary Stu with ungodly powers and beyond, like this MC. I don't really get all the hype this gets, really.
The only decent isekai story left around is Kumoko's. Which is actually pretty good. The rest is full of retarded plot and/or retarded MC.
Go to bed Arisa, maybe with enough sleep your chest will grow one millimeter
slime is the only one left that I'm reading. MC's still OP but it's unconventional enough to stay interesting.
>a manga focused on the mutual healing of shieldbro and tanuki
For of all sad words of tongue or pen, The saddest are these: 'It might have been'
Reminds me of Knight class in Eden Eternal.
Because it fulfills your desire to take care of someone that is somehow more pathetic than you. You're so narcissistic that you think that helping someone earns you the right for them to become your own love slave where they will "love you unconditionally" because you're "such a nice guy" that you helped them at their lowest.
The idea that someone has to depend on your to live gives you a raging boner because you are incapable of knowing what an actual relationship is like. It's wish fulfillment at it's worst.
Don't act like they aren't the best girls. Sera and Nana can join too.
Nah, just like the idea of control.
>Sera and Nana
I like your taste.
Liz is best girl and they're not enough of her. Fuck Death March.
>wow I'm in a video game
>crop rotation
>egg on my rice
>I am the best
At this point, I just read it for the insanity. MC and company (youth troupe) are just so broken it's ridiculous. Thinking of getting into it for the plot would be stupid. There's one and it does last for a while but as soon as the MC realize he is absolutely broken then it pretty much goes out the window.
Aze-san best girl
That AND to attain godhood.
People say she's shallow and stuff and yes, she doesn't have enough pagespace to really develop much but I do think she makes up for a good goal. Considering the MC is broken beyond logic, it's a nice way of giving him a target even he has to work for.
Using his own cut-off arm as an anti-god blunt weapon comes to mind
>no anime adaptation of HBO's Rome
y'all missing all of the realistic slave girl care action
All this "MC cares for the poor helpless slave girl" fiction makes me want an isekai where the MC leads a slave rebellion against the upper class with his manly man fellow slaves.
Spartacus all up in this bitch.
>The only good thing about this is that at least it's still a bit better than Arifureta.
because no emo edge?
frankly Arifureta is better written then deathmarch both technically and speaking strictly about the story, as the author manages to make enemies in arifureta who can actually challange the MC from time to time. This never happens once in DeathMarch. That said there is no emo edge bullshit like there was in Arifureta.
I think elf tensei is like that
I still cry a little bit remembering pullos death scene in the arena
I stopped reading in a recent chapter when he learned house making magic from some random house making guy. Satou just doesn't stop getting good at shit, even when he's OP as fuck.
You're like two volumes back now bud.
Hes flying in outer space nuking ancient aliens now
Death march boss enemies can win and are all better than fighting than him, its just he always has enough options by the time he fights them that he can handle it. Like the dog demon lord would have fucked him if he didn't have teleportation and even then the lower demons who were like lvl70 were giving him trouble.
Arifureta's enemies were all weaker than the hydra at the end of Orcus until he fights the robonun and final boss and by then he's doraemon.
again? I thought the jellyfish was going to be the end of satou in space.
Oh well, I'll guess I'll catch up after wordmaster and burriko
Ye, hes just starting to deck out his harem with primeval magic enchants now.
Also its time for the weasels to get it
Cant wait for him to go off the rocker again and start making floating castles and shit
Honk Honk
Hate to break it to you but yen press has licensed it. Literally 2 chapters and 1 volume away from being caught up with the release.
what manga is this
The translations honestly get better after the first two volumes
They arent perfect at all but they get better.
The LN translations of DesuMarch are almost publishing quality and the writing is way better.
WN reads like the journal of an autistic man.
That's the only good part of shieldbro actually and I really liked it, the rest is not worth it
But poochi is cute! Cute!
She even accidentally stops a tank with her bare hand. Incidentally it exploded at the same time
He only really uses force to protect his harem and to eliminate demon lords and other demons.
Otherwise, hes just hanging back and power leveling his harem
Well, he wasnt until he became a fucking god.
Still beats that trash of a wn that re:monster was.
Literally just bullet points: The novel
What stories have the edgiest WN protags?
I read Nidome no yuusha and was looking for something similar, I read Arifureanter already as well.
sauce me my nigga
hes a tourist who raises the living standards of an area while seducing all the lolis wherever he goes
I guess the fantasy of a cute desperate girl with low standards is appealing.
And for some reason he claims to not be a lolicon.
I dont get it
Satou "How many prostitutes can I possibly buy with my Dragon Hoard Gold in my infinite invisible wallet" Pendragon
One day Arisa will be stronger than him and look out. Hes gonna get it. From each and every one of them
What the hell is a "Pedlar"
You mean finally consummate her love and lust and finally get Satou in bed.
I bet by then he'll be god level and custom make a spell that ages them up if they come into a certain distance of him.
Everything fantasy has to behind a layer of irony for otaku and japanese normals who for some reason feel stupid for enjoying LN and manga with a medieval fantasy setting.
Himekishi ga Classmate is actually pretty fun.
I've only read 8 chapters of the WN so far though, and the manga which only has 5 chapters(roughly chapter 10-11 of the WN).
>Himekishi ga Classmate
>magic brainwashing sperm as a plot device
only in japan
What if I don't want them to be my love slave user
I just want to protect them
>'protect' them
>watch as they go fuck other guys
good job 'dad'
buy a pet
>it summons him to another world after it dies
>its a bishoujo
That's why the first thing you do when you go to a self-insert fantasy land is becoming a demon lord. That way, you can test the heroes that come to challenge you and let the worthiest men and women "rescue" one of the "captive" maidens that you're keeping.
Then you surprise everyone by attending your daughter's wedding in full dark lord armor and catching the bride's bouquet.
yuri slavery where
Give me one SINGULAR example of a decent, approaching salvageable isekai that has come out in the past 35~ years.
I'll wait.
There's a WN by the title of Raising a slave or something like that.
Dunno if it's yuri, but a female MC buys twin girls. Didn't really read any further though.
Write it. It doesn't take much to write isekai, and with WNs you don't even have the excuse of being bad at drawing. It will be shit, but most WNs are cheap entertainment anyway, and it's not like you can get better without trying.
Though maybe your writing will end up being so bad that it kills a dragon army who read it, giving you 300 levels to pump your writing skill. You can then become isekai Shakespeare and insert all the dick jokes you want into your medieval fantasy language of choice.
I enjoy Overlord.The world building is actually quite good.
Alright but you BETTER NOT be lying to me.
>buy dog
>it transports you to another world full of bishoujo pets
pic related
That's one of the oldest anime tropes. Back in the day, it was just schoolgirls getting sent to a fantasy world. Now, it's an average-looking boy who gets sent to live in a gaming world.
It's nothing new. So no, they can't stop doing it because it's extremely easy to do for lazy people that can't write.
I like Honzuki no Gekokujou.
MC is cute as hell. It's the okayest isekai in my book.
Pullo didn't die in the Arena
He was a celebrated celeb after, along with Vareinus,they were both pardoned by Caesar
black lagoon
Helping someone doesn't mean you need to lord over them like a parent user.
You're a faggot nanodesu.
dungeon defense, lazy dungeon master, Mushoku tensei, Slime, Isekai Tensei Soudouki, if your argument is about good writing rather than difference in taste
Yeah I know its just for people who haven't seen it I don't want to spoil it because its my favorite scene in fiction.
>still a desu in nodesu
Yeah, the Maoufumi arc is pretty great. Though i don't know how will that go now since Raphchan appears WAAAAAAY eariler than that. Volume 7 that is.
That may have changed completely with the mad scientist bits becoming the book hero.
>your brofu gets NTR'd away from you
>get shield of wrath naofumi-tier angry
>knock on the empire's door
>they wont give him back
>unleash all the fucking daemons on the empire
>solo your brofu while raphael-sensei handles his sister
>get your brofu back by eating him and banter along the way
>btfo his sister with a sword made out of your brofu
>calm down enough to re-assess the situation
>It wasn't that necessary to unleash all the fucking DAEMONS and massacre the empire
>it had to be done anyway at some point later
though it cracks me up
He only stays around for at least the latter half of the spirit turtle arc and glass's world arc.
I do really wish we get the Maoufumi arc, was still doing all of the new seven sins/
>I put curry powder into the pot little by little, and stir it while the powder is melting, but it's not getting thick.
>Was the original recipe wrong?
>I put some wheat flour in order to easily thicken it.
>This time I feel that the body is lacking.
>It finally feels right after I've thrown some butter
I am actually angry that the author has placed such a massive focus on how great a cook the MC is, but then won't do the bare fucking minimum amount of research on how to actually cook.
Where do you even go to read "original" english WNs?
Give him a break, making curry is a superhuman task for one living on instant noodles.
Royalroad has some pretty 'decent' ones. I really enjoyed Re:Hamster, even if it felt like it was written by a 13 year old on speed it has it moments. MC is practically Chinese levels of evil. Beyond that I've heard Daybreak on Hyperion in WN threads and its a pretty well written gender bend isekai.
>be god level cook
>your haremette can beat you at cooking because she gives more of a fuck than you
Satou deserved it
So I decided to pick this up, and the demon underling is by far the best character.
I mean, he isn't even especially malicious. Demons create labyrinths, heroes destroy them. It's just the circle of life for the lil fella.
But Mother of Learning isn't on Royalroad.
>Mother of Learning
I don't know user it seems like shit
from the chapters I read.
Did you at least start the timeloop?
I can't remember. I don't think I have enough will left in me to continue to read. How good does it get?
Very good.
That's why it isn't on Royalroad.
I guess fictionpress is better by default since it isn't chinese but both have pretty shitty UI.
My dick will take care of them.
I miss zena already
Bulletpoints and self insert mary stue
>woes of zena
>almost die from demon in firsttown
>almost die from demons while fighting a way, saved by HERO
>almost die from demons, saved by ancient japanese king
>almost die in labryith city while being a bitch
>get bought by japanese vampire in underground market
>get saved from years of servitude by Satou
>he can fly
>he doesn't fly with you
Really fucking late, but this might be it.
She deserves better than being stuck in this trash heap of a WN
>>almost die in labryith city while being a bitch
>>get bought by japanese vampire in underground market
>>get saved from years of servitude by Satou
>>he doesn't fly with you
Stop reading with your ass.
>I mean, master not only praised me with a smile on his whole face, but he also [Hugged], and patted my head.
>Ehehehe~, I won't wash my head in the bath today.
Oh i remember this one, so that's how it ends huh?
Some examples of WN/LNs we should stay away please?
That slime one
It's just bad all the way down. Kumo chan is better in every way
fucking 95% of them
most of them are iterations of each other, so you've read them all after reading a hand full.
just start with the ones you see mentioned in these threads and if you're not sick of the genre after that then the NU reviews are somewhat useful.
fuck you, slime is one of the better ones
The premise was interesting, but reading slime now makes me want to shoot myself.
I thought overlord and shield hero were heavy in the power wank department Ah, I kiss those sweet innocent days.
Did you not read arifureta? Not thati dislike it or anything
Zero no Tsukaima counts as an Isekai, right?
I heard that that was poo even for a wn/ln, and that's more than enough to keep me from reading it
yes and no. isekai has become both a setting and sub genre
isekai, literally "another world" encompasses a lot of series you wouldn't associate with the word isekai.
as a genre it has a fairly consistent formula with it's own tropes and themes.
you have no idea how bad it can get.
but having OP protagonists in itself isn't a bad thing. I'm finding that most of the appeal of these series come from either world building or well written antagonists that come to satisfying demises.
slime is okay in both departments. of course it pales in comparison to overlord and shield which are both proper LN.
So which series could be confused as Isekai stories but aren't really part of the genre?
Outbreak Company?
Shana last season?
Aww that's fucking cut- BAM It's August 6, at 8:15 a.m and I just named my hopes for this world Hiroshima, maybe I call my dreams Nagasaki
Literal meme right there. Sakamoto needs to kill himself.
Uh, if the main cast had been transported into another world then yes you could say it's isekai.
I completely understand what you're saying. Kumo remains one of my favorites despite where it is now.
Slime's issue is the sheer fucking tedium of it all.
>acquire x powerful underlings
>uho! These already powerful underlings grew even more powerful!
>now let's have each and every fucking one of them fight nameless jobbers for 20 chapters!
>now let's do it all again! 3 times!!!!!
the line is kind of fuzzy for genres formed around ideas instead of pure emotion.
it's the same with western media as well. is star wars sci fi or fantasy with a futuristic skin? does shaun of the dead count as horror? etc.
it's more about creating labels that are useful in conversation instead of needing to pigeonhole everything into a strict category.
The other user said Zero no Tsukaima wasn't part of the genre, when Saito was indeed transported from his modern Japan to a mystic feudal land.
I dropped kumo for a similar reason, it feels like I'm reading the combat logs of someone playing WoW.
skim through slave harem or magi's grandson if you want to see a real train wreck
I'm honestly tired of the whole thing and only read WN as a break from reading regular books.
These series are all running together for me. I hate them, I know exactly what will happen the moment I pick one up. They're so by-the-numbers I'm almost certain they're being machine-made.
But I keep fucking reading them, cringing the whole time. What's wrong with me.
Anyone reading Michibiku?
I remember an user saying that D&D actual combat logs were popular when Lodoss was popular in japan. I guess that spirit is still alive.
probably addiction
Slime's got some pretty great antagonists and fights though. That whole thing with the Hero made me want to summon a slime to attack the author though.
I really thought I would enjoy tournament arc. got surprised when I did but ended up hating it for dragging on for so long. It had its moments though, like Gobuta subduing Ragna.
you're here forever.
Yeah I haven't read a single person that hates it so it doesn't get brought up much. Probably one of my favorites because its wish fulfillment done right with a properly immature MC and well fleshed out side characters. I heard he gives spider the D so everything is right with the world.
I'm sorry user, it's terminal.
On that note, here's some more for your addiction.
Kamachi doesn't deserve more of my soul
But the illustrations are by Mahaya.
He probably wont do that until he knocks up aze-san
he only likes aze because she's the only woman who didn't immediately fall in love with him.
he'll lose interest as soon as it's mutual.
The story stopped at a certain point, the LN is completely different, so far and judging from the newest volume at least 1/3 of the girls in his harem aren't gonna be in it.
Thatll be the day i finally drop it then
I'd rather get more of this series. What happened with the LN and manga? I remember the WN still ongoing.
It would be nice if Hataraku Maou-sama ended this way.
Wait, there's a wn? What are the odds of it ever getting translated?
This. I would read an entire series focused on having the Maou as a father in law. The slice of life of a hero with a dark lord as a father in law writes itself.
Arisa best girl.
All of the series you mentioned there are shit, user.
>That whole thing with the Hero made me want to summon a slime to attack the author though.
El Hazard
I'm more concerned that he thought he would enjoy a tournament arc.
Goddamnit user. The nostalgia train hit me hard. Brb listening to the ost.
Benimaru or dragon brotwin?
Fucking storm dragon of course.
How? Wasnt he literally a part of Rimuru?
As of somewhere in the chapter 170's he is now, not all of him though.
Hmm. Oh well, im almost caught up on it anyway. Im just passed the point where the demon cia was created.
Demon what now?
Vats of mechas from retardfairy when diablo brought over some "friends"
Oh right that part. Ramiris is dumb but she's the good kind of dumb.
Even though the demons all work for diablo they all have engraved in their souls who is highest in the pecking order.
qt3.14 slime(Rimuru)>Diablo>demons=Everyone else>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>(You)
Try reading this, better than Yusha no shindai and unpredictable as fuck too.
As expected from Sakamoto666.