>it's a truck-kun episode
It's a truck-kun episode
>it's an image.jpg episode
Oh shi~
hahahaha why is it so fucking huge
The trucks are evolving.
I'll just leave this here.
truck-san best waifu
what the fuck is happening here
>It's a keit-ai episode
>Two truck threads
>Captcha is select all images with commercial trucks
>Watching Orange
>Guy supposedly suicides by Truck
>Turns out it was actually an accident
Seriously, fuck trucks. Dumbest plot device in anime/manga
Truck kun did nothing wrong
Suffer not the truck driver to live.
Jesus Christ
What show is this?
Kurokami The Animation
That's actually brutal.
What the fuck was that driver even doing?
He was playing llsif
>it's a tractor-san episode
My mind read that as truckoon, and my mind instantly went to a racist racoon in a trucker hat swerving to hit asians and old ladies.
Just thought I'd let you know.
Or maybe it's a truck tycoon, where you plot the truck paths to hit as much MCs as you can along the way.
Even loli's aren't save
what the fuck
good lord!! forensics are going to have a field day finding enough of her to fill a thimble after that.
more like this?
Was he overtaking the guy waiting at the pedestrian crossing?
It's from Hatsuinu. I don't know which episode.
This reminds of me of the time I almost got hit by a bus. It really makes you appreciate life.
They're so big, so clean, so beautiful.
Only 3D lolis.
why are japanese trucks so deadly?
God i hate this anime. Its just so shit.
Why do japs not stop and look before crossing the road?
They are a special breed of the Japanese Cold.
So the drivers are falling asleep from overworking? That explains a lot.
We have our OP What is the ED?
i love how theres a solid 11 seconds of her essentially just staring at the truck
Trucks need to be stopped
>could cross street just safe if she continued moving but instead decided to stop and look at truck
Why it keep happen, it makes me feel less sorry for victims.
>tsk, I missed
Meanwhile, 3DPD loli is actually smart enough to move the fuck away when the truck is trying to kill her.
I'll put up some signs
holy shit that guy was clearly trying to hit her what the fuck
>It's a japs use the exact same trope again because they have no creativity episode
>It's a white guys ripping off the creatively bankrupt japs and turning it into a live action movie episode
When memes combine.
> It was too big to be a sword
>still no shiki
This is actually due to a special technique akin to hypnosis developed by trucks to kill their targets more efficiently.
The truck meme is literally cancer.
>manlets in muhrica.jpeg
What was that show where the girl ran and got hit by a truck and you don't know which girl died the image is shifting between two girls because the MC is insane or something
I might have confused it with a VN or a manga
This looks like a good way to deal with trucks.
>it's a japanese killer truck cooperates with Islamic terrorist to kill even more people episode
Sounds like something that would happen in Chaos;Head
Most Japanese trucks are absolutely peaceful and would never even hurt a single pedestrian. It's just a very small minority of all trucks that kills people.
Always the trucks that get the glory, why are trains so rare?
It's all part of the Japanese propaganda so they can shove you into their sardine carriers that take to the streets
I sometimes wonder why Japan hasn't thought of making a story about truck-kun choosing reincarnated people at this point.
Like the almighty truck actually pinpointing people and figuring out that x person has to be reincarnated in another world and start ramming into them.
>mfw waifu get killed by truck-san
>It's okay though since I have the power to go back in time and save her.
>She still get trucked
>over and over and over no matter how much I reset time
Someone should make a Japanese Truck Simulator mod for ETS 2.
b-but truck-kun has been doing that all along
Its Kurokami, dont bother, the rest of the show isnt nearly as good as the first episode
Whats deadlier: japanese trucks or mysterious japanese sickness (hard mode: the girl is fragile)?
picked up
153 is much better.
I'm just going to leave this here.
They are ok.
Truck-kun is no ones tool.
No he wasn't. It's a 50/50 guess.
>will they try to complete the crossing or double back
As a driver you have to guess, there's no time to wait to confirm their reaction.
Why didn't she just let go of them and use her other arm to stop the truck?
What exactly is it with the stigma towards people posting on mobile? Does it make you want to ree at the idea that someone left their house and is less pathetic than you? Isn't it MORE pathetic if someone leaves their house and is still browsing this place while out and about?
the people here live such empty, meaningless lives that that's the kind of dumb shit they try to feel superior about
Truck-san doing gods work
Nobody loves Inoue more than I do, but I always hated that part, the proportions of the Truck related to the character and bike are way fucking off.
Or he just wanted to go back in lane, but then noticed the girl.
So there is a meme in Japan of reckless truck drivers?
Yes. It's a huge issue despite plenty of regulations to prevent it.
I can't wait for self-driving trucks to save us from the tragedies of pointlessly dramatic deaths and isekai shows.
>sauce pls? can't reverse image search on phone
>sorry I can't view webms on phone, gif pls
>unbannable cunts
I mean, I'd actually much rather people call out tumblr/reddit posters over phone posters, phone is definitely a lesser evil
>With automatic trucks came also a drastic decrease in road accidents. At the same time, many authors lost their one and only way to send their protagonists into another. This is the story of a neet, who lives in a fictional world with no traffic accidents, bound to live this boring life until many years into the future when death finally realeses him from his suffering.
Would you read it, Cred Forums?
Don't worry. They can still all fall down by accident on railways and get killed by trains.
Trains are meant for suicide?
And the occasional hobo saving
Self-driving schoolgirls with toasts still will be a thing in the future.
No, because every railway that humans come close to is equipped with either a pitfall trap that activates when someone gets too close to it or air bags, that will bounce them back to safety.
Obviously everyone is required to wear a tracker for a long time already, so it's hard to get close to dangerous areas in the first place.
Gimme all your Frodos, I'm gonna write them all off with some bullshit.
Too complicated though.
Kill yourselves
>OH FU-!!
Says the faggot posting with said people.
You gotta create a good setting to write yourself out of every bullshit argument you come across.
Please somebody post the pic where some guy is about to get trucked but then pulls a katana out and cuts the truck in half
I think we should remove all trucks from our country and stop foreign trucks from doing their delivery tour in our borders.
Did the LN ever get translated?
this one is pretty good
>hover over the webm
>see the wheelchair
Oh this is good.
>Over taking someone at an intersection
Asians really are shitty driver
Is this guerilla marketing for self-driving cars or something?
Isn't this that show where the blonde guy has the crazy chick that helps him investigate the serial killer? The one where he suspects the heroine the whole time because she's loopy in a different way?
There was tazer fight in a classroom too.