ITT: Masterpieces
ITT: Masterpieces
posting best girl
nice rec thread
thanks my dude I thought it is going pretty well but now I know for sure
my bad my dude
Enough said
posting real best girl
I'm going to marry Dianna and you can't stop me
>exposition over stills and speedlines
Can't tell if 2011fags are idiots or just pretending to be retarded.
Best gundam
I watched the whole fate series for Prisma Illya.
If the whole show was just the Chimaera ant arc and it didn't have the pacing of a snail it would be a pretty good competitor, but it's quality is too inconsistent to call it a masterpiece desu.
It's the EoE of anime.
I just watched prisma illya.
Listening to all the magicbabble reinforced my decision to not watch the other shit.
3rei is not that good though, brings the whole thing down to like 8/10
but that says Turn A, not 0080.
The '99 sure but not the new.
That art looks amazing. Tell me why is great, I nees a series right now.
Code Geass
>Listening to all the magicbabble reinforced my decision that i'm actually retarded
Fuck off. People forgot '99 existed before 11 aired.