Post your one pages
Hardmode: Funny ones.
Post your one pages
Hardmode: Funny ones.
Anime soon.
Post the other one, I need some good laugh.
Just today we had an update yet I completely forgot the anime was announced.
I was trying to find this but nothing coming up
Did the artist have a stroke while drawing his body?
Looks like it's by the same artist as Trinity Seven.
More translation never.
Anime never ever.
>The MC then begins living alone with a loli devil in his room while seeking out the twelve Starlight Maidens to lick the signs on their bodies
Rightio then
Mizuki lost an arm in that stupid war so he was really bitter about the military.
Yh it is
That part was so weird an out of nowhere. But the whole manga was full of jarring moments I guess. Still one of my favorite stories.
Technically he has a nun and samurai girl living with him in his house now.
Source spoonfeed me plz senpais
I didn't know Cred Forums got a manga adaptation, holy shit.
Toaru-Ossan-no-VRMMO-Katsudouki. It has more chapters out, but they are untranslated.
Middle link is Busou-Shoujo-Machiavellianism
You mean /r9k/ right? Because that was far from Cred Forums
Thank you,now I have something to do until 6am
/r9k/ would be Boys On The Run
Fire Punch is garbage.
Source? Google gives me nothing.
Got nothing with google nor yandex or iqdb. Could you please drop the source on me?
That wohle fever arc was weird as fuck
Source? google just gives me "comics". Am I doing something wrong? is there some kind of settings in google to get better reverse image search results? It barely ever works for me
The Voynich Hotel
I wasn't asking for the source of my image, I already know what that is, but thanks anyway
Checking the archive is an option you know?
Never mind. Got it.
Picked up
This manga is so good and here you are posting biased shit like this.
/r9k/ and Cred Forums have the same userbase. Case in point: Pepe.
That manga never got published in the west, didn't it?
Sauce on that? Google is useless these days.
This guy draws some incredible softness.
Sauce please?
"wanting to rape" is not a crime tho
Nope, but it definitely means you're an autistic cunt who should be ridiculed at every available opportunity.
I want to rape you now for being so naughty
GOAT Manga
source please? google shows nohing
I stand on a thousand corpses or something along those lines. Also this.
They were like 30 seconds away from gangraping one girl and planned on killing and then raping the other for interrupting them.
harassment, sexual harassment, assault, aggravated assault, attempted murder, these are crimes
"wanting to rape" is not a crime
>attempted murder is a crime
>attempted rape isn't
Why are you trying to apply your murrican judicial logic to a Japanese comic with a post-apocalyptic setting in which soldiers can freely rape women and own slaves anyway?
This one is always pretty popular.
I think he is implying thought policing because thinking of murdering someone is no the same as actually murdering someone
this is pretty cool, makes me wish i could read moonrunes, what is happening here? is there an english version?
thank you
Planning and expressing intent is not the same as "thinking of crime".
There was that one page with all the negative emotions a man could think of written in it, does anyone have it?
you punish someone for attempting, not for wanting or thinking, you can want and think but choose not to act
i'm just nitpicking because the manga sounds dumb
Sauce? Google gives nothing
Tsurezure children
Google gives me an archive from Cred Forums, what's this ?
all these replies and not one from Hinamatsuri
Im so dissapointed anons
Same author but different manga.
Boku wa Ohimesama ni Narenai. (I think it got cancelled)
Damn, reverse image search is kicking my ass with this cartoon network today. The names seem pretty common, as well. Any help with the source?
Google gives me sauce. It's called 'comics' and apparently I can find the rest of the manga at a website called
>This manga is so good
Why lie?
The Boy Scouts of America?
Get the fuck out
>those ancient yellow decomposing pages
ahh, busou renkin. good times.
posterino the saucerino plox
Dont bother, its shit
Youkai Shoujo.
It's pretty bad.
Artist of this does porn, i thought i recognized the art
maybe he's skinny fat.
That was a nice read
Hausheru no eiyu,
Kame no pawa!
>adjusts golf cap
Is this what people call "accidental sex"?
Damn what's wrong with her leg?
Flexible bones. Illuminati confirm
The baddest end
Chisa x Pon
What a shame.
It was really refreshing to have a romance with a an alpha mc for a change.
Source? Google's returning and "Marco"isn't helping
Did it end?
It did not. Damn shame too.
s2 never
Queen is amazing but this manga is really really bad.
Been searching for a while now, but I can't find it through any combination of sophie-chan, manga, vampire, cute, and source. What is this one?
I binged the entire thing
I need more
It's hard to pick a good page for this one.
Just read this. fuck you. updates never, and at a really infuriating cliff hanger
This mango is super fun, thanks for introducing it to me.
Good, imperialism a shit.
Citizen Kane of pornographic mango.
Fullmetal Alchemist
Tsugumomo is getting one.
i'm trying to refind this manga where this chick gets transported to a fantasy world and in this world if you waste all your mana you endanger your life. Shes pretty op
tried everything got nothing. sauce?
Ah, I remember the translation threads for that. Extreme balldancing was pretty great.
Something something black healer in another life?
quads for a classic
New chapters after nearly a year.
>This little incident probably is what allowed Shimura to get together with her husband.
Pot craftsmanship.
Well at least we got the answer of the end.
Sauce? Google, Yandex, Saucenao, Tineye, and IQDB all return nothing and serching "Gamecenter CX manga" returns everything except for any actual manga related to Gamecenter CX.
How can one girl be so worst
Tonari no Kyuketsuki-san.
Thanks user. This shit is cute.
I swear author is self aware of it already. This bitch will be without skirt for the rest of the manga i swear.
This, no body should feel such urge to fuck 3DPD even if insane.
Says the person who cosplays, pretty ironic.
You motherfucker.
Google doesnt give the same results for everyone, reverse image search barely ever works for me
sauce? google gives nothing
RIP ;_;
>he ran away
I dropped this shit then and there.
there is a star on his head. is that a birth defect?
Its stars: the manga
bastard, there is nothing funny about that manga.
Thanks mane I really enjoyed that
I hate being observed!
>sample size of 1
This is why women scientists aren't taken seriously
still Re:Marina
I can't tell if you're taking the piss or not
>no hinamatsuri