Can we agree this was AOTY
Can we agree this was AOTY
How people are still talking about this anime?
It's just a seasonal anime to make you buy a shitty LN
Yeah, it's unanimous AOTD on Cred Forums
Not even Top 5.
>Anne Happy
>Kuma Miko
>New Game
>still hyped about an anime that had its peak in the middle of the series
>Calling AOTY
>Still one season to go and ~40 more anime coming out
>Hasn't killed himself yet for his faggotry
Aside from too soon, you need a cool time period to make an objective vote and not shit vote while you are still excited... like the faggots voting at MAL... Gintama top 10? WTF
The ending was shit, Emilia wasn't as well written as she is in previous episodes where she takes the spotlight.
who's rem cliffhanger would have been worse though, the ending of that volume needs to be handled with care.
OVA's when
People who hate Re:Zero need to be purged from Cred Forums
I don't know. I enjoyed it but all the drama seems kinda inconsequential, right? Like you can't kill off a character and pretend it's special when they just come back in the next episode. You can't have your cake and eat it too.
Some of the world building was pretty cool though.
>watch first episode, oh it is groundhogs day meets shitarts online, ok, maybe later
>watch another episode later, oh its not now groundhogs day but the princess diaries, no thanks
friend bothers me enough to try again
>now it is a bunch of people trying to kill some giant white whale, so we are now playing moby dick now?
>suddenly there is a crazy clown that is having stalking issues, so now we have a Pennywise......
My god this series was complete and utter shit
No, certainly not. JoJo, Mob Psycho and Danganronpa are all miles better than this piece of shit.
I can, don't know about everyone else though
Next season is shit and regardless now is the time to make a tentative aoty pick
Haven't seen the other 3 but KonoSuba is NOT anywhere close to Re:Zero. What the fuck, user?
I disagree. Ending the series with Rem would have been perfect.
No pic related is on every category. Its has better waifu too and overall popularity Otakushit BTFO Narmie win.
>AOTY is literally Kiet-Ai
It wasn't even Anime Of The Week.
>dude memes lmao
Fuck off back to Cred Forums retard.
>KonoSuba is NOT anywhere close to Re:Zero
You're right, it's well above it.
Maybe AOTS, even fucking Bananya has more chances to be AOTY
I'm not saying it isn't AOTY, I haven't watched it yet, I just thought it was funny summaries make them comparable.
I kinda wish there was a major death that Subaru was unable to reverse. But as it stands, it felt too unexciting when you knew everyone was going to be fine in the end.
It was an okay 6/10 series.
>Haven't seen the other 3
>thinks Reddit:Zero is AOTY
Kill yourself.
i didn't think it was anything special why would it be AOTY?
Jesus seriously consider suicide.
Kabaneri is Cred Forums's official and objetive AOTY
>likes Re:Zero/10
>thinks he has the right to tell people to kill themselves
Not for me.
Ever since Rem called him a beta piece of shit in shining armor every went right for him and that's boring, Plus the soppy ending.
Rakugo had it all, A clear fucking winner this early on is remarkable.
Not even close.
>every went right for him
Oh but how little you know.
END WAS SHIIIIT we nees seaon 2
If you're a retarded ESLfag who of the variety that thinks "BTFO" is an acceptable verb to use in any situation and automatically puts you in the right, then sure.
Yeah, even though the ending was a mediocre disappointment, many other episodes during the season were so good that I'd have to say it's anime of the year for me so far and not likely to be topped.
You cannot be fucking serious with that list.
what is this anyway?
This guy alone could save most of the anime shows in this season.
Kuma Miko was meh and Haifuri was crap, but the rest are leagues better than Reddit: Zero.
You could still pick something that isn't trash.
C'mon son, I loved New Game and to a slightly lesser degree Konosuba but there's no way I can honestly say they deserve to be anime of year over Re:Zero.
By being a shit?
>Hey man, check out my shit taste!
New game is just moe right? I remember the manga was like yuruyuri.
Too bad he cannot save your taste.
And drag my taste down to the same level as all the tumblrinas that make ebin new memes for the meme character?
No thanks, I'm good.
>Kuma Miko
>New Game
kill yourself
The season was supposed to end in exactly that with rem
>Anne Happy
Really faggot
>haha muh shit taste amirite guise xD
I cant exactly blame all those tumblrina i mean look at that man he's a literal perfection transcending all board.
You should go to reddit with the rest of the underage edgelords
I liked it but so far I enjoyed Sakamoto,JoJo and Mob Psycho way more. Plus we have 2 more seasons in the year.
Re: Zero was a wild and visually impressive ride but the characters and romance were just LN fanwank tier.
>I cant exactly blame all those tumblrina
Of course not, why would you blame your kin?
>check it out guys, I dislike something that reddit likes, am I cool now?
No, no you're not you fucking newfaggot cunt. You're cool if you never actually browse reddit at all and preferably didn't fucking come from there in the first place. I don't give a fuck what they think. Or many other people for that matter. Form your own opinions retard.
Re:Zero aoty when these exist
>Amaama to Inazuma
>Flying Witch
Truly its a wonder I can go on living surrounded by such retards.
>Plus we have 2 more seasons in the year.
Did the earth pole shift?
I can't even bring myself to watch the last few episodes. Nobody would give a shit about it if not for the waifus, it's all over the place and does nothing well except make you invested in the shipping.
On the other hand, I've already rewatched Rakugo since it aired and become even more certain that not only is it AOTY, it's one of the best series of the 2010s so far. I'm sure that will be reinforced once again after the next season.
I agree, my fellow gentlesir. Truly these peasants are a plight on our chinese cartoon website
>1 good episode
yeah no
Yes. Fuck everyone else thinking it's not.
I dont even like reezero but your turd list is no better.
This is why people hate the series. The fanbase.
>actually thinking dangan ronpa is superior to Re:Zero
Are you legit dense?
I keep asking myself if I want to watch this show but, I constantly feel like it's going to be another SAO.
I've been itching for a new anime to watch but I have no clue what to watch. Is Re:Zero even worth the time?
What else would you do with your life? Fuck off and see for yourself.
>like the faggots voting at MAL... Gintama top 10? WTF
MAL only counts Gintama votes if you've seen like 800 episodes or something, so anyone who actually watched it that long tends to be a fanatic.
>No, no you're not you fucking newfaggot cunt. You're cool if you never actually browse reddit at all and preferably didn't fucking come from there in the first place. I don't give a fuck what they think. Or many other people for that matter. Form your own opinions retard.
It's hard to understand why you got banned from /r/anime.
You know it's getting bad when the majority honestly thinks a show as shallow as this wins AOTY.
It was entertaining for what it was, don't get me wrong, but Mob Psycho 100 sweeps the floor with it in pretty much every department.
>having browsed reddit ever
too hyped, and a shitty ending. I wanted suffering ending not happy shitty ending
> Triggered so hard that he can't write a proper sentence anymore
>New Game, 91 Days and Tales of lots-of-flashy-cool-shit: The X below Meme Psycho 100 upvotes
>P-people on reddit like something so it must be bad! I bet you even like anime unironically! What a faggot!
Not even reddit fell for ufoshit meme anymore what a fucking chore that shitshow is.
If you asked what series would bring most joy into the world if there was another season of it the answer would be konosuba
I don't understand how people hold Re;Zero to such high regard
what did it actually do that hasn't been done before but better? The character designs are kind of nice and the music is pretty good but what else? What did I miss? It just felt slightly above average
But user, retarded shounenfags need their fix of overhyped shit show every year, how else can they pretend to belong to the ones who "get" anime? Rezero helped because it also fuels the edgy faggots need for anime snuff films.
Cant stand for danga cause i dont think its any better, but Mob and Jojo are miles ahead. Put Rakugo in there too and you are solid.
Good taste.
Lets say ReZero had no cute waifus and the girls wouldnt be as moe as they are or even replace the girls with boys and just make it about friendship. Would anyone even give a fuck about it? It seems that the people liking it are those closet SAO fans that found a new thing they can latch on without getting ridiculed for it. For now at least. I already see people pointing out flaws and how shitty it actually was.
>Would anyone even give a fuck about it?
It doesn't have mob psychos humour so probably not
>SAO fans
I dont believe sao has fans.
If you haven't watched Rakugo all the way you're not qualified to talk about thiis year's AOTY
It blew up way too much few years back for it to not have fans, i just think the general consensus on it being utter shit, just scared them away. People obviously like this setting of "otaku transported into game/fantasy+moegirls world" and want to get more of it. Re Zero is just a product of that desire.
Not really. Re:Zero is only in my top 10, but nowhere near the top 3
I literally haven't seen any of this show and there's nothing you can do to trick me into watching it.
"Who's Rem?" ending would have had us all hooked and waiting for a season 2 (which is most possibly going to happen given the sales) so I don't think it would be bad.
I bet you watch chibi reviews too.
Nigga. You've built this ridiculous caricature in your mind of 'them' for the sole purpose of stroking your pretentious mind dick.
It has everything you like
Harem, shonen, action, time travel, dragons, moe, romance, elves, sakuga, politics, drama, forced drama, suffering, deaths, sloths, catholics
Does it have believable characters acting like human beings and full frontal nudity?
I like those 2 things.
>It has everything you like
>Harem, shonen, forced drama
Sounds like a total complete mess to be honest. I guess anime beginners and /v might like it, but I rather watch inuyasha again.
>believable characters acting like human beings
Anime is not for you
It depends on how strictly you define human behavior.
Ya it's the best I've seen this year.
But where is my shota ?
I dont think good believable characters are contradictionary with japanese cartoons.
Re:Zero isn't a bad show and it's definitely not AOTY. It's just aggressively average. People need to calm the fuck down.
Actual Top 3:
>Mob Psycho 100
>Space Patrol Luluco
Pic related. Having taste this bad should be result in jail time.
There's food for all of your shitty fetishes, don't worry
Acting like normal people or just people that make sense in universe, is not too much to ask of the medium anime. 100% of the Girls not acting like dumb Moebimbos would be a beginning.
Good taste, would add JoJo too. The Last two episodes were picking up the pace again.
That middle one is exactly my kind of shota, thanks you !
>Can we agree
Where do you think we are?
It's pretty much baby's first forced drama and violence anime.
Nothing special, and when people think this is AoTY, I kind of realize why the quality of posting has gone down recently.
Even mayoiga was better than this garbage
Learn to enjoy things and stop wearing that fedora, it does not look cool.
I'd love it if the author wrote rem better. But he didn't so I just like it.
so she wouldn't be a submissive cum dumpster or an outright slut?
Moefag, i assume? Dont think every taiwanese cartoon fan is in it for the Moe, fanservice and stupid plots like you are. You can enjoy shit thats cool but i dont think its interesting to watch that in any shape or form. Why not just watch hentai then? Instead of this softporn bullshit.
Are you expecting character out of a Moegirl that is just there to be horny for the Mc and look good?
pretty much
I though after subaru turned her down she'd move on but she didn't and it felt awkward. Then the polygamy felt like a cop out.
The best thing about this was the memes and that means that it wasn't that good
Funny how reeetardfag keep shitting on cgdct show but ironically they have the biggest culprit waifubait of the year in form of cute uguu demon meido.
The meme wasnt even that good it was cringe tier level.
Reminder you are doing it wrong if you just have one AOTY instead of best comedy, best drama, and best animation picks
I cant take them serious when they spout that bullshit, they were in denial since the beginning.
Rakugo was pretty similar on that end, idiots involved in a love triangle except the person telling the story wasn't on of those idiots. That and it's handled more poetically.
they were better than Mayoiga at least
Nothing got as popular as the meme that is going on with Reigen right now.
Rem is cute uguu demon meido perfection.
Agreed, it was a show for intellectuals, that many people here just can't seem to grasp.
At least she had some semblance of personality, the actual main heroine didn't even have that.
Jojo's in its own catagory.
For me it was like top 4 -5
- ReLife
- Mob Psycho
- JoJo
- Luluco if this was full length or more chapters I will put it higher
And then this. It was ok/meh at firsts, good in the middle and shit at the end.
I cant even tell what this is. Porn, LN, Game it looks all the same.
Betting 100 bucks Drifters will kick it's ass next season.
Why? What would make it AOTY?
Some user collected atleast 1100++ of reigen stock image absolutely madness.
>Haven't seen the other 3
lurk for 2 years before posting and watch more anime, retard.
>In a year with Pandora, Anne Happy, Sansha Sanyou, Flying Witch, and Amanchu
Yeah, no
HOW DID THIS HAPPEN? IT WAS THE CLIMAX OF THE SERIES. Literally the most hype and tense section of the entire series to date. This isn't a small thing. This isn't a little criticism. This whole episode was THE bench mark. All they had to do was NOT fuck it up. The WN did all the work for them. Fucking DAVID productions could have done a better job just by doing a panel for panel power point.
I am so fucking mad. So fucking mad indeed. Why even release the episode as a single part? Just delay it for a week. The ONLY possible way for them to be redeemed is for them to FIX this all and more in the OVAs. Unless the OVAs are top quality I'll have nothing more to do with the animated adaption. What a fucking waste of time.
I hate White Fox but I hate those of you here who would forgive them when they release the new alternate ending OVAs. There is no making up for this. There is ONLY fixing this or being discarded.
It will kick the shit out of fatefag ass atleast next season.
at least that, but she's still waifu bait >9000 level
Shitilia on the other hand is a fucking cardboard cutout that's force-shipped by the author BECAUSE REASONS
>Moefag, i assume?
Wow nice taste user, just add Rakugo and DIU.
Rem is supposed to be trying to win Subaru's affection, she would be classified as waifubait regardless.
She could have been a little more like Rika from Haganai but without the fujo angle, things like pretending to collapse to bait a confession from him was a step in the right direction.
>I'm a bitch who literally creates problems for myself
>I'm not the greatest any more woe is me
And she still wins best boy
Fuck ReLife
Would have been if the MC wasn't so shit
I got you
If ReZero was AOTY, this was one of the worst years for anime in a long time. Also, no, it was Konosuba.
>time travel
>forced drama
This is literally a recipe for how to make one of the worst overhyped piece of shit anime.
He died again after she said that, you retarded namefag
THAT was anime of the year
Girl of the year. Possibly the decade.
Yep, there is not a single show better than Re:Zero this year.
>Watch people respond to this with their crappy moe or idol SOL shit stating that it's better than Re:Zero.
I'm curious, how many shows have you actually watched this year?
Nice bait. Also ReZero was edgy so it's automatically out.
Funniest show I've seen from Japan in a while.
This is when I leave..
I don't get them.
Re:Zero is this year's Cred Forums and newfagbait anime. For "true anime fans who only watch serious, dark-themed shows".
Re:Zero is unoriginal LN trash that only exists to milk money from people dumb enough to fall for waifubait. Tries to justifiy its existance by adding shock value in form of making the MC suffer or characters die brutally, only to have time be reversed and eliminate any actual consequences.
Fans defend it because they think that gore and tragedy automatically makes a story deep, regardless of how it's implemented. "Its a subversion of the genre!" they'll say, while ignoring how the only thing anyone cares about in the series are the girls, rather than the story, setting or actual quality of the characters. Re:Zero tries to hide, it but in the end of the day it's only another forgettable LN adaptation to add to the pile, and when its forgotten another one will rise in its place, untill the fad dies down, and as such the status quo is mantained. Rinse and repeat.
Reminder : Shock value is to writing what jumpscares are to horror movies, a crutch used by talentless hacks that can only appeal to basic human instincs because they're not good enough to write anything better.
Even LL Sunshine was better.
I'm a side sleeper and I like to hold onto something. Figured why the fuck not have fun with it.
Nobody will even remember Re:Zero once its reddit fanbase gets bored of anime in a couple years and moves on to some other hobby.
Far better anime this year:
Flying Witch
Shouwa Rakugo
New Game
Hell I'd even rate Sekkou Boys above Re:Zero.
I'd give Kabaneri the "far better than everybody expected it to be" award
Let's be honest, once SnK S2 starts, nobody will remember ReZero.
Konosuba, on the other half...
I actually thought it was a bit worse than everyone expected. Still good but it really fell off once Bibi was introduced as the main villain. 8/10 series.
inb4 Konosuba S2 and eotens S2 in one season
Everybody called it as a blatant Attack on Titan rip off and that's what it turned out to be. Biba did drag the series down but it was still a pretty well done anime, like if Attack on Titan were told by a competent storyteller.
SnK is a big success, memesuba is not.
Darkness' tits have more substance than half of the SnK cast doe
It had more success than anyone expected it too, and had an OVA and a second season confirmed before it was even over
This is more successful than most anime
Nah. Memesuba is not even Top 5 best seller in the year. Also plenty of stuffs gets OVA and second season announced beforehand.
It was basically Attack on Titan, but I'd say it had better fight sequences, aesthetic, and character designs, though Attack on titan has better directing overall. And like Attack on Titan, it's strength lied in it's visuals. When they both tried a more complex story than "Kill everything and look cool doing it" they ended up becoming much weaker.
Not even Top 5? Geez, might as well not exist then, since obviously only the top 5 matters
Cred Forums mentality is to compare sales because anything else requires substantial knowledge of what you're talking about. 90% of the time if somebody goes immediately to sales for an argument they never watched/played the the title in question.
>watching 2 moeshit lesbian homoshit animes
You are the only nigga in this thread with taste.
>thinks Moefags are the entirety of animefags on Cred Forums
Fuck off and jerk off to your girls, faggot.
Mob Psycho and 91 Days just destroyed this piece of crap.
>91 Days
Fuck off with this meme please.
>Re:Zero is this year's Cred Forums and newfagbait anime. For "true anime fans who only watch serious, dark-themed shows".
wasn't that Erased?
It probably is. That doesn't mean it's good though.
idk, I feel like it was above average, worth the watch.
But I do love your list tho.
best waifu show 4 sure, but bad overall
That's not Bananya
I like your taste user
>mob psycho
so it's good? I thought one punch was okay but I didn't want to bother with mob
sakamoto was literally shit in a figurative sense
pick one
MP100 is genuinely fantastic.
I only watched the first few episodes because i thought it would be a superior SnK, but didn't you guys start complaining that the ending seemed rushed and got really shitty?
all of Cred Forums's favorites are Reddit favorites
This is the most agreeable list and you could add a few others already mentioned.
Also, some great movies out but a minority has watched them: Kimi no nawa and Koe no Katashi.
I'm looking forward for the dvd release.
No, was watchable though
it wouldn't be my AOTY not even close but it was charming, it's rare that a "perfect" character is written well, I was expecting a kirito type character when I first watched the show
Read the manga.
>Flying Witch
Too much dosage of comfy per episode. I fell asleep more than enjoyed the show.
Stop the Memes
>New Game
I didn't think people even finished this show
Now we're talking.
ram is best girl
it's obviously going to be Keijo
konosuba is more difficult to finish than new game, though i finished neither
rakugo was good
Wasn't even AotS let allow AotY
At least we can all agree that this year was truly bad and not just some every year is bad meme case.
Seriously nobody has seen rakugo. AOTY hands down
hibike s2 will be better
>Stop the Memes
How can anyone unironically think this? I loved Rakugo but I can tell that if I didn't enjoy it for subjective reasons (if the premise wasn't interesting to me, if I didn't like the genre, if it wasn't to my taste for whatever reason, etc) that I'd STILL be able to recognize how nicely done it is. There are many series I didn't enjoy but can acknowledge were well directed or written with some maturity, why is this beyond some people?
Fall is going to save this year
>anime with only female protagonists
>saving anything except for my evening fap
people dont masturbate to Kumiko though
The threads on Cred Forums will be awful either way.
If the fans hide then it has no fans.
SAO is such a piece of shit I want to go to Japan and brutally murder the author and fuck his corpse
Episode 6 was the high point. 7-9 weren't funny and episode 10 was merely okay.
Show's "serious" moments had better humor.
Its fujo sleeping pills people pretend is good to have "anime cred".
Like .hack when Log Horizon is better.
Cred Forums 2016 - Reddit is Us
it always has
There was a time when at least on the surface, Cred Forums wasn't the biggest normalfag board though.
>generic isekai shit
> Disliking reddit's AOTY makes you reddit!
NewFag:Zero fans continue to be delusional
>New Game
Um, no, I didn't imply that. Fuck Re;Zero, that's also a reddit tier shit.
But so is everything else the posts I quoted agreed upon as AOTS. Reddit, and casuality itself.
Cred Forums is the normalfag board
Not as much as Cred Forums how ever.
Confirmed for not actually watching the show. Fujo pandering is like 0.001% of the material, and beyond the running "old married couple" gag, nothing even remotely gay happens. You're missing a great show with great characters.
This anime is another example of why time travel powers are a curse rather than a blessing.
>no one knows what you've experienced
>no one recognizes 90% of your acts
>friends don't remember the events you spent with them
>any mistake you make can be redone, so there is no thrill of risks
>repeating the same conversations with people who give the same responses turns them into NPCs
The ability to turn back time is a life full of solitude. Endlessly playing a single-player game.
That's not Luluco
But subaru doesn't do anything fun like rigging the lottery or "inventing" new things before their time to get rich.
>shit tier girls
>AOTY on Cred Forums
In an alternate universe, maybe.
last few episodes were not that good
>marathoned it
>loved it
And now comes the emptiness feeling
Why doesn't he constantly try to get his way by threatening to allahu akbar his opponent?