Yuri!!! on Ice new PV
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>beta Nip getting bullied by edgy Slavs
Looks gay as shit, probably to get the fujo audience, but since it's a MAPPA show it will flop, that's just a fact of nature.
Best yuri anime of all time.
Rank the characters from most to least virginal.
Michele is obviously most due to >Please let's not fuck up this thread
>No low quality gifs
>If it's a shitpost just report it and move on, dogpiling doesn't make the person go away, it just derails the thread
>Don't use the thread to complain about other threads, we're just here to talk about figure skating anime boys
>Yuri on ice
>It's actually fujoshit
Already shipping Canada and Kazakhstan.
Shipping the boys that send nudes to each other.
Yuri on ice? More like Yaoi on ice, amirite?
>Another high quality MAPPA show that's going to flop hard.
Seriously how much do they have left?
This is being said so many times that it should already be a drinking game.
>this shit
Russia was a mistake
It makes me nostalgic for K threads.
Don't let the good quality PV misguide you. Mappa shows are 95% still images, they kind of remind me of 80s shows with decent details but almost no animation.
>anime about ice skating
>no animation
I'll be happy if they put all of their time in that at least.
Don't know about current MAPPA but the old one had really good quality till the end.
So has the length of the series been confirmed? 12 or so episodes?
I kinda wish that it would be longer, just so that there was more time to flesh out all the characters.
I am Russian and I will watch this just to see my kamrads humiliate the coinslot-eyed manlets like the betas they are.
Ushio to Tora was pretty good, I don't remember too many stills.
So good looking goddamn I can't wait for this
Wow shinichi is an ice skater now? I just hope they tone down the fujos pandering i really want to like this.
I've only seen Bahamut and Sakamichi no Apollon all the way through, but the animation was above-average.
They do that to trigger retarded fujos & fudan like you.
hello tumblr
> I just hope they tone down the fujo pandering
Please, from the looks of the PV they're probably banking on that to make the show a success.
Mappa must be desperate to be honest. They keep sinking money into dead on arrival series. This one at least seems to have a chance to do well.
Yes, especially because of their Yuzuru Hanyu prodigy who has recently broken ten world records and is becoming the best ice skater who ever existed. He completely hyped ice skating again and his fans are all females.
It's perfect timing if they want to make money with this show.
Victor looks like a real homo.
Why does it say Bulgaria when the ponytail Viktor appears? What kind of plot can we expect?
yeah... whatever. I'm going to support my country in the next Winter Olympic Games
Yuri on ice, slavs are aggressive. Is this true irl?
It's where the competition was taking place. Sofia is the capital of the country.
>Bulgaria, Sofia
Sounds about right.
I feel like a retard for overlooking Sofia completely and thinking that he was representing Bulgaria. Thanks.
What kind of character development made him cut his hair I wonder.
Replace edgy slav twink with "It's a Russian taunt".
If the Nip wins I drop this. Going from last place to winning the Grand Prix is ridiculous even for anime.
I like gook-kun the most so far.
Just checking, how many of you are gay?
Why? He hates you.
Literally made for doujinshi
He's good looking and rude aloof guys are kinda hot.
>liking women ever
How did I miss that one. Thanks user.
>Being a self-loathing fujoshit or an actual degenerate fag
>not being a degenerate fag
found the fag
Nice screenshot of yourself faggot.
Now neck yourself
Started balding and needed to get a haircut with bangs.
I unironically think this will be the reason in the series.
Balding is sad, I'd feel bad if that was the reason.
I think Victor can be both seme and uke.
Italy already a best
Now that I think about it, MC and slav twink are both literal fuccbois, so when you ship them you can swap the roles quite easily.
What do you think will be the most popular pairing?
Shipping will destroy these threads.
It's to be expected with fujo anime anyway.
>Are you really Shinichi-kun?
Shipping is way less cancerous than the 2 autists who were shitting up last night's thread with their anti-tumblr garbage.
>Shipping is way less cancerous
Stopped reading there.
>Shipping is way less cancerous
Wew. Yuri on Ice threads are confirmed shit even before the show starts. Sad.
Read the last couple hundred posts in this thread and get back to me shipping is more cancerous than what I just mentioned.
I'm surprised Slav posting isn't in there.
So Free!!! but with solid water instead?
>bringing this shit back
Fuck right off.
And better boys.
Yagudin is better.
worst boy
Why did I even think that it might be something more than fujobait?
This shitty website and tumblr are 2 sides of the same coin.
From MAPPA's perspective it makes sense. They wanna make money after flops.
No. The male characters here are men, not girls with male bodies.
Which Slav is the best Slav?
If you like tumblr so goddamn much just fucking stay there.
Hopefully with better direction and some actual substance.
It will be a great ice skating anime. I don't understand how being homoerotic contradicts this in any way.
Put in.
Are there even any slavs?
Are there not 3 slavs in this show alone?
>implying Yuuri, Russian Fairy and Receding Hairline won't all basically be little girls
Being less homoerotic would help.
Though now that I think it, selling it as 'skating only' anime would be hard as fuck.
This better be well animated.
I think it will start strong, and then they will start saving all the animation effort for the skating choreography sequences, allowing everything in between to level out at mediocre.
>best ice skater in history
>falls twice during his gold medal win
Why they can't just ruin sword threads, they deserve it better
>Being less homoerotic would help.
Do you even male figure skating?
That's actually the best I can hope for. I just want to see how complex they'll get into showing figure skating.
>pedo incest
Based Japan
he is 22, why pedo?
Who's best boy so far?
He's a grown ass man.
Yes. Above 18 (or 21 in some countries), you an adult. ot a child anymore.
You know that right?
He's not pedo since they're literally the same age.
They're twins.
You are about to hear a lot of pleb answers, the correct one is Canada.
Holy shit, this is gay as all fuck.
>Receding Hairline
Don't bully ;_;
>do you even
Do I?
Holy shit, this is gay as all fuck. I like it!
No we don't.
I wonder if they'll make him bilingual, which would prompt Miyano to mangle English and Quebec French.
Are the seiyuu for the Slavs going to butcher Russian?
Can we ban threads about this please?
Everyone will butcher every language
The american spic will butcher spanish and english at the same time
Fairy-kun, I love angry shithead brats.
So far I anticipate him being similar to Vladimir from Shounen Note.
Did you maybe quote the wrong post?
Obviously I know that.
Although this is the scene I thought of when I first saw Fairy get angry.
Be hypnotised
what's his sad backstory?
As a slav I'd prefer them to refrain from using foreign languages because they're obviously gonna fail at that, but it's inevitable. Prepare for KHOROSHO and Victor saying some cryptic shit in katakana Russian.
I hope so. It'll be interesting to hear just how wrong they can get it.
I can't wait.
He's a world-renowned boy soprano who's starting to hit puberty, so he's going to lose his high singing voice.
name of the manga?
>anti-tumblr garbage.
member when this used to be called self moderation?
It's in the first post I made about it.
because they're inserting fanservice over substance to make money
Just like 99% of every other anime?
>sports anime
>MC is best boy
Woah, that never happens
There is a difference between self-moderation and derailing a thread entirely because of autism. You can tell someone to fuck off back to tumblr without making a thread into an argument about tumblr rather than the subject. When you do the latter you are causing just as much damage as the former.
Most anime does this. People get upset because it's bl fanservice and not titties.
The show hasn't even aired yet, I think it's a little early to judge how much fanservice to substance there is.
In a 30 second trailer it's probably better to show off flashy sequences to grab viewers' attention, since it's not a long enough time to show substance anyway.
>implying yuuri's blushing sexual lust for russian senpai's skatingu isn't part of his deep and complex character motivation
I'm gonna be very honest. I'm terribly tired of girls show mostly focusing on the ass/tiddies and not on the sport.
Unfortunately, I guess girls don't sell if they actualy have a goal that isn't "Must grab the dick of the sole male of the cast".
>We'll never get another anime like Attacker Yuu, Princess Nine, Ace wo nerae
Best recent sports anime with a focus on girls and not a great deal of fanservice has to be Girls und Panzer.
We'll see, I think he might be even better than he seems.
I relly liked the camera angle in this scene. I wonder how much actual skating footage we'll get.
where ma thai boi at
Is that a quad lutz at 0:28? Nice.
It only digressed into an argument because the tumblr tards kept crying about getting told to fuck off and threatened to spam pictures just to make others upset. They are the ones trying to cause derail.
A Nip falls in love with a Russian, but the Russian is executed for public indecency because homosexuality is illegal in Russia. Victor is stoned to death and that gives Yuuri the motivation to try to win the gold medal.
>because homosexuality is illegal in Russia
That's not true though
In an interview Miyamoto Kenji said he choreographed and performed "20 something" routines (all 14 skaters have routines, though some have only the Short). I'm sure not all of them will be shown in full, but if it were just 5 seconds or something they probably wouldn't have paid a professional choreographer to do it.
Abiko Eiji (animator) said there is a ton of it too.
That makes my expectations go up. Boys are all good but I really want to see some solid skating animation, PVs look really promising in that aspect.
Alright who is getting the compound fracture?
>I guess girls don't sell if they actualy have a goal that isn't "Must grab the dick of the sole male of the cast".
KlK didn't sell?
I wonder if Canada-kun will be a big jerk. His bio sort of sounds like it.
I have a feeling the 4 eyed guy will be annoying as hell.
Stop crying and land a triple, Harry.
Fuck off.
Not buying it.
Not buying what? That's exactly what happened.
And look, you're doing the exact same thing now.
>>MC is best boy
but he's not
Fuck off.
>hurr let me single out a single frame during a really fast animation sequence
So will it actually be gay or just have fanservice?
>QUALITY in the PV
>All the madhouse talent left to mappa they said
Foreshortening mid action shot is not QUALITY
>needing to ask
It's just going to be fujobait as usual because that's how Japan rolls.
Well this is not just a single frame and it looks kind of bad.
My heartdick can't wait.
Actually, the new sequences in the preview look sort of "grainier"/lower resolution? than the rest of footage.
Which boy would you want to make history with?
are you actually retarded ? bet you hate shingo yamashita too
Fucking idiot.
The last episode better have the two rivals join together and do the iron lotus,
>that fluid movement
oh god, this was my worry, that it would have horrid jerky animation for skate scenes. But my eyeballs have erections now.
which remind me why there is no real male on male couple
>Being retarded.
That would be amazing.
>understandable Engrish
>America represented by a manlet Spic
I can't wait to watch this faggot ass shit.
Damn, those Russians have snazzy uniforms.