itt characters who did not deserve their fate
Itt characters who did not deserve their fate
She was a seriously crap character, but in the end, it still felt sort of harsh
Trunks has it pretty rough, he can never get a break.
Bruh, that's what you get for going toe to toe with Ken'Oh! The fist of the violent star.
He just wanted to rule the Tokugawa Shogunate from the shadows with a cabal of freakish ninjas, was that really too much to ask?
That dragged so much I gave up. What ended up happening to him?
he died the typical sploody Hokuto death but Toki gave him a extra day of life so he could finish up some shit before that and when it came time he locked himself up in a empty house to reflect on his life before sploding as well has to not explode in front of Ken and the gang and his sister to preserve his dignity.
He just wanted a cute waifu.
She deserved it just by being a Katanagatari character.
He did nothing wrong
>That dragged so much I gave up
Good, philistines don't deserve actually good shows.
Not just any hokuto shinken explosion death, Raoh wanted it to be a message to Ken so he made it as painful and slow as possible. Remember the pain was so bad his hair turned white and his nails curled back. Basically when he goes into the house to die, every single pore on his body ruptured and his insides became his outsides in a gradual process.
Every heroic individual capable of fighting that was killed off in Fist of the North Star just so they couldn't keep taking any screentime away from Ken
No one who can fight worth a damn apart from him is allowed to survive
>Every heroic individual capable of fighting that was killed off in Fist of the North Star just so they couldn't keep taking any screentime away from Ken
Who was killed just to give screentime to Ken? Because pretty much all heroic deaths made sense considering they were always fighting South start generals or Raoh, literally someone addressed in the series as actually stronger than Ken.
No, but he did cross a lone badass samurai warrior, which ultimately is grounds to be slain by said warrior. It's just how those kinds of things work.
Reminder that Raoh did nothing wrong and literally punched his spirit into the heavens
>did nothing wrong
He killed my boy Juza of the Clouds.
He killed my boy Rei.
Also, pic related.
>Reminder that Raoh did nothing wrong
That's what makes HnK so great, Raoh is a man who is not necessarily wrong in what he is doing. It's all about a different and conflicting ideology. Cept what he did to the mountain when he went crazy. That Raoh openly felt guilty about doing that underhanded shit.
Raoh is in my opinion the greatest villain, and personally I feel all around character, out of any anime or manga.
>He killed my boy Juza of the Clouds.
That cousin loving douchebag stole Raoh's horse, read his only friend, and tried to kill him first. Juza lost a fight he started, that's his own fault.
>He killed my boy Rei
Rei made an attempt for his life also and struck him down for it. He then used him as an example to Ken, who was the only threat to him. Raoh also later expressed he felt remorse fighting Kenshiro, seeing him as much of a brother as he did Toki so he would have preferred to not have to strike him down if it wasn't necessary.
Juza was a fuccboi, Rei was cool, but in the end both defied the king. They had to face the consequences.
Raoh get the fuck off this board.
Go jerk off to your cousin more, cloud boy.
Wait, cousin fucker? Been a while since I watched it, but was Yuria his blood relative? I know he wanted to fuck her like every other fighter in the story.
Man, that scan is pretty rough.
Yes, she is his blood cousin who they grew up together like siblings. He also is the one who expressed the most canal desire for her. Juza literally becomes an apathetic piece of shit despite being a general because he basically gives up on life since he couldn't marry his cousin and because she loved another man.
I Want him back
she wasn't his cousin, she was his sister
>taking offence
>not "no homo"
You're right, I forgot that they he was her half-brother not cousin. This makes him more pathetic.
well, it's not like he knew she was his sister when he fell in love with her
sorry, I might change the filename in future
Yeah but he knew what he was doing when he stole Kokuoh so he deserved his death