I love Emilia, Cred Forums!
I love Emilia, Cred Forums!
I hate her
t. Who?
Who is the blue maid girl?
Will you suffer and die for her over and over again?
Me too!
My wife.
No, you must be confused. My wife, Remurin, is in fact my wife.
Who does Emilia love?
Elsa's design is still the best in the show.
I wanna marry this hafu erufu
>liking dried up old hags
She's still a fluid druid.
But why? from what I've seen she has little to no character.
Fucking elves, this is now a hate elves thread
If you impregnate her you'll only have to deal with quarter elves.
Nice thread OP but I love Satella.
Fuk u m8
Me too user, I love this hafu erufu!
I wanna love that hafu erufu
She's a hybrid so it is very unlikely she can reproduce. It's for the same reason mules are sterile.
t. someone who knows nothing about biology.
*It is very likely she CAN NOT
Sorrt. Typo.
I love her.
I think one of the other characters is a quarter elf actually.
That just shows you how little regard these retarded manga writers have for science in their fantasy stories where people have magic powers and cat people are thing!
Praying for S2
Judging by the fact that they are called half elves and don't have their own pronoun, makes me believe that there is another type of hybrid called half human. Like how you can cross a tiger and a lion and get a liger or a tigon. Both are wildly different because their chromosomes don't exactly line up. A half elf is a hybrid who shares most of its characteristics with humans and only has subtle elf features. A half elf would be something entirely different and could be more elf-like (whatever elf look like). Getting a hybrid is easy, getting it to reproduce is so very impossible. The chromosomes just refuse to line up right. My conclusion. Emilia is a retard with fucked up chromosomes. Suck it Emilia-fags.
>Emilia is a retard with fucked up chromosomes
You can be smart and watch while I try to reproduce and hold hands with my half-elf waifu.
Don't tell me you don't believe in miracles?
My wife Emilia is so cute
Good thread OP but I love Satella
I honestly thought it's a chaika thread because of that thumbnail
EMT is cute but pretty shit tbqh
t. professional cocksucker
We all love our queen.
delete this
EMT Emilia Massive Trash
REM Retarded Edgy Maido
Julius is best
I love this hafu erufu!
You spoils of successful war against elves just arrived. What do you do with pic related?
Break the binds and love the hafu erufu tenderly.
EMT was made to bear children.
Priscilla a best. Fuck this SJW cunt.
I want my love Emilia-tan to be my hauf erufu lap pillow
She can't though
Priscilla > Emilia.
I'd lick her pristine feets
why tho .i'm a rem fag but i do like emilia she isn't bad girl . only faggots who give a fuck about shipping hate her
Emilitard a shit
she's a filthy knife ear.
Interspecies breeding happens all the time.
Design-wise I think she's the best non-loli semen demon we've had since Asuna. Another thing she has in common with Asuna: she's better in the LNs
You got a problem with elfs?
I love both.
Shit > Every girl
Fuck off you attentionwhoring spic
Why did she choose to be cucked?
I thought that was a gao~.
I love Aqua, she's qt!
Who is this hooded person?
Go and trip off a bridge.
I love __Puck.
of course, she is a woman after all
Such a qt. I want a S2 just for her.
t. someone who never played D&D
>[Subaru: Because the girl that loves me, the girl that I love back, the girl that affectionately provides me love—-the girl that is harder on me more than any other person in the world, the girl that doesn’t let me off easily, that girl is the real Rem!]
>Ever since they exchanged this promise, Subaru had decided once in for all that: in this world, in this universe, the only person Natsuki Subaru could hope to show his weak side to was Rem, and only in front of Rem.
>Even if she knew about Subaru’s weakness, if he could just combine it with Rem’s faith that she would give in response to his efforts to be strong in front of her, Subaru could live on without hiding the truth that he was weak. He could not show it in front of Emilia; he could not show it in front of Beatrice; he could not show it in front of anyone else. Subaru could only show this weak side of him-the side of him that believed he had to be strong no matter what-to Rem and only Rem.
Is it really worth fucking Emilia?
Half-elves can't get pregnant, not matter how hard you try.
Too bad they already said it's not gonna happen.
>literally says there will never be a season 2
>literally says to read the books instead
>people still think there will be a second season
how delusional are you guys holy shit
EMT's was made to bear children.
Source on those claims faggot
>inb4 that debunked subway add
>Literally can't read Japanese
How's it feel to be retarded?
You fags are crazy if you think I'm watching DEENshit because of a cute airheaded blue-haired girl.
Watch it for this thing instead
Most D&D hybrids could breed though. The only ones that couldn't were those half dwarves (mul) from Dark Sun.
DEEN saving anime: streamable.com
She's cute and pretty, but for fucking sake i'm still mad about how Ferrari didn't choose best girl.
Is that established in the setting? You guys are forgetting the infertile hybrid thing doesn't happen for every instance of cross species breeding. For a good example look at the homo genus. If you have european or asian blood there's a good chance you have some Neanderthal DNA in you.
No, just some guys sperging about shit they don't know about. Fredrica is a quarter something.
>[Felis: Anyways, if you were to calm down and think rationally you’d understand wouldn’t you. You’d realize that the fact me, who had been healing the wounded around, not coming around immediately meant that Rem’s injuries were not ones that indicated a life or death situation.]
>[Subaru: How can I stay composed in a situation like that! That beloved…! The person I fell…! A girl important to me…! That girl got injured and lost consciousness, it’s a given that I would lose control!]
At least he's getting there.
He was sort of always there, he just didn't want to admit it because Emilia. But at a certain point it became too much for him to ignore, and obviously with her condition it only accelerated things.
There's totally nothing wrong with being in love with the obvious surrogate for all that is evil and wrong with the world, nothing at all.
>he fell for the "evil witch" meme the jews were pushing on to people
lmaoing at you 2bh