why didnt Cred Forums tell me this show was so good?
Why didnt Cred Forums tell me this show was so good?
Why do people make these threads?
Do they feel the need to express their newness for everybody to see? Or are they so new that they are actually unaware of the popularity of the shows they completely missed on Cred Forums?
they are just new and weren't here when the show aired and think it's epic to make threads about it years later while everyone else moved on
But we even have those "Psycho Pass is an anime people will be talking about in ten years" threads all the time.
Those are going to be the next "Don't forget to laugh," and then I'm really going to feel old.
We did, multiple times but you didn't listen.
Because season 2 exists.
but in all srs because its just an ok anime
>This retard managed to completely miss the point of the anime
How do you even do it?
Implying the underlying message isn't Statism == good when everyone and MC literally defends it to the death
lol what? this is a shit anime
>MC is always right
And Yagami Light wasn't a villain either, right?
> MC is always right
This is always the case when
> MC is cute
So much nonsense.
Psycho Pass is literally a Dystopia and intended to be one.
Also they defend it because a) its opponents really just want to fuck shit up and b) because they have nothing to replace it with.
>the underlying message
They point out that the system makes people sick. Pay more attention you dumb fuck.
> the system makes people sick
Yes, and they ultimately decide
> Better keep doing the same thing over and over!
That's why season 2 is so shit. Moeblob literally learned everything about Sybil, and must have had a triple stroke because she had no fucking idea what was going on when the exact same thing happened all over again.
Problem I had with Psycho Pass is they could have scrapped season 2 and just added 13 episodes to finish the series. Add a proper fucking ending.
>> Better keep doing the same thing over and over!
I'm not sure what you mean by this.
>the exact same thing happened all over again.
But it wasn't.
> But it wasn't
Yes. It was. They leaned on Sybil and Sybil fucked up. It was the exact same disaster, only it made even LESS sense because absolutely no one was prepared the second time around.
>Sybil fucked up
In a new way.
You can't call every fuck up the same just because it's a fuck-up.
I'm not defending S2, but you are being retarded.
I hope you're not waiting for an ending where the system is dismantled.
Oh no, it changed from Sybil running black OPs with rent-a-cops to a bona fide HACKER making hacks. That changes nothing for Akane. She already knew the system was prone to failure. She even took an ordinary pistol in the S1 finale, her trust for Sybil was that low. And a few weeks later she's back to her rookie self, trusting a system that has failed her time and time again?
No. Having a completely insane MC doing the same thing and expecting different results doesn't make a compelling story.
I would have enjoyed a proper ending instead of that terrible season 2 ending with that mutant freak .
You just missed it, and the hype too.
Because they're new to the anime and want to talk about it. It's a way for them to bring up the subject. It's not meant as a personal attack. You can go back to playing minecraft on your mother's ipad now.
>running black OPs with rent-a-cops
>HACKER making hacks
What are you talking about?
What does that have to do with Sybil's fuck-ups?
>She even took an ordinary pistol in the S1 finale,
No, she took a pistol set to stun.
But that is a good point. She could have demanded to be allowed to keep a permanently hacked gun set to stun. That way she could have dished out justice by her own judgment.
>her trust for Sybil was that low.
No, she took it because she had nothing else.
Every system has a fail ratio, whether it's mechanical, judicial or whatever.
The point is Sybil works for the majority of people, unless there is a better alternative, it makes no sense to throw it away.
>Sybil works for a majority of people
Thats like saying this medicine will save 80% of the people but kill the rest.
If the disease kills 80% of the people if left untreated then that's a good medicine.
Sybill doesn't work though. Arresting people and sending them off to facilities because their crime coeffcieitnt is too high. I remember an episode where just getting angry and talking about a hot topic person would get you a warning.
That is the worst society to live in where you are walking on constant egg shells for your entire life. Hell you can't even do what your passionate about because the brains of some old people decided instead of pursuing painting, you should do accounting. Foh.
>Sybill doesn't work though.
But it does.
>That is the worst society to live in
It is supposed to be a dystopia. We've been over this.
>where you are walking on constant egg shells
Better than walking on mines and dodging grenades, which is what the franchise is telling us the alternative is.
Pay attention.
Some Art is Ok'd by Sybil, anything that is considered "bad" for stress or clouds people's thoughts is purged by Sybil.
Sure, people turn into pussies without any emotional immunity, but it's doing its job perfectly. It's raising sheep for a population and making sure they lead happy lives.
>It's raising sheep for a population and making sure they lead happy lives.
>Power is in tearing human minds to pieces and putting them together again in new shapes of your own choosing
ruling by fear does not make people live "happy" lives
If they were afraid their CCs would rise and they'd get zapped.
One of the dumbest posts I ever read on here, done with this thread.
The general P-P population is not in a state of fear. Akane's friends seemed to lead happy lives. They have worries like normal people would but they were content enough. People have complete faith in the system, it's why it works.
The only ones who are afraid, are the ones that don't follow Sybil's guidance because they don't believe in it or don't care.
>Better than walking on mines and dodging grenades, which is what the franchise is telling us the alternative is.
This is Japan, not Muslim-occupied Europe.
Pay attention.
it blows my mind people are supporting a fictional statist society
everyone subconsciously is terrified of their CC levels going up sure the system works because 2+2=5 and no one knows otherwise
Your view is very narrow. Something you hate could have positive attributes, it's not all black and white.
Works like P-P and Harmony switch good and bad in interesting ways, if you can't follow along, you'll be missing the point.
They're just explaining how the system works. It's not like they're endorsing it and saying it's a good thing. In-universe, it's the only thing that works because if they were to just get rid of the system, everything would be fucked. There's nothing wrong with seeing the benefits to the system, as all societies have their pros and cons.
Fuck off you retard.
Cause good shows make for bad shitposting. Conversely all the shitposting on Cred Forums is about shitty shows.
It's ridiculous to claim Akane trusted Sybil in S2, watch it again, she did a lot of sneaky shit to bypass the system.
I miss her
am i the only one who liked S2?
No, but most people agree that S2 was of lower quality than S1.
well of course, it didn't have Kogami and was only half as long
but i kind of liked that Kirito actually managed to almost take down Sibyl for real, and that Sibyl now can recognize entire cultural groups as dangerous if they are
Even if, as Sibyl noted, could lead to a witch hunt to exterminate those groups
Because we've seen GitS.
PP doesn't present its society as ideal, but it doesn't go over the top with having every character being miserable and constantly pointing out how awful their society is either. It takes its time highlighting both the negative and positive ways the social changes of the past century have affected people's lives, and has characters with conflicting views on what further changes need to be made from there. This confuses retards who need everything to be black and white, good or bad, and thus makes them dislike the show. See who presumably watched the entire thing and somehow managed to boil it all down to a single simple idea in his head, despite the show itself never presenting that idea in any more of a positive or true light than any other.
only the second season and still was fun m8
Because shitposting.
Only if it results in further chaos.
you fuck don't understand that without sybil all japan would be the same that the rest of world AKA a 5th world shithole post WWn war
again, the rest of world live worse that nowadays latam but hey, they are "free"
You aren't free until America gives you the freedom seal of approval.
>tfw there were people who didn't catch on to the fact that yayoi and the blonde chick were lesbos until the last ep in S1