What will you be watching?
Not picked up
3 epi rule
Picked up
Fall 2016
I'll do the same thing I always do:
Pick up everything and drop everything I don't like.
Shuumats no Izetta.
Tiger Mask.
Stella no Mahou.
Gakuen Handsome.
Bungou S2.
Yuri on Ice.
Flip Flappers.
All Out.
Girlish Number.
Udon no Kuni.
Fune no Amu.
I like to give everything a try but nothing stands out at all apart from Eupho.
My most anticipated shows:
Shuumatsu no Izetta
Kiss Him Not Me
3-gatsu no Lion
Potentially interesting:
Flip Flappers
Girlish Number
Occultic Nine
Udon no Kuni no Kiniro Kemari
Fume wo Amu
Stella no Mahou
Mahou Shoujo Ikusei Keikaku
Overall it looks all right. Potential for several of these shows to turn out great.
>no meme shows
What will our dear crossboarders flock to now?
Everything is meh except Ajin and maybe Stella no Mahou.
Ao Oni and Gakuen Handsome are literal memes.
>Okusama ga setokaicho
Holy shit. Why the fuck Cred Forums don't talk about this?
I thought Cred Forums like mother so much.
Seems like yet another season without anything worthwhile.
What do you consider worthwhile?
Certainly not generic shit like Stella no Mahou.
>Guarantee good series
>For the sake of shitposting
Flip Flappers
>That madoka rip off
shit fox truly became the meme studio of the year
I don't really know anymore. I just don't seem to find anything that I'd want to watch on the anime frontier.
It seems like the majority of new releases is moeshit or a setting that I'm not interested in.
Fune no Amu looks comfy
>X was a young middle/high school boy/girl, until one day...
Dropped like a bad habit
>Long Riders
>Shuumatsu no Izetta
>Sengoku Choujuu Giga
>Chain Chronicle
>Cyborg 009
>Kagerou Daze
>Kono Sekai no Katasumi ni
>Popin Q
Keijo is going to save anime.
Drifters of course.
Need to see my husband.
>Mahou Shoujo Ikusei Keikaku
>Vivid Strike
>Show by Rock
>Idol Memories
>Shakunetsu no Takkyuu Musume
>Soushin Shouji Matoi
>Teekyuu 8
>Stella no Mahou
>Soushin Shoujo Matoi
>Bishojo Yuugi Unit Crane Game Galaxy
>Mahou Shoujo Nante Mo Ii Desu Kara
>Anitore! XX
>Hibike! Euphonium 2
>Brave Witches
>Flop Flappers
>Girlish Number
>Lostorage Incited WIXOSS
>Long Riders
Twenty lesbian shown in one season. What a time to be alive.
Why do yurifags are so delusional?
Oh sweet, an EPIC rec thread! Thanks bro, upvoted!
Go back to where you came from you low test faggot
>Why do yurifags are so delusional?
Why are ESLs so uneducated?
>Ao Oni: The animation
What the fuck
I'm going to start with Hibike! and then pick up other shows if they seem interesting.
I'm probably going to mostly watch older shows this season, like I did during summer season. The quality of new anime is just too bad.
>ikusei keikaku
>mahou shoujo
We got the new Madoka right there.
Watching: Keijo, Long Riders, IBO S2, Shuumatsu no Izetta
Not Watching: Rest
3 Episode Rule is for idiots
When is the new Digimon coming out?
Natsume and probably Drifters
>The quality of new anime is just too bad.
you're just growing old.
Literally trash
I'll watch Classicaloid. I heard they are making a new beyblade anime with the original cast. I'd watch that too.
I'll probably drop a lot.
Probably only going to watch Teekyuu and Keijo so that I can catch up on older stuff.
Just digimon.
>To be hero
Patrician taste
Which one next rezero?
Swimsuit mahou shoujo
Brave Witches
Shigatsu no Lion
Shuumatsu no Izetta
Stella no Mahou
Shakunetsu no Takkyuu Musume
Soushin Shoujo Matoi
Idol Memories
Flip Flappers
Girlish Number
Long Riders
Hagane Orchestra
I'll certainly drop some, maybe pick a few, but I like this season already.
Mahou Shoujo Ikusei Keikaku
Eupho (aoty)
Flip Flappers (thinking man's Rolling Girls)
March Lion (return of Shinbo)
That's probably it.
Time Bokan
Gakuen Handsome
Stray Dogs
Gakuen Handsome is gonna be AOTS, mark my fucking words
>no taiwanese puppet show
Sometimes there are hidden gems so I'm giving everything a try.
Mostly hyped for:
Bungou Stray Dogs 2 (not hyped but would watch and finnish definitely)
Hibike! Euphonium 2
Yuri!!! on Ice
Natsume Yuujinchou Go
3-gatsu no Lion
Watashi ga Motete Dousunda (manga was too fun)
Shuumatsu no Izetta
Udon no Kuni no Kiniro Kemari (Amaam to Inazumi of the season)
Fune wo Amu
Mahou Shoujo Ikusei Keikaku
Mobile Suit Gundam: Iron-Blooded Orphans 2nd Season
Lostorage Incited WIXOSS
Flip Flappers
Show By Rock!! #
Bernard-jou Iwaku.
>literally nothing as good as Rakugo and Mob
There is, but you are too new to see.
The only show that can compete with Rakugo is this season.
>there are only 3 shows I'm even considering watching
>two of which I'm probably going to drop
Is anime dying?
Rakugo was pretty middling, all of what looks good this year is in fall.
And what those shows are?
>ao oni adaption
God, you kyotards are insufferable.
3-gatsu no Lion
Flip Flappers
Fune wo Amu
Girlish Number
Natsume Yuujinchou Go
Soushin Shoujo Matoi
Teekyuu 8
Udon no Kuni no Kiniro Kemari
Yuri!!! on Ice
Feels really good to have a taste superior than the whole Cred Forums.
The only thing that looks appealing is Hibike S2. What should I watch so I can be disappointed like every season, Cred Forums?
A lot of things worth giving a chance this season. Cautiously optimistic.
I'm not a kyoani drone though. I was talking about Natsume
What's this?
I'm cautiously hype about Tiger Mask.
His downloads RSS
What's the average seasonal harem this time?
>Tiger Mask
Muh nigga
Really curious about Nazotokine.
Touken Ranbu: Hanamaru
3-gatsu no Lion
Hibike! Euphonium 2
Watashi ga Motete Dousunda
All Out!!
Mahou Shoujo Ikusei Keikaku
Yuri!!! on Ice
Girlish Number
Lostorage incited WIXOSS
Brave Witches
Kidou Senshi Gundam: Tekketsu no Orphans 2nd Season
Regalia: The Three Sacred Stars
Stella no Mahou
Uta noPrince-sama Maji Love Legend Star
Long Riders!
Flip Flappers
Soushin Shoujo Matoi
Idol Memories
Show By Rock!!#
Shakunetsu no Takkyuu Musume
Mahou Shoujo Nante Mou Ii Desu kara. Second Season
Gakuen Handsome
12-Sai. Chiccha na Mune no Tokimeki 2nd Season
Tiger Mask W
Ameiro Cocoa 3rd Season
Teekyuu 8
Time Bokan 24
3-Nen D-Gumi Glass no Kamen
Bishoujo Yuugi Unit Crane Game Galaxy
Fune wo Amu
Kiitarou Shounen no Youkai Enikki
Probably just Hibike
>Mahou Shoujo Ikusei Keikaku
what at time to shitpost
>yuri!!! on ice
>all cast are male
Natsume Working and Days
Holy shit this is the worst Fall season in like the past 4 years.
Someone says this about every season every year.
He's right though.
maybe because the seasons keep getting worse
Or maybe because there's always some faggot growing out of anime or just burned-out.
I've picked about 20 shows, the only shows that I'm genuinely interested in are :
Muh SoL
>Tiger mask
Childhood nostalgia
>Okusama ga Seito Kaichou!+!
For the plot
>Stella no Mahou
New Game v2.0
Cute boys doing cute things
>Anitore! XX
>Hibike! Euphonium 2
Cute girls doing cute things
>Bungou Stray Dogs 2nd Season
Pic related
Fan service
Yuri on Ice
Fune wo Amu
Flip Flappers
Sangatsu no Lion
Haikyuu and Natsume if I catch up in time (I won't)
Every season there are only a handful that interest me yet I end up picking up half a dozen more that I will inevitably drop. I won't let it happen this season.
this is by far the worst season since I've started anime in my opinion. At least in previous seasons there were shows I picked up that I knew weren't going to be good, because at least they were entertaining. This season is poo though, through and through.
but hey that's just my opinion
Except this coming Fall season really is shit.
I disagree, manga keeps getting better.
Anime is just in one of those terrible parts of the decade, maybe it will pickup around 2019
Sangatsu no Lion
Shuumatsu no Izetta
Or maybe you're just growing into manga and out of anime. I'm sure if you make a thread about manga of this decade you'll find people dissatisfied too.
Tanabe Yellow keeps working so your argument is invalid.
Wouls definitely watch
>pic related
>The Great Passage
Probably watching
>Female Free
>Faggots on ice
>Time Bokan
>To be An Hero
>there's a chance Natsume won't get another six seasons
I don't want it to end. ;_;
it doesn't look like a bad season
>5th season of Natsume
That's one yes for sure,
it is not.
>3-gatsu no Lion (Here is your seinen of the season)
>Fune wo Amu
>Drifters (same guys made Hellsing Ultimate)
>Occultic;Nine (might be good or avarage)
>more Working
>Udon no Kuni no Kiniro Kemari (Natsume met Amaama)
>Watashi ga Motete Dousunda (Nozaki kun tier comedy. Might be good if adapted well)
You are either newshit or haven't researched this season at all
Occultic;Nine and Drifters seem fun
This is the shittiest season I've ever seen in 10 years. Guess it's time to clear my backlog.