It's the 22nd, dafuq is my new chapter?
Berserk the Dragonslayer also known as Guts
Other urls found in this thread:
On Hiatus indefinitely. Now go away.
got CLANG'd
no, only until 2017
and the hiatus starts after the new chapter you massive retard
You misunderstood. The hiatus is the fact that the story went nowhere and not one person realized that they got off the boat to an even bigger boat..... user, the ride never ends.
bet you 5$ this chapter is like 7 pages or something ultra half assed
I'll see you those 7 pages, and raise you 80 percent of hijinks and kawaii shit that literally does nothing to progress the story.
>no, only until 2017
December 2017
>2017 first chapter
>Sorry Guts but I can't heal Casca
>I'll heal Casca
>For a price
>Go on a journey upon my magical boat to the land of superfaeries to find the stick up Griffith's ass.
>Guts returns upon the first chapter of 2026
>I lied.
I hope so. I hope so.
He won't last another hiatus so I guess it's okay, Berserk will unofficially be over in the way MGS was over after Kojima left.
So how many genuinely believed that we weren't going to enter another hiatus? I've been pretty curious about this since last year.
It's not as bad as waiting several years, it's September now, so it's like a few months. Also if he continues the hiatus like he did before, he'll be dead or too old to draw so Berserk will effectively be over without an official ending, which is the scarier possibility.
Young animal releases 23rd
I'm looking to start reading berserk. I finished a 1997 anime and the weird 2016 one. So does the Manga do the starting off in part of the blackswordsman arc then segue into the golden age arc?
The manga has a short intro then goes into the golden age
>5 of 6
It's basically "How does Casca see the JRPG party (minus Serpico)
>Shierke is a crybaby
>Isidro is a monkey
>Farnese is some kind of gentle housewife
>guts appears as the Berserk armour's helmet gnawing on what looks like a Mozgus-shaped rock
>spoilers are the full chapter
No you are the faggot Cred Forums
At least MGS had like 2-3 endings by now
im still at 28, and seeing how his art changes from trad to digi is mindblowing
his lines are as thick as hiphop video girls holy shit
If he doesn't have the passion to make chapters regularly anymore why not just wrap it up?
You shouldn't judge from korean scans.
>Just woke up
>Still no raws
He is. Berserk is going to use the Behelit to go into Roid mode and kill Griffith.
YA comes out tommorow and didn't they arrest the korean raw mafia?
Casca needs to be off, she does more harm the good and is the eternal anchor that is keeping Guts in the depths of the suffering sea
>arrest the korean raw mafia
When? Since last chapter?
>Miura art
>anything less than top tier
I can't do this shit anymore. Get a real release schedule you hack fuck. Fuck Berserk. No matter how good the art is, these hiatuses are unacceptable.
how insecure are you to even imply i said anything like that you faggot?
10/10 mate fukken fight me
noticing, and commenting is not judging. I didnt say it was either bad or good, but the fact I used positive descriptors(Thick lines are as good as thin lines, and who doesnt like thick girls, the fuck?), would suggest i find it appealing.
>says the guy here since last chapter
fuck off.
>hear that there's a new Berserk game coming out
>decide to check out the new anime to hype myself up some more
>realise my mistake
>still no ash crow torrent
Is there actually a new hiatus planned or are you all memeing
Miura drone detected.
There's an actual hiatus on the way. It starts after this month's release and runs till "early 2017."
It was announced that Berserk will be on break until the first half of 2017.
That could be January, or even till June.
So we just deal with it. Everyone should of known that these quick chapters were too good to be true.
on youtube
The hiatus is only gonna last until the anime starts again, like last time
fuck the anime why is miura giving them his precious time if its not a new studio I'll riot
It won't be a new studio.
i can get you a download if you want
>rereading berserk
>eating spaghetti
I regret nothing.
Some pages of the guidebook
really? it's not some kind of witch trap is it?
Schierke is 13 years old confirmed?
Donkey ballsack licker detected.
Pretty amazed people still having hope in this manga ever getting a significant progress story wise or getting completed
Can't we just accept the fact that
Griffith just rekt guts and cucked him into eternal rage and made casca retarded.
Griffith is based.
Hello, Joshua!
I don't remember this part
is the new chapter
give me the fucking raws i don't care
why is it taking so long
Could this be inside Cascas memories?
Underrated post.
No Korean scans this time.
oh shit you're right
it looks a bit like a battlefield or something, maybe it's a preview for the next chapter in 2017 with farnese and shierke going back further in her memories
pretty sure that's on the boat where Farnese takes first time on an astral form. Just before they see Roderick ask Guts what Casca means to him.
well nevermind saw the scribbles of the standing people. thought for a moment the flag could be a flying person.
>more cute shit
Why is Isidro a literal monkey now? This is getting really dumb.
>falling for this retardation
The healing process has already started, and Casca dying will fuck Guts up more than anything else before. He'll basically be an empty shell for the Beast.
I think you're the one that's really dumb.
Hunter x Hunter?
Will Berserk shitposters ever stop whining like little bitches? A good three quarters of the anons who post on here act like they've either never read Berserk or only know it through solely reading through Guts' grimdark phase. The lighter shit and Casca getting better is good for Guts' mental state, calm your tits.
I can't believe we have to suffer through another hiatus after this chapter. Its going to impact how much I enjoy this chapter too.
>anyone who says anything I disagree with is shitposting
Grow up, dude.
The people that want super edgy Guts back are a vocal minority.
user, you can complain without being whiny, but the hiatuses should be expected by now. You need to start behaving like an adult and prepare for it, which is easy because it's always when a new IM@S game is out.
Thanks for proving my point.
>expecting Casca getting healed
>got monkey Isidro and moeblob Schierke
Are you anons going to get the Berserk musou? So far the playable characters are
>Golden Age Guts
>Black Swordsman Guts
>Berserker Armor Guts
>Golden Age Griffith
>Reincarnated Griffith with Femto as a transformation
no donovan no buy
>SK playable
Oh hell yeah
what platforms
Didn't one of the videos briefly show young Guts?
How is Serpico so good with the sword?
He has given Guts a hard time but Guts has been killing demons regularly and was a mercenary before that while Serpico is just a noble rich boy
I was re-reading a chapter on kissmanga and found some pages that weren't in the version I read before and now thinking of re-reading the whole thing again
w-will Farnese make it???
Because the only reason why he's giving Guts a hard time is because he ambushed him at places he knew he would be at a disadvantage.
The Idea of Evil part during the Eclipse?
Hope i can rape female generals as Wyald
Lets play Fuck, Marry, Kill Rape Edition(gets to be fucked by Rape Horse
Maybe because the chapter is that bad?
Thats low dude
> fuck, marry, rape, kill
Day 1 buy. I fuckin love musou games.
Pyro-ReligiousNut Farnese
Witch Farnese
Retard Casca
Sonia and Nina
Honestly who even wants a new chapter nothing ever happens anymore
Is post-Eclipse Casca playable?
God Hand
Slan (before kill)
Serpico is naturally talented with the sword, but also trained constantly when he decided he wanted to be Farney's bitch. He constantly won duels defending her honor.
Of course, just being a good swordsman isn't nearly enough to beat Guts, which is why he cheats.
Fuck - Morda
Marry - Schierke
Kill - Charlotte
Rape - Farnese (you know she wants it)
Impressive but this is no longer Berzerk
Okay, Paco.
>people disliking the upcoming Berserk game
I don't fucking understand. How else are you supposed to make a game out of the Golden age if it's not a fucking musou? Even after that Guts slays hundreds of minions. It really fits, although I guess that it would sacrifice the every night phantom killing. When I heard that it would be musou I was very pessimistic but the more they show the more I want to play the game. It's faithful and a lot effort is being put into it. I can't wait.
He's not really that good with a sword, he's agile definitely.
His best skill is tactics, which he puts to good use against Guts. But since Guts is a monster it'll take a lot more than tactics to beat him.
Serpico also has his wind gear, which he hasn't fought Guts with yet. It probably wouldn't make a difference, because Guts can swing Dragonslayer faster than the eye can perceive, and Dragonslayer can damage otherworldly objects, so Serpico's sword might not work so well against Guts.
i don't hate it but it does look like it has serious issues
shit like guts, who basically 1 shots almost everything in the manga, having to swing his word like 3 times to kill basic enemies
then there's characters like casca who are doing huge aoe damage to tens of enemies with every little attack of hers is so stupid. she has a launching kick that basically can throw dozens of enemies in the air that are 120 degrees in front of her. what the fuck?
looks like a lot of effort and love went into it but keeping to the basic musou systems is what kills it. they don't want to diverge even a tiny bit from it for some reason
Did Miura switch to digital? Sure fucking looks like it.
99% of enemies stand around doing fuck all but add to the number of enemies. Silly ground pound attacks that launch things. Most of the best fights in Berserk are the duels.
so close
You take mount & blade and mess with the combat a bit.
>moeblob chapter just about to transition to demon rape train
Can he still do it, Cred Forums?
>Elf Queen manages to fuck with Puck
I love her.
>yfw Casca is healed and the manga is over.
Because he hates us.
He just doesn't care anymore.
Didn't know this, day one buy.
>Griffith comes over for some more puss
the sweet songs of im@s is calling to him again
Schierke and Farnese are into some weird shit.
No it's not.
It's three separate dreams.
First we were in Shierke's dream
>She's moe as fuck
>Isidro is a monkey that fucks her shit up and steals her honey
Then it went to Farnese's dream
>Farnese is full on housewife cleaning everyone's clothes happily
>Pretty sure the one she's talking to so nicely (maybe even lovingly) behind her is Serpico judging by what seems to be his cowl in the shot
>She washes Guts' armor on the mozgus rock Then Shierke comes in from her dream and drags Farnese to Casca's dream.
>Casca's dream is fucking crayon drawings
>But deeper in, we back to eclipse
Really hope that next year, Farnese actually ends up being the one that handles the Eclipse memories better and Shierke ends up freaking out more.
Give Farnese a moment to be above her master.
I keep imagining how Guts will react to seeing the eclipse. He's definitely not going to have a panic attack, but this time he'll be watching himself cut off his left arm to save Casca from rape.
I'm sure everyone else will be going crazy. Seeing not only young guts but pre-tard Casca, as well as how terrifying the eclipse was.
It'll be a cool chapter
>all girls go inside Casca's dream
>dream Griffith rapes everyone
Can he be stopped?
>Guts is just a black figure
I can't imagine what Femto will look like.
Griffith always looks good, ALWAYS.
>The Eclipse
Dis gon be good.
>dream Griffith rapes everyone
>guts counter-rapes Griffith
>everyone else goes retarded
someone crop that "you did it!" Panel
At that rate the author will die before the series ends.
>tfw even Roderick got victim of the moeblob eyes
It's kinda jarring already on the female characters, no need to give 'em to males as well
This is both horrifying and cute.
>Guts not being in the rape category as well
So close to accurate.
What? MGS V? I wish it got cut out of canon. Missing link my ass. It just created more questions and answered nothing.
Roderick is a cool guy.
I had no idea Togashi spent his hiatus time helping Miura.
He is, too bad an apostle will use him as a sock puppet.
>Farnese just staring at him
>berserk then berserk now
Patrician as fuck.
>The trauma made her legitimately retarded
I knew she was stuck in a child-like state but I figured she understood basic words.
>Farney shows Casca that it's okay to enjoy being raped.
Speaking of which what did happen to evil alligator dog?
yeah despite the whole boat thing he became one of my favorites.
She is in love with Guts, what do you expect.
>guts isnt in the fuck category
nice try though
>yfw this hiatus is so Miura can get himself back into the mindset of eclipse times
Wondering if casca wouldn't be better off staying a retard for the rest of her life.
What harm could it do?
She seems to be happy.
What if dream griffith rapes them all in this art style?
She´s going to blunder, isn´t she?
I fucking hope so. This cutsie fairy bullshit needs to leave.
If this hiatus transforms Miura back into Berserk-mode I'll allow it.
I was hoping for someone to get slapped by it.
What do you guys think will happen with Farnese? I am very curious to see how she's going to deal with her feelings to guts, especially now that Casca is just about to get cured.
She's gonna cripple Casca forever. Guts will rage kill her. Farnese will activate the behelit
If going back to grimdark times means I get to see Morda get raped, then I'm all for it.
Is he /OurGuy/?
Is there going to be rape next time?
I mean, the rape will make her more sympathetic, but seeing her and Guts memories of making love (which they will) might make her and Schierke jealous.
>are they still in casca's brain is going to become the new boat meme
Why cant miurai hire more assistants and just resort to WRITING?
If he's that lazy there is no point in doing it at all.
>yfw rape horse comes back
I have been reading berserk monthly since 2000.
I think I'm ready to drop it, but since it releases so infrequently it wouldn't even make a difference anymore at this point.
>Skull Knight
Show gameplay. I don't believe you.
Hot damn.
What's with his neck? He looks like a chicken.
I see togashi visited miura
If serpico had trained like guts its possible he'd be an even better warrior.
Same with Boscogne. That nigger actually challenged guts.
New chapter is hilarious and great but it's fucking infuriating that we're going on hiatus again.
>tfw you will never be a disembodied Mozgus head
>tfw Farny will never scrub your scalp
I'd go into Casca's inner most depths, if you know what I mean.
>the entire plan backfires and all 4 of them will turn into retards
What are chances this will happen?
This is oddly sexual and somehow more fucked up than her fire fetish.
No fucking way she's younger than 40
>which is why he cheats
He is not cheating, it's strategy faggot.
We want something challenging. In the manga, guts struggles like a motherfucker to kill apostles. He nearly dies over and over. We want that. I wouldn't mind if we got a DMC or Dragons Dogma style game. Hell even From if they speed things up. Musou is too damn easy.
crossing fingers
>limp dragonslayer
good meme Mirua :^)
Potato potato
Elf King should have sent Guts in to find Casca because now Schierke and Farnese are going to get mindfucked and come out more fucked than Casca after the eclipse because they're no where as resilient as her.
All 4? Like Elf King included? Not a chance. She's not risking herself like Farney and Shierke are.
Since I like Farnie, I hope it becomes an opportunity for her to develop. You know, maybe some corny shit about how Caska really cares about her and this pulls out Farnese of her current state.
One of the things I like about Berserk, is how Miura shows us the darker, deeper parts of the human soul/psyche. The setting you mention sounds so revolting, that I'd actually like to see it.
>All 4? Like Elf King included?
That thing was too wet to be called a sword. Too soft, too limp, too flaccid and too damp. It was more like a large towel of iron.
>don't pray! your hands are closed when you pray
made me laugh for whatever reason
What are the chances Farnese doesn't make it out alive? Will she get lost in the astral plane getting mindfucked by demons?
Schierke called Farnese a witch , which she tecnically is already but isn't as strong as her master. Also Guts left before Flowerstorm explained they were entering her subconscious.
red flags?
When is darkhorse gonna release translations? I don't want the horrible translations that are out now.
Honestly I'm not sure Guts could handle seeing the Eclipse a second time, especially when he knows he's completely unable to stop it. As powerless as he felt the first time around, he at least thought there was a chance he could do something.
Now, will the rape start out as scribbles and slowly turn into realistic and horrifying?
Are you a woman or just a fag with a lust for sandnigger cock?
What's wrong with the current translations?
That and the "Cheers" got me. Its such an important thing for her but its shown in the most surreal and hilarious way.
If he hadn't lost that unicorn horn, he would have won.
Evil Genius is fine, you faggot.
That would be pretty funny, but they said the scribbles were just the top layer of Casca's dreams. I'm sure by the time they get to Level Rape, things will be fully realistic.
What did she mean by this?
>One of the things I like about Berserk, is how Miura shows us the darker, deeper parts of the human soul/psyche
My nigga. I hate how many people just read it for the gore when this is what its about. Literally every arc up to millenium falcon.
>how Guts will react
No nigga, the Eclipse is in Casca's deeper dreams.
Basically, Shierke and Farnese are going back to Casca's memories of the Eclipse, the moment she got fucked up.
They're the only ones seeing this shit.
Isidro, Guts and Fishpussy are just gonna be kicking back and picking flowers while those girls go through a reliving of hell.
Maybe this'll finally get them to stop pining for his massive hunk of iron.
Not sure about Shierke, but at least Farnese seems to know who she's really meant for deep down.
We couldn't see him, but I'm sure it was Serpico who was complimenting Farnese and she was being all humble to in her dream.
reminds of esoteric shit
I hate this stupid forehead and that stupid fairy.
You won't be getting them for a long time. Volume 38 just came out a few months ago in Japan, and you won't get volume 39 in English until the chapters are all released which could be another two years, then another year+ for it to be translated and released.
Evil-Genius is actually pretty good, they're nowhere near band of the hawk-tier.
Are there limitations in the dream world such as Guts being in the state he was in during the eclipse? or can he use the berserker armor and dragonslayer this time around?
Can someone post the pictures into the thread? For some reason they don't open for me.
Does Elf Queen know she just sent Scheirke and Farnese in to a pseudo eclipse?
Have you guys ever done comparisons with the older chapters between evil genius and darkhorse? It's like I'm reading a different manga. It's horrible.
Dream rules vary on whose dream you're in. Figure them out or you're getting nowhere, say, hung on a washing line. Or maybe watch out because the God Hand are gonna show up and be aware of it and come for you AAAAAAAAAAAA.
>If Casca thinks this demon can kill you, it can kill you.
>If Casca thinks this demon is just a big fluffy huggle bunny, it's just a big fluffy huggle bunny.
I wonder if Griffith is gonna show up and re-retard Casca right as she's fixed.
she probably does since most old mages know about the god hand and whatnot
the better question would be, does she give a fuck?
Miura has fucking lost it
But I don't mind, because this is the first time Berserk's been interesting in years
Perfect image fuck up.
You bet your ass she did.
I think Schierke realized awhile ago that Guts will never love her romantically.
Dudes, guts will just shrug her off coldly. If its not griffith or casca, his dick and heart don't care.
Or she'll be like judeau. Watching the person she loves get dicked by someone else and never saying anything. So she'll settle for some lesser dude while hiding her real feelings.
>Ishidro stealing honey from Shrieke
>Farnese dreams of being a housewife
What did Miura mean by this?
Is this Morda? Do I have to add this to the Morda collage?
>just about to enter eclipse, where casca was at the mercy of otherworldly demons/apostles
sounds like fun times
>last chapters have been SoL so the next few can be as fucked up as possible
inb4 pic related
what the fuck is up with that thumbnail
It's unsettling as fuck, really. Well played.
Who's the artist? First western artist I've seen draw guts right.
It's going to be pretty interesting if Schierke and Farnese see in those dreams the reason why Casca fears Guts.
it's Serpico I think
I didn't know berserk has a comedy 4koma.
Mozgus did nothing wrong
Mary Sue Guts, by saving his whore of Babylon (whom wasn't raped by Griffith at all), fucked over thousands of innocents.
Blessed be Mozgus
Aye, it's Serpico.
>hair combed over one eye
>wearing the cowl thing
I really like Guts in the back there as just a big black shadow.
He killed quite a lot of Apostles there.
Ah, that makes sense. Isidro even has his useless little fire dagger there.
They don't really have any reason to go beyond the eclipse since that's where her mind broke.
Cred Forums stop
How big of a boner did Miuara have when drawing this.
So I've defended Berserk 2016 no matter what because any adaptation beyond the Golden Age is worth it just by virtue of existing. I've been salvaging and forgiving this anime for three months now, without regret, because I love Berserk that much.
But what the fuck? Episode 12? Are you fucking kidding me? They straight up SKIPPED Griffith fighting Zodd, they fucking openly DIDN'T ANIMATE the tower of conviction crumbling into the God Hand, then crumbling to dust. The Egg Apostle descending to his final death while musing on his new world isn't in? We got like twenty frames covering the fucking RESURRECTION OF THE ANTICHRIST!? FUCK. NOW I'M BERSERK.
Its funny because they could've saved themselves by hiding in closed spaces and using fire. Actually mozgus could've saved them by shooting fire at the blobs all night.
They'll need to go beyond the eclipse if they want to show her why life is worth living, and show her that there were good times before everything went to hell.
Imagine if Guts had Dragonslayer during this.
So many Apostles would have been lost.
Kinda surprising Farneze still respects Mozgus.
>So I've defended Berserk 2016
You have only yourself to blame
Maybe all they have to do is grab deep dream Casca and drag her out of her eclipse flashbacks or whatever
Yes, but Guts stopped Mozgus from laying waste to the blobs.
If Guts the retard, gave up Casca, who is functionally retarded and wanted Griffiths dick in her, he and Mozgus could have fucked over the God Hand with Skeletor.
But no, muh Casca (who was the reason for the blobs).
Guts is clearly the worst character I have ever seen
So, maybe the memory of her and Guts fucking, arguably the happiest moment of her life.
If Guts had Dragonslayer and the Beserker armor during the eclipse, he could have fucking killed every single one of the apostles there besides the God Hand
PS4 and Vita
>but at least Farnese seems to know who she's really meant for deep down.We couldn't see him, but I'm sure it was Serpico
You need to reread. In Farnese dreams everyone was transformed into clothes and each of them were complementing her(even the Holy Iron Knights). When Serpico and Farnese joined Guts, Farnese was assigned housekeeping but she sucked so the job went to Serpico. So her thanking him in her dreams make sense. I don't think Serpico will want to be with Farnese anyway bc of incest.
This. The Farnese thing for Guts is just for character development and drama, and Rodrick is just for the boat. Incest route is the true route.
I guess Rosine, Zodd, the Count, Wyald and Grunbeld really are top tier Apostles compared to the weaker ones that get fodderized from times to times
Man,Miura really loves to waste people's time. Read back over this chapter and the last,count how many were unnecessary and unfunny.
>Mozgus could have fucked over the God Hand
You mean the things he literally praised as God and worshipped?
I was actually okay with most of the moe stuff in this chapter because most of it was in the dreams and dreams should be weird.
IsidroXShrieke confirmed and Farnese is the superior waifu.
That last fucking panel of the new chapter gave me literal goose bumps.
Some heavy shit incoming this spring.
Farnese appeared as an ally in some footage of Serpico fighting trolls so she may or may not be playable.
No gameplay yet but there's two screenshots of him killing shit with Zodd in what seems to be a 2-player mode.
new reaction pic
Yeah, this is what we like. It´s actually thought provoking. Why is the monster a woman? And why Miura choose fher to be pierced and perhaps killed exactly where his vagina is?
Man, I hope so. Serpico wants the little fire starter, and that crazy bitch doesn't know what she wants. She's only fixated on Guts because he's a force of nature that changed the course of her life.
I've shitposted a lot about something horrible happening to either Schierke and/or Farnese, but now that it might actually happen I feel pretty bad.
The ensuing Cred Forums blowout will make it okay though.
>last page
Why is Puck so fucking based?
Do you guys think there's something deeper to Farnese's dream?
I dont her dream had anything to do with her respecting Mozgus
If you notice, everything in that dream was praising Farneze, the clothes representing her freinds, The knight clothes representing her older subordinates, her ex boss and Guts helmet
bitch just wants to be appreciated
Mozgus was completely oblivious to what was actually happening. He thought a singular God had bestowed upon him divine powers instead of just getting turned in to an apostle spawn by The Egg of the New World.
>Not MonkeyXFish
Come on, bro.
I don't think Shierke should obsess over Guts for the rest of her life, but her and Isidro just don't work.
She was using him as a washing board, I dont think that is respect
The floppy dragon slayer is amazing though
Pick and Magnifico breakout arc when?
I'm a little bit disappointed that Casca's version of Puck didn't just look like this.
>are they still in casca's brain is going to become the new boat meme
Oh fuck you, don't jinx it.
I thought it was cute and funny, those two words are rare when describing berserk
I think part of it is also that Farnese sees caring for Caska as a chore (ie, just as much as doing everyone's laundry) and that her role has basically been reduced to solely that for the last few dozen chapters.
I kinda love the idea that shierke was secretly nibbling honey back at home.
She has to be so serious all the time, but she's still a kid after all.
Oh god.
>Eclipse revisited and Casca revived next Spring!
>Just kidding, here's 5 months of wacky Puck and Magnifico shenanigans!
New chapter's theme
>when you chestnut too hard
I do feel like Griffith is enough of a cunt to know that Guts would get there somehow and left an alarm inside Casca to be able to invade the fairty island.
Every is sent to a huge rape scene
I bet this is going to work like a pseudo time travel where they can interact with the scene but it's not really time travel
They save her from the rape and then she is back to normal in current time
I'm just scared that I wont like casca when she is back to normal, I mean it cant be worse than what she is now
How wet will Schierke and Farnese be?
wait, now that I think about, there wa snothing representing Caska's in Farneze dream...
So Freddie Kruger rules then?
This is it, guys. This is the end of the moeshit dream, when shit finally gets serious. The short jumps between lighthearted dreams of Schierke and Farnese, then into the psychodelic dreams of damaged Casca, and finally into a black void that's the core of Berserk.
Get fucking hype.
Man, I don't even care if she becomes a total cunt at this point. I just want non-comic-relief Casca.
>They save her from the rape
More like new reaction puck lmao.
Wait, that Dragon Slayer
That certainly look like a page from that doujin
You know the one
i guess this is why there is a hiatus
he has to draw everything detailed
I've never found retard Casca to be comic relief. Every time they have a scene of her being a cute retard, I just get sad.
Well we all know that she is going to hate guts initially or something and go back to Griffith because she loves him
Like I bet she returns to normal and leaves, then you wont see her for a long time and then they leave for Griffith's city
It wouldn't be the first time we see Ubik and Conrad fucking around in someone's mind.
What do you think will happen? I mean how else are they going to save her from her mental self?
They see the rape, then what?
oh you
Alternatively, there's a chance Casca might end up even more fucked up. Dead (or near enough), even..
>You know the one
Nothing comes to mind.
What are you talking about?
Reminder that Casca will still love Guts
In the Dreamcast game (it might not be canon, but Miura wrote it which means the character actions align with their canon personalities) the effects of the mandragora grant her a temporary awakened state, calling Guts "my love."
Depends on the nature of this dream shit.
It it like a parallel dimension? Psuedo-time-travel?
They'r'e dealing with beings that exist outside of time and space. I don't think they're safe, or in a position to change anything.
Can someone explain this frame to me? It looks like the fairy is larger than Schielke which isnt right
I still dont believe that, I mean in the same chapter the fairy lord explicitly stated that she was scared of him
You aren't allowed to be this retarded to read this manga. Try again in a few years.
Isn't it just Casca's memory? Nothing can be changed really.
Casca not loving Guts is a meme. It's painfully clear and awfully sad that when she returns to life Guts will be the only anchor she has, and it will be strong enough for her to assist in defeating the actual hell that the world has become. Love conquers all.
Is Muira married? Sounds like he doesn't want to write more and won't fix Casca because he doesn't know what love is.
>that guts face
I agree with you for being against the rape saving because it would lessen the impact on the most important scene of the damn manga
but I seriously dont see any other way
I just wanted a damn confirmation that they shrank
Official word is that he is sick right now, I mean, he's old as fuck you know.
They can't stop the rape from happening, but they should be able to help mental/soul Caska get through the trauma. Just because it was a fucked up situation doesn't mean that she has to be so hung up over it. And stuff.
Baby Casca is afraid of Guts, Actual Casca still loves him.
No, they didn't shrink you retard. It's an artistic liberty.
Man I fucking love rare pepes
They did not.
Fairy'king' is pretty vague about the whole thing. If we follow what she says literally, then I don't see why 'entering a dream' should protect you from something like the Godhand. If anything it might be worse.
>They can't stop the rape from happening
not the actual rape, not really time travel
like a dream world that goes back to the rape scene and they stop it and thus bringing her back to normal
would be fucking lame though
Danann says "dreams are part of the astral plane".
Calling it now, the Godhand/Griffith will somehow interact with them through Casca's dreams and come for the island.
When will Guts show emotion again?
Please, I am retarded tell me what happens
>IsidroXShrieke confirmed
Isidro is a monkey annoying her in her dream, it's not a flag faggot.
>last page
Oh shit.
Oooooooooooh shit.
The wait better be fucking worth it
'and find its resolution' I think is the most important bit here.
What this entails could be a bunch of things.
>the Godhand/Griffith will somehow interact with them through Casca's dreams and come for the island.
I would like that, seems cool
but I feel like they can do that anyways, but going back to the rape scene, I can see that happening
>She's not risking herself like Farney and Shierke are.
>risking herself
Galadriel has very likely seen some shit in her time.
I'm not too worried about the Godhand. I'm worried more about Casca herself. Things that are repressed don't go away or fade. They fester. They grow.
The Godhand became actual physical beings after the world changed, they can travel thorugh astral planes anymore
I'd put them on my magic mushroom if you know what I mean.
>Everything goes as normal.
>Void suddenly turns his head
>"Ah, new arrivals."
>The Godhand
Griffith only, and even then we have no fucking idea how exactly that works.
>Casca and friends go back to the rape scene and stop it
>Casca is back to normal
>Casca realizes she loves Griffith and leaves to his castle
sounds right to me
>i'm not working on it
Im pretty sure if the Godhand could attack them through the dream the King Fairy would know
>Mfw Fasnese and Shierke come out of it with brands of their own.
>they can('t) travel thorugh astral planes anymore
Well, fortunately we got this line;
>the astral planes and the Earthly realm have begun to intermingle
Dreamrape confirmed.
>Shit goes wrong in the memory thing
>Guts ends up having to go in
>We finally get a version of the Eclipse where Griffith gets the shit kicked out of him and Guts saves Casca
>Chapter ends there
>6 month hiatus
Imagine the hatefucks though
Farny's dream was great. Got me even more on team Farnese
The newest one I suppose
Of course she would know
She's actually Slan after all.
I dont think Griffith has enough power to affect the other members of the Godhand
that being said, why is he the only member doing anything is beyond me ,I assume they are just bored but Griffith has a goal
inb4 Ubik takes off his fairy mask
What are the abilities of the Godhand anyways? I feel like they can do anything
>I'm worried more about Casca herself. Things that are repressed don't go away or fade. They fester. They grow.
Casca's beast of darkness when?
>Imagine the hate fucks
You'd love the recent Berserk doujin's that're being released lately.
>Those fucking eyes
experts in finances
>Its a demonic bird
>It tells her to rape things.
>Guts Beast is best buds with it.
>that being said, why is he the only member doing anything is beyond me ,I assume they are just bored but Griffith has a goal
My headcanon is that this whole thing is a gigantic troll and the Godhand are just fucking with Griifth, possibly to get at Guts.
that just depressing, just sad, her mind
Cue old lady
The God Hand are pranking him. They're like a frat, they haze him so he can officially be a God Hand.
Talking about Griffith, many people think he will sacrifice Falconia, but I dont think that will happen at all
Actually, I think the citizens of Falconia wont suffer a single scratch
Guts says Griffith will eventually want to reach something bigger than having his own kingdom, what about ruling the world?
Griffith and his army will begin a campaign to conquest all the known kingdoms, and those who resist will be dealt brutally. The citizens of Falconia will know of the atrocities commited by their leader, but they will turn a blind eye
Fairy King doesn't know about the eclipse specifically. Otherwise she would warn farny and schierke. She can probably just sense some generally fucked up stuff.
>Is that all it says? Gets kind of annoying after a while doesn't it?
Well, I hear rape IS pretty big at frats.
>muh Griffith
>muh Guts
Reminder that we might also see people like Jewdough and the rest of the Band of the Hawk making a return in dream form.
Y-you mean we'll see my nigga Pippin again?
>Oh my god, he merged the physical and astral planes, the madman!
user, I doubt he's ever even had a girlfriend.
No way she doesnt know, she probably thinks it will be a good learning experience for Shierke, to know about the fucked up parts of magic and astrality
I think the Fairy King is an asshole
What ever he is planning, he need the help of demons and normal people so he trying to make me okay with demons
I dont think he would sacrifice anything, Griffith can get whatever he wants and he is a member of the godhand
I think the Fairy King is very specifically setting shit up knowing Guts will need to step in.
To be fair, there's 216 years between each new member of the Godhand, most of them have probably already done the shit they wanted to do ages ago, and now they just appear to apostles and occasionally fuck around like Slan did with Guts. Though they may be doing something and we just haven't heard about or seen it yet, Do As Thou Wilt after all.
nah, she has to know
>you will never be as based as Silat and his boys
>they'll probably all have to die before Silat joins the party
My dick after reading this chapter
The chapter itself was good though
Honestly, outside of everything, the Godhand are oddly zen about everything. One of their few good qualities.
you'll see parts of him, I'm sure
>he Godhand are oddly zen about everything.
It's almost like everything is going according to plan...
If you're talking about Ivalera, she's above schierke. The perspective makes her seem bigger and she doesn't actually touch the mushroom schierke lays on
If you're talking about danann, she's just a floating head, doesn't have to have proportional consistency
That's true, that's why I assume they were bored
I would love to know a small bit about each of the members though, like what is Slain about
This is the only information I remember about Ubik like he is creative as fuck
I still dont know where this page is from
In the end Guts will go through a door and find out that everyone was actually setting up a surprise party for his birthday.
He'll say "oh, you sneaky rapscallions, you" and everyone will laugh. They all eat a slice of Zodd's homemade lemon cake and sing Happy Birthday.
So, Farnese and Schierke are going to watch some rape, right? How can they unrape Casca in her dream?
>mfw miura will show us the eclipse from casca's perspective
Like, I could make further predictions as to what might happen, but eh.
>chinatsu draws Caska's dreams
ah i see
So, we'll see Guts absolute desperation at a new angle.
>it was just a prank guts, you're being recorded. see there's the camera
...Has Azan always been a dwarf?
I remember him being like, the same height as Guts during the conviction arc...
Moeshit is over, time to get back to business.
Still too soon.
that is exactly what I think will happen
That was a snapshot of Ubik's realm as the world merge happened. Slan was basically lying in a huge orgy, Conrad was a swarm of rats and skeletons, Void's was just a huge brain.
>mfw it will show that Casca enjoyed the rape
You can't take my based ninja turtles away, they are just so fucking cool.
And we didn't even see Void in his realm, unlike the rest. Meaning he might not be there.
I think it's more like a conquering your fears type situation. Casca's psyche has been trapped in the eclipse ever since it happened and all they have to do is drag it back out to the surface.
what would be different?
I bet Guts would take that really well.
>Casca was in on it the whole time, and was merely pretending to be ratrded
>Moeshit is over, time to get back to business.
People have been saying this for a few years now
I'm calling the police.
What? did I miss this? \
what chapters and pages?
>implying it hasn't already been shown.
that makes sense, so then it really could be a Casca has a beast of darkness type situation.
That might be neat.
sometimes I think about that
I dont remember her saying help, just DONT LOOK which maybe..............
>muh eating honey behind everyone's backs, tee hee
>muh doing laundry and being appreciated by everyone
they aren't ready to see what the fuck happened to Casca, and I think we all know this
he wasnt, Miura pulled an Araki
This shit was so fuckin' intense.
This doesn't count, a hentai team made it.
man I dont think I'm ready
Hot off the presses
Hello boys
Farnese has seen some shit, but it's going to be a rude awakening for schierke.
I won't lie, Ubik and his crew look chill as fuck in that panel, imagine getting to talk about stupid funny shit all day every day with a god.
>"look at your arm, it's right there"
>they had used mirrors and smoke screens to make him think it was missing
>gave him shrooms and had him talk to a dog
>had a chestnut hanging from a long fishing rod
Thanks senpai, I remember now
I didnt understand it at the time
hello princess
I wonder what Guts dreams about.
He dreams of nothing
facefucking griffith with the dragonslayer
Who's Yamaken?
I always thought it was pretty obvious that she did. If someone you loved for years forced themselves on you even after you've fallen in love with someone else, you'd likely enjoy it on some level.
What broke her mind was the fact that the man she currently loved was being forced to watch, and that it wasn't the Griffith she knew, but one who willingly had killed all their friends to become a monster. It was the intense conflict between the intense enjoyment of wish fulfillment sex and the extremely fucked-up nature of the whole situation that drove her mad.
PS4 Brilliant Stage looks fabulous.
Ubik has always looked chill
I think hes suposed to represent madness, but to me he looks more like demon prankmaster
That you will enjoy it this time.
So is this what they just like to generally do? like their own home realm until another sacrific?
wonder if they catch up, have some laughs
He was tall back when he first showed up, but has been a midget since he reunited with them
Fairy king doesn't seem like the "let's traumatize 'em for fun" kind of person.
If she does know there had better be an incredibly good reason for keeping it hidden.
I don't really get why she would know about them. As far as we know Skull Knight, Guts, and Caska are the only people who have ever even seen their "realm" and survived. Schierke didn't even recognize Slan's Od when she appeared in Qlipoth, just sensed that it was unusual.
Even Flora calls them "The Five Angels", she doesn't even know their real name.
Only nice things.
>yfw what Schierke and Farnese see is actually Guts raping Casca, not Griffith
He was about as tall as Farnese. Still manlet but no dwarfism back then
Slan says that she could give 2 shits about the rest, but it appears that they're chummy.
>series starts to pick up
>the plot actually advances
Demon prankster is closer to what we've seen him do. He's the one that messes with peoples' minds when their Behelit activates. That image is a pretty faithful depiction of the Garden of Earthly Delights that some people have delved veeery deep into
More like
>We sure had you going there. Corkus bet you wouldn't do it, you should have seen his face when you actually chopped your arm off. Like, your actual arm.
>they will die protecting him
I hope they get to fight some low level apostles. If pre-berserker guts can take them, then I'm sure they can.
Dem apostles took muh shins
We all ready for a Dark Guts fight?
>Gambino and Donovan show up
>"Donovan never really raped you, it was all pretend!"
>"Also Gambino's blood was just ketchup, and his leg was taped to his back the whole time!"
Also PC. I can't fucking wait. They did a good job with One Piece. I don't know why they are officially the anime game company now, but I'm ok with it.
Mainly the beast roasting him
2 0 1 7
I killed fitty men on that bridge
How many people did he hold off on the bridge anyway?
>Catching up to Berserk cause I havent read it in years.
>Get to this scene
He's gonna get killed for this isnt he?
I'd figure the king of the farires would know a lot, I remember Schekie's master known about the sacrifice
>inb4 it cuts to Rickert again
>Godo strolls into view
>Hahah you think you could really lift that?
>Oh you dumb shit, its made of rubber!
that's interesting, I assume Slain, I dont know the order here I think Ubik was first, I would assume Slain scarified something as well and because a member just like Griffith so I dunno
I remember when Femto was born when were all impresses or something
>This cocktease fucking chapter
Miura is too cruel
Depends how much the king actually knows about the situation.
Might be that she missed a couple of important details, like the fucking Godhand being involved.
look at his fucking face. and those god damn acme throwing knives.
best panel in the entire manga right there
He always dreamed about being raped, The demon fetus, and killing Gambino back in the day. Did he have dreams about Griffith besides thinking that he had no chance of winning?
Yes, but the assassination attempt is unsuccessful. The mid-eastern Kushan assassin and sorcerer save him and they head off to their villige with him
The fucking balls on Rickert there.
This is not digital
Flora was in it deep with Skull Knight though, and he knew everything about the Godhand. She probably learned about them from him. Even if most of the theories about Skull and Void are wrong, he's personally seen at least one eclipse.
It's not band of the hawk scanlations so be grateful
With the demons roaming around and shit now because of fantasia, what is the point in the brand?
Whoa there, calm down buddy. Dude's gotta play some im@s.
so basically Oyasumi Punpun
A-at least we've got the Musou game to look forwards to r-right?
He gotta play some new Im@s on the PS4 and be all happy playing with chihaya.
again Band of the hawk where the ones translating old berserk not evil genius
This fucking one gets me every time.
He showed it.
It was ce Cerebrum.
I'm so fucking hyped for the next chapter, I'm going to listen to this while reading it
Get back to work Miura!
I can't wait to see Guts fight all these creatures.
what was the purpose of showings of the realms anyways? didnt really explain anything
He's taking a hiatus to draw detailed shit during the dream Eclipse
Set up the reveal of Falconia and that it was Femto's realm.
with a strap-on I guess
Underrated post.
>no confirmation of Mozgus in normal/apostle form
>no pippen confirmation
I'm still getting it, but these two would put the game into must buy for me.
It shows just how much was changing with the world merge, plus some insight into the God Hand.
I bet the remaining four God Hand were giving him a fucking standing ovation.
I for one was.
A detailed version of Femto's bird dick?
Well Griffith merged the Realms, that was a "And now they're here!" scene.
It's been 20 years just upgrade to XP already rrrreeeeeeeeeeee
So will they each experience Casca's memory in first person?
Well Griffith already fucked her mind out, so...
Void is the oldest of the five, and it's very heavily implied that the disappearance of the original Midland kingdom was due to him around a millennia ago. All of the current Godhand did the same thing as Griffith and used a Red Behelit to sacrifice a ton of people to ascend as far as we know.
Just end it all senpai. I can't take it anymore
Yup. Now SK can better access them and kick their asses.
Official like your cousin said it?
Cause there in not such news.
Damn there isn't even a rumor.
I want to marry Danann
how much does the brand matter anymore?
you would have to deal with the brownies
whatever those are
Rape would imply they aren't enjoying it and Slan is the god of lust
Literally how
I want to marry Morda.
Will you be a good little Queen and please your mistress when she asks?
that's interesting, I read berserk but I cant remember
I'm sure he's so awful at sex, not even Slan would want it.
Yep. Muira is the king of unfinished high concepts. It's pretty bad.
Brownies are a cake dessert.
It still attracts all kinds of demons and evil spirits unless covered by one of Schierke's talismans , and even with that it's still and handicap if Guts ever wants to fight a Godhand member again.
>Void is the oldest of the five
Then who were the angels that granted his wish?
I'm gay as fuck and get into the gayest shit all the time but at least I work. I would believe he only just loved Idolmaster if just halved his workload, but the guy fucking does nothing for years at a time. It's clear he doesn't know where to go with the story. I wish I was his assistant because I really could guide him through it.
Does anyone know a way to contact Muira?
Either there were a previous God Hand, or Void used some magical bullshit to trick people right as he ascended.
The sacrifice and the suffering of the branded was a big part of the ritual. There is still some distinction between the regular realm and the astral.
The legends having conflicting counts of the 4/5 angels suggests that some God Hand members died? Were disposed of by the Idea of Evil after they outlived their usefulness? Who knows.
You wot m8?
I've had it since like yesterday.
Isn't causality the true source? It seems to be beyond even them, iirc Slain it would be cool if Guts could join them but Void said that isn't they causality wants it.
I always assumed that the two fat bastards were older than Void, and Slann came after Void(since Skull Knight seemed to know her by another name).
Apparently before the Fantasia event, the god hand could only manifest when summoned by the bheleit
Griffith could do whatever he wanted because of the demon child but when the fantasia even happened, he gain his physical form and can do what he wanted as well as the other members
My question is why did it take a super powerful kussan to do it?
This kind of line of discussion is only possible because of Miura's self admitted mistake of revealing the Idea of Evil too early. It may have chosen the first member of the God Hand directly.
I'd want to be retarded if I were in her situation
It's just my own headcanon, but I always liked the idea that once the Godhand reached 5 members, when the time for a new member came the old group would disband and the newest would be the first member of a new Godhand, and the old ones would fuck off to join with the Idea of Evil or something like that.
What is the source on this gif anyway?
disposed of by the Idea of Evil
Ganishka went to previously unreached depths of the abyss and astral realm in his apostle-behelit-abomination thing and made it possible. If I remember correctly Femto appearing to him beforehand and not killing him is what drove Ganishka to such lengths, it may well have been Griffith's plan all along.
>actual casca
What does that even mean at this point? The casca from before she had all her friends die and got raped by her demonform crush in front of her boyfriend? Or some fantasy casca you've dreamed up for this?
the hell is the idea of evil? I dont remember reading anything about this
Also is that something they want? I remember them being pleased with Femto, if I was going to die if more member joined, then I wouldnt be pleased
>(since Skull Knight seemed to know her by another name).
Wait, so Slann could be Skull Knight's own Griffith?
Complete with an Eclipse where she grows a dick and rapes Skull Knight's girlfriend?
Because only a being reborn twice could create the rift when hit with the Behelit Sword.
Originally, that was Femto. But Shiva made it so it would be him instead.
If you haven't read the chapter I'm not going to spoil any more than I have already. Miura asked for it not to be printed again so its essentially optional reading. He had an entire chapter that gave a lot of information about how the God Hand work, more than he'd intended so early in the story.
Slann is Skull Knight's Casca
>You will never sacrifice your romantic and sex life to write manga
God I already have an idea and designs I just wish I was a nip and could write. Life is cruel.
Hey there.
i want to say mr meaty
>Ganishka went to previously unreached depths of the abyss
literally or metaphorically?
Could this a draft of the next chapter?
What if we they dont see the Eclipse but just the aftermath...Would it be a cop out??
if I read it, would that really do anything? I read all of berserk except for this chapter apparently
I have a feeling that it won't just be a retelling of the Eclipse, but it will certainly use it as a framing device.
Look at the other dreams for instance, Farnese doesn't actually do laundry on Mozgus rock and Shierke doesn't just eat honey and torment monkey Isidoro.
Most anons are thinking too literal with this dream stuff.
God fucking damn it.
So the moon seems pretty detailed compared to the rest of Caska's dream, meaning that when they'll relive the eclipse it won't be in moeshit, what are the chances that we'll see
>the band getting annihilated
>Pippin buying her time
>Judeau dying in her arms
>tentacle rape
>Guts chopping his arm off
>BBC ravages brown teen
>Guts crying blood from one eye and tears from the other
All from her POV?
A redraw chapter would be amazing.
>eclipse from Casca's viewpoint
This would be so beautifully horrific.
I dont honestly see how it would be different except for internal thoughts or something from casca
do you like how anime casca looks currently? just curious
Why don't you just read it already?
I think both literally and metaphorically. The whole thing was beyond weird.
If you want to read Berserk as Miura intended, leave it. If you want to devour ALL of Berserk then its there if you want to read it, but its a huge spoiler that you could've spared yourself.
Void is clearly the first.
'cause I don't think he is the leader for is good looking.
I did, I just cant remember
something about skull knight was about to backstab Griffith but he manipulated space and stroke Shiva
He has the best design though. I'm pre-ordering his figma as soon as it's available.
>Look at the other dreams for instance, Farnese doesn't actually do laundry on Mozgus rock and Shierke doesn't just eat honey and torment monkey Isidoro.
They're in the mind of Casca, that's how she see them.
Do you guys think that modern Miura still has the balls? I mean after these years of happy RPG party, marriage and overall growing older do you think he has the balls to bring it back to Dark Horror?
I mean it really is what makes sense, since they HAVE to see what happened to her, and it would also be an amazing plot device in a lot of ways
>Farnesse and Schierke learning of the Eclipse
>Understanding who Guts really is
>How Casca ended up like this
>Why Griffith is as bad as Guts says he is, and why he hates him so fucking much
>Understanding just what the fuck Guts went throught to end up like that
>Develop both girl's relationship with guts and their understanding and rol in the story
>Unpotato Casca
I mean this is probably the biggest advance we had since Fantasia, and in character development's terms probably the biggest moment since fucking Griffith visiting Rickert and Guts waaaaaay back
damn, what terrible timing with the announced hiatus
It'll be BoD-possessed Guts raping her. Guts will have to come in and fight himself. You resolve two plotlines in one go.
Then Paladin Gattsu & Co. march on Griffith's bony ass.
Well, he IS the most good looking one.
Underrated post
I don't think miura would keep the same artstyle in the event of a redraw. It would be cool to see what he would do with it.
I don't think so, they all fall asleep independently, and then Danaan goes to get them both.
When Shierke collects Farnese she says, "Come, let us go to Casca's dream."
Plus, neither of them are cartoony until they get to Casca's dream.
Read it if you want, it was originally chapter 83, in the middle of the eclipse. You may want to read 82 first, since the end of 82 ties right into it with the start of Griffith's acid trip.
>Ritual of Dreams going on
>Apostles attack, Guts and Co. must defend the tree
>Shit looks bleak, Guts nearly dead, everyone is pushed back to the final threshold
>Suddenly Casca appears in the doorway and says Guts name
>Berserk will resume in early 2018
I appreciate it, but I decided not to read it
I know the Idea of evil is god and the god hand are angel technically but that's all I know
I'll wait like 3 years
Why are Slan and Guts angry in your pic user?
>Everyone is pushed back to the final Threshold
>Sword stops the final blow to Guts
>"It's my turn now"
>Berserk will resume in early 2059
>"berserk" eyes
>nose is exactly like in manga
>Strong jaw as in manga
>aptly placed and detailed scars and facial features
Face looks just fine save for the weird teeth. Not sure what you're looking at.
I mean is the art style changed as it went on
I dont have the casca image, but her eyes are larger and what not, no doubt it would be different
>Guts suddenly gets raped retarded by Conrad
>"Here we go again!"
But that's the spoiler, kek
cheeks. forehead. nose. shape of mouth. colouring.
the long exposure eye glint doesnt help shit either.
oh well, I dont think that is such a big deal I mean anyone could figure it out if they just think what happened to the first member, Void
it would have to be some higher power doing something
Gonna need 5+ months to draw detailed Apostle rape.
>Everyone witnesses the Eclipse
>They get really turned on
>"Those tentacles are all over her, why does that make me feel so warm?"
>"D-Does Femto's dick really feel that good?"
>"I...I want to be her right now!"
Ya fucked up guts. Now you got four bimbos to herd around.
I'd say the spoiler is more about why the Idea exists, and why it does what it does.
Volume 1 Guts was a real contender for the WIDE contest sometimes.
He's had this ready for so fucking long
Someone explain Schierke's dream to me.
Does her subconscious want to give Isidoro some honey? What's her big secret that he was threatening her with?
She is a fat fuck.
She secretly want's his monkey dick.
>What's her big secret that he was threatening her with?
That she wants Gut's D
The veiniest thickest rock-hard boner So hard, he nicknamed itMozgus-sama
Her secret is that she steals from their honey stash, did you even read the chapter?
she wants a "honey"
nah I dunno
Lemon stealing whore.
At least Miura doesn't cover his pages in just WORDSWORDSWORDS.
When was this taken?
>He's had this ready for so fucking long
>for so fucking long
Dude, this image is from a Book that will be out today in Japan...
>Mozgus is a scrub
they gonna show the entire golden age again by caska viewpoint
>when you have to wait an entire year until your waifu gets cured
What is with Slain and Guts? Why is she interested in him?
nice trips
When was that picture taken though?
judging by the tablet drawing table, probably recent
From piss? Or...?
Miura has a year to flush the idolmaster out of his system and make Berserk dark and gritty again
>an entire year
3-4 months, you baby.
Has to have been at least 40 years ago, it's in black and white
Who's the best character and why is it Azan?
someone took the time to take a photo, then go to photoshop and apply a greyscale filter on top of it?
>My nigga Zodd
Good shit
I've never played a musou game, are they good
Don't know if troll or retarded.
>A year to flush it out
More like a year to flood his system with it again.
im worried on why he doesn't take his helmet off.
A retard is you.
not sure how much I care when they are just going to be demon chow
Seriously when was the last time we've seen his face?
At this point I really wouldn't care if they defeated the God Hand using the power of love.
>they're all going to experience the eclipse as Casca did
It's not like they did that before.
It's not like in the book al the sections, except the first 2 pages, are in B/W so even the photo need to be B/W
So the answer is "retarted" ok.
this can be turned into a hentai so bad
just change the pot and the spoon to a penis
>Guts seen nowhere in Casca's dream
He's that black figure in the back.
She may be Queen of the fairies, but she sure is a huge troll.
you're blind
Are you okay, user?
She's the King of Fairies thank you very much.
Oh my bad
He's hiding his identity
At that rate WE will die before the series ends.
new thread needed
Someone needs to make a collage of all of retardsca's faces.
This thread will never die.
This is the end....nothing new until the spring anime.
>schierke is gonna witness the apostle rape