Post waifus who could fix my car.
Waifu mechanics
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Thiccest mechanic to the rescue, from the series with the softest girls
Sorry dude, you're fucked
Makina to the rescue.
>he drives a beamer
Haha oh wow
Any of the Leopons basically.
Spot the Americans.
Nobody with any self respect drives a beamer even in Europe.
BMW's have abhorrent repair costs due to retarded specialty tools randomly needed for no good reason and incredibly expensive parts.
I speak from personal experience.
I'm on it chief, there isn't anything I can't fix although it will cost you an arm and leg.
You're thinking of Audis anyway. Most Audis bought in Europe are FWD and have their engine about 10 feet ahead of the front axle.
Well they're not for poorfags, obviously. Only an idiot would buy a car that they can't afford to maintain.
>doesn't own a Nii-san
What tomfoolery.
>BMW's have abhorrent repair costs due to retarded specialty tools randomly needed for no good reason and incredibly expensive parts.
That's the same for all the premium car brands these days. It's hardly unique to BMW.
If I wanted a Renault, I'd buy a Renault.
I didn't like mine too much but you do you. I'll stick to my K10.
Old Nissans are like old Toyota's, indestructible.
Can you make my car gotta go fast?
To each their own. I just get annoyed when people (usually Americans for some reason) bitch about the maintenance costs of European premium car brands. An informed buyer ensures that they can afford the maintenance costs of the car they are purchasing.
I won't argue with that. I hate most of Nissan's modern line-up though.
>tfw my car is finally old enough that Turks moved on to the E46
Finally I will stop being compared to sandniggers
Probably? Idk...
Still waifu af tho.
>E46 being ruined
But I love the E46. I owned a 328i coupe for years.
E36,and now E46 and E92 are literally only driven by turks.
Usually with the smallest engine displacement and a fake M Sticker on the back.
Bonus Points for aftermarket exhausts that sound like shit
I can't say that there's many Turks where I live, but a lot of the local scumbags in my hometown have started to move to the E46 alright. Usually a 316i, 318i, or 318d.
Well I'm from Germany
I'd guessed as much.
Those german problems
All you're waifus are ugly and unskilled.
>he doesn't weab in every aspect of his life.
>he doesn't drive a glorious right hand drive rice cooker that burns 96 RON
where my E30 bros at?
>E30 saloon
Shit wheels though.
well she's scientist
You can ask them
Hey kid, do you like drills?
>BMW's have abhorrent repair costs due to retarded specialty tools randomly needed for no good reason and incredibly expensive parts.
You said BMW? Mahoro drives a modded BMW in the "Mahoromatic" anime series by Gainax and she is excellent at mechanical maintenance.
>BMW's have abhorrent repair costs
The annoying thing is that touch screen displays are getting bigger and bigger. Look at this one in the BMW M6.
The factory worker is finishing the dash board fastening. A 2 foot long extension is used for some final screws. Dash removal (and re-install) is not for the faint hearted and poorly-equipped because how many people have 2 foot extenders? And can find screw points covered by cables?
Pulling the dash instrument cluster display means buying a new bezel each time since you have to yank it out to expose the first screws to be removed (unless you don't mind using damaged bezel).
The power tools may look large, but that's because the drivers they use to attach elements together govern not only the amount of torque they apply to each screw but also the number of revolutions each fastener makes as it goes in. That's because if a bolt hole's or screw's thread is damaged, the screw could reach peak torque before it has actually turned the number of revolutions required to sink it. Looks like Peak German Autism even for bolt installation.
People thought that simply using torque wrenches was bad, this goes beyond simple torque wrenches. With this extreme level of detail autism, I bet even a BMW dealer cannot put it back together the exact way the factory did the install originally.
Sylia Stingray is a major char and top mechanical systems designer and builder from Bubblegum Crisis 2032/2033. Bubblegum Crisis was released as a set of OAV episodes. It also had an OAV sequel named "Bubblegum Crash" taking place a year later in the timeline. BGC was a popular posted Cred Forums topic back in 2003 and 2004.
Bubblegum Crisis 2032:
Bubblegum Crash:
What is wrong with you?
Where do you think you are?
Why are you trying to advertise an OVA like you're in the red with your ratio on bakabt and need somebody to leech from you?
>shilling BG Crash
Do you have no dignity at all?
Get away from me, you creep.
>The annoying thing is that touch screen displays are getting bigger and bigger. Look at this one in the BMW M6.
You do realise that BMW don't use touchscreens? They pioneered iDrive for a reason.
>You do realise that BMW don't use touchscreens?
They do. You are stuck in 2014 iDrive model year cars which came out in 2013. BMW brought touch screens to iDrive cars in 2015 onwards.
I blame all that on Winry invading the BMW design studio.
But my father has a late 2015 5 series that still has iDrive.
But if what you're saying is true, that's one of the most retarded things BMW has ever done. I fucking love iDrive.
E46 is a cute!
Also, last good looking BMW
but girls don't know anything about cars
>Also, last good looking BMW
Sometimes I feel like I'm the only person on earth who likes some of the Bangle-era BMWs. I think the post-facelift E60 5 series is one of the best looking saloons ever made.
That said, his 6 series and early 7 series were monstrosities. Z4 was okay (actually got better looking with age), but the his 3 series had obviously been reigned in style-wise at the behest of management to the point of being bland.
I just don't dig this new BMW design at all. But i don't like almost any recent car. Everything looks japanese and the same.
BMW has to have edges, for fuck sake.
>BMW has to have edges
Hard to do with modern European safety regs. It's soft edges or nothing these days.
That said, I love BMWs current design aesthetic philosophy. Sure, it's nowhere near as ground-breaking or divisive as the Bangle-era cars, but I think the 2, 4, 5, 6, and 7 series are subtly gorgeous, and the i8 is just downright stunning. There are maybe 2-4 cars I don't like the look of in BMWs current line-up (mainly the new MPVs and the GTs).
Did Sailor Mercury work in a shop one ep?
but waifus do
I always preferred japanese cars
The one and only
What do you drive Cred Forums?
Do you drive a japanese waifumobile or do you drive a boring car?
the leopons are a miracle of the universe
>But if what you're saying is true, that's one of the most retarded things BMW has ever done.
Just be glad BMW didn't hire Makina. Then your BMW radio would force you to start up with Die Walküre with Siefried's role played by Freyja (since mr teal hair can't sing).