Ep 25 preview in Friday.
Re:Zero Kara Hajimeru Isekai Seikatatsu
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That seems weird, what are they gonna preview? Or is it just gonna be Tappei laughing for 2 minutes while saying he killed your waifu?
Reinhardt is Satella
That would be a huge problem.
But... the show is over
Emilio and the butler bros would be awkward
Not to mention the shota and all the princes
Gender swapping this show is uhhh
Ugh, what a shit end it was. It all went downhill when wales appeared.
It doesn't need to be all of them, it could be just Reinhardt, Subaru or maybe even both
Daily reminder that this is the average Emiliafag.
Fuck you, the whale was great.
But yeah, shitty ending.
It needed at least a fucking 26th episode before next season
oh well
So what was the ending in ln, friend said something about how subaru asked about rem to emilia, she said "who?" and he killed himself just to be reborn back unto emilias lap.
That's not the ending, its part of the intro to the next arc Rem and Crusch got wrecked hard on the way back and his checkpoint is beyond that so he can't help them
That happens after the last scene of the anime.
Oh okay, thanks
Can we all agree that episode 18 is the best episode?
I'm going to miss this guy.
His wife is gonna save him from being trapped in memeboy's brain!
Yes, such a great dose of healing and characterization. But nothing can beat the last scenes of ep. 7, that's the essence of Re:zero in a nutshell.
'Few hours' turned into eleven. Either way here.
Again I'm taking a moment to stress how little I know japanese and if contesting translations contradict me I highly recommend giving their interpretation priority.
Absolutely Based Bro (ABB).
Wait really, o.o? Where can I read this? I mean what comes after the anime, from which volume?
Don't do this
Start here.
Not to nitpick but what are the odds of the story from arc 4 changing a bit or even 180 degrees when they release the LN? How did it go with arc 3?
Rather than summary, I would call it rough translation.
Posting the other material
Short Stories:
-Withdraw symptoms:
-Subaru's drug scamble:
King's game:
"What if" stories, Natsuki Rem:
>even 180 degrees
I think basically 0.
No clue I'm too poor for LNs. From what I've heard though the LNs for arc 3 cut out a loop (or more accurately merged two loops, during the last-phase Betelgeuse fight), and events in that cut loop( fragment) get referenced a few number of times in early arc 4.
>20 chapters.
That's almost as long as one LN volume, isn't it?
Probably not significant changes.
Fucking arigato.
Once the whales were defeated, you mean. Betelgeuse & his minions lost their initial lustre very quickly, and Emilia continued doing absolutely nothing to justify rooting for her as a viewer.
I agree about the first point, but
>Emilia continued doing absolutely nothing to justify rooting for her as a viewer.
While there have constantly been tons of things to justify rooting for Emilia and Subaru as viewer.
It's like people forget that a couple is formed by two people. I blame the wild waifuism.
I don't think Emilia ever did anything to justify rooting for her. She basically gets everything handed to her. I could see rooting for Subaru to get the girl he wants, but Emilia is basically just winning on autopilot.
Her affection for Subaru is like a normal person's. Her rival's is like a dog's.
I hope Rem takes care of Emilia and Subaru's children
But you aren't 'rooting' for her. She wins by default because the MC is doing everything for her. He struggles in his attempt to make her understand his feelings while also keeping her alive, she just sits back and gets saved/accepts whatever he says.
She starts to have actual struggles to work through in the next arc, but as the anime stands she doesn't actually do anything. She doesn't even take initiative in making others trust or believe in her, Subaru also handles that for her.
Emilia seems like Daenerys from Game of Thrones/ASoIaF, and has similar issues as a character. There just seems to be something about the type of character that the audience never connects with.
Danny at least is allowed to make stupid decisions on her own. Emilia currently lacks agency.
Fucking based, thank you
Reminder that there will NEVER EVER be a second season
Anyway i can get your updated rough translation based user?
I think that she did enough to make Subaru's choice understandable.
Most people forget how much Subaru's behaviour changed right after he got saved by her. It was interesting because her kindness and her being self-less really saved his soul from the dread of being at the mercy of that new world.
During the second arc when things got bad Subaru always found relief and comfort in interacting with her, and the series does an amazing job at making you feel it.
It's just that those aren't major scene, so people who don't pay much attention forgot them.
I didn't forget because I like the characterization that can be built in such small scenes, and when that happened at the ending of the series it made me feel like Subaru was finally "at home" after all the shit that happened during those arcs.
At the beginning of the third arc when Subaru did that thing during the meeting I honestly felt bad for her more than Subaru himself, and I'm pretty sure that the same for many people.
But the most important thing is how much the love for her affect Subaru, and that's a thing present during the whole series, since the very first sentence of the series.
Lastly, they have a good chemistry, Subaru has a series of behaviour that he displays only when he's with her and the same goes for her, and those behaviour mix up very well. That makes them feel like a couple, while when Subaru is with Rem he's just the usual Subaru.
Emilia maybe Emilia out of context doesn't work, but togheter with Subaru she works damn well.
I like them as a couple.
A character can work in many different way, being proactive is just the most conventional and popular one.
Totally different cases.
What do you mean?
He meant "anywhere"
>It's just that those aren't major scene, so people who don't pay much attention forgot them.
The lap pillow thing was pretty major, and shows off Emilia at her best. Which is exactly why its so easy to see why she falls flat in the overall scope of the series. You were shown how she could do things right, and she basically just doesn't.
All of that still doesn't amount to 'rooting' for her. She does minor things, but the MC was never in any chance of turning away from her to begin with. She didn't 'earn' it in the sense that he was her follower from day one as soon as she beat up literally the weakest characters in the show. I understand why he chooses to follow her, and subsequent scenes sort of reaffirm his choice, but Emilia isn't actively doing much of anything and isn't at risk of losing anything.
I think that she did enough to make Subaru's choice understandable.
Most people forgot how much Subaru's behaviour changed right after he got saved by her. It was interesting because her kindness and her being self-less really saved his soul from the dread of being at the mercy of that new world.
During the second arc when things got bad Subaru always found relief and comfort in interacting with her, and the series did an amazing job at making you feel it.
It's just that those aren't major scenes, so people who don't pay much attention forgot them.
I didn't forget because I like the characterization that can be built in such little scenes, and when that happened at the ending of the series it made me feel like Subaru was finally "at home" after all the shit that happened during those arcs.
At the beginning of the third arc when Subaru did that thing during the meeting I honestly felt bad for her more than for Subaru himself, and I'm pretty sure that many people felt the same.
But the most important thing is how much the love for her affects Subaru, and that's a thing present during the whole series, since its very first sentence.
Lastly, they have a good chemistry, Subaru has a series of behaviours that he displays only when he's with her and the same goes for Emilia, and those behaviours mix up very well. That makes it feel like they are a couple, while when Subaru is with Rem he's just the usual Subaru.
Maybe Emilia out of context doesn't work, but togheter with Subaru she works damn well. I like them as couple.
A character can work in many different ways, being proactive is just the most conventional and popular one.
Totally different cases.
based. thanks a lot lad. i'm just a bit ahead of this part myself so this was actually pretty helpful to me too (my japanese is probably even worse than yours)
it's not likely that there will be major changes. most likely just shortening and rearranging some events
So far the only thing that has been significantly different from WN to LN is in volume 8 (the first fight against betelgeuse), where the author ended up combining the events of 2 loops into 1. it doesn't really matter since the final loop is the same but there were still a few things gone from the WN (and some new stuff added in the LN).
if anything is cut in arc 4 it'll probably be similar where the author just combines some loops.
Making a blog feels like a smart idea but I'm also adverse to it. I might make one anyway though. If anyone has any alternate suggestions for places to put updates that are relatively unobtrusive and easy to check, I'd be glad to hear them (I'd rec emailing me to not clutter the thread).
I'll figure out what I'll do once I have another update (might take a few days since (here comes the hackneyed translator excuse) translating is what I do when procrastinating on other things and I'm approaching deadlines and finals. After that though it's free time galore and you have full right to bitch at my lazy ass to your heart's content).
I think a dedicated mediafire folder could work.
>you have full right to bitch at my lazy ass to your heart's content).
Nah, we don't.
Thanks a lot man, suddenly having 20 chapters was an incredibly surprise.
>dedicated mediafire folder
There you go that's perfect
Try posting this on ______ you'll get more support
>>full right to bitch at my lazy ass
Fuck no man, yours work is a god send, came out of nowhere, 20 chapters, and more importantly minus the whole drama of a certain "spbro" here, i shouldnt have mentioned that name it leaves a fucking bad taste
Ok imagine this
The "who's rem" is shown via the gag shorts
Comforting the broken man.
Meh. Not enough suffering.
Admin of the wiki says that Felis is a mistranslation, but can't "フェリス" be translated as Ferris, Feris or Felis?
Don't worry about it.
But I wanna know
Official works call him Ferris. Personally I like Felis better.
Here you go.
That would be "フェリックス"
I got this off someone, still waiting for a response on their part of where they got it and see if they have anymore.
Faris would be best.
L and R are usually often mixed around in translations.
Felis is alright since he's a catgirl
No no no
did we not get a picture of ley
Don't know, not all the pictures are out yet it seems.
>So I'm the translator for zerolive, and I guess I am in agreement with lemonwater123. I'm not sure how the readers would feel with a change in style each time, but we could try if we come to an agreement to collaborate.
>Honestly, I've never tried anything like that before,
That's the problem, translators themseves should understand that for long LN/WN series a collaboration is inevitable to not waste their effort.
You're forgetting that she's keeping up the magic barrier around the village to protect them from mabeasts, not to mention trying to warn them about impeding danger. And despite later being accused of being the reason the witch cult is going to attack by basically the entire village sans the kids, She doesn't flip her shit at them, which most normal people would probably do at this point. She's the typical "soft hearted hero" archetype. Which isn't much, honestly, but maybe we'll later see more character depth/development.
I only really want to know what's up with Satella, and Emilia's past. And why the fuck Satella chose Subaru in the first place. And why the ever loving fuck another Jap is in lugnica.
>not to mention trying to warn them about impeding danger. And despite later being accused of being the reason the witch cult is going to attack by basically the entire village sans the kids, She doesn't flip her shit at them,
There is also the fact we have seeing the bias against her in other scenes of the third arc, and that it's strongly linked to the romance subplot because all that bias and hate made her think that anything related to love was something precluded to her.
Man its hug city.
They need it.
>That sheer hatred and devotion to revenge in his eyes
Damn, he can look really fucking scary.
I like this one. Has this "Being molested by Sticky Hands" kinda thing.
All of Satella's Invisible Hands are now Sticky Hands
In my heart I just know that there's no way to light up the dark in his eyes
Forever stick to my dick!
He honestly looks super tame compared to this one time in pic related
Natsuki Rem arts have started coming in with the official design.
This character is the anime equivalent to Jared Leto's joker
Yeah, that's Elder Dark Lord tier. Subaru really has some deep-rooted evil in him, doesn't he?
I'm not even a Remfag, but the AU chapters feel incredibly comfortable.
So I have a question to the believers of the Satella is Future Emilia theory.
Where does Al fit into this theory if it's true?
We have no fucking idea, he's a like a wrench into the whole deal.
It's not just the "Satella is future Emilia theory though", Al fucks with pretty much all other ones.
>Where does Al fit into this theory if it's true?
No one knows. Al throws every Satella theory into confusion.
>Leaving that aside, she questioned his stance of being against meeting the dead, and correctly guessed that there was a dead person that he didn't want to meet. Her words agitated him, causing him to try and regain his composure, but before he could respond he realized that he was alone in the mist.
>For the third wave, the mist created an illusion of a shadowy figure wearing a shadowy dress, which Al was unable to bring himself to harm even though he tried some 100,000,000 million times. Unable to do anything, he was gripped with fear, and tried to retreat as it attempted to touch him lovingly with its fingers. Fortunately, Priscilla destroyed it with her Yang Sword, yet this caused him to be filled with rage, though she easily dealt with him by smacking his helmet with her sword. Although he was still scared somewhat, he was relieved that the shadowy figure was fake.
>She's saved Subaru's life several times which at one to point where she nearly drained all her mana just to keep him alive where it could have killed her.
That was Beatrice
>She gave him a home, life even negotiated a deals with one of best healers in nation on Subaru's behalf to treatment.
That was Roswaal
>Emilia even went to warn them of the upcoming of the upcoming danger tried to to get them to evacuate and failing that setup barriers for the villagers and fought for them despite them still hating her.
That's true
I mean, his magical affinity IS the dark element. Not to mention that he apparently can absorb authorities of sin.
Also, I heard that Satella wants Subaru to kill her. Now, we all know that Satella is mentioned to be immortal, but at least once they refer to it as her "immortal body". Notice the focus on body. We also know that there appears to be a ritual by which Satella can possess a half-elf's body. So it seems possible that she plans to possess Emilia in order to be mortal again, because let's be honest, immortality does fucking suck. The question is where Subaru fits into this. I believe that Authorities work differently on Subaru. He can see the unseen hand, and Gluttony's authority doesn't affect him since he remembers Rem. Maybe that's the reason and there's an authority at play in the ritual? Also, Satella's short explanation on why she loves him implies that they have a past together, how does that fit into it?
Well, while Roswaal gave the final word Emilia was the mediator who made that possible, and its not like Roswaal would refuse her, after learning Subaru saved her life even though it was entirely his fucking fault it happened.
I finally managed to find Ley and Regulus' official art.
I've been looking for it since yesterday because I heard that vol 9's already out in some stores in Tokyo.
Unrelated, but cheers to this guy's effort btw.
Oh fuck off. I'm Remfag, but even I know this is bullshit. She's saved Subaru's life several times which at one to point where she nearly drained all her mana just to keep him alive where it could have killed her. She gave him a home, life even negotiated a deals with one of best healers in nation on Subaru's behalf to treatment. Emilia even went to warn them of the upcoming of the upcoming danger tried to to get them to evacuate and failing that setup barriers for the villagers and fought for them despite them still hating her. She done enough to her credit while putting up with all the bullshit direct towards her which one of reasons why Subaru wants to support her. Because he knows how hard she to look after others (even if their their strangers like the lost girl in ep 1) and earn their respect.
Is Al confirmed to be from the same world/time period as Subaru?
Will Subaru ever become stronger or he's bound to be shit-tier in this universe for the rest of the series abusing his only gimmick?
Holy shit, Ley is LITERALLY a fucking brat.
Looks like faggots.
I would like for them to look more bishounen-ish but i'll take what I can get
So now Emilia's there huh?
I wonder if they'll remove his suicide as well.
>That chimpanzee-faced manlet
My sides
Regulus was never supposed to be Bishonen, he has "normal" looking face, almost boring.
>Because he knows how hard she to look after others
She would be a great mom.
I'm glad that both she and Rem are in the series.
>That was Roswaal
Pretty sure that they talking about a pact with Emilia in the show, twice IIRC.
You do know Roswaal used Emilia as bait to get Subaru right?
The clown planned literally almost everything from the start, even the elections.
Read the hidden spoiler and you would know i was fully aware of it.
Regulus doesn't look quite as plain as he was described. I mean, that smugness would stand out to anyone.
He recognizes that Subaru was isekai'd because of the phrases he uses, and he knows some bits of English that the modern Japanese would know. He seems to be from a fairly recent Japan.
>abusing his only gimmick
Don't be a dumb shonentard, Subaru using his shitty means properly was one of the strongest point of the series.
He came into that world 18 years ago, if he's from the same time period as Subaru we have no clue, but he must be fairly close since he knows a lot of english words and so on.
The accurate fanart begins.
We can finally start pairing him with Emilia.
Removing his suicide brings a lot of complications, it is the strangest death considering IF Timelines from Arc 4 are to be trusted
I would assume this is after he realizes he can't save Rem after he returns and Emilia is comforting him while seemingly ignorant of what has actually happened to his heart
That super stands out, he looks like a prince or something like that.
>That was Beatrice
Holy, fuck dude. I'm not talking about that. Go back and watch ep 10. Puck directly tells him this, and Subaru is oh fuck I owe her and other debt. Betty was too busy going around removing the curses which didn't fix his life-threatening wounds. It's why Emilia couldn't help in hunting down the mabeast.
She did this again in episode 17 only it, but it didn't drain her as badly since she did during the day.
>That was Roswaal
Nope. If Emilia hadn't vouched for him, he wouldn't be here. Furthermore when everyone was getting suspicious about him, she and along with Betty took his side. Before this point she took time from her studies to come down and see how he was doing when he suffering from PSTD. In the manga and the LN/WN she fed him.
>Reinhardt would stalemate Satella
>the Dragon, the Hero and the Mage or whatever could seal her
So if all 4 of them fought Satella, they'd win?
"Normal" looking is just another term for Harem MC's which have baby faces and are thereby bishounen from our POV's most of the time
I didn't expect Ley to look like THAT much of a brat though, seems kind of creepy
Holy shit, that was fast.
Ley looking like a creepy brat is great in my opnion
His looks are probably not unusual for anyone their world, but he definitely stand out ours.
>the Dragon, the Hero and the Mage
The Dragon, the Sage, and the Sword Saint.
And who cares, this isn't powerlevel bullshit, fuck off.
> the Sword Saint.
In the manga they transòated it as the "hero", what the hell.
>I didn't expect Ley to look like THAT much of a brat though, seems kind of creepy
He's still as tall as Rem.
Yes, if by "win" you mean "seal her away again". Reinhardt is technically stronger than her, but still can't kill her and probably doesn't have the magical ability to seal her.
That Ley design just makes me want to kick him in the face even harder.
Pretty good show, since best girl won and worst girl lost.
Not him but if you're referring to episode 10.
I think the first Sword Saint is pretty much THE hero of Lugnica so that would make sense.
His looks are probably not unusual for anyone their world, but he definitely stand out ours.
>If Emilia hadn't vouched for him, he wouldn't be here.
Refer to Because you know, arc 4 was a thing.
say that to my face irl and I'll fuck your shit up senpai, I swear it
>Emilia continued doing absolutely nothing
>1v1s a finger constitutes doing absolutely nothing
>resolved her conflict with subaru and accepts his confession is doing absolutely nothing
>People say that Subaru is not going to the sage for Rem
>People are calling Remfags liars
>He actually is fucking going to the sage for Rem
Alright, who are the real liars here?
is Rem ok
Wait, Roswall is evil?
Looks like Rem finally got Ley'd.
Faggot on the right reminds me of Gilgamesh
>Taking that shitty bait
That feels like a really sensible theory. Must be fucking boring hanging out behind a seal all infinity.
Not necessarily "evil" per say, but he's the type of person who will throw everyone under the bus and use any means necessary to get what he wants, including putting those around him in harm's way. Arc 4 explains what his motivation is completely.
>truth = bait
top lol
>resolved her conflict with subaru and accepts his confession is doing absolutely nothing
That is literally doing nothing. She just cried and said okay. How the fuck is that contributing to anything?
>1v1s a finger constitutes doing absolutely nothing
I'll admit while it is not nothing its still pretty weaksauce or close to nil compared to every other character and you fucking know it.
>Looks of her grandma
>Does not take no for an answer attitude of her grandpa
FemReinhardt won't even need a blessing to be best girl.
I hate these fuckers already.
Holy shit that is one punchable Regulus.
All the more reason to see Regulus drown and Ley to be turned into fleshpaste.
No Puck was refering to Rems own wounds which regenerated in her oni form. He just sated the Rem brought him to village.
I'm not sure what you're going on about. Puck literally tells Subaru she spent the entire night healing him. Subaru say that another debt he owed her and Puck said it's been even for what he did for kids. Al her resources are nearly gone that why she's sleep the next morning.
This not interpretation, it's all straight dialogue from the characters themselves.
>He's still as tall as Rem.
Holy shit, so is Regulus a giant?
That's irrelevant. Nobody including the reader know what Roswaal was planning at the moment. He still acted opposed to Subaru staying there deeming him suspicious.
Sounds like his goal might be to save the real Satella but knows failing is super bad end for him. Perhaps an iteration of Subaru with a different variation of RbD?
If the game plan was in fact to summon in different copies of Subaru at different points in time with different forms of RbD ala FSN's Throne of Heroes to save Satella then it explains how Subaru keeps getting mistaken for Pride and overlaps so much Flugel.
Regulus is standing closer, and Rem is about 5'1.
How the fuck is that irrelevant? Rosewaal planned almost everything from the start.
Its as if his "opposition" wasn't part of his plan either, which it clearly was.
Nobody said the ever. Others said he wasn't going their just for her. Or do believe that Subaru isn't the hero Rem believes he is and would never go to the tower unless she involved? What are trying to say here?
I see, I had no idea she was so short, and Subaru isn't much taller either
Thank you.
So Kamiyan and Hosoya for them then?
Subaru has short legs.
It's really comforting to know that it's the epilogue of the series
Man. The designs are really uncomfortable looking but that just means the designer nailed it.
This is what evil means you fucking sperglord
>showing character growth and changing perspectives is nothing
>both characters admit their selfish reasons for doing something and apologizing to each other
>Emilia also admits that her being distant is due to being bullied all the time, and that even though she tried to put on a tough act she is still hurt every time she gets discriminated
>Tells Subaru she's unworthy of love because of racial background and likeliness to Satella, then mentions that it's the first time her receiving special treatment has made her happy when he rejects that notion
just fucking go back to naruto
>That is literally doing nothing. She just cried and said okay. How the fuck is that contributing to anything?
She if want to be reductive, then all Rem did iin ep 18 was respond to Subaru's rejection with a yes, then cried. Big whoop.
>I'll admit while it is not nothing its still pretty weaksauce or close to nil compared to every other character and you fucking know it.
Except it isn't by any other measure? Rem even got fuck up by Betelgeuse one on one, so it's your bait that is weaksuace.
You'll never have a cute oni wife...
A loaded question but alright.
>Others said he wasn't going their just for her
He mostly was.
>Or do believe that Subaru isn't the hero Rem believes he is and would never go to the tower unless she involved?
I'm sorry? Does everything involving Subaru's motives have to be full-on selfless?
Even then, if Rem wasn't there he would have to go either way as he feels the obligation to do so. But if you were to look at the main driving force to the reason why he is going to the tower it is for Rem.
Also, I'd like you to consider all of the Emiliafags who EOP the shit outta us into convincing half the board that it was Echidna's suggestion and the real reason Subaru was going to the tower was to fix Anastasia.
Batenkaitos seems like someone from Gegege no Kitaro
Why Subaru doesn't rape Rem?
Jesus, Rem is literally Subaru's personal healing aid.
Because it still forced Emilia to defend and meditated for Subaru. This don't change that so it makes all the difference.
>raping your waifu
If I'm ever in Japan for Setsubun I'll be the asshole doing the pro-oni chant.
>[Subaru: Because the girl that loves me, the girl that I love back, the girl that affectionately provides me love—-the girl that is harder on me more than any other person in the world, the girl that doesn’t let me off easily, that girl is the real Rem!]
>[Carmilla: Huh? I didn-I didn’t….transform. I-If I looked..like someone..else….tha-that was just….bec-because of your imag-imagination.]
>[Carmilla: Even though Echidna-chan sa…..said to just spoil you….and then it…..it would go well….it tu-turned out like…….e-even when I told her no…]
Echidna doesn't really seem to understand the nature of Subaru's relationship with Rem. It also seems like Carmilla's power might not be actual transformation, but something that makes her seem to be someone else.
Ferri... ;_;
>grew her hair out like Emilia
>even has a flower on it
You just know it was at Subaru's request
>Natsuki Subaru made this decision in order to protect his own fragile soul, but at the same time it was a decision that distanced himself from people that could have (possibly) helped him find a way to save Rem.
>Echidna doesn't really seem to understand the nature of Subaru's relationship with Rem
Echidna don't understand human feelings. That's the problem.
>Subaru wanted to see Rem more than anyone else in that moment.
Does he REALLY love Emilia? Is it not just witch manipulation because she looks EXACTLY like Satella?
I mean shit, not even trying to be a waifufag, but Tappei wrote Rem to be that one girl you'd fall hard for, and you know she has a thing for you.
Subaru doesn't want her feeling like a replacement and gets angry when she implies she is, she most likely did that herself. Do remember she has some major self esteem problems, even after years of living with Subaru in that side story.
>[Subaru: I will save you, Rem. That is my oath.]
How much autism do I have to clean this
and this
up and then check the official source which is this
and then make it as accurate as possible it to the paragraphs and everything else and then be satisfied
I feel accomplished so please appreciate this
>Except it isn't by any other measure? Rem even got fuck up by Betelgeuse one on one, so it's your bait that is weaksuace.
While fighting almost the entire cult. Plus the fingers. While Emilia 1v1ing a finger was her at full power, with no injuries. Rem on the other hand was battered and exhausted.
>showing character growth and changing perspectives is nothing
Oh, so were going into that territory. A resolution or resolve of conflict is not the same as changing a character fundamentally. That goes for you as well .
If we are to actually compare episode 18 to episode 25. Episode 25 was to basically both of them apologizing to each other and have a happy ending.
Episode 18 on the other hand changed Subaru who was a sperg and a raving madman into someone respectable. Which in turn caused episode 25.
Fuck off.
Are Remfags this pedantic or what? Not one thing you said changes the basically fact Suabru have gone to the tower regardless if was related to Rem or not. He say it himself back in Arc 5 that he wants to help the victims of Watergate City too. He wants to save Rem sure, but his life does not revolve around sole her, he's got friends, another person he loves duties and responsibilities now as well.
I'll appreciate it user. Just don't bash chicken, he's chill.
Where did you get that line from?
kill me
Now that I think about it, this Rem is closer to Rem AU.
I'm not bashing, I just have autism and want to make it as accurate as possible to the source by checking it a LOT
I don't know japanese, i'm just cleaning it up
I'm not sure how much of it would be manipulation, but I think I have a vague theory as to part of it. We know Subaru feels some kind of love for Satella, something he has trouble going against even when he tries. The post about Al seems to show he's got something similar going on. The thing about Al is that he shows the same reaction to a mere illusion of Satella, which is to say he shows the same reaction to something which only resembles Satella but lacks her true substance. Does that description remind you of anyone? Part of Subaru's attraction to Emilia could very easily be from her resemblance to Satella, who he's subconsciously drawn to.
Kill yourself cancerous faggot.
He told that to the others, but the chapter that talks about him going to the tower in arc 6, literally states that everyone else is overly secondary torwrads his need to save Rem.
It's not that he doesn't care about everyone else, but Rem is just that much of a priority on his list.
>I don't know japanese
Then how are you doing it?
Uh why?
will rem be ok
>Rem's only relevance to the story is being in a coma to drive subaru to complete his next quest
it's like those old adventure shows where the MC's mom/sister/etc is sick and they need to venture out to get the cure
He actually does. Arc 4 reaffirms that to him and part of reason why defeats Roswaal's plan and by getting Emilia to pass the trials. The only time his emotions are actually manipulated is when he meets Satella herself and he freaks about that because he doesn't know her.
He never gets such a feeling for Emilia at all. Hell Arc 4 debunks that their same character. Satella has her own history as does Emilia who has actual parents that give birth to her. Emilia's mother wasn't even an elf.
Checking the source a lot with google translate and the wiki, like I said, I was CLEANING, I didn't really change much of the grammar or words
I'm just trying to make it LOOK similar to the source because of my autism
Nice, thank you.
Did you already see that an user made a rough translation of the first 20 chapters of arc 4? He worked a lot but he needs a checker, help him if you think you can find some time. Just don't bash him.
First, when the fuck did I say that his life revolves around Rem? Second, his main driving force of being a hero as well as going to the sage tower is for Rem. Albeit he also has other objectives and duties.
>In order to save the multitude of people-the multitude of men within the town of Pristella, who were suffering the same type of damage Rem would, he went on a journey towards the Pleiades watchtower. However, if you were to to point out his real motive, the real reason Subaru moved forward towards this watchtower was because of Rem; nothing else was a real possible candidate for being his true reason. It was unreasonable and inappropriate, even while understanding that, Subaru continued to—–.
>Subaru already made up his mind to continue his fight, when Rem rejected his offer to run away from everything. To remain as Rem's hero, he cannot run away from anything.
Also before you go into some spergfit having a driving force and main motive is different from having a character's life revolve around another character. Emilia is for that one. As Subaru's life revolves around her to be honest.
Well good job anyway
i want to see rem's smile again
Fuck, I feel like an idiot for not explaining correctly, i'm just CLEANING it not making the translation any more accurate than it actually is
I couldn't read that summary/translation hybrid
That's not as bad as you make it sound, the idea is that since Subaru refused Echidna, he basically gave up any info they might have given him, the price was just not worth it.
If he could get their aid without making himself Echidna's toy he'd surely do it.
If that was the case then why Al also doesn't love Emilia? It seems to be a Satella thing only.
...I know this bait, but how does that BTFO anyone? Like it doesn't change what he says or does for Emilia before and after. Subaru even makes an oath to Emilia that he will never leave her side in Arc 4.
why? Of corse he cares a lot about Rem, he just doesn't love her as much as he loves Emilia.
Holy shit I can't wait for Volume 10 cover with the WITCHES
>[Ram: Something’s widening below your nose, disgusting.]
lads? ? what did she mean by this?
What the fuck is going on?
Rem winning
It's just a vague theory that I'm not taking too seriously.
who is gluttony again?
remfags are just desperate because their waifu doesn't do shit and has been out of the picture since arc 3
Rem never coming back
No, he's not. Witches was a mistake and it is literally a dead end.
>Anti-Remfags getting debunked left and right
Its a good day to be alive.
Fucking newfag
Ok, user. I was just asking because it does seem interesting from Al and Subaru's sides towards Satella.
>[Subaru: I really did think that you would surely be the one to gently hold me in your lap when I reached my limits, and that you would affectionately snuggle up to me when I continued to have hesitance and worry from the things that happened in the past.]
Holy fucking shit. I doubt it's even that long since he confessed to Emilia but what is this? This is not some spell anymore, this is really what's in his heart.
Oh, ok. Sorry, we are starving that much.
After the first pages it becomes a translation, just endure it. I'm still on the first part, though, probably there will be more summar-ish parts, but I'm glad that I can read the translated parts.
late to the party, but if you're still here, you're fucking awesome my man.
>he just doesn't love her as much as he loves Emilia
He loves them equally. But Emilia is #1 for him, because she was first love.
Remfags are so desperate
Witches did nothing wrong though. They are also not evil.
can we name remfags vegans? since they love vegetables so much
He has said he loves Rem the same way he does Emilia. Nothing difficult to understand.
I'm not gonna lie, I literally cannot fucking breathe right now.
I've haven't laughed this hard in a loooong time.
that's a pretty hurtful thing to say
>He loves them equally.
No, not really, don't start such a dumb discussion when he acts like that during the whole series.
He loves then both equally, it's not that strange that he wants that.
So Emilia being bait and going according to Rosewaal's plan doesn't change that?
who cares who he likes more honestly, he's a piece of shit who deserves neither
literally shinji-tier
Dubs confirmed
Remfags =Veganfags
You can go and fuck yourself, EOP.
is there anyone subbing the re:zero shorts?
Well, if I were to guess, Emilia doesn't produce the same contradicting emotions as Satella would. It'd probably be easier to brush off or ignore because of that, whereas Satella makes it stand out because they feel what they do even when they actively try to fight it.
I don't fucking know.
They heal each other. Its such a wonderful sight to behold.
>The waifu shitters still haven't returned to the woodwork they have crawled from
Shoo, go home, the anime is over, let people who actually enjoy re:zero discuss it in peace.
>he's a piece of shit who deserves neither
literally shinji-tier
No, fuck you, shit on the waifus but let based Subaru alone.
It's not just about loving her the same.
>Ever since they exchanged this promise, Subaru had decided once in for all that: in this world, in this universe, the only person Natsuki Subaru could hope to show his weak side to was Rem, and only in front of Rem.
It's his openness to her that bothers me. He also says this in Arc 6. A side of him that he could not show to anyone else. Basically a side that even Emilia doesn't even know of.
That's a pretty fitting name actually
This series could have been god-tier if it weren't for that shit MC, and you know it
Fairly sure the subs are all the way up to the one before the last. Just google it and you should inf it.
>tfw when she still loses the race.
Do you rather want a Shit Art Offline tier MC?
>While fighting almost the entire cult. Plus the fingers. While Emilia 1v1ing a finger was her at full power, with no injuries. Rem on the other hand was battered and exhausted.
Nice shit excuse, but she still lost. You Remfags would be saying the reverse if happened to Emilia so don't bother.
>If we are to actually compare episode 18 to episode 25. Episode 25 was to basically both of them apologizing to each other and have a happy ending.
No ep 25 was Suabru confessing and showing Emilia that there is one person who see her beyond a half-elf, a Satella look a like or candidate for the throne who appreciates her for herself. It' was restoration of not only the freidnship but beginning of next stages in their relationship which is tested and expand in the arc.
And you crappy attempts and excuse to downplayed is irrelavant and inconsequential. Deal with it.
Episode 18 on the other hand changed Subaru who was a sperg and a raving madman into someone respectable. Which in turn caused episode 25.
Not so much as changed by reminded him he wasn't as bad as he thought he was. Yes it was develop him, but at his core he was always a decent person. That why he was able to save those kids he need to believe he was worth something. He passed that belief on to Emilia.
>a single sentence changes how he has acted during the series.
>I will post in untraslated so I can desperately try to make my interlocutor shy.
Holy shit man, don't be just a waifutard.
This basically debunks the theory that Rem sees Subaru as only "MUH HERO" and that her love for Subaru is placed on a pedestal.
I think even Kirito would have been a better MC, yes
No, not at all.
Jesus, you are hopeless.
Rem literally won in arc 6
Meanwhile Satella spell will break when Subaru went full sage mode and Emilia will be even more irrelevant
Like I said. You're being pedantic over nothing. It's like you need to overcompenstate for lack of Rem's presence in the story.
>author is wrong
>I'm right
Why EOPs is so retarded?
Godammit dude, it's an established fact that he loves both equally, it stated literally fucking everywhere, and all the scenes afterwards just showcase that he cares about her just as much.
Why does it bother you so much if he does like then both just the same? He literally says in the interlude right after the anime that he decided to have both of then as his lovers/wives.
Its bound to happen.
But to say that Rem as of right now still isn't best girl and Subaru holds no feelings for her is absolute bullshit.
more neutral evil, as apposed to lawful or chaotic, which is what most people are familiar with.
Your opinion belongs in the
I'm not the same user you were talking to though, i'm just stating facts. I could care less if people want to make one character more relevant than the other, but stating things that have been shown in the story is hardly pedantic.
It's simple, Subaru does want to turn everyone back, but the arc 6 segment explains that everyone else is irrelevant in his mind, and his one true reason for going is because of Rem. That's it, i'm not trying to say Rem is better because of it.
Holy shit even I know Subaru loves Rem equally as much as Emilia.
Even though Emilia is a literal shit.
The same from Arc 6:
>He owned this determined expression, indicating he was ready to throw something away, that he would only show to Emilia. He owned this faithful expression, that made it seem as if he would be able to entrust his life, that he would only show to Beatrice. And then he owned this expression that exposed his weaknesses which he so often tried to conceal, the expression that he would only show to Rem.
>She wins by default
You have the wrong perspective. Subaru is the one who is trying to win her. Not the other way around.
>It all started on April 20, 2012 when a butcher wrote a fucking FANFIC
Fuck my life.
Well yeah, nobody is saying he loves one more than the other. He has sides and things he earned from all of then, Emilia gives him determination, and Rem allows him comfort since he can show his weakness to her, and Beatrice, while not a love interest, allowed him to be more faithful to those he cares about.
>Once again, a single sentence changes how he has acted during the series.
Ok. That sentence made you happy, so he achieved what he wanted, I guess.
>Why does it bother you so much if he does like then both just the same?
I already explained it. That's not how he has acted. It looks like the author is trying to make Remfags happy more than anything else.
>Emilia is a literal shit.
>even I know Subaru loves Rem equally as much as Emilia.
You don't say.
>Also before you go into some spergfit having a driving force and main motive is different from having a character's life revolve around another character. Emilia is for that one. As Subaru's life revolves around her to be honest.
Rem literally tells Betelguense that Subaru is reason to live and die. That's definition of revolving around someone. Even Remfags I know admit this. Emilia is certainly one of his motivations to be who he is. That's why he has showing his weaknessness to her.
Re Zero is a masterpiece and you know it.
Subaru became attached to her because of her genuine selflessness and her inability to leave those in trouble alone. Not just because she saved him from the thugs. Learn to pay attention.
found it on nyaa. only asked because there was no english fansub groups listed on MAL.
>And then he owned this expression that exposed his weaknesses which he so often tried to conceal, the expression that he would only show to Rem.
I fucking can't.
The fact that many a Emiliafag tried to pull wool over everyone's eyes that Rem's love for Subaru is just Rem putting Subaru on a pedestal is making me laugh my ass off right now.
We should try making our own fanfic and hope for the best
>wah wah I can't handle people saying x character is shit because I like them
Fucking grow up
It's scar, not door.
Aren't fanfics stories about other series?
Difference between SOA and this is that Kirito chose the "right" girl. Demonstrating the compassion, empathy, and sympathy that makes a character "morale".
Now whether or not Asuna is "best girl" is besides the point. The fact that she's in contention is the point that I'm trying to make.
In Re:Zero, Rem is the only girl in the running and I suppose Ram as well if you're into cuckoldry simply because we don't see enough of the elf.
Subaru is barely a "human" character and is closer to the MaBeasts or the base sins than the archbishops themselves.
So yes. Kirito is the better MC simply because he can reciprocate human emotions whereas Subaru only emulates what he believes to be the most appropriate in a fantasy RPG setting as he constantly makes reference to during his adventure. He's a superficial slut and he doesn't deserve Rem. Rem doesn't deserve this unfair cruel prostrating treatment. And moreso, the viewer doesn't deserve the torturous events that will inevitably unfold.
But we can't avert our eyes in the same way I can't avert my eyes to a man getting hit by a car. Similar to gore, watching Re:Zero is watching our own humanity slip away.
Maaaan, this delusion is pretty sad. Sure whatever you say. I'm just gonna keep letting the story speak for itself.
Can't you read?
I'm stating that Subaru's life doesn't revolve around Rem. That's Emilia's job.
>Rem literally tells Betelguense that Subaru is reason to live and die.
No, her reason for living was Ram. Her reason for dying was Subaru.
Rem lives for Ram, but is hoping to die by Subaru's side.
Priscilla's luck warped reality so hard Al was isekai'd when she was still a child so he could eventually become her scruffy enforcer when she was all grown up.
She lives for both of then honestly.
That's a bait copypasta, right? Nobody can be so stupid, right?
Makes you wonder who the real liars are right now.
Even more ironic is that Subaru basically goes berserk and cuts bitches when they talk shit about Rem.
I don't disagree that the author clearly states Subaru's love for them is equal, but the fact Subaru can't be himself around Emilia because she'll reject him and doesn't trust him kind of says a lot.
Speaking of Al, does anyone think his face is hidden for far more important reasons than it just being scarred?
>Not necessarily "evil" per say
No, the clown is definitely evil.
I really hope so too.
Pretty much this, it's not hard.
His argument is solid though
Hola shit
This is fucking awful
Al is Subaru
Side are in orbit
>Threads get more plot related discussions after anime ends due to more translators working on it
Guess Hope does exist at the end of the bandwagon after all
I love you faggots
Yeah, as solid as the gorilla warfare pasta, someting that must be taken seriously.
Your description also completely applies to say, Pennywise the Dancing Clown. Clown dick is evil as fuck tier.
>I don't disagree that the author clearly states Subaru's love for them is equal, but the fact Subaru can't be himself around Emilia because she'll reject him and doesn't trust him kind of says a lot.
No because she already seen him at weakness and still accepted him. But he also her at weakest and believe needs to be a rock to support to her in face of what he she go through like Rem is for him.
It isn't. He's not stating any objective reason for his extraordinarily stupid claim. Re:Zero can only work with a character like Subaru, who is initially a coward and afraid of death, because your typical isekai MC (see Kirito) would just abuse Return by Death until everything goes according to keikaku.
>[Subaru: Because the girl that loves me, the girl that I love back, the girl that affectionately provides me love—-the girl that is harder on me more than any other person in the world, the girl that doesn’t let me off easily, that girl is the real Rem!]
Literally, Emilia is the goal. Rem is the wingman(?)
I don't even think a wingman will shoot you down on the spot.
So easy to counter you're going for namecalling instead
>Not necessarily "evil" per say
>Subaru will, little by little, acquire the power of all archbishops only to lead him to the point he was 400 years ago before being banished from that world to the Earth
Bravo, Graycat. Bravo.
>Literally, Emilia is the goal. Rem is the wingman
And Remfans are too autistic to get it.
>the girl that is harder on me more than any other person in the world, the girl that doesn’t let me off easily, that girl is the real Rem!
This fucking hurts.....
Not abusing Return to Death and generally being an absolute pussy is the reason he's shit in the first place
You know what? This is probably going to turn out to be true to some extent or another. Whether it's soul-splitting, time travel, or some other nonsense like that.
>They support each other
>Both of them are each other's pillar of support
>They show only their weakest sides only to each other.
Its fucking beautiful
Emilia won't reject him for his weakness, she comforted him once before, i think the idea is that he just doesn't want Emilia to see him troubled to worry her.
He would do the same for Rem if she was awake, but since she's in a coma, he can relay his insecurities to her.
user. You don't go full romantic on your wingman.
More like so stupid that makes me cringe and laugh at the same time. Absolutely solid 10/10.
But Subaru is around 22 years in that AU, so far Al have 18 years in that world so if this true, Al is a least 40 years old,
>I'm stating that Subaru's life doesn't revolve around Rem. That's Emilia's job.
His life revolves around both, since the moment when he decided to commit a suicide after found her in coma.
Or most likely after
> そんなことはずっと前からわかっていて、その存在はそのずっと前のときより今はずっとずっと大きくなっている。
> だから、
> 「笑って話す未来に、お前がいなくちゃ……俺は嫌だよ」
> 「その未来、レムも隣にいていいですか?」
> 「……当たり前だろ。他のどこにもいかせやしねぇ」
Why would he call Rem a "thing" though. He seemed angry and revolved at the idea of Ram having a sister.
What are the powerlevels so far?
Yes? Al looks just like older Subaru from behind
But that's still what Subaru is saying and doing. I guess the wingman is that good, but it's still a wingman.
But he already got Emilia for fucks's sake, he even kissed her in arc 4, and she states in arc 5 that Subaru taught her what love is, and she loves him back when Regulus tries to forcibly marry her.
Maybe he was talking about Ley
If you're gonna use DnD terminology, you should at least be aware that neutral evil characters tend to be even bigger assholes than their lawful and chaotic counterparts. Saying he's not "necessarily evil" just because his alignment is closer to NE is a terrible argument.
im guessing top 3 would be
1. Reinhard
2. Puck
3. Beatrice
That'd be an interesting take on it yeah.
But it's still to early to tell.
You can search through here
Will we ever be able to see Satella or Echidna?
You're ignoring Satella though. She's on par, or slightly above Reinhard.
Stop talking about things you know nothing about. Echidna (spirit) was the one who suggested the tower, and the reason it gave the suggestion was to fix Anastasia. Subaru wouldn't even know about it otherwise. He was conviced by saying that the sage might be able to fix the victims of Gluttony and Lust, with the possibility of fixing Rem as the clincher.
All v9 images
Arc 4.
The spirit didn't mention Rem though.
Not this absolute bullshit again.
Have you ever been in a life-threatening situation? If you, you'll probably remember that feeling of wanting to stay the fuck alive no matter what. That's instinct. Instinct is a very strong thing ingrained in human beings, and our survival instinct is perhaps the most powerful of them all. Subaru isn't a pussy at all. Being afraid of death is natural, and him being a mind-broken mess also makes sense due to the trauma of repeatedly dying extremely painful deaths, as well as seeing those he loves die, particularly Rem having all her limbs broken and dragging herself over to him on her fucking teeth, only to die in his arms after she confesses her love. So yeah, Subaru is a good character precisely BECAUSE his mental health is deteriorating due to repeated heavy psychological trauma. Of course he's going insane to a point where he's so fed up that he just wants to run away from his problems. His cringe-inducing actions were quite annoying, but a part of his character that makes sense considering he's an anti-social shut-in NEET that doesn't know the first thing about social interaction.
I mean hell, did you even watch the fucking anime, you tremendous faggot?
He does wear rags.
I haven't posted this in awhile but its relevant now so.
>Lean/Support on each other
>Guide one another so not to miss themselves
>Accept me at my worst but expect me at my best
>Not having people look down on them, especially themselves
>Look and work for tomorrow because you have a tomorrow
This is their contract and promise, and neither Rem or Subaru has broken it as of yet.
It was made again in episode 11, stated again in episode 18 and will continue to remain relevant as long as those two are alive.
Petra: 0
Subaru: 1
Elsa: 2000
Regulus: 8000
Reinhard: >9000
Satella: >9000
That isn't how their relationship even works.
No, Emilia said she'd try to love Subaru once she understood what love is or something.
>Emilia won't reject him for his weakness, she comforted him once before, i think the idea is that he just doesn't want Emilia to see him troubled to worry her.
Well that would be true but there was an instance already that we saw where Emilia shoved Subaru away.
I think in Rem's case, she would lecture him but not distance herself.
This gotta be one of the best pages ever.
Ram was one of the single most powerful individuals in the world before she was crippled. If he came into contact with her back then, he'd have good reason to think of her as a monster. If he knows her from after she came into Roswal's service, that is to say, after she started working for one of the worst people we've seen who is not a witch or a cultist, it's not difficult to imagine that his impression of her might not be the best.
She only shoved him away because he wouldn't explain himself why he was throwing himself in harms way for her user.
is otto a gay
My wife Petra is so cute!
But not in the sense that their official relationship yet, because Emilia wants understand her feeling fully.
1. Fuck
2. Outta
3. Here
I hope everyone who hated on Julius feel bad about themselves.
And the same thing went for Rem in ep 18 but she didn't push him away.
That's not a contract.
That's a fucking wedding vow.
So, when do we get NTR doujins with Regulus and Emilia?
i'd let him fuck me
I know this is a stupid question, but Rem's AU made think. Are there any asian people in that world? Jewloli speaks with an accent, but that's because the founder of her country was a nip from our world, so Kuraragi's nip elements should be because of him.
Now Rem comes from a nip like village, but everyone points how different Subaru's appareance is, but not Rem's.
But not in the sense that their official relationship yet, because Emilia wants understand her feelings for him fully.
Not soon enough.
That would be a fair point the first 3 or 4 times obivously. But once you know you're going to wake up in the past again anyway, it makes no sense to fear death, ESPECIALLY if "dying" can bring back someone who's actually dead
Missing the context entirely. In that scene, Subaru has again fallen into despair. Rem is the only one he can show this side of him, and he counts on her to bring him out of it. He doesn't want to show Emilia his pathetic side. What he shows for her is the side of him that will go to great lengths for her.
So, Crush didn't lose her arm?
Faggot cat reattachment magic.
She did but it was a perfect cut due to Regulus's authority, so it was easy to place back thanks to healing magic.
Pick one.
Felix put it back
Holy shit. BASED
Is this how LORD Subaron will look in the future?
I think Roswaal is actually stronger than Puck.
I already made the pun about Rem getting Ley'd, so I'd rather see Regulus put his throbbing veiny fist-sized meat inside Emilia.
I like both girls equally and I am fine with whoever ends up with Subaru or all three of them agree to be together that way. It doesn't change much for me at the end.
About the side he can't show Emilia: I think of it as more he doesn't want to see her troubled, worried about him than he doesn't trust Emilia or something else. With both girls he has gone through stuff that progressed their characters and relationships further ahead. To Rem he can saw his weakness because both during arc 3 had to go through stuff that bonded them in their lowest, especially Subaru.
To Emilia he has to to show his determined and strong attitude, his fearless traits against the world that still doesn't want and hates her because of her race. I am waiting for the moment Emilia fully understands what love is and loves him back the same way, I hope.
Wow. So lame. What point was to even iclude this then,
When does she get the magical murder powers/weapon proficiency/cannibalistic scrotum-appetite to make her useful to Dark Lord Toyota-nii?
Wrong. What it says is that saving Rem alone was enough to convince him to tag along. There's nothing secondary about the other victims.
My vote is pic related
Good job missing the entire point of the section about the instinct of survival.
user, when your live is in danger, something base that you do not consciously control comes into play. You can not rationalize away fear of death. Besides, he does kill himself at least twice to save somebody.
There's also an AU where he DOES abuse Return by Death, and becomes a husk of his former self and basically a shell of a human being.
Thank you.
Well, he loves to give speeches how he is better than everyone else, better take care of his appearence to complete the picture. Also, he is a married man, doesn't he bark to his wives how good he is?
Because she would have died if it wasn't for Rem exhausting herself even further, she was gonna get cut in half but Rem saved her, and then used the rest of her mana to seal the wound.
Let's not be so stupid, in ep. 18 Subaru was a exhausted man who was escaping from his problems, in ep. 13 Subaru was someone who dud something terribly stupid and harmful "for Emilia". Totally different context.
Also, the fact that Rem can't shove him away isn't necessarily a good thing, it's actually one of the reasons why some people don't like her. she can be too pupp-ish, which is great when you are exhausted but a bad thing if you are doing something beyond stupid.
Add more scars and black corruption marks for when he gets infected with more of Lust's dragon aids.
There's already one of Regulus and Subaru.
Regulus only did that shit with Crusch's carriage and her arm in that scene, nothing else. I think Tappei added him in because Ley (who has no special defenses) wrecking everything on his own probably didn't make sense.
Rem is always supporting Subaru not it is rebounding. It's part of the reason why her state affects him so much, because she was supposed to be there as his support as he supports Emilia in turn.
Emilai and Suabru are pretty similar as well.
One of ending narrative of Subaru and Emilie's reconciliation in Arc 3:
>Under the setting sun, an outlander and a silvered hair half elf continue to exchange their feelings.
>Many loops of despair and sadness that continued for a long time, finally overcame them and achieved this quiet, peaceful time.
>This is just a story to reach those quiet peaceful time. This is just a story with long lost winding roads, where feelings intervened
>A boy without self confidence, letting his feelings known to a girl without self confidence. This is just a story to try his best for a purpose like that.
Here the discrepancy though.
Rem is the type who won't shove Subaru away and will use any opportunity to improve Subaru from his current state.
Emilia will distance herself from Subaru as to not hurt him, making hurt more in the process.
There is nothing in this world that's allowed to go right for Regulus.
Two-way contracts are nice aren't they?
>A boy without self confidence, letting his feelings known to a girl without self confidence. This is just a story to try his best for a purpose like that.
Fucking 8man/Yukino/Yui all over again.
>ram will never give you this digusted look
No you don't get what I mean. Motives and context aside, when Subaru fucks up Rem in that state would scold him really bad.
Emilia just didn't handle the situation well enough because she had some doubts about Subaru.
Also she's not puppish because she couldn't push him away.
If anything it's Subaru who is like the puppy and Rem is the trainer who showers him with love. You know better examples that. A[ wife./spoiler]
>Ley has daggers strapped to his hands
He looks like a fucking circus monkey.
Shitty edit made
Make it better than my lazy effort please
No. Nowhere in that passage are Rem's thoughts mentioned. It's talking about Subaru's feelings, and that he would only show his pathetic side to the person who brought him out of it.
>[Rem: I’m okay with being your second wife.]
>[Subaru: If Emilia-tan is someone who tolerates polygamy then ok.]
>[Rem: Well then, I guess once we get back I’ll need to persuade Emilia-sama. I’ll do my best.]
>In few chapters, Ferri is going to disappear from the WN translation for a long time.
Only manga is left.
Oh god you emilliafag sure is tryhard arent ya? This is embarassing as fuck..
Did you try to read what you say and realise you sound like a stupid ignorant fucktard?
>>author trying to make remfag happy
>>subaru is not like that its just the author
Good lord
I don't care if people call Rem waifubait anymore. As Subaru describes Rem the same a man describes his wife.
>Rem is the type who won't shove Subaru away and will use any opportunity to improve Subaru from his current state.
Because she was in love with at the point. If this was pre ep 11, she wouldn't give a shit about him and treated him as everyone else did. Let's be honest here.
>Emilia will distance herself from Subaru as to not hurt him, making hurt more in the process.
Easily to say when Subaru didn't spreg out and said what he did to Emilia to her. Instead he just beats himself up in ep 18. There nothing that doesn't make believe EMilai wouldn't have comforted him under the same conditions if he were honest with her then.
>will use any opportunity to improve Subaru
Pfft, please, she didn't even say a word after the stupid things he did in ep. 13 and ep.16.
Emilia would have scolded him to death if she would have known how he acted in ep. 16.
Rem has her limits, and it's a good thing for the story, stop trying to sell her as someone perfect.
>will distance herself from Subaru
Jesus man, you are trying to mae it sound like that was her habit, and it wasn't and never will.
Yorokobe, shounen, at least you got Emilia and the sufferingfags got their promised scene of despair.
And that's precisely why he's a worse MC than Asuna. The fact that Kirito at the very least can work together with Asuna to overcome trials and tribulations where death was driving factor is more of a reason why Kirito is a more admirable character than Subaru.
Subaru emulates what we would do and think so we work by that assumption but why on earth would he go through the most counter-intuitive route?
Sure, Rem doesn't remember her deaths but Subaru does. And he can note that she does whatever is in her capacity to save him each and every time. Rem physically dies 4 times but emotionally dies once which is a more brutal blow than all the other ones because the reason for her death (Subaru) is dehumanizing. Where exactly does the elf come in? What is an insignificant character so special to the man, nay, BOY we all can identify with?
Is it simply the harem element of being the first girl that was kind to him (assuming Felt was not kind in their first meeting) or is it simply something even more simple and horrifying about the human nature and our shallow society? That the elf was simply better-looking and appeals to the trope that elves are all beautiful and mystifying, hence, we should appeal to the elf. In either case, I feel nothing but hatred for Subaru because he's a character we can understand and assume. I identify with him because of his cowardice to physical pains as would any logical and rational human being on this board but I can't fathom a world where he and I would be so ungrateful to the only person who has faithfully followed him at every turn.
>No. Nowhere in that passage are Rem's thoughts mentioned. It's talking about Subaru's feelings, and that he would only show his pathetic side to the person who brought him out of it.
It's there.
I see, the service is working so it's ok.
>If this was pre ep 11
That should be obvious because I don't know. Subaru and Rem barely knew each other and disliked each other during that? Why are you using pre-Rem or pre-episode 11 chapters as evidence to indicate her lack of affection towards Subaru?
Why weren't his fingers mangled to shit from constantly biting them?
You just sound like a mad waifufag at this point. Love at first sight isn't a trope for no reason. The fact that the author uses this trope does not make Subaru a bad character.
>Jesus man, you are trying to mae it sound like that was her habit, and it wasn't and never will.
But it is her habit?
She did it during arc 1 when she met Subaru did she not? She did that when Subaru wanted to help her in the elections did she not? She also did that when they fought in episode 13 did she not?
They have people who can heal, someone from his many followers most likely has water magic.
And besides, he does feel very strong affection towards Rem, it just isn't as clear in the anime, especially considering at which point they decided to end it.
Emilia receives a "blank" letter from Rem.
>Pfft, please, she didn't even say a word after the stupid things he did in ep. 13 and ep.16.
>Emilia would have scolded him to death if she would have known how he acted in ep. 16.
This is the same Emilia who he had to disguise himself to save in EP24 because she trusts him so little she would have died otherwise. Then in EP25 we have confess to her, and she responds with "thanks". Then later in Arc 5, Emilia says she doesn't know what love is. I don't see how it can even be considered a relationship, frankly.
Welcome to Cred Forums!
Now get out and never come back. Go back where the fuck you came from and stay there.
Are well aware that Tappei changed that in the anime? No polygamy, no I love you to Rem, only I like you for everything you did for me, but I love Emilia.
Did the LN change this as well?
>That earring
Regulus confirmed as fuccboi with no taste AKA: Cred Forumsnon
>She did it during arc 1 when she met Subaru did she not?
Yeah, and Rem killed him twice. See how stupid you are being? No, seriously man, stop it.
>She did that when Subaru wanted to help her in the elections did she not? She also did that when they fought in episode 13 did she not?
You can't be serious.
I am frustrated. I enjoyed watching Re:Zero and it sucks to watch Rem get cucked at every turn because it's so counter-intuitive despite Subaru being so relatable. It's something like killing your mother who has raised you from diapers to what you are now. I can't and won't accept it.
Nope. The LN is more or less the same.
>Using pre-episode 11 as evidence
Really user? You're using THAT as a counterargument?
holy shit. That fucking face. End your fucking life.
And Rem killed and tortured him, and also left him when he was being crazy.
Only fuccbois use their own word anymore
Is this a list of what Rem has done with Subaru on each day? I can't moonspeak well yet.
They only implied his love for Rem in the anime yeah.
Also no, the only thing the LN really changed was his death by forced suicide before the one where he dies to Julius.
>because she trusts him so little she would have died otherwise.
I dob't understrand why you must twist what happened so much. I didn't even read the rest of your post because how stupid it could be.
You shouldn't have quoted the part about Rem if you were going to ignore it, though.
He's a bitch ass faggot with a forced harem then.
It's only been 4 days and I already forgot this show existed.
Good for you I guess
> using THAT as a counterargument
user, read the post again, you completely missed the point. Which is actually not surprising.
then the social disorder ram ask what is written in it
emilia answers it's a blank letter (just white paper)
I stated canon facts, sorry to burst your headcanon bubble.
At this point on, the anime is just there.
They could squeeze that in here, but actually it makes it even worse for Subaru's case because he couldn't tell her his feelings.
Why the fuck are you using evidence when Rem barely knew Subaru and their relationship was abysmally low?
Of fucking course she wouldn't help him at that time, considering she still suspected him of being part of the witch cult.
That's a little hard to believe since you're commenting in a thread about it tripfag.
Wrong term, it's called head canon. But nice try.
That's fine, user. But that doesn't make Subaru a bad character. Remember, when Betelgeuse killed her, Subaru was so mind-broken that it took the shock of seeing her die to make him stop being completely apathetic. Rem being eaten by the whale wasn't his fault, either. Spoilers ahead:
He does kill himself twice to bring her back to life. The first time is after she dies to the curse of the shaman, the second time is after Gluttony eats her name and memories and makes her become a vegetable.
In any case, be mad at tappei all you want, but what happened to Rem really isn't Subaru's fault and doesn't make him a bad character.
>Chapter 1: In the Place we Have Returned 3
>Chapter 2: Disparagement and Gratitude 18
>Chapter 3: Reunion and Missed Paths 28
>Chapter 4: The Next Place 37
>Chapter 5: Team Emilia 49
>Chapter 6: On The Road to Sanctuary 56
>Chapter 7: The Test Site 68
>Chapter 8: A Long-Awaited Reunion 77
>Chapter 9: The Cemetery 87
>Chapter 10: Thirst for Knowledge Incarnate 97
>Chapter 11: Sloth in Wrath by Pride 110
>Chapter 12: A Souvenir From the Tea Party 117
>Chapter 13: Roswaal's Intent 128
>Chapter 14: Questions and Answers 143
>Chapter 15: Qualifications and Trial 155
>Chapter 16: Morning in the Natsuki Household 167
>Chapter 17: Love Story 177
>Chapter 18: Kin 189
>Chapter 19: Homework 210
>Chapter 20: Test Results 219
Holy shit, based Cred Forumsnon doing god's work, you almost wrote a full LN.
That's nice, now you can stop polluting threads, tripfag.
The hell? They weren't conversing at that point.
Meanwhile at Arc 2 Emilia had trust on Subaru but there was a blip that fucked it all up.
Am I wasting my time responding to bait?
That's what happens when you don't bash Remfags through hell and back. You actually get them translating instead of arguing with shitposters.
Except the circumstances are very different. Rem saw that he had given up. Emilia saw the opposite, and he almost got killed in her name over some petty thing.
and it's the longest arc, the size of the first 3 combined
the guy is a fucking madman, what a guy
probably the most important poster right now
Believe me, you don't need me to pollute shit threads about a shit series.
No, I'm using that as evidence of why you can't compare those two situations, because straight from hating to loving in a sort amount of time. And as we have and Ram points even if Rem she isn't the type to show emotions to anyone even if their just a friend. Because she so broken, they have be some one who she can put on pedestal like sister or Roswaal for her to go out the bat for them. She is an extreme character comes to almost anything.
Subaru as High Archbishop of Pride
>There's also an AU where he DOES abuse Return by Death, and becomes a husk of his former self and basically a shell of a human being.
Was this a side story or something? Where can I read it?
Where is the general, guys? I want to keep this discussion going.
Who tripfag? I think my filter hit him somehow
>Emilia saw the opposite, and he almost got killed in her name over some petty thing.
Like I said it doesn't matter what the circumstance is because in the end, it was something wrong with Subaru. Again, Rem in her stance would probably have scolded him and set him straight rather than what Emilia did which made an even bigger wound.
Did you fail to realize the impact Subaru has given to Rem or something? Did you not pay attention to the reasons that Rem stated in episode 18?
> if Rem she isn't the type to show emotions to anyone even if their just a friend.
That's true. But she does show her emotions to the people she feels closest to her, hence Ram and Subaru, possibly Beatrice. That is why Rem is different when interacting with those two (three?) compared to others.
Sharp as a knife. Yes, I really don't need you to pollute these threads, now fuck off.
It's an alternate universe. I lost the link, sadly, but perhaps another user has it.
Jebus Matoi
Just typing this out made me cringe
The second most cancerous attwhore of all.
>Am I wasting my time responding to bait?
He's not baiting, he's just that dumb + ESL. I recognize him from reddit.
I believe is a web novel chapter.
Shitobako is trash though.
See, now that's bait.
No. She would only scold him if he gives up. She didn't scold him in the previous loops (failed negotiations, forgetting about the fog, forcing the ground dragon to move) or even after his argument with Emilia.
Fucking kek. I like how tripfags make it easier for me
What is that little thing?
>Am I wasting my time
Am I? You twisted what happened and then called it "canon". No idea why I should take you seriously. There is no reason to think that Emilia would done some hysteric fits only because she would have met Subaru. We actually even see that she was just worried when they met during the first loop.
Stop twisting everything, and maybe I will take you seriously.
>Meanwhile at Arc 2 Emilia had trust on Subaru but there was a blip that fucked it all up.
The hell are you even trying to say now? She defended him even when Rem died, are you sure your head works fine?
Never being there, not even one single time. Nice shitposting, especially when you are defending that retarded. You deluded haters are fucking hopeless.
Those are not Rem's thoughts.
Came here to post this.
I'm still here you little shit lol
Arc 5 Subaru is pretty damn based as well.
Ley of Gluttony
Subaru gave her the reason why he saved her after the mansion arc. He never did the same to Emilia until their reconciliation at the end of Arc 3.
One thing that's important to note about Rem's behavior during Arc 3 in the capitol is that she's under orders from Roswaal to follow Subaru's lead without question. The anime glosses over this, but her actions are not entirely due to personal loyalty to Subaru at that point yet in the narrative.
When's s2?
Is Otto a fuckboi?
So Subaru is the one putting Rem on the pedestal now?
What is this?
How much of a difference do the uncensored episodes make?
Is the show heavily censored?
>No. She would only scold him if he gives up.
If it were something detrimental that it's eating him up he would. It's not just about giving up.Do note that when Subaru was saying things about giving up even when he was raising his voice, Rem was still relatively calm. She scolded him for self loathing.
Otto is great, he is the biggest bro of them all.
>That's what happens when you don't bash Remfags through hell and back. You actually get them translating instead of arguing with shitposters.
The guy did it for a friend, it has nothing to do with waifuwars, he isn't spbro or whatever was he called. Trying to pull a translator into a waifuwar says a lot about you, though.
That's not why he was disguised.
I'm inclined to believe that the first time she dies, Subaru does so out of selfishness. He cannot let it stain his relationship with Elf because he can't talk about his ability. That would be the only way to take him out of being a suspect. If i recall the 2nd time, I may be wrong, but doesn't he just die at the castle due to Puck's enraged form?
I honestly don't believe he's ever gone out of his way to help or save Rem. Maybe some
>ohshitnigga eat my appas cause I bought too many
But perhaps you are right that Subaru's affection for Rem is something beyond romantic love though I'd have to say that in any case of watching a close friend or even any random person be brutalized as Rem was in the fight with Sloth would shock me back into reality just because witnessing such an event is so mortifying and "real". He realizes that this fantasy rpg setting has real life consequence and isn't just a story for children where he has harems left and right but there are pains and traumas. Even after considering your points, it's hard for me to see that subaru is anything less than an selfish shithead.
Though my point isn't that he's necessarily a bad MC but more that, he's less likeable and agreeable with than Kirito. The only reason why people hate Kirito and, subsequently, Asuna is because SAO shit the bed after the 1st arc as well as some cringey character-building in the 1st arc.
I see Subaru and Re:Zero as a whole (since the story itself revolves completely around Subaru) as a social commentary and whether I'm willing to accept the morale of the story is something that extends to whether or not I can accept myself as part of a cycle of negligence, indifference and mercilessness in my everyday interaction with society. And that's where I think Subaru's true character and Re:Zero message shines.
No fuck off, don't believe this little shit
I'm me
Self-insert fags pls go.
Tappei removed useless stuff in the anime, I don't, but this may speak volumes of Rem as a love interest. Subaru is going to end with Emilia, dead or alone.
This is some fairly cool art.
Posting the real best waifu
>Tappei removed useless stuff in the anime,
Which won't get covered?
I mean the thing the anime had to do was remove not so vital stuff for the current covered material. Otherwise, it's going to get even more frustrating for the viewers since there's no guarantee of continuation.
Is today supposed to be Emilia's birthday? I see some fanart on pixiv saying "Happy birthday".
Someone posted that Tappei stated in a QA that it wasn't going to end with Emilia, but I never read that QA personally so I can't confirm that.
>Rem behind Subaru and Satella
This artist has caught on to it.
Serious question. Why is Subaru so in love with Emilia? For embarrassing him infront of the council and then being gone for half the show while Rem tried to win his heart, she sure kept his heart locked up tight. Is this explain in later volumes of the LN?
Rem left him in the first loop of Arc 3. What are you even talking about?
Emilia also suspected him in the first arc, but she didn't kill him.
Yes, Sep 23
Is the manga in Arc 4 already?
Then tomorrow.
Happy birthday Emilia! We eliminated Crusche and Rem for you!
Almost every relationship in Re:Zero is unrequited, obsessive love.
it's already the 23rd in nipland user
If I remember correct, he only mentioned that the last arc won't have a heroine. He said that arcs 4-10 have Emilia as the main heroine but didn't say the same for the last arc 11.
Exactly how strong are Priscilla and Anastasia?
Rem will be the heroine
>Emilia also suspected him in the first arc, but she didn't kill him.
Give me evidence of this. Come on.
>Rem left him in the first loop of Arc 3. What are you even talking about?
While she did you need to consider in what context she left him. She knew if Subaru were to come with her he would die. That's what caused her to leave him.
>I'm inclined to believe that the first time she dies, Subaru does so out of selfishness. He cannot let it stain his relationship with Elf because he can't talk about his ability. That would be the only way to take him out of being a suspect. If i recall the 2nd time, I may be wrong, but doesn't he just die at the castle due to Puck's enraged form?
You might be correct about the first time. Part of his motivation is selfish, but I don't think that it is entirely so. Regarding the second part, no, I'm not talking about the time he got beheaded by Puck. Again, if you only have seen the anime and nothing beyond that, this is a huge spoiler, but Crush and Rem, who are part of the convoy bringing the whale's head to the capital, get attacked by the Archbishops of Gluttony and Greed. Rem gets her name and memories eaten, effectively making her a vegetable that nobody but Subaru can remember. Remember the last episode, where Subaru and Emilia talk on the hill? Pretty much just after the point where the anime cut off, there's another "Who's Rem" moment, and Subaru, after having figured out what happened to her, kills himself via dagger to throat, only to notice that his checkpoint was past Rem getting royally fucked up by Gluttony so killing himself won't do any good.
So yeah, he does go out of his way to help/save Rem. He also acted as living bait so she could get away from the mabeast dogs after she had exhausted herself in her oni form.
As for the rest of your post, yes, he isn't exactly a very likeable character, at least at first, but I began to like him a little better after he got his shit together and seriously tried to fix himself, dropping his cringe for the most part.
As for the last paragraph, I think you're reading into that a tiny bit too much. Then again, I don't really know a lot about Japanese culture (which is definitely the context you have to see re:zero in) to make accurate judgement on that.
I wouldn't take everything he says to face value, things may change along the way.
That would basically be a giant spoiler for the ending and i doubt he'd just give up end game information like that.
I'm sorry user, but you're waifu must be killed before the end.
It's for the best.
Unrequited, obsessive love or Wilhelm.
I wish.
I think the manga is at the point where Mitsubishi first talks to Anastasia
why is priscilla-sama so pure?
The preview tomorrow will surely surprise us?
No, Rem in her position would have done the same, or worse.
jew loli is just a jew with no powers
priscilla has sun powers
Foreshadowing with Emilia's visions and Theresia parallels suggest Rem is going to end up as a Pandora'd enemy Subaru has to kill with his own hands.
But maybe I'm wrong!
>Priscilla has a thing for little boys
How did I miss that?
The Emilia vision was hardly that detailed user, it made her scream that she hated someone since she first met then.
At least do something about that font.
this fucking fanart I swear
>tfw instead of being an ep 25 preview it previews the first minute of S2 Ep1
Not him but how so?
>No, Rem in her position would have done the same, or worse.
Sorry but the narrative doesn't lie.
Yes we repaid love with love.
New thread.
>muh preview
For Christ sake stop being schizophrenic.
What are you even talking about? Rem is not present in that scene. How could her thoughts be there? Subaru is stating his experiences with Rem.
Trips confirmed
Godspeed EMT!
Fuck that cat.
No. She scolded him for giving up. That is the entire point of From Zero. She didn't scold him when he called himseld pathetic after training with Wilhelm. She didn't scold him when he failed his negotiations with Crusch. She didn't scold him when he called everyone useless.
Have you seen the 80's movie?
>This is what Emiliafags will propagate
Oh boy, here we go.
No, tell more
Rewatch the first arc and the SoL bits of Arc 2. This time at normal speed and with subs on.
>Emilia saves his life
>spends time with him in the garden
>this makes someone fall head over heels
I didn't know it was this easy.
>No. She scolded him for giving up.
She was still in a calm state when he was giving up.
When he says that he hates himself, and that it's only he who knows about himself is when Rem outright scolds him.
Rewatch ep 18 lest we go to bullshit territory.
This faggot puts it best.
Refer to the scene where Puck assures her that Subaru has no ill intent.
>She knew if Subaru were to come with her he would die
Except this is also the context with Emilia, only she handled it better since she actually tried to talk to him about it instead of leaving in his sleep.
Rem is not as trusting as Emilia. If you swap their circumstances, she would never come to trust Subaru. She would think he was the one who planned out events to get close to her for some unknown motive, especially after he blurts out his "everything would be much worse without me" line.
See above. Emilia is literally too kind. Anyone else in her position would have locked him up and put under investigation instead of being given free medical services.
Turn on the subs and watch at normal speed.
>See above. Emilia is literally too kind. Anyone else in her position would have locked him up and put under investigation instead of being given free medical services.
I didn't say Emilia wasn't kind. I just said that she handled it terribly.
Because speedwatcher there is an entire first half of the show where got along and supported eachother. Futhermore Subaru fell in lovewoth empathetic and self personality that he has beer essentially benefiting from. It helps she fidn't murder him at one point. He's also only been apart from her for 3 days since he got to this world. That’s nowhere long enough for just shut off his feelings for her. Rem would smack jim upside yhe head if he did that, because she believe he's not some shallow who put all his effort into protect and then simply drop them over a disagreement that was his fault.
Subaru ain't you or Regulus
I'll take a gander at this.
First, where are swapping Rem for Emillia at which episode?
Second, are we purely going by that scenario along?
Third, are we assuming its going to be and exact mirror of episode 13 or just the overall concept/situation of it?
Fourth, are we considering that this would have been a completely different timeline if Rem was indeed in place of Emilia in episode 1 and further?
Do you perhaps think that scolding = raising your voice? No. "It's easy to give up, but it doesn't suit you" is the exact moment Rem scolded him. Subaru even recalls this phrase and uses it as his motivation to keep being a hero until now.
Yep. In Arc 4 the 2nd trial shows how horrified and broken up Subaru's death while Rem just looks on dumbfounded and apathetic.
Yeah that artist is amaxing. She actually a pretty big Emiliafan.
2 scenarios:
1. From the start of Arc 3. Rem would feel deeply betrayed by Subaru's words and would think that he's linked to the witch's cult, after all, since the miasma would increase right before he spergs out. She would leave him and call for him to be investigated/locked up for being a cultist.
2. From Arc 1. She would beat him up the moment he called her Satella in the 2nd loop. She would attack first and ask questions later in the 3rd loop.
Rem might be dead before that point for all we know.
This "theory" is as retarded as Japan thinking Munakata is Chiaki.
Alright, this is loaded as well but sure.
>since the miasma would increase right before he spergs out
One thing, Rem uses Subaru's miasma as an indication of him emotional and mental well being. So if he were do say and do such things its warranted. As negative emotions causes the miasma to get stronger. At one point while not stated in the anime, Rem bring Subaru to Emilia in hope to erase the miasma and have him snap out of his insanity.
Also if we are assuming Rem will be there as a candidate for the election and Subaru is defending Rem's standing and everything in arc 2 did happen, I would think she would have been smitten rather than mad, as is her character. If we are also taking into account the extra chapters and the time those two sent bonding with each other, as well as Emilia and others.
>She would leave him and call for him to be investigated
This I can see her doing though, but as a background check rather than a full on lockup and interrogation.
I'll comment on scenario 2 later.
>From Arc 1. She would beat him up the moment he called her Satella in the 2nd loop. She would attack first and ask questions later in the 3rd loop.
No shit. Rem isn't that nice of a person compared to Emilia. Plus she wouldn't even know who Subaru was at that point and pre-arc 3 Rem is stuck in a cycle of anger as well as self-hatred so.
Now that I think about it, if Rem was in the first arc instead of Emilia. Rem would have been one of the hardest girls to conquer or raise flags with to the exception of Ram.
You are forgetting Subaru's words and the way he delivered them. Even the anime scenario writers were hurt by it. I specifically made the swap at the start of Arc 3, not the end of Arc 2, to include the timeskip and to make her standing with Subaru as close as Emilia's in the original. if you can't wrap your head around her feeling betrayed, then just imagine Roswaal telling her of his actual motive for taken her and Ram in. That is how grave Subaru's performance at the end of ep 13 was.
Let's continue our conversation here if the thread dies.
Anyways, if we are assuming that it will be a mirror scene of Subaru and Rem like Emilia and SUbaru. That quite literally wouldn't be Rem anymore, as everything Emilia did would conflict against Rem as a character.
Rem might have been a re-skinned Emilia if that is the case.
While Rem would have questioned Subaru and Subaru "the things I've done for you" card. Rem herself would admit that she would not be the same without him. Evidence is where she admits that this is the case in episode 18.
Though she would still scold the shit out of him considering it most likely would have hurt her feelings. But I doubt that at any point she would distance herself from Subaru.
Not to mention him being "Fanatical like an oni" would apply to this situation, which is one of the redeeming features Subaru would have had in that situation following up to episode 13.
Not to mention Subaru getting jealous ofcause some guy kissed Rem's hand would probably made Rem a bit happy, she is kind of selfish like that.
On a sidenote
>then just imagine Roswaal telling her of his actual motive for taken her and Ram in
Wile not applicable to the situation of arc 3, as this is revealed in arc 4. This is actually quite interesting of a scenario.
I'd like to explore on that by saying if Rem is still presumably alive and that Rosewaal does reveal his plants to Rem and Subaru, I actually don't know how both would react.
I can believe it would go the way of the Rokka no Yuusha
Subaru's words would just hurt her more since all the supposedly kind and heroic stuff he did was all for some ulterior motive to get close to her, which he cannot divulge.
>she would not be the same without him
Do you seriously think Emilia didn't think this? The reason why she was deeply hurt by their fight is because, aside from saving her and her bid for the throne, Subaru had given her something no one else had in the past. She knew she was there at that day thanks to Subaru's efforts, and that is why his apparent betrayal hurt all the more.
what the anime ending could have been
>he did was all for some ulterior motive to get close to her, which he cannot divulge
Then I'll pull episode 19 and 18 as evidence.
Rem doesn't need to know, as she has faith in him. Which at the time Emilia did not, that is the reason why Rem has to convince Emilia for Subaru to go to the capital with her.
Even if there was an ulterior motive, his actions has displayed in arc 2 to Rem, that those motives are not ones that will bring harm to people Subaru cares about.
Fuckin cancerous crossboarder, fuck off and kill yourself.