Kamito ecchi.
Kamito ecchi
The author nowadays only releases one book in a year.
Cinders. Cinders.
The anime adapts up to volume 3 right?
Thinking of picking up the novel right where the anime left off
inb4 THK ruins another thread.
Why won't she take off her kneesocks?
>there actually are other blade dancefags on Cred Forums
>odds are they are anime onlyfags.
Yes and no. Anime is inferior and skipped things. You should read from the beginning
We can discuss volume 15 if you want. Let's talk about the new cute loli, a dragon loli. Or Claire's new powers and full dere acceptance? Or about how Restia's is back doing that again.
Every adaptations skip things. The question is are the skipped scenes worth it?
I heard Restia joins Kamito again. Gonna read it just for more Restia honestly
Yes, but I'd recommend you start it from the beginning. Also, listening to the OST while reading makes it a better experience.
Knee high fight!
That explains why the translations are suspiciously up to date
The LN is always worth reading over anime adaptation. It's the only way you'll at least get a better feel closer to how the author intends for the plot and characters since narrative and character thoughts are lost in the anime adaptation.
Do not stick your dick into a sword.
Restia is Bestia
Blade Dance stitches (720p source), in case someone wants them. It's incomplete, as I missed a lot of Claire's. It's different than the one I uploaded before. In the last one, I forgot to include a lot of stitches (like Est's).
Claire is the cutest and is HOT.
Power-up kiss makes the girls orgasmed. Who orgasmed the loudest so far?
>I heard Restia joins Kamito again. Gonna read it just for more Restia honestly
She's been with the party for a while, but she had lost her memories. It's only in the last volume that she regained it.
Claire a shit
Great work, bro. It sadden me to see many of Clair's stitches are absent, though. She has a lot of good ones. I do believe I have most of them, but unfortunately they aren't from blu-ray source.
That reminds me.
>we'll never have a completed audio webm montage of all of Claire's yelps
Nice, thank you, user.
>Who orgasmed the loudest so far?
It would be extremely embarrassing.
It would be a daunting task to re-rewatch the whole season to pick out those numerous moments. Claire is near the top for me, but I don't think even could do it. But whoever does will have eternal graditude for having done literal God's work.
Claire a shit
>Those cute welps
My fucking heart
Ignore and report.
>muh boogeyman
Get fucked Clairetard.
You know that you're the reason people shit on Claire in the first place, right?
Every time.
That's adorable and not-so-strangely lewd.
Claire a feces
More loli Greyworth illustrations when
Does she still consider bare feet the most lewd thing possible? Cause that was hillarious.
(a) (feces)
What did she write on her body?
I'm gonna go out on a limb and assume this has no nipples even though it has completely naked girls in lewd situations.
Based user
My wife Est is so cute
I was happy when Restia regained her memories after her sacrifice. Her suffer needs to stop already.
Also I liked it when Rinslet got some spotlight after being ignored for 13 volumes.
>The LN is always worth reading over anime adaptation.
Not in translation.
I was happy when Restia regained her memories after her sacrifice. Her suffer needs to stop already.
Also I liked it when Rinslet got some spotlight after being ignored for 13 volumes.
Friendly reminder that this is not a loli.
Claire a shit
Because of Shomin Sample, I'm really skeptical of harems nowadays. Writer can just do some asspulls and then Claire-only ending, even when in this present state there's no way it wouldn't be a harem end.
Same thing with Bahamut. The series is clearly heading towards a harem end with Lisha being the only girl against it and being the least developed girl in the harem. The only way Lisha can win at this point is with a literal asspull which would make fans hate the series.
What are the light novels up to? What's even the plot up til now? Who is even the final boss 15 volumes in?
As a Lishafag I am okay with that. Still waiting for my Lisha development
That would be pretty shitwriting. There is literally no way Kamito would ever abandon Restia again or get rid of Est. The only possibility is the author kills them.
>Still waiting
Wait, the series is how many volumes in and the "first girl" still hasn't gotten anything?
That's fucking hilarious
reminder guys, hiatus again
Its good that Fianna is in the center stage in this arc. She mostly explains things to the team on the previous arc.
Despite the anime being a lackluster adaption, the soundtracks are good.
Lisha is pretty pathetic for a main girl. People only like her because muh cute jealous tsundere.
There was no second season right? Because if not then this webm should cover all the yelps.
When I made it I fucked up the audio as evident when the audio is low as fuck, but I do think I got every yelp.
Hoping for season 2 for more of them.
I haven't seen that in a while. That's one of the few things the anime has over the LN. Her seiyuu did an amazing job at making it sound really cute.
Yeah, S2 is never. My memory isn't the best, but I think there was one or two more yelps towards the last arc. There's also the OVA, which is missing.
Claire is cute and best.
I can recognize a best girl when I see her.
>tied to the castle by a curse
Damn earth elemental lord.
King of dragons loli > sword loli.
Is it really? Fianna isn't on the cover and she is getting upstaged by the other girls. She have less lines than Claire and Restia have almost as much when compared.
Claire is pretty cute.
You know, I thought Jio was Kamito's brother at first.
I want LRD to go.