What's wrong with Naruto?
No bait, no shitposting, I want to see legitimate complaints.
What's wrong with Naruto?
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Itachi wasn't the main character.
Before Cred Forums hated tumblr, we had gaia online. Although most people here nowadays hate it because they think they're supposed to.
With that being said, there's nothing really wrong with it, just a generic shonen manga for kids that got popular.
Godly child arc, teenager arc slowed the pace, took too long to warm up to Sai and new Commander, Akatsuki encounters carried the story, but they fucked it up at the Pain arc, interesting back story, retarded actions in the current world due to slow pacing still. Everything should of been bigger leading up to the explosion, then they deus ex the fuck out of it. Naruto never recovered from then on. At least Hinata shined in an entire Village of scared fucks.
it's the most thematically inconsistent series ever... went from "destiny is not set in stone, hard work is what counts" to "DUDE JUST HAVE SPECIAL GENETICS FROM NINJA JESUS AND BE THE CHOSEN HERO LMAO"
It went to shit after the whole thing turned into a dick measuring contest
The MC literally only knows 2 jutsus..
it went to shit when powercreep happened and people started blowing up entire cities. Remember kakashi vs zabuza and how zabuza was supposed to be one of the strongest swordsmen alive. In shippuuden any random mook could defeat him
Neji was right.
Series like One Piece have the same problems but you don't see as much bandwagonning faggots hating on it.
fillers most of all
Triplets of three speak the truth.
The moment it had become a meme to hate Naruto many people started to take it seriously and some people are still legitimately scarred by Narutards from Gaia and other anime forums.
Otherwise nobody would give a shit and it would get exactly the same treatment as Bleach, where people are joyfully wallowing in their own ironic shittaste and discuss the actual series they simply have become attached to instead of bombing these threads to hell.
Everything good about it? Stole from Hunter x Hunter.
It turned shit after the cunnin exams. Land of Waves arc is still and will always be best arc.
Turned to trash later on. Naruto's 'hardworking untalented underdog prevails' characteristic was thrown out the window (hey naruto ur actually the chosen one with a famous father and you're some reincarnation of ninja jesus' son lol), and near the end of the series it turned into wizard wars. Can't be fucked typing more when you can just read one of the pastas but that's the gist of it. Also one of the shittiest fanbases which have settled in Cred Forums thanks to moot doesn't help its likeability here.
>Turned to trash later on. Naruto's 'hardworking untalented underdog prevails' characteristic was thrown out the window
He never was hard working to begin with, every fight he won only thanks to having a Demon Fox inside him giving him huge amounts of Kakrah. A hypocrite from start to finish.
I guess I should have said "never giving up" instead. But you're right. He was a gimp who got carried by special privilege powers his whole life and kishi had the nerve to frame him as a kid who gets bullied because he sucks.
1.shinobi war
2.Obito being a character at all
>Madara not being immortal tobi
4. god modes
Naruto is a gateway anime of the worst kind. It's a bad series, a clusterfuck of story and characterization that isn't very well done by any aspect, but which attempts to compensate for its weaknesses by adding in excessive shipping faggotry and DARKNESS. The normal user can see this as the shit it is, and may enjoy it, hate it or be indifferent to it, but all the while recognizing that the series itself, regardless of their opinion, is plain bad.
However, these very aspects that try to smear over the shit of its core make it a breeding ground for aspie, unsociable underageb& faggots who engage in every kind of faggotry both online and in the real world. The superpowered characters all trying their hardest to look cool, the jutsus, peculiar, colorful clothes, the whole ninja faggotry and everything about the Naruto world fuels their escapist fantasies, while the pity-party character backgrounds, emphasis on revenge, and overall preachiness of the series make it fit just right with the mary-sueish drives of your average preteen and his sense of unwarranted self-importance towards the world. Exactly the kind of shit that makes little kiddies and underageb& retards eat this shit right the fuck up.
Naruto is basically THE series to attract the most hated anime fanbase known to Cred Forums, which is why, regardless of individual opinions, it is the responsibility of every user to troll the fuck out of this show and everyone who likes it, and ensure that no Naruto threads ever encourage the newfriends to show their faces here.
I hate that. Goku only uses the Kamehameha wave and hasn't used kaio-ken since he learned how to turn into a Superman.
I can't get past art style and character design.
It's popular.
But Goku knows plenty of techniques.
What happened to today's special
To be honest, Uchiha weren't really that bad until half of the series surrounded around Sharingan eyes
Problem is that all anime is like that now. Most of it is derived from manga and LNs that are fucking terrible but create entertaining things while excluding important shit. Overlord did AMAZINGLY poorly at making the novel into an anime.
It's just poorly written and a big mass of wasted potential. It didn't even start particularly good, everyone has nostalgia for Zabuza and the chuunin exams but both of those are pretty much complete shit shows. There are a couple of interesting arcs such as the ending fights of the exams, most of Hidan and Kakuzu, most of the Pein arc, and the Sasuke retrieval arc is easily where the series hit its high point. It, just like all jump series, has a very bloated cast and most of the interesting characters are either underdeveloped or mostly ignored.
Basically, Naruto is a mess.
It stopped making sense during and after the part where the dude blew up Konoha and then revived everyone.
Read it and find out.
Meandering plot that ultimately decides to eschew proper foreshadowing to instead bring up new concepts and immediately execute them. It's clear the author had no idea where he was actually going until the very very end. It's more like a bunch of interesting ideas haphazardly duct taped together than a coherent universe, very much made up on the fly.
Despite everything I don't really hate it or feel it is especially bad. But on the whole it's not great. I would give it a 6/10. It beats the average but is bogged down by its inadequacies, but remains enjoyable.
>everyone has nostalgia for Zabuza and the chuunin exams but both of those are pretty much complete shit shows.
They are both terrible in pacing, in what they accomplish (pretty much nothing outside of introduce characters), and just general content. What kind of retard makes the majority of their first arc a training arc? Then you have chuunin exams that put the nail in the coffin that these aren't ninjas but some manner of battle wizards.
Remember how the first part of the test was about stealth and subterfuge but then it became about just some bullshit about conviction? That's pretty much what always happened in the chuunin exam until they just decided it was a tournament instead.
Remember 2 out of the first 3 arcs are training arcs. This shows how mixed the priorities of naruto were.
It's become the standard for Shounen targeted series that everything else is compared to, as a result it appears to be painfully mediocre and cliché.
Also half the the anime is fucking filler.
Screenshot this shit, truth is spoken.
>He's never seen this age old pasta before
You have to be 18 to come here, friend
Butthurt that your favorite anime is trash?
It's popular so we gotta hate it like SAO and SnK.
You have to be 18 to come here, friend
My main problem was Pain and post Pain naruto
When he attacked Konaha and killed everybody you can't just resurrect them like yeah naruto you're cool here I'm a sociopath but MUH PEACE NO HATE makes so much sense so I'm going to kill myself so you don't even have to kill me thus making any kind of struggling for you.
That is called killing a story. Why game of throne is praised ? Because it does the exact opposite.
Past that naruto went to shit. Absolute shit.
>Edo Tensei is just fan service
>and a bullshit excuse to round up every villages against a common enemy SO the only way to make combat relevant was to fight zombies who fight against their will
>Uchihas are completly overpowered its not even funny anymore
>Naruto is a fucking Mary Sue
>True Last boss fight is worse than the worst final fantasy, others dimensions ? Really ?
>Pink shit
This could be advanced bait, I'm not sure how to proceed.
It's because naruto had this hype, where it started off pretty interesting and practically over night became absolutely terrible. Also people didn't want to associate with the naruto fanbase so anyone that was watching the serious just to kill time, just to follow up or for whatever reason those people had to pretend to not like anime, the naruto fanbase basically destroyed the reputation of people who watched anime, at least where i live that was the case.
To be serious for a second, Naruto wasn't bad.
It had a decent story, very good action scenes that didn't rely in power levels and instead in how you use ninjustu. It had possibly the best tournament arc I've seen since Hunter X Hunter, the serious villians were all great and the characters were fun.
This lasted all the way up until I'd say the Sasuke vs Naruto fight. From there the story, especially in the anime, fell flat and was littered with pointless crap and comedy (comedy is not Naruto's strong point at all).
It picked up again in Shippuden. The Akatsuki were now the main threat and god was it great. It was so great! I loved every second of it, until after Pain. After the fight with Pain the series just lost any traits of being good. It was now all about super stupid eye techniques and full on power levels.
"Ninjustu? Wtf is that lol sharigan warp to another dimension lol oh no countered by super duper rasengan number 45 sharp edges edition"
Yeah it had a good run, but like so many anime these days, I think it should have ended after a certain fight.
DBZ should have ended with Frieza.
Bleach should have ended with Aizen.
Hitman Reborn should have ended with Byakura.
This should have ended with Pain.
Nothing really. It was a fun, exciting series full of anger, sadness, real conflict, life on the line, and compelling characters. Now something like love live...there you just have an extremely uninteresting setting followed by uninteresting characters, and a premise that's just boring. Nothing important is at stake. If they win the contest, yay everything will be right again! Now there's the definition of unimaginative.
The truth is it got too popular for Cred Forums to like it.
Power levels get out of control, fights drag on, a lot of interesting plot points get ignored to focus on one blander one instead of the fun ones.
I would have preferred to see it's side cast fleshed out instead of having flashbacks in flashbacks.
Flashbacks kill the show and it's a shining example of how not to use them, ongoing events are always more interesting no matter how hype a flashback is.
Anime is 50% filler that doesnt respect your time so I can never recommend it.
Manga was great untill about halfway trough and went bad at war arc.
This. Still readable for comedy value, I guess.
This. And then there's the fillers, which were a HUGE waste of time
>went from "destiny is not set in stone, hard work is what counts"
This was never the topic, at all. When will you retards stop repeating this shit? It was the focus of Rock Lee but he got BTFO by Gaara and Sasuke. Lee himself admits that hard work alone means nothing.
Not to mention that Sasuke and Neji while being geniuses were still shown training a lot in order to become that powerful.
Naruto was just about never giving up and believing in your path, literally never it was about hard work.
Nice to know I shouldn't pay attention to your post.
Read the manga or fuck off
Most of the better elements were suggested by editor-san, a common theme with shounen manga.
Kishimoto also wasnt very good at writing characters, and yet put that drama at the forefront instead of worldbuilding. You dont fucking show a map in the 12th chapter and then never visit these places.
On the whole it was alright though. Better then bleach and never quite got as bad as dressrossa.
Sasuke was never wrong, he wanted to kill sakura.
He´s pretty much the only one in the manga who knew how we felt, she had to be stopped.
Instead she raped him and kept the uchiha clan alive with her spawn, which is something even powerful uchiha know is a bad thing.
Remove Sakura
It was good until the Sasuke retrieval arc in therms of fanbase and plot.
First half is genuinely okay then becomes incredibly silly around the beginning of part 2, I remember contemplating dropping it when Sasuke became some gay demonic little thing during the waterfall fight but when they revived an old woman is when I pretty much dropped and never looked back.
>but when they revived an old woman
maybe he means the granny resurrecting gaara.
It went to shit after chuuni exam, forest of death arc
That's not what he meant
Stolen, I mean.
It peaked with Orochimaru vs. Sarutobi and never recovered after that.
I mean, when was the next time we saw a hokage-level fight?
By the time they started introducing other Kage it was so fucking retarded most had dropped it.
Of course it was the theme, retard. The rivalry between Sasuke and Naruto literally stemmed from one being a genius and the other a fucking moron who worked hard.
I thought it was about ninjas doing ninja things. You two are fags.
>was just about never giving up and believing in your path
>never it was about hard work
what sort of retard are you?
he used Kaio-ken in the new series
Yeah, but the new series is bad because it isn't GT.
Hashirama not being called out by the Bijuu for basically kidnapping them and handing them out to the other villages, thus spawning generations of suffering and death.
Naruto was never told about his parents despite several people being in the know.
Brightly clad wizards are not ninjas.
>Why game of throne is praised ? Because it does the exact opposite.
I thought it was because of the incest.
To be fair, Ninjas never wore the stereotypical black Ninja outfit unless at night or something, they did wear the same clothes that regular people wore most of the time on the job.
it's an old pasta moron
Lazy as shit character design where Kishimoto just uses one of those magnetic drawing toys to sprinkle stuff on the same face in slightly different ways.
no fan service, no cute girl to make fan service
I started out with Naruto around the start of the 00s, and it was pretty good around then. But it eventually went to shit.
The same happened to Bleach.
I want old Cred Forums back
where the hell is the new episode?!
I don't like battle shounen. Almost every one I've seen has rubbed me the wrong way. Mob's alright though, I really like the characters.
i dont like all the filler in it, the manga was better to deal with because it didn't have as much but whatever madara is my favorite by far
but sarada is 10/10 so she did something right
Threads have been done to death, check this 5.
>wizard wars
This is the great tragedy of Naruto. All that buildup about how things like Chakra limitations and specialization get thrown out the window and instead people start spamming techniques.
I also didn't like how the rinnengan powercreep hampered the climax. Early Naruto avoided power levels by having unique interactions between styles of fighting and ninja arts. The moment it came out that the only way to beat someone was to have the rinnengan the series went full DBZ.
Although honestly, ever since Naruto went to learn the Rasengan the series had been moving away from the pre-chuunin exam definition of ninja.
This is a whole new level of retard.
-too much cheap melodrama and pathos
-unfunny as fuck
-art takes a nosedive roughly halfway through
-uchihas highjack the story and turn it cancerous
-worst main characters in any nekketsu ever
-side characters are completely useless and ignored for hundreds of chapters
-fights devolve into retarded barely readable DBZ mountain destroying clusterfucks
-morals and messages are jumbled, contradictory and fucked up
-extremely repetitive in its structure and character archetypes
-too much flashbacks for characters no one gives a shit about
-world is extremely interesting but completely underused and wasted on generic chase sequences in generic forests
-constantly rapes the show don't tell rule, kill it, dig up its corpse and rapes it again
-the last two arcs are genuinely terrible in every way
funny way to spell Neji
Honestly, that very first issue of Naruto is a manga classic
It gets horrendously convoluted later, and Sasuke is the edgy nothing personnel kid of the 00s that has to drag down everyone with DARKNESS and that will forever be a thing
I'll never understand this line of thinking.
While it's true that it got worse along the way, it was never good to start with.
Nice opinion.
Sure it was
It used to be on the line of gag shounen, with an innocent crush and slow progression of training. That is about as shounen as it gets
then Sakura lead to nowhere, what used to be a one shot berserk moment now became a failsafe, and there was never any consequences from the fox either, Sasuke had a better curse going on
>naruto, mah boy, you and your edgy faggot boyfriend are the chosen ones to save the ninja world!
>descendant of the original creator of Ninjutsu's two sons
>there are two genetic lotteries, one that will grant you crazy amounts of chakra, just because, as well as granting you access to powerful magical eyes! the other one gives you an abominable amount of stamina, strength and chakra as well so you can go toe to toe with the former one
>oh right, there are a total of nine mystical beasts with an near unlimited amount of chakra, here's the most powerful one of them, for you the main character, the chosen one.
now go naruto! go and teach the audience how it's all about hard work and striving for your ideals, nonsense such as genetics have nothing to do with success in this world, right, rock-lee?
Ninja war was the real final nail in the coffin. It just never fucking ended
best boy Madara nearly made it worth it, though
Rock Lee should've been the MC. Only dude with legit handicaps that gave a shit and worked hard.
Almost any of the secondary characters would make for a more interesting protagonist.
This a thousand times, Naruto's childhood makes less and less sense as the chapters go on. Sasuke as a character makes 0 sense too (he wants to destroy the leaf, he wants to save the leaf, but now he wants to destroy it again...). And Sakura could be written out with 0 impact on the plot. And those are the main characters.
>>there are two genetic lotteries, one that will grant you crazy amounts of chakra, just because, as well as granting you access to powerful magical eyes! the other one gives you an abominable amount of stamina, strength and chakra as well
that's one of the things that never made any sense to me, isn't chakra supposed to be based on your stamina in the first place? so having tons of stamina should mean that you have tons of chakra too right?
on top of that wasn't kushina's uzumaaki chakra supposed to be super speshul and powerful too? so what's the difference between uchiha and senju really?
this whole mythological backstory is a total clusterfuck
Nothing wrong, but nothing good either.
Jiraiya ('s death) was ok though.
Naruto was like a musician who didn't know when it was time to retire. It started off so damn strong that no one could touch it except maybe Bleach. Then mistakes started happening right after the Sasuke retrieval arc. Filler, characters gaining little development, people dying for the sake of dying, an arc that was literally called out for plagerism from One Piece, and an ending that was good enough to just end all of the pain and misery yet LOL TIME FOR BORUTO. Naruto was a legend that could've remained a legend but took things too far.
Problem is the original editor left which was basically the guy that kept everything in check and nice.
He was promoted to editor in chief "I wonder why"
so since he left rhe manga became full of cliches,nepotism, hipocrecy, DBZ, uninteresting and full of ass pulls. Also dominated by asshole characters, changed its themes and tone.
I agree, but why do people always write things they don't like in such a dumb tone? It's like they can't even properly express how something is stupid.
>It's become the standard for Shounen targeted series that everything else is compared to
You can't be serious.
>Implying the clichés began in Naruto
The author forced Sasuke's story way too hard.
Like holy shit it was painful to read anything that was related to Sasuke.
Naruto was flawless if you watch it without fillers. Most of shippuden was pretty good too, but that had major issues.
Shippuden was shit.
for a lot of kids naruto is the first manga they've read, that's why so many people think it's not shit, they don't know what actual good stories are
Fillers and ninja war arc. Apart from that is literally a 10/10 series.
nostalgia for pasta
Are you gay?
>Paranoid London - Lovin U (Ahh Shit) feat. DJ Genesis
One Piece is not the same at all. Luffy is not blessed with any special powers besides the ones that were given to him at the start of the series and ones that anyone with the aptitude can acquire through training (Haki). He doesn't just "unlock" power for free in the middle of a fight. They're ones that he has before going in and chooses to use at that time.
Same thing goes for every other character in the show.
If you don't agree, then please elaborate.
>He doesn't just "unlock" power for free in the middle of a fight. They're ones that he has before going in and chooses to use at that time.
>gear fourth
Name one part of that form that is new.
Blue Bird was the best opening.
got my ass
Original series is GOAT
Shippuden is when it started going to shit
idk man.
the chunin exam one was pretty good. Kanashimi wo Yasashisani or something rather
I came into the thread just to make sure this was posted. Bless.
I didn't like that one at all. The opening (opening part of it) was grating.
i bet you wish you could suck Itachis toes you animal
I never thought of it like that, and now I will never be able to un-think it.
It took me a while to like it. for a bit I couldn't stand the shrieking singer, don't know when I made the switch
how is one piece thematically inconsistent?
what about you?
Because the main three characters, which the plot primarily revolves around (naturally), are mostly unlikable except for maybe Naruto.
Sasuke is a cunt throughout the entire series. He became friends with Naruto as a child somehow but we don't really get to see them interacting in a particularly positive manner.
Sakura starts out as a useless bitch with an average teenage crush. She actually is useful for some time into Shippuden, but then she goes back to being useless. In Shippuden she's clearly obsessed with getting him back, but why? Just for that little crush? It's even harder to believe after he attacks her and shows he clearly doesn't give a shit about her.
Other than issues with the main characters, it's fairly inoffensive outside some battle shounen cliches, asspulls, and having parts that go on too long.
the characters are unlikable and their relationships are completely unbelievable, naruto and sasuke must be one of the worst "friendships" ever portrayed in fiction
given how naruto's main theme according to kishimoto himself is the bonds between people it's enough to discredit naruto as a competent story
Manga : Ends weirdly & too quick
Anime : Too many fillers.
Even Dragonball Super is better than the last 3 or 4 arcs of Naruto Shitpudden
>Bad characterization
>Uchihas swallowing the whole plot
It was great and then shitpuden and popularity happened. Cant like popular things on the net.
15yr old emo kid detected
>ending too quick
Are you serious? That shit was dragged out
I wonder if Kishi even realizes he basically made Uchihas into a race genetically predisposed to being scum.
Kinda makes Tobirama seem right.
that was funny as fuck
>muh genocide muh oppression
>ends up justifying the massacre in the narrative through that ridiculous "curse of love" bullshit
The world must learn of uchiha love, through hate if necessary
Quick, Cred Forums
is BORUTO good ?
probably not.
a good chunk of part 1 of naruto tries to establish the fact that juunins and kages are basically gods and will fuck ANYBODY up
>mfw kishi turns kages into literal fodder
lets not even talk about how kakashi is the only juunin remotely worthwhile in part 2
basically sums up how fucking ridiculous the power creep in naruto is
Every fucking time.
Movie's good, you should check it out. Avoid the manga until it stops rehashing the movie.
>reading naruto for the first time in 2014
>totally fall for a side character
>said character gets absolutely jobbed
being a yamatofag is suffering. kishi couldnt write characters for shit and 80% of the characters aside for the main cast were literal throwaways. even if you liked a main character his shit writing is evident, which is tragic because up until pein arc you could argue it to be solid.
>this thread is still up
Someone just nuke this fucking board already.
Yeah thanks for reminding me that Naruto is still Dostoyevsky tier writing compared to fucking Luffy. Luffy's power itself is an asspul that has nothing to do with being gum most of the time and almost every big opponent he just defeats with even more asspulls. Only win he deserved was against Eneru.
>From there the story, especially in the anime, fell flat and was littered with pointless crap and comedy (comedy is not Naruto's strong point at all).
might be because everything between Naruto vs Sasuke and start of Shippuden is filler.
Not about everything
Go ahead and pin point me a chapter, a page or even a line that gave you this retarded idea that Naruto is actually about a hardworking underdog. Because I'm pretty sure that the faggot had at most 6 training sessions in his whole life, almost all of which lead to drastic increase of his power and skill.
>Naruto is actually about a hardworking underdog
It never was, Lee's arc was about that yet the whole "Hard worker vs genius" thing never made sense since Neji and Sasuke were some of the characters that worked the hardest for their skills at the early part of the series.
>isn't chakra supposed to be based on your stamina in the first place?
Yes. Gonna do a quick info dump from chapter 90.
Sasuke's dynamic (not his character) with Naruto (an even shittier character), Itachi and Pain were the only interesting parts of this show.
That's what I'm talking about. I'm just leaving a possibility of me actually somehow skipping this crusial part of the manga where it's main theme was established.
The main themes were friendship and never giving up
End of dump, next page is just tits and ass at a hot spring.
When naruto struggled to do basic ninja stuff at the beginning but worked super hard to master shadow clones, proving that he could do anything if he tried hard enough.
Or when he and jiraiya were traveling and jiraiya said people like him and naruto had to work extra hard to keep up with oro/sasuke
>but worked super hard to master shadow clones
He mastered the jutsu because he had a friend to protect
When you think about it, he only mastered shadow clones because of how different it works from normal jutsu in general.
Jiraiya didn't say anything about working hard. For him the most important thing was never giving up.
I never understand why people hate Naruto and love Evangelion when are the same shit, even main character in both series have the same development.
He's had Gear Fourth since 2011 when the timeskip ended, he just didn't have a reason to use it until he fought Doffy.
How is their development the same?
What are you even on about? He literally learnt shadow clones in one night which leads me to believe that he had had no serious training before that whatsoever. Every training that follows only reinforce this belief of mine
The words of Jiraiya doesn't really mean jackshit, because while they were traveling together Naruto learnt a fucking rasengan in a week.
I always found it funny looking at one piece, hero academia, and other shounen threads and see the same kind of cancer that people complain about of naruto threads.
>that he had had no serious training before that whatsoever
He did there was even a flashback showing him training.
>He literally learnt shadow clones in one night
I forgot the explanation but i think it was something like "If someone you cared about got hurt you'd get stronger" or he just tapped into the kyuubi power
>Not Haruka Kanata
I don't care if I'm replying to a 3 hour old post. This is a fact and everyone must accept that.
The Sannin fight when Jiraiya and Naruto went to get Tsunade.
Pretty much this.
Sasuke's character is pathetically easy to follow.
>Doesn't give a shit about Leaf, Where's Itachi?
Finds out the truth of the massacre
>Fuck the Leaf
Talks with Hokage
>Okay no, just fuck everyone in charge everywhere. I could do it better.
Final fight with Naruto
>Fuck it, I'm out.
Magic Eyes 1-3
*Super Magic Eyes (Cursed)
**Super Magic Eyes
***Divine Eyes
Chakra for days
sakura ruined the whole show
Pretty much
it is the biggest offender of wasted potential
In some of the first chapters the characters have to do 40 or so fucking hand signs to summon a water dragon
fast forward and everyone call pull everything they want out of the ass. It breaks the internal consistency
>but worked super hard to master shadow clones
>worked super hard
It took him a few hours.
This is the first sign that Naruto's a shitter because he's a lazy unfocused brat instead of lacking in talent.
Explain. His gears are just 'blow/pump circulatory system, make larger limbs and blow air into muscles'. It all follows a logical progression based more on cartoon physics (circulatory -> bone -> muscle -> nerves?).
His backstory is that he spent a large part of his childhood fighting shit, something know to make you stronger in this setting.
The asspull would be armour haki, but that's given to many characters becuase logia are OP and is a skill attainable by any. Conquerors, could be genetic (as implied by a few characters remarking 'he is X's son, it's no surprise he has it as well, used both to refer to Luffy and Ace). What we know of conquerors so far is that it's meant to manifest is very few and often incredibly arrogant/strong willed individuals. Conceptually it makes sense that these arrogant 'I am the fucking best' thinking characters would more frequently have this power, not that it is predominate gained through lineage. We may be proved wrong down the road and Conquerors is pure genetics.
Kishi said they still do the handsigns, he just didn't want to fill pages with various drawings of hands.
>enemy is doing 40 hand signs
>this doesn't play any importance whatsoever during the fights
>"of course, I'll let you take your time summoning the water dragon"
they could do shit like "damn, I need to get some time so I can finish doing this technique" instead of treat it like a free action, it feels definitely like bullshit
The handsigns were a stupid idea to start with and don't add anything to the fights except filler.
Aspects of this. Village should have all fucking died with pain, same goes for hinata etc. TnJ being a thing after 20 years of going down that path you're not going to be talked out of it when you're this fucking close and it's ingrained in you that as a solution it will fucking work.
The series needed to deal with other nations, their rulers and politics outside of kages. Show us the world before war, the different nations and events that can cause war from a bunch of scrub 'lords'. Why do kages/hidden villages bow down to these lords/nations and then employ child soldiers?
We needed to see more the Sot6P lore far earlier, it's been some mere 400 years or so since magic came to this world, somehow in this time the worlds gone from a small few people with 'all magic spells/traits' to incredibly diluted blood creating the clans with each trait. How the fuck did everyone forget the worlds lore/backstory? Why was it not delivered to use early on?
I could write on for a long time over grievances, missed opportunities, plotholes and what ifs.
>>the characters are unlikable and their relationships are completely unbelievable
This is a gigantic flaw in Naruto and one that constantly baffles me to how Kishimoto tried to constantly make us believe Sasuke was Naruto's friend
Literally every guy in this picture was a better friend to Naruto than Sasuke
My main problem with the series is all the flash backs and people constantly riding narutos dick constantly going
>sakura: naruto
>garra: I was so alone...
>garra:I was so alone...
>killer bee:naruto
>garra:I was so alone..............
the design of the village hiden under the rain was cool, wish i could find a bigger picture of this. naruto had great potencial but it became a power creep and by the end kishi didn't care anymore
also best ending youtube.com
They're superfast at everything else but you think for some reason they'll be slow with the handsigns?
yeah and to be honest naruto didn't have it that bad as kid except for the fact that he was alone and some of the adults fear him, but that's nothing compared to gaara, nagato or sasuke for fuck's sake
shit meant to reply to
I don't think he spoke more than two lines with most of the people in that pic.
While Naruto is remarkably awful, I feel like SAO and SnK are far worse
I like adult Nartuo. Great that they exchanged Nartuo immediately with some other shitty character the moment he became decent.
>implying the manga is any better
Before the last few chapters, I would honestly argue in favour of SnK but you're probably right now.
Yeah but then puberty and muh darkness will happen
The exact moment Naruto turned to shit was when Haku died, right at the beginning. Before that there was some promise, the art is nice and it seems like there's a plot forming, but that fight showed a complete lack of story composition skills on Kishimoto's part.
They set Zabuza up as a huge threat, like he's going to be a major villain, then have Haku as a major mystery. Then they show up for a second time, everything is explained in a horribly clumsy flashback/info dump right before the fight, then they both die before actually getting to do something. The fight is also boring as shit, the characters have poorly defined abilities and as a result any fight can turn into "oh, I actually had another power that's even more unbeatable than your unbeatable power". As a result there isn't really anything interesting about them, because at any point anyone can just pull some random new power out of his ass to explain why he's going to win now.
These trends set the tone fro the whole series. The number of times that a fight is between two characters that were just introduced with a lengthy flashback right before the fight instead of having been introduced at an earlier point is huge, especially during the Chunin exams. This is the absolute worst way to present characters, since it makes it hard to really care about them. Basically, we're getting their motivations before their behavior, making their motivations less meaningful.
There are also only three female characters that actually matter, and two of them are motivated entirely by their shared desire to fuck an edgy, angry jackass. None of the woman have real personalities.
Some spells seem to be all about:
>make some mana
>follow this order of seals
His academy days demonstrate he's shit, sometimes trying hard and failing miserably. He's not even trying to act out during that, he's just that shit.
Later on element-infused mana is learned, he gets this and other powerups over the rest of the series by abusing a spell others can't because of his increased mana capacity. These are things that other characters much younger or same age as him were able to do (elemental spells). The hardest thing he did was a ball of mana, which very few people were taught, what about it made it so hard? More so the fact it was a 'secret' technique and wasn't about actually casting a spell, which naruto only ever seemed to use a rotation of 6 or so.
Why is it that he was able to memorize and perform shadow clone in a few hours but couldn't do other really basic spells? Plot convenience really, he's well below average during the fist half of the series except when his sealed evil power up makes him a haxx determinator.
SnK is nowhere near as bad as naruto
the fanbase might be though
Haven't even followed Naruto that closely since Sasori and Deidara, but:
The basement.
Too many characters = too little care
What should've happened was Naruto's crew getting enough love as he did and go from there.
That way it could've actually been about ninjas doing ninja things instead of turning into every Shonen anime ever.
The power levels should have never gotten any bigger than the kyuubi.
>it's some natural disaster that fucks shit up because evil chakra ball
>seal that shit in a kid
>kid is MC
>oops there are other evil chakra balls (implied 9 because sand kid is 1, MC is 9)
The scale at this point during the chunin exam is as big as the summons, there's none of that lazer beam, explosions incredibly large scale terrain destruction we seen with the first 4th tail. I think that was the point of no return. Even the orochi-3rd fight wasn't as large scale. And that was back when 'holy shit he's so powerful he literally makes water from nothing' was still a thing.
Nobody cares about those jobbers, Akatsuki, Bee, Madara and the Senjew bros were better characters
goku knows a ton of techniques. His ultimate technique is only kamehame ha
but he knows solar flare, kaio ken, instant transmission and a bunch of martial arts techniques
I want to have sex with Madars's voice
Not him, but I'm personally holding out hope that Isayama can elevate the reveal past "social experiment/it was present day all along so original".
After hearing about the anime ending soon, I decided to start watching it. Other than the obvious time-killing in the form of lengthy recaps, flashbacks, and extended frames, the pacing feels pretty fast in a good way. I'm actually enjoying this childhood arc a lot. I never got past the tournament arc but I heard the pacing is awful later due to filler.
Did anybody else feel that the episodes about the Zabuza(Village eps in general) were really powerful? I don't know if it's just subtle nostalgia making me feel this way, but I actually felt something when Sasuke 'died'(even though I knew he didn't) and during the deaths of Haku/Zabuza. The soundtrack definitely played a large part in this. Anime/manga doesn't usually make me feel emotional but these episodes hit me hard.
The original 135 episodes of Naruto, i.e. the non-filler of the original series, is god tier. Great combat full of unique powers and mind games, the universe feels real, feels like any character can die. Also pretty great animation for such a long running series. All of the characters are well-connected.
Then shitpuden ruins all of this.
>the evil fox was just a misunderstood pokemon that needed to be tamed
I'll never forgive kishi for this. Was cute though
Then Naruto would be unbeatable
>it was present day all along so original".
It was explicitly in the future from the start.
Did we assume it was because it was post-apocalyptic?
I thought it was obvious with the implication that some modern information was hidden by the upper crust (not that it means anything now that a main character is in that role).
Was the finale already aired?
next week
>Why is it that he was able to memorize and perform shadow clone in a few hours but couldn't do other really basic spells?
See and Shadow Clones (not regular clones used in the example) disperse chakra evenly between you and the clones instead of requiring a certain amount. If he uses "too much" chakra he'll just create more clones.
Kakashi was literally the strongest fucking ninja in the series, his father was top tier strong and saved the fucking village.
>He didn't fuck any woman and have a child.
My mind is blown away.
Reminder that
>Lee never beat Neji
>Naruto never beat Sasuke
>the manga was never about hard work defeating genius
>that was just fanfiction
Before the timeskip is was pretty great.
Almost every character was relevant, had little moments to shine, surprise the audience with some crazy Jutsu.
The fights with the Sound Four are among my personal favorites in the series, they showcased a more diverse set of fighting styles than Naruto and Saukse's standard toolkit of 2-3 go-to techniques.
The Chūnin Exam was probably the highpoint. You had each character at their most interesting point, all while unveiling Orochimaru and the Sand invasion all at the same time.
Nigga Kakashi is still a virgin. Of course he didn't have kids.
Is naruto manga any good
Good. Hard work is stupid and there's no good way to justify an underdog getting to the absurd degrees of power that nardo did
Hard work can't defeat genius.
But why? What reason did Kishi leave him like this?
>Lee never beat Neji
Lee beat him at staying alive
>Naruto never beat Sasuke
Naruto got Sasuke to acknowledge him and love him back, which is what he wanted all along
>Look at this kid who literally everyone hates and only knows how to use his abilities to pull pranks
>he's gonna have to work his ass off to earn respect and climb the ladder of the warrior society he lives in
>he has an ancient demon sealed in his body but its whatever the seal keeps it from affecting his life unless shit absolutely hits the fan and in the rare event that he does tap its power shit gets crazy
>its pretty fun to read for a while
>fast forward a few hundred chapters
>"btw he's from a legendary bloodline that goes back to the very first ninja"
>he's also the direct reincarnation of one of the strongest ninja to ever live
>also he was gonna get some ridiculous god level powers without having to work for them
>hard work didn't matter
Kishi didn't want the backslash of pairing him with anyone.
He's a shipper master.
There weren't really any relevant females left to pair him up with.
Though as much as I like Mitsuki, it would have been a lot more pottery-ish if a kid of Kakashi's had been Bort and Salad's teammate.
>Kishi didn't want the backlash of pairing him with anyone.
What the fuck kind of backlash would he get pairing Kakashi with anyone? He could pair him with anyone and everything would be fine.
You know, the legendary bloodline and reincarnation stuff didn't matter, right? It only came up after he already trained his ass off and got stronger than everyone on the planet. It was a last-hour power up not to become more acknowledged (that happened with Pein) or a better person (that happened after unsealing the Kyuubi), but exclusively to match Ten-Tail Jinchuuriki Madara/Kaguya.
Literally the only thing he got genetically was a large chakra pool and a long lifespan. The former is kinda helpful but not a godsend, the latter confers no real benefit.
Sharigan is bullshit
Naruto keeps getting powers even when he's OP as fuck
Despite them all supposed to be ninjas they don't really do anything ninja related. Like their "hidden" village is known to everyone and can be found by blind drunk bridge makers. They never go on hired missions after like a few of them. And they keep getting DBZ level powers that eat up half the time telling/explaining rather than showing.
>Kakashi marries Mei
>Non-stop sex between Kages.
I watched Naruto because I was in elementary school and fuck ninjas
Left during shippuden
Came back for the sweetest romance in shounen history, and watch the useless bitch we all hated since 4th grade get BTFO
>Came back for the sweetest romance in shounen history
I wouldn't call Naruto and Sasuke's relationship a sweet romance, it was more of a tough love.
>insist nardo and sauce aren't gay
>even give them wives and children
>change the gender of one of their kids
>they instantly want to fuck each other's brains out
relly mak u thonk
Naruto & Sasuke growing up and being Brokeback Mountain
Here it is.
>What the fuck kind of backlash would he get pairing Kakashi with anyone? He could pair him with anyone and everything would be fine.
He'd have to pair Kakashi with a woman, and then Fujos would murder him while he sleeps.
This is pretty sick when you think that Naruto and Sasuke are supposed to be Masashi and his brother Seishi.
Also reminder that Kurama and Naruto becoming friends was ripped off Satan and Jio
Never read Naruto besides the first volume, how is Kakashi? Is he always cool? Is he one of the better characters?
The large chakra pool is extremely helpful. Naruto is the only one able to use the "Shadow clone jutsu" to army size degrees. And he is the only one able to use shadow clone training to it's full potential.
Gets revived
Generally stops being helpful, mostly provides commentary
Receives like two pages of relevance in the final battle before immediately becoming useless again (ditto Sakura)
Kishi also ripped off the title font. Or vice versa.
Nardo and Sauce got paired with women and Kishi is still alive
Mass shadow clones don't actually help much even against opponents of his own level. That's a balancing device, not a superpower.
The accelerated training helps him literally once in the whole damn series as Kishi wrote it in and forgot about it just as quick.
his special chakra inherited from kushina also means he's the only one who can withstand kyuubi's poisonous chakra and be his host
>he's the only one who can withstand kyuubi's poisonous chakra and be his host
Except when Kurama stopped being tsun-tsun and started being dere-dere
See: For fucks sake, Kishi could've Kakashi to the ramen girl.
Nah they have a lot of similar things.
Albeit Naruto is nothing ground-breaking so you would only call 666 a rip-off if you knew it was made by his brother. I think it's more like Dragon Ball, in fact it's pretty much Dragon Ball with different stuff.
Naruhina a shit.
I don't even remember that name
>His gears are just 'blow/pump circulatory system, make larger limbs and blow air into muscles'. It all follows a logical progression based more on cartoon physics (circulatory -> bone -> muscle -> nerves?).
Yeah man, it is totally logical that being a gum man would allow you to do that.
If there wasn't an anime, half the complaints wouldn't even exist.
People are projecting complaints of the fanbase and of the animated filler arcs onto the manga itself, when they shouldn't be considered related.
The series could have eliminated about two years worth of material and it would have been stronger however. That's my main complaint. It faltered a bit under the weight of its own success.
As someone who is interested in reading this, is there any point where I should skip a few chapters? Or even entire volumes?
Why would you ever skip parts in a manga?
The author dedicated years of his life to it, you can sacrifice the extra twenty minutes necessary to finish a volume.
like anything that goes on for more than like 30 volumes, the author started running out of good ideas and got bogged down by all of the characters/concepts that he had to constantly add to keep the story going. nothing that goes on for as long as naruto will stay good, although i thought the stuff up until the end of the chunin exams was pretty good
became less about skill and creativity in battles and more about who has more power. it also became more serious.
like in the chuunin exam, Naruto defeated Kiba by farting in his face to disrupt his super sense of smell. defeated Neiji by burrowing underground. by the time the manga was nearing it's end his tactic just became kage bunshins and the biggest rasenshuriken he can muster or kyuubi power or hermit mode. that's boring. but this is the bane of a long running series.... you run out of ideas.
Sharingan buffs, chosen one -plotline, "I'm sorry.", the war arc, introduce 100+ characters- don't flesh them out, no screentime to old characters, Sasuke, everyone and their mother has something to do with Senju or Uchiha... Only bloodline limits matter in the end... the fact that part 1 high level fights were more interesting than the latter ones.
Although I really liked Danzo's henchmen vs. Tobi.
The whole ending with sasuke being a shitty father and getting forgiven for it is a terrible message for kids.
Out of the main trio, Sakura is consistently shit, even in supposed illusion situations which was supposed to be her forte. Introduce Hinata as a potential love interest early on, then ignore that plot thread entirely for 500 chapters.
Sasuke's motivations for going full edgelord at the end are pulled out of his ass. Then they say they can't fight bc they're too powerful or both will die, but of course they're both fine at the end. Epilogue "oh btw Sakura won over Sasuke off-screen, happy ever after!" etc.
>all anime is like that now.
No, not really
The manga isn't that bad if you have nothing else to read for a week but the anime is garbage.
Naruto should have focused on smaller skirmishes, technique and tactic variety. Instead they put a few zeros in the power levels. The manga never recovered. Boom of doom.
Also, Sharingan ruined it.
>a warehouse filled with Sharingan
hinata sucks ass lmao
That's lewd.
ayyyy mah ninja clan
ninja clan? were we at?
i'm on the whey
i'll be OK...
getting a ready for a fight alright
with mah best frends at my side
sasuke? (he's really cool)
sakura? (the bjutiful)
Stopped being about ninja.
No hand signs
Haku died
He is made of rubber, not gum. That includes all internal organs. Inflatable lungs for increased air capacity, so he bites into his flesh and blows it up. It makes sense in the cartoony physics of the world.
Then why are all his attacks called "Gum-Gum..."
Shitty third act. Stopped being about cool and smart Ninja fights and moire about who genetically closer to the Sage. Really went to shit after that, Like the only people that mattered were select few that had bullshit eye and kekki fagki hax powers.
user i have to say with the way you type you sound cute.
I look like the caricature of an ogre in a Halloween special episode. Now hop off my dick, Roastie/Fag.
I liked it, granted it kinda shat itself with the war and the last (if you read too much into it) but its still one of my faves.
Real problem was the fact that the sharingan became a stupid power jackpot.
Danzo was great.
>Savvy enough to realize Sharingan and Mokuton are broken
>Only guy who acted like a real ninja
If he wasn't supposed to lose because of plot, he could've beat Sasuke instead of wasting Izanagi.
Pretty much every upgrade sasuke got was yet another ability, every power up naruto got after toad sage just boosted what he already had
It was like DragonballZ but stupider (ERR: Div by 0).
Which DBZ its trying to upstage with super
Bitch, he's a supreme wizard, leave him alone.
The universe of Naruto is cool, I just got tired of his friend speech in every battle, and I found his fighting style the most boring. Kakashi has some great moves and is versatile, and Jiraiya had the best fight in the series(until the point I dropped it)
Naruto's phylosophy is the opposite of mine so fuck him
The universe of Naruto? It's pretty cool.
The friend speech? The beautiful.
Never giving up is what made naruto so legendary.
>have Naruto learn a technique which puts him on par with S-rank ninjas.
>give said technique a fucked up drawback so that he can't use it on Sasuke.
God forbid the protagonists have a fighting chance.
My cousin bought the latest Naruto game, one of those arena fighter games with the stupid long name, and we played through the story. Now, I'm not a clever man by any means, which is why it's all the more a problem when I'm sitting there the whole time losing my mind over glaring plot holes.
Also at some point they stopped being ninjas and turned into wizards.
>He said, while the MC has literal oceans of chakra
Kishimoto created a world full of ninja villages, with five being the most powerful. He introduced concepts like wanted ninja, warring countries, and legendary ninja. I also shouldn't have to explain what a ninja is, but if you read Naruto, you still might not know. He pissed all of his initial world building and the expectations of the series' original premise down his leg as the series gradually became more and more about Naruto and Sasuke, pushing aside all the secondary characters he introduced in the second arc, nullifying their alleged importance as stated by other characters and limiting the possibilities of exploring the rest of the world and meeting new characters and storylines, not to mention all the potential "ninja mission shit" that this could've spawned.
This Naruto-Sasuke focus unfortunately gets to a point where it actually contradicts the themes of the story. Naruto working hard and changing his fate is rendered moot when it's revealed that, on top of literally everyone giving him a hand-out, he is actually the reincarnation one of the first ninja's two sons. Naruto as a story is very similar to Berserk and Final Fantasy VII, but in those stories the hero ISN'T destined for shit and CHOOSES to become the hero. Naruto was born one, he just didn't realize it. Not to mention other themes that get tossed out the window, like the new surpassing the old, when each villain is someone older and stronger.
Lastly, he has a lowbrow sense of humor, his best looking girls are traps and the series is incredibly insulting to women, even for nips.
Why are you blaming Sasuke for the baby mamma drama misunderstanding or for when Shin stabbed Naruto?
I made that picture before the reveal and it was funny, just flow with it
sasuke is half the reason i dropped it
the other half is fucking up the pain arc.
when i heard about tobi, and Naruto just being Jesus, i realized it was a good move to drop it.
too many flashbacks about things we don't need explained.
Too much filler.
Too much sakura because she's really really annoying and we don't care about her selfish reasons for doing shit.
Too much forgiveness for villains
Too much power to naruto and sasuke (nobody can threaten them anymore at all)
It would be completely forgettable without Sauce
Rock Lee gets benched is my onmly complaint
But he got replaced by a better version of himself
It became mainstream, therefore edgy retards pretend to hate it because they think it makes them cool. Say what you want about Naruto, but even one single Naruto movie sold more than your whole favorite anime franchise.
So this is the cognitive dissonance Naruto's devotees go through on Cred Forums, I see.
I think its pretty solid/good up until after the Pain arc. After that all battles seemed to revolve around "Muh bloodline technique" or just having a shit ton of chakra, as opposed to people using strategy and other stuff like that. Also the main theme is about how with hard work you can achieve your dreams, and talent and your bloodline don't define you, and then you find out the main characters are the reincarnations of the sons of Ninja Christ and were always gonna be stronk.
how would you fix it?
It's a gateway anime of the worst kind.
I have a confession to make Cred Forums.
I like Sakura. I wish Kishimoto hadn't fucked her over so hard.
If it's any consolation at least she's happy. Which is weird, considering how fucked up her marriage is, but whatever.
Naruto not being promoted despite saving the village from a rampaging sand demon.
Not enough Kakashi.
you are not alone, but kishi couldn't be bothered' to give her some dept except for muh sasuke
I'm just gonna say. Naruto would have been good if it stayed focused on Naruto's ninja career for the bulk of it and slowly filtered in Orochimaru, deal with him in satisfying way, and then finally focus Akatsuki after having them looming on the horizon throughout the story. Rescuing Sasuke should not have been the end game. Also the timeskip was shit but Pain was the highlight of it. It would have been a good ending with some tweaking.
Also Bleach is the same way. Tell me you wouldn't have liked if it primarily stayed about Ichigo helping dead people as a substitute shinigami.
Madara didn't win
Pretty much this
Nice argument there retard.
This. Why wasn't Naruto's actions in the war again the Village of Sound good enough to get him promoted to Chunin but his actions in the war with Madara good enough to get him promoted to Hokaga?
Your standards are too high. Naruto wasn't a masterpiece at any point during its serialisation, but it was good and an enjoyable read earlier on.
>His academy days demonstrate he's shit
The only academy day we actually see outside of a flashback is the opening chapter and in it he's skipping school to play prankster a day before the graduation exam.
Lazy. Unfocused. Brat.
That technique would lose instantly to the Rinnegan's ability to absorb chakra, if Kishi remembered it existed.
Of course if Kishi remembered the Rinnegan's abilities Sasuke would be walking around with a magitech megabuster arm instead of a stump.
Sasuke is pretty overpowered already without the need for laser shooting arms.
As they said in the actual exams, they don't promote people based purely off power.
>his actions in the war with Madara good enough to get him promoted to Hokaga?
They weren't, Kakashi was made Hokage after the war. Naruto took the title a decade or so later.
>Kakashi was made Hokage after the war
Because Naruto didn't want it at the time.
I'm not pointing it out for power reasons. As far as that goes he's got everything he needs between Amaterasu, Susanno'o, and the Deva Path. The point is that there is no reason for him to have only one arm.
>EVER not wanting to be Hokage
It was either because Naruto was too young or because he was gonna go off training, but Naruto was going to be Hokaga because of the war and Kakashi was keeping the seat warm.
he ate the "Gomu Gomu" fruit. (in japanese Gomu translates to rubber) english version just made it Gum Gum
Isn't gum part rubber?
Except brains don't count for much when your enemy can just mow you down. If Temari hadn't shown up, Shikamaru would've been a dead man.
Too late. We saw what you did.
are any of the games any good?
They turned him into jesus, did the "chosen one" bullshit. Used to have his limits and abilities, now just spams rasenshurikin and tailed beast bomb/mode like it's nothing
This is bait.
He said "screenshot this"
That should have given it away user, but you fell for it
How much artistic merit does Naruto hold?
And you feel for that one.
Surely you could pick better episodes to make a collage of?
>bleach shouldve ended with aizen
holy fuck its the last arc i read and dropped after, fucking good to know im not missing anything
Fuck off, narutards.
Atsushi Wakabayashi episodes have got legit good storyboarding.
Good point
It was shit because Sakura constantly brings down the show/manga
sorry don't know what came over me.
Ive always though Naruto would be universally loved if Naruto himself wasnt even involved or at least fucking died.
Jesus christ he was insufferable.
Here are all the following points where Naruto could have died and the series would have been completely salvaged
>he dies fighting haku
>he dies fighting Gaara
>he dies fighting Sasuke at the end of Part 1
>instead of Pain showing up and getting one of his paths rekd by konahamuro because plot, he doesnt fuck up and destroys Konoha immediately.
>he then kills Naruto
I mean really he could have died at any point and it would have improved the show. Literally more annoying than Sakura.
All of his fights were just so boring to watch. Even Sakura's fight with Sasori was infinitely more interesting than literally any fight Naruto took part in.
Pain was the highlight of the show.
Konan should have attacked Naruto and Nagato would pull another one of those instant death dragon jutsus out his ass and kill Naruto
The adventures of Nagato and Konan would make for a much better show
In my head canon thats what happend.
he was killed by madara
Pure kino.
Mask really makes every Tobi scene look like kino
>that flicker walk
Jesus christ.
93.7% filler.
Naruto Kai when?
Masahiko Murata's episode had some proper kino in it.
I found Sasuke to be insufferable.
Rock Lee was just a waste of a good character after the gara rescue arc
because that way it sounds more like the japanese "gomu gomu", which would normally be translated into rubber rubber.
Do we still not know if Metal Lee is his kid or not?
And that was because they were given the character development.
>Guardians of the Crescent Moon Kingdom
I don't understand the hate this movie gets.
It was a perfectly acceptable, even good, Naruto movie.
Is it wrong I liked Kakashi more than the Main 3 heroes, and instead watch his adventures?
Naurto embodies all the things I hate from DB and One Piece. It's better than Fairy Tail though.
>everything involving Pain except Jiraiya fight and flashbacks
>everything involving Uchihas except Sasuke vs Itachi fight
>Tobi not staying as comic relief character
>ninja war
>Kishi's eye fetish
>god modes
>inconsistent animation quality
>gaara/neji wasn't mc
>madara was edgy little fuck
>naruto and that other guy being chosen ones
That's basically what the games are.
Mashima is known for being a prolific artist, though. Give him a decent writer and more dicks would be drained off by his art.
Oh god I loved Yamato so fucking much. His bro chemistry with Kakashi was top tier fun and interesting to watch. And he was the only person ever to almost call Sakura out for being a stupid cunt. Fucking kakashi shouldn't have stopped him.
Kakashi was too good for any of the girls in this series! At this point he could only go full homo or stay a wizard.
Why does everyone love him so much then?
>373 posts
>no one has given valid criticism yet
That settles it then. Naruto was the best thing to come out of Japan in a long time. Kishi put out the best art in Shonen Jump history on a weekly basis and a better story than monthly mangaka authors. It was original, unpredictable until the end (as in, it became more predictable once people starting to hover), and inventive with its use of cultural idiosyncrasies. The only thing I didn't like about it was Killer Bee. The story went down any chapters that he was in.
My favorite arc was the Pain arc. The way it resolved Naruto's greatest plotline about love conquering over war, by demonstrating it, and subsequently the fruits of peace when Pain used his (plot-backed) Rikudo Rebirth jutsu to revive the village that he had just assaulted; which Naruto still remembers when Obito uses it and is why he doesn't try to stop Madara with Sasuke (that's what you call A-Grade detail). It all came together perfectly.
I especially like how it comes right after the Shikamaru Revenge and Sasuke-Itachi arcs, contrasting how Naruto is different from them (Kishi lets the story do the talking). I like that Naruto has consistent characterization versus Luffy and Ichigo. I like how their first mission took them to a country where ninjas don't exist because waves offer natural protection. I like how Shikamaru's dad's death happens exactly 400 chapters from the game of Chess game between Shikamaru and Asuma, when Asuma tells him that one day he'll know who the "King" is, which cuts to a tree in the forest of the eventual Karasu/Hidan showdown, foreshadowing that the Chakra Tree is also created in that chapter.
Art - 10/10
World-building - 10/10
Story - 9/10
Lore - 8/10
Pottery - 100000/10
You couldn't out-write Kishi if you had a lifetime to do it. Believe it.
Not even trolling, because I know that the truth stings you ignorant babbies deeper than anything else I can say.
Not at all.
Too young? He's the same age as Gaara and probably older than Yagura. There doesn't seem to be an age limit. And if they needed a Hokage seat warmer what was wrong with Tsunade? She can't hold it a couple more years?
It's not very nice to call Kakashi a bitch
Th Rinnegan absorption technique? Nigga that only works for physical based attacks kamui and space time techniques are not physical based attacks.
>implying it wasn't for tsunade
>implying tsunade doesn't want the kakashi dick
the bitch is been wanking him and if there is a time something happened to her she wanted kaksshi to replace her.
Nagato is the only one who used the asura path.
Madara had "limbo" clones
Sasuke gets a proprietary warp justsu
Perhaps everyone gets a proprietary ability.
>Implying Kakashi would fuck an old lady.
Why didn't kakashi fuck Yamato when he was still a delicious trap? What a wasted opportunity.
Your right Kakashi is too pure for an hag like her.
He doesn't want splinters.
He wanted to remain pure to honor his "dead" husbando
Honestly, Kakashi never got close enough to a woman for a relationship to form with the exception of Rin, and we all know that he never felt romantic about her in the slightest.
The only people Kakashi ever got close too were Guy and Yamato. Making them the only two potentials for a relationship with. So pick whichever one you will but I certainly chose mine
>forgetting obito
Obito is with his waifu Rin. There is no way in fuck he was ever interested in Kakashi.
Is there not a more shat on male ninja than Yamato?
True. And he was literally best bro.
Was, Kakashi the strongest ninja and hokage? What would it take to defeat him?
Everything is endless extra opponent characters.
Okay, I'm I the only one who wanted pic related to happen and thought it was a real possibility back in the early days?
Not even a literal goddess the origin of all things who can destroy dimensions couldn't do shit to him.
He has had some gay thoughts
I was hopeing for Shizune since they atleast had more lines with each other.
I thought the two would eventually meet n' fuck back in the day. It didn't happen.
Anko got fat, fucking Kishi.
I don't know why but everytime I look at Shizune I the feeling that she's ever been interested in a man whatsoever.
They've meet eachother. It was brief but they know about eachother.
Would people have been happy if he got shipped with her?
There is several old artwork of them together.
It would stop Anko from getting fat.
I've seen everything.
She was pretty fuckable as a loli.
What's the difference between the properties of rubber and gum again?
Too bad she grew up into an ugly broad.
Underaged faggot detected.
What was deleted?
Corner of QUALITY.
probably sasukeposting
and i want more Anko's sneks
too bad Kishi made her fat now
>naruto then
ninja vs ninja where your skill levels decides, if you win or not.
>naruto now
don't forget the fucked up cute experiments for purpose of passing down the homolust
Skill levels decide? When?
It should have ended at Pain.
but sadly kikes at jump didn't let him
It would be a shame if Boruto ended up with that ugly girl.
shitting on killer bee was a step too far even for a parody shitpost
It was good. I liked it, unironically.
Those so insecure they have to pretend to like things "ironically" should be impaled.
>everyone must like things the way that I like them or else they should die!
autism speaks
>MC went full merciful god mode in one arc
>no ninja action in the war
>almost the entire war arc
>bad art/animation in some moments
>fillers in the anime
>characters introduced in the last chapters looked like bootlegs
>and this
Other than that it's pretty cool. I like it a lot.
what him ending up with Mitsuki
>Nigga that only works for physical based attacks
That is exactly the opposite of how it actually works
That isn't canon.
When you skip fillers, nothing.
Hating Naruto makes you cool if you're on Cred Forums, that's all.
Don't you cringe at the thought of these people who'd like to fully enjoy something but are too scared or embarrased to fully embrace it, so they come up with things like "it's shit but I like it".
I know I shouldn't talk about e-celebs on Cred Forums, but Digibro made a good video on this topic
>on Cred Forums
Okay fags, lets setle this once and for all strawpoll.me
Sasuke admitted his loss for the final fight.
There are some major problems with the manga even if you discount filler.
Why is it that despite the Rinnegan supposedly being the superior one, all of the truly overpowered abilities belong to the sharingan?
It's literally applying a shitload of haki to expanded muscles, not a special power.
>some people actually call this good
Who is the best Kage and why is it Tobirama?
He saw right through the Uchiha's shit and decided to do the proper thing and kill them all. If he had succeeded, the show would have be much more tolerable.
>no gaara
But there wouldn't be a show without Uchiha shits.
As I said, it would have been much more tolerable.
Who would be the antagonists then?
It's an okay series that disapointed its fanbase with poor storytelling toward the end.
>a show without Madara and Coolest Guy
How boring
Naruto knows several types of Rasengan, summoning jutsus, sensor techniques and Frog kata for taijutsu.
What's your point?
>That technique would lose instantly to the Rinnegan's ability to absorb chakra, if Kishi remembered it existed.
You mean the ability sasuke used like 3 times during his final fight with Naruto?
There's no point in using the frogs anymore since he can summon kurama
Went one longer than it should have. Uchiha plot cancer, and poorly planned out plot since Kishimoto is no good at long term planning for a weekly series.
This. Orochimaru should have been the big bad.
Itachi was a fucking moron
It didn't end with Sasuke butt fucking Naruto
They spent 400+ chapters with a character based around the idea that hard work can beat talent, and that working hard is a talent in itself only for the main character to be revealed as the chosen one all along.
>tfw Naruto doesn't use shadow clones to gain every big of knowledge humanity has
With ninja bullshit speed and strength he could have built siege weapons on the fly, delivered information nearly instantaneously, any number of ridiculously cool shit, and he uses them to make rasengans and kick people.
Pretty much this. The only arc I liked after the timeskip was Hidan and Kakuzu's.
It's ironic that Cred Forums shits on naruto for it's outside fanbase, when Cred Forums's own wanpiss fanbase (95% redditors) is as cancerous as gaia. Meanwhile only nostalgiafags post in naruto threads
Toes out in the open like animals.
Sasuke makes Naruto and Sakura terrible whenever he is around, and they aren't great to start with. Their relationships with him are just insane.
>Naruto builds the Great Wall of China by himself
how can kyoani compete
Yeah, Yamato got reduced to a training device and Sai was forgotten after their introductory arc. Such a waste.
What was Sai's obsession with Naruto's penis about?
Looks like the whole movie is about Naruto jerking off that loser until he finds some self-esteem.
Every character on the manga had an obsession with Naruto's penis.
That arc was pretty tough for the 3 of them. Sasuke basically goes insane after realizing all the jerking around in his life.
Naruto finally reaches an epiphany about peace that literally causes a miracle to happen with Pain bringing everyone back and then right after the ninja world just tells him to shut up about forgiveness and let Kumo kill Sasuke.
Sakura gets guilt tripped by Sai (who is clinically social retarded) and thinks everything is her fault for making that promise with Naruto.
How would that have ended. What would that have even looked like?
>Pain actually is the leader of Akatsuki, he's defeated in the same way
>Sasuke doesn't kill Orochimaru
There are a million different ways this could have turned out from there. Point is, Orochimaru was by far the best villain, especially since he was actually important in part 1 too.
Dumping well drawn cancer to combat LadyGT's stupid NaruSaku shit.
Same problem with any type of normiecore. There's nothing wrong with liking bad things, but because naruto was babbys first and had a wider appeal, it dominated the airwaves for well over a decade. The issue with babbys first is that because viewers are not experienced, they're still in a honeymoon phase and think naruto is the greatest series ever created. People who have watched thousands of series almost never say that something like naruto is their favorite, but normies who only watch five or ten shows over the course of their life are jokingly predictable. Any combination of big 3, fairy tail, tokyo ghoul, attack on titan, dragonball, sailor moon, and death note can summarize the majority of western anime "fans".
Both of them were lying on the floor. It was a draw.
Hey, LadyGT may like NaruSaku shit but she is a good artist.
This just proves that anyone can copy kishis artwork.
>The only thing I didn't like about it was Killer Bee
>Being capable of foreshadowing means a 9/10 story
Naruto was up first, he could have smothered the little shit by rolling over on him.
>Bleach on the back cover
>DBZ on the front
>Sasuke reading Shounon Jump
Is that really what it looks like in Japan or are you just bullshitting me? I got a copy and it was magazine dimensions but like 3x as thick as Time magazine.
Would have been cool if Naruto had grown up to look like Gutsy Ninja
Fights gone from actual strategic tactical setups and mind games to just who has the highest power level.
I just think that's what it's he's supposed to be reading. Not sure if it is though.
Is Salad even confirmed Sakura's kid? Becuase that shit looks like Sasuke and Karin had a kid that Sakura's raising.
expect for ikemoto :)
Yeah they proved it but in a fucking retarded way. Karin for some fucking reason had Salads umbilical cord too if I remember right.
The fact of the matter is that it didn't end like this, so I can't say that Naruto won.
>No whiskers.
user if a combatant admits his loss then it's his loss. That's how some fights are won.
I shipped her with Orochimaru before i realised that hes asexual
Sasuke admitted his loss so he lost. Deal with it Saucefag.
>hottest girl with best boy
I'd be okay with it.
I hoped Kakashi would go with pic related. He was her Senpai.
>Triggered Nardofag can't accept that his self-insert never beat his rival.
they showed kakashi's face in one of the recent fillers
She was also married to one of his good friends that got killed. Since Kakashi has majour PTSD when it comes to friends dying there is no way in fuck he would tap that
>He was her Senpai.
He was pretty much everyone's sempai or teacher.
That's because Kishi already revealed what he looks like.
so his fight against neji never happened? okay
when did sasuke and rock lee fight?
I thought Naruto was a pretty enjoyable, albeit generic shonen. My only problem is the Uchiha's being the major end game villains.
Didn't care much for Naruto having to fight Sasuke as the final battle just because it was hyped up even though it felt unnecessary at that point. Especially since Sasuke gave up his revolution pretty easy after they were both worn out and because there was no Obito or Orochimaru to transport Sasuke away at the end this time.
Naruto was the one who got what he wanted in the end and Sasuke gave up on his revolution concluding with a speech on how much they admire and care about each other.
Characterfags are so obnoxious trying to turn it into a competition instead of just accepting the fact that Naruto and Sauce have suppressed homosexual feelings for each other and would rather wank each other off now that all the drama is over.
Anyone else think Shikamaru should've been hokage instead of Naruto? Aside from all the ninja shit, isn't the hokage like a ninja president with actual responsibilities? Like I can't picture Naruto caring about village infrastructure or mundane day-to-day management of the village. He's dumb as shit. Even though shikamaru's lazy, he's supposed to be a genius and from what I remember his whole deal was him accepting responsibility and becoming the leader the village needs.
Shikamaru wouldn't want to be bothered with all that shit.
Yeah. Seeing as how the Hokage position became more about paperwork and less about being the strongest in the village.
It's pretty tragic how hard Kishi was projecting his own feelings about being a manga writer into the Hokage position and making Naruto's life dream seem anti-climatic.
Would he of gotten better with time though?
There was a pretty neat fanfic about that.
Too bad the author stopped having time to write it and decided to make the plot skip forward at the speed of light.