Post the biggest Mary Sue you can think of
Post the biggest Mary Sue you can think of
Any answer other than Saitama is wrong. Though I know faggots will post Subaru just to be contrarian hipsters.
But he ded son.
Are you confusing Mary Sue and overpowered again?
>Mary Sue
I would like to submit Tenchi Masaki for consideration.
>"most x" thread
>starts with naruto
Every fucking time. Is this some new epic shitpost?
Celia from walkure romanze.
nothing can ever top this bitch
That's the trinity of Gary Stus op asked for girls.
If anyone, Alibaba is Gary Stu. Although, on the second thought, Aladin may also qualify.
>Alibaba is Gary Stu.
Are you mistake to Aladin
Current Baba may be a Gary Stu, and Aladdin definitely has Stu qualities, but Sinbad's entire character is built on the fact that he's loved by everyone and can't lose to anyone.
the fuck happened here, or am I to believe that the negro is a mary sue amongst the typically smaller and weaker chinese?
This is how you do a Gary Stu right, though. As long as the tension comes from 'how' he wins rather than 'if/when' he wins, it's fine that he never loses.
"Mary Sue" is done right if the author doesn't try to work out their own issues with the character, that is to say: if it's not a true Mary Sue.
He was a good big brother. As a big brother myself, I sympathize with him.
What does a google hitting some poor guy on the subway have to do with this thread?
Who is the mary sue here tho?
Aladdin, Sindobaddo? All of them?
He isn't loved and blindly followed by everyone or else people wouldn't even be leaving his system.
Even then what kind of Stu is proven wrong in a debate and then loses it?
Post the manga version user.
It is Sinbad, if you had watched the Sinbad seperate series you would see he is perfect in everything.
Not anymore because he's gone completely nuts. It wasn't always this way.
>I don't know what a Mary Sue is!
She gets pregnant though so not EVERYTHING goes her way.
Itachi didn't do anything wrong, he loved his brother very much.
How? Didn't he literally admit that he fucked up completely in how he went about with Sasuke?
An actually correct reply.
Made for selfinserts
>Made for selfinserts
Do you actually think that's what a Mary Sue is?
Not even the biggest in his own show
very well done
Has nigger been filtered or is this a Cred Forums or Cred Forums meme?
Its the new hip term
Die monster, you don't belong in this board.
Let's see, nigger.
>mary sue
Not this shit again.
A Mary Sue must be female, a Gary Stu is the male version of it, half this thread is mentally challenged for not knowing this.
Mental disorder genders need not apply, no one cares for them or their characters.
>implying perfection is fanfic level