#1 youtube.com
#2 youtube.com
#3 youtube.com
#4 youtube.com
#5 youtube.com
#1 youtube.com
#2 youtube.com
#3 youtube.com
#4 youtube.com
#5 youtube.com
Other urls found in this thread:
I haven't watch GITS yet what kind of disappointment am I looking foward to?
Some shots does look like the movie tho.
Who that niggress at the end?
Don't remember Major having a lesbian lover.
I legitimately cannot see this movie doing well
She had in the manga and tv show.
Really? It's been so long.
Is she supposed to be scared in #5 or does johanson just have shitty shaky hands?
>I don't remember the Major having a lesbian lover
Ah user, you are so dense.
Lesbian Cyborgs™
Probably shaky hands.
Not anime
>military cyborg
>literally no muscle tone
For what fucking purpose.
>Ghost in the Shell
>not anime
Blending in? Tactical espionage instead of corporate warfare? Fetishism? Death by snu-snu?
A male actor would have gone through a 8 month workout plan before shooting the movie.
All she did was cut her hair.
>Aramaki shooting people
God I'm so fucking sick of scarlet johansson.
Huh, I thought it was the estonian yakuza
>steel needs muscle tone
More like Forced Minority Cyborg™
can whitey keep their grubby mitts off muh anime.
Machines need size too.
We currently can't produce good artificial limbs because the synthetic muscles would be too weak to be any good.
Bigger body means stronger body, no matter if it's a cyborg or a pure human.
I remember him carrying a gun in 2nd gig.
>Aramaki is just straight up murdering someone
Fucking americlaps
He's never actually used it and even when they were trying to rescue the prime minister he gave it to Togusa because he's the better shot.
do I hype myself up for the movie and go into it with a good attitude
expect it to be shit and not be disappointed when it comes out?
side note: these snips are presented nicely
it looks so shit.
is it just me?
Where is the actual shot though?
A prosthetic body wouldn't have an ounce of fat. It would look fit by default.
I'm just glad I'll die before they do this to Akira.
So close, yet still so far.
Will they give ScarJo Mokoto's casual one piece from SAC or is it too offensive and sexist?
Not exactly. Better training means stronger body. Take a look at a fight with a bodybuilder and a kickboxer. Who will win? From your logic it would be the bodybuider since he is bigger right? But you are sadly mistaken because the person with the better traing which here it would be the kickboxer will win hands down.
>your life
I wonder if we gon' see them nipples or not.
>Not exactly.
Of course not exactly. Fat makes volume too.
That wasn't the point of the post.
But you are wrong with your example.
Pound by pound, the body builder is stronger than the kickboxer.
That won't help him win the fight though. He's weakened by the cutting process, he's trained the wrong musclegroups, and he has no combat training.
Fucking shit, how can you fuck up franchise like GitS this much?!
Absolute utter shit which will make retards who just watched it for that liberal jew talk about Major
I'll watch it, because it's obvious they made a lot of efforts. It's not like Dragon Ball Evolution abomination that completely made fun of the original series. Even if it's going to flop, the dedication is completely different here.
How will Scarjo deal with this situation?
I have a strong feeling they gonna make Motoko some tragic hero with mommy issues or some shit. They probably think audiences can't relate to the main characters if they don't "develop" during the film.
You didn't read the manga or watch SAC then
She already played someone who kissed a 70+ year old man
Looks alright desu.
I fucking hate that one piece more then I hate the red leather get-up from arise its just so god damn retarded
wonder what her battle gear will look like
I don't see the point in letting your imagination run wild like that. There aren't any hint of 'mother complex' in the previews, no need to get paranoid.
Then why would they cast someone as her mom?
It's gonna be either that or showing her "origin" story.
>#1 visualize
>#2 simple room
>#3 lez
green wear?
WTF! Why Takeshi... No...
>#5 youtube.com
kek Kecak
Criticism of the gits movie gets you banned on Cred Forums now, just a heads up.
whoa whoa wheres the oni-hole what is this bullshit
MOTOKO is a slut and has multiple lovers and a boyfriend in the manga
the anime is not canon, she was originally a slut which make sense why Batou loves her because he is a cuck that never gets to have sex with her.
Makes a hell of a lot more sense that an actor chosen for their popularity isn't perfectly shaped for a character than to design one with big tits in a thong leotard in the first place. One is practical pandering, the other is just nonsensical pandering.
>Unironically caring about 3D
>Unironically being exited for Blunder In the Shell
Go shill this shit on reddit, retard.
Now that's what I'm talking about.
I'll probably see it.
Cute joints
Are they smushing bits of Innocence into the movie as well?
I'm more concerned with the actor they've chosen for Batou than Motoko.
His face seems off somehow, like too gentle or something.
holy fuck that doll joint makeup is weird to look at
>Koukaku no Pandora in nutshell (oh the puns)
this has been posted so many fucking times but why did they not cast pearlman
Because he's too old apparently.
He's the first I've thought of as an alternative too and I've never seen the other posts before.
srsly this image is old as fuck the question who would you cast in a GITS movie this always popped up
man thats bullshit another hellboy movie is in the works if I recall
Where is best boy? They show Aramaki but not the guy who arguably is the real lead of the show?
I'll probably see it only for the visuals.
>this is just the beginning
Jesus christ, what were they thinking?
I demand replacing the midpart with dank memes
desu at this point i don't even care that they're just lightly borrowing from SAC and ignoring everything else in the franchise. it looks like some random kickstarter project/student film
The major is everything-except-batou-sexual.
Why did they make this shit? Why can't they leave us alone?
wait I watched the movie recently (my first time), but I can´t even remember one of these scenes, except part2.
- Wasn´t Yakuza mostly in the second movie?
- Who the heck is that black chick?
- Why are there fucking monks?
At least they paid homage.
They're not adapting just the original; they're adapting some of the continuations of it as well.
looks okay so far.
There was some buzz about a live action Akira last year.
But I guess we lucked out there
I really like how scared she looks in #5. It's part of her personality that we couldn't get to see in the original anime and it's really refreshing. Also Takeshi's hair style is top notch. It's just like those Japanese live action adaptations where real actors have anime hair.
Retards like you are the reason we can't report commercial spam anymore. The word "shill" means nothing now.
Holy Shit lads
Is Ghost In The Shell (2017) kino?
extremely unnerving
>"I can carry 8 gig on my head"
WOW this movie is REALLY dated.
Pure Kino. Have you apologized yet Cred Forums?
this isn't a guy right?
Is this shot kino Cred Forums?
Apologize for what? That looks absolutely generic
As expected from a Cred Forums shitposter who abuses the word "кино". Even BvS had better cinematography
Why are you Cred Forums faggots so obnoxious?
>Why are you Cred Forums faggots so obnoxious?
because they are legit redditors
Leave Cyberpun-kinoto me
>visibly shaking
>can't even hold her gun straight
This is Tarkovsky level kino tbqh
Samefag. You're not even getting a (You)
Will Motoko be bisexual like in the manga and TV series?
wew lad
Major looks like a fucking twig, ScarJo a shit. Oh well, at least it will be better than Innocence.
Not anime. Fuck off
>implying Motoko isn't going to go all Huckleberry Finn and whitewash that poor innocent nigra with her tongue
That's just a glitch in the matrix
She doesn't really have a lover, she's just addicted to mind sex.
This is what happens if you walk while aiming. If she were running the aiming reticle would grow even larger
Who wouldn't be?
One of the challenges of GitS for western viewers has always been the fact that the Major is just a brick wall of competence, a machine who's actual emotions and character nuances are far too subtle for someone that's only half paying attention and not really caring (mainstream audience) to notice.
Her character being butchered into the generic scarjo "sweet vulnerable rebel girl with daddy issues I'm so scared why won't someone love me pls" was pre-ordained. Lots of people have gone on record explaining that the reason they won't touch GitS is because the Major's character needs to be done differently to work as a hollywood movie
>This is what happens if you walk while aiming.
No, that happens when a human walks while aiming.
Tanks can go up and down while keeping their cannon trained at their target,
fuck off
Oh god, the shot of the major on her bed looks so fucking bad compared to the anime movie.
This desu. Double true in case of american audiences who can't even watch some movies without making a "remake" first.
The background looked nice. It seems like they have some nice artistic choices going on with setting. I was worried it would either just be "present day with some extra wires" or full on Matrix but it looks like they found a happy medium.
Because he's actually a good actor.
Why is the "progressive" west so terrible at writing female characters compared to the evil sexist japanese?
>Major's character needs to be done differently to work as a hollywood movie
ridley from aliens a legit strong female lead
They wrote Force Awakens Ray, which is arguably worse.
And it's not even hard to do. It's been done right before.
Because they write what their audience wants, and nobody in the west takes a stuck up bitch that think she important seriously.
Most of it is called money.
While this is a prettier shot, it communicates something very different about the world than the one they went with.
I bet they will do 'le epic jump from the rooftop' again. And it will be the best part of the movie
What happens when Animeshit becomes big and mirrors the rise of Capeshit and Marvel movies in 07/08?
Are normalfags about to appropriate nerd culture even more?
getting the rights to shit people want to see would be pretty hard if you think about it
>the rise of Capeshit and Marvel movies
Is very notable in that it is one of the very few examples where people watch the movies and have no interest whatsoever in the source material.
>chooses the worst shot in the previews
It's taken 20 years for GitS and they still haven't gotten anywhere with Akira. I wouldn't worry about it.
Then again the rights to anime and manga are incredibly cheap, maybe they are replacing them for all the failed YA movie adaptations, seriously when was the last time anyone was even speaking about a successful franchise adaptation since HP ended?
>Tfw "I'm such a nerd" will become "I'm such a weeb."
>The Big Bang Theory will unfortunately continue on for another ten years making name drops to anime and manga
>trailers of a trailer
fuck america
Can't wait for my harem romantic comedy films with actual resolutions at the end.
That's because there's not exactly been a huge boom for it.
So we will have a Black Widow movie?
They fucking better. Not having that would be like doing a King Arthur movie without Excalibur.
They don't even have a single successful anime/manga adaptation.
Sure, they've used a few, but that was background noise. Edge of Tomorrow made nobody interested in reading a manga.
Stop dreaming.
kino incoming
basically summed it up perfectly I think the worst part about this you have so many IP's to pick and make something really good for cheap like lets say
cowboy bebop
yet all thats been made is shit
>Are normalfags about to appropriate nerd culture even more?
this is already happening where the fuck have you been?
The only other ones I can think of are Speed Racer and Astro Boy which both flopped hard.
>they still haven't gotten anywhere with Akira
I don't think that any adaptation of Akira can be more enjoyable than this one
The first Pokemon did pretty well. Dont think that counts as an adaptation though
I-I liked the Speed Racer movie...
>when Animeshit becomes big and mirrors the rise of Capeshit and Marvel movies in 07/08?
I bet any money this isn't going to happen
Aren't people getting sick of Capeshit at the moment? Something is going to have to replace it.
>The first Pokemon did pretty well.
That was an anime movie you retard. Plus it was released during the height of the Pokemania phase. It's not like it was an American production
you've never seen Under The Skin?
I personally am sick of them and haven't watched any since Iron Man 2, but I think all the Marvel ones are still doing well financially.
>Aren't people getting sick of Capeshit at the moment?
Cred Forums and/tv/ likes to pretend it is but it's not
capeshit is going to be printing money for a few more years
>mfw live-action Nisekoi
>crossie thread on Cred Forums
Who the fuck cares? This shit is going to tank just like literally every other anime adaptation Kikewood has made (All You Need Is Kill doesn't count) and everyone will forget about it.
absolute kinography, apologize, NOW.
>Who the fuck cares?
A few people clearly? What's the point of coming to an imageboard if you're going to disregard discussion? Just lurk and don't post.
What the FUCK is she wearing?
>if you
yeah, but she's not me, she's a futuristic cyborg
I can't really think of anything else that could even work with a hollywood adaption and also be big enough for people to care besides MSG.
It's just mod evasion.
I don't think anyone cares that an invasion is occurring.
The issue isn't the discussion the issue is Cred Forums joining in while bringing nothing to the table but"dank" memes
>all these old nostalgia fags crying for an adaption of an ok movie and show.
A lot of people would care is there is anime adaptation even though it will be shit as we know it
t. Angela Merkel
Too many dank Cred Forums memes infesting this board right now
>What's the point of coming to an imageboard if you're going to disregard discussion?
Please stop pretending you actually belong here Cred Forums. Nobody wants your shit here.
>A lot of people would care is there is anime adaptation
Ah yes, I remember all that discussion we had on Dragon Ball Evolution. So many people were hanging on to every piece of info
I feel the same way. It tries, but it doesn't leave a lasting impression. Looks way too generic.
That shit better have nude shots
>Dragon Ball
DB is shit GITS is well done cyberpunk and has always been animated beautify
A burlap sack, it's the hottest shit in the future.
Jesus fucking christ the quality of some of these are literally on par with the shitty Payday 2 live-action trailer things. I'm hoping so badly this movie won't be as bad as that. Please let this be at least worth the watch.
>tfw Motoko shilling for Hillary in new ad with her capeshit buddies
better than trump
So at the end of the ghost in the shell movie the original one does the major just go off and do shit? I don't know if i'm just stupid but how does the end of this movie link up to the next one.
Fuck off CTR
That's how the American Empire comes to exist.
>how does the end of this movie link up to the next one.
>And where does the newborn go from here? The net is vast and infinite
she just goes off to do her own thing leaving section 9 events happen working on the same case boom the major shows up in a doll
Or ceases to exist
It looks ridiculously uncomfortable
My immersion is ruined
I just skimmed through it, but the mark ruffalo part made me laugh. I dont see anyone mentioning hillary though, what are you talking about?
oh shit that makes alot of sense, thanks my guy i'm probably gonna rewatch them now since i didn't understand the second movie very much
Then maybe watch it again faggit without skipping anything
They also don't say "Trump" but even retard can get the message
Was this text taken from somewhere or did you just write it?
He thinks hillary because they are saying save the day and he assume they mean save it from his overlord Trump
No, they literally say that it would be a bad idea to "hand over the ability to launch nukes to a man that is known for firing things"
Something's wrong here. The original had some of the bare sky going through, like does.
But then, not seeing the sky somehow sets the mood right. It feels cramped, a bit claustrophobic, and of all, realistically futuristic. There are already buildings being built ridiculously close to other buildings, not allowing a speck of the sky to be visible.
It makes you want to go out, in way.
I don't know, I have SOME hope it will end up being decent. Depending on the impression the trailers give me I might actually consider going to a cinema for the first time in years.
Why is this thread full to the brim with crossposting shitters? All the previous ones were the same. What ever happened to Cred Forums's self-moderation?
I didn't know Bjork was working in the movie.
Cred Forums infestation
ya.... because Hillary is a peace loving hippy
also holy fuck man muh nukes
>what are the geneva convention
no one is going to fire a fucking nuke unless its like NK or Pakistani no G8 nation is going to fire off a nuke it will turn into MAD no questions asked
>ya.... because Hillary is a peace loving hippy
No one says ads can't lie.
Me too, Tatsunoko needs to give Speedy the Crowds/Sins treatment. Imagine a Speed Racer anime in a post-FaF world.
>cyborg no stabilisers
Who here's getting a robot body when they come out?
Hey this doesn't even look that terrible.
I'm surprised.
>holy fuck that doll joint makeup is weird to look at
>extremely unnerving
>this isn't a guy right?
Mission Complete
They achieved what they were aiming for
Rip in peace to her original bust
I feel pretty bad for Takeshi Kitano. He always manages to look uncomfortable in every movie he's in.
The most important question: Is Kawai coming back for the OST?
Seriously think about it before you actually do it. What would be the benefits and the drawbacks?
>increased strength
>exhaustion won't really be a thing
>easily-replaceable broken parts
>you're going to have to charge yourself (unless somebody comes up with tiny nuclear reactors you can use as a battery)
>possibly lowered reaction time
>you're gonna lose the feelings of touch and all associated sensations that come with it (warmth, moisture, etc.)
>Everything by Shirou based of Gits
>Hasn't seen manga sex scenes
You poor fool. That's the one thing the Anime ruined in some places. It would have made the franchise AWESOME instead of just good.
Literally, Makoto sleeps with everyone BUT her partner, who has a major (forgive the pun) cuck boner for her.
Looks better than dragonball evolution
If this is supposed to be a recreation of pic related, then they really fucked up.
I vote for "Death by snu snu"
That's why I'm going to wait until I'm a nasty old man. I won't care about feelings at that point
They have to fix the lighting, maybe add some bloom or something. Now the background looks so terrible because there is no overpowering lighting source that ties the background to the foreground. The window just looks like a 2 dimensional picture.
I think it just shows a better aspect of how overpopulated the area is better. The density we see in the original did not pan out to some expectations. What I REALLY want to see is the pan-outs to the solar buildings, the slum areas as opposed to the central high-society areas, etc.
Actually Akira is a thing and coming in 2019. When Kojima was asked about Death Stranding release date, he said before Tokyo olympics(2020) and Akira movie(2019).
That's not the real downsides.
>can't afford your own body
>people can take your body as down-payment
>experimental tech may or may not end in nerve damage that will make you permanently crippled without hope of synthetic help
>can't use elevators anymore
>your own body is part of the console war
>your own body is DRM-shit and botnet and you can't turn it off
>have to pay monthly fee just to avoid annoying advertisements being added to literally everything you see and hear
>can only eat food from a manufacturer-approved source
>can't head-pat lolis because constant surveillance
>can't have sexy robot sex with your cyborg buddy because console war has left you with incompatible ports
please fix the ratio m8.
Screencap this:
They will announce a western live-action movie adaptation of SAO later this year. Kirito (well he does have a western name in the adaptation) will be played by a well known black actor
Jesus, these guys have done a splendid job with capturing the atmosphere of the original movie.
Forgot to add:
>everything you think or say or write or sing is intellectual property of the manufacturer
>They will announce a western live-action movie adaptation of SAO
I thought they already did?
>western live-action movie adaptation of SAO
Bro it's going to be a tv show.
Jaden Smith
Cred Forums nanner please.
I'm pretty sure they did some principal photography in HK and called it a day. But in the trailer, I didn't see anything resembling the opening chase scene (which would show the city slums).
Also, I don't know who is doing the music but it hardly holds a candle to Kenji Kawai's haunting electronic-screams.
shame that the hollywood adaptation will mostly be shot indoors because they don't wanna "waste" money on the scenery.
Hmmm okay.
Well if I can't have bro sex with my robros then it's not worth it
Nice nip.
>literally saying "don't give nukes to trump"
lmao. I wonder how was Cred Forums's reaction to this
So, what are the chances we'll get this song in the movie, since this was probably the first time many people even saw GiTS?
Imo I'm going into it with lowered optamism.
this post made me laugh and want to die at the same time
>Rupert Sanders
>This is his most popular movie: youtube.com
>6.1 imdb rating
This is gonna be a generic style over substance movie (without even getting the GitS style down I bet) with no subtlety. 3D stays shit
None of it felt like fucking Gits, not gonna watch.
>the real lesbian scene will left out again
Go back to bed kid.
>Origa isn't alive
Why even live
Live in Origa's place.
As long as it doesn't become popular to the point where japan starts seeing the US as a bigger market than japan and starts censoring or changing things to make it more suitable to people outside japan
>this guy doesn't know about the Tokyo Olympics
It's already happening, Japan is closing in on mangaka and doujin circles
She chooses a base model exterior to hide her high end components.
watch GITS or go back to Cred Forums to complain about things you don't understand
Just while people are there, once the attention shifts away from them they'll give up
Why should they? They are gonna implement laws and they aren't going to lift them after a couple of months because that would be more work than just leaving them in place.
Most people over there already hate otakus and hikkis, they will gladly make their lifestyle more miserable.
Yes, and I'm going to hide my tank in a VW beetle.
this is extremely arousing
Most of the stuff that's endangered is illegal already, like like doujinshi market and comiket.
Just because it's illegal doesn't mean that they can't do it.
>muh reference to Oshii films again
How many more times are they going to rip that film off? Couldn't they base it on the manga instead?
I just need this to played in the movie and I'll be happy.
Neither they say "Hillary" fucking mongoloid
What was the viewing order for GitS, anyway?
This version better
Ah, thank you.
One way ticket to a non-shit timeline please.
I know this one has a benis, but still would
they've already got some big names to act in this movie so it's even more baffling
Also Scarjo is incapable of playing a physically powerful character. She is great with emotional stuff but for some reason jews decided that she is a badass and are showing her everywhere.
Honestly doesn't look that bad.
Add and caption it as Fanmade
>style over substance movie
>The Neon Demon
2016 confirmed for most stylish year
And what a style BvS has!
Ironic or not, I want you to go hang yourself for comparing these two.
She sleeps on some kind of light panel. Why couldn't they just keep the regular bed? Not SciFi enough?
This. Also, the shot looks too perfect - they should've used Spot Metering to mimic the way 1995 shot appears.
Fucking hell I lost my shit.
Jesus Christ, that's horrible. Who taught you how to align images? Hunt that the fucker down and get your money back.
fuck this makes it so much better
>being mad a single insignificant panel out of the whole movie isn't adapted well
>will be played by a well known black actor
So, Morgan Freeman or Samuel L Jackson?
Who'd you prefer?
Is it insignificant? That scene is one of the more memorable scenes from the movie for me (next to the chase scene and the tank fight in the museum).
blame the jews
I prefer blaming the Ostrogoths.
Not only that but it's a good indicator of how they're not really paying attention to the smaller details from the film and are basically doing their own worse thing and turning the city into super-generic dystopian hellhole #43.
I was hyped until they showed this part, now the movie is ruined for me.
>super-generic dystopian hellhole #43.
so Hong Kong like in the manga/first movie/second season
>One of the challenges of GitS for western viewers has always been the fact that the Major is just a brick wall of competence, a machine who's actual emotions and character nuances are far too subtle for someone that's only half paying attention and not really caring (mainstream audience) to notice.
Explain all these later gits anime that are like "this" then huh?
What do you anons think the odds are of the movie touching on or shying away from the Major's gender? Trans and gays are super vocal these days, so their issues seem sorta prominent, but at the same time, the mainstream audience hollywood goes for is still very conservative. I'd say its like 70/30 against talking about it.
>good at writing female characters
Let's not lie and say this is some often shit
>he hasn't seen the city shots
Yeah I'm with you there. I don't know if you could say the Major was NEVER scared ever, but she sure as hell never showed it
Why would a Cyborg shake? Not to mention she's highly trained.
They won't touch on it because this is going to be a style over substance action flick where the Major is most likely going to be just a strong cyborg for no reason
to trigger fans
Its gonna be great. A NEW AGE.
why would a cyborg need fake skin?
To hide the skeleton within of course.
>There are countless ingredients that make up the human body and mind, like all the components that make up me as an individual with my own personality. Sure, I have a face and voice to distinguish myself from others, but my thoughts and memories are unique only to me, and I carry a sense of my own destiny
It won't, the popular stuff is all long tv series.
>fat makes you fit
Haha fucking Americans fat asses
They couldn't even be assed to get her hair right.
>Yes, and I'm going to hide my tank in a VW beetle.
>have japan top director star in the movie
>don't let him direct
I know how hollywood works but I still get mad, someone help me
>Focus is clearly on the actor instead of the world like
This movie is going to do everything wrong.
not anime
>That's how the American Empire comes to exist.
I can see a future where Trump lost the election but managed to convince the entire South to coronate him as King. Thus forming the North and South United States that GitS basically described.
That's not what I said. Do you have trouble understanding English?
>missing the point
Trucks are larger than beetles.
This looks horrible. I fucking knew it would be shit. Just didn't think it would be garbage.
Dumb frog poster.
With a force of a thousand sun, I would hit it.
Sexually speaking
Suns are asexual.
Jaden Smith
She did in the manga + SAC, but it was more a fuckbuddy then a relationship.
Werid to see movie stuff and SAC stuff thrown together.
HOO boy you have no idea
It's a fucking mess of Innocence, the movie and SAC. The main bad is supposed to be the laughing man somehow
It's going to be a trainwreck
This is worse then Arise major
At least Arise major was actually a veteran combatant, this is just fucking embarrassing
Don't you know the Major is in favour of the Democrat party of the American empire?
Yeah they won't touch that with a barge poll
realtalk tho
anybody here actually gonna see this garbage?
I'd be willing to watch it, I don't really see anything from the previews that would deter me.
I forced some of my friends to watch GitS this summer so I I will probably go to the cinema with them that's already 5 tickets sold man
Yes. When am I not going to see GitS in cinemas? It's one of my favourite series.
Shit it's pilling up
I'd watch it, but I sure as hell am not paying for it.
Kill yourself nigger.
Are you going to pay for a different movie and then sneak into the hall for GITS?
Oh I forgot about that.
underrated post
Will there be tachikomas?
Considering how they are aping the Movie's as much as possible, I doubt it. They are just adapting the bits of SAC they like and fashioning them onto it.
Which seems really fucking weird considering the laughing man is the main villain apparently
Yes, but they'll be voiced by black children.
Which of the two well known black actors
>"Kirito kun!"
Wait what
Is this confirmed?
>that city
That is not the cyberpunk atmosphere I was expecting. Looks like some government is controlling us type shit
It's either a guy or a girl not used to wearing high heels.
Either way qt as shit.
>implying it's not gunna be a generic Inception knockoff 2 second horn burst shitfest or trashy nigger EDM to appeal to retards
No, sadly.
Did she not sign the nudity contract or what?
This movie is not so good from my point of view. Doesn't look that good, but most Japanese people are not that mad about Scarlet Johannsen because we don't even care to watch it.
The elevens' reactions are kinda funny.
>using Laughing man as big bad
Worst choice possible. His motives are way too complex to get by reasonably in a movie.
They'd have been better off just tracking generic evil Chinese hacker #2501
Oh yeah
It's going to be fucking hilarous to see how they get into how a stand alone complex works in like 90 minutes
So I've finally done what I should, have years ago and watched GiTS and its really stroking my cyberpunk boner.
But now I've got to Arise and should i be watching the TV or movie series?
Trap music with birth of a cyborg.
They probably will, but with convenient camera angles so no nudity, cuz think of the children.
Be realistic, user, do you think literally any movie studio wants to have a realistically ripped woman headlining its movie?
I'm sure Johansson would've gotten cut for the role if the director had actually asked her. Fuck me, even Cred Forums's curvy muscular Wonder Waifu got played by a skeleton.
Even if it's decent I'm not seeing it.
they don't need to
like none of that shit matters even in GITS
I'll be kinda happy if they manage to do a better job with the film than the prequel series and film.
>yfw Diesel gets a movie adaptation
> Yo Batou my man, get me some of that WD40 mah nigga!
I want to see this movie so bad now.
Eddie Murphy.
Hyped as fuck for this flick!
>Idris Elba as kirito
fund it
It looks like a music video for some house or trance track from the early 2000s.
>the fucking Chief shoots someone in cold blood and dumps the bullets on their body
this movie is going to be such shit
Based Shirow.
I don't get why she was shaking Alittle , there going to be afraid to make her too cyborg I bet
I legitimately hate scarlett jogangson as an actor
Speaking of Shrow, what are his thoughts on the movie? Is he too busy making really good porn to comment on it?
"too cyborg"?
top kek, she doesn't look "cyborg" at all.
Even in 10 second teasers the bad acting is tangible.
I'm so proud that no one took this bait :,)
Good job yall
Neither does Motoko.
Why does anime look so much better
Because it's a clean shot that's well framed with not much in terms of distractions.
>The Black Swordsman
My initial expectation were so low that this actually surpassed them. That's enough to get me to pay attention, at least.
I'm willing to overlook ScarJo shaking slightly in #5 because keeping your arms perfectly still as you're moving is pretty much impossible. It hurts the immersion but short of just pasting her face onto a CGI body I don't think they could really do anything about it.
I still can't believe they casted ScarJo. She can't act and doesn't look look the part at all, especially with the hair cut and dye that looks like it was done 15 minutes before shooting started. It's like their entire line of thinking was "she was Black Widow so she'll be fine for this."
Instead of debating the meaning of life and memories, it'll be AY YO HOW CAN WE SUPPORT DA POLEECE WHEN DEY IS KILLIN OUR BRUTHAS?
Character is in the center of the screen/window and not randomly misalinged. Outisde of the window, the futuristic buildings contrast with the sky. This fairly detailed view is in turn contrasted with the darkness of the room in the anime version. In the movie version, you have about the same amount of detail both on the inside and the outside of the room; also the colors are more or less the same, there's no contrast.
I loved her in Vicky Christina Barcelona and she was ok in Lost in Translation.
Will this movie be better or worse than Dredd?
I dunno, but that Skream tune is too sick
Dredd wasn't bad, I think it is fair to compare an American future cyberpunk city to an American Japanese future cyperpunk city.
Dredd was fucking amazing though
The fuck? I would love it to be Dredd tier.
I don't see the issue. Anime isn't your special secret club
What are you even asking?
It's not copypasta.
>don't give the country to a racist, abusive coward who could permanently damage the fabric of our society
>entrust nuclear weapons to someone whose signature move is firing things
Can someone tell me why Hollywood is the worst kind of Weeaboo?
Why can't they just choose anime and manga that are actually adaptable to live action?
If Hollywood wants something easy to adapt that focuses on technology, wouldn't Denno Coil be easy to make a kid friendly movie?
Denno Coil wouldn't require an absurd budget to adapt to the Big Screen and it has enough science fiction shit to keep Americans interested.
Absolutely disgusting, even though she's into carpet munching, the Major had taste in her fuck dolls.
An argument could be made that the success of the Marvel movies lead to many of the problems in the comic book industry today. I could believe it led to awful garbage like Secret Wars and the Nu52, but SJWs getting in were inevitable. Mainstream comic books, both the creators and the publishers, have always been left-of-center.
That said though, I don't think most anime and manga creators will care as much about trying to appeal to Western normalfags like comic books do, because the anime industry is fucking Japanese and doesn't have to give a shit about pressures from the American audience like American comic books do.
It might lead to a decline in quality in certain discussion circles, fine, but not to the medium itself.
Can we really call what she does 'sex'? She's a brain in a jar, sometimes it's just hooking up electronically to have 'mind sex' which presumably just makes the brain produce some endorphins, the same goes for anyone she 'fucks'. It's been years (can't remember if it's ever remarked upon or just shown that she 'fucks' around) but I've always seen it as her trying to connect with people sexually, but knowing it's never as 'real' as what others experience. I understand I'm air quoting things hard, but it's just how I view the brain in a jar scenario, you've lost yourself and the body desires are the ones who've designed what pleasure and the senses really are, mere approximations, not the real deal.
>Beat Takeshi
>not loving Beat Takeshi of Takeshi's Castle senpai
They call him "Beat" for a reason.
Beat Takeshi is an absolute madman.
He has done every single thing there is to do and most of these things he has done well.
He also made the greatest video game of all time.
I want this fucking game.
The brain is the only thing that interprets the signals from the body. If it isn't the same it's the fault of whoever made the signals, not an inherent flaw.
Qualia fags please go
If only Kitano was actually directing that flick.
It would be absolutely insane and glorious all the same.
Obviously he'd play the major himself.
>Takeshi in that wig
>Takeshi as Batou, Robot Geishas, and The Laughing Man
I need a drawing of this.
Oh dear god
I swear with this movie it's one step forward, cut the other fucking leg off and shove it up the audiences ass
Slight tangent, how am I meant to interpret the gay in Koukaku no Pandora? The kids a major, jar brain, but sexually attracted? to the one other thing she's come across. Does gender/body they inhabit even matter? Is she horny over the other robots female form (she seems to have single target sexuality, rather than being a lesbian brain in a jar) or just weirdly lusting of the nearest machine with doll joints and car ears? Just a very weird series when watching it.
Not to mention the decision to fire a nuclear missile as a first strike option has to go through Congress before the keys are even ordered to be taken out (retaliatory strikes are different since the offending country already made the decision to launch). It's not like the president has a big red button just sitting on his desk like in the cartoons.
This one I can see working though.
Actually makes it look good!
What. That's all horse shit.
The Oshii movies and SAC and Arise are each their own universe and have no connection aside from all the same source material.
Blade Runner is still the preeminent depiction of a cyberpunk city without even being cyberpunk.
>tfw amerishits eat it up not even knowing what gits is.
>this is what dexfags believe
>Takeshi in that wig
I really want this.
Into the trash it goes along with the Dead or Alive movie and the Dragon Ball movie. The only time I've seen a somewhat decent attempt at live action anime adaptations were the Rurouni Kenshin movies.
Johanson is practically a chubby womanlet. She ever was. This is an absolute miscast.
It looks so pathetic it makes me think of Aeon Flux.
is this like a joke about star wars bluerays or is there actually a millennium falcon in there?
Do Androids dream of electric Sheep is proto-cyberpunk and Blade Runner came out right when Cyberpunk started being a thing.
Dont worry user, I got the joke.
>It's going to be a trainwreck
I believe this is correct. I am really disappointed to see how they seem to practically rape the source material to make cold fucking profit with god knows who- I think kids or young girls maybe
Shaping up to be Deus Ex: The Movie.
Who is the composer? Were they not able to get the rights to the original's OST or Kanno's compositions?
That looks pretty good, actually.
>soldier needs chubs and soft armfat
It looks like shit, user.
There was always actually a Millennium Falcon there.
What if this is the street kid she finds in the malaypoor episode, but they change genders and raise the age for
I doubt very much her their lesbian lovers would wonder who she is when in the manga they fuck in each others bodies.
Did the rape scene in the motel really happen or was that just her playing the victim to get into the nice looking house.
Alright I have a theory while Japanese adaptations in Hollywood only get a half-assed production.. Because they are uninteresting for or at least probably really problematic with the market in China.
Thats your answer.
They haven't said who the composer is yet but it'll probably be someone generic as fuck.
Maybe thats actually Togusa using a revolver? He is sweating heavily, maybe hes not shooting someone but being ghost hacked or firing a tracer bullet?
Also it would make more sense as Takeshi has played many "Detective" type roles.
Another theory its the short cyborg guy from the geofront mission?
It's gonna be Cornelius
Wouldn't you agree they treat the source material worse than they treat their stuff at Marvel?
Nigga, Kitano is literally in the official cast listed as Aramaki.
King of my castle, eurodance, soundtrack for GitS
I hate you.
>Kitano is literally in the official cast listed as Aramaki.
Oh well, thats money I'd never have spent anyways.
They're going to fuck up all of the iconic moments, aren't they?
It's not a remake of the movie
>implying this will have even a single second of originality
That's going to make it even worse when they try to rip the scenes off.
Is it bad that the only reason I'm looking forward to this is to watch it with Cred Forums?
Ok, so it's less bad than I thought maybe. If they kind of do a shot-by-shot movie it might turn out half decent. But that little fat girl playing the major is still an insulting miscast.
I hope this scene is in :^)
better be a cam rip
irc all of the marvel stuff is mostly financed through disney, so holy wood meddling isn't as bad.
Rodriguez should have directed and casted this.
not bad, not bad. Looks like Hollywood's getting better at adaptations with each attempt.
shill la shill
Can't wait for Cameron's Gunnm
Now I'm angry.
Holy shit I want to play that!
This would make up for EVERYTHING. Seriously.
Fuck you.
Shit nigga, get a better encode baka
I would pay to watch a real life version of this starring ScarJo.
what if they make an anime adaptation of the movie adaptation?
I'd rather they cast ScarJo as project 2501's android body.
>top of the line military cyborg body with synthetic muscles that can exert enough force to rip itself apart
>this actually made sense in someone's mind
I was thinking more like these old MVs where you have no idea what's going on in it.
Like you could cut that clip into a 90s/early 2000s trance video and it would fit in perfectly.
I posted this some place else, I may as well post it again.
The general feeling that people seem to get from the shot is the organic look of the Major against the straight and artifical look of the buildings.
In the new movie, they bring those same straight rigid lines are brought into the Major's room.
In the original the major is an outsider. Like someone standing at a window looking into a world she cannot be a part of. In the new one she's surrounded by this world and isolated from it. The only thing different in the shot.
You do realize that that's true for humans? Your muscles are capable of ripping themselves apart, our nervous system normally prevents this except in extreme situations. Ever hear about the mother who lifted a car because he child was trapped under it?
It's also not uncommon for heavy machinery to be capable of damaging itself if used improperly. The Major probably has limiters which she turned off because it was an emergency.
>Kenji Kawai isn't in charge of the OST
That's all I needed to know, this thing will be another blunder.
>The only thing different in the shot.
Except the non-straight lines in her room, and the colouring being completely different
>The general feeling that people seem to get from the shot is the organic look of the Major against the straight and artifical look of the buildings.
I think you're forgetting that you can very clearly see the sky in the original, whereas in the second shot, it's completely covered by buildings.
Drone for the ambient tracks, and "trap and EDM inspired" for the action tracks.
Calling it.
I have no idea what that line is at the end there, I don't remember typing it, and it doesn't make sense where it is.
>Drone for the ambient tracks
That's being a little too optimistic. It's going to be Hans Zimmer-esque stuff, but with some synths in the background.
You realize that someone had to design that cyborg body?
Creationists please go and stay go.
They give ships and tanks engines that can run themselves to death in extreme circumstances.
>Qualia fags please go
Wouldn't 'qualia-fags' agree with you though? As long as you get the same qualia why should it matter?
Holy shit do I hate Madoka for how it handles this though.
>BvS had better cinematography
lets not get ahead of ourselves now
You realize that a major part of the design process for any mechanical system is testing for failure and setting limitations accordingly? You can easily override these limits and make something break itself, especially if you're a super wizard class hacker.
They actually used one of the Millennium Falcon models as one of the buildings in there.
Yeah, cyberpunk the concept existed before Blade Runner, but the aesthetic is used codified the aesthetic that has become synonymous with cyberpunk. That is, always night, raining, smoky everywhere, neon lights punctuating the darkness, and Asian influences everywhere.
>no trigger discipline
>retarded hair
>visibly tense and scared
this is not Motoko, what the fuck are they doing?
I fixed it, guys
>trigger discipline
Do you expect her to have her gun out on the job in an unfamiliar place and not have her finger on the trigger? Are you just trying to act like you know anything about firearms?
Check your [triggered] discipline, boy
>Are you just trying to act like you know anything about firearms?
You got me.
But half the point of the Major is that she isn't stuck up, not in the petty way typical strong independent womyn are in the west, and if anything she's aware that clinging to her femininity the way she does is a weakness. Humility naturally arises along with her competence, as she has no reason to pretend she's better than she is to simply boost her own ego, and she never aims to prove that women are as good as men or whatever, she is what she chooses to be.
Yeah that's pretty good.
Don't worry, they'll fix the lighting in post.
Not even same user, but you're a fucking idiot. Just go back to lurking
somewhat defeats the purpose of changing the shots.
if I wanted the same shots and such of the anime, I'd just watch the anime.
RIP Ishikawa
When will we get a Berserk movie, Cred Forums?
>Directed by Rupert Sanders
Wew lad this is going to be shit
Never ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever.
And all will be well.
>tfw we will never get a live action KLK movie
Shut the fuck up, faggot. Its already an adaptation, if you wanted something different you'd watch a film that wasn't adapting something else.
You pretentious cunt.
Never because I put my grasses on and everything was fine.
Recent interview he said he talked it over with del toro but as of yet no script for it. Del toro recently said that he wants do another one too.
>you're going to have to charge yourself (unless somebody comes up with tiny nuclear reactors you can use as a battery)
you literally already do this nigger
nobody here has lasted longer than a month without food
what is he even doing now? I thought he was gonna work on this after Avatar
yeah im just gonna pretend this doesn't exist
I hope it's shit.
It'll all be better in the end if it's shit.
>tfw rewatching 2nd Gig
>First episode Togusa agrees with the Individual Eleven about the refugees taking jobs away from the tax payers who support them
wew lad if 2nd Gig was released in 2016 this shit would've caused a firestorm
They emphasize a unique experience every person has that can't be truly described or replicated. Too bad we already got a way to see things a cat can see.
>Its already an adaptation, if you wanted something different you'd watch a film that wasn't adapting something else.
What's the point of an adaptation that's exactly the same? It's wasting time on something I've already seen, then.
That is really sexy but I don't know why.
Then don't fucking rip-off the shot at all.
That's the thing. If they want to do their thing they should do their thing. And if they want to 'pay homage' and rip off iconic shots they should make sure they do a damn good job. Which they didn't.
>A bunch of people say "Register."
>But not Tony Stark
They fucked up.
This artist draws a really cute Makoto.
>nigger EDM
black electronic music at least has a beat to it. unlike trashy white electronic music
>toned ass and not some run of the mill bubble butt
fucking perfect
Was that... Ashley Johnson...? The voice actor?
Just what the fuck are you talking about?
>They emphasize a unique experience every person has that can't be truly described or replicated.
There's no way of knowing for sure to what extent this is or is not the case, but we can at least try to figure out and estimate how close our experiences are to one another, a significant amount of which we likely share in common in a broader sense.
>Too bad we already got a way to see things a cat can see.
What the hell?
Can we just agree that when a cyborg has an experience, it's as authentic an experience as a cyborg can have?
When a cyborg has sex (either virtually or with their cyborg body) to call it anything other than sex would be to deny the cyborg's entire life.
To me, cyborgs are just humans with artificial bodies.
What the fuck is she sleeping on Motoko would just sleep on normal beds not a bed of light bulbs or some shit
>it's okay for the side characters to be Asian
>but not the protagonist
This. Why the fuck is it still here?
Except Jimmy gave the direction over to Robert "El Flick Spic" Rodriguez
>Makoto sleeps with everyone
Graphic scenes?
rule 4 you newchildren
Kitano is only doing it for the money. He was probably cringing and wanting to die during the shootings.
This looks absolutely terrible.
I really hope western remakes arent going to be a thing
If it was as good as Dredd it would at least be competent and have some good visuals.
He's probably ecstatic about being in a big budget Hollywood production.
Are the future!
The fuck you talking about? Most people who watch movies don't even know X movie comes from a book/history/etc to begin with.
Capeshit isn't unique at all in that regard.