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I'm so disappointed that Tasumaki nendo don't have this face.
Characters who REALLY, REALLY should have a figure, but don't.
How badly did I fuck up
Pic related, also Toko from Kara no Shoujo and the entire cast of Ever17
rem fig when
As bad as they will fuck up
so getting this is a bad thing?
Depends on if some other company will make her as well. Considering that Hibiki that just got announced, we might get a better one.
She's definitely overpriced though.
do boxes from manda usually come this beat up?
did me quite the frighten
Is the plastic butt safe
luckily she's fine
loving everything about her sculpt, the face is especially cute
Something like that probably happened during shipping rather than being due to Manda themselves. That's barely a dent anyway.
What's new in ~END~?
Got her today. I dont regret it.
because why not turn yourself into a figure amirite?
This has been happening to me with increasing frequency. 6 of the last 10 things I ordered using ems came with actual holes in the box ranging from 0.5 to almost 2 inches in size. The goods were always fine, but it's nerve wracking.
I love everything about this even if it is Sonico and a prize figure, can't say no to tiddies wrapped up like a present and those stockings
few new pages, I don't actually plan on opening it though
little too hard to find
Thanks user. The listings on Tora showed the same preview pictures so I was confused.
Funny thing is, it isn't that hard to make. Just a recolor of any action hero figma with different heads.
N-not at all user. Why would they fuck up Chris-chan?
Hopefully it will be fine. The last time I took a risk was that Hikage (Senran) figure that switched manufacturers during production neither of which giving me hope, but I ended up pleasantly surprised and very happy with it.
Still the only disappointment will be not enough dakka. That's a crime but it's still Chris. Then as soon as I get her a much better fig by a better manufacturer will announce one and I'll kill myself.
Nothing personal, but I hope you have to kill yourself soon. Bell Fine needs to be stopped, their jewery has gone too far.
It's ok I've died once for anime. I'll gladly do it again.
My Manda boxes do seem to come a bit more dented than other shipments typically are. With SAL, but still.
Meme in jap is back online.
I'd probably get it if it just was regular-bad, but that one is off the scale. the price finally makes it absolutely rediculous. S4 and S5 are confirmed, pretty sure the geahs will get proper scales then
>S4 and S5 are confirmed, pretty sure the geahs will get proper scales then
I'm imagining if anyone touches them going forward there will be design mismatches in collections.
Approximately how many doujins should I buy in one go to get sane doujin_cost/shipping_cost ratio?
All of them so you can pay it off in one shipment.
I'd take design mismatches over Bell Fine quality, personally. As long as the characters are on model and the changes aren't too drastic they don't set off my autism.
Things you can find on Mandarake sometimes.
For me, its not the money I'm worried about. Its more of a duplicate set, one from hobby stock and the other from bell fine.
They don't pack them like they used to.
Some assembly required.
Why can't we get one with the full outfit and that pose?
But the face looks weird.
Didn't even know that was a thing, guess I'll go buy it.
Got her with the box for around $50 on a con.
By modern standards she's not a very well made figure, so if you're looking for an amazing sculpt quality or hate visible seams, look elsewhere.
I'm still happy I got her.
>I'm still happy I got her.
Do you like Sumika that much?
I love her too. But not that much.
>dat workstation
Do you build plamo?
Their Aqua is shit.
There is dressed version of this figure, haven't seen her sold anywhere for a while.
>But the face looks weird.
That's the sculptor's style. His Meiya looks like that too.
Nice. I hope GuP gets more proper scales. Especially Maho.
I sure do.
Your masking looks gorgeous.
Saber Alter has a cute butt.
There will never be 2008 again ;_;
you should've seen the pictures once he finished that kit. He posted them on /toy/. I believe it took him quite some time to finish it too.
If she had dozens of figures to choose from and new ones would keep coming out, yeah I would be picky.
But she only has 4, not counting the prizes.
Most male characters.
Worked on it for 2 years on and off while leveling up.
does she have any dakis, or wallscrolls?
I hate to admit, but you love her more than me.
You deserve her more than me.
I give up.
Either really
They really don't have any?
Nobody from that show does. KyoAni don't want money.
Do you guys display keychains, and if you do, how do you do it? This is the first one I've gotten and had planned on putting it on maybe my keys or bag, but it's pretty big. So I'm just hanging it off my Laala scale instead.
Yeah, I hate money too. That's why I'm spending it all the time.
Show the paint mixing picture with all the vials.
You mean this?
That was just for testing mixes, right? There's no way those would hold any practical volume of paint.
I display them on a peg board with metal hooks.
A corkboard with tacks can look nice if you very neatly and evenly space the tacks. If you go this route, seriously use a ruler and do that shit right.
They hold 1.5ml. That's plenty when you need to paint details like sensors or whatnot. I don't like wasting paint.
Keychains/rubber straps put on actual keys/phones/bag/etc. will get dirty and crummy. If you want them to stay nice, keep them for stationary display.
Fair enough. It is expensive stuff.
I'm super casual and only paint Gunpla in like ~6 colors per kit, and I work in 6mL bottles, and I have big 125mL bottles of white and black thinned and ready. I also don't do weathering or shading because I suck at it, and I prefer clean builds.
You must really like Muv Luv. It's on my backlog, but I hear it will make me cry like a bitch. Should I make time for it?
To keep this shit on topic I have pic related coming down the pipe soon because I'm a fuckass that backed the Kickstarter.
Are they even going to ship the rewards?
First time trying to order something, couldn't find it anywhere including that wiki in OP so I'll dare asking here:
Does a normal US Amazon account not work on Amazon JP or something?
Where should I look if I want some high quality poster
O-okay. I started nier this week because I wanted to play the whole drakengard series before automata, but I'll switch off.
That is correct. They are separate services, and you'd need a middleman to buy from Amazon JP.
Really? It says Amazon Global for the product I want though.
You can just make a JP account, you can use the same email and card as your normal account.
I thought you had to have Japanese delivery and billing addresses. Maybe I'm thinking of a different website. Sorry.
Are you talking about Japanese sellers on Amazon? Or the actual Amazon JP site?
You backed the Kickstarter without having played the games? We're you just in it for the figure?
No, I used my home address just fine.
I'm not in the US though, I'm in the UK, I don't know if that makes a difference.
They shipped some already. I think the rest is early next year?
I only backed it for the goods too and I wanted Kouki to get a new car. Translation is blasphemy.
Actual site. It's not a figure though, does that make a difference?
>Translation is blasphemy.
Wasn't there the option to play it in japanese too? Or am I thinking of another VN kickstarter?
I believe there is.
Guess I'm just am idiot. My bad.
Probably not. I guess I'm going senile. I thought I bought my satsuki oppad from Amazon JP and had to use a middleman. Ignore my other posts.
I heard good things about it, wanted to play it, liked the figma, and had disposable income. I figured why not.
looking to buy a strike witches fig, which yoshika would you say is the best?
>translation is blasphemy
Don't forget cropping images to 16:9. I know it's from the PS3 version, but that doesn't make it any less shit. You'd think with more than 1 million in budget to translate an already-translated game they could draw a couple pictures.
Alter ver 1.5 Goes better with the rest since if you buy one witch you buy them all. Ver.1 is ok too no issues I just didn't want the all smiles one.
>they could draw a couple pictures
What was that talk about new CGs? It was one of the milestone goals IIRC
>alter ver 1.5
is that this one.
sorry if I'm being stupid
Why did they make 2 semi-identical ones? Didn't they all bin?
Yeah you did it user.
Don't ask me. Just what they did. But yeah they're similar. Shirley has a S2 version as well with the other jacket. Trude has 3. A limited movie version and the Soon Jet Striker.
As for binning yes most did. Hartmann and Hanna are dirt cheap preowned. Minna and S1 Shirley were still going for good money two years ago but have binned recently. I think the only one still worth something is Heidi. Everyone else hovers the $35-70 range.
Good stuff
Give her bigger titties!
>buy £20 fig
>pay £15 shipping through EMS
>now have to pay 22 pounds additional charges
now I remember why I don't buy figs often
At least you live in a country where buying figs is financially possible.
Do you actually own multiple Tamiya stands or just the one in different shots?
>tfw too lazy to work on plamo
I have hundreds of unbuild/unpainted kits.
It's the same one.
You should sell some to your friends on the Internet for below market prices. I mean, no point in wasting them.
Wish I'd had the disposable income to back at the time. Oh well.
I'm considering it, a lot of them are snapped together though.
What do you have? I might be interested
Let me know if there's a Liger Zero, Strike, Talgeese or pretty much anything else Wing related in there.
I backed it because I was basically 95% sure I'll like the VN. Having it physically might make me go and read it rather than keep it on my backlog forever.
>Toko from Kara no Shoujo
but not as a fucking torso+head
>pay £15 shipping through EMS
This is the part where you erred.
The books will be-a-comin'?
unless you count that petite nendo in that one set.
How do I into GKs?
If you end up liking Muv-Luv, you should play Sunrider.
I will forever keep shilling Sunrider until it gets merch.
Practice painting for several months/years. Buy a quality airbrush.
Alternatively, check your local tabletop game store to see if anyone there paints professionally for commissions. I personally know a guy that paints models, miniatures, and figures (albeit western ones), but his going rate is usually 2x the MSRP of whatever you want him to paint.
Thinking of buying haruhi fig off of ebay from seller "sushief_inc" is he safe? Help a Buyfag out.
If a fig is 4 years old, then waiting 1 or 2 more years shouldn't be much of a problem, right?
I have a backlog that would make me broke if I bought it all in one year
Looks great
If buying it now makes you poor I don't see a choice. Be an adult and buy responsibly, you don't need the plastic butts.
>start practicing with the airbrush on models I paid like 2 bucks for
>it's a botch job I think is even bad for a first time attempt
Something says maybe I don't understand the fundamentals of a dual action airbrush that or painting and paint thinning or all of that. Back to youtube videos I guess.
I'm a young adult that doesn't make enough money for a living so shouldn't care about being responsible with money for the time being. But I also dislike regret and having no money
It's the extra charges that hurt the most. Parcel Force's 'clearance fee' is £13 by itself, and they didn't even deliver it the day they said they were going to.
They tried that shit with me a while ago, didn't deliver on a friday. I just started talking in a heavy accent and they eventually gave up trying to talk to me and gave me free saturday shipping. What kind of jews try take extra money to ship on a fucking saturday.
best girl
Nothing you said points to not needing to worry about money, the only time that happens is when you have so much you can't spend it all. "young adult" or not you'll need to stop thinking like a brat and make a reasonable decision based on your situation.
Don't remind me. I would give anything even for an Araragi figure.
>quality airbrush
Aren't they largely hand-painted?
You can try hand painting them if you hate yourself. I tried that and an airbrush is so much easier after a little practice.
Assembling them or buying them?
Airbrush is also hand painting, genius. Hand painted does not mean only brushes are used.
Most Kits you see that have the kind of shading and things scales have are painted with airbrushes.
You can handbrush any kit, but making it look like airbrush work is a huge pain in the ass.
I'd love to see everyone's collection here. I don't buy anime merch but I do collect those mail order hardback comics and I'm currently at around 160
Speaking of Muv-Luv figures, did Yui Takamura's Gekka figure and figma have any bootlegs? Those were the last figs I got from Nippon-Yasan before I heard about their 2014 Snow Miku scam.
>0 figures pre-ordered
>3 dakis pre-ordered
I don't really buyfag anymore, but I have to buy this.
I've been debating this over the past 2 weeks. I'm so torn.
>not going to pay shit as usual
Use EMS they said it's fast and secure they said
Just let it go you lazy cunts
I'm not getting it because I don't like the outfit
3-4 days is average for customs
It is really up to EMS once it reach your country customs?
I don't mind the size like others do, but dammit rotate the picture
Never, ever order from Crunchyroll. Even if they're the only site with what you want available, just pay more on the aftermarket or go to even ebay. Do not deal with these fucking idiots.
>being a europoor
>all this Muv Luv in the thread
Makes me moist
I'd rather pay 110 + free shipping for Halloween Eli than 150+ and shipping desu.
Enjoy risking unscheduled delays and misdeliveries then.
How can mobile posters never learn that the site erases data?
Also is there any news on Rory by QQ? That shit is on my must buy list but THERE IS NOTHING ABOUT IT.
Also can't wait for the Hibiki figure.
[Insert Twizzler joke here.]
-i display them all over my room, I only a select few and acknowledge that they'll get dirty with time.
>(3.03 MB, 3840x2160
>(2.32 MB, 3264x2448)
>(1.85 MB, 3264x2448)
>(2.58 MB, 3264x2448)
>(1.06 MB, 3264x2448)
stop living in a third world where you can't handle a fucking decently sized photo
let us know if (when) they cancel your preorder!
Hope I'm not late to the party
Mate if you can't afford good camera to take these photos at least you could do some basics to make them look less terrible.
I like the whipped cream spilling out of the cat ears.
>promised that i wont buy more figures until i get a display cabinet
>all these good offers
they're not my photo's my camer's much better than his. but no one wants to go through the effort of resizing them just to appease some guy wiith 2mbps internet speed
I want this set
But they all look awful by today's standards
Tsururya manages to be the only one that holds up.
and another! this one came with a cool security sticker informing me that it was probably for the best that I didn't order any loli doujins, although everything was intact, shrinkwrapped and completely untouched so it was probably just a mandatory thing with dhl
where can i buy a mochiguman
>only own two figures
>they have the exact same pose
I get that sticker on almost all of my DHL orders.
and the contents
my autism is going to kill me over not having volume 2 of the hotaru doujin, gonna have to order it when its back in stock
ah okay, figured that might be the case
I have problems
How did you attach them to the wall?
good one
I want it too... but it's pretty pricey at my stage. I'm fairly new to the buyfag game, so I don't know in full - Native figures are usually safe investments, in terms of value, right?
Looks like alligator clips and nails.
>(1.04 MB, 2000x1496)
Kind of unrelated maybe, but is there any way to hang things on the wall except tape if you can't penetrate the wall? It's made of concrete and I don't have the drill needed to break through.
they're actually hanging off the ceiling using alligator clips and these
like this
how did this figure come out? thoughts? comments?
I see, thank you. I'll look if I can find those in my country.
moot was right about australians
Try Amazon.
what does this mean
Generally they're pretty good, yes. Make sure you're buying what you want rather than what you can unload though, that game can be unpredictable.
Ah, thanks, just needed that confirmation, just needed that little bit of practical thought to push me over the edge.
buying keeps me alive.
You may say that as a joke but this might be the reason I don't die when I retire.
They say if you retire and have nothing to do with yourself you're much more likely to die, hell I know a guy that retired and died 3 DAYS LATER because he lived to work.
how often do you fap user? I just got a vertical monitor and reading doujins is glorius.
They ship from Cali and i'm also on the west coast, I don't think there'll be any misdeliveries.
I need the top right cover as a wallpaper
no more than I used to
although some mornings I'm tempted
Did you really go out and buy a vertical monitor rather than buying a monitor with VESA mounts and a swiveling stand?
Post butt.
assuming you were referring to
thank you, my hero
i dont think they actual sell only verticla monitors. pretty sure user meant a monitor with a pivoting stand or he could be using a VESA mount.
is this the artist?
There's really nothing wrong with the translation, I don't understand why people complained. It's by far better than Ixrec's.
kino did the one on the far right (far left on 2nd pic)
That's going to be the Tsuzuriko fig.
do you know the other artists by any chance?
>cheeks cutout
>tail placed on the perfect spot
Shit, now i need this. How much did it cost you user?
He has a full size Nendo too.
I wish
she was 7.5k on manda but she's on amiami A/B (sealed) for 7k and RSAL eligible
Your grandma could think that a figure is cute, but no way in hell she'll like your dakis. Think about it, user.
Can anyone with the Eli swimsuit ver. from Alter tell me what their thoughts on it are? I'm considering buying it for around 120 USD.
This looks so bad.
Sasuga mirage
Surprised she's getting one
Also can anyone show me a close up of her feet?
At least the artist noticed you on twitter
>what was that box on the front porch this morning? was that yours user?
>hehe, was it another toy?
th-thanks mom
why does it have to be so small
>hands me a package
>user what's a doujin?
t-thanks manda
I was wrong, the Figuarts is not the only plastic Mirage is getting. It still looks better though and that's just sad. I'm getting tired of swimsuits anyway.
I hope they release Vile, zero and sigma too
Huh, it'll be interesting to see those colored. The last Megamis almost got me, those might make me cave. I seem to have a thing for wings.
"In Japan, the term is used to refer to amateur self-published works, including manga, novels, fan guides, art collections, music and video games. Some professional artists participate as a way to publish material outside the regular publishing industry."
Wew lad a quick google search can make you not be a self conscience retard.
Why is this figma 90$???
Are you blind? He has gold on him.
I think he comes with an entire second upper body, doesn't he?
I already have the chogokin, I'll wait and see if he bins.
>the Figuarts is not the only plastic Mirage is getting
She has like 5 so far
Using 2you4, do you create a transfer request before or after the package is delivered to them?
Then I must have subconsciously been trying to forget them. Poor girl.
Before, transfer request tells them something is coming dawg.
Good looking out, homie.
panzer vor!
>already have the figuarts of everyone
Not worth it.
Have you painted these? If that's what they look like that unpainted I am way more inclined to buy.
She doesn't look great but I think her and Freyja will look cute together.
I really want this prize figure.
Neat, I wonder if they will do other versions.
Not the user, but I use a landscape monitor as primary and have a secondary monitor in portrait. Imo, it's a great setup.
I would specifically like to see that illustration as a figure.
The best bro
It's not a huge deal but I noticed the price per item on amazon shipping is 350 yen now instead of 300, if anybody wants to update it in the guide.
>another Mirage
>it's swimsuitshit
Is it a scale or prize figure?
I still need Gunvarel
big fat ameritats
You call that loli doujin? Small time.
You don't have to practice for years. You will scare newcomers. I don't even know how to draw and my garage kits are ok and cute. I never practiced on paper either, I am sure it helps but is not crucial. By the third garage kit I improve immensely.
>it was probably for the best that I didn't order any loli doujins
work on your reading comprehension user
I would but I don't want to get bullied for taking shitty pics, having shitty taste or having dusty figures
>having dusty figures
Having shit taste or not having a proper camera is somewhat forgivable, but this is not.
Turn on the lights and take multiple pictures then choose the best from the pictures you take. Dust your shit and make the fact that you are aware of your shit taste known in the post so no one will feel the need to call you out. This works for me every time.
People posted their collections a few threads ago.
>ordered pic
>hay u wan white arms and legs you have to buy regular ver.
>sold out
This is plamo right? Literally just paint it user.
No real good feet shots
This is exactly why I was hoping a buyfag user here would take their own pics.
What lovely chesticles. That outfit does wonderful things.
His hands look wonky but I'm liking it so far.
Cleaning day is a pain. Black furniture reminds me that I should dust once a week.
Do you clean once a year or something?
Damn...that looks too good. The face is like perfect. The pose is perfect....damn....
Is this and the OP from the movie?
Face looks bad. Really bad.
I'm surprised that madara is the nicest part of this figure, with the prototype I figured he and the cloud affect would look shit painted.
Why do people make dusting seem like a big hassle?
Cant you just get a duster, then take 30 seconds to dust them off?
I have to move all my figures and I get anxious I will accidentally drop or damage them while dusting because I ham hand everything
takes me about an hour every couple weeks to go over the 14 I have with a brush and cloth, dusters really don't work too well unless there's a shit ton of dust
If you leave the dust on them it will slowly eat into them and degrade the plastic. You have to act.
Dusting sucks when you have figures like these, lots of crevices and delicate parts.
I dust them once a month or so and panic every time
Just get canned air and blow it upside down.
I use one of those swifter dusters. Use a fresh one to do the figures first, then PC area and clean the tables and w/e last
Nice custom! I recognize elsa's faceplate but not that hair.
thought that was samurai pizza cat from the thumbnail
>captcha: select image of pies
Who here is pre-order free?
For how many months now?
>blow it upside down
This, I recommend all buyfags try it
Was clean for six months, but the few things I've got coming are small and far between
I haven't been clean for a year because of China and I don't want to be clean because of this. Preordering is a drug.
Anyone else gotten an email for payment on their Galko nendo? I've gotten nothing, I thought it was out the 21st?
Why are you trying to host alcoholics anonymous at the pub?
Chogokin Gil is so fucking underrated, it's a great figure.
I have trouble when it comes to not buying Madokas
She looks so fucking cute but i still haven't watched GuP
I really fucking wish he had a great scale with proper shading. It would be amazing.
Yesterday was a holiday. They'll probably receive it later today.
three months so far
Ah, makes sense. I was just getting overly worried because I had a pre-owned order combined with it and I was afraid that maybe I missed the email or something.
Got Tamura Naomi's album "Tenpack 2" and the Tsunpuri OVA.
I bought the Tsunpuri novel years ago for the Buriki art; didn't find out until a month ago that they made an OVA from it last year. Can't pass up more Buriki-based animation.
This new? Looks nice but I don't think anyone cares about her anymore
This is my first pre-order. Are you proud user?
That just means she'll bin! Good for the loyal I guess, but they really did get that out fast enough.
I was clean for almost half a year, but I do have momohime on preorder which won't come out for like two years anyway.
I feel like I'm getting over figures, mostly buy doujin/manga/CDs etc now.
I was clean since Nov. 2015 and just got something this month. The exchange rate is not doing too well.
>Alice and Mika Shimada get released as figures
>No money
When do these two girls get released? I want to get both sisters
Are you retarded? Mika isn't related to the Shimada family at all.
The artist and the writer literally keep hinting at it non-stop ever since the Nips caught on
Wait, I need to WASH these things?!
No wonder my hand smells like shit after using my PC, holy fuck mystery solved. Makes sense since I've used it around the clock since June.
I don't even know who the character is but fuck those heels are giving me the biggest boner. Should I get help?
I don't know I bought all 3 bunnies so I fucked up for my waifu long ago.
Man I kind of want them all. I think I could convert a detolf section into a nice little stage.
They actually make little plastic stages and stage lights for that exact purpose.
I think most of them are 1/12 though.
I'll 3d print them most likely,
I bet you don't wash your daki either
Sure you should.
Don't forget to let it dry on the sun.
>dry on the sun.
Don't burn the loli user.
>because why not turn yourself into a figure amirite?
>these are actually model kits
Color me fucking surprised, can't wait to build my own Yamato.
Burning myself out hard until 2017, then I'm done. My next 4 monthly orders are going to hurt so bad, but then my display case will be completely full and I'll have no more room for any more figures.
>Dick bought a lot of doujins.
>Had it sent to my parents because I wouldn't be able to sign for the thing while I'm at work.
>Box beat to hell with a huge hole.
> hard UV-radiation on colorizes fabrics
user, that doesn't seem like a good idea to me
fuck i didn't know these were that expensive.
>model kits
Makes me happy that now I don't have other figures competing with the whc scales of them I have.
I wonder why they didn't continue the PLAMAX KanColle line instead.
Maybe it just didn't sell well? Or maybe they (understandably) don't want to do a 1/350 Yamato-class battleship.
You know what I mean. Non-"minimum factory" PLAMAX.
It would go well with my 1/350 mech
Which ryomou looks better?
This is like the most perfect madoka but I hate the green tartan. May consider painting it something different
Oh fuck, now I HAVE to do this.
Now that I look closely, doesn't the ship seem out of scale?
Hang on, how do you know its a model kit?
Is that Kongou?
"minimum factory" is one of Max Factory's model kit lines.
Also, it says "plastic model" right there, if you look hard enough.
gross I'm not into boatshit
It's hard to say without a direct comparison to the models.
Apparently, Gypsy Danger is 79m (260ft) high, while the Shimakaze was about 130m (425ft) long. It looks like that's a small cargo ship.
Yeah I just googled minimum factory, holy shit we really are living in the future.
I always wondered why they never seperated the boat parts as a model kit
Even the smallest cargo ships are longer than that, though.
I have 26 scales and 11 nendos, takes me like 30 minutes.
Making ship models is expensive, time consuming and not really many people want them and these who does most likely already have them, and they can trick some retards into buying girls models the same way people buy FAGs. If only they could make standardized body types so autismo could make his own irrelevant shipfu by buying popular one and swapping extra parts they would make a bank on these autistic enough to buy 20 of them to make the whole class. I know I would be stupid enough to do so, Kagerou collection all the way.
>payment request for homura and Galko
My mistake, apparently it's an oil tanker, and small oil tankers do exist.
My postcards arrived today, spent 3K on them. Now to sell off Sakura and Rider.
>3k for postcards
Fateshit strikes again
I'm extremely meticulous so yeah it takes me a little while
I ran a string between two of the metal bars supporting the glass plates in my detolf and hang them there.
delayed for 3 more month
Be careful with the loli mousepads mang.
Thanks to whoever the user was who linked the Hobby Link Japan sale.
I'd be looking for the Ramlethal figure for ages, I'd almost given up.
Yes please.
I'd also like one of Kuon, or pretty much any of the other female Utawarerumono characters that don't have one. Nekone has two, and Rurutie one, but Nekone and Rurutie a shit.
me and my wife chino is proud of you
>look awful
N-not everyone has hundreds of dollars spare cash. I got a few prize figures so that's an upgrade.
Looks great but my phone pictures doesn't look good.
Not him, but that's the dust I get after 2 weeks
get a blank plate and draw it on there
Glad I didn't buy her.
Is that Hillary Clinton?
I'd prefer a figure of Orihime, her smile is stunning.
Seriusly though, I woulg give an organ for a figure of Tokisaka and Masaki together.
Preorders fucking when
Holy shit I can't un see it now.
No, Tama can actually win battles
Anyone can win battles with Okada in charge
Someone make her a general. Terrorist's game status: through.
These three came in the last two days, I am very happy with them. Especially with the Chitoge at 10k from HLJ sale.
>tfw you grow out of anime and regret spending thousands of dollars on figures
I'm never gonna use Amiami again so I ignored the payment request.
Burn in hell Amico.
>grow out of anime
Yeah, just like you grow out of listening to music and reading books.
Nice blog subbed and upboated
You didn't grow out of anything. Your hobbys changed and you wish you had spent all those years and money on your new hobby so you could be all cool and wise old fag in the new hobby community.
Anywhere that isn't $olaris that still has this available? Wish I had jumped on it earlier
>bought BL manga today
Fucking hell, my inner 13 yo fujo is coming back to life.
I haven't had a free month in about three years, whenever I don't have any preorders open I splurge on doujins.
I thought I would be, but I have this shirt and GSC's Sakura on order now.
>anime shirt
What did you buy faggot?
>not being comfy in your own home
>your own home
>not living with parents for free
>not living for free in an apartment your parents bought for you
>not stealing someone else's home for your own good
but who's gonna cook for you
Everyone I know is a shitty cook, especially my mom.
the microwave
It's 2016, gramps. Delivery all the way
Kyuuso wa Cheese no Yume o Miru, it's a neat big hardcover edition (in french)
I read that like 9 years ago as a confused teen grill, I still like it
Cheers user, the hobby fan one is easily the cheapest. Are they okay to use? I'm an ausfag
Mention that you're female one more time, thanks.
btw I'm a grill
Thanks, now I now for sure.
I've never actually ordered from them but I've read some pretty mixed reviews desu
please be in london
No problem dude, glad to leave no confusion.
I'm new to buyfaggotry, hope it's not a stupid question but can someone give me advice on Cu-poche figures?
I want to get one, but are they worth their money?
I'm currently living in Germany, which shops should I use? I've found some Cu-poche figure on but know if they are any good. I'm considering buying from amiami as I've bought from them once before.
Thanks a lot in advance!
you're welcome in advance
when translucent plastic stops looking like shit
so never
looks like a happy, toothless mongoloid
Everyone has their own standards user. I know I wouldnt display them even if they were given to me for free.
Cu-poche are basically just nendos that can be posed though they aren't as flexible as figmas. Use whatever shop you think is best is my opinion. If you're still thinking if figs are worth their money, then you should consider being a buyfag as a hobby in the first place.
But most importantly please read the guide.
They're like Nendos but cuter.
>Boteshit cu-poche
>not a cute FAG
Those proportions are not cuter
Maki just shipped but these came in. sorry for the lack of lighting
Thanks for your input, user.
I'm unsure if they break easily, I've seen some joints break and stuff like that.
I like them because of the articulation and size.
It's just an example, I don't know which one to get yet.
I just want to start small, I have a nendo and don't know if it's the right hobby for me.
Middle looks like sailor mercury
Right has no eye patch
Where does everyone store their boxes?
In my closet.
I have my Nendo boxes ontop of my closet
Idolshit in their boxes under my bed.
I keep my F4F loftwing box in a spare room
>2700 animubux FedEx shipping
>3600 animubux SAL parcel
>4500 EMS
Thanks Amico.
Why would you post this? Are you trying to make me sad?
Pleb spotted
In my bed.
body hair is male trait so if you prefer hairy pussies it mean's you're gay.
/jp/ checking in
If it is a male trait why do womengrow it
You're a genius.
Truly Amico's padding is amazing. The mascot should have at least one card where she's stuffing her bra.
I want to buy this but I shouldn't buy this.
Tell me why I shouldn't buy this
But does HLJ come with a cute Amico?
Retard spotted
My camera is shit and I cba to take more photos.
does liking loli count as having personal attachment?
It's too girly.
no, it would have to be attachment to a specific character.
Don't buy everything you see because of a fetish
Good taste
In my car
>Young female character is too girly
I don't see the problem
January, boys. Brace them wallets.
I can't tell what's keeping me either. I have a bunch of GuP stuff already and her actual design is not the issue for me. I think it's just her movie character didn't actually do anything for me even though I loved every bit of the film.
This though will be an insta buy. Same if Rose-hip managed to get anything. Alice just doesn't jump out at me.
>Should I get help?
No? Heels are great, especially those platform pumps she's wearing. Nothing wrong with getting aroused by shoes whose primary purpose is sex appeal.
top tier taste
I was using it for my skin and not for masturbation desu
>Not jerkin with Jergens
well I enjoyed GuP but never had any attachment characters. But Alice is different because loli.
Fuck I kinda want this, but I don't care for the others in TP.
I also want that fin but if they pull out Rosehip as well I'll be finished.
>Not making a bed out of boxes.
Step it up sempai.
It's from Akagi
and the box of tissues is for blowing your nose because you're sick
>being light enough to sleep on figure boxes while keeping them in A condition
Or pretty much every other wixoss girl from the anime/manga spin-offs
Best place to get older figures? I've been looking for so long, the only Vanilla I can find is overpirced on ebay.
Also made to order, for maximum value retention. This gonna be good.
Private sales or amiami used
what site? chino is cute as fuck.
I haven't had a preorder for almost a year now.
I still want a Yuki/Iona
More like AFRICA.
Good place to go for ghost blowjobs, however.
Finding Galaxy Angel figures is pretty difficult. One of those Vanillas was on Mandarake recently, I believe.
Careful, repeated contact with ectoplasm can cause unusual side effects.
I think I love ems.
I fucking love idolshit
>(2.81 MB, 4160x2340)
When does this come out?
Is this a lesson to not buy aidorus off Amazon? Can I just hit this with an eraser like the guide says?
Hi, my name is Bob, been doing Alter scales for over 3 years, figmas and nendos are pretty much my obsession, MxF scales are also nice but it depends on how big the ass on the figure is, not really into boobs. Its been 3 months since my girlfriend left me, I am trying to get into Saber figures and dolls but those will probably be the end of me.
Got a vidya pre-order, but otherwise since July.
That looks like a paint chip, not a mark. Someone probably dropped something on her. You're likely fucked unless you can get the right shade of paint and cover it up.
Fuck, the stand looks scratched to shit too. Guess that's what I get for not wanting to pay shipping.
I just now realized you meant the figure boxes, not shipping boxes, but I already took the picture so here you go
Chitoge does not belong in the trash
We warned you, bro. At least it's Amazon, see if you can file a claim or something. I'm going to bet that damage wasn't advertised.
>love idolshit
>cant afford all of them
Just buy the good ones like pic related
Barely anybody can. I'm both thankful and suffering that I'm into both LL and iM@S.
Any info please?
Check this guy's review, great pics:
Her butt is top tier.
When the fuck can I order it?
That's where she lives now user
Went ahead and threw up a claim just in case since they only advertised it as "new".
Damn that is a fine ass.
Who is making this? Can't into moonrunes
And feets!
Alter's LL swimsuit line is actually pretty good
You in the military? That looks exactly like my old barracks room bed.
>base text under the figure stand
Why would you do that?
Just pick the one girl from each and stick to her, but learn from me
>Ranko and Eli
I fucked up they have like 20 different scales.
No I'm not. My neighbor was clearing out an attached apartment and gave it to me along with a bunch of other furniture. It's a pretty nice bed. Glad the under storage became useful for something.
I cant pick one, I love them all except for Hanayo and Maki
It's either one of each or all of one.
>orders via Native can be placed between the 30th September 2016 from 13:00JST to the 25th November 2016 at 19:00JST.
Nothing to lose.
like this.
Only a few days left to pre-order this. I sometimes feel like it's a no brainer but something about is holding me back.
whats the general consensus of figurines that come with special edition of video games?
might be the angle but that is a weird looking hand.
They are shit.
It's the fingers, they're spaced weirdly and some look too long or too short.
Fucking hell that picture gets me every time
They usually suck, although I thought Birdsong was ok.
mostly shit and you should only consider buying for the fig if the character doesnt have any or very little figures like Buran.
Where do you live. looks very rustic
>got into idolshit recently
>so much merch I missed
I'm just gonna give in and buy pounds of yuri doujinshi.
This is actually a good idea
I fucking love male idolshit