Episode 25 in 40 Minutes
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Muetta a cute. A CUTE!
Yeah, shes best girl this show
nyone got a stream?
The only one i had sucked too much i deleted it. Just wait for raw on nyaa.
No livestream this week?
Doesn't look like it. Elite was up last week I think, but there's nobody there but them chickens.
I missed the threads last week so I feel the need to post how great it was when Ken said he would marry Yukina.
I'm watching currently, only on cytu i think.
So if you date two clones and pine over a third dead clone, does that count as cheating?
Show was infinitely better when it was slice of life with Samurai but now since the plot kicked in well it just isn't that interesting.
Damn this episode is unexpected realist for dealing after war, showing how ugly humans are.
i agree, it became more stale.
Is this last episode?
I agree with you, this was another forced pairing and bland with worst girl made by the P.A. Works. This reminds me of the pairing between Shinichiro and Hiromi in True Tears, but, unfortunately, ''The worst girl always wins the the bowl'' is the official motto of the P.A.
Next week is last, I think.
Neofag still exist?
We know it will happen.
But Hiromi was the best girl.
>Girls - P.A. WORKS
>Worst Girls
>Best Girls
What about Miuna?
>Best Girls
Move Kanade and Mei to worst girls then your list would be perfect.
>Shinichiro and Hiromi in True Tears
The thing is that the mc didn't deserve Noe and she could do so much better, so why would you be upset over that?
The best girl finally won the kenbowl!!!
Muetta? Mika?
Screencaps for the whole ep
>use Yaraon
Oni Chichi
Jesus Sophie Yamato is alive
Sophie being ok was a given.
>Well done, HOWEVER
Eager to see the finale, hope they leave and go to Oni's planet.
Graham, Hiromi, Hausen totally sucks
Yukina loses after all. Ouma broke off their engagement to go save Muetta. Episode 26 incoming.
Yukina, Akagi, Camera guy and Carlos totally sucks
This is nothing new.
sculder and molly back
Seems this guy survived.
delete this
OP, I just finished watching the episode.
I'm totally sending the ship Ouma x Muetta after this episode
someone tell me, what the fuck happened now? everyone is bad now? what the shit.
Good guys win. Muetta is being mistreated by the UN. Ouma and Yukina go on a date, Ouma breaks off their engagement and leaves her to go rescue Muetta.
His mech was only disabled. everyone else's received a fatal blow.
I haven't had a chance to watch the episode yet, but judging by the screenshots, now that the threat has passed for the time being, the UN is holding a grudge against Muetta for having been an enemy soldier that participated in an invasion that killed people, including Muetta killing some herself.
That's just the ugly side of humanity. Enemy soldier was a brainwashed pawn who broke their programming, switched sides, freely offered their help, and proved critical to victory? They don't care, they still want to punish them for the things they did while they were a brainwashed pawn.
This does not appear to be sitting well with Ken, and it looks like he made his apologies to Yukina, as he plans on doing something about it.
Meanwhile in Japan...
...they keep doing these retarded asspulls
As long as Ken and Muetta are happy together then its fine with me, the others not important.
At least Sophie mecha didn't explode, is more realistic that she survived
female Oni
sophie just lifted her legs over her head in the last moment, and is safe.
the camera faggots should have died in that nuke.
paper bag on the loli onis head and I would do her.
and, finally, red bandana guy will declare his love for Yukino.
Yukino x red bandana guy?... I can... I can ship it.
I'm glad I'm not the only one who's kind of shipping Yukina x Akagi ;)
She wants to marry Ken
>She wants to marry Ken
These two bitches, too.
We now have the three sluts
Will Ken become the Shogun on the highschool?
Tom is a smoker
>Ken and Muetta don't age.
>Ken and Muetta are immortal.
>ass ass ass ass
He sure dropped lots of soap in the military
Well that explains things, Yukina is the same right?
Ass is hometown
Yukina is the same right?
no, only Ken, Muetta and Fusunani, Yukina's a normal human being.
Do we know that for sure? Zeru told Tom that once you pledged to a glongur you couldn't go back to being human. Yukina is pledged to the Kuromukuro. She was injected with nanomachines when she first piloted it. That's why she was able to use Efidolg tech, including technology on their ship which identified her as Muetta. She also spent time in an Efidolg healing bath with looks to be the same sort of fluid that Ken's spent some time in.
All told it would not be surprising for Yukina to have the same nano-machine load out as Ken, and they simply haven't realized it yet.
wasn't she only identified as a temporary pledge though? Since Yuki-hime was Kuromukuro's original sub pilot and Yukina was only there was a fill in until she "returned."
kuromukuro suffers from the too many useless characters syndrome
Ken's plan is to rescue Muetta and run away to Zero's planet with her.
>tfw Ken picks the useless version of you instead
this was the last episode?
mad as fuck. fuck the humans.
Here she lost the bowl
one more episode
You forgot half-gaijin cute gyaru Chika.
>useless version
Pure distilled shipperfag extract
No, the show never mentions anything like a temporary pledge. As far as the Kuromukuro is concerned, Yukina is Yukihime. She just needed a fresh injections of nano-machines for some reason.
subs when?
He'll wish he didn't after being locked up with Tom for a night
So they're taking one more page from Evangelion. Humans are the final antagonist.
In the end, the real hero of the show is the Oni, isn't he?
Damn right
Politish bump.
waiting for more butt
Don't know why but he only mentioned Ken Muetta and Fusnarnie. By Tom's smoking scene he seems to be immortal too, but it Yukina doesn't seems to be contracted in right way, so she's mortal and just moving it by passing Yukihime's certification.
Episode 26 preview.
Welp, time to leave this shitty planet.
Dat "This Nigga" glance.
He only mentioned those three because they're the only ones he's investigated in detail. He hasn't had a chance to exam Yoruba yet. Hasn't had a chance to examine Tom yet, if he even knows to do that yet. And he hasn't been permitted to do the kind of exhaustive investigation into Yukina as he has into Ken.
So it'd be easy for Yukina to have essentially the same boosts as the others, and he simple hasn't realized it. Remember, Yukina did get a nanomachine injection. She's not just using Yukihime's certification, she also had some necessary hardware installed. So unless the pledging process gives you something more than sitting in the seat for the first time does, Yukina should be immortal as well.
Subs when? Did Yukina get the gozaru dick?
Kill yourself.
>Don't Mess With My Wife!
This is my Ken boy
My hero
Ok Cred Forums I have a serious problem(or maybe not)
Since I can't find myself to take this series seriously I have developed a knack of going to youtube while the anime is playing and play different songs in their apropriate scenes. For example I don't like the opening song so I play samurai jack theme over it instead.
In the sword fight scenes I play the Starwars fight music from ep1.
In the mecha fight scenes I play samurai Jack, Omae no XXX de Ten wo Tsuke, godzilla restarts, etc.
And In scenes like this one I play Komm süsser Todd.
The way sometimes the songs fit soo perfectly with a specific scene is just so damn good.
Muetta is far better than most princesses from gundam franchise.
Sure as hell beats out the entire female cast from Delta that's for sure!
Ken will rescue muetta and run off together to Zeru's planet.
Wait, so if Ken's Zeru cosplay, does that mean he will have to cosplay as an oni? Cause that'd be some real irony there.
Whoops, If Ken goes to Zeru's planet, does that mean he will have to cosplay as an oni? Cause that'd be some real irony there.
I love it
He doesn't need to, Zeru will introduce him.