>This question is for Mr. Kinoko and Takashi: Out of all the Fate characters, who would you want as a bride? (Without worrying about gender)
>Nasu: Rin has been at the top of my list for the last ten years, since she could totally lead such a lost cause as myself. But now, as useless as I am, I would plot to make Kitsune my someone special.
>Takeuchi: With a thought like that you really are hopeless.
>Nasu: And what about you? Probably Saber, right?
>Takeuchi: It's because she's a glimmering star just out of reach that she's beautiful. I couldn't call her my bride. Though for some reason I think Shielder from Grand Order would be the ideal bride.
>Nasu: Really? No kidding (smirks). I guess you can look forward to the next volume of Grand Order!
Thoughts on Type-Moon's current taste in waifus?
This question is for Mr. Kinoko and Takashi: Out of all the Fate characters, who would you want as a bride...
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Who's ritsuka?
A fujoshi.
Mashu is top breeding material, I can understand Takeuchi.
Saber isn't even Takeuchi's waifu, she's his goddess.
>I want Saber, but if I couldn't get her, then Shield Saber
I would rather my Nero.
>It's because she's a glimmering star just out of reach that she's beautiful. I couldn't call her my bride.
Saber confirmed for any true knight´s Impossible Dream.
Takeuchi is basically Gilgamesh. Actually getting Saber would make her worthless in his eyes.
Nasu knows what's up.
>dying so hard she's killing her VA
>top breeding material
I love Tama but I've been getting more and more attached to Tamamo Neko as of late.
If you are getting her killed all the time I feel that you are using her wrong.
She's saved my ass too often and having her spam her NP can have you with a nearly immortal servant if she's alone.
>If you are getting her killed all the time I feel that you are using her wrong.
>She's saved my ass too often and having her spam her NP can have you with a nearly immortal servant if she's alone.
M8 I'm talking about the story, not gameplay.
You know, the whole "artificial human who can only live for at most a year longer hmm where have I heard this before?" thing.
Yeah, Gil loses interest in Saber once she falls to him.
>you will never impregnate Mashu
>Takeuchi: It's because she's a glimmering star just out of reach that she's beautiful. I couldn't call her my bride.
Takeuchi understands. That's why Saber was at her worst in Fate, because they made her a shitty love interest.
>Urobuchi: Honestly, Saber doesn't look much like a heroine to me. I can still see traces of the male version of Saber that appeared in the early version of Fate. Because of that mental image, Saber's relationship with Shirou doesn't seem like a realistic relationship between a male and a female, but a complicated relationship with a boy who became a girl.
>Nasu: Typical Urobuchi... I really can't pull the wool over your eyes... I intended to take that to the grave with me, but I guess this 10-year anniversary is a good place to talk about it. Just like Urobuchi-san said, it's difficult to call the relationship between Shirou and Saber a relationship between a man and a woman. Saber has fought for a long time as the ruler of Britain, but then turned into a girl all of a sudden and fell in love with Shirou. It's pretty ridiculous when you think about it. But I really wanted to push it towards that sort of boy-meets-girl story. So as a last resort, I had Shirou continually say things to her like "But you're a girl," and "Girls aren't supposed to fight," in order to remind the users that "she is really a girl." It's like the author's actually the one trying to convince Saber that she's a girl... I feel like I could have written it a lot better now, but that was the best I could do at the time.
Too bad she's boring as fuck.
>Nasu wrote Fate and UBW in one night
How the fuck does that work?
Lots of it.
Damn right, nigga.
>that one time that Takeuchi said he couldn't choose between Shiki or Azaka due to favoring blondes
>followed by Nasu insinuating that Lio would be more suitable for Takeuchi instead
>Nasu wrote Fate and UBW in one night
Now it makes sense.
I'll stick to my waifu
Nasu is insinuating that Takeuchi should plow his asspussy.