Today is Daz's birthday.
Shingeki no Kyojin
Annie is love
Annie is life
I just want Annie to smile again
Annie a miracle of the universe
Annie might've done some things wrong, but she's still a beautiful person inside and out
I want Daz back in the manga
I hope he is alive and well.
BRA is love.
BRA is life.
BRA is best trio to me.
BRA might have done some things wrong, but they're still the ones truly fighting for humanity.
Reminder Armin will go out with a shot on the head from the karma.
Armin is cute.
That's one sexy titan. I'd let her eat me if you know what I mean.
I miss Auruo...
EMA deserve death.
We are going to see her again, r-right?
What would be better:
She wakes up but soon gets killed off
She never wakes up at all and survives the whole series because of that
Option three. She wakes up after Walls is kill.
Does anyone have any nudes of this slut? I want to beat my meat
She wakes up 2000 years in the future.
This is stupid. Armin isn't Reiss. But Eren partially is - probably through his mother - that's why he is able to use coordinate power and have memories of Frieda. Griesha knew exactly what he was doing impregnating Carla
>Armin is not a Reiss but Eren is a Reiss because Carla is a secret Reiss.
Your logic is stupid.
I want to cuddle Mikasa
How else would you explain that Eren can access memories of Frieda. He has to be Reiss.
Stupid sexy Frieda.
EH is canon
Back in the good old days I thought that Titan was Levi.
Everyone from the walls has Reiss blood, they came from the same bloodline. Still anyone who thinks Armin is a legit Reiss is stupid.
I like Daz.
I also like Oluo Bozado
because fuck you
Because they're ugly?
And I want to beat you up.
Mina is love
Mina is life
I just want Mina to breathe again
Mina the light of the universe
Mina mightn't have done much, but she's still a beautiful person inside and out
Dramatic Daz. Shit.
Double stuff. Shit.
Dead critical level Who. Shit.
pick one
I pick who
You must secretly be that raging Oluo fanboy.
Both are one. Mina Carolina is a who. MinaWho
Because he is the coordinator. As we know, memory transferring only occurs when you are the coordinator.
>Mina Carolina
That's one retarded name.
Mikasa is Armin's ocean.
For a retarded Who
I want to find out how ticklish Annie is.
We know, Petra.
Very cute, user. Be gentle.
You guys are being rude.
Mina isn't for sale.
Don't try and pull a ricofag with the "YOUR RUDE" shit. You're rude and dismissive all the time. And Mina really is a fucking pointless character that never did ANYTHING other than die and prove how frail humans are.
A true, handsome warrior.
I'm so happy.
Fuck off
Post attractive Erwins.
>being this rude
>Post attractive Erwins.
whoposting is frowned upon here
Attractive Erwins! Well, there are absolutely thousands!
>being this so delectably dead
too soon
Just drain out the shit that's starting to build in the thread with Erwins. You know. A good character.
>too soon
It has literally been fucking years
Oh I quite agree! One of the best characters around!
Also, the most handsome!
Let's see some of your more rare Erwins then.
I knew you were gay.
Goodness! That's a bit of a cheeky picture.
I never knew you felt that way about our dear Erwin.
This is why you and I should be friends.
He's a suicidal closet homo
We all did.
I have found that I have been drawn to pictures of Erwin in combat as of late. We didn't see as much of it as I would have liked in the main series, but it's an absolute delight to witness.
fuck, wrong pic
A little too late now!
We can share in our admiration of Erwin together.
As I said, this is why you and I should be friends. Heavens, I actually consider you to be a friend of mine already! Isn't that dandy?
I was talking with someone about this recently. We decided that we didn't need to see Erwin in combat because his position was evidence of his capability. And when you add the fact that even when he was missing an arm, just after it was bitten off, he accomplished more than most other scouts ever did, in getting close to Bertolt and at least taking a swing at him. If Bert was traditionally mortal, he would have been dead.
>wrong pic
Sure bud.
>It has literally been fucking years
Not enough
I was so happy.
I cannot wait until we see that scene animated. His determination and talent in that scene is absolutely incredible. Bert looked honestly terrified.
>that picture.
Oh my fuck.
This scene made me rock hard.
Goodnight Commander Handsome, you will forever be missed.
Would you agree that his lack of action was evidence of capability?
I believe so. He would not have risen to the position of Commander without being skilled at combat. He was especially fit for the role because of his intellect and strategy. In many ways he fit the expectations of the ideal Commander.
Aren't you tho?
Thanks. I'll pass that on to the friend that didn't agree with us.
If it helps his stats also stated his combat was 9/10.
True, but the guidebook isn't a very reliable point of reference as some stats seem unreasonable.
A faggot?
Ymir did nothing wrong.
>watch Survivor
>see this weird ass dude
>name is Zeke Smith
You cant make this shit up
She's a Serum thief. She frees Annie soon too.
I thought Sawney and Bean was these two
Television show where they dump people in a remote location and survive and do challenges to get money
Sounds stupid.
For whatever reason Hisu neither said goodbye to the SL nor was she among the people who greeted them again last chapter.
>Everyone is a Hapsburg
Is it pronounced like the state or like the girls' name Karolina?
I have to go into my phone to post my rare Erwins
The state.
Let's see.
Hitch pls
Thats American television for you
Milius is like a cuter Boris
I didn't even know it was American. It makes more sense now. They love reality shows.
Even more of an uber who than Mina.
Shame because 'Mina Karolina' is more fun to say.
Is this lewd? This feels lewd.
Yes sir?
Its from a disgusting ErwL doujin
He looks so big.
I like this one a lot! Very handsome!
>I will never get Hawlucha and name him El Santo
I have this in transparency
Pictures like these really make me want to 'service' them.
The one with dog? Someday I'll read it.
I like dogs! Could I have the source please?
I have a very lewd ME gif but I dont want to get banned for it
The one were Levi said he killed his dog? Kek no not that one. I think it was after Levi did something stupid at a meeting I think
What exactly is stopping you?
I have this.
Student Loans
when will this meme die
You don't know what a meme is. Your using the popculture idea of a meme. Saying Mina is a who, isn't a meme. It's a statement of fact.
Can you not even get yourself a used 3DS and game? It's what I did and it works fine. Also, Citrus can emulate ORAS now if yoy have a decent enough CPU, so consider looking into that too.
Now please leave displacementfag.
Thats what I was afraid of if I got a used one but if you said yours works fine. Maybe I will get into a used one. But I will look into the second option as well. Thanks for the info
I don't know about the rest of the world, but respectable gaming shops in my country often sell used consoles. It's a pretty good deal if you want to be sure you'll be getting a decent one.
Only thing I can complain about is the L/R buttons on mine being kind of flimsy, but they only deteriorated after I'd bought it, so it was most likely a fuckup of some sort on my part.
i miss him lads
Dazz > Armin
US has Gamestop and they are a huge fucking ripoff, I rather get one from ebay and have my friend fix whatever problems it has. I remeber seeing smaller shops when I was a kid but Gamestop was too big to compete with. I sometimes go to flea markets to see the selection but they too are overpriced for a used one.
Is there a repair place where you live? I'm sure they have the parts to fix the L/R
Hello brazil.
did i get it right
Then ebay is your best bet. I had no idea gamestop was that bad, perhaps it's for the better that it doesn't exist where I live. All we have is a wide selection of small stores and national chains, which I haven't had any negative experiences with so far.
The aforementioned stores themselves do repairs I think, I just haven't gotten around to taking care of it yet. I also suspect it's a dust buildup issue, in which case I may be able to fix it myself since all it takes is a minor disassembly.
Nah, Poland here.
My god, the bath one in the bottom right corner is adorable.
anything with them bathing will always be wonderful
Can confirm
This spoiler shit is annoying. Spoiler only the lewds, not everyone is interested in clicking those.
I want to dance with him!
This looks rather sinister but I'd be lying if I said that I did not want to see more.
Is Rico Polish?
She is a shit. Shame they wasted that art on her.
>got same birthday as Daz
The attentionwhoring avatarfags made me somewhat tired of looking at her, but the character herself is fine.
WHat did you expect from retarded manletfags from Tumblr
She's an unlikable bitch in the manga. I didn't mind her but the attentionwhores really ruined it all.
Brzenska, her surname, is a polish name
Happy birthday user. I don't know who's your favourite so I'll just post Annie
>not everyone is interested in clicking those.
>user doesn't into hover expand
Are you new and trying to fit in or just autistic?
Who hurt you?
He's probably both.
>image for ants
Here's one just for you, user.
I lico that rico
That Armin is even more terrifying than my Armin.
Congratulations user!
Careful now.
The fuck is this shit you whore
How the hell does her hair stay like that
You're triggering me really hard.
The only thing I can do is post Shingekitubbies.
>getting this triggered.
Historia looks like a bug in that pic. Find some better art.
>Not using app
sasuga newfag
You cut that shit out this instant.
I haven't seen this one before.
She's no Mina thats for sure
What's wrong with that post? Do you not use hover to expand?
Meme magic.
Yeah, cause Rico isn't a dead Who that no one cares about.
Don't question the physics of the poo machine.
Shingekitubbies pictures are an absolute joy.
I would like to cuddle Erwin while he's dressed as a Teletubby
I don't give much of a shit about it to get triggered. It's annoying tho.
Requesting Baldwin in the shit machine.
I like their viewing material.
Oh so you're a newshit after all.
Post cute AM.
>a dead Who that no one cares about.
Yeah, but how does that relate to Mina?
Simple. Mina is a dead who. Feigning ignorance is the lowest form of contention. Makes sense that it's an uberwhofag that deplos that tactic.
>Mina is a dead who.
Okay, you joker you.
Lmao i keep on having to google who she is.
Imagine I'm the blonde on the right and you're the three things kneeling down.
I thought we were friends.
Request denied.
Unless he's excreting on me
I do not! Stop with that picture!
Of course I'll stop, if you don't post that Annie picture again.
Yes, we have already established you have alzheimers. Very sad.
Thanks bros
whoa Mrs Smith scat is a bit much.
>Constantly posting the same shit because you don't have enough artwork.
>Constantly deflecting because you know Mina is dead and irrelevant
>Thinking your shitposting is next level
You should go back to just being an user.
>Request denied.
But you said before, a request is a request you slut.
Remember that all the images I did except the first two Erwin and Levi images were specific requests from chums here.
I simply draw and post, like the obedient lady I am.
It's just Erwin, it's okay.
That's a nice mina.
That you would have had already if you were good at your shitposting. Which you're not.
The fuck do you mean.
You suddenly start posting some porn-fetish shit.
No problem, have a nice day user!
Then draw bald Erwin in the shit machine.
>Says the newfag who uses tho unironically
I have no qualms with anything you're posting, except for the Annie picture.
You're getting embarrassing newshit.
Fuck off.
Draw Mina slapping Annie for being a terrible 'friend'.
I do have it though senpai. I was just completing your choice is Mina, you don't to get so defensive.
But Annie is a great friend.
That's not Mina.
You are ruining our great friendship!
DisgustMan and Mrs Smith BFFL, that was how it was supposed to be. You came out as homosexual today and I was accepting from the start. We were going to talk about boys together and I was going to take you shopping for little leather hotpants, but you are being horrid!
It would hurt my feelings a great deal to draw that.
I can't promise that it will not be posted again, but I will try not to be the one who posts it.
Added to the list! Not sure when I will get around to it though.
>Deflecting this hard
so I'm pretty sure this was the first /snk/ collab
if anyone wanted to see it
>newfag filename yet again
Kek, lurk before posting here and telling others how to post retard.
We should make a new one.
Friends don't purposely let titans in for you to get eaten.
We should. Also that's fucking beautiful.
You're a special kind of retard, aren't you?
Go fuck yourself i'm not gay.
Guys use pic related and make some funny maymays.
And trigger mrs smith
>i'm not gay.
We all know that's a lie.
That's pretty hot.
You didn't even save it as a transparent layer image.
>It would hurt my feelings
A request is a request.
>not gay
I was going to supply you with some beautiful women to be your beard, but instead you throw it back in my face. Disgraceful I say!
Apologise and pic related will not happen. I know that some people here would gladly see you punished in such a manner by the Mrs!
I don't draw Erwins in undignified manners!
We can shop Erwin into Zackley and Mrs. Smith's face into the old man since she posted pic.
You're both a bad tripfag and an even worse image manipulator.
Here's a proper version.
You had no trouble drawing Annie. Shouldn't be hard for a scatfag like yourself.
You can't possibly be this dense.
You're one to talk.
For how long have you been around? 1 month and already telling others how to post?
>not fat
that pic isn't canon is it?
ok thanks for making a better version.
Also enjoy pic related
I want to see these flowers grow
I want to spend my life with you two
I want to see these flowers bloom
As vivid as the feelings I have for you
May I hold your hand, dear?
Will you let me into your heart?
Is it alright if I embrace you, buddy?
When your mind is fickle and dark?
Why would I enjoy that? It's shoddy as hell.
Try again bum boy
You're spewing hatred and lies with that Shingekitubby image.
As for whether the image is canon, I'm unsure. I found it on here a while back. I'm certainly not opposed to using you in such a way, but it depends what you gayboys are into.
Are we getting new shifters now that half of them are dead or missing?
i dont know
Shut up i'm not gay.
prolly some new ones from hoetown
I am going to offer peace and friendship once more.
Can we be friends again?
Peace and friendship are good, we need mor of it around here.
the shit you post makes me puke
no fuck you
I'm going to play Pokemon X now. Later, nerds.
Absolutely. This should be a board about peace and love.
I am glad that we are friends again.
Use garchomp plz
The fact that you're so intolerable makes sense now.
I only like Garchomp
And i know you can get him pretty early on in X.
I've been playing since Red dude.
I like the fact that despite being the oldest girl, Hanji's tits are by far the smallest.
Ymir a shit.
It's been saif shes two years younger than Levi , so 28-30
Hm. Banana, Lynne and Lauda look older than her if you ask me.
I gtg sleep cya guys.
Birthday user, have a nice day.
Smith kys.
You a shit.
Try and follow through with the suicide this time closet homo
Certainly , but i am talking about the main cast.
Right. Probably should have said that though.
k if i dont end up commiting sudoku i will post amiibo that took my virginity
Lynne was kinda hot.
It was her hair, it was so lush.
I will never kill myself pet.
Lovely lamp.
Is this qte still alive ?
What the fuck are you serious
Moblit's impregnation of her should fix that.
Its was the pacman one.
I have no social life ima just phonepost
>implying everyone doesn't think you are obnoxious as well
Yes, we know you'll never stop sucking dicks.
This is getting disgusting now. Go home you homo
I hope you wake up in a better mood and will accept who you are.
Sweet dreams.
Dream of me and all your friends here.
How did we end with so many creepy weirdos those past months
Game came out in English.
They finally entered the basement, too, so lots of people started paying attention again.
CWLanon was here before that.
The tripfags already showed up before that.
You guys think they fucked at least once?
yeah Annie fucked her up good
I meant for like an overall boost in activity.
Ooh sounds kinky, I like it
Mina is pure.
Well, the manga is in its peak after all.
Actually I think this month was less activity than the previous one. Some people probably dropped it after chapter 84.
And threads are dying. Lets be honest, most of the older fags here probably dropped or are sick of snk already. .
*had less
How is she so perfect
Can you blame them? Isayama just killed the second most popular character, made EMA stay exactly the same they were before this battle started and killed Bert. you know well this place was filled with Bertfags
No but I know who did
The only thing not making this moment quite as satisfying as it could be is getting to see their fucking faces when this panel got leaked kek
I completely agree.
Not blaming them at all. I'm not a Bertfag and even I'm tired of snk. Just waiting for Annie's return at this point.
>and killed Bert
That was the only good thing this arc, the rest was shit.
>Tfw you're gonna be mad as fuck if Ymir's dead.
I think you'll only be satisfied if you're a manlet fag. He's the only one who can't die due to his popularity.
What character's death would make you drop SNK for good?
I wouldn't drop it for good but theirs would affect me the most.
If we get another weirdo here I'm dropping.
I'm really broody tonight.
There is no explanation
I'd exchange those 20 landwhales for one tripfag you cow. (the other one will kill himself soon I hope)
It's ok ma'am I'm ovulating too
She probably is a secret Sasha tier glutton, yet she has such a nice form. Those genes need to be carried on at all costs.
You forgot the trip Ian
It's making my tummy hurt.
>tfw cucked by a coconut, then this
kids are cute but I could never deal with the screaming etc
still get broody around this time every month though
Maybe he looks like Levi now.
Snape used to be normal compared to what we have now.
The screaming would get to me too but I'm sure I'd learn to cope with it. I think I'd actually be a good mother too. I'd like the kisses and cuddles, plus teaching them things.
Is that the Snape guy I've heard mentioned here before?
He has nice hair.
He doesn't have the baby face. He'd make a good Kenny.
The thought of being pregnant terrifies me. The cute and nice stuff is all well and good but the rest I don't think I could cope with.
>I think I'd actually be a good mother too.
That's what CWLanon thinks too.
I am sure that pregnancy is very difficult but I'd also like to experience it at least once. It's the peak of femininity so would be amazing to go through, if it's a smooth and healthy one that is. I've heard it gets nasty at times though.
Well I would be a good mother!
No you wouldn't. You're a degenerate scat lover.
That is a different side to me. I would love and cherish any child of mine.
I want to rape Armin.
As broody as I get I don't want to do something I'll regret.
You both need to be bred
That's Reiner.
Does it get any better than this?
pic related
> Cred Forums filename
It's obvious you'the one newfag.
>this was the first /snk/ collab
Newfag much?
It still is. IP number haven't changed that much.
Stop bitching and perform your duties as women.
If I recall correctly, we've been reaching bump limits from chapter 83 onwards.
Fuck off already tumblrina LHfag.
HAHAHAHHA BLORTSHORT, literal meme of a character, will not ever EVER be missed. Basedyama was truly just in his death.
We've been reaching bump limit for 3 years straight. And IP number isn't much different from 1 year ago.
Took you 3 replies.
Threads used to die five months ago.
The normal is still bump limit though.
What do you mean? These threads have always been heavily majority Mikasafags, No one cares about Bert, user.
LH is very good. What do you have against it?
I'm surprised you haven't drawn a black eye on that Historia, MikaShitty
Are we sure Hange used to have a crush on Keith? I read somewhere it could also mean admiration. Can a moonfag confirm? I want it to be a crush so badly
YH soon.
Mikasa is VERY cute.
Elite kek
He's dead.
MikaQT is VERY autistic
Annoying newfriends trying hard to fit in. Other than that, nothing.
A bit difficult since I'm not with anyone right now user
He is our based lord and savior user, show him some respect.
Nose user? I see.
Please stop your delusions MikaQT
MikaQT pls.
I think is a crush. No, a big crush.
A fellow MikaQT desciple, I see.
Mikasa should honestly just hang herself and be done with it. She's just a cuck who will never have any relevancy.
Why would you ever want to harm a cute girl with a butt like this?
I've got a big RPG story coming up soon, and I decided to roll out as an oldschool Inquisitor. Went online, found a relatively cheap gunslinger figure and ordered it without really looking into it.
It arrived today.
This is Kenny.
I'm going to fight Heresy and Xenos as Kenny Mother Fucking Ackerman.
I swear to you all, "BANG BANG" will be used.
Go get with someone then you lazy shit.
Thats adorable user.
Godspeed Inquisitor Kenny
So I can have a kid I'm not convinced I even want?
Yes. Get to work.
We will go far and BANG BANG many enemies. I'm going to ask the DM if I can homebrew an "Ackerpowers" rule.
ok user sure will you be coming to enforce it?
I believe in Inquisitor Kenny.
Why do I know those two are both faggots
He believes in you too
Nah, can't be arsed tbqhwy.
hehe takes one to know one
so how many kids do you have then
Being male I'm not on a time limit. You'll thank me when you're all dried up but already have a dozen bairns.
Crit, D/S/T increase for the next roll? Proportional to the system of course.
That might be a bit to broken, although it's accurate to traditional Ackerpowers. I was thinking something along the lines of re-roll on fails and a temporary S buff.
I'll hammer it out soon though.
>Isayama: Ackermans get a great power when they meet their liege, but they don't follow people because of their blooodline, they do it out of their own free will! yeah, believe it or not, the fact the only three characters that were shown doing that were Ackerman it's all a big ol' coincidence!
If I was ever to have a kid it would be one, not 12. Maybe that's how they roll in Scotland but...
>1 kid
>not wanting your children to have 11 mates for life and banterific bbqs
why are you so cruel to your unborn children?
I sure as hell wouldn't be able to afford that. At least with only one or two it would have the best of everything.
Post the rule when you get it finalised please
Need at least 4
Why 4?
Need at least 3 siblings to have bants, need to be boys as well, sisters are barred from all pub crawls and bbqs.
What if they are girls?
Will do
Why is LM forced impregnation so good?
Fucking Disgusting.
You keep them, but they don't count towards the 4 required children.
And where will I get the money for this?
It isn't.
Don't even want to imagine how autistic their kid would be
Because it's forced. Do you know of any LM where it gets violent?
No thanks to that. If you can't raise kids yourself you shouldn't have them.
>this kills the working class
You could always just marry a rich guy.
More like the benefits class. People who have kids just for the money are disgusting.
Good point, not a bad idea.
I missed the trips.
No unfortunately. What do you think she was thinking after she realised he wasn't pulling out?
Unfortunate, but thanks.
What she was thinking? Uncertainty? Fear? Anger?
LM no.
YH was here, LM is shit.
Do Levi fans really enjoy seeing him as a rapist?
I'd prefer to see Hanji rape him.
>TFW there isn't fanart of Hanji forcing herself on Levi
it hurts
look at this butt
I think is hillarious because most of Levifags act like he is some delicate homosexual in love with Eren or Erwin. As a Manletfag, I enjoy when Manlet is a mess full of flaws.
I wanna sniff that butt.
I'm rewatching the anime for the first time in... Oh... Two years?
Anything I should keep my eye out for
I bet she has terrible swamp ass
>An unshaved hairy tranny raping Manlet.
I knew LHfags are just a bunch of disgusting people.
Manga/Anime inconsistencies. Like when you see a young Annie getting rations.
How do you mean? Like the loli Annie cameo in episode 2?
There's this.
She has a terribly cute ass, according to Isayama.
Fuckin kek.
Oh yes, it was a good doujinshi.
So there's toe nails and teeth growing out of it or something?
Eren doesn't seem to mind, according to Isayama.
First big thing I notice:
How much of a dick move it is to hand a grieving mother her dead son's hand and then start screaming and crying about how he died a worthless death
Also this.
I prefer this.
The gesture is obviously, we saved what we could. But in this circumstance, I think it would have been better to give her nothing and have an emotional breakdown elsewhere.
This is superior.
Well, Shadis was having a bad time realising he was also not special.
ErwL is dead though. I'm specially sorry for you shippers since it was Levi the one who chose to let Erwin go.
>Jap artists will never draw LH in the Amazon position
Fuck that. Decency dictates he has his bad time somewhere where it doesn't traumatise an old lady.
Kek. Still they got the best art, user. Hanji and Moblit are really cute when HITOMI is drawing them.
But Shadis is a loser who wasn't even able to help the son of his crush because he got cucked. Not even a word about "btw Grisha is not from the walls".
Shadis a shit.
Hitomi is amazing I won't lie.too bad she's not into snk anymore and all you get from her are deformed matsus
LM soon.
Shadis a fucking shit.
Probably because it's canon.
Hitomi isn't that good. Her manlet is really messed up.
Her Manlet is perfect. He is a cute frog.
LM yes.
user, her manlet is fucking shit.
Her Erwin is amazing though.
But manlet is not handsome. He is awkward, that's why her style works.
If you talk about the sizes, then ChiruChiru is the one with the gigantism fetish.
No, manlet is actually handsome. If you want to look at a good eruri artist that draws him the way he's meant to be drawn look at pic related. That's a good Levi that actually looks like him.
Hitomi's manlet is simply disgusting. She's not good when it comes to drawing cute, not extremely buff guys. You can tell by looking at her terrible Osomatsu drawings with her own style. Honestly awful for someone as talented as her
>manlet is actually handsome
Yes. Yes he is.
And by the way, LH has some of the most talented artists out there. But the same can be said about ErwL and EL because they're all so damn popular.
Wait hold on, I'm having trouble remembering. When exactly did Eren's dad inject him?
>manlet is actually handsome.
He is not handsome, user. But well, if you want to believe it, go on. He is a manlet with fish eyes. Just because some fanart try too soften his face doesn't mean he is handsome neither cute.
Hitomi can about cute, just look at the little 104th, but her style is more american comic style than mango, so freaking out about her Petra or Nifa should be ok if you are more into moe.
After he munched Freida
Levi is fucking ugly.
Isayama has said that he's meant to be handsome. He drew him with that intention. Look at him and how dashing he is.
I am kinda confused. But I remember EMA was already living on a shelter inside Rose with the other refugees,
Eren mentioned Grisha was behaving strange after he found out about Carla's death. Then he took Eren to the woods and serum'd.
He has a Down syndrome face.
Dubs speak truth.
I bet it was fetal alcohol syndrome.
Second big thing I notice on re-watch: Jean's not as big a dick as I remember at all. In fact he's not a dick at all. Eren's bonkers for wanting to kill all the Titans, he wants a cushy life in safety, and he's just being completely up front about his motivation for being there.
Be honest with me, anons.
Did Moblit had any feelings for Hange?
Yo, I just marathoned the manga from when Ymir first transforms and I just really wanna talk about how based this little nigga is
>tricks bert about Annie being tortured
>straight up murders some dumb broad before she could murder horse race
>Fucking let's himself become a roasted corpse
>eats worst character bert
Fucking hated Armin in the beginning but damn did he climb up in my favorites
I'm so happy.
Mikasa doesn't seem to think he's handsome at all, and she's the cutest girl in the series. So what does that say to you?
That Mikasa is simply not interested in manlet. And for good reason, he's twice her age and she's clearly very much in love with Eren.
That doesn't mean Levi isn't handsome.
You should re-read the manga later.
I haven't bathed in over a week. I haven't changed my underwear in 2 weeks. I haven't washed my hair in well over a month. I just put my finger in my bellybutton and sniffed what came out.
I think I know what death smells like now, is this what it's like to be Hange?
>Mikasa is the cutest girl in the series.
That shit taste.
Why? Because he killed someone and was the only one who made a big deal about it?
I'd be doing that instead but I don't have access to a computer right now, I'd have to do it on my phone.
That's fucking gross. You're fucking gross.
That's what most of the cast is like, according to Isayama.
Your putrid body odour would make all the girls swoon, be proud.
>t-that means EM is c-canon... s-sorry
LMfags really reaching for any allies they can get right now
Me and Jean have a lot in common now that I think about it
>joined military
>picked a nice cushy desk MOS
>roll my eyes during basic and AITwhenever some fag talks about "I joined to be apart of something bigger than myself hurrrrr"
>any time anyone asks why I joined
>money. That's it. Money
>over time make a bunch of friends
>become a bit more devoted to serving
>now have no problems going to the front lines of ever need to
I'm horse face
Be honest, is this information accurate?
I'm stating the obvious.
After you finish the anime, I suggest you to read the manga again and compare the passing, the changes, dialogues. The devil is on the small details.
You're gross.
Gonna get mad pussy inside the walls.
Terrible taste.
Not surprised, Arminfat.
Jesus fucking christ.
No, because he isn't some pansy anymore
Did you also ignore everything else I put
>tricked bert's dumb ass
>comes up with schemes
>sacrifices self
>eats Bert
Nigga is the best
Armin is fucking annoying.
Arminfat landwhales are some of the most disgusting creatures on this planet.
Should've seen it. The goop was yellow and full of hair.
What the actual fuck.
This needs to not be a thing.
>I only watched the anime: the post
Never come around here again, fag
Gesumong is worst shingeki.
post pics
Shitmin is garbage
Hoked it all out already and wiped it on the carpet. Sniffed first. I didn't know people could generate this kind of smell.
This made me gag. Go and wash you piece of filth.
Literally why.
You're this desperate for attention?
Why not?
Just sharing. Hange is stinky and I wanted to feel close to her.
reminds me of your waifu, annusfag.
Gas yourself, arminfat
>that one nigga from the court with the beard and glasses
Great tier
Good Tier
>Horse face
Alright Tier
>The rock that penetrated Erwins guts
>The one faggot who wanted to side with Levi and bring Erwin back
>The waifufags in these threads
>The shipfags in these threads
>everyone else
Stopped reading there
FUCK OFF ALLAHFAG. Are you that desperate for attention? you are pathetic.
It's a Shitminfag.
>Oh a tier-list, eh? Alright let's see how shit his taste is.
Off to a shit start lad
>Good Tier
Kill yourself.
Did I strike a nerve in ha waifufag? ARE YOU ANGRY THAT YOUR WAIFU IS
Are you that new?
Yes, Ymir is shit.
No, you are just retarded and even still don't know who that autist's real favorites are.
Armin a shit.
This is rape and it's wrong.
I was debating on whether or not to have Jean in GOD TIER, but I felt that Marco would be lonely
>thinks Ymir, Historia, and Annie deserve to be above GARBAGE
Annie is my WAIFU but she is garbage my man. This tierlist wasn't for C U T E it was for character
Who is mankasa sitting on, user.
Armin in god tier is still immediate shit taste.
A victim of rape.
Because as far as I can tell he's at the very least Great tier
I am willing to compromise
Fuck off newfag. You are as retarded as him.
>Armong and Levi in god tier
Shit taste.
She's sitting on me desu.
>God Tier
>Great Tier
>Good tier
Mostly everyone else
>Shit tier
>Mountain of shit and puke tier
Terribly written gary stu, who has an annoying personality and makes everyone become retarded around him. Even his character design is shit and makes you want to punch him. Also he attracts a lot of cancer, which is to be expected with such a shit character
Forgot your trip, Mrs. Smith
Do it right.
>Bad character, poorly written, untrustworthy due to constantly switching personality traits, other characters get stupid around him so he appears smart, command over a small squad =/= SL Commander potential, doesn't die from scald burns and a massive fall etc. He's just a bad character in general
This meme is as atrocious as Mrs. smith itself and every other attention whore.
Eren is the best MC
I can see where you're coming from compared to the other user's shit explanation
I still like him though, and will now remove him from GOD TIER to Good Tier
My list still remains the same though minus Armin
Stop reposting ricofag memes. The sooner this and all the other attentionwhore posting stops, the better
>shit explanation
It was the truth though. You still have shit taste.
I dare you to swipe your hand down your ass crack and sniff and then lick it.
What do you think I am? Suicidal or something? I'm just really fucking lazy.
I dare you to commit suicide and stream it for all of us to see, mamarlert.
>being this angry that your waifu is shit
>expecting me to take you seriously when you start of with Gary Stu in this series of all things
Stay mad waifufag, show me your tierlist
Oh no, don't you dare accuse this greasy slob of being an Arminfag. I for one bathe once, sometimes twice a day like a normal fucking human should! We may be a lot of things but Arminfags are not smelly. Except for J**ntron but we don't talk about her.
Yes. Only someone with severe depression would go that long without bathing.
>That huff huff
>That chest
>That entire torso
>That deeeeeeeeeep V
>Those panties
I can smell you from here.
You tell em, fellow arminfag
Depression? What? I'm just a lazy fuck, like for real. My seats fabric is starting to rip because I'm in it so often. If anything, I've got that whole internet addiction thing going on
You're smelling yourself, mikasafag. Though with such a massive body I can see why you'd mistake your right leg for another human being.
You aren't a real Arminfag. Fuck off, allahfag.
You think Shitmin is god tier, which makes the rest of your taste irrelevant. Seing how you like Eren and Mikasa as well, it just proves my point
Laziness and internet addiction are signs of depression. Seek help and enjoy your ban.
>like Eren
>when he's in my Garbage tier
Nigga you can't read
Also we resolved this, I put Armin out of GOD TIER
Go back to elementary school faggot
Why are Arminfat's so disgusting?
okay mr internet doctor, I'll trust your PHD instead of myself
I want Levi to dominate Mikasa sexually.
>wiped it on the carpet
>the carpet
Denial is the first step. You're depressed.
Because I didn't read the rest of your shit taste poll after you put shitmin in god tier, but you posted a shitty pic of EM.
>you aren't a REAL arminfag
You fucking take that back
I became an arminfag the moment he made bert throw a hissyfit about Annie, don't lump me together with allahfags
Can't a man just be lazy anymore?
How the fuck do you survive?
>posted a shitty pic of EM
Oh Christ you're a shipfag, nigga I posted the pic because Mikasa's abs are my weakness, I dont give a shit about who she's Fucking in the image you stupid fuck
I work like everyone else
state benefit
It's a shipping shit pic you autist. How can someone be this braindead?
Make me.
You showed me
>it's a shipping
Stop right there shipfag, because it isn't
It's just a picture that Eren happens to be in.
Please go back to tumblr, and then kill yourself. I am sincere when I say this
kek I just itched my ass and legit found toilet paper
That pic is intended to be shipping shit, retard. Kill yourself, Arminfat. And take your shitty shipping shit with you. Or just go back to dumblr, since you'll fit right in there with your shit taste.
Not him but kill yourself newfag.
After you.