Why are Indians in Japanese media always long-haired and bishonen moody edgelords?
Why are Indians in Japanese media always long-haired and bishonen moody edgelords?
Because india is edgy
>muh blood for the blood god
Because Japanese women love Indian cock.
you don't want a REAL Indian in anime. They are stinky, and ugly.
because POO
Wait, Soma's mom was Indian? I kinda pegged her for a Saudi. She certainly didn't have an Indian names as far as I remember.
Because the real ones smells
You are misusing moody. He is not moody. He definitely knows what he wants and is not flip flopping and changing moods or behaviour. You're using the high school derogatory method of calling people as moody, nerd, autistic, schizo, know it all if they don't meet with your approval or are over achievers above yourself.
They also make the best tsundere(male).
delicious brown
Curry-kun isn't edgy, he's just very devoted to muh Jun and sided with the administration so her spices testing lab doesn't get budget cutbacks.
which is, of course, why his cooking will lose. The only spice he is lacking is THE HEART, but that's the most important spice of all.
They're too close to make fun of.
Because they just want an excuse for a brown skinned character, actual indians are disgusting.
>Because they just want an excuse for a brown skinned character, actual indians are disgusting.
Just use Okinawans then.
Even if they're nowhere near as tan IRL as anime tends to make them out to be.
He's super edgy.
He gave up without fighting, became angry, justifies his failures by saying it's all for Jun.
He's pathetic.
Can anyone explain why indians smell so fucking bad? I never have experienced this with any other race. I take the train to work and people usually smell only a little bad if they smell but fucking indians you can smell across the whole wagon. I fucking almost puked when I sat across some indian fag. It was so fucking strong.
Don't forget rapists and manchildren.
Literally because curry.
I'm not sure they even stated Aisha's country, but at least Soma is half German.
Akio kind of falls under the long-haired and bishonen moody edgelord umbrella in a different way.
>Aisha Gauche
>Arabic first name
>French last name
She's probably descended from refugees.
>Souma is half-German
He has the same mother as Erina?
I find it highly amusing how aversion to streets-shitting correlates directly to how fucking cold your country is.
Because nobody wants to shit in the streets when its below freezing.
I just read that a diet of a pregnant woman that is heavy on curry may affect how a newborn smells. They are born with the curry odor.
Souma is a hafu? When did this happen?
India's mythology is pretty much chuuni powerlevels before anime existed.
Hayama isn't Indian.
I don't know but I think we can agree he's one of the most attractive male characters in the manga
At least try to be accurate
Wrong Soma.
How else do you want the Japs to design Indian characters, user? Do you want them to act racist like you or something? Japs don't give a fuck, they'll give character a brown skin and call it Indian.
Long haired - check
Moody - check
Bishonen edgelord - No, bijin science bitch
Do they wipe or what?
Damn, completely forgot about her. Top tier girl in the series.
Southeast Asians are generic brown people the Japanese don't want in anime because they dislike other Asians and especially shitty maids and construction workers imported from the Philippines
Indians are exotic brown people who are fine to be in anime because they don't have many negative stereotypes about them
>OP picture has a character from Shokugeki no Souma and a character named Soma next to each other
For what purpose?
Why Portugal?
Probably got cucked by a portuguese
>Don't have many negative stereotypes about them
That's largely an american stereotype.
>draw regular girl
>add dot in forehead
>call her indian
Why is this allowed?
And the rest of the anime face are 3 lines and two circles. Don't act like anime has even remotely the detail level necessary to represent race specific features.
I resent that.
Sometimes there's a nose.
What indians?
I'm trying to remember if Akira's race was ever specified and I just missed the fuck out of it.
Shouldn't we call them "Poo in the streets"?
Why do we call them "Poo in the loo" when that's precisely the one thing they don't do?
>he doesn't worship Kali
He was adopted from the slums of an unnamed country.
But come the fuck on, his schtick is spices, he's obviously Indian.
This is why
Why do they even do that?
As an Indian i would say we are pretty goodlooking. When i go to japan women flirt with me a lot. I even met an American women there and she said i was very handsome and bought we a drink. But i refuse cause i dont involve myself with disgusting western women
t. Alberto Barbosa
nice fantasy
It's an Cred Forums meme. Portugal's literacy rate isn't 97% like the rest of Europe.
>inb4 fuck off crossboarder
Can confirm.
>>not asians
You'd need to do one for San Francisco too.
i will take it upon myself to post best indian
Im 100% sure i look better than you , heck i look better than most of the human population.
We believe you Rasheed.
I had the same argument with a person in the same Indian type thread. I will post my picture again. Like i said. I am very handsome, my people are very goodlooking.
When America says Asian, it refers to East Asia. When Japan says Asia, it refers to Far East.
race outside of red line is hardly asian
Why do you look white?
>implying it's you
timepstamp or gtfo brown skinned faggot
Dude, no.
Soma von Schicksal has a different mother than Erina der Vogelweid
You have our features, not the other way around cumskin.
>calls me ugly
>i post pic
>but but but, thats not you.
Go search on any site that scans for similar pictures. you faggot.Also you mad bro?
Because a lot of other countries beside USA have people with "white" skin, idiot.
why don't you just post timestamp?
afraid that you actually look like pic related?
To be honest, you look pretty average. I know a lot of people that is more handsome I even know people that look identical to you
I find it also highly amusing how street-shitting correlates with how dark the skin pigment of the average citizen is.
>I Cook for mai Waifu
>lol your waifu a shit I cook for my competition or whatever get wrekt skrub
It was especially hilarious how Curry dissesd Hisako for literally doing the exact same thing he does
>you'll never get far cooking for someone else
>by the way I only cook for spice wife
I was talking more about facial structure than skin color.
you don't even look indian, I'd think you were an iranian or afghan on first look, maybe a turk
and by this I mean, even the light skinned indians don't look like what you posted
>i look average
lmao. Post your pic, oh wait. you wont. here something for you.
>le facial structure.
Like is said. You have our features. not the other way around.
There will be another thread like this. Ill post a time stamp pic when i get home. Ill even title it the same.
I know you are buttmad. I get this reaction from westerners all the time.
>you don't even look indian, I'd think you were an iranian or afghan on first look, maybe a turk
You have no idea what we look like. But we do share genetic heritage with Iranians and Afghan, Hence our race name Indo-Iranian or Aryan.
okay, i'll wait for your timestamp
don't chicken out
>You have no idea what we look like.
I've met many, many indians, punjabis, kashmiris, central indians, southern indians etc. pakis too
you're not your typical indian m8, accept that
you said on another thread you're an indo-iranian, checkmate you're not even a real 100% poo in the loo.
too bad your people are ugly as literal shit, just like what they do on the street
>lmao. Post your pic, oh wait. you wont. here something for you.
I don't have a camera with me and I don't carry pictures of myself around either. However I'm pretty average myself, never said I was handsome or something And I wouldn't post pics of myself in this shithole
>a country of a billion people
>thinks he knows what everyone looks like.
>thinks he knows more about my country or its people than i do.
Ha if you saw my family. The people in my village you would be surprised.
>you said on another thread you're an indo-iranian,
Because i am. you retard.
>you're not even a real 100% poo in the loo
hahah do you know what Indo-Iranian means? Do you know what Aryan means?
>too bad your people are ugly as literal shit, just like what they do on the street
My people are beautiful. We vary from as black as night to as white as snow. Form thick course hair, to silky smooth hair.
that's a picture of a turk from Cred Forums
t. browse Cred Forums
>Curry-kun isn't edgy
Hahaha, are you kidding? This guy is the Sasuke of SnS, he almost ruined the tournament arc single-handedly.
Seriously, all arabs have this distinct smell to them that's awful
get a trip mate
>all arabs
Kill yourself you dumb americlap.
loo witch academia
>A Paki would call themselves Indian
Most Indians look like that (I'd say 8/10). 1/10 look vaguely Mediterranean, 1/10 look more East Asian.
How rude.
as usual the white boys are jealous of the love japs show for india, muhhh white dick, fucking pathetic lol
better question. Why do japanese draw indians with white hair
whitecuck insecurity is amusing.
Cultural apportion. SEIXST RACIST
BTW, has anyone seen the Ramayana anime? Pretty good I think.
Soma from Kuroshitsuji is the best Indian character. So cute.
Soma had a hard life, he never asked for this, he never asked to devour his mother.
Or have araaragami attracted to his pheromones
He has a cute waifu though
i'm asian, but i think poo in the loo is the worst.
even niggers are not that smelly.
i hope someone nuke india soon
That's the same thing.
Hotter country -> higher melanin -> darker skin
When will curry nigger fuck his waifu? I ship them.
i literally got montezuma's revenge when i visited india.
India, not even once.
Now someone post his brother.
They use their own hands.
Underrated post.
Attractiveness of anime Indians and 3D indians is absurdly disparate, I actually feel a bit grossed out whenever I'm attracted to brown boys (all the time) because they would be tiny, hairy, smelly and ugly. The skin colour itself is more of a warm caramel in anime than a greenish brown like real life.
I do understand why they do it though, they don't have enough Indians over there to know better and the culture/aesthetic can be appealing.
desu its more of an arabesque tan
if you want decent looking brown people you can find them in the iranian plateau
The personalities of Indians in anime are based off of figures found in Hindu mythology, not actual Indians.
Soma-lians aren't edgy.
I figured that Hayama was Persian, not Indian.
Poo in loo pajeet shitting street
That's not indians, they are more lighter and way uglier. What those two look like are indians mixed with niggers which is caribbean.
>Attractiveness of anime Indians and 3D indians is absurdly disparate
Remove the word Indians and this is still true.
I don't know what nationality he is but he's the best boy in his show.
No, it's absurd because the difference is nowhere near as huge for any other race. All anime characters are better looking than 3D, but the gap for Indians is significantly bigger than any other race.
Yeah, I don't think there has been a statistical analysis of the sort. Just your perception I think.
Most of India is piss poor and malnourished. Of course they're not all going to be good looking.
Go to Google Images and search for "Bollywood Divas."
Start questioning your own preconceptions
Yeah because every indian looks like a movie star right.
Nice strawman
Why does every nationality thread devolve into Cred Forums bullshit?
You still didn't make a good point.
A girl I knew just rejected a guy that is 9/10 according to your pic for the the first guy in 3rd row.
Yes I did
Fuck off offended Indians, you are the ugliest race around and get exotic beauties in anime. I don't need to look at bollywood celebrities to know what the many Indians near me look and smell like.
Also, I'm only really talking about the men.
This one is a qt.
is generalizing, but pointing out at most a few hundred people out of a country of 1.29 billion isn't convincing.
India is a pretty diverse country. There are people who look like they could give hollywood stars a run for their money when it comes to looks and there are people who are just abominations of nature. Also, the colour of the skin varies from region to region with the North Indians generally having a fairer skin than the South Indians. Kashmiris are the best looking people in India.
Even so I do think we are the worst looking race desu. I've seen a fair amount of butt ugly people in South India that just look someone dipped them in tar and then took a shit on their face.
>white teeth
You Americans know that's a trait only common over there, right? No one else is deluded enough to think bleaching your teeth is healthy.
>always get stuck in my apartment's elevator with Indians
>tfw have to spend what seems like eternity in their currystink
Okay, not exactly Indian, but she's Nepali.
>Why do indians look like moody edgelords?
It's because their stomach hurts and they haven't found a designated street to release what's going to be the fuel for their space programs and cattle.
Many are going to get butthurt here and pile on like raging beast, but the whole world already knows how it is, japanese media knows no less either.
JoJo's Bizarre Adventure's india arc portrayed them very accurately:
This is no longer about Cred Forums anymore, much like they love to point out "hurr raycis!"
It's general knowledge, sure they may have you fooled with their bollywood bullshit, but that's all it is, a dance and sing movie with a budget provided by those whose interest lies in improving their image in order to get that tourist money.
Not to mention that filthy and disgusting ganga river of sewage toxic sludge water in which if you were to fall in, I'm certain that you'll come out with mutated deformations like a third eye, more or no teeth at all, additional fingers. Just.
>self depreciating
You're the worst thing in this thread desu
>mfw my home country is the little speck surrounded by India that doesn't shit in the open.
>mfw my country is also civilized enough to use a push shower after a shit for MAXIMUM HYGIENE
Today was a nice day
Cred Forums-tier caricature. We have a board for this.
>implying what I said is not true.
Stay in denial faggot. India is a shithole and Indians are the worst looking people on the face of the earth.
>self depreciating
not him, but nigga have you even seen south indians? all of us are dark as shit and ugly af.
What kind of Indian is going to end up in Japan? Probably a prince who has a nicer toilet than anyone on Cred Forums has ever seen.
>all of us
Feel free to feel ugly but that's factually incorrect.
South and North mostly have the same features, barring Kashmiris and South are only darker as an average. I've seen South Indians whiter than North Indians and vice versa all the time.
t.South Indian living in Mumbai.
That river goes through Bangladesh too, and let me tell you, after India is done shitting in it, we discharge chemical waste from our garments factories into it. There are news of birds swooping in never to surface again. Nobody even ferries across that cursed river. That river is beyond help, and Indians also put the ashes of the dead in it.
>my home country is the little speck surrounded by India
Well, enjoy it while you still can, that is until their muslims get their call of islam greed and decide to invade it and poo'ing all over the place.
It sure won't be a nice day for you anymore and MAXIMUM HYGIENE will be a thing from the far away past.
>muh Cred Forums boogeyman
How about I link that Unicef INDIA video?
There you go, is that still too Cred Forums-tier for you, rasheeit?
Miss Japan is half Indian
The miracle is that despite all the chemical waste that goes in, it's managed to retain itself and marginally keep itself clean.
>until their muslims
I'm pretty sure the poster is from Bangladesh.
>is that too Cred Forumstier
It is. Fuck off back to your containment board.
>white hair
>those girls' faces in the back
Not that guy who made the comment, but wow, someone actually knows the name of my country.
Its already a country where islam is the main religion, and we're doing much better than the monkeys to the east that have killer buddhist monks ready to burn you unless you're Buddhist, and POO IN LOOs to our west that want to kill Muslims just cause.
We even have Hindus here and they're doing pretty well. We even have Christians living amongst us.
Don't worry, I get you. I'd be pretty pissed if I lived in a terrible place too.
Bruh, you fall in, you ain't comin' out.it doesn't matter how good of a swimmer you are, you're fucking dead.
It ain't marginally clean. Its full on death in the form of a river
Why do Indians stink?
Could be Indian, those on the Deccan/Hyderabad are a lot Muslim, and the French rule of Pondicherry was for quitea long time.
Yeah, currently in US for Uni, and I can't get over the fact that you guys aren't using push showers. I have to get fucking wet wipes for my ass after a shit.
Aren't you hacked to death yet?
Bruh, in US for Uni as well, and like, get a mug. Not that hard.
Nope, not a public faggot. You'd have to be actively trying to make the culture of the country devolve into accepting degeneracy to get killed. Those who got killed, honestly had it coming.
And I say publicly, because I do have my list of degenerate fetishes, I just keep them to myself and /d/
What's a push shower?
Yeah that's why atheists there hacked to death regularly.
Mugs can't exert pressurized water though, and its not like they have a tap at the stall to refill it.
>the ugly halfbreed with giant moles get the prize
>not the qt in the back
is Japan becoming SJW?
Pajeets who DO poo in loo use this.
A miniature shower that blasts water at high pressure, usually to clean your ass after a shit.
Well, its the best you get.
Also, why the fuck are we having this discussion on Cred Forums. Like, why.
Pajeet is an Indian name asshat. Seriously, why is the concept of them. Ring different places so hard for you?
Wrong type of Indians, OP is talking about the Indians that came from America, not India.
You got a better place? Wanna talk about it in normiebook for the public to KNOW that we talked about this?
Huh, didn't know this was a thing. I've also been using wet wipes since I was a teenager.
This my first time using wet wipes to clean my ass, and I gotta say, I can't wait to return back to my country for those luxuries again.
The only tolerable Indian. Agni was a badass
>being different places
Sorry auto-correct
Only Kashmiris look different? And what about Punjabis you fucktard. Or Nepalis. Or people from the Seven Sisters? Bhutanese? Pashtos, Hazras, Baluchis? Ladakhis? Northern India/Pak is very different from even the Central let alone south. I went go full supremacist on you, but we are different even amongst us in the north.
>Bangladeshis thinking they are superior in anything
AAAAAHAHAHA pull the other one. Burmese are like 1000x better than you guys, I only wish those monks killed more of you.
Whatever. I got homework to do.
So basically, it's one huge cocktail of shit and chemical residues.
What an exiting tourist attraction!
>it's managed to retain itself and marginally keep itself clean.
Would you take a dip in that river?
If you do, have someone record and post it somewhere, for scientific purposes.
>we're doing much better than the monkeys to the east that have killer buddhist monks
Oh, it'll get there, it always gets to the point where they suddenly feel like they should own it all and it's convert or die, or pay the jizzya.
And also, I have understood that the buddhist/monks are the peaceful ones and always have been.
Perhaps after so many years, even they loose their patience with all the crap muslims have done to them.
After all, they are the ones who got invaded in the past by them, resulting in the shitty place it's now, I'd by burning and slaughtering them on sight as well.
>white hair AGAIN
Is this a nip meme?
Go back to swimming in shit Pajeet. You'll never know the pleasure of living in an actual civilized nation.
Burmese are fucking tree hugging niggers, and Indians are fucking dumbasses with a shit accent.
Bangladesh is like the Israel of southeast Asia, you'll never be able to become a country truly as great as hours when you can't even POO IN LOO
You think Muslims did jack shit to them? Hah, those guys aren't peaceful. Those guys are like Syrians and want to kill or convert.
Must be easy being so naive that you think all Buddhists are for "peace"
>you will never be a thug
Why even live?
Why are Poo threads guaranteed replies?
Not in Bangladesh its not. We'd rather you see Teknaf, Bandarban or St Martin. The mainland beach is a joke of an attraction. But the islands have amazing seafood and rocky shores worth checking out
Because Indians are shit tier human beings, literally.
>Why are Poo threads guaranteed replies?
Oh oh! I know, I know this one!
>because shit happens
>a country truly as great as ours
>even relevant
Why are there so many illegal Bangladeshi immigrants to Assam and West Bengal, if your country is as great as you say?
Ah, but I am in a civilized country. That's why I can objectively see Banglas are shit tier, and Muslim on top. The only crime Pakistan did was they didn't kill enough of you on the way out. Hopefully the Nagas get tired of your shit and start skinning your "refugees" trying to escape the "great" nation of Bangladesh and shitting up the places they decamp to.
I'll commend you on going to /d/ and keeping your powerlevel hidden though, same here.
Soma is Aryan poo in the loo though. Plus he basically becomes like his parents in 2. He changes a lot.
>Plus he basically becomes like his parents in 2.
He performs a bunch of unethical scientific experiments and then tries to start an apocalypse on Earfh?
No idea m8. Same reason people like the Drow aesthetic, I guess. If you're gonna make someone bishie like, may as well give them a contrasting hair color.
So according to Japan, the Germans are high elves, the Indians are dark elves, the Africans are orcs, and the Koreans are goblins?
what about Americans?
fat human nobleman
I can't remember, is curry-kun north Indian?
Have they ever depicted him shitting in the street outside of the polar star dorm?
>the Germans are high elves
The French are.
Just go look at the names of a bunch of random anime elves.
More often than not they'll be French.
German shares the role of generic European human along with Britain.
The recent chapters have had multiple characters comment on the overwhelming smell of his kitchen.
Most likely he shits in there.
face it, japan always has a boner for dark skin+lighter hair character design
That works. I guess Vietnamese/SE Asians are wood elves, while we're at it.
It is a god-tier combination.