the magazine was filled with a bunch of faggy drawings of Baki characters from other artists, so I felt I should include those here
Levi Murphy
Cooper White
Since it's the 25th anniversary or whatever, the magazine felt the need to go all-out with Baki crap this issue. We've got the chronicles of Baki, I guess, to draw in new readers.
Blake Jenkins
Chase Brooks
An ad for the poster and some other crap.
Levi Richardson
I swear, we're getting close to the actual chapter. Just trust me on this one.
Bentley Jackson
I didn't stitch this page to the next one because I don't care.
Aiden Morales
Everybody order their copies of the OAD yet? No? Go fuck yourself.
Jackson Peterson
I dunno what this page was intended to be - mostly because I didn't read it - but Baki looks really fucked here.
Dominic Baker
Right, chapter time. I'll stop talking to myself now.
Wyatt Foster
Easton Morris
Isaiah Davis
Henry Young
Nicholas Hughes
>No? Go fuck yourself. I wish, it has always been my wet dream. Ty for translations by the way.
Christopher Cook
Ryder White
Justin Roberts
Grayson Perry
Cooper Morales
Jackson Barnes
Owen Diaz
Thomas Morgan
Ian Taylor
I know the second line sounds awkward, but I can't do much about it without betraying the original text.
Samuel Phillips
Evan Moore
Robert Jackson
Blake Collins
Alexander Wilson
Smoke dem cigarettes , Musashi!
Justin Robinson
Henry Howard
I'd like to know who did these, I recognize some but that's it
Christian Adams
And then we have all the insignificant Chineses, and that's the chapter. There's some other stupid Baki shit in the magazine though. I'll post those.
Lincoln Cruz
Josiah Myers
More than I remembered, actually. Brace yourself for good ol' George Morikawa's one in the next pic.
Evan Clark
Oliver Johnson
Carson Cox
Actually, there's a full-on Baki x Usogui chapter in here. What the fuck.
Matthew Cooper
Jackson Wilson
Aaron Lopez
David Gray
Katsumi stand-in...
Angel Taylor
Jack stand-in...
Jonathan Harris
Way too long; skipping around. Hanayama stand-in...
Jason Bell
...and Yuujiro stand-in.
Jason Roberts
There's a Baki x Terra Formars in here. We're not gonna talk about it; this page is all you get to see of it.
Hudson Peterson
Sometimes... death is the better option.
Luke Sullivan
That appears to be all of it. Absolutely disgusting. Shounen Champion somehow managed to ruin a chapter that was both fun to read and fun to translate.
Ayden Thompson
>Baki x Terraformars
Well Terraformars reminded me of Baki when reading it, the way both series explain retarded stuff with pseudo-science and shit like that.
I wonder if Terraformars author worked as an assistant for Itagaki? that would make sense.
Andrew Ramirez
>faggy >implying there is anything as gay as Baki >implying that's not there true reason even you read it
Xavier Evans
Left to right on 004, they are: Seguchi Shinobu Ara Tatsuya Hamaoka Kenji Fukuchi Kamio Yamada Kyuuri Nakamura Yuuji Kakemaru Kakeru Itagaki Haru Nyaromeron Serizawa Naoki Yamamoto Ahiru
William Ramirez
user just likes to act like an edgy cunt because he thinks it's cool. Don't mind him
Because they're mine, and I'm part of the team? These chapters are extraordinarily easy to do because there's very few redraws - I can't say the same for the ones we're currently stuck on. You try redrawing this, tell me how it goes.
Jonathan Kelly
Postion the translation as closely as possible to the original, then clonestamp the shit out what remains.
Leo Murphy
There's a time and place for everything - that don't work so good for a lot of pages. Can't do it with this one.
Samuel Hughes
>the memetobe is somehow faster than mushishi drawing
Cooper Nguyen
Motobe moved first.
Jackson Ward
musashi has supposedly godlike reflexes and nervous system. He definitely should have been able to react to motobe's movement and still draw faster. Motobe's not even in shape.
Cameron Walker
Speedlines are easy, but the rest is tricky.
Maybe just cover it with white, like very wide stroke, to look like a text baloon or something?
Nolan Scott
This proud fellow dinnae mete out chapters of compromise
Kevin Lewis
I want to read baki but the fact that there's holes and quality gaps in the manga drives me nuts.