44 hours.
Love Live Sunshine
>our life as school idoru begins here and now, let's start over our love raibu no monogatari from zero!
Pick one to be your wife, mistress and sex toy.
Isn't Yoshiko stronger than Dia? How is she getting raped?
need more Aqours pantsu
>Nozomi and Kanan designed to be the sexpots of Love Live
>95% of the fanbase ends up finding Yohane the hottest
Wife: Riko
Mistress: You
Sex toy: Chika
Only including Aqours here, it's too hard to consider all the µ's too
You-chan ga kawaii! KA-WA-II!
Wife: Ruby
Mistress: Dia
Sex toy: Hanayo/Nico
Same thing happen with Burd.
Are you lost?
Excuse me???!!!!
I should mention that Nico can only be a sex toy and Burd would volunteer being one.
So is their school closing or they'll just pull a "merely a rumor"? They haven't done shit to stop it by now.
Wife: You.
Mistress: Nozomi.
Sex toy: Burd.
They'll probably save their school the same way µ's did, unless S2 makes a significant departure from following in the original's footsteps
So what are Ruby-chan's favorite Radiohead albums?
In Rainbows, since her favorite song is Weird Fishes/Arpigiiiiii
You is love. You is life.
No, thanks.
>sex toy
Ruby. I would pin her down while You tickles her and stuff like that.
sunshine was a mistake
Until you saw Yohane tits.
>Hanamaru was a mistake
Wife(girlfriend at most): Hanamaru
Mistress: Hanayo
Sex toy: Hanamaru's stinkstar
there going to cram love live into a single episode arnt they?
I really, really hope not, and I wish I was more confident that Sunrise knows better
Poor Ruby, she's so not popular now that even her birthday was unprecedently underwhelming.
Odds are, like original LL, something will go wrong and they can't do it. Maybe one of the members will get too nervous and say they can't perform or something. God forbid they go the "getting sick" route again and just complete the S1 rip-off. Someone will probably get hurt during practice just like before when it was just Dia, Kanan, and Mari and the rest of the team with withdraw because they want to perform with everyone. Then they'll do some deus ex machina bullshit in season 2 where there's another one happening in a couple months, right before school ends. I dunno.
Wife: Dia
Mistress: Yohane
Sex Toy: Riko
If they did win Love Live, wouldn't they still have half a year before graduating? Anime loves its teary graduation episodes. There has to be a second one.
Wife: Dia....Nozomi....No, Dia....Nozomi...
Wife: Riko
Mistress: Mari
Sex toy: Kanan
>Season 2: First Love Live, school saving
>Season 3: OG Season 2
Isn't it obvious?
Onsen episode when?
Maybe they won't be able to include Riko since she wasn't in the prelims and will decide to drop out. But yeah, whatever the reason I think that's how it's going to go too.
More Mari when
I hope they can find the restraint to just chill out on Love Live until S2. I can't figure out how they put that in the finale without making it too rushed (if they perform) or terribly anticlimactic (if they can't perform for whatever reason).
I guess my best hope for the finale is an optimistic and feelgood episode that shows the girls revitalized and finally having come into their own as a group. Training hard, having gotten past their drama and let's-be-µ's thing, and excited to perform in Love Live next season.
All of the above.
this but only if S2 will be successful, who actually believe that S1ep13 will deliver anything important?
Next episode, I promise
Mari is for ______
Well it's not my fault Sunrise makes her erotic as fuck nearly every second she's onscreen.
She is a sexy 1st year like Maki was
why is the water green?
did burd poop in it?
Stop lewding the chuuni
Bath salts
Fuck chuuni
Opposite of Ruby's treatment really.
She does that on her own
You better not be joking.
Because Ruby is a good girl while Yoshiko is a hot camslut.
Maki for everything.
No she doesn't want people fapping to her, she just wants to be fallen angel
The reason they went to Tokyo again and thought about µ's was because they wanted to figure out how they were different since they didn't manage to get anyone planning to visit their campus. Now that they've had their realization the natural followup should be gathering visitors. I don't think that's a plot point that can be left hanging for a year after setting it up.
Ruby has looked delicious in a lot of scenes, and is the girl most likely to be sitting in a position where she's showing her panties to everyone in the world except the viewer
>No she doesn't want people fapping to her
Then why the cam shows?
There's no one home to give attention to her
pick one.
This would be a good angle too, but I don't know how they try to get more visitors except by increasing their notoriety through performing. I guess they could have another concert at the school or something to celebrate qualifying for Love Live.
I thought her swimwear was the lewdest
Why would I pick one when they have already picked each other
I'd descend into her alright.
I'd descend into her vagina
user: Wow Chika you Super Idol!
Chika: Thanks user!
Vanilla sex with Kanan would be the cutest.
Absolute best
God I really want to fuck Yoshiko
So say we all.
She would crush you with her legs
Everyone does
I want her to crush me with a haggu.
You can just do it, Zuramaru.
Wife: Umi
(Our) Mistress: Eli
Sex Toy: Yohane
Its not rape if you want it.
Not before I crush her insides with my dick.
You will just do it
That sounds good. Can I join your harem?
>implying she wouldn't literally crush your dick with her insides like a dolphin vagina
Have you become Yohane's little demon yet?
I want to be Chika so bad, she got to see Riko's panties
Calm down Nozomi, you have Burd to satisfied you.
Sexy little demon
Nico, Nico and Nico.
You is busy fighting the NTR.
Which aqours has the fattest,vplumpest, squishiest butt?
Probably Zura.
Dia, Nozomi, Yohanne
I wish there was fan art of the view she got. A lifted skirt, a nice butt, and a sunset over the ocean in the background. Maybe I should learn to draw instead of learning Japanese
There's also the very real chance they just straight up lose to St Snow
Chika fills a skirt extremely well.
Riko liked Chika enough to let her violate her in public
These are the objective and official best girls.
>Maritards in charge of taste
I agree with you
You can bounce a quarter off that rump
As long as they aren't a KanaMaritard.
This is objectively good taste
Sure, come on in.
>Even remotely tolerable
Niggas you gots to be joke
Nozomi confirmed for best ass, but I'm talking about these gen 2 bitches.
As much as I hate to admit it, you're probably right.
Never noticed that. Nice find, user.
A pairing consisting of Eli and Umi reaches ''no fun'' levels to the extreme
U's: Umi Nico Honoka
Aqours: Dia Kanan Riko
It's plausible that Honk's butt is good enough to bend the rules of logic and qualify her.
>a couple that has it together is no fun
Damn you dramafaggots.
But if it's EliUmi then it reaches maximum fun, since minus times minus equals plus.
Nozomi, Nozomi, and Nozomi.
Is she wearing a thong? Look at how thin the strap is going over her butt. Christ
Umi = no fun bitch
Eli = ex no fun bitch, boring bitch
Gee so entertaining, they must have loads of fun everyday
Niconigger pls go.
I think so
>please reply me, I wanna feel part of something ;_;
You baka
>Perfect breast size
>Perfect waist
>Perfect hips
>Perfect legs
>Perfect height
>Perfect smile
>Perfect eyes
>Perfect hair
>Perfect voice
>Perfect personality
>Perfect seiyuu
Why is this allowed?
I'm talking about Umi of course
>Ruby has looked delicious in a lot of scenes
Lie, she's the only one who didn't get delicious postures.
No, this is how it works
fun character + no fun bitch = fun
fun character + fun character = fun
no fun bitch + no fun bitch = boring
The result of consuming excessive amounts of bread every day.
Did someone say EliUmi?
Bruh, it's just the base of the rail
I want to have a threesome with these two so badly.
Umi confirmed for third wheel
Is just me or Yoshiko always wear her maid headband?
That picture was old before they started the anime.
I'd like to survey someone's hills I'll say that much
I don't think so, I think she wears her fuzzy halo
Stop oggling Nico
He said hills, not plains.
That's so you know she the best.
Well, only if she's on stream
Here's another maid headband.
Because Sunrise just wanted to.
Dia and Yohane are cool but Mari is overrated as fuck. Annoying voice, annoying Engrish, annoying molesting gag that should've died with Nozomi, and she's one of the ugliest girls to boot.
Fuck off, Mari is Yohane's big sister don't talk to her that way.
>both are flying animals
>both have hair tuff
>both have long hair
Holy shit
Don't agree about the voice and Engrish but the molesting gag is god awful. I thought Sunrise realized that when they removed it from Nozomi after 1 season.
>molesting gag
I won't lie, it just makes me jealous
here's your guide, even their training outfits match.
Sounds like someone needs to get washi'd.
thats some real good fan art there
hello tumblr
Wife: Nozomi
Mistress: Dia
Sex toy: Ruby
Muse girls looks about 3 years younger than Aqours girls, so they win by default.
Lick Umi.
I want to put my face in Honk's soft butt
What a lack of creativity the authors have
Honoka has the perfect body. Just enough meat just where it's necessary
I want to fuck Zura's zuras!
Sex Toy:Hanamaru
Hanamaru's assets are only going to get bigger with time and giraffe bread
I'd let her eat my giraffe bread, if you know what I mean.
Sleep tight Honker.
You make sandwiches?
>Nozomi's face.
Also why is Eli making the Dreamworks face?
>mind says hanayo
>heart says kotori
>dick says nozomi
help me out here Cred Forums
I can't choose my favorite girl
>Sex toy
Always follow your heart
All of them
Discard yourself, you are unfit to live.
The sisters are so annoying, and that Russian girl was so dumb and her catchphrase was dumb.
Wife: Mari
Mistress: Dia
Sex Toy: Eli
>tfw I was finally forced to choose when I downloaded the game and it asked me to pick a µ's
>hating on Yukiho
Now I've seen everything.
Eri did it too
And I hate that bitch too, fuck her.
Arisa a cutie
Wife: Nozomi
Mistress: Eli
Sex toy: Honoka
Maybe switch the last 2 around.
Annoying and ugly.
Nozomi pits are heaven
>arm pit fetish
Unwashed, smelly burd pits. Would lick them clean.
Best fetish
Wife Nico and thats all I need
foot > arm pit
Good answer.
Dia sucks and is ugly, why can't she look more like Ruby?
Dia doesn't have Ruby hair
Well? Who was it?
But we don't have that many feet, we have legs though
The water in natural hot springs is full of sulfur and turns it green. On areas where the water has evaporated it leaves chunks of yellow sulfur. Looks like frozen piss.
You should have as many feet as you do legs.
But they are wearing shoes
>witch of the east
is she a chuuni?
Nico Nico-nii~ Anata no Heart ni Nico Nico-nii, Egao todokeru Yazawa Nico Nico~ Nico-nii te oboeteru Love Nico~!
god I want to fuck nozomi so bad
Not bad, could have been worse.
Good choice.
kill me Cred Forums
define worse
this show is okay
What the fuck are they doing to Chika? Delete this.
nicoor possiblybird
I'm guessing it came from tumblr or maybe deviantart.
Tumblr makes me want to commit sudoku.
I feel nauseous thinking it's gonna end already.
What the fuck are we gonna do for a year
post nothing but pictures of nico
What are the chances of us actually seeing older μ's members at some point in Sunshine?
Aren't they like 20 years old now?
Only if they're lewd.
Depends how long after s2 this takes place. But some of them would be around 20.
And I doubt it at this point, they seemed to have axed them. They are a myth at this point
define "lewd"
i give her face a two and her asinine
Count the days until s2!
Sexual? That picture works.
They already had a few chances for them to appear, but did nothing with it. So I wouldn't expect to see them at all.
gimme 1 (one) reason why I should hate rin
Not real
She's always with hanayo.
That's the line of the skirt, does this show even has upskirts?
Little demon
Nico doesn't exist either you degenerate nicoshitter.
I said hate not love.
Poor Yohane she wasn't even colored.
Shut up Nicofriend
Let's have fun filled days as we wait for more Sunshine
Was second season announced already?
Tits are too small, both for Riko and Yoshiko.
They are so fucking perfect for each other
Dunno, but you know they will be at least 1 more season.
Flat is justice!
Don't bully Yohane she is the cutest!
No, but we all know that they are going to make another one. We will see if they will announce it at the end of the next episode.
Lick the first year.
How so?
My eyes are bleeding from how bright this is
How can I go about literally becoming Nico?
Red+Blue is aesthetically pleasing
Yoshiko's cosplayers are cuties.
My eyes are bleeding from how 3DPD this is.
They are both turbonerds.
I too ship AsukaRei
Why to I get the feeling that I will get into trouble with that Yohane.
Cute, but the video is too bright.
I ship CharizardBlastoise
DantexVergil is the patrician ship
2 social outcast loving each other, what's cuter than that?
why nozomi keeps talking about stars, tarot and all this hippie bullshit?
Her parents are dead
They looks so cute together.
I want to marry this fat nerd
Sleep tight Honker.
Yoshiko pls
>dead crackshit posting hour
What's going on?
>dom Rico
What is this degeneracy?
Who /хорошо/ here?
What about cute and sexy at the same time?
You gotta be rough with the dumb chuuni or else she won't understand
That's the only way to keep this board alive.
She and her wife are the best couple.
They don't really care about the characters.
Yoshiko is meant to be dominated.
Shitposters will go along with any meme, they just want to shitpost nonstop.
I'm ok with that, indeed the sexyness adds to the cuteness
Only with Nozomi.
Are boobs supposed to work like that?
I wish they didn't QUALITY her top in the episode
My favorite hour.
>Wears slutty bikini
>Gets embarrassed
Do not disrespect Eli.
I've just got that card today
People don't know what being a true crackshipper means until they start shipping Umineko
>wear slutty bikini
>some freak starts filming you
Pouting just makes her cuter.
Wouldn't that be Umi/Rin?
I think we all know the answer.
They are in the same subunit, you can't get more absurd than NicoUmi
You are right.
Let post more lewd harasho.
Even UmiNico is more canon than YoshRiko. At least they had that scene in the manga.
They are also the two japanese MLP seiyuus.
Eliumi also happened , though.
I'm in
They are literally Cred Forums.
Manga is not canon for fuck sake.
Yes, but that's still something. Yoshiriko is literally a joke. These shippers outmemed everyone.
>meme so bad even reddit wouldn't steal it
We MC Escher now.
I don't care about that, i'm just telling you that it's still not a part of LL's canon story.
What's there to cram?
Ever time they competed - original and Sunshine - it's just the group performing their song music video style and that's it. We never see any of the other groups competing in a shonen-esque way before, so why start now?
EliUmi is more canon than YoshiRiko and that's saying alot.
Are you baiting or really don't know?
If eliumi happened, I'm sure she will throw yoshiriko too.
>Aren't they like 20 years old now?
And that's exactly why you'll never see them. Franchise law states these girls aren't allowed to physically age past their set high school age, so no cameo.
>Sex toy
Nope, not like that, people already know that honoumi is the real end.
Wife: You
Mistress: Kotori
Sex Toy: Kanan
Honoka Tsubasa is the canon end.
I meant the manga, sorry.
Love Loli when?
>I'm sure she will throw yoshiriko too.
The problem is that nobody ever planned it. All types of media were pushing the ChikaRiko narrative.
And then this shit just happened.
If she had blue eyes it Would Honk and Eri's child
Only the warmth of Honoka's hugs can melt thick Russian ice
What does it feel like to cum on thick Russian ice?
I have green eyes
just sayin...
We know Tsubasa
>Hey Chika, thanks for helping us get back together. But we decided to have Aquors disband after we get back together
You had one (1) job, user
>Sex toy
Tsubasa won?
>The problem is that nobody ever planned it.
Are you new? I hope you realize I was talking about the manga here. Do you even know the history of yoshiriko?
Reminder that her underboob fused when she wore that top
She was the only one in the Honokabowl
>fabrication of Yoshiriko
They didn't fix it
They look possessed.
>thick Russian ass
s2 plot
These look different, but I can't put my finger on it
Probably different artist and the fact the beach episode had some quality
Can Ruby be said to be a dandere?
Don't forget that they also change the art style of µ's multiple time over they years.
>Eli's tits have my name on them
I think she can't be. Hell, Ruby isn't anything at this point, even Hanayo's or Rin's S1 focus dwarfs Ruby's.
No fanservice, underplayed in performances, no focus what so ever aside from one episode early on.
It's drawing style, not art style goddammit you ignorant people!
Depends on your definition of "winning."
I think she is a more extreme version of it and you can add some fear of others to it
Made for sex.
Reminder that your raibu is worthless if she isn't fast.
This is now my fetish
That is indeed Eli's ass.
Like this?
Help, I literally cannot stop fapping to Honk.
Keep going
It's not hard to see why.
Wife: You
Mistress: Rin
Sex Toy: Kanan
Don't forget: Youby is real.
Here you go user!
>most popular girl x least popular
Is this the reason for this ship?
No one likes RubyMaru
Maru isn't the most popular though, even if she's pretty high.
What does Chika taste like?
greasy rat
Soft and supple with a hint of tangerine fragrance
i think its unhealthy to share lewd pictures of chika please stop
Post lewd Kanans instead
I want a Snowy Mountain You.
Now that you mention it, she might smell like dog sometimes
I don't get why You would do that. She just has fit and her tits just has big.
Maybe she mad that Kanan is the first one to join Aqours in the manga.
Either that or You is playing Joke on Kanan's ass
Is Kanan a confirmed exhibitionist?
Help guys. I'm so in love with Dia-san. Without realizing, I can't help it but feel an emptyness inside me without hearing her arousing voice and bubus. Every day, my love grows bigger and bigger aswell as my impulse to have Dia-chan be there to cure me from my daily's life routine.
How dare they create such a thing like this
thanks for the free you
You need ugugu desu wa
I don't know, she went to Mari's in her wetsuit
She was a slut before the anime even started.
I noticed elevens spell buu buu as bubbubbuu desuwa in case anyone wanted to know they're doing it wrong.
So arousing
Kanan has a beautiful body and her appearance is part of being an idol. She's always posed tastefully and is not a slut
Shiitake is a girl
All the better.
NO, bad Riko!
(PLEASE) help my waifu!
That doesn't look possible.
Which Aqours will you miss the most?
I want some hot wild bestiality action youtube.com
You. I mean, (You), ergh, you get it
>you will never save You's life and see her pantsu at the same time
kill me
So no honoka cameo?
Isn't her daughter cameo enough?
>it's a time travel episode
I will miss You too
This scene so bulshit. I hate cringy stuff like this
>lolz suddenly a loli honk lolz she dissapears lol
Dear God, the worst scene
I thought we were over this shit.
I thought it was irritating when it got spammed, but now it's almost nostalgic. Like aha, yeah, Riko fucks dogs. Memes of yore.
It will be like Star Wars,
>The girls are having a hard time breaking 0 when a blue haired woman with sunglasses and a hat meets them and agrees to train them
>They train with the mysterious woman who takes them on a grueling march through the mountains
>The girls are exhausted and wonder who the woman is
>The woman asks them if they really like Muse, and the girls say yes
>The woman smiles and takes off her hat and glasses and introduces herself
>It's Umi Sonada
>The girls are surprised
>Umi smiles and tells them that there is someone here to meet them
>The girls wonder who it could be and follow Umi a few steps forward
>There they see an orange haired girl looking at the horizon
>She turns to them
>The girls are speechless, it's Honoka!
>Honoka looks at the, smiles and says, Hi
Then we cut to black and the announcement of second cour for LLS while Start Dash plays
I thought I had brain damage.
Fucking science
I want to spoil Dia
do you guys think that kotori is fully aware how sexy she is?
I want You as my wife, Umi as my mistress and Ruby as my sex toy.
>I want You as my wife
But user I'm already in love...
You belongs to me.
You is a communal baby maker, please don't fall in love with shared property.
You is my girl. I will fight you all to the death for her.
You'll die in a puddle of semen while You takes the cock of the next 3 guys in line
You will break you
Over my dead body.
Now I understand the Youby ship, both are best at being cumdumps.
>Chika meets Honk on a remote mountain
>Last 30 seconds of the final episode are the camera panning around Chika and Honk
Make it happen Sunrise
How, riding my dick too hard?
Go for it, all it means is one less dick she spends the day pleasing
uhhh that's pretty racist
You has the heart of a pure maiden and is saving herself for her prince, please refrain for saying such mean and slanderous things about her.
My sister Ruby is so cute.
Don't worry, Umi was thinking something far worse and her reaction afterwards was priceless
She would be aware of the spray
Too pure.
I want lewd Ruby. Official.
Like Nico.
Chika is more unpopular than Ruby. Ruby is maybe 6-8th in general rankings.
Which is better ganbaruby or nico nico niii?
>can't post a smug nico in response
Thanks you image dumping fags
ruby or nico
Yeah, but Chika gets compensated via being the main focus of the show who gets to shine the most.
Ruby on the other hand was very popular, but due to doing absolutely jack in the show, her popularity faded into one of the least popular girls now.
>>Go for it, all it means is one less dick she spends the day pleasing
I'll take at least 20 of you down with me
Is her prince a door she can be the mat of?
Why would she fuck most anons, she would only want strong seed from strong men.
You is truly the new Maki that all guys could fuck until the very end.
>all guys could fuck until the very end
This applies to every raibu
Well, they're both number 1 in people's heart
Speak for yourself, nerd. They belong in the garbage! They're number one in the people's garbage!
Literally shit tier. Only Hanayo is worse than that dumb tomato.
Beta as fuck. I only liked her when she was the perfect upbeat genki. Now I just feel bad whenever I see her around Riko and Chika. I know the pain is still there.
You fucks Chika while Riko is gone to her piano recitals.
>bullying the precious tomato
poor form
You would fuck any guy for free as long as he was wearing a uniform. I'd be surprised if she didn't have sex for the first time by age 10, pleasing the guys on her dad's boat.
>best girls are daddys girls
makes sense
I'd be their daddy
You has the sex drive to tire you out and go find a new man who can actually please her. You're wasting your time if you think you can own a slut like that.
>implying she is into men
If she was gay she would have a girlfriend by now.
She wants Chika but Riko stole her away.
She just had to accept that Chika wasn't hers. She'll be all over Wooby next season when they have a subunit episode. Or maybe she'll steal Yoshiko.
I don't even care if its with Yoshiko or Ruby or fucking Dia, I just want You to get some action.
She gets hot idol-on-fan action.
You had girls flocking to her when she went out in public, she just doesn't care about them.
Because she's gay for Chika.
Because she prefer men
Because she's pure.
Because she only wants idol pussy
being beta is beta.
Why is You so popular in the LL universe? I can understand Kanan
Charisma, she's energetic and positive and extroverted along with being cute.
She brings along the smell of fresh semen everywhere she goes.
sea men*
I can't see this giving someone a boost in popularity in almost any context.
She's the new good maki , the cutest one.
Please don't compare You to such filth.
free reply