Mai waifu is a sweet, sweet girl and I don't want you doing anything lewd related to her
Amagami SS
Fat sow.
>I don't want you doing anything lewd related to her
You won't need to worry about it.
Daily reminder that fat girls are bad and don't deserve to be loved.
You're waifu a fat ass, this semen demon is better.
When's the last time she showered?
>not choosing best grill
>bullying best girl
It's okay, I have Hibiki
Do you give a fuck about when she showers, if she still sits on your face or your dick?
You all disappoint me.
Get out!
Ayatsuji, Hibiki, Sensei.
If your favorite Amagami isn't one of those 3, you're a fucking tasteless pleb.
This guy knows what's up
I never got to Rihoko's arc because the first two arcs were so bad, I had to stop watching the show.
>you will never have a Rihocci to cuddle and feed cake to
A best!
My brother.
I´m still mad.
My personal favorite.
Best girl needs a route.