No double nigga claiming allowed.
Yoko belongs to me!!
No double nigga claiming allowed.
Yoko belongs to me!!
Other urls found in this thread:
Underated waifu
Don't want to share with Moot
lu bu is mine
>waifu's have to be girls
is that dededemons girl?
Of course. Otherwise it's a husbando.
are you retarded by chance user?
Nice choice.
me on the right
Much obliged
Ah shit I'm late. I'll take the alt. version then
As always
She claimed me
>liking a borderline retard
She is a woman after all...
reported for trying to derail the thread
The protagonist of her own show couldn't see her as one.
Bestper claimed
Claiming best spooder
:mine still wasn't claimed
In all seriousness did moot really like this bitch
My waifu.
A giant slut desu
Restia claimed
sorry senpai, should looked up
Claimed and engaged.
Good to see a man of excellent taste.
she's ded mang.
VN didn't have any controversy about it at all.
Neither the anime for reasonable people.
Mine and mine alone.
explain the doll nigga, how's it get fixed?
Goin retro
Nonon is mine
Only the best
My love power just keeps building.
Sometimes I scare myself at how strong I've become.
Don't mind if I do.
Sora was shown to be learning to sew in the start of the series.
More reasonable than concealment of evidence, faking messages and ghosts.
No one has claimed my wife yet
You don't claim your waifu, she claims you.
Only for breeding purposes
I love my emperor!
who is she?
She's a cuck though.
Get on my level.
Best girl Mina reporting.
Best Clannad, best Key Girl, and best KyoAni girl.
best girl coming through
Best angel demon
Why say 'respective'? The word 'our' achieves everything the word 'respective' does. You're redundant.
Also I'm not even checking the thread, because if someone has already 'claimed' my waifu Mio, I'll fucking kill them.
That's why.
Nobody claimed her yet buddy, but congrats on your good taste, Mio a damn cute
We claim our waifu could also imply that everyone has the same grill
Ooooooh. Rin a good one too. We should double date. Our waifus would get along as much as we do.
Taking the semen demon.
Nice ones but I have my hunk.
She sure knows everything
Botan for life
race mixing with Saber!
Pretty sure nobody else on this board has her as a waifu so I'm basically safe.
Good one, she is adorable.
All you're wafus are wonderful and I know your love will reach them!
I get best girl!
pic unrelated
Reminder that having multiple waifus is fine.
that is objectively wrong.
I hope my friendship reaches Kasuga
Let's be friends!
Reminder that his is the part where you die because you're a bad guy
best girl is obviously this one
>tfw I wish I wasn't white so I could make cute half white babies with my waifu
even angry she is beautiful.
Aisha is MINE
You have excellent taste. I'd want her to be my vampire mom.
big girls best girls
I support you Yui
keikaku harem A SHIT
My precious Oni!
I don't ever have to worry about being late to these threads.
>implying Saber would even look at a shitskin like you
My waifu
my waifus not a slut awesome
Only the very best.
The pig?
I lay my claim.
Surprised nobody has claimed her yet.
I rarely feel the need to claim her because I'm the only one.
>a cheap copy of a cheap copy
best waifu
How does it feel only getting half a waifu?
Silly Cred Forumsnon, i'm not talking about you're waifu :^)
You can have Blue outfit. I like Red
Shit, I forgot about how cute she was. At least take care of her, user.
>im not talking about you are waifu
Wat? Besides shes not that small, and you certainly wouldn't call her that to her face
dunno why I'm bothering since you faggots wouldn't even look at her
If I read that as "sleeping cock" how gay does that make me?
Oh Mimi-chan~~~
Best Waifu
claimed god damn it
What would you do if you walked in on you're waifu masturbating and calling out someone else's name?
Ah..whatever. I never really liked her design tho. ;_;
Hard to say
I'd pull out then start fucking until she says my name
She has sisters...
>fucking you're waifu
there sure are some fucked up people
yes I am
Your waifu is unironically a slut
Kill yourself
>all this shit taste
Plebs, all of you. At least best girl can be mine.
I want Haru to be my lovely waifu!
Double Nigga NOT allowed.
Just in time.
shit nigga that's my waifu
Kuro is my 2D waifu. Surprised no one else claimed this semen demon earlier
Also post the name you mouth breathers. Some of us wanna ctrl f instead of looking at every pic.
(Also some of us wanna know the name of the fluid druid ya posted so they can steal her)
Claimed years ago
reverse image search
>he hasn't killed himself for her
Clearly you're not trying hard enough, user.
>killing yourself for her
>not working to improve yourself for her
He wasn't worthy
Rem from Re:Zero
Look how happy she is to be my wife
Made for breeding
this fine maiden
Shana is mine
Criminally underrated.
you mean RAM? there's no REM's in rezero
kill yourself
fuck off
I want to become a great wizard so I can kill the fucking clown in a magic duel and save her.
Best and most heroic yuusha
It says no double claiming user.
She claimed my heart almost 5 years ago.
After season two I will.
ma boi
I can wait until 500 posts and nobody would post her.
Move aside faggots, best raifu claimed
3 years strong bby
My darling
Nanami's mine
>Nobody has claimed her yet
I expected better taste from you guys, famalam-bergini's.
>No double nigga claiming allowed.
But I can always claim her in the next thread
Who is she? Just post her anyway.
No waifu thread is ever complete if somebody didn't post her
I claim Yuno. Best yandere goddess.
How long has your waifu been your waifu for anons?
Married since 2009.
Fuck, I'm late. But you, sir, have an awesome taste.
ma guurrlll
Oh God, I'm so glad.
This peach is mine.
Claiming my masochist waifu.
Since episode 1
>that leg
>seasonal waifu
Nothing wrong with that. It will perhaps become a true waifu if he still sticks with it at the end of Winter.
And if not, then she was just that.