>describe your 2016 anime experience so far with a single picture
Describe your 2016 anime experience so far with a single picture
Pic related
pretty good
Was pleasantly surprised by Mob, Amanchu and 91 Days.
I didn't watch anything seasonal this year, feels great.
I will never finish my backlog. It just keeps growing every season and I am growing too lazy to even sit down and watch an hour of anything and instead just shitpost on 3chan
Pretty all time awful to the point where I haven't felt inspired to watch a single thing that isn't a movie or older anime series all year. The year might finish stronger than it started with some decent films coming out. I still love this whole old anime box sets and movies and OVAs are doing substantially better than current TV anime fare financially thing that is going on in venues where people actually know and care a little about what they are talking about. By which I mean basically Japan and South East Asia and not the English speaking internet.
Calamardo terminaste tus deberes?
Sounds like a good call to me. Yuri on Ice and IBO S2 might be the first seasonal thing I check out in a while.
Didn't watch anything that aired this season, so I dunno.
Besides Amanchu...it's all been a pile of execrable garbage
What the fuck is 3chan?
>he's not in the 3chan closed alpha
You sound like a real dick sucking faggot.
Everything looks like shit this year. I watched a handful of shit last year but this one nothing looks interesting.
Finally clearing the backlog, so it's been pretty damn good so far.
This has been a good year I think.
So an user actually enjoying anime crosses the line into bait territory for you?
>all those faggolards trying to hate on current anime to be like their cool Cred Forums-sempai
I'm quoting You. Yes, you.
don't care if it's good or bad, as long as it fills the void
I still pick up a few things each season, but good stuff is a lot less consistent these days.
The year has been shitty but the animu have been okay.
sometimes you just don't like what airs. i watched everything that got subs since whenever saekano aired, this was the first season i didn't and only watched 5 shows because i went back to the backlog. though now i'm marathoning stuff i put off.
mindless contrarians are retards, though.
It's been pretty disappointing.
Lots of enjoyable anime this year even if they haven't been exceptional tier save for Flying Witch.
I'd pretty much dropped out of watching for a couple years
just alright.
ara, ara
I'm currently opening up my balled up and ripped piece of paper to see if I finished my backlog.
I haven't finished my backlog.
my nigga! Flying Witch! To be honest nothing has come close since.
Have picked up only three or four show each season that really interests me, worked on my backlog and read a shit ton of manga.
Has been a good year.
Pretty dry.
Lalaco for best girl of 2016.
You watched Mugen no Ryvius? Did you like it? I watch it from time to time, just love the atmosphere and characters.
I actually rewatched it when there was that thread about it like a month or two ago when someone mentioned that the one chick was actually a tranny and I somehow fucking missed it.
Only started this year
Why was Sousei allowed to have 50 episodes? Who green lit this?
That chick´s a tranny? I didn´t know that either. But the show´s pretty damn good regardless. Can´t really find much similar stuff. Being completely isolated, people going slowly insane, lots of relationships that might or might not hold etc.
It's fun
Dude still had his fucking dick until the time skip near the end too apparently.
I guess fat dude had to bottom quite a bit, huh?
its been pretty good, Dragon Ball has gotten better, JoJo's has been decent and we got Mob Psycho 100
if you spent this season watching anime you missed in seasons past puts your hands up
Anime experience was shit. I didn't like much of anything that came out this year so I hit the backlog.
My manga experience was pretty good though.
It is what it is. I never follow more than a couple of airing shows any season anyway.
So bad that the only thing I was excited for was all year was brooklyn nine nine.
Some has been good, some shows were bad. And some I still don't know why I watched at all
I was fine. Not mind blowing awesome, but a good year for me, I suppose. Good feelings!
Just okay, not great. Been watching a lot more older stuff. The new Berserk anime was a massive disappointment and really one of the few things I was looking forward to.
I'm a newfag when it comes to anime. Got dragged into watching it a couple of months back by a mate.
So many things to watch, it's like there's no end to it.
Loving every minute of it.
That is awesome.
Servamp was really good. That ending.
Thinking simply, it was AOTS.
Lots of Sports shows good or bad.
Motherfucking JOKER GAME.
I think we can say 2016 is a solid year, No huge surprises or anything but a standard solid one.
>Still watching anime
I only read manga now
Now that the year has ended, what was your AOTY?
Pretty good.
>hxh and berserk coming and going back onto hiatus
>kubo shitstorms
>double ntr shitstorm
>decent animu
Been a pretty solid and memetastic year.
(very good)
What the fuck,how did you get to see tomorrow's JoJo episode early?
way better that 2015
I want to go back in time and hit myself for having almost stopped watching this
another fairly shit year with maybe one decent show
makes sense, anime in general has been nothing more than a rotting corpse for the past couple of years
Go back to your bed,Miyazaki,you're off your medicine again.
It's been mostly okay with a couple of gems.
sorry user, very sorry! I'll go back to re:zero and talk about how rem is my waifu don't you worry this whole year was fantastic!
luluco was great everything else was shit and you have to be blind or stupid to not see this
it started off so promising
Luluco was just as bad as everything else this year,except for JoJo because JoJo is the best thing to ever come from Japan.
I haven't watched a single new show in 2016.
Insecure manchild detected
Pretty much.
Are webms okay?
this, pretty much
The anatomy on that one is better at least
I've only seen 7 non airing anime this year. Haven't had the drive to watch anything,
so much new fap material, my hand literally caught on fire.
Haikyuu Season 3 or Hibike Season 2
I didn't expect much and I haven't got much. So not bad.
I miss umaru and galko
Haven't watched much of anything for a few seasons now. I watch an episode or two but egh.
>Anime is worse and worse every season
Kill yourself
>Posting this on Cred Forums
Where do you think you are?
at least danganronpa memes are good
But Cred Forums loved Re Zero and OPM and those both aired this year
Could always be worse.
>No Kancolle S2
Everyone in general enjoyed those, Cred Forums is just tsundere for the most part
I watched RE: Zero and It was a 7/10, 91 days is a 9/10 but it Hasn't finished yet. D.Gray Man Hallow is 8/10, Berserk was 7/10. I don't see any problem with this season, all the animes I watched or I'm finishing watching are pretty good desu.
Pretty empty, I have only watched a few series this year. Missed some interesting ones and I feel lazy to pick them up now, and missed some memetic ones which are pointless to watch wiithout Cred Forums.
Also ReLife was pretty good too
Bretty good because 90% of my anime is non-seasonal.
>2016 is almost over
Where did the time go?
>Winter is shit
>Spring is decent
>Summer is shit
But hey Kimi no na wa and Koe no Katachi save this year and i'm pretty sure In The Corner Of This World going to became great.
This year hasn't been that bad. There's more good anime than in the last few years, though not that many really great ones. Still, the average is probably higher though.
Damn, Shinsekai Yori had some nice art.
It was a good year for completing my backlog.
Yeah no. S1 was shit enough.
Mostly watched old shit.
end this suffering
It's been a great year.
>Boku no hero
>Flying Witch
>Tonkatsu DJ
>Sansha Sanyou
>91 days
>New Game!
>Sweetness and Lightning
>implying there was anything worthwhile watching this year
There were a couple here and there, but out of the what, 120+ anime that have aired so far, I could count the ones worth watching on my hands.
nothing really caught my attention this year other than Space Patrol Luluco.
>The naruto cannon is coming to an end.
I can't process that for the life of me.
Grimgar was special. Something about its characters or directing or script touched a kind of humanity that most shows don't.
Other than that, only GIRI GIRI AI and RABU RAIBU SANSHAIN leave any impression.
>Sansha Sanyou
People actually watched this shit.