Why would you even eat the full course? It will only lead to your demon trying to eat you.
What the fuck is this manga about.
Because if you don't eat the full course you would never get to eat the demon. Also because it's fucking tasty.
>What the fuck is this manga about.
In a world of culinary delights, those with grit, determination, and a taste for adventure travel the globe in search of new and incredible foodstuffs. Toriko is legendary among them and this series follows his adventures alongside his traveling companion, the physically unimpressive, yet incredibly talented chef Komatsu, as they face dangerous beasts and bizarre enemies on a quest for ultimate flavor.
But why eat a meal that has a very high possibility of you ending up getting eaten? There's plenty of other delicious food in the Toriko universe. Why risk death, especially if your demon isn't emotional like Red?
Toriko isn't the only one that ate his demon, Neo got eaten by Acacia. Also it may be perfectly safe to eat the full course if you don't have a demon, like Jiro.
Hunting and eating creatures plus overcoming the environments.
Then it goes full plot and powerlevels, space arc is next.
Damn son, that's like poetry and shit.
Because then you will never be complete. Is like what will you do once you achieve your dreams? will the demon eat you alive and will make you weak with no purpose in life? or will you eat that demon and use its strength to find other interesting things that you had no interest before and were scared of trying because you didnt know better?
This is a metaphor of what to do once you achieved your dream. admit defeat or becoming more powerful.
>if you don't have a demon, like Jiro
But Jiro's demon is the bottle.
It's Jump's craziest series to offer. MC's ultimate goal is to eat GOD and his father, who also has strong desire to kill his son for his own appetite, set in a world where everyone literally worships Gluttony as a religion, with animals and monsters all having this masochistic desire to be cooked in a delicious way. Oh, and everyone has Gourmet stands.
Doubt it. The manga seems to be rushed as fuck right now
Cause it taste good.
This. Also if you take away all the cheesy plot and characters you get an awesome setting with space horrors and recurring motive that actually makes sense.
>Why would you even eat the full course? It will only lead to your demon trying to eat you.
>Why would you even eat unhealthy food? It will only lead to an earlier grave?
Is komatsu the biggest bullshit ever happened in shonen?
He's literally the luckiest Asian alive
Is that penguin happy that midget said he tasted good? Why the hell isnt he scared for his life?
That's not a penguin, also a lot of things in Toriko just want to be eaten, but also to be prepared in a special way. It's like everything there is a vorfag with a very specific fetish.
how the fucl did his
career survive that shit anyway
>implying everyone doesn't literally worship science as a religion in our world which is pretty much Appetite in Toriko
>tfw best boy is still alive
>this scene
Hype through the fucking roof.
Whatever made you think he was dead? Though as I recall Bambina wasn't eaten by Neo like the Crow King was, or maybe I forgot, think his body was just blown away by attacks.
They just need to do more 'damage' than Neo that also heals, Komatsu cooking to the rescue again I suppose, or maybe Frozhe herself will appear in some form at last.
This meme again
It is going at a fast pace. Not as bad as it was during Another arc, but still quick.
I said this 2 years ago and was told "oh, it's just generic shonen gary-stu shit".
Favorite member of the kings?
Komatsu should be the strongest character in the series now that Gourmet Luck is some sort of attack
Why are these threads so dead?
Chapter discussion thread is done yesterday, wait for next week
That one was pretty small, too (unless there was yet another I missed).
Maybe the series is just not popular enough here. Maybe there is not much to discuss given how unpredictable it is, making it very hard to make predictions. Maybe we're just hated by the rest of Cred Forums. I dunno.
It's been rushed as fuck for how much, 40 chapters?
That's almost a year.