Say what you want about Bleach but Kubo nailed character design like a pro until the very end.
Say what you want about Bleach but Kubo nailed character design like a pro until the very end
I preferred the art at the end of SS/beginning of Hueco mondo arcs
Reiji shoved his massive cock into Rukia, as she moaned in delight, despite a brief orange blur flashed in her mind.
Like being impaled on a cross by the force of a thousand suns, she came.
>say what you want about Bleach
>by the force of a thousand suns
>no thousand black suns
You had one job bait-kun
>hey guys you know this war ive built up to for years? fuck telling you who survived it. Kubo 2016
Tite "sameface" Kubo?
fuck no
I was hoping that grave Shunsui was sitting at was actually a communication device and he was speaking to new Reio Ukitake.
It'll happen right?
Also where the fuck are the RG?
How is pic related sameface? They're the opposite. Don't you want to adapt your shitposts a little before posting?
I want to adapt my shitposts into a kyoani anime.
what an abrupt finale. Kubo must certainly be planning a spinoff/epilogue of sorts, right? Akin to Beelzebub: Bangai-Hen
Only good chapters were Yamamoto, Rapemonk, Oetsu and Askin fights
mfw yoruichi
we can only fucking hope this was some bullshit aizen illusion.
Oetsu was awesome. he didnt even go shikai. at least give us a fucking databook telling us all you left out kubo fucks sake.
You forgot Mayuri vs Soul King's left arm.
The fight that wiped the smug off his face.
I meant it generally, not for OP.
I don't have the picture saved nor can I find it which shows all the characters that just look like variations of Ishida, long face pointy chin etc
Don't get me wrong, I don't think he's bad, and I think the drawing style improved over the years (except for backgrounds, he's not the best at them)
But he has at least a minor case of sameface drawing
He got fingerfucked
>Mayuri Sue
>ever giving a shit
I half expect him to be final boss in live action movie
>I half expect him to be final boss in live action movie
Oh so you remember Kubo's dropped plotline as well?
he's a psycho but he isnt stupid. killing the guy he believes in (see:his conversationafter that with byakuya) would be a bad idea.
>Like a pro
You'd almost believe he was a professional.
If he's planning a spin-off, then he took a really risky gamble. I can see him resolving things in the last volume sketches, though. I just don't see him resolving everything.
yeah i suppose the millions of manga and anime hes sold dont count as a profession.
Same, but with most of the girls
I wonder if Isshin was keeping tabs on his old squad. I'm sure he'd be proud.
The thought of Rukia getting pregnant will never not be disturbing to me.
Kubos backgrounds are actually fantastic, he doesn't use them for character shots which is where the meme comes from. Mainly because newfags don't know that minimal backgrounds used to be an industry standard.
>Mainly because newfags don't know that minimal backgrounds used to be an industry standard.
I just found this out a while ago on Naoki Urasawa's show where he interviews different mangakas(really great show btw) and he was talking about white backgrounds being the standard back then.
The meme started because of One Pissfags.
This is one of the best scenes in Bleach, it's such a good payoff.
Nobody has ever denied he knows how to design his characters. The problem is he almost can't write arcs for shit. And his pacing was awful.
Somebody's butt hurts.
I really like the look in Byakuya's eyes. It's such a good "Oh shit, what the fuck" expression.
Urahara losing it was also great.
Since Kazui's gotten a head start on using his powers, how powerful do you think he'll be by the time he's 15?
I dont care. And i really hope we dont find out in a timeskip manga where he is the protagonist.
I think he'd should have more hax abilities than being straight up powerful.
For me this is the best scene of the last arc.
Askin was out of fucks.
I don't care
Bleach is kill
Did Askin have any fucks in the first place?
There were a few Sternritters like Askin or Bazz-B, but Kubo fucked it up by making so many so most of them were forgettable jobbers.
Best ones were Giselle, Askin and Gremmy.
Snipernigger had cool powers imo, might count too.
The Sternritter are probably the absolute worst example of Kubo making more characters than he needed to.
>Forgettable jobbers
>Forgets about Juha Bach, As Nodt, Mask De Masculine, BG9, Bambietta, Opie, Cang Du, GiGi, etc.
Dude, there were plenty of Quincies that were not Jobbers.
Uryu wasn't a Sternritter
Besides, Juha Bach, Haschwalth, Askin, Bambietta, As Nodt, Bazz-B, Opie, BG9, Mask De Masculine, Royd Loyd and GiGi did pretty well.
For me Bleach became a lot less interesting when Ichigo lost his Hollow mask and, by extension, the inner Hollow (White Ichigo). The latter was easily one of the coolest characters and his dialogue was always great.
>King and Horse speech
Bambi jobbed really quick but she was my favorite besides Bazz B ;_;
Bambietta beat Komamura in the initial attack. Stole his Bankai too.
Who tops?
Rukia impales herself on Renji's massive dick.
Askin was one of the greatest characters Kubo designed.
it's just such a stupid shame that Kubo took the time to introduce a whole system of blut and volstandigg then forgot to ever use it
Unfortunately having good character esign is not enough to create a good story.
hard to tell if this was a volstandigg for Gerard or not. The spikes seem kind of like wings, but he's got no halo which was kind of a must, though Kubo forgot it on GiGi that one time as well.
I miss Ulquiorra. ;_;
you forgot the Jail. Never really got to see his vollstanding's real power did we? Only actual quincy too.
Fuck I always wanted to see Shinegami fight quincies from the day they were introduced but then Kubo had to make it Arrancar 2.0
>forgot to ever use it
That's like saying the Shinigami never use Shunpo because they don't say it everytime they use it. Blut is a passive ability, it was only included to show how Sternritter managed to keep pace with the Shinigami, and because Ichigo needed at least one actual Quincy power.
>then forgot to ever use it
Did you speedread the manga? Lille, Pernida, Gerard, and Askin all used their Volstanding. Since Blut is a passive ability, we can assume they used it too even if it wasn't explicitely showed.
I love One piece and all but the backgrounds are excessive and jumble things up a lot of the time
Post what you think the characters' fetishes are
Ichigo is obviously into titfucking, as well as big tits in general
One Piece is an adventure manga with battles, backgrounds are valued here because they give detail to the world (think OG Dragonball); the battles are just a piece of the adventure.
Bleach is a battle manga with some 'adventuring', therefore character design and dynamic paneling are the focus over backgrounds.
Rangiku is into performing Pazuri, and Yourichi is into fucking boys who are barely legal (sometimes Illegal) - Often in front of Kisuke .
No, you halfwits, not that the characters forgot to use it, that Kubo forgot to utilize it. There was never any attention to the fact that the only viable strategy was to strike while the attack blut was up and the defense blut was down. Obviously he doesn't have to write in any note about it every time its used, but he would have to factor it into any relevant turning points in the fight, or at least acknowledge that it's a factor in play.
And no, Pernida and Gerard did not use their volstandigg it's a pretty clear cut ability with obvious flags, which those two in particular never gave any indication of. Obviously Lille and Askin did though, no one denied that.
I wish Kubo did more with Tosen's Suzumushi.
The whole overloading the senses thing was pretty awesome in contrast with Aizen's manipulating the senses.
Quilge's right there between I and K. You know, where J goes. His vollstandig was his spirit enslave power since it specifically needed his halo intact to use it would kind of follow that it had to be a vollstandig power.
I wish Kubo simply did more with Tousen.
The guy was a living hard counter to Kyoka Suigetsu which is why Aizen was quick to put him in his squad immediately. Despite that fact it never really went anywhere and he was nothing more than a grunt.
Even Gin got to shine one last time. Tousen got nothing.
so what was his non vollstanding jail power then?
>Aizen bankai never
the unbreakable cage thing he put ichigo in?
Fuck Bleach and fuck Kubo
so what was his vollstanding jail related power then?
Uryu already showed off his Volstang back in the Soul Society arc.
Miracle revealed his as well
So 18 out of the 26 isn't bad at all.
Uh duh. Bambietta's Volstang was bomb related. As Nodt's Volstang was Fear Related. Mask De Maskuline was Star related.
Their Volstangs are all related to their shrift abilities.
we just went through this, if it weren't still in the thread I'd I feel like I was having dejavu. sklaverei, his reishi enslaving thing. breaking his halo supposedly loosed his control, so that implies he can't use that power without the halo, and the halo is part of his volstandig form.
what does sklaverei have to do with the jail tho? I though it was a standard quincy absorption thing like when Ishida went Lets Still which is essentially like vollstanding but more powerful.
Aizen likes to observe orange haired teenagers.
No, it was unique to Qhilge. He had the ability to enslave reishi, which was an aspect of his shrift.
That makes sense. But I guess it overlaps with Letz still powers. At least that's how I see it.
Also up for light petting.
He waited for them to reach maturity. How considerate. Too bad they choose each other.
we got one from kishimoto. why not from oda?
Was the SK a giant?
>tfw you get double NTR'd
He had lots of chances to talk about his feelings, but he was always interrupted.
is there more?
Gerard's volstandigg was shown before he turned into that.
Ichigo fucking Orihime.
Renji fucking Rukia.
Niggas didnt even bother to explain what the fuck Soul King is. For all the fuck Kubo gives, he might not even be a Quincy
You mean character faces? Because he's drawn two armies of villains who were dressed in white uniforms, while the good guys wear black uniforms. That's pretty lazy.
For you.
Soul King is just a Lynchpin. He's a plot device like the Tesseract in the MCU. Or Izuru Kamakura in Dangan Ronpa Universe.
All three are alive, but they exist as a integral part of the universe. They are not meant to have any form or personality, goals, hobbies, motivations, etc.
The Soul King was the Yhwach's father. A little backstory on that would've been nice.
It's a wonder they never just found him a writer.
And Izuru Kamakura was the alter ego of Hajime Hinata. All you know is that he was created to be artificial Hope for HPA.
That's all to Izuru's character.
Was this Blut because of the hogyoku ?
No, that was Super Regeneration like a Hollow. Blut is what Old Man Manifestation used on Ichigo in the Kenpachi Zaraki fight.
>Super Regeneration like a Hollow.
no. pic related was high speed regeneration
I used to be edgy like him
Looking at Aizen's butterfly form now, it kinda reminds me of a Vollständig.
Delightful empress of thickness.
Hayami Sho's work on that moment in the anime was fucking amazing.
Is it true that the last volume is more expensive? Does that mean extra content?
design went to shit after Hueco mondo
Tousen had some of the best powers
He was a perfect vaizard that could use both arrancar powers and his shinigami ones but wasted it turning into a fly
It has 15-17 chapters and supposedly something in it that makes Yonkou consider it "shitstorm" material.
When's it suppose to drop?
Tousen even died to a lieutenant without a bankai.
Kubo clearly hates blind people.
i'm STILL mad.
They even made a joke about it in the last chapter.
It's not a crime, if he's not blind.
The Opie, Komamura, Mask, As Nodt, Bazz B and Haschwalth, Isshin, and Mayuri vs Hitsugaya fights were all pretty good as well my man.
Many Rukia-sized women had safely carried to term and given birth to babies for centuries, especially in East Asia.
But Tousen wasn't blind when he died.
They take turns.
Wait. Yonkou knows something about the volume two months before the release? 15-17 chapters i too much. Is he trolling again?
Orihime on the cover. Calling it now.
Oda doesn't like Kubo. It is known.
I like that Orihime has a thicc ass to go with her big tits and slim waist. That doesn't always happen with fanservicey characters in anime.
It's a black-and-white medium, user, what the hell are you expecting, cinnamon-coated swirls on every page?
...You're making me nervous...
Definitely. Ichigo is such a lucky bastard.
Too obvious.
I want Kubo to do an ecchi rom-com series.
Or have him team up with a josei writer.
Only thing I'll accept for a sequel is a SoL comedy invoving these 3 bakas.
You can wrap up all the characterization with these 3 bakas just messing around in all worlds. hueco, hell, real, soul society.
>big titted ara aras picking on shotas
>fucking yankee gangsters fighting all the time
>more stories you didnt have time to explain because youre an egotistic hack
Hack and all he makes great big titted ara aras, brown anekis, shotas, and yankee thugs.
Holy fuck,not even 100 posts in and the Ichihimefags are already circlejerking
You Me Both
With his attractive character designs and talent for expressions, I think Kubo would be fairly good at depicting sexual tension. Not sexual tension as in "I tripped and my hand fell on your boob", I mean sexual tension as in staring at each other, running a hand through the other's hair, and embracing one another. Stuff like that.
Great fight, one of the best of the arc however...
Of all Espadas he could have brought back as fan service, why fucking Szayel? I wanted to see Emo-kun one last time with his improved art
examples in zombie powder or bleach user?
Yoruichi and Urahara in their last fight was pretty fun
>I think Kubo would be fairly good at depicting sexual tension, as in staring at each other, running a hand through the other's hair, etc.
>would be
He -is- already good at this
I'm gonna bet Keiko became a molester, when he grew up
Not the same user, but all I can remember is Gamma and Wofgangina on the rooftop.
>why fucking Szayel
He is Mayuri's madness.
I want dat Karin.
After looking at this picture, I kind of wonder if Mayuri is more disturbing than Orochimaru?
Fan-art doesn't count.
I was waiting to read "Maybe he hates black people."
He is the representation of Mayuri's madness.
You should kill yourself.
but thats racist.
it's not like every black guy in bleach has died so far
Name one black person in bleach who is not dead
Depends on your definition of 'black', but Love is definitely some sort of negro.
Nah man, he's Japanese. From Okinawa. Even has the funny Okinawa lips.
>I want Kubo to do an ecchi rom-com series
He really should.
Huh, the mask makes sense now.
>this is a japanese donut
>Ichigo is wearing his trap goggles
Shame he never interacted with Yuushiro
I suddenly crave Yoruichi in her cat form playing with Kazui.
Yoruichi, Probably Halibel.
The rest died shortly after they got introduced minus Tousen who took a long while before he died.
>Don't let them deceive you, i'm sure it turns out they're all guys or something like that...
I can respect that level of caution.
i want soi fon scolding zaraki again and more lezzy shenanigans with her mistress.
What on earth ever gave you that idea? He's not remotely okinawan. He doesn't even speak with an accent.
Could thelis mean he had some kind of thraumatizing experience?
He's just Genre savy. he knows things never pan out nicely like you want them to.
Danzoumaru, Don Kanonji, Yoruichi, Yuushiro, Love, Harribel, Gantenbein. Like said it kind of depends on where you're drawing the line, they're all characters with dark skin, but because of how spirit world technicalities work it's not like they're of african decent.
Why is Yuushiro best Otouto?
oh and Jackie though I got the impression she was probably mulatto
how many other characters even had younger brothers? That we got to see at least.
>SO High-!!!
Why was Nimaiya so based?
Marechiyo had a NEET brother and a cute loli sister.
Kaien had Ganju, Keigo himself was an otouto, Shunsui was also an otouto... I think that's it.
Because he's as fuckable as his onee-sama.
Jackie Tristan had a little brother
Ukitake had several younger brothers we never saw
Technically one of the Lloyds, since Japan acknowledges the older and younger of twins
was always weird to me that Kubo never used toner for the skin of 107, or The U, or some of the other overtly black-ish characters, but then made it pretty clear in color pages that they were darker skinned.
god can you imagine working with kubo? no wonder his assistants leave as fast as fuck as they can when they finish for the day.
Disgusting. Yuushiro is for teasing in a non-sexual manner.
Yushiro and Soi Fon night out episode when?
>soi fon gives him spending money
i wonder if that translation was correct.
More ichiruki butthurt incoming, i hope. Can`t wait.
IchiTatsu is the real endgame pairing,calling it now
Source? Tweet or blogpost?
Most of the cast is dead, that's how they got to SS.
Now fuck off you triple nigger.
>overloading the senses
Is that what Suzumushi did?
I thought it just duplicated it's blades or something?
If true, that's pretty damn cool and should have been explored.
>kubo explore
no thanks
it did a weird host of things that were all sort of unrelated. sword duplicates, hypnotic sleep song, then the sensory blackout bankai. I guess you can relate them all back to the cricket theme at least, but that's about it. It was also a little odd that he took the sword from his dead friend and it retained shape for him. His bankai was also the longest named. Really, a lot of things about tousen just didn't quite line up right. Kubo sure did love giving him new outfits and hair though.
Do you have one of these images for Aizen?
I was about to say "no" but apparently I did make one, I just don't remember doing it.
Kazui x Ichika IS IchiTatsu 2.0
So it's never going to happen and Ichika's going to get left out of Kazui's adventures.
and here's one for Gin just to complete the trio. had to elongate gin's shots from mug to bust because his face prettymuch never changed
>despite a brief orange blur flashed in her mind.
She was thinking about Orihime again and the D cured her lesbialism?
I don't really see the Parallels desu
a reminder than when Byakuya first appeared with Renji, they didn't have a captain's haori or lieutenant's badge, and their relationship was implied to be more that of a feudal lord and his retainer than that of an organization's manager and assistant. When the idea of the gotei and captain status were introduced, Gin and Zaraki were the first of the 13 captains to appear after Byakuya.
i like that Kubo so totally pushed rangiku into the background that he forgot he'd cut her hair at the start of the bloodwar arc when he brought her back as a zombie.
and so long as I'm posting related characters. I find it funny that kubo almost immediately doubled back on Komamura's helmet design. It showed up once, saw zero action, and the next time he appeared it was totally different.
School uniform Rangiku is best.
honestly I always liked him better with his face covered. The very first helmet and the one he wore as a seated gotei member are my favorites. They have a japanese monk sorta vibe about them.
He looks alot like Josh Groban before he pushed his hair up
i never realized but when he turned evil he lost his pronounced lowerlip thing
>They have a japanese monk sorta vibe about them.
His zan is 'Heavenly Punishment'.
Given how many characters show an attraction to Orihime, I'm not counting out the possibility she's descended from literal semen demons.
Yes, I'm aware, which is why I said the monk look suits him. As opposed to the Y/T shaped visor helmet he had fighting Bambietta, or even the weird rigged bolted bucket thing he had fighting Zaraki.
Pretty sure the helmet is based off the full-cover helmets that they used to wear in feudal Japan to disgrace ronin
Look at the chapter where Kyoraku releases him and offers him to sit on Da chair. He has his lower lip back.
Kubo never gave this motherfucker the screentime nor fights he deserved
>Watch me make this guy job
>By making him explain his abilities in detail
His bankai's literally "BlackRope DivinePunishment WisdomKing" "WisdomKing" being the literal translation of the Japanese for a Vajrayana, a category of buddhist deities.
i was thinking more a komuso monk's tengai mask(?)/helmet(?)/hat(?)/basket(?) dunno what to call that particular article of headwear.
>dunno what to call that particular article of headwear
You and me both, that's the one I meant. I was actually really fond of Komamura and Tousen's opposing themes (Heavenly Monk v. Devil Cricket) and thought it was among the better fights in the Winter War.
Reminder that he was suppose to be Ichigo and Tatsuki's teacher
Where was that page of him hanging in the background before his first central appearance?
He's really no better or worse than the average Captain in terms of win/loss ratio, but his perception ability is way above average and was one of the first to figure out that Aizen Sosuke was an 'enemy'.
i don't think shinji ever made an actual premature appearance in the story. he was on the first cover page though. He showed up a chapter before his introduction as kind of a plot hook bridging the two arcs though.
>More ichiruki butthurt incoming
Is this what Bleach is all about now? Thats pretty sad
another funfact for komamura: his familyname is written
"Koma" as in 狛犬:"komainu"
1. (stone) guardian lion-dogs at Shinto shrine
Wikipedia definition
2. Komainu, often called lion-dogs in English, are statue pairs of lion-like creatures either guarding the entrance or the inner shrine of many Japanese Shinto shrines or kept inside the inner shrine itself, where they are not visible to the public. The first type, born during the Edo period, is called sandō komainu, the second and much older type jinnai komainu . They can sometimes be found also at Buddhist temples, nobility residences or even private homes.
"Mura" meaning "village"
Japanese family names pretty much work the same as in the west; they're either taken from the place the family lived in or the job the family had. So Komamura was always implied to be from a literal "Guardian Lion-Dog Village"
As for his given name...
"Sa" meaning "left" as in left-hand side, but also coloquially used to mean "following" in regards to things like Japanese vertical writing where text starts top right and reads down within a column, and leftwards from column to column.
"Jin" meaning a "battle formation" or a "military encampment" or sometimes just "position" in regards to military movements.
It's a little less portentous but to me it sounds like another play on the komainu. Since they guard locations and come in pairs the name he was given seems to suggest he was the left side of the pair assigned to a military camp at birth or at least upon being named.
It's going to be risque sketches of the two main couples in cuddling in bed naked, their naughty bits covered by blankets.
There will also be no acknowledgement of what happened to the characters whose fates we know nothing of. Nobody is satisfied except for a subset of teenage girls who got way too invested in the romance. Kubo stumbles off into the sunset to do God-knows-what.
it'll be the Karin/Sakura/Salad debaucle thing all over again
All I want is a minicomic showing Ichigo walking Orihime home. His or hers doesn't matter.
He should do wedding reception shots of both couples with various other the characters in the background.
Ichirukists spent years spamming that Bleach was about Ichiruki. Now that it's over, all that's left are their tears.
>that Bleach was about Ichiruk
It was. The mistake was assuming the focus on their relationship was a romantic one, which while up in the air for 99% of the manga, Kubo took specific care to tiptoe around.
>It was
It stopped being the case before the SS arc was even done.
Bullshit,I've been here for a long time and the times that Bleach threads were about ruki/a/ was only a handful,and even then you Ichihimefags were the ones to always start a shit flinging contest with those autists.
I knew I shouldn't have counted on Kubo to avoid pandering to shippers but I thought wrong,sad how it all went down and now a shitty and boring ship like IchiHime is the only cause for celebration among you retards
>It was.
It was not. It was all about Aizen heroic deeds for humanity.
Okay, let's not descend into shipping arguments again. Instead, post your favorite character designs.
>ichihimefags are evil, we ichirukists are not! i swear, guys!
Don Kanonji was fucking awesome design wise desu
>it was for the climax of the shinigami sub arc
>it was for the bulk of the soul society arc
and yes aizen drama hijacked the end of that
>it was for the epilogue of the arrancar arc
and yes obviously the start of that arc was Orihime's
>it was for the climax of the fullbringer arc
evoking all the previous emphasis on their relationship
and then yes she got written out of the bulk of the bloodwar arc, as did practically everyone.
but the bulk of Ichigo's character moments were either rukia or hollow/zangetsu centered. It was never about them having any romantic compatibility, it was about her being there as a friend to motivate him when he got all mopey.
don't even start this shit. yes the bottom line is that all shippers are garbage, but as far as Cred Forums's history with bleach goes the rukia fanboys never produced anything as cancerous as parkranger, nor was there as strong a fallout on either to for or against front from anything rukia related. They've had shitposting image spammers at worst, nothing as delusional as what a small handful of orihime fans managed to sink to.
>the rukia fanboys never produced anything as cancerous as parkranger
This is complete bullshit. I was in every bleach thread last two months. And you were pure fucking cancer, my dear landwhale.
Only the manga design though. I never liked the weird prosthetic arm they gave her in the anime.
>last two months
There you go lad
I was not regular here for a long time, but ichirukists were always like this. So stop with your lie.
>When you've grown so powerful, your mustache covers most of your body
Yeah sure shitposter-kun, and Ichihimefags arent any better :^)
They made Ichika, so I'm fine with that.
Fuck off.
SOL spinoff never ever.
What if the new volume KUBO retcons the ichihime ending and replaces it with the Ichiruki ending he originally intended where Ichigo is stuck in soul society? Remember shunsui saying Ichigo would never be able to return? Yeah....
>the Ichiruki ending he originally intended
Go back to tumblr.
It truly is something epic. Byakuya always has the same expression. ALWAYS, but in that one moment he is thrown off guard.
Kubo doing that to piss off IchiHimerrorists? I would love that but nah it aint happenin
Wow dude this is cancerous. I never knew howmuch I would hate a renruki ending but I now know it's absolutely disgusting. Renji almost got rukia killed in the chapter he was introduced. KUBO is a sick fuck
>Renji almost got rukia killed in the chapter he was introduced. KUBO is a sick fuck
So did Byakuya, but I don't see anyone saying shit about that. Instead they rave about what a great brother he became after the SS arc.
Yeah. Kubo is a sick fuck. He hates Rukia.
Fuck them both. It's KUBOS fault for butchering his characters. Soul society should have stayed evil.
>Renji catches up to Rukia in the human world
>Unbeknownst to him, Rukia's gigai is a special one that will turn her to a human
>He expects her to have more powers than she does at the moment
>Because of that, Rukia is cut in half by his first attack he thought she could dodge
I mean, all things considered, this could've happened if it wasn't for the plot.
Renji is an absolute twat.
Of course it's not my favorite design, but i like how Kubo took the standard anime monk design and made it funny one moment and horrifying the next. Even Ywach called him disgustingly creepy, and Ichibei is supposed to be the good guy.
>ywn be able to hug him ;_;
Get a fucking grip. The story stopped being IR-centric after the SS arc. I mean ffs even after Rukia gives Ichigo back his powers and gives him that mentor-like speech, Kubo doesn't show them just having a normal convo. He doesn't even bother to have Ichigo and her say bye before he leaves SS at the end of the arc.
I really loved their relationship in the beginning, but then it got so fucking boring.
-they would argue(like ichigo does with literally 95% of the cast)
-then she kicks/hits him(got old real quick for me)
-gives him a mentor-like speech and/or puts him in his place with tough love(just like isshin/yoruichi/renji/tatsuki/ganju have-hell even chad with how he threw ichigo and scolded him over the whole uryu being on yhwachs side drama)
What the fuck do they mean by closure moment? Why would Ichigo and Rukia need a closure moment? And from what exactly?
It's their fault for thinking that the story was all about ~the blackmoon/white sun~(titles that werent even used in canon btw, just on fucking databooks)
Most likely gonna be related to Kazui and Yhwach. The final sketches will confirm, or deny if Kazui inherited Yhwach's power and is the current king.
>He doesn't even bother to have Ichigo and her say bye before he leaves SS at the end of the arc.
I'm sorry, what?
Do people honestly believe that Yonkou has info on the last volume?
At the end of the FB arc, Ichigo is leaving SS. Why not include a scene of him and Rukia talking before he leaves?
The only real conversation we got from them in the last few years was the one in the hospital. Even their last interaction is just bickering over their very different parenting skills, which dumbasses read as "passion".
I love it when a fun and cheerful guy decides it's time to take the gloves off and start wrecking shit.
Ichiruki logic. Don't question it.
He said on twitter he expects some kind of a shitstorm.
"he's been to my blog before"
i cannot DEAL
>closure moment
I guess it's about the kind smile ichigo gave everyone but rukia. After a heartfelt moment with a character in the final arc Ichigo had a closeup panel with a kindhearted smile on his face. Ichirukis were mad he didn't smile to rukia like that.
He didn't with Chad either. All they had was the thumbs-up moment.
If they wanna take that as the Ichigo/Chad moment(which they probably do since they havent complained about it) then they might as well take the scene where Rukia thanks Ichigo in the hospital as the Ichigo/Rukia moment.
There is a manifesto written by one of DB's admins where she talks about a friend of a friend visiting Kubo during one of his interviews and how kubo promised to give Ichiruki romantic moments.
They concider the entire EBTR arc as a prove for ichiruki.
I have to go to bed
Just checked and the only bleach related tweet of his is about having to wait for the final volume. He doesn't anything about a future shit-storm.
It's literally impossible for him to know the extra contents of the final volume. It doesn't come out till 11/4.
Taiga will literally not survive giving birth
That smug bastard
His rant over Orihime was inspired by the non-stop hateful tweets towards her character. How the hell are you going to insult one of his favorite female characters(stated once a few years back) hen turn around and beg for more I/R interaction in the same damn tweet?
He shut down his acc on Orihime's birthday.
Thanks. He probably thinks Kubo will add more Ichihime and Renruki content.
Kubo loves symbolism and numerology.
I'm excited to see the cover art and sketches of this final volume. I wonder if Kubo added a few more scenes to the last chapter.
>Kubo loves symbolism and numerology.
Kubo shuts down his twitter on her birthday, because he hates her yet gives her a happy ending where she won the ichibowl and is currently raising a family with him??
>because he hates her
Wut. No.
I think that's what the other person was trying to imply, since he brought up the fact that Kubo closed his twitter account on her birthday.
He obviously doesn't hate her. Even I/R fans who are blind with hate towards her character can see that.
I still don't understand why Kubo ended Bleach the way he did. I mean, I know he was planning for Ichigo and Orihime to end up together, but I thought Ichigo was finally going to walk Orihime home or something like that. I wasn't expecting a full-on view of their domestic life. Still kind of mad we won't know what happened to the others until the last volume, and even then, some might slip through the cracks.
There is a rumor about the last volume thai it will have 12 chapters. He might add something.
>12 chapters.
Definitely just a rumor. At most, we'll get one extra chapter.
I think he's going add a few more panels to the last chapter if anything.
I don't get what Kubo was thinking either. I think he knew the timeframe he was working with since it ended on the 15th anniversary-a number always associated with Ichigo + JUMP isn't going to tell him "hey bud, wrap this up in the next two chapters". It's just that he once again introduced too many characters, dedicated a bunch of chapters on stupid shit(said characters), introduced too many story-lines, and continued on with his awful pacing.
I do think he intended for the whole married, raising a family happy ending though since it's a standard for the fighting shounen MC-kenshin/naruto/db are the first that come to mind.
>staring at each other
this happens a lot
>running a hand through the other's hair
>embracing one another
Come to think of it, I can't remember any scene of "A & B hugged, and it was a tender moment" in Bleach. There's:
- Shinji and Nel glomping Orihime and Ichigo, respectively, but the recipients don't hug back.
- Gigi hugging Bambi, but it's in a creepy way.
- Rangiku and Orihime hug, but the panel is small and the drawing chibi
What if Kubo reveals in the last volume that Uryu is seeing or engaged to a cute nurse?
That's dad. Ototo is Marejirosaburou.
Good for Uryu then.
Unlike Salad though, Kazui and Ichika's parentages are obvious in their physique.
>Renji almost got rukia killed
No he didn't. He was posturing at her in order to scare her into surrendering, and the conversation beforehand, when he and Byakuya were just two faceless dudes:
>capture or kill
>this isn't a job for a shinigami
even suggests that he's reluctant about doing it
The most you can say about Renji in his first chapter is manhandling and looking to happy about attacking her.
He talked to LoN, that's where I have it from.
>Unlike Salad though
Sarada is super obvious though.
-Sasuke in the looks department.
-Sakura personality wise, especially temper.
Then Uryu's dad failed him
Temperament is nurture and nature. Your evironment can greatly affect how you turn out mentally.
>He talked to LoN
But how would LoN get that info? He use to get the spoilers from Yonkou all the time. Unless they personally know Kubo or his editors or someone at JUMP then shouldn't it be impossible to know the contents of the final volume this early? According to amazon jp, it's out 11/4.
No, I mean LoN and Yonkou were talking and Yonkou said he looked forward to the shitstorm when the volume is released.
Actually Yonkou sounds more apologetic to Bleach with each passing day. Kind of like these threads.
>Actually Yonkou sounds more apologetic to Bleach with each passing day.
Doesn't really comment on it from what I've seen.
He has said that he misses Bleach and that the shitstorm over its ending surpassed the Naruto shitstorm.
This doesn't sound like he has info, but more like us expecting shipfags to shitstorm on the slightest bit of anything. We know there will be a cover, a volume title, a poem and chapter sketches. Any of those could be the trigger.
>he misses Bleach and that the shitstorm over its ending surpassed the Naruto shitstorm.
He misses the shitstorm if anything since he didn't even read bleach. It was the first time I saw him getting attacked over spoilers(I/Rs not wanting to accept the ending/calling him a liar etc), he probably thought it was hilarious.
Wth, there's no need to speculate as if it's an unknown, it's simply counting the number of chapters not yet published in volume form (675 to 686).
Would Kubo be able to fit one more chapter in the final volume?
IchiRuki is the canon OTP
Non-romantic, but a pairing nonetheless
Kirge was the best Sternritter.
Baraggan was the best Espada.
What would it be like having Rukia as an older sister?
Renji was the black sun all along user.
>not Ass Kin
What was appealing about kirge? The fact that he's just the typical evil psycho who gets a meltdown when he starts losing where he acts like a drooling enraged lunatic?
literally the same shit
You can pick up personality through upbringing, and she was raised by Sakura.
But physically, she looks like little Sasuke, and Kishi's sameface syndrome is worse than Kubo's so identifying the Sakura in her through things like eyebrow/eyelash/etc is hard as well. On top of that he gave her glasses the same shape as Karin's. He's really setting up for that Maury gaiden.
No, he isn't, but he will be.
For the majority of your childhood she would be taller than you, so it could be really bad. Unless she would see her little brother like a cute thing instead of something that needs to be straightened up. At least being taller than Rukia blunts her edge.
You would have the privilege of reviewing her art all the time, of course.
>On top of that he gave her glasses the same shape as Karin's.
Weren't they a gift from Karin to Sarada?
>not wanting to fuck Yuushirou right now
What's wrong with you?
They're precious nakama. Let it go.
this is a cute family.
he's not a pedo for a start.
Very cute. Ichika is probably the perfect mix of her parents-bossy, spunky, confident, and just a bit haughty.
Renji has been in the family greeting card since 9 years ago.
Of course. He was accepted back in the SS arc when Byakuya told him his fang reached him.
That whole collection was really nice.
I want to know what Nel came up with
The last volume will come with a manga or anime sequel announcement, you heard it here first.
>no closure for HitsuHina
Are we supposed to interpret that they've simply drifted apart and not that close anymore since the Aizen thing?
Shut up, cancer.
And he probably already had some idea the moment he accepted Renji as a vice-captain.
>only fanfic will give me a resolution to this relationship
Why did you do this Kubo?
Well Hinamori has her new captain to suck up to now.
>Are we supposed to interpret that they've simply drifted apart and not that close anymore since the Aizen thing?
Nah, look at the panel you posted. Kubo was teasing us.
Askin was so fucking awesome, I never rooted for fictional character this much before. Not a single bit of edgyness despite being a major villain, calm and rational despite looking goody as fuck. He could work perfectly as a good character without any changes in his personality, and despite this he worked very well as an antagonist. He really was the best thing in the final arc and (personally to me) one of the best things in the manga.
Kubo has that same problem with same face.
Yes they were gifted to her from Karin
Waiting for ichiruki specialists to analyse this picture.
I can practically hear Rangiku wolf-whistling.
Was there anything worth talking about in the first place?
>Waiting for ichiruki specialists to analyse this picture.
"rukia is wearing orange-which is ichigos color. ichiruki confirmed once again, kubo just doesnt stop with these two XD"
>closure for HitsuHina
I wouldn't be surprised if Kubo adds a little something for them this final volume. Toshiro obviously has feelings for her.
>This doesn't fit my interpretation of Bleach, so I ignore it.
>muh sticker is much better
>jap fans love ichiruki
Good. I can continue to ship Hitsukarin without feeling like a total delusional fag.
>jap fans love ichiruki
This is true, though. It's just that they're not obsessed with IchiRuki to the point of throwing a tantrum when it didn't happen.
>>This doesn't fit my interpretation of Bleach, so I ignore it.
>>muh sticker is much better
>>jap fans love ichiruki
-Bring up their english degrees to proof that they're reading bleach-a manga aimed at teenagers-the "right" way
-Take the sticker and musical seriously when those two things are very blatant fanservice to bring in $$$
-Constantly with the whole ~chemistry~ argument even though the I/R bond has been the same since forever. They argue, she hits him, gives him a mentor-like speech, and thats it.
-Constantly bring up colorspreads and the whole ~black sun and white moon~ titles. The beach spread was obviously fanservice and the black moon/white sun was used on fucking databooks. Not even in canon.
-Sure its the most bleach popular pairing back in Japan, but they still didnt rage or brag about burning their shit(if they did) when the final chapter came out.
What pisses you off more? Never seeing Aizen's bankai or never seeing what Ichigo's new bankai did?
Never seeing what Ichigo's new bankai did. Kubo probably couldn't come up with anything.
That's easily one of my favorite panel in the serie. What a fucking waste of all the hype
Ichigo's Bankai for sure. I mean, he's the main fucking character, and we didn't even get to see his ultimate technique? What kind of bullshit is that?
Me too!
yonkou plz
There's another reply that's even funnier. He goes "congrats you played yourself"
Yonkou also says that Bleach wasn't cancelled and was likely already given an end date when this arc started.
Say what you want about the art but everything else sucks until the very end.
>Yonkou also says that Bleach wasn't cancelled and was likely already given an end date when this arc started.
Obviously. Kubo just fucked it up like he usually does-too many characters, too many chapters dedicated to characters/fights that dont matter, too many storylines introduced, and his infamous awful pacing.
Where the fuck was his editor through all of this?
Jumping the ship and getting "promoted".
Ichiruki autists are asking Kudo (Bleach anime director) if Kubo's Instagram is legit.
They really gotta let it go, holy shit.
Didn't Kubo say somewhere that Hitsugaya and Momo's relationship was platonic?
Shinji's temperament is better for Momo's mental wellbeing anyway.
We all user, we all
The only thing I remember seeing is that one big relationship chart the implies they have mutual feelings of caring about one another or something like that.
>tfw no shota to bully
poor rangiku
No he didn't
His art-style turned into generic dogshit after Soul Society
His best artwork was in the first arc when it was actually unique
Dude, did you see ANY drawings post Soul Society? There were very little 'bad' drawings to begin with.
>editor san
>fuck this faggot im leaving
>fuck this shit shifts over lets ditch this faggot and go to a bar
POTTERY for one such as kubo.
They were close, and then she left him for the academy, then she got Aizen'd and he was really, really angry at Aizen. He stayed at her side waiting for her to recover, but when she did he got Kyouka Suigetsu'd into stabbing her. After that, nothing.
Though it's not something unique to them because Kubo seems averse to having people resolve relationship issues onscreen.
Renji wants so say something to Byakuya after their fight? Denied, here's an Ichigo ruining the moment.
Ichigo and Tatsuki had a huge fight in front of classmates? Skip to next arc, they're back to how they've always been!
Isshin was Rangiku & Hitsu's captain? Nope, no reunion.
Ryuuken and Uryuu? Sup son, here's a silver arrow made from dissecting your mom's corpse. Ok dad, your neglecting me to grandpa's care and the childhood trauma of watching an autopsy are all forgiven.
Vizards? Suddenly captains, just assume they're pardoned now. Seireitei's ~~changed~~, you know.
He doesn't smoke pot
Idiot. Masaki has never once had a bad word to say about Kubo. He even thanks Kubo for giving him the opportunity of being his editor. Bleach is one of his major successes.
She'll find other shotas to bully. She just won't have the convenience of having one at work.
You're honestly retarded and you need to stop reading too much hentai
Either an end date or a set number of volumes or chapters. Bleach, including negative numbered chapters, have 700 chapters.
Kubo's "run by personal assistant" instagram is obviously fake though. Too much English, too basic Japanese, no (to my knowledge) original content.
Kubo's editors that I know:
First - Asada
>vol 23 comment: It's been four years since I've worked with my first editor, yet his is still the first name in my address book. I'm surprised just how little my social life changed in the last four years. My resolution for this year is to make a new friend whose name will come before "Asada".
Second - Onodero
Third - Kawashima
>12/4/2013 12/4: My editor changed for the first time in a long time. Thank you, Onodero! Nice to meet you, Kawashima!
Is Masaki the first name of one of them or another editor?
>that bottom panel
the fact that Ryuken shows up and NTR's Ichigo will never not be funny
Hitsugaya belongs in Rangiku's massive chest
yonkou is a gay nigga
They were generic
And starting with the fullbring arc he started going extreme same-face
Does THIS look like same face?
And don't give me that crap about Juha Bach and Old Man Manifestation. There was a huge reason for them to look practically alike.
Lady looks like a chinese Jackie.
Fat lady, cross dressing hachi
Teeth-guy.. teeth.
Ironic, considering what Isshin ran off with Ryuken's fiancée.
How does Senjumaru look like Jackie? Jackie has a huge nose and a more saging face
How does Hikifune look like Hachi? This isn't even viable.
You are REALLY trying to project.
686 normal
-17, -15, -12.5
So I apparently counted wrong, but it only came up to 701. What's the other 4?
The two prequel chapters and another one.
Apparently, Ichiruki autists have been complaining about that Instagram for awhile now.
Well, that's obvious. Still funny seeing Ichirukifags lose their heads over something so insignificant.
whoops. replace with
Jackie has bigger nose.
Hikifune and Hachi looks nothing alike, you might as well say they look like Oomaeda as their only similarity is being fat.
>Apparently, Ichiruki autists have been complaining about that Instagram for awhile now.
Wait, do they think that's his real instagram?
I think that Kubo seems to prefer Hina/Shinji.
>isshin marries a kind and beautiful woman
>kaein marries a kind and beautiful woman
>ichigo marries a kind and beautiful woman
>isshin cucks ryuuken
>ichigo cucks uryu
the pottery
This insta posts mangastream covers. Why are people even bothering?
No, that was a reaction to an Ichihime fan thinking it's real and posting a private message answer from it.
I don't get why people are losing their shit over a fake insta account.
Ryuken cockblocked Ichigo so hard in that scene. I think he wanted her for Ishida.
>Renji marries and angry midget
What does it mean?
He wants da Kuchiki dosh.
Renji likes cute girls who will talk down to him, the pervert.
Renji married his dream girl.
Ichigo married everyone's dream girl.
Reminder that Kubo said this about the Renruki parting scene:
“In that episode, there was a scene where Rukia, played by Orikasa-san, made a shudder run through me for the first time. When Renji put his hands on Rukia’s shoulders, Rukia said, “…I see… Thanks.” and removed his hand. I was thrilled and surprised at the way she said “I see”. It made me think, “Wow! So this is what was going on!”
The last line makes me think that they were both in love with each other which is why Rukia was so hurt when he let her go so easily.
What's going to happen to poor Uryuu's kid?
Find out in the Bleach sequel, in which Uryuu thinks up ways to end his family's curse of cuckoldry while contemplating whether ending the quincy line with himself is better for the world or not.
>poor Uryuu's kid
What do you think is gonna happen?
>bleach sequel
no thanks unless its SoL spin off to further explain the world. .
Kubo introduces busty deredere airhead.
Ishida3 is fond.
We find out Kazui destroys he vag in final chapter.
Ishida is still lonely on rooftop.
Uryuu has a daughter who develops a painful crush on Kazui, but inevitably loses him to another girl.
It's mostly assumption, honestly. You could interpret some of Oda's statements towards Kubo as hiding contempt for him, but we don't know for sure.
the Kubo instagram is pretty much confirmed for real due to several full color spreads that have never been released yet with Kubo's signature on them
But Rukia is a kind and beautiful woman.
No. It's not. That instagram posts translated shit from mangastream. Why would Kubo share pirated material?
When has he ever talked about Kubo, though?
Which ones?
there will never be a non-ntr wife-swap doujin
he peaked with the vizards and then never used them.
Don't ever talk to me or my Slavic daughter again.
At least Orihime got everything she wanted.
Who's the favorite aunt?
Who did the left one? It isn't ONE from Mob Psycho, is it?
>implying ONE can draw
The one that gives the best hugs.
I don't think it was him, but all I can read is ONE.
>bottom row
That isn't from bleach right?
And there's a slash there too. Who do you think he's partnered with?
Playing soccer with aunt Karin would be a lot of fun.
Zombie powder an earlier work from kubo
Need another coloring book
Pretty sure it's Yusuke Murata, artist of Eyeshield 21 and, most famously, the redraw of One Punch Man.
they're all so cute
unpopular opinion, but i love the cast of bleach
Post your favorite non canon ship
The cast is the main driving force for this series. Most of people would've dropped it if it weren't for the diversity of characters to root for.
Ironically, the huge cast is also one of the multiple reasons that made people drop the serie.
>Most of people would've dropped it if it weren't for the diversity of characters to root for.
You're right. Also I really love Kubo's art-style, especially when he's conveying grief/sorrow.
>Ironically, the huge cast is also one of the multiple reasons that made people drop the serie.
The huge cast would've be fine if Kubo knew how to properly handle it.
I can't help it. Curse those damn filler episodes.
>muh first arc
>muh urban fantasy
>muh slice of life
it clearly peaked in the Soul Society arc.
Hey,at least you got some cute episodes :(,who cares if it isnt canon
I agree with that. If Ichigo rescued Rukia and the series ended it would be one of my favorites.
honestly the point it peaked for me between narrative hooks and art was a mix of the tail end of soul society arc and the very start of the arrancar arc. It was at the right point where just enough interesting questions had begun being asked unlike the start of the SS arc, and before all the disappointing halfassed answers started rolling in by middle of the arrancar arc.
>Who said the numbers go from 1 to 10?
I'm still nettled
Is OT3 allowed ?
Technically, they never really got together because one of them died before they could. I feel fucked up for wanting this even though Gin is a grade-A dickhead who didn't give a shit about collateral damage and had a stupid sense of priorities. Seriously, a lot of the reasons why this isn't canon are his fault, but I still find myself wishing he didn't run off after Aizen.
Yeah. Something like Shunsui's kimono.
Was the chart even finished?
That's not lazy, that's aesthetic.
right because a hoard of paisley, plaid, or houndstooth plastered villains would've looked so good. Toner patterns hardly look good when they are used appropriately, never mind if they were to be arbitrarily shoehorned in at every turn. Shunsui's kimono only really worked because it specifically had that thick white interior fold to buffer it from the rest of the design. And Chad's basically the only other character who pulled off a toner pattern and that had to be in the specific context of his floral print shirts. Shinji might have been able to pull it off though.
Think Lab was too beside himself to finish it and you can't really harp on him for that either.
My ship > your ship
Isane and Unohana
there is no way this isn't canon
he invented a younger brother to remove Soi Fon from the equation
Kubo is definitely hiding a dark skinned blonde catboy from the epilogue
Jinta and Yuzu
He was really pushing the despair meme for the final fight.
honestly hate that their daughter inherited red hair instead of black
holy fuck is that an actual picture from the comic?
whats the hell was the author thinking
of course it's not, you can see where the shitty magic eraser stumbled around the toner and crosshatching and panel borders
I suspect Ichiruki to see things through the same fanfic goggles.
How bad are your eyes?
No, the Ritter designs were garbage, especially Bach's.
Teased about, hinted, logical, almost canon, practically canon, whateverwecallit is still not canon.
No, Mayuri got away with all the supervillain shit he did during the SS arc.
He looks like Aizen's faggot brother.
Mayuri got away
Soukyoku is rebuilt
Central 46 members are replaced
Rukongai life still sucks
The quincy is fucking wiped
Bleach is about the journey to adulthood, where you started out believing in your potential to change the world, and then grew to realize you really can't.
Ichigo really became the Establishment's bitch after the SS arc.
Well you may be on to something.
If he had permanently moved to SS it's like an analogy to terrorist recruitment.
>teen boy from good family, unsatisfied with life
>meet "inspiring person" who makes him feel like he's part of a greater movement
>give him missions, smaller at first then escalate
>start to forget his friends
>skip school
>keep secrets from family
>leave school
>cuts contact with family
>go to live with new group
Junko Enoshima would have LOVED that fight.
Now who is the most fucked up or redeemed of the three:
I would say Mayuri is the most redeemed because he clearly developed in each of his fights. He deserved to die but he literally saved Soul Society.
Ichirukis are jihadists. They wanted that to happen.
I still can't believe he got away with everything. All the heinous shit he pulled and now he gets to be a mom. I don't know why Kishi had to bring him back.
If anyone should get away with everything,it should be Hidan
Well they do sometimes act like a death cult..
Rukia's role was greatly diminished during the Soul Society arc, her own arc, to that of a damsel and save for the flashback chapters didn't do much besides being all gloomy. The end of the Soul Society arc had Ichigo and Rukia parting ways and it was the closure to Rukia and her character arc.
I don't know why Rukiafags insist that Bleach was about Ichigo and Rukia, the canonical relevance of Rukia officially ended 11 years ago.
What are the chances that Ichigo and Rukia cheats with eachother, when they are alone?
>Kubo telling rukiafags to fuck off
>They refuse to understand
You mean in canon? None.
He had to literally drug her and force her without her consent. I'm not sure if we can call it canon and he most likely fucked up his chances, since Yoruichi would never forgive him that,
Orihime was with them. No way she didn't heal the two and Giselle is hard to kill anyway.
Lille is also didn't die. Though he became a white flamingo.
I doubt Ichigo can even get hard for Rukia. She is so far from what he's shown to find attractive, physically and personality wise.
I have high doubts that Ichigo wouldn't at least get a little turned on by her bankai
It amplifies whenever Ichihime is brought up
Didn't react much to dem peaches.
Lille was likely killed by Kira, if not by him then Yhwach's Auswahlen would've absorbed any remaining Lille birds.
Her bankai doesn't involve big tits or being thicc,therefore I have high doubts Ichigo would.
Lab wasn't the one working on it, it was ChartAnon and he too disappeared.
I need a new artbook by Kubo. I need an interview.
Lille should be immune to the Auswahlen since he already lost his powers. And we don't know what happened to Kira either.
He's on vacation so we won't hear anything from him in a while.
I miss my weekly KUBOOOOOO.
When is the last time a shonen protagonist cheats on his significant other?
Desperate times call for desperate measures. They don't know how strong the Schutzstaffel can be, and that the only thing that saved their lives in the end is the Boss King being a selfish loner prick who treats subordinates like spareparts.
That's bullshit. It's just OPfags projecting their hate for Kubo onto Oda's words.
I like both series, but it truly is one of the more pathetic forms of fanwank there is. Oda has never shown contempt for Kubo or any other mangaka as far as we know.
Araki showed disdain for Shaman King's mangaka, that's the only "Jump mangaka feud" I can think of. Kubo generally gets along with everyone. The older mangaka don't get on their knees to suck his dick because they're his seniors.
>Kubo generally gets along with everyone
He doesn't seem to be close with anyone, and his author comments suggest that he doesn't make friends easily. The only JUMP mangaka who seems particularly close to him is Sorachi. I'm not saying that people dislike him though.
He didn't specifically say it was Shaman King.
Kubo reaches out to and occasionally promotes new mangaka. I think it's his way of paying it forward for what Toriyama did for him. Most newbies have immense respect for him. But yeah, Sorachi and Kubo go way back, so it's only expected that they are closer.
when you have over a hundred fucking characters eventually some of them are going to look a little similar
Boring gets his powers for free and fights that one renegade quincy who is even stronger than Ywach for some reason noone cares about
The autors' comments during bleach's final chapter seemed more heartfelt than the ones during Kochikame's final chapter. Kohei Horikoshi's was the cutest.
Horikoshi is old and sort of a recluse. KochiKame is long as fuck and I doubt any of them grew up reading it, like they did with Bleach.
If there is one spell I want Kazui to learn then it's Hadou #1 Oni Dekopin. Because it is simple it can be invoked without any incantation to great effect. It will be ultimate dissing move, similar to Ichigo's grabbing people by the face and throwing them.
>bad guy is wrecking the party
>Kazui appears and Hadous him to the next city with oni dekopin.
It would also be a sign that Isshin is spending time with his grandson.
Huh, strange. The shounen jump official channels and social media accounts haven't said a thing about Bleach since the initial ending announcement.
Let's not forget about sklaverei. That shit was hax as fuck and only Opie was smart enough to use it
To be fair Opie was the Jail, so presumably only he could use it on such a huge scale.
There is still radio kon in the wsj with info about the mobile game.