Re:Zero Kara Hajimeru Isekai Seikatsu
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So finished the anime
8/10 still mad about Rem but Emillia is cute, just hate how Ferrari being shithead
Rem is best girl, deal with it.
He loves both of then though. The anime just didn't include the scene where he makes that clear to Rem, but him promising to let her always stay by his side is pretty much a confession.
> In that instant, disregarding all the world, Subaru threw his punch.
> At the Spirit in front of his eyes, without a trace of hesitation, he swung with all his might. The Spirit, easily avoiding his strike, washed its face with astonishment.
> [Puck: What are you doing, all of a sudden?]
> [Subaru: Don’t you dare touch Rem. Not with your hands, or your words…]
He's so mad.
Is Rem a cuckold? How do we define female cuckoldry taking into account their biology and tendency to conform to the personalities of strong men?
The anime just made her seem more ok with it, while in fact she was pretty pushy about wanting to stay by his side even then, and she got it by getting Subaru to accept having Rem as his second wife, since he likes her as well.
I'd imagine Polygamy may not be that weird in that setting, but who knows.
>Death or Kiss VN
>will never be in English
I just want to give 200% of my loyalty to Crusch.
Rem knows she can't take Emilia's place in his heart so she just settles for hoping he'll shares some his love with her. Deal with that.
being the 2nd wife is still getting cucked.
anyone else hate how faces are done in the ln's?
Puck being an insensitive dick. He deserved shit to happen to him.
>being the 2nd wife is still getting cucked.
Not if you're a woman. Cuckoldry is weakness, it's self demeaning, it's willingly and knowingly killing your genetic lineage.
I'm not sure it's possible for women to be cuckolds.
ok then she's a side hoe
Apparently this is a thing: en.wikipedia.org
Oh shit is this the NTR king and the little bitch who fucked Rem's shit up?
Didn't imagine them to look like this to be honest.
>being the 2nd wife is still getting cucked
No, as long as they're can happily live together.
Thanks for putting the show's name in the OP, everybody would have missed this thread otherwise
>>anyone else hate how faces are done in the ln's?
Yes it's then.
Nigga, that image is the cringiest shit holy fuck.
>We never got to see thus
>anyone else hate how faces are done in the ln's?
The super round, kind of chipmunk face looks okay on Rem, but really weird on Ley. I don't really mind most of the other art.
>So apparently some people are saying you can see Betelgeuse's Fingers walking around the city through episodes 1-3.
>Did anyone notice that?
Is this true?
I think you could see Ketty earlier, not sure about the fingers.
>[Subaru: Reveal yourself, you fraud. ——–Don’t you dare fuck with me with the FACE OF MY REM! Don’t you dare fuck with me with the VOICE OF MY REMMMM!]
>Subaru made this declaration, and thrusted his fist at Rem—–at the fraud. The person that listened to Subaru’s declaration was at a loss for words.
Subaru gets so triggered whenever someone fucks with Rem jesus christ.
Puck wasn't even as harsh as I thought he would be. Subaru is just massively butthurt.
At least Ley was given the most punchable face.
Subaru is extremely flinchy over Rem, he even looked at Crusch angrily because she assumed Rem's feeling, even though she was implying something nice.
>[Subaru: That transformation power of yours paled in comparison to the other Witches’ powers, huh.]
>[Carmilla: Huh? I didn-I didn’t….transform. I-If I looked..like someone..else….tha-that was just….bec-because of your imag-imagination.]
>[Subaru: What?]
>[Carmilla: What I me-mean is……I-I didn’t even want to s…..see you. They told me that Echidna-chan is carrying it out, so……I used up all my lies, so……]
>[Carmilla: Even though Echidna-chan sa…..said to just spoil you….and then it…..it would go well….it tu-turned out like…….e-even when I told her no…]
>[Subaru: LISTEN…..!!]
>[Carmilla: E-everyone…..ganged up..o-on me..th-they bullied me……th…that’s right. E-even Echidna-chan..did. They did that and…terrible…..te-terrible..]
>[Subaru: Do you not understand what LISTEN MEANS!?]
Subaru calm the fuck down
The man is extremely sensitive about his second waifu.
Well I guess AU Subaru wasn't kidding when he said he won't let anyone look down on Rem, even Rem.
There Literally no good reason as to why Emilia is number 1 for him. Maybe its because they both have a connection to Satella but ths all i can think of
To be honest he has every right to be.
Not only are they belittling the person he probably loves the most in this world but also reminding him that his only pillar of support is no longer with him.
>Carmilla: E-everyone…..ganged up..o-on me..th-they bullied me……th…that’s right
Is this supposed to sound legit?
Because that's how he feels, or at least what he says. It might be better for him if he stopped trying to rank them at all, but that's for future arcs maybe.
Yes, and he hates everything about it.
>Carmilla’s grumbled whispers made Subaru’s irritation within him grow even worse. He hated her way of speaking; he hated the way she projected her gaze; he hated her frailness of looking down after sensing a gaze coming her way. Everything and anything irritated him. Her excessively delicate way of speaking, her seemingly irritated quarreling, what the hell was all that about? On top of not being able to clearly let out the words she wanted to say, she did not understand how she pretty much trampled all over Subaru’s deep care for that person with her own mimicry, while being unaware of just how deep his care for that person actually was.
He said that before he found out what happened to her. He may have changed his mind after all this.
We'll have to wait until she wakes up.
Camilla is a really awkward witch compared to all the others.
Man, this whole thing with subaru picking emilia over rem (Says it to her face too) and rem still clinging to him is really bad. Pick one or the other.
If he didn't start to lose breath due to Camilla's power, he would have most likely started to punch her.
If he would have gotten anything out of it though, depends on if Camilla doesn't have another power.
If Ferris didn't cockblock Rem and Subaru she honestly might have won.
As those two are the type that if they were to start, they would never stop.
Ram already pointed out how he's the type that doesn't choose, and he's going to get in trouble for that.
I honestly can imagine what happens when he meets ley epsecially how he can mimic her voice and shit
Flesh. Paste.
If Ley was able to piss off Beatrice and Otto. I can't imagine what his shittalking about Rem would do against Subaru.
I didn't recall Camilla from mythology so I read her blub and her Grecian version, Penthesilea:
>...she is said to have been killed by Achilles, "who fell in love with the Amazon [Penthesilea] after her death and slew Thersites for jeering at him".
Coincidence maybe, but amusing.
I think he would be fine with losing that precious thing to go all out with the bishop powers
People try to guess things about Rem's feelings, and that pisses him off. If he finds out that Ley not only took her away from him, but also gets full access to her memories, and likes to mock her for it.
Well, whatever his reaction may be, at first, what comes afterwards is not going to be nice for him, in any way. He may just have the most brutal death in the series.
Subaru would almost assuredly die trying to fight Ley, but he would probably try.
Unless that precious thing ends up being Rem. Then he'd probably Dark Lord Subaru.
Not if he goes ballistic with the witch powers he has.
He not only has invisible hands, but he also got Regulus time stop around self, which is the most OP of then all.
I can actually see that happening.
We don't know exactly how it works for Subaru though. I guess if he pushes it it gets stronger, but Subaru doesn't have something to put his heart in right?
By precious thing he means whatever gets take from him when he uses the witch powers he got.
problem is that it stops the heart
If he considers her wife #2 could he put his heart in Rem?
He can use it in short doses if he can't place it anywhere. Time stop, touch someone, they explode, you win.
the problem isn't him it's the situation written for him. Ofc it just so happens that the only 2 girls that like him are totally cool with sharing a husband.
I know, but like with his initial fear he wasn't sure what that means exactly. He just knows that if he pushes it he feels like he'll lose something precious.
He thought Satella would kill him, but it turns out she kills others, if its the same kind of deal here it could be very bad, like losing control of the arm and choking Petra to death or something.
Fairly sure Emilia didn't give the ok just yet, especially since she can't even remember Rem.
Emilia isn't cool about it though. Emilia is a jealous type. Remember when she kicked Subaru when Shaula gave him a hug back in arc 6?
doesnt Emilia have a hint of jealously to her when Subaru is around other girls like how shaula hugged him then Emilia kicked him
Shaula is a completely unrelated girl who hugged him out of nowhere, and act all clingy and stuff. If she'll act the same way towards Rem or not, depends on if she wakes up, and when they most likely talk it out.
Yeah, Emilia is apparently bothered by the attention that Subaru gives Rem in Arc 2/The month between arc 2 and 3.
why does shaula act clingy anyway?
Even if Ley can't eat Subaru, he can still pop Eclipse, and then it's a fun evening of demon dick for Subaru. Subaru hasn't been able to use the Authority of Greed yet, so he'd just have his one Sloth hand. And his whip. Which he leveled DEX for.
>The instant he decides to use it, some eerie and estrange thing starts crawling inside Subaru's body.
>That thing which had stopped moving had once again started claiming its existence the moment it realized Subaru had called it, and was anxiously waiting for the moment it could display its power.
>The ominous sensation of giving some food to a monster quickly pierces Subaru.
>Consciously ignoring that, Subaru pours his orders into that dark power and firmly decides to open the path from his interior to the exterior world.
>Subaru had some feelings of rejection to use this power even if he had to bear unbearable pain.
>Regardless, he would continue clinging to what he had to cling to, use what he could use and continue making use of whatever he could get his hands on to continue living.
>In other to save none other than the people Subaru himself wished to save.
>Subaru draws from the trigger like a bow, aiming for the center of Elsa who was holding her two daggers.
>All that was left was release it and Elsa's slender body would be teared up and pierced.
>A muddy and wriggling thing starts flowing into Subaru's blood vessels and running through his body.
>Feeling as if his breathing could be visible, as if it was covered by a profound heat, Subaru could foresee the future in which the unfathomable dark nails would cut Elsa in half.
>Just like this, if he could continue offering everything he had, then―
The witch is jealous!
She reminds him of her former master Fugel.
oh yeah I forgot they have 2 other powers the Eclipse and that other thing cant remeber what it was called
She thinks Subaru is her old teacher Flugel, because he smells just like him due to Flugel apparently having the same heavy scent of the witch.
It's implied he's also from earth, and the witch of sloth mentions that aside from Subaru, only 2 other people have meet more than 3 witches in quick sucession, those being Flugel, and the first sword saint Reid.
Apparently Subaru looks nothing like Flugel, but Shaula believes it has to be him due to the scent.
>Witch powers don't corrupt people
What the fuck is this then? It sounds exactly like freaking corruption.
You're walking in the forest with your waifu and this guy slaps your waifu's ass with his invisible hand.
What do you do?
Turn him into roadkill
Get a new waifu? Isn't that probably fatal?
But Betelgeuse is my waifu
It's called a sin. Which is not good.
>My Rem
I know its stupid and selfish but the fact that he has calls her that makes me so happy. Especially when Rem replies to Subaru "Your Rem" all the time.
Every time I see pictures of this cringey looking creature I want to rape her and impregnate her.
Is this how her lust powers work?
Tell him that we must repay love with love.
Then I teleport behind and chop his head off.
Can we get background for the other witches as well?
Rem please, go back to sleep.
Remind him that he's not the one.
Are all the archbishops just as crazy and fantical about the witch as Betelgeuse?
These two look pretty chill like they don't give a shit about anything.
beetlejuice is the only archbishop that loves the witch everyone else is in it for themself
One cares only about eating. The other just likes to collect wives.
Stop that.
Go on.
No. They're all crazy for different reasons, but Pete was the only one who cared about the witch. Which is why he was basically the entirety of the Witch Cult himself for 400 years.
Lost of Japanese Re:Zero look to be celebrating EMT's birthday today. Including a lot of Remfags, I've getting the feeling that unlike Cred Forums Emilia and Remfags are actually cool with eachother in Japan. They don't seem to ahve any hard feelings on who Subaru chooses and don't hate on either character. That's pretty nice.
This is his dream. To touch the witch himself
It seems like a pretty typical description of dark magic imo.
>I feel affinity…and warmth… Something universal, nostalgia…even…
>Those who discover Dark…realise this… And…they never come back.
Unfortunately I don't really know any for the others. I just read the Re:Zero wiki for the background info on Camilla and then looked up her myth on Wikipedia.
forgot pic
Remfags don't hate Emilia. They hate Emiliafags, hence why they hate Emilia by association.
Background on the name origins?
Yes please.
Ram, Rem, Roswaal, Betty, Otto? Who's hand is bandaged?
Does Otto end up being an important character? He seems like more than just another random
I maintain that Rem will turn out to be Pride.
>Able to smell Satella, something very few people outside the Witch Cult can do
>Called "also a follower of Love" by Petelgeuse
>Poor self-esteem matches the other Archbishops' contradictory personalities
Except Betelgeuse was only a member for 100 years.
can you imagine her and all her hands touching you? *shudder*
>I maintain that Rem will turn out to be Pride.
More like Rem would be Hope.
Echidna is the mother of monsters in Greek Myth. Notably she was Typhon's mate and a lot of the monsters stem from them both (See below)
Typhon is a Titan with hundreds of dragon heads on his shoulders that was the greatest enemy the greek gods had to fight to defeat the Titans.
Sekhmet is an egyptian lion-headed goddess of war.
Minerva is the Roman name for Athena, so Goddess of Wisdom and Strategy.
Daphne is a water spirit from greek mythology, but I can't recall much about her offhand.
Spergs will be spergs user. They're loud so they make it seem like everyone else who likes character X is retarded.
>That pic
I can only get so erect user.
>Minerva is the Roman name for Athena, so Goddess of Wisdom and Strategy.
>Is the most naive one of them all
Shocking truth.
They don't all have contradictory personalities. The gluttons really like eating.
And Pete just acknowledged her resolve, she doesn't meet any other qualification like the scent of the witch.
More at 11
Why do nips love that hand formation of the middle finger and ring ringer together?
Is it just me or does this fan coloring looks like it would easily pass off as official?
>puck is the spirit of fire
>uses ice powers
Elsa's VA makes me rock hard.
Drawing hands is really hard, part of it is making space for the four fingers, which is why western cartoons often only have 3 fingers. Putting the two middle fingers together simplifies it while still having all 4 fingers present.
Its an art shortcut.
Ice is formed from lack of heat user. Puck removes heat from his surroundings.
So he has control over thermal dynamics?
Either that, or someone fucked up translations, or maybe Puck just knows how to use more than one element and just likes to use ice.
I think it might be this. The manga has him as a 'Great Spirit' but they don't mention a particular element. I haven't rewatched the anime scene to try and catch what the japanese is saying.
We dont know a shit about puck powers, I hope arc10 delivers
Btw, what do you think is puck true name/identity?
>that picture
He mentioned he knows shadow magic and used water magic too. I'm totally on board on Puck being able to use multiple elements.
Why isn't there more of this? It doesn't make any sense but my dick doesn't care.
>Pack is a Great Spirit presiding over Fire Mana.
>Pack's true form is a monstrous, 20 foot, golden eyed cat like beast which is dubbed "the Beast of the End". As he needs an incredible amount of mana to stay in this form, he forcibly drains it from his surroundings, causing his surroundings to freeze.
So he became an archbishop shortly after he was forced to kill Fortuna right? Does this mean he used the possession technique already before Emilia was frozen in ice? He is 400+ years old afterall.
As we said, we dont know anything about puck yet, puck was a human and because of his contract he has amnesia, he also knows a bit of english, prob because he is from earth or he met flugel, His true identity is one of the biggest mysteries in this series, along with al, pandora and satella
>this fucking show can't even get S2
>meanwhile a spinoff of Fate can get multiple seasons and a movie
Rem's Rems are truly perfect size.
Moral of story: include mana transfer yuri scenes.
>"Rem, rem, I'm out of mana and Roswaal's not here."
>"Nee-sama, nee-sama..."
As much as I love loli, I rather have a show with a nice story, world building and various characters like this.
So anything interesting with Elsa in arc 4 or is she just there to be the same sadist/maso villain from arc 1?
Why isn't she a heroine in the game?
It ended four days ago for fucks sake.
This is what I said. Rem and Ram make out: S3 in the bag.
what the fuck happened to him in Arc5?! i still can't read moonrunes and i don't see any translation around of it
what the hell is happening to that dumbass ?
dragon Aids given to him by the archbishop of lust
cool what does it give him ? also is the reason of his eyebandage?
and what about his hand , jerked off too much?
>jerked off too much?
Well Rem isn't doing much good otherwise
its like poison and scarred and fucked up some of his body having black spots and shit making him look like a burn victim not sure about the eyebandage
harsh, user
So, you're saying you want Rem to stick her horn in Ram's head hole?
I hear it actually makes him stronger, despite looking fucked up.
It's a sharingan.
I didnt notice it until someone pointed out, pretty nice job.
So where's the fucking preview?
>So, you're saying you want Rem to stick her horn in Ram's head hole?
Tags: oni, yuri, horn, twincest, skullfuck...
Please make this happen, japan.
Well, Pete seems to be the only one who actually bothers with proper minions and actually serving as a religious leader. I guess it suits Sloth to use others to do his work for him, though you could say he was also being diligent by actually acting as a fucking Archbishop. I wonder if Betelgeuse ever performed weddings?
Anyhow, I wonder what type of villains the other Bishops will manage to be? Regulus seems to be your typical dragon sort, a seemingly invincible monster who works mostly solo and kidnaps virgins and princesses. Not much depth there. The hero just needs to find his weak spot.
Our actual dragon shapeshifter, Capella, reminds me more of an Evil Queen/Fairy Tale Witch capable of shapeshifting and cursing others into being monsters. I'm going to assume she's probably got some transformed slave minions of her own and could pull off some nasty tricks with her disguises. She'll probably be a more interesting challenge than Regulus, whose power was rather direct and simple despite everything.
Sirius is currently imprisoned, so she's probably going to be more of a mindfuck villain as she tries to get Betelgeuse to resurface while Subaru interrogates her. She doesn't seem as good in a direct fight as the other Bishops, but her emotional manipulation is perfect for that Hannibal role. Besides, it's not like Subaru can stay dead. Emotional and psychological damage is what sticks to him, and Sirius might be able to pull that off.
However, I think the Gluttonies are the Bishops with the most potential. Not only do they probably have the fighting skills of countless heroes, they probably wouldn't be half-bad strategists and leaders if they were interested. I very much doubt that Crusche is the only ruler they've ever devoured. I'm also very curious as to the limits of their spawning abilities, since they should be able to create and breed monsters. When it comes to creating and leading an actual army, Gluttony would probably be the best for that.
spicy OC fresh out of the oven
How do I get Priscilla to love me?
Is right the autistic greed bishop? He looks great
You can start by slitting your throat and reincarnating in their world.
Yes, it's Regulus.
Are you sure this will work?
Well hey, why not give it a try and tell us the results? Maybe you won't be isekai'd, but you might turn out like me and discover that you can retu
You need to draw a pentagram and say the incantation before you pass out from the blood loss.
It goes:
>i wish i was a little girl, i wish i was a little girl
>If Ferris didn't cockblock
What did I miss?
I don't remember anything about that.
I tried it and after using my return to death I can say you fucks are lying pieces of shits.
If you want guaranteed results you should be killed by a japanese truck
Ley's got goons under him too. Those Witch Cult guys that Wilhelm was fighting with on hightway were his men.
This scene strongly reminded me of Aava in Dark Souls 2.
All hail NTR king.
The website for the show never changed aside from when episode 15 happened right?
Hot fucking damn I can't wait till Season 3 gets animated and this guy losses his smug.
Because Rem never really "lost". Subaru loves her and wants to be with her, confessed that he loves her back, literally offed himself with zero hesitation moments after confessing to Emilia because he couldn't have Rem. Furthermore, even though I hate how the EmiliaxSubaru romance was written (aka not at all), Rem doesn't mind being "#2" (though really she's more like 1b given that Subaru has made it clear he is Emilia AND Rem or bust) and Rem has made clear she understands the man she loves loves Emilia.
Right after the battle with the whale in the LN.
At least Subaru died before he got to the fucking reindeer. A mercy, really.
Don't cry Ferri
But Ley will still have his, and I actually find him to be the worse offender. God damn, I could just imagine him making jokes about how Rem finally got Ley'd. So, how do we think Ley, Roy, and Louis will finally die?
The common prediction I've heard from here is that people think it'll involve Subaru going berserk and properly unleashing his powers. It'd be interesting if Sirius's willingness to help against Gluttony and provide information on them was so she could get just such a result, with the theory that Betelgeuse might resurface faster if Subaru gave more of himself to the Sin of Sloth.
That seems like it might be a horrifying moment, especially if Subaru's mannerisms start imitating the Bishops he's killed before. At least when he's not watching himself.
And then Crusch licks his tears and Ferris recoils.
Tappei event on Sunday is probably just some more LN shilling smfh
Remembering seeing this the first time gave me chills.
Ep 15 was really something.
Most likely but then again, Vol. 10 is not that far off. I wouldn't mind them shilling it with an announcement of a recap movie with the epilogue in it.
True. I guess they'll show Volume 10 cover
Seems like people are even more hyped about Arc 4.
Arc 5 hasn't really been the juicy arc. They really need to revise it to have better flow. Too much focus on side characters that aren't necessarily memorable.
I think he loves Rem but the curse forces him to love Emilia. Here is my theory:
Subaru's Return by Death curse - What we know is that Satella cursed him. We don't know why, but we can infer. She cursed him and gave him the power to infinitely relive his life so that he could use this power to benefit Satella. That's the only logical base explanation, the power was given to aid Satella's goals, else why grant it at all?
So how does the curse benefit her? Well Emilia has some ties to the witch, which has been hinted at quite plainly in the show. Conveniently, Subaru has done nothing but use the power to aid Emilia. Satella didn't grant him this power to use it as he pleases. If his primary goal is protecting Emilia you can be sure that is Satella's goal as well. But how did Satella get so lucky that Subaru would fall in love with her and do anything to protect her?
Well the only explanation is that Subaru's love for Emilia is part of the curse. He has no real reason to love her otherwise beyond the fact that she is really hot. They haven't spent much time together, certainly not enough time to fall so madly in love he'd be willing to kill himself over and over again to save her. Satella cursed him to love her, because if he loves her it absolutely guarantees he will use the power of Return by Death to aid Emilia so that she can stay alive and win the tournament to become the ruler of the world, which must be Satella's ultimate goal. There is no greater motivation than love, so forcing him to love her is the ultimate guarantee he will do her bidding.
>[Subaru: Reveal yourself, you fraud. ——–Don’t you dare fuck with me with the FACE OF MY REM! Don’t you dare fuck with me with the VOICE OF MY REMMMM!]
You don't fuck around with a man's waifu.
>"Sorry, but I'm just the guy that gets here without invitation. I won't ever forget the heavy mood of my friend's birthday party that changed when I appeared without being called in middle school."
>It was an incident that made even Subaru who couldn't read the mood, reflect on doing such thing ever again.
>He had grandiosely left the place after making a fuss so everyone stopped inviting him to birthday parties after that though.
He's Pride you fuckers
Why does Subaru never carry a sword or a rapier with him?
I mean most of his dead could easily avoided if he actually learned some fencing and shit, or at least die with some dignity and not like a little bitch
With all the dialogue in place. Subaru suddenly became the biggest Remfag in this series.
Not even Tappei's Emiliafagging lines up with him anymore. Seriuosly, this man is really fishy when it comes to writing Rem while shoving Emilia in public.
Subaru loves them both equally.
Yeah he does but what I'm saying is, Rem is given so much potential importance for a "SIDE CHARACTER™"
She is Subaru's Kamina.
The thing is, Kamina died and he was with Simon right from the start.
Rem came up only Arc 2 then all of a sudden all that build up that no one ever expected.
Hearing Subaru's scream, Beatrice opens one of the pages in her gospel with a melancholic expression. After extending it towards Subaru so that he could see its contents――Beatrice displays a book full of blank pages.
"There's nothing written here. It's the same as it has always been, blank paper, I suppose."
I want to hug a lonely Beako
You ok there Subaru?
>Beatrice is at a loss for words in front of the Subaru badmouthing her while showing her his middle finger. She had lost all her words because of her tremendous indignation.
And making an opportunity and breaking in was Subaru's specialty.
>"A 400 year old blank space? Stop acting so arrogant! You were only crying while holding your knees for 400 years and nothing else! Why would you hold onto a single answer after having so much time to think about it!? Are you going to say "there was nothing written on my book so I did nothing"? You idiot!"
And holy shit, he sure knows how to annoy people.
kek, Subaru looks exactly like angry wojak. even down to the gritted teeth.
What I fucking hate about how Rem was handled is that she's written in such a way that she became the plot device.
Not that plot devices are bad in general, it's just that he has done better things for her character like in Arc 3. Setting her in such a state afterwards makes me scratch my head.
Emilia is perfect.
What am I looking at?
A poll of favorite arcs.
Did Subaru really say that he loved Rem just as much as he loved Emilia in one of the later arcs? Or is that bullshit.
Well, Rem isn't really important to anyone but the most important character in the series, so yeah. She's probably still got important roles to play when he finally figures out some kind of solution.
Yes. However, it's not just in later Arcs. He also had those thoughts before learning what happened to Rem.
>However, the existence of Rem, while leaving his affection towards Emilia unchanging, had become just as large to him and remained in his heart.
I think there's a plan in which both Subaru and Emilia are involved, making it likely that their association is no coincidence, but I'm not so sure Satella is the true mastermind.
Jesus Christ, is Ley an Imp?
on their own style
"[Man: You know…] with a tone lowered by displeasure,
[Man: I was talking. Wasn’t I was talking just now? And then you interrupted me. Isn’t that a bit impolite? Don’t you think that was wrong? I have a right to speak… even though I don’t really want to have to point this out, but to not interrupt people when they’re speaking… isn’t that common social decency? You’re free to listen or not listen I won’t bother you about that, but just what are you trying to do by not letting me talk?]
As he ranted, the man occasionally stomped the ground with a displeased expression on his face. And like this, he pointed his finger at those two in front of him, both now eerily speechless.
[Man: And now you’re quiet, what is this? You’re listening. You were listening, right? Wasn’t I asking you something? Then give me some kind of reply, it should be like that, right? You won’t even do that, don’t even want to. Ah, ah, freedom. That’s your freedom. You see me ranting and you want to kill me, then when I ask you a question, you ignore me like I’m the wind. So it’s like that, is it? Well you’re free to do that. Alright, lets just say it’s like that. But then, what is that supposed to mean?]"
[Ley: When we sensed our pet got killed we came to have a look. But then, AH!— WHAT A DELIGHTFUL HARVEST! It’s good, it’s pretty good, it’s very good, it’s great, it’s wonderful, it’s terrific, it’s breathtaking, it’s remarkable! It’s SPECTACULAR! Passion! Love! Hate! Chivalry! Oh JOY! And SORROW! That is, that is! THAT IS WORTH EATING!]
>Ley's tick: "It's good!"
>Regulus : Ranting like user.
Who knows what he is? I've got a theory that he and Roy are actually Louis's "children", as Louis seems to be the dominant one, speaks like a woman, and talks about how he must give birth. Of course, maybe that last part just means he's planning to create some great new beast, but I'm still entertaining the possibility that he might actually be able to use names and memories to rebirth people in some way. If only because that has the maximum mindfuck potential.
Nobody was fucking kidding with that spfag Regulus edit.
Literally an autist.
also Sirius (wrath) is supposed to gave the mannerism of Pepeulgue, cause she was in love with him
Someone pls explain what the fuck happened happened to rem to me.
After reading the spoiler of whose rem I went back to after the fight to see if she was still around as I didn't remeber, but she still was. Was the whale not dead does it nail them on the way back to the capital or something?
you welcome
>crazy and fantical about the witch
well, not AS fanatical, as its been implied Beteulgue devotion is due to him having actually interacted with Satela// Witch on envy before she was sealed (Bettlejuice is actually 400+ years old, he just kept jumping bodies)
thats why he had all that "EVEN IF YOU FORGOT I WILL ALWAYS REMEMBER WHAT YOU DID FOR ME" rant before being killed
Nigga thats a lot of words do I like I have time to read shit
I'm just kidding nigga I have nothing better to do and would've probably wasted time jacking off to lolis or something thanks
Alright. First, go take a look at these two guys here. Now, here are the translated Epilogue chapters you can start reading from, in the order they were arranged in the original:
Have fun!
It makes me question this line. This is somewhat similar to how he speaks of Flugel.
That was... not funny at all.
well, it do was explained that Sloth was the one behind any attack coordinated by the cult.
all archbishops are executive tier withing the cult. so maybe they all just have different roles or functions
Can you defend this?
I never said it was funny. I actually looked at the original chapter list. Natsuki Rem comes right after "Who's Rem" and right before Itadakimasu, presumably to cause the most pain possible. This was how these chapters were meant to be read.
>Comes after Who's Rem
At what chapters do the Rem AU appear? I've been very intrigued by this. I know there's no way to back it up as of now that Rem AU is a dream since there are things there that only Subaru knows.
You forgot to include the next interlude
Each chapter has a link to the next on TLchicken, so I didn't feel it was necessary.
Fuck if I know. I don't know enough moon to actually read more than a few things. After Natsuki Rem, the other AU chapters are all posted on her birthday.
I don't have the chapter list on hand that leaked from the LN, but it goes something like
>Anime Ending
>Natsuki Rem
The Natsuki Rem thing is a sidestory AU that really can't have a place within the narrative proper. It's place within the LN is mostly just there for maximum pain to the reader.
>Pete seems to be the only one who actually bothers with proper minions
no, the novel mentions that the cultist that captures otto and killed him on the past loop and I think the ones whil engaged in ep 25 were part of the Gluttony branch
Huh. Well, I guess I was wrong there.
The author is pretty aware of the seven deadly sins being christianed concepts rather than Greek. The presence of Acedia (would just mean sloth in Latin) makes me relieved this is not just ripped off like any other seven deadly sin. He also uses the opposite of sins, virtues.
>The author is pretty aware of the seven deadly sins being christianed concepts rather than Greek.
I think everyone knows that, though I'm not sure he plans to keep to any one theme. He might plan to mix various ideas together if it suits him, seeing as how we've got a Pandora in this story.
>He also uses the opposite of sins, virtues.
Does he?
Diligence (Betelgeuse) and supposedly the bishop of Greed would call himself generous/charitable. There's at least one Gluttony bishop that refrains from eating despite his role as satiation.
Would you?
What is that bitchs problem anyways? What answer did she want?
Probably for Subaru to give her benefits like all the other parties wanted.
In any case it shows more of her character. She's a prideful person that wants other people to act with dignity as well. People willing to go so far as lick someone's feet absolutely disgusts her to the point she would exterminate said people.
I read that part and I had a small feeling that Puck was going to kill Rem by freezing her. He wanted to show his "gratitude" after all.
Or Subaru's just crazy.
She wanted defiance. Who knows, she might have actually helped Subaru if he held his pride but he put it on the line to get what he wanted. AND NO, SUBARU IS NOT PRIDE. If he was pride, then he would have something similar to Typhon, which Subaru does not.
he kills himself just to find out the check point moved after rem memories where already eaten.
I'm pretty sure he's just a good host for pride. He seems to be willing to go from no pride to way too much very quickly on the right circumstances, which might be a reason for that on top of the whole being attached to the witch thing.
Make his brain tremble
It just looks more appealing. You get the same practice in photography too.
Didn't left get killed by Hisoka?
She wanted him to be 'interesting.' He bored her with his debasement of himself, so she rejected him outright.
Will our Lord and Savior Subaron claim his rightful place?
muh dig
Just got through 18. For a fantasy anime to pull off an episode with nothing but emotional dialogue like that is really impressive.
the "start from one...no from zero" line was still corny as fuck but I'm willing to give it a pass
Rem realized she was about to pass up the title drop.
I'm going to miss him.
god that ending was beautiful
white knighting emilia is the best feeling
Subaru needs some rest once in while you know user
Time to kill myself again.
Why, Cred Forums?
You know why.
I'm pretty sure S2 would be a thing if there were novels to adapt.
>Subaru needs some rest once in while you know user
>all arc 4
the novels are addapted from the Web Novel.
anime ended on arc 3, web novels are on arc 6.
arc 4 and 5 are roughly the same size of arc 3. so if we get S2 will be another 2 cours, and arcs 4 and 5
Light Novels are the ones they make adaptations of. Publishers don't make profit from Web Novels.
LN released vol 9, which was ADAPTED before the vol was on sale. (this week)
vol 10 release next month
Can someone help me with this line?
I need it for editing purposes, I could have a rough guess on what it means but would like to have it as accurate as possible
Arc 4 is the size of the first 3 Arcs combined.
Yeah, but the anime builds hype for it. A best case scenario would be them getting maybe 75% of the way through arc 4, then adapting it while the rest of the LNs come out, similar to what was done here. That's pretty unlikely though.
Hurry up and get Emilia's birthday over so you can draw Regulus stupid nips.
This one too
What are you doing?
I'm this user and I need it to make it perfect
I have autism
maybe 1 and 3 together but not 1 - 3. although is the arc with more character development on tsubaru and everyone else in Emilia camp, as arc 5 is near to Battle Royale. and arc 6 basically admits Flugel was from outside of Re:zero world, which cements the idea that Tsubaru is his re-incarnation or something related
as expected, emilia is literally asuna
What? Did you misquote posts?
Even so, Arc 4 is longer in the WN than the first 3 arcs combined. That might get cut down some in the LN, but we don't know yet.
These guys.
>Bishounen & Shitfaced villains
Generic shit.
truest bishonen
What a sexy beast, Sirius has good taste.
looks like a penis
we wont get to see Echidna till Vol 11, right?
I want her to edge me while whispering "yukkuri yukkuri" into my ear and threaten to kill me if I cum
It would be the fight of my life
Where do you guys read the LN?
Where should I start reading after the anime?
What was he gonna say at the end? Please spoil me novelfags.
he was going to say
who's rem
Nah, think of her as a siren. Except what you love most in the world appears before you rather than her. So if someone loved money the most in the world. Carmilla would appear as a walking, talking bag of money or some shit.
No he wasn't
Not to mention he also has really strained relations with Ram regarding Rem nowadays.
>That pic
>not sure about the eyebandage
That's when Regulus fucked up his eye during the battle. He should be normal looking enough though.
He only has 5 scars and only two are visible when he wears clothes. (Two on his back, one in his chest) not including Subaru's dragon aids that seems to be spreading.
Official illustrations when?
Tells EMT that Rem also loves him then Emillia says who is REM and Subaru becomes angry. Interlude to Rem getting eaten by gluttony and becomes a vegetable in a inn. Subaru kills himself at Rems bed and has a new save point at Rems bed.
how long till preview?
He went through all kinds of shit.
At this point he's basically a war veteran.
Makes you wonder how many more scars he will get by the end of this series.
As Otto and others are accumulating some as well.
Can somebody explain the "who's rem" stuff? I swear I can't be arsed to read hundreds of pages of LN just for a slight interest.
"Bweh. I definitely won't lose to onee-chan."
Too short a phrase and I'm too lazy to find the chapter it's from myself, give me the raw paragraph it's from.
Rem and Crusch end up getting attacked by the Archbishops of Gluttony. They have the same power as the White Whale; to devour memories and remove someone from history. Rem is essentially a vegetable and nobody but Subaru remembers her, while Crusch lost her memories, but is still functional.
Two years or more, depending on how fast LNs release.
Rem gets removed by cultists, just like with white whale. Her body is still there (in coma), but only Subaru remembers her. Subaru suicides but his save point is already updated.
You don't have to read hundreds of pages, just the next chapters.
>Subaru confesses to Emilia
>Cut to carriage ride
>Subaru has to warn Emilia that he also loves Rem
>Has this entire thing about how Rem basically took over his heart and suggests polygamy
>Emilia says "Who's Rem?"
>Subaru bumfucks outta there and races to the capital only to find Rem essentially without a soul
>Rem is now basically a dead body that ages
>Subaru commits suicide by dagger as Emilia arrives the scene
>Subaru re-spawns close to where Rem's death was
>He despairs
Rem's finals words:
>Clash met clash, and in that instant she thought—
>I wish when he realizes I am gone, it could cause a small ripple in his heart.
>—This alone, was what Rem wished for in her final moment.
Basically the gist of everything.
>"Don't worry, you can be my side bitch!"
Subaru is a piece of shit. Oh well Rem will always be best girl in my heart.
I don't think he considers Rem as a sidebitch anymore considering all the shit he's doing for her and how triggered he gets whenever someone badmouths Rem.
I mean, we went full-on choke-a-bitch on Ram because of her. Even if he was influenced by miasma.
Why didn't Puck just flash freeze the bag of fire stones?
Only Rem considers herself a side-bitch. Subaru never really does.
He literally called her #2 in his heart.
Puck's a piece of shit.
>Looking at Ram with disdain, Subaru seemed like he was unreasonably about to act like one of the troupe people, but when he remembered the place he was in he let go of his fist.
This was before the sage tower and the miasma shenannigains. Subaru just really hates it when people start to question how close of a bond he has with Rem.
He also literally said that he loves her as much as Emilia.
For drama? Everybody is either permanently or periodically autistic in this show. With some rare exceptions.
Carmilla states otherwise non.
>not taking side bitches
haram user, haram.
>[Rem: Well, I guess I really shouldn’t go off and die now huh.]
>[Subaru: That’s obvious. Even if you were to die, I wouldn’t let you.]
>Putting their faces together, foreheads pushed onto each other they gazed at each other. Looking at Subaru’s treatments with love, their proximity being so close that their breathing could be felt by each other making Subaru uneasy. Naturally, Subaru became pulled towards her pink colored lips and he felt his heartbeat speeding up.
>[Felis: You two, isn’t that about enyough?]
>From a far distance, Felis who had been watching from afar, interrupted the scene of these two flirting. It truly was such a big intrusion that it had to be a crime.
God dammit Ferris
Once again this is stupid biased shit you don't hear JP fans saying.all based on fact that girl you didn't win.
So here fucking facts:
-Both Suu and Rem feeling their interests where one-sided until a moment in the story they were accepted.
Just like in Emilia in Arc 1-2 who didn't think much of Subaru's affections until end of Arc 3 and Suabru never loving her until From Zero. So neither group technically had romance, just onesided feelings that drove to protect their admirers. So cut the bullshit, that's how love works.
If the AU is any indication, that is probably true.
Whatever happened to Felt?
Reinhardt is playing princess simulator with her right now.
Whatever happened to Elsa?
Regulus looks less insane that i thought he would be.
Ley is on point.
Dont you mean , God save the queen?
Probably abusing reinhard right now
She returns in arc 4
He says more or less the same damn things when he's with Emilia so who cares? It's like keep looking for anything that will squeak away some kind victory or headway, but that's just not how is being written. Everything you're reading is a vacuum.
Hell even in the Flavor of Death chapter SUabru says this:
>"I was asking myself what I should do if Subaru left me behind like that and never came back... I really, really, really thought about it. I thought it'd be extremely scary, that's why I was glad when Subaru returned just now."
>Even though Emilia had just said she had failed the trial, her eyes were only reflecting Subaru. Her eyes filled with passion and tears were only looking at Subaru.
>How long had Subaru waited for Emilia to look at him in that way? How much did Subaru yearn for Emilia to call his name with that voice filled with fervor and stare at him with those teary eyes filled with passion?
>Everything had always been for this moment, right now, to taste this warmth. That's why――
Unfortunately it happened in dead end loop where she wasn't in her right mind which depressed him greatly.
Why are you so mad exactly? Poor guy is just stating his theory and nothing else.
Also I'd like to point out quality time > quantity time. As well as the fact that Subaru and Rem are both co-workers. While Subaru and Emilia are not, but he does expend his free-time on her, which he doesn't have much of.
>love just based on his heroic traits.
But that's simply not true. Its been stated again and again in the series that Subaru can only show his weaknesses and flaws only to Rem and nobody else, as stated:
>Ever since they exchanged this promise, Subaru had decided once in for all that: in this world, in this universe, the only person Natsuki Subaru could hope to show his weak side to was Rem, and only in front of Rem.
>Even if she knew about Subaru’s weakness, if he could just combine it with Rem’s faith that she would give in response to his efforts to be strong in front of her, Subaru could live on without hiding the truth that he was weak. He could not show it in front of Emilia; he could not show it in front of Beatrice; he could not show it in front of anyone else. Subaru could only show this weak side of him-the side of him that believed he had to be strong no matter what-to Rem and only Rem.
>[Subaru: Because the girl that loves me, the girl that I love back, the girl that affectionately provides me love—-the girl that is harder on me more than any other person in the world, the girl that doesn’t let me off easily, that girl is the real Rem!]
>Going by logic she under curse to since she also admits she barely knows him and love just based on his heroic traits.
Rem is self demeaning, she understands Subaru very well. Creepily well, actually. For instance despite 'spending the same amount of time together' Rem understands Subaru has some kind of issue he can't tell her about. She doesn't understand the reason, but understands there are things Subaru knows and can't share his reasoning for, and she accepts this. Emilia just complained about Subaru not being able to share things.
Now, part of this is that each girl sees slightly different things from Subaru. He never, ever wants to show his weakness to Emilia, whereas Rem has seen him at his lowest, and supports him through the weaknesses he doesn't want others to see.
>Well the only explanation is that Subaru's love for Emilia is part of the curse. He has no real reason to love her otherwise beyond the fact that she is really hot. They haven't spent much time together, certainly not enough time to fall so madly in love he'd be willing to kill himself over and over again to save her. Satella cursed him to love her, because if he loves her it absolutely guarantees he will use the power of Return by Death to aid Emilia so that she can stay alive and win the tournament to become the ruler of the world, which must be Satella's ultimate goal. There is no greater motivation than love, so forcing him to love her is the ultimate guarantee he will do her bidding.
Except there no curse. He spent the same amount time with both of them, with Rem only spending two days extra due to fight at Royal Election. Going by logic she under curse to since she also admits she barely knows him and love just based on his heroic traits.
Stop making excuses. Since he got here Subaru formed tons relationships various people and Rem has not nor well ever be the only person he's had strong feeling for.
You want your you're Rem only romance? Go write some shitty fanfiction where never kills him then or talk to anyone else.
Why did you delete your post only to repost it with the same shitty grammatical errors?
>Creepily well, actually.
Rem is apparently a very observant person and doesn't let things slip past her when it comes to people's habits and feelings.
>Rigel can’t decide whether his mother’s detailed observations make her charming, or a little scary. He lets out a vague, strained laugh as Rem smiles blissfully.
>“ When eating peppirs, Emilia-sama stands out, so it’s hard to notice, but Subaru-kun makes a face at them too. Rem thought to use this chance to correct him. ”
>“You watch me pretty carefully, huh!? ”
>In terms of looks, texture, and taste, peppers and peppirs are virtually identical. With his childish taste, Subaru hates them. While he pretends to tolerate them in front of Emilia, he secretly wants to avoid peppirs at all costs. Subaru actually hates quite a few vegetables, including tomatoes, eggplants, and turnips.Rem undoubtedly knows this as well.
Yes, this goes along with her self-motivated nature. She observes on her own and decides what to do on her own, without taking input from others. This has good and bad aspects as obviously it helps to reinforce her self-depreciation.
>Subaru actually hates quite a few vegetables, including tomatoes
What a fucking faggot.
At least he's no longer addicted to mayonnaise.
Also she has tunnel vision hard.
He doesn't know about it?
Subaru should be rage, like every user.
When did he fix that? I thought he was still on about it and only Rem had a problem with it.
Why doesn't he want to show Emilia his flaws exactly?
He tried that and got rejected remember?
Memeboy tier logic. He puts her on a pedestal.
Well nearly drowning in a pool of mayo isn't something you'd easily forget user.
That mostly just got Rem in trouble, I thought Subaru was still mayoboy. I might need to reread the end of that.
This user understands true taste
Last time we wait for preview
What are you talking about?
He wants Emilia to think he's cool and dependable and not lame and useless.
Man, that was fucked up. Why boner.
He still likes mayo, just not to a degree where him and his family stocks a fridge full of it.
Why would anyone want to show their waifu their flaws? Men are supposed to be strong, resolute, stoic and powerful. The best shot a bitch-boy like Subaru has is pretending.
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Will the LN's ever be translated
Didn't he try doing that though? I'm pretty sure he got rejected and distanced from her by doing so.
Mayonnaise Scramble
Interlude chapters between Arcs 2 and 3 that revolve around Subaru's love of Mayo and him and Rem reinventing it, then Rem almost drowning Subaru in it.
Shit dawg, this real sad...
She comes rushing toward Subaru, wiping his face of the viscous substance with a towel.
“How is it, the feeling of swimming in mayonnaise? Rem did her best to satisfy Subaru-kun’s request. ----Rem doesn’t mind being praised?”
Praise me, praise me, her smiling face seems to say.
Standing up, Subaru uses the towel to wipe off the rest of his mayonnaise-laden body. And, returning Rem’s innocent smiling face with his own smile,
In the early hours of the morning, Subaru’s yells boom throughout the bathhouse.
Seeing his soulmate, mayonnaise, wasted so callously, Subaru feels a rage like no other. Eventually, an oversleeping Ram awakens as well. At her elder sister’s hands, an apologetically kneeling Rem suffers a lecture of unspeakable length, unspeakable severity, and unspeakable violence.
Imagine if his last checkpoint will be the very first checkpoint. Sudden death mode.
New translated volume comes out every 3 months
Do you also have the translations for "Rem's Day off" and where she cuts his hair?
At least she saw Subaru naked and covered in Mayonnaise out of it.
Subaru's last checkpoint will be 1 minute before his death from old age.
He will be trapped forever.
New game+
It this from Tanpenshuu Volume 1?
Can't say I do, I'd love to read it though. Too many things being translated at random, with no great central repo for them.
What is happening here?
Subaru going in raw.
Apparently he tried to train with a sword, but couldn't manage it to save his own life properly.
After arc 4 he gets a which, which he apparently learns how to use fairly well.
Praying for S2 before bed every day
Don't put words in her mouth. She believes he's capable of much more entirely because of his actions at the end of Arc 3. She supports to that end at least until he can have confidence to stand for himself and face his own problems.
>Emilia just complained about Subaru not being able to share things.
Stop downplaying already. She wanted know he kept nearly killing himself on her behalf because she cared about him. His life had become important to her and she doesn't believe herself to be someone anyone would risk their life for. Subaru only started to understand this after their fight, because he never honest with his feeling towards her.
Rem got drunk, ended up on Subaru's lap with him petting her.
"What a spoiled child"
>Stop downplaying already.
Downplaying what? She literally kept asking him for his reasoning and wouldn't accept that there was things he can't tell her until much, much later.
Rem immediately catches on that Subaru has some kind of inexplicable trauma.
I came from 2019 and still no Season 3 on sight. We're already on Arc 11 though and tappei said he wants a hundred more volumes of LN and wants all adapted into the anime
Did she accidentally roofie herself this time?
Someone translate
Nah, blame Subaru for getting her drunk.
>Why are you so mad exactly? Poor guy is just stating his theory and nothing else.
Because theory based on waifwars nonsense that has no basis? It's stupid Rem is Satella theories.
Also I'd like to point out quality time > quantity time. As well as the fact that Subaru and Rem are both co-workers. While Subaru and Emilia are not, but he does expend his free-time on her, which he doesn't have much of.
Nice asspull, but you unless hard evidence then no. As far we know most of Subaru's days were like in ep 4 where got spend time with Emilia in the morning and endings and went out on dates.
>But that's simply not true. Its been stated again and again in the series that Subaru can only show his weaknesses and flaws only to Rem and nobody else, as stated:
That came form her own mouth. Are Remfaqs gonna deny what she says herself? Her fucking response to him was he didn't know the Subaru that everyone else saw.
She already saw them and she didn't reject him. He feels ashamed because reminds of his inadequacies and feels he can't support.
I can't even begin to piece together what you're trying to say here ESL-kun. Try making the pronouns work first, then post something.
>That came form her own mouth. Are Remfaqs gonna deny what she says herself?
Nothing you've quoted was said by Rem, so what are you trying to say here. Subaru is the one who says he only shows his flaws to Rem
>Nice asspull, but you unless hard evidence then no.
You can honestly just look at the entirety of arc 2 for that to be honest. Most of the time he spends with Emilia are either early in the morning or late at night. Even then, mostly late at night.
>Her fucking response to him was he didn't know the Subaru that everyone else saw.
No? Her response to him was he was only able to see the himself, not how Rem viewed him. As to parallel what Subaru said to Rem in episode 11. At the time when both of them were at their weakest and most vulnerable.
Sorry it took some time
Had to get away for a while
>Downplaying what? She literally kept asking him for his reasoning and wouldn't accept that there was things he can't tell her until much, much later.
No because she wanted to ave earnest conversation with and went interpret that as her whining.
If Rem had been the one to ask him instead you be saying reverse because you biased to blue-haired cuck.
>Rem immediately catches on that Subaru has some kind of inexplicable trauma.
All she knows about that when go wrong his Witch's scent flares, otherwise she trust completely out of love never question anything he say unless he tries to be a coward.
Whos Rem?
>If Rem had been the one to ask him instead you be saying reverse because you biased to blue-haired cuck.
Not him but that would literally be impossible, as to mirror that situation would go against Rem's character, fundamentally. She might as well be a re-skinned Emilia at that point.
I don't know if you're the same user from yesterday but didn't I have an argument with you before?
Guys please shtap!
>No because she wanted to ave earnest conversation with and went interpret that as her whining.
She is whining. She's borderline autistic. In fact, everything after the anime only serves to nail this down further and further. She barely comprehends why people are scared of Satella, simply that they are and they look down on her for it which she understandably doesn't like, but she has literally never bothered to ask why.
Every half elf that ever shows up gets a nice heaping helping of ol' uncle Pete, and literally everyone fucking knows that. She is ground zero for a witch cult fuck up everybody's shit party. They aren't worried for vague, nebulous, 'you look kinda like Satan' reasons, they are worried because just about the only thing the boogeyman of the Witch Cult will all wake up to come do is killing the shit out of Half-elves and everyone else in a 10 mile radius.
It takes her a long time to understand Subaru, and even at the end of the anime, she doesn't really understand him, just has reached a point where she is willing to try. Overtime in the next couple arcs, she gets better, but she is still basically socially retarded. It makes sense with her backstory and such, but it doesn't make her less socially retarded just because she had a reason for it.
Shitposter, do want to make me pull out ep 18?
You can honestly just look at the entirety of arc 2 for that to be honest. Most of the time he spends with Emilia are either early in the morning or late at night. Even then, mostly late at night.
And his days off. He also often talks about her a lot. Just you're being pedantic now.
>No? Her response to him was he was only able to see the himself, not how Rem viewed him. As to parallel what Subaru said to Rem in episode 11. At the time when both of them were at their weakest and most vulnerable.
Exactly. She does not who he is where came from what he did with his life how or how actually he feels. She didn't contest that or pretend she understood him, but in her view he tried think about how others understood him. That what lend to problems with Emilia, Wilhelm and the other candidates. All he cared about his own weakness and Pride.
Her love based in fact he did something for her no one every did and showed her someone could acknowledge as herself. Much like what he did with Emilia. He is a heroic to her because he saved her from her own loneliness.
Preview in 4 minutes I guess?
Did you just requote half of your own post and part of another post, while only linking to a single, third post while still fucking up the greentext?
How touched in the head are you? Like, this is literally not even worth discussing if you can't make a coherent post in both content or format.
There's no PV
Did we get a preview yet?
Why are you guys setting yourselves up for disappointment.
There will be no PV, and if there will be it'll be for EP25 likely and we've already watched it
Oh, it's fucking nothing.
I wasn't here yesterday.
Not my point though. What I'm saying he's running off his own bias and disregarding fact for what the story was saying about Suabru because he is a shipper retard.
Even fucking Ram calls Subaru out on it ep 17 spells it out to audience. He admits himself he wrong to Rem to and later Emilia he was wrong to pushed his feelings on her asked for her understand everything in exchange for his love. One of most important themes of this arc was breaking down Suabru and having learn to actually talk to people and accepting their views.
But it looks like some Remfags were to busy whacking off to their waifu to get that like this dumbass
PV is full of spoilers. No wonder they didn't spoiled it last week.
That's it guys it's over the last straw is drawn.
Holy fuck, that was less a preview and more of a clipshow of the whole goddamn episode.
>He also often talks about her a lot.
Talk about her alot =/= spending time with her, you were basing your argument on how much time Subaru pent with Emilia compared to Rem. I'm just simply countering against that, because in a sense, its objectively false.
>She does not who he is where came from what he did with his life how or how actually he feels
Here is the thing, Subaru spilled all of the beans about that in episode 18, his thoughts, everything. Just like what Rem did in episode 11, aka their flaws and insecurities that neither party has shown to others ever or since. I can also make the argument Subaru also attempted to do that in episode 13, which Emilia handles badly.
>Her love based in fact he did something for her no one every did and showed her someone could acknowledge as herself
That is also how Subaru fell for Rem. She did something no one ever did and told him that she would also aknowledge him as himself.
Fucking mayonnaise.
You guys set yourselves up, actually expecting something else?
The my copy function didn't correctly so the previous paste was still in the clipboard.
Only noticed it after I posted.
Preview is finally out!
It's over. This was the final nail in the coffin
No S2 boys!!!!
I hope this threds don´t die. I mean, I don´t want them to be spammed, but one every once in a while would be nice.
Oh, what's that? You have no actual counter point? Color me fucking surprised. Subaru was being a dick, and Emilia couldn't understand him because of how she is. Rem always accepted him. THAT'S FUCKING IT.
Emilia and Rem are different people you colossal asswipe, they have different understandings of Subaru (Or lack thereof) and therefore different reactions to him. Neither of those things has any bearing on which one Subaru likes more or which one Subaru should end up with you god damn retarded fuck Emiliafag.
Literally we were discussing differences between Emilia and Rem's reactions to Subaru and here you are jacking off in a corner on your fucking phone with no grasp of the English language slowly repeating 'Muh Emilia' to yourself over, and over, and fucking over again.
Piss off retard.
Why are some people so slow?
>Final nail in the coffin
See you guys in 5 years.
There's ongoing translations so I assume there will still be threads. It'll probably end up about how Overlord threads are now.
>people were expecting S2 preview
Whoa whoa it was EP25 all along?!?! what a shocker!!!!!!! I wonder why?!
I think people were just in to see what the hell it was. Apparently it was episode 25 redux, makes sense why they didn't play it. Dialogue aside, it basically covered everything that happened.
>It'll probably end up about how Overlord threads are now.
Dear lord I hope not.
Lets pray for manga updates so it can still be relevant.
Can anyone link me to the manga online? I just finished the anime, and I want to read it so I can stay up to date.
Wow it's fucking nothing.
As expected.
See ya in 3 years, boys!
Did that little shit literally just tape witch cult knives to his arms?
Post your work.
It's not even close to where the Anime ended.
Have we gotten any confirmation for arc 4 of the manga btw?
I just means in terms of frequency and such.
Wow! Look at that! Its fucking nothing!
Looks like I won't be here for another decade
That's kinda why I want to read it.
Someone translate
Probably because he doesn't want to worry her.
Thanks for linking that. Now I know.
>His body was long and slender, and his neat white hair was neither long nor short, nor particularly odd. His black clothes were neither flamboyant nor shabby, and his face was not eye-catching at all. He looked so very ordinary, that perhaps no matter where you put him he would not seem out of place, that if you met him on the street you’d forget him within 10 seconds.
>His black clothes were neither flamboyant nor shabby, and his face was not eye-catching at all.
His black clothes were neither flamboyant nor shabby.
His black clothes.
>Talk about her alot =/= spending time with her, you were basing your argument on how much time Subaru pent with Emilia compared to Rem. I'm just simply countering against that, because in a sense, its objectively false.
Dude just stop. You're arguing over nothing and trying to win small battles over irrelavnt. The only objective thing here is Suabru spennt roughly the same amount of them both. Whether he spent to 2 minutes more or less with either Emilia or Rem is irrelevant and insignificant to the story or relationships.
It just reeks of desperation and no rational person would try to argue something pointless.
Here is the thing, Subaru spilled all of the beans about that in episode 18, his thoughts, everything. Just like what Rem did in episode 11, aka their flaws and insecurities that neither party has shown to others ever or since. I can also make the argument Subaru also attempted to do that in episode 13, which Emilia handles badly.
THis does not change my point. Her loves is based on what she of him, not what she knows. Rem was only gradually getting to know from that point.
And Subaru spill the beans about his insecurities to Emilia in ep 8 and then in ep 25 she did the same listing her flaws and self- depreciating herself.
>That is also how Subaru fell for Rem. She did something no one ever did and told him that she would also aknowledge him as himself.
I don't disagree because that is what happened.
>no season 2 announcement
It's time. Year 1/X of no season 2
>There's at least one Gluttony bishop that refrains from eating despite his role as satiation.
He doesn't refrain from eating, he just has different priorities for how he eats. Also, Regulus is shown to be a massive hypocrite.
>Oh, what's that? You have no actual counter point? Color me fucking surprised. Subaru was being a dick, and Emilia couldn't understand him because of how she is. Rem always accepted him. THAT'S FUCKING IT
Great way to show how don't get anything at all. Emilia didn't understanding about what because he acting like spreg, breaking her promises, getting into unnecessary fights when he's still wound and then telling she owe debts to as if she obligated to love him you retard. That's why she was upset with him.
Go back to whacking to your veggie maid. This show is too smart for and requires someone with functioning non-selective brain.
And Rem didn't always accept him, she fucking murdered and tortured him out of a grudge without ever listening anything he said, now you FUCK OFF.
>Talk about her alot =/= spending time with her, you were basing your argument on how much time Subaru pent with Emilia compared to Rem. I'm just simply countering against that, because in a sense, its objectively false.
Dude just stop. You're arguing over nothing and trying to win small battles over irrelavnt. The only objective thing here is Suabru spennt roughly the same amount of them both. Whether he spent to 2 minutes more or less with either Emilia or Rem is irrelevant and insignificant to the story or relationships.
It just reeks of desperation and no rational person would try to argue something pointless.
>Here is the thing, Subaru spilled all of the beans about that in episode 18, his thoughts, everything. Just like what Rem did in episode 11, aka their flaws and insecurities that neither party has shown to others ever or since. I can also make the argument Subaru also attempted to do that in episode 13, which Emilia handles badly.
THis does not change my point. Her loves is based on what she of him, not what she knows. Rem was only gradually getting to know from that point.
And Subaru spill the beans about his insecurities to Emilia in ep 8 and then in ep 25 she did the same listing her flaws and self- depreciating herself.
>That is also how Subaru fell for Rem. She did something no one ever did and told him that she would also aknowledge him as himself.
I don't disagree because that is what happened.
>If he was pride, then he would have something similar to Typhon, which Subaru does not.
Sirius's power is absolutely nothing like Minerva's, and they're both Wrath. Echidna and Regulus's power don't seem to have been anything alike, as Echidna wasn't known for being invulnerable, and they're both Greed.
I think the Sins manifest different according to the nature of their wielder. Minerva is angry at people getting hurt, so her Wrath allows her to punch people to good health. Sirius's Wrath is of a fundamentally different nature, and as a follower of Betelgeuse it seems she wanted to help "share and spread the love". So her power let's her share and spread emotions and wounds. I hear the author even said Invisible Providence actually isn't quite the same as the Unseen Hand, despite their similarity. Betelgeuse and Subaru may have just had similar Sloth-related desires when they acquired that power, since Betelgeuse took in Sloth so he could do more to save the people he loved.
When Subaru gains the other Sins I don't think they're going to manifest in exactly the same way as those of the Bishops. Regulus's Greed is tailored to the kind of selfish and unrepentant bastard he is, a man who murdered his supportive family because he thought they looked down on him. A man who sees nothing wrong in anything he does is a man who doesn't believe he should ever change, and his power is exactly that. He stops his own time and never changes, which makes him unstoppable and invulnerable because nothing can touch or change him. Subaru's Greed could wind up quite different, as his desires are quite different.
Cute haafu erufu
Giraffe legs
So, no ominous hints whatsoever? What a shame.
>More shameless self promotion
It's like bordering on self parody, while at the same time doing it all funny like but it still feels weird.
>Satella buying a BD disk
Best end desu
Her voice is pure sex.
I like Felix as much as the next guy but this shit needs to stop.
I guess the other Ferrilover is doing a great job since I haven't been in these threads much recently.
>milk bottle
Wait, bois nipples don´t lactate?
Only immediately after birth for a day or two.
You also have to understand that being the archbishop of a sin doesn't necessarily mean you are filled with it.
Look at Betelgeuse, he was basically the opposite of sloth, totally dedicated to Satella and acting on it.
If writing 'THE END' in Betelgeuse's book had anything to do with Betelgeuse dying right after, if you start writing things like that in the book does Betelgeuse suddenly get urges to assault catboys?
He's also a spirit who possesses other people and makes them do everything for him.
I want to make quarter erufu with the haafu erufu.
Ok. They were just THAT stupid. No reason toi release that after every last airing ended.
So, anyone disappointed by the lack of epilogue?
Well that's that. BYE GUYS.
Well, never fear! I'm sure we'll be getting some fanart of it all!
How dare you twist the words of the gospel
What a happy family.
Anyone got any rare manRems?
We've finally got some Oni mode.
Seems there's going to be some Reinhard X Felt doujins later.
>Even the last repetit is shit
Well goodbye folks. There's literally nothing.
This is hot.
so whats the "announcement" ?
I've seen someone on Twitter say that Ley reminds them of Wrath from the original FMA anime.
emilia a shit
>everyone says it's nothing
>they didn't notice it was a whole PV with just Emilia and Subaru
>no rem as well
>That's All This Story Is About
Felt and Reinhardt actually seems to be one of the most popular pairings that doesn't involve Subaru, so I guess this was eventually bound to happen.
I like the age gap. That shit is hot.
And this is why WN are referred to as a draft.
>You will never sank in mayonnaise, that cooked by blue haired half-oni
Why live?
People are finally releasing their Ley fanart, from way back before his official art came.
Is the LN anywhere near the ending?
I can't gather the interest to read them if there already are 10 volumes out but the author wants to make it a 40+ volumes novel.
The LN is done with Arc 3, while the WN is said to be almost half done at the start of Arc 6.
hey guys umm did you know that satella is future emilia that fell in love with subaru and witnessed his death and thus went cray and that is why she loves him so
So Subaru would have been a ladykiller in the real world aswell if he just went outside more? Rem fell for him after they knew each other for a few days. Emilia would have lusted after his dick after one day if she actually knew what love is. Beatrice is all over him. Petra loves her Oni-chan. For fucks sake every male character in this show that isn't evil wants his dick.
He went to another world to get his dick wet when he could have done the same in the real world.
Even dragon want it.
>few days
>Beatrice is all over him
Nice bait.
He's only 4 years older than her. It will be irrelvant in 3 years.
The best end ever!!
>The producer discovered Re:zero through some shitpost online
Tappei just keeps tweeting Emilia fanart because it's her birthday. Over 100 already. He is high from power isn't he?
>Vol. 10 ends arc 3
>Novel half done at arc 6.
>Around 40 volumes in total.
Looks like I'll never read this.
S&W is a great novel and only took the author 19 volumes.
Wonder why writers don't realize they can create good novels without spanning encyclopedia-like lenghts.
Probably. Or rather, he'd probably be one if he stopped acting like such a shithead.
They're so beautiful together.
Doesn't Vol 9 end Arc 3?
>REM fell for him after they knew each other for a FEW DAYS.
Are you retarted I never said that Beatrice loved him instantly. Even though you can even say that she liked him after he makes the contract on the third try in the mansion.
>judging things by volume numbers
>not pages
Are you this retarded? Not all volumes contain the same number of pages.
Crusch was basically crusching on him too. Felt likes him. Not sure how deconstruction.
I'm sure you could make some megajoke stringing along all the unrequited loves in this series into a hectogon.
Neither ever show any romantic feelings at all to him, just admiration.
Honestly everyone other than Emilia and Rem are just a shiptease at best and he had to go through a lot of shit before those two became attached to him.
Volume 10 actually begins Arc 4. Arc 3 is already over at 9. Also, while Arc 4 is the current longest, it'll probably get shortened in the editing process. We also need to remember that there are are still four known active Sins after Betelgeuse, and they aren't even the real masterminds. They're the robot masters Subaru needs to defeat to unlock Wily's castle, so to speak. After them, there will probably still be the Witches of the minor Sins, Hector of Acedia and Pandora of Vainglory, as well as the Dragon, the mysterious Pride, and Subaru's own alterego will probably turn out to be the one behind everything.
The deconstruction would have been the epilogue, where the perfect Fairy Tale ending falls apart.
He went from #foreveralone to having the last of the royal bloodline personally loyal to him and the top political candidate about ready to rub one out to him in like, all of a week.
But he's shit at using magic, because that would be unexpected and too OP.
do you have the part 2 for that?
>to having the last of the royal bloodline personally loyal to him
Felt? Still, I don't disagree with you. Considering that there's going to be 11 Arcs, Subaru is already exceptionally popular and well-admired very early in. At this point, I'm just hoping all of the shady shit in the background and the hints that his powers will corrupt him will pay off and ruin everything for him.
Let's start it off with developing a bad habit of chewing his fingernails when he's nervous or distracted.
Daily reminder that the story will end with Subaru waking up in a hospital after being hit by the truck
it was all a dream
>He was actually the MC of Konosuba
>Konosuba was just a "What if story"
>Re:Zero was just a dream he had
His nurse is blue haired girl.
I think it was said Subaru would have married a girl who was a lot like Rem if he hadn't got Isekai'd. So, does that mean Emilia represent what's holding him in the coma, with Satella being the more extreme form of that?
Trying to bear Reinhardts child, against her will
Reminder that someone made a rough translation of a lot of Arc 4.
Surprisingly good.
Got more?
Fuck off gigguk.
Those instances involved him saving their lives.
He wouldn't have Return by Death in the real world, so he would probably just die a bitch trying to save them.
Plus Rem has codependency issues, and Emilia is naive as fuck.
Where is the manga at right now? I really hope it goes past where the anime ends. I hear arc 4 is really juicy
>Got more?
Nope. There are a few sketches of Emilia pages and an incomplete cover from the same artist, but it's clearly not anywhere near done.
Emilia is dead, time for Regulus.
Reminder that there was a 1 month time skip between episodes 11 and 12.
But Rem mainly followed subaru around like a lovestruck puppy regardless.
I like this artist so I hope they like Regulus's design enough to draw him somewhat frequently.
I love it
Based Gigguk delivers
>Subaru: “I remember, I remember. Yep, it was that you wanted to meet Roswaal. ...But man, that's kinda, eh.”
>Otto: “What is it?”
>Subaru: “No, was just thinking it's no big deal if you're into guys, but when the partner's Roswaal... ...Ah, my preferences are normal, and since Emilia's here it'd be a problem if you put your sights on me.”
>Otto: “That's not what the request is about! Just what exactly do you think I am?!”
>Subaru: “A merchant who spices things up?”
>Otto: “He's treating me like something bawdy!”
Who doesn't like to bully Otto?
Everyone loves Regulus, despite the fact that he's just an unrepentant and petty shithead. They've been drawing him somewhat frequently for awhile now.
>sketches of Emilia pages
May I know of this artist?
Well the PV is nothing and the Re:Petit is for shilling.
Looks like I won't be seeing you guys for another 5 years. Or when arc 11 hits.
I barely could read moon, should I buy volume 9 anyways for novelty?