>that sakuga
>that direction
>that OP and ED
>amazing characters
This show really makes me go doopin' mental every time I watch it.
What are you thoughts, Cred Forums?
>that sakuga
>that direction
>that OP and ED
>amazing characters
This show really makes me go doopin' mental every time I watch it.
What are you thoughts, Cred Forums?
People shit talked the manga cause of the art but soon they learned Best Art =! Best Show
this is a first time I've seen a thread praise MP100 that wasn't immediately followed by trolls comparing it to OPM.
>Normalfag pandering anime that shits on the viewers
because is just one person.
two now.
mobfags like to samefag, they are a poor minority always living in the shadow of Murata and OPM.
Does someone have the picture of all of mobs explosions.
It's good.
Another shounenshit. Got tired of them long ago.
Samefagging this hard.
>bumping the thread
wew lad.
You're forgetting the best character
Aoty so far, nothing comes close.
Thanks for the (You)s
AOTY for me
>doopin' mental
>doopin mental
Wrong board la
Literal perfection.