Gintama faces, post em if you got em.
Gintama faces, post em if you got em
Too many to count but they're scattered everywhere and dumping is a pain. Good luck.
One of the best.
Is gintana easy to get into?
first bit is hit and miss but I enjoyed the first 20 episodes outside of like 2 or 3. After that the series takes off.
Most peoples problem with gintama is they try to watch too much too fast and get bored with the humor very quick.
Not to mention the first 20 episodes are basically establishing character backstories. I'd say they are optional but they do explain quite a bit about some jokes later on in the series
Aren't there like over 200 episodes?
I have infinite Gintama reaction faces
300 or something, the quality stays pretty constant throughout the show and movies. The last season's ending was probably more serious than any other seasons though.
jojofags would think that's a jojo reference
How buttmad do you have to be to bring up another fanbase in a gintama thread?
Here ya go OP - it's my favorite.
this ones got my vote for favorite, since its literally the first picture that comes to mind on Cred Forums when someones done fucked up severely.
Are these supposed to be funny?
They are supposed to be Gintama faces
best gintoki
The Daily Lives of Highschool Boys is better