I want to run my hands through her silky fluffy hair
Isaac Ramirez
Who is she dressing up for? Why?
Cameron Reed
Cameron Morris
Sharon is a slut but that's what I like about her
Henry Williams
Jacob Richardson
What he means is that Beatrix finally seduced Jurgen. Jurgen is the one who surrendered. She's got him wrapped around her finger now so she can pull of her evil schemes.
Xavier Thompson
Even if she is a secondary, Gretel will always be the main heroine of my heart
Thomas Richardson
>She's a gloryhound who wants to exterminate all possible GDR defectors from the DDR and she literally killed MCs family as far as he's concerned! >She's just butthurt Irisdina's brother wasa revolutionist and swim with sharks you're a shark thought process >Iris bro didn't like the DDR and she's mad butthurt over Iri existing and being better at being a pilotBasically Beatrix is a shit human being all around, and that's before we get into the torture porn >She wants to murder forever, see you in Valhalla is her admitting communism might be a bit shit and challenging Theo's resolve all at once
Adrian Hughes
>IP counter still at 8 really makes you think
Hudson Turner
Robert Foster
so the power in favela got turned on and he got his 10min daily ration of electricity?
Hudson Davis
Okay but she didn't sleep around with anyone and everyone. She was Yuuya exclusive until he had to go and he broke up with her. They're still on great terms, and they didn't want to break it off.
Ethan Cook
Nah, this is just shit that was said years ago on animesuki. It's basically stale copypasta now.
Grayson Nguyen
Your implications really going to make my cognitive functions go full blast.
Isaac Ward
>BiS Vol 3 & 4 never >HQ pictures of Jürgen's buddies never >pictures of Jürgen and Bea in the tub never >pictures of Iris and Bea in anatomically correct trainee reinforced suits never >Translations never
Adam Sullivan
We'll never get an HQ version of this picture.
Kayden Cruz
Luke Cruz
Christopher Mitchell
That's not really HD, just upscaled. Compare pic related, for instance.
Jack Bennett
still better than your pic. and don't fucking save pictures as jpg.
Ayden Young
This is why I really want to see her HCGs.
Elijah Adams
I don't know what humors me more; the fact that Beatrix and Sylwia are ranked so low, or that they used an image of Iris for Lise.
Julian Morgan
>Seriously, there must be something wrong in your head.
Well, I can't really argue that.
Lucas Allen
>People like you make me sick. Seriously, there must be something wrong in your head.
Where is this supposed to be from? Requiem? Flashback?
Ayden Scott
A malnourished, petite girl like Lise couldn't possibly have done that. It would tickle the man, and she will be then mercilessly raped in the ass, with only her blood to act as lubricant.
Charles Rogers
Can i have the link to this LN?
Joshua Green
>Stasi or NVA plan to gangrape her in the locker room >she fucks up their leader >the rest of them get cold feet and leave >puts a couple of other people in the hospital for catcalling her
Matthew Watson
Why do the Werewolves treat Lise so badly? Why is she so loyal to them? Why are they so stupid? Even guys like the Waffen SS had a ton of camaraderie. RL stasi certainly did too, they were about the only people they could trust.
Anthony Brooks
Werewolves in LN were forbidden from gossiping or asking/bringing up each other's pasts by Beatrix, so they probably took camaraderie/unit morale/ and not being douches to one another seriously (or at the very least, Beatrix did.)
Julian Taylor
And isn't it Farka's and the rest Lise's Flight reaction to Theo being a rebel, in the LN at least, to try to help capture him alive for Lise?
John Murphy
>Many member in this battalion had a dirty history and it was forbidden to talk about anyone's past experience. Lise discovered that there were many criminals like deserters and traitors in the battalion.
Henry Cruz
Farka was like the only person Beatrix could spare for Lise. It was nearly enough too.
Zachary Edwards
>Pham only a C
What did we do wrong? ;_;
>Thi-rang >young Iris is now Lise apparently >Sylwia D tier >Beatrix fucking E-tier (what the fuck is E-tier anyways) >Galko F-tier >Hotaru F-tier >Waifu tier list - Winter 2016 >CELEBRATING WAIFU SEASONALS
MAL, ladies and gentlemen. Is this person just trying to be a contrarian because they want to be different? I don't get it.
I suppose we should be lucky, they put Katia and Gretel only at C-tier. I suppose there always is a silver lining.
Pretty sure that's not Werewolves doing that to her. Sounded like others were smiling about it too.
Jack Sanders
「……社会主義は、宗教を否定しているんじゃ無なかったのかよ」 (Communism is nothing, for it denies religion.)
Aiden Bell
there are also Socialist countries that practices religion.
Cameron Wood
Does anyone have all of the SF HCGs that have been found so far?
Jackson Hughes
What I think he meant, if it's transliterated properly, was that it denies spirituality, it denies mankind any hope or faith in a better future. He's making a sort of dual meaning point, that it kills the human soul.
He's saying religion, not faith or spirituality. They don't really show it in the anime, but he starts wearing Iris's cross and praying with it after she dies:
Tyler Cruz
>but he starts wearing Iris's cross Nah they showed that, but the cross is little more than a fashion accessory in the anime.
Jacob Bell
When does Iris get the cross anyways. I've noticed that it hasn't made an appearance in BiS yet. Also, who gave it to her? It seems to bear some significance beyond purely being religious. It could be Jurgen but it'd be even more ironic if Beatrix was the one who gifted it to her way back when, especially because ruby red is the color used to represent her. It's also interesting that Beatrix never takes it from her despite physically assaulting her.
Andrew Long
That'd be pretty funny. Iris goes to grip her cross when Beatrix is around. Theo sees it and thinks she's praying to God to keep this demon away and he couldn't be more wrong if he tried.
Xavier Brooks
>I've noticed that it hasn't made an appearance in BiS yet. Well we've got more or less nine months, in story, before the Strachwitz-purge, so maybe next chapter, It'll make its appearance.
>it'd be even more ironic if Beatrix was the one who gifted it to her way back when, especially because ruby red is the colour used to represent her. >Beatrix drinks tea because of Iris >Iris carries a gift of Bea's around constantly It hurts. Why can't they finally bury the hatchet, if they are so obsessed with one another?
Dylan Ward
It's a broad point user, yes he's saying religion, but as I said he's making a dual point there. I know we're not used to Theo exactly being a deep thinker, but you can read a similar sentiment from Alexsandr Solzhenitsyn in Gulag Archipelago, or Kang Chol-hwan in The Aquariums of Pyongyang, or really any of the people who wrote books about the communist system, and lived in them.
Poor Gouda-kun, he stood no chance against the Bakayuki.
Juan Johnson
Aw yiss, at school. I wonder why there hasn't been more of this.
Aiden Jenkins
Why is Lise so head over heels for Theo?
Jonathan Roberts
It goes back a long way. I think Lise always wanted a brother, she knew the way kids know from their parents, that she had a large extended family, but she never saw any of them. And I guess it was just first love when she saw Theo walk through that door, looking forlorn and lost.
Theo quickly learned to love to, and from there, they became inseparable. They had always been calling to each other. It's not exactly clear when their love became more than just a sibling love one, but maybe it was from the moment they met.
This is all before of course, their troubles. That only strengthened their bond. Lise, he was her only rock of sanity and hope left, and Theo, he rejected the world and redefined his life because a life without Lise wasn't one worth living.
Lincoln Wood
This scene made me more sympathetic towards Lise. I really pity her by the fact that she has to live through harsh circumstances in order to live till this very day hoping that one day she would meet her brother again. Seriously, fuck you Theo! If I were you I would've accepted her and try my very best to persuade and change her!
Its a doujin. Like the Girls and Tank-class image a couple of years back.
Logan Gonzalez
Yui scene two when?
Dylan Stewart
Jordan Price
>Lise putting potential rapists and molesters in the hospital Nice. Shame she has to live in circumstances where that is apparently a regular occurrence for her to deal with though.
>malnourished What? Besides jaws dislocate easier than you think, just gotta get the angle right. The fact her looks catch men off guard gives her even more of an initiative advantage let alone that she's a more skilled and experienced fighter than they expect. Or that she is as direct and brutal as she is.
Levi Wilson
Nolan Green
Well if Pham can take on Stasi, I don't see why Lise can't too.
Nicholas Howard
Lead belly wasn't a man though. And she's mentally handicapped.
Robert Sanders
Aren't Kouki and GuP mangaka friends or something?
Noah Sullivan
>and she's mentally handicapped
Nathaniel Stewart
>goes into an NVA base with no backup and only armed with her service pistol for an arrest >proceeds to antagonize the whole base >instead of taking the little girl hostage, she goes for the target that is as tall as her and could, even without martial arts, overpower her if the pistol wasn't there.
Juan Roberts
Sounds pretty hardcore to me.
Thomas Smith
Zachary Morris
Ryan Rivera
Post Stasimouto
Carson Collins
Thomas Ramirez
More like pretty stupid She should have gone with this fellows
Owen Wright
So whats different about Martyrs?
Jeremiah Mitchell
More like stupidly evil, with emphasis on the stupid not the evil. Leadbelly was so perfect for Watanabe's vision for the Stasi, that he infected all others with her stupidity and incompetence, while cutting her out.
She's still pretty cute though.
Owen Nelson
3 routes
Luis Wilson
But if you're one man breaking into a big base, that makes you the good guy. Lead belly was a hero for like 20 minutes.
Jace Sullivan
>send more than one agent to detain a little girl It was a simple in/out job. And Pham was the only hostage available at the time, things just escalated way out of hand.
Stop posting.
Alexander Sullivan
If you kill your enemies then they win.
Shooting leadbelly was an mistake.
Camden Davis
>tfw no Yugoslavia front VN
Dylan Nelson
ah okay
Lise and this time?
Brody King
No thats actually right. I can't be the only one who was rooting for her at the time.
Luis Mitchell
Yeah we only need to take one guy what could possibly go wrong?
Maybe next time they should try to headpat her instead.
Jonathan Harris
Why would Lise let creepy old men headpat her?
Leo Reyes
With how horrible her life is she needs all kindness she could get.
Blake Collins
Dylan Green
Aside from the Theo/Bea anime fight scene it was 90% cgs from the first VN. I get it if they don't want to spoil anything we don't already know especially concerning the other two routes but I feel like we could have gotten more.
Xavier Gray
>it was 90% cgs from the first VN Im pretty sure the first VN did not have scenes from episode 1, 10, 11 and 12 from the anime. Also the episode when they fight fort class which might be episode 2.
Wyatt Turner
Where do you think that other 10% came from user.
Tyler Walker
>you will never make Vivi and Anett cry
Angel Jenkins
go away Pierre
Jaxson Wood
I want to protect that smile! Kouki make it so!
Aaron Cruz
I want to try to steal Lise's ribbons and get beaten up by her.
Cameron Bailey
i overslept both streams. any interesting happened?
Jacob Bell
Samuel Morales
I want to molest teen Iris
Jackson James
Not enough.
Owen Flores
That they showed footage from the anime version of Theo and Beatrix fighting is off putting but its too early to tell how its gonna go overall. Given Age's track record however I don't blame you for being jaded about the possibilities but nothing is set in stone.
Jaxson Butler
I think even ixtl recognizes releasing multiple kusoge is not a good idea.
Jose Nguyen
Girls should be beaten up for being girls.
Logan Rivera
you are looking into it too much they just added anime scenes to make it look nicer and save on money.
Bentley Hughes
If they want to use anime scenes, they'll need to retcon some of material too match. Shouldn't be anything too big (unless they start changing things like Walter's death to use the anime footage), but it still changes the tone of the story. Take the final battle, Theo doesn't lose his arm and the finishing attack is delivered after his opponent had lost the ability to fight.
Ryan Hill
I meant for the trailer. They used the scenes to make it look better. It doesn't mean it will be in the game.
Lincoln Morgan
and by trailer i meant OP.
Matthew Sullivan
They said that the anime scenes would be in the game and that's their OP, btw.
Christian Johnson
Spending time with Lise!
Michael Gray
Spending time with Sylwia while wearing a Halloween costume, making her think I'm Walther, then getting my ass kicked when the truth gets revealed
Adam Foster
Double date picnic with Sylwia and Lise?
Cooper Powell
The anime version of Theo's final gambit was better.
Samuel Robinson
Just like how the anime version of Irisdina's final gambit was better as well?
Zachary Watson
No, that was pretty retarded.
Ian Wright
Joseph Turner
>give Irisdina a fight scene with Axmann >don't even make it good and/or painful enough for Axmann to be satisfying If you want to go full retard, at least do it entertainingly.
Adam Thompson
Thank you for reminding me of one part of Martyrs I know for certain I'm looking forward to.
Nathan Perry
knowing axuman that is just some ketchup on his neck.
Brayden Morgan
Well apparently it must hurt really bad given the expression on his face.
Nathaniel Sanchez
Now we need to get one of Beatrix, Schmidt, and Suzy.
Ian Gomez
Kouki won't allow it.
James Rodriguez
>Now we need to get one of Beatrix
Caleb Lee
Punching Anett in the face!
Matthew Wright
But why?
Dominic Lee
She's cute, so it's funnier to bully her,
Ryder Howard
implying kouki won't
Aaron Miller
You don't even understand why i wrote that. let me give you a tip: Inghild isn't his favorite.
I prefer to avoid reading fanfiction with rare exceptions, bottomline it for me.
Hudson Clark
Stop, it burns.
Connor Garcia
That's one of the most retarded things I have ever read
delt this
Luis Gutierrez
>Too easy, Beatrix thought to herself as she surveyed the damage from the air. To think everything would end so quickly, so easily, after dealing with these disgusting rebels for so long. The most entertaining thing was she never even planned on taking down the mighty Verteidiger. She had been a second away from finishing off one of the pathetic members of Schwarzesmarken when the Verteidiger erratically swerved into her sights and took the shot.
>Beatrix's grudge against that particular machine cut deep. The Verteidiger's pilot escaped custody and took the experimental craft with her, but that wasn't the worst part of it. She had hijacked a massive cache of Stasi resources on her way out, which she was using to keep the Verteidiger in working condition with minimal underground support. Its mere appearance had become a mockery of everything the Stasi stood for.
>Now sweet revenge would belong to Beatrix.
>Being incinerated alive in a fiery explosion was always a good death for worthless sub-human scum. Beatrix focused her Aligatori's crosshairs at an exposed fuel pod on the crippled Verteidiger.
>Beatrix started to raise the Aligatori's shield. The world moved in slow motion as the Verteidiger inched closer and closer and Beatrix braced for impact.
>An instant before the Verteidiger was in contact range, Beatrix gasped at what she saw in her optics. The vehicle's fangs popped out of its grill like titanium battering rams. When the machines collided, one of the fangs smashed through Beatrix's cockpit door and instantly crushed her ribcage.
>Jo and Beatrix went into a freefall together. Impaled on her seat, blood frothing from her mouth, Beatrix could see the Verteidiger's weapons port opening directly in front of her with her bare eyes.
Austin Hall
"And the outside port houses the Tunneler Missile. It carries an explosive payload. It's unguided, it's basically used to clear obstacles."
The missile left the Verteidiger's launcher, traveled forward three feet, and struck the Aligatori's exposed cockpit at point blank range. Major Beatrix Brehme was terminated with extreme prejudice.
Ayden Cook
Carson Robinson
its worse than head cannon.
Hudson Nguyen
How would Gretel feel if you sexually violate her with her own dickgrip gun?
William Brown
Why "paulfic"?
Jaxson Parker
Evan Bell
isn't that the Acts of the Apostles?
Elijah Foster
If you're going to do this, at least do it right.
Gabriel Diaz
kek. yours are even more wrong than his. you are autistic don't try to understand other people you are not capable of it.
Adam Johnson
>I don't know what humors me more; the fact that Beatrix and Sylwia are ranked so low, or that they used an image of Iris for Lise. Sylwia is low because little screentime and no willies for MC's dikku.
Jonathan Wood
>Delicious silver hair. My descendant of past pilgrims of foreign decent who arrived on the coasts which would be later known as Virginia, who also happen to have dark skin pigmentation.
John Smith
How am I more wrong?
Eli Hughes
Howabout Beatrix then; why does she rank so low?
Tyler Nguyen
>Beatrix >Chaotic Evil She's only disobeyed authority twice in her life.
Zachary Martinez
why are you so obsessed with her?
Jaxon Hughes
Because Beatrix is my waifu.
David Jones
>Howabout Beatrix then; why does she rank so low? Maybe it's because her character is cheap? Dunno...
Nathan King
>... Lurk for 3 million minutes before posting.
Hunter Young
Come back plz I need more of those
Cooper Adams
But I like it here.
Angel Long
because you placed them in D&D alignment system. SM characters are too complex to be put in such a simple system. And while you are both wrong yours is even more. mostly because how you placed theo and lise.
Julian Wood
Theo is true neutral, he's a free agent. Lise is chaotic neutral as most of the evil she does is forced onto her, and she's insane anyways.
Christian Robinson
Are the also intelligent, nihilistic and have wicked senses of humor?
Luke Gray
That's this guy
Landon White
>SM characters are too complex to be put in such a simple system. While the heroes can be complex, nuanced, and flawed, the villains aren't and there is a very clear line between the good(ish) guys and the bad guys. SM politics is a far cry from anything in TDA or ML, mostly because the antagonist can be boiled down to doing shit for their own gains or just because they enjoy being evil so much, rather then having legitimate political grievances like the French or Sagiri.
Andrew James
Stop quoting Type-94. Even by his own internal, retarded logic, he constantly contradicts himself and gets a lot of things wrong.
Grayson Lopez
No amount of Picard plot power is going to get us out of this.
If it's gonna be a happy ending, it's gonna be like the suffering of Sisko. It'll be what you leave behind.
Already molested in her heart because Jurgen didn't molest her.
Tyler Bailey
I'm going to molest Irisdina in bed after our wedding.
Adam Sanders
Jesus Christ you both suck at this.
>Massive cache of Stasi sekrit documents >in the same place as an experimental TSF gantry >in the same place as a Stasi prison >implying the Stasi manufacture any heavy machinery, let alone TSFs >let alone experimental TSFs, or the labs needed for them >the documents are somehow keeping the aircraft going >it's not like you need very specialized tooling and factories to make said parts >FOR AN EXPERIMENTAL TSF >"weapon port" on the front
Just kill me already.
>quoting Type-94 >SM politics is a far cry from anything in TDA or ML, mostly because the antagonist can be boiled down to doing shit for their own gains or just because they enjoy being evil so much, rather then having legitimate political grievances like the French or Sagiri.
Christian Gray
Too be fair, the stasi stole the prototype from the West along with Inghilde. Of course, that just introduces more plot holes.
And it's not like the stasi were that intelligent or competent in the anime either
Grayson Morales
>people so starved for content they have to reply to paul fanfiction kill yourselves
Dylan Torres
Where the fuck does this "Paul" thing come from?
James Phillips
>molest in bed after our wedding You mean make sweet vanilla sugary consensual love involving handholding, whispering sweet nothings, and procreation.
Jaxson Morgan
Paul is a social construction
Mason Ward
it comes from a guy named paul who writes dumb shit
Carson Rodriguez
That comes after as some playful molesting is fun for foreplay.
Jackson Ortiz
So, sucking her tits for an hour?
Matthew Price
>and she's insane anyways Driven insane by said evil forced onto her, she was perfectly normal beforehand, if not straight up good given her naturally self-less nature. Its what happens when you try to force a circular object into a triangular space. It doesn't work, doesn't match, doesn't fit, but if you keep pushing it then eventually its gonna break and what you're left with is something that is neither a circle or a triangle.
Andrew White
Hence why she is Chaotic Neutral.
Brayden Taylor
Yeah I was agreeing with you, guess I could have explicitly stated so but it should be obvious chaotic neutral fits her the most. Don't know what other guy is talking about.
Hudson Cruz
What does it feel like to kiss Beatrix?
Jason Stewart
It's not exactly molesting then, if it's on your wedding night, is it?
That makes even less sense than before. Nevermind that it still wouldn't be under Stasi care when they simply can't maintain an experimental stolen TSF, how the fuck is Inghild suddenly from the West? She's from a Junker family in former eastern Germany!
Parker Ortiz
6 reasons why Iris is better then Beatrix:
1) Doesn't have to use makeup to cover herself up; she's already banging.
2) Her eyes, specifically her irises, are well proportioned, compared to Beatrix who has small, feral, demonic irises. Sapphire blue is also such a nicer color then ruby or blood red anyways.
3) She has nicer hair. Beatrix's is a messy tangle, giving her a barbaric look that would snare fingers while Irisdina is straight and silky and would be a joy to run your hair through.
4) Better proportions. Beatrix is too much of a good thing. Her hips, breasts, and overall measurements are exaggerated to the point of grotesqueness. Iris has just enough of everything and her body parts compliment one another.
5) Better personality. This kind of goes without saying.
6) Angels>Demons
Lise is the best though.
Kayden Cruz
Austin Cox
But Beatrix is just a flirty Irisdina.
Adam Thomas
I agree with the very last part. I will make no comment for or against the rest.
Matthew Young
Wrong on every single point.
Blake Watson
Where's your counterpoint then?
Jason Williams
Yui, Inia and Cryska are my waifus.
Henry Perry
How does it feel to be so wrong? Not saying I hate Irisdina, but your Beatohate is hurtful.
Chase Martin
Really gets those neurons firing.
Daniel Edwards
Why are you so mean? Who did what to you back then?
Nathan Perez
Dominic Gonzalez
stop bumping this thread
Jackson Watson
How did Pham get so big anyways?
But agreed.
We've already told you this. No multiples.
Matthew Campbell
Harem end is best end.
Jaxon Morgan
>grayscaling color illustrations
Why they do this?
Luke Clark
Socialism itself IS the religion.
Mason Watson
Mostly to save on costs. It doesn't make much sense for Ebooks though, but then, age is pretty lazy about things like this.
Dylan Rivera
Which girl gets bullied the most in SM, both in and out of story.
Nolan Martinez
So when are they gonna retroactively add the anatomical correctness to the fortified suits in images that originally omitted it due to that utterly asinine censorship policy they arbitrarily decided to self-impose?
Jayden Powell
John Edwards
Andrew Sanchez
Tell them to stop that! It's bad enough no one who's privy to the original publications bothers to provide decent scans for those of us who aren't!
Liam Jenkins
>bullied in story Canonically Beatrix and Lise, both in more ways than one.
>out of story Lise got a lot of shit while the anime was airing, but overall Beatrix gets more crap than anyone.
Not even close, both in or out.
Nolan Morales
>Not even close, both in or out. Katia gets bullied all the time here.
Aiden Morales
If her fans had better manners she wouldn't be.
Hunter Sanders
And it pales in comparison to the flak either Lise or Beatrix have gotten in total. She's probably third, but theres a power gap.
Caleb Ramirez
you might have a point if you factored out the 12 weeks the anime aired
Jacob Sanchez
Beatrix was relieved to die, that should tell you something.
Joseph Young
How can Katia compete with this?
Michael Carter
>How can Katia compete with this? She's not a corpse.
Thomas Kelly
She probably is by now. Why else would Theo lose his shit and become a mastermind villain?
Isaac Fisher
Tyler Davis
absolutely disgusting. go back to /m/ with your cockroach.
Kayden Gonzalez
She's not a roach, not a roach!
Kevin Hall
Yes she is, remove roach
Isaiah Reed
The closest one to being a roach is pic related.
Hunter Scott
fuck off katiafag
Joseph Taylor
You started this.
Grayson Powell
no you did it
>How can Katia compete with this? >She's not a corpse.
Christian Baker
she kinda is.
William Lewis
Technically thats the Irisfag's fault.
Andrew Peterson
Looks more like a cosplaying semen demon to me.
Ryan Gomez
Does Beatrix make your dick as hard as a CIWS? I think I've fapped to her more then any ML girl, and possibly more then any other animu girl, ever.
Samuel Scott
Irisfags consists of mostly people couldn't get over their immaturity problems hence why they kept on shitting on poor and innocent katiafags.
Camden Bennett
>hence why they kept on shitting on poor and innocent katiafags. >poor and innocent katiafags.
Asher Carter
>poor and innocent >katiafags have for the most part the ones to stir up shit the most See this is why no one likes katiafags. Not that this whole meta discussion isn't pants on head retarded.
James Lee
One protagonist wasn't enough for Stella, so she went for two of em instead. Who knew that Yuuya would be so open to a three way?
The only murdering she's doing is committed against my unborn children
Hudson Bell
Elijah Nelson
We katiafags trying our very best to bring in proper discussions to why we liked Katia but the response we got from otherfags is just being shit on. E.g. Constantly being called delusional for liking Katia.
If Katia, one of the heroine of the series being despised by the fandome so badly means that Age fail in properly creating Katia.
Lucas Sullivan
>katiafag shit ups the thread, again
Like clockwork
Andrew Taylor
She's still popular enough to get the most merchandise after Irisdina, so that has to count for something, right? She even got her own daki.
Gavin Gutierrez
Stella is such a slut.
Evan Hughes
Her daki flopped bad example katiafag
Blake Harris
You 'katiafags' have historically been the biggest shitters in these threads, constantly spouting bullshit jargon and tearing at other waifus with misnomers and half truths, and the most prominent katiafag has been extremely virulent in that regard. You don't promote proper discussion you promote ignorance and crippling oversimplification. Eat your own shit.
And this is just a laughably pathetic rationalization. Whatever you feel like you have to prove whether out of spite or insecurity you're going about it all wrong. Not that you should try so hard in the first place.
Brayden Cruz
Her daki flopped so bad that age scrubbed it from their stores.
Samuel Hughes
Zachary Harris
>She even got her own daki. Like that's an achievement.
Juan Turner
She got a daki, a figurine, and is playing a huge role in advertising both the anime and Martyrs.
Carter Harris
Stop that. Stella is not a slut.
Jack Sanchez
than why is she sucking multiple cocks?
Samuel Reed
Not even Lise can but at least Lise has boobs.
Jeremiah Rogers
Ribbons are for Lise too. All of them apparently.
Nathan Thomas
>doing naughty things with Lise in a wine cellar
Grayson Clark
Her daki has done fairly well, considering that she's still on the front page as one of the top (or recommended) products (for a comparison, Iris and Ilfie are on the third).
>You 'katiafags' have historically been the biggest shitters in these threads. at least I'm the one you meant that would shit on other people's waifu. I realize anons like you tend to post things that are pretty much aggressive and unpleasant towards Katiafags. It's like we katiafags are trying our very best to share the pros of our waifu and then you came out of nowhere and shit on it. E.g. your reply towards this post , giving us an unhealthy experience in the SM fandom.
Luke Peterson
We once ruled these threads and now they're getting us back for it.
Brandon King
I'm not** apologize for typo
Alexander Clark
What is the original source of the image?
Kevin Jackson
>an unhealthy experience in the SM fandom. You mean like what you have constantly given Beatrixfags and on occasion Lisefags? Because the "pros" you share of your waifu seems to have more to do with trying to tear other waifus down. As well as an unhealthy perspective you seem to have where everything must be a competition. Like so you think its about getting back or getting even when its about getting you to stop being annoying and antagonistic fagets.
None of this would have happened if it weren't for how you have repeatedly chosen to conduct yourselves. You get shit on because your the biggest shitters. Start building bridges instead of tearing them down and things can start to mend for the better.
Alexander Foster
Don't know.
Carter Ward
I'd totally buy a Lise daki if they decided to make one, but for now I'm more than happy with how wonderful her figure turned out. The wall scroll bonus for the upcoming VN is looking good too, although I think I like the first poster a little more, The blue and white babydoll with the ribbon matching shimapan is too good.
Ryder Murphy
>Release date: 2015 December 27 Still a top seller nearly a full year later. That's impressive.
Jaxson Myers
That's because it's not.
Samuel Sanders
Like I said, you are judging your point based on the majority of what those extreme Katiafags said. There are a minority of us who would just bother about Katia without discriminating other waifus.
What those extremists do doesn't mean that I have to shoulder their shame and wrong doing because I'm just a normal fan who loves SM, loves Katia without discriminating others.
James Brown
Then bravo you wonderful person, carry on. Now that we've had this dialogue things should be much more pleasant from now on, and in the future you can rightfully claim to have been wronged if you get bullied despite holding to your word.
Oliver Sullivan
Remember this?
>Yes! Katia must be protected from the bullies as best as everyone can! She deserves to have her happy ending with Theodor, and nothing less! Even Theodor's own sister, Lise, is one of the bullies, and must be drawn and quartered for the sake of Katia's happiness! For the sake of her smile, for the sake of her happiness at having Theo pet her everyday and rub behind her ears! Having her rub into his chest, begging softly to be pet more, to feel his hand upon her scalp once more!
>Though even in the best circumstance, I fear that her happiness would sometimes be interrupted. Sometimes, even while she was enjoying feeling Theo pet her, talking to him about things, she might start crying, knowing how many nameless soldiers had to die and sacrifice themselves for the sake of East Germany, and how many comrades both she and Theodor lost over the course of their journey together.
>They may even both be brought to tears at some points, such as how the treacherous Lise had played with their emotions and led them both into terrible traps, or how Beatrix, that most evil of fiends, attempted to orchestrate their demise! At this, they would both hug each other, letting their emotions out and freeing their burdens as they took comfort in the thought that these two were damned to the lowest pits of hell! That sort of sad situation is precisely why she need not be bullied by anyone ever! The rigors of life and reflection bully her enough. Nobody else should add to her burden!
>Remember, comrades, that Katia's smile and future lie in your hands! Do not give in to the bullying enterprises of those who would harm Katia's smile, do not bow down to the machinations of those who would terrorize her to the point of urinating herself. We must proudly march against them, and fight no matter the cost, no matter how much blood we must spill or how often we must be brought to the brink of annihilation! Stand tall, brave soldier, and fight on to protect Katia!
Matthew Cruz
Colton Diaz
>it's not Not what? Fake? For starters you can tell by how poorly cut the head is, some of the hair's lineart is cut off, in addition to that her head is slightly off tone, but enough not to notice on first glance. It's also blurry and not as sharp compared to the rest of the body - clearly cut out. The icing on the cake? The head is cut off from one of the promo/preview images straight from Strike Frontier. I know because someone has been posting that image of Stella from time to time whenever the game was brought up here. I don't have it but someone else can probably find it and post it again.
Adrian Johnson
Easton Diaz
I want to experiment with expanding Lise's wardrobe to see what she likes and doesn't like.
Easton Moore
Lucas Ortiz
just accept that you are waifu is a slut.
Lincoln Foster
I wanna marry Stella.
Cooper Green
Evan Watson
Sure no problem, I'm okay with it. Overcoming harsh realities is definitely one of the process of understanding.
Anthony Sullivan
I'm still new here and never seen this. It tells me that he is a fanatic and an extremist.
Jose Sanchez
Do you have any posts about how Sylwia deserved to get raped because she hit Katia? Those are my favourite rage-inducers.
Landon Garcia
More Lise SoL would be nice. I want to take her to the beach somewhere nice where she can forget about East Germany and start anew.
Jack Adams
She'd probably kill you if you got in the way of her agendas. Her true sweetheart died a long time ago, now she's just a bitter witch.
Jayden Thompson
We figured out how Jurgen's wingman kept up with him
Brody Morgan
like this? she'll get a sunburn if you aren't careful.
>postscript 5: Vacation As a matter of fact exactly like that. You da real MvP.
Noah Turner
I want to feel Sylwia's hair on my face
Sebastian Martin
False! This is clearly lies, Stella may be slutty in her mannerisms, but she only has eyes for Yuuya. Well, that and any girls she wants to rope in on a day where she feels like sharing. Don't spread this propaganda.
Rude! Cruel! And untrue.
I was going to say. Hasn't SM been pretty consistent in pairing the girls with their guy?
Daniel Murphy
Charles Howard
>shirt lift
Is that supposed to be Stella's trademark or something?
Cameron Parker
Looks fake.
Leo Powell
Adrian Jones
there's a non-negligible chance it is fake, it would be a coup for ukie intelligence if it was real. She's a lawyer and a single mom though, so there's an equally good chance it is real. The strangest part is the uniform. even if it was her, you'd expect some sort of club skank outfit instead of her work clothes. She got promoted since the invasion so her rank is correct, btw.
Bentley Mitchell
God I love this woman.
The uniform is part of her charm, no? Men like women in uniform, just like women like men in uniform.
Asher Cook
Muv Luv spin off with psychic idols Macross style when?
William Cox
Hopefully never. The Vat Imoutos need love, not to be pimped out like Idols are.
Isaiah Flores
>He doesn't want high intensity TSF dogfights happening in tandem with idol concerts This fucking guy
Jose Garcia
>Sandek finds out he can mass produce idol champions
Don't give the man ideas. He'd want to have seen his poor imouto be an idol and a heroine. He would do anything, ANYTHING for his sister's happiness. He would sacrifice anyone to see his sister smile one more time.
Hudson Roberts
How would she feel about green tea?
Josiah Harris
she'd probably be ok with it, green tea is pretty good.
Jayden James
I prefer black tea, actually.
Ryder Young
Pham probably shares her bits? It would be nice to see more Pham and Iris or Sylwia girlytime.
Maybe she bugs Theo about drinking tea with her?
Easton Flores
I could see Walther convincing Pham to do girly things with Sylwia to make her feel a little bit more normal.
Nathaniel Rodriguez
/m/ noticed it first, but for those who don't know yet.
Asher Allen
Nice, thought it would take a few days. Well here someone did mention that's one of the things they were talking about during Kouki's stream was the F-35 Japan rollout.
Fuck off Yugoposter, no one gives a shit about you mountain trash.
Dylan Jones
I'm powerless against Lise's charms and cuteness, what do?
Aiden King
Embrace her as your waifu
Eli Peterson
....why resist?
Logan King
Jaxson Wright
So is it going to be canon that ML Japan also has F-35s, at least in somewhat the same time frame? Or this is just nice celebratory art?
Carter Bell
Why can't Sylwia want to naturally, if hesitantly? Like a still curious but timid cat who's had it rough on the streets.
You never had a chance. You lost this war before you started.
Why isn't Gretel like that for real?
Grayson Lopez
>Why can't Sylwia want to naturally, if hesitantly? Like a still curious but timid cat who's had it rough on the streets. She's seen too much. Just like these two will most likely never smile like this again, no matter what. ;_;
Henry Gutierrez
Vivi is for
Chase Ortiz
feeding chocolates.
Jeremiah Reed
Head patting
Camden Thomas
Is this a newly designed tsf or a tsf from some ML spin off?
Caleb Davis
No. It's celebratory art for the first units of the F-35 being sent to Japan.
The TSF design itself is a few years old by now, I believe.
Blake Rogers
Its been years since they designed the TSF for it, but since Japan has now officially adopted the RL version, they are celebrating.
Xavier Watson
Is this fighter jet produced from a join venture project of both US and JP? Based on the looks of the tsf, I can tell there is a combination of both Raptor and Type-94 second phase 3.
Jayden Collins
Sort of. A multitude of nations put some money in a pot, but Lockheed is pulling all the weight.
Adrian Lee
And the Type-94 Phase III is basically a YF-23 with the head switched and some small changes here and there. The F-35 both as a TSF and as a plane is American, with some other nations contributing for guaranteed exports.
Nathan Rogers
>And the Type-94 Phase III is basically a YF-23 Ya I'm sure I read it somewhere before. Frank was the one who worked on the development of black widow and the technology is later used in the development of Shiranui phase 3 right?
Lucas Ramirez
Connor Brown
Isn't the Phase 3 a one time thing? I don't think the US would hand over prototype technology willy nilly like that.
Jace Davis
Its a one time thing and it got stolen, and later trashed by Yuuya. Hell the only reason Heinemann didn't end in prison was that he made a monkey model without the YF-23s avionics and claimed that that one was the real thing.
Brody Richardson
Yuuko deserves to be treated badly.
Nolan Brown
Make a proper offering.
Jacob Collins
Drunk and bored to hell and back, so I will dump the BiS Vol.2 pics I said I would only dump if there was any interest.
Mason White
Isaac Nguyen
Noah Martinez
Sebastian Moore
William Gutierrez
Already uploaded last time, but for completeness sake.
Charles Bennett
And so it ends, the colour ones have been already uploaded by other people.
Eli Reyes
Cooper Richardson
Gretel is still not cute!
Chase Morris
You have any of the black and white pics of Beatrix's date?
Ian Lee
I uploaded this one two threads back, if you didn't catch it.
Bentley Miller
No, this one
Mason Taylor
It didn't make it out of the Tech Gian Issue very well, same with . The version in the LN is both smaller and black and white.
Leo Hill
>tfw Martyrs would be only five days away if not for the delay
Daniel Edwards
Martyrs gives me anxiety. As long as the 'various circumstances' that caused the delay were worth it then I can hold on another month.
Jaxon Martinez
So even back then, Beatrix was taller then Irisdina?
Brandon Russell
Irisdina is only good for rape
Thomas Rivera
Asher Russell
Reposting in higher resolution.
Jack Collins
Beatrix is cute!
Lucas Hernandez
What is Katia looking at with that confused look on her face?
Dylan Harris
She's watching this thread.
Joseph Anderson
Iris was so small.
Justin Lopez
She still is, only 5'8.
Jason Reyes
>naturally, if hesitantly
Context check.
>still curious
About girly things?
Oliver Brown
>artifacted >still grayscale
Nathaniel Collins
In the MLverse? We don't even know if it's part of JP's armaments in the ML verse, this is just celebratory art, yesterday was the IRL handover of the first F-35A for the JASDF. But it may be part of MLverse Japan's equipment too, who knows.
The actual TSF's art is years old by now , and the T-94 PIII we already told you is basically a YF-23. It has no familial relation to either the previous Shirunai or indeed anything in the JP arsenal.
The Phase III wasn't even a development. Like, it literally is a YF-23, a one time thing so Yuuya has the TSF he needs for what he needs to do at that time.
Why are you so cruel?
Aaron Gonzalez
Oh hey, neat, an F-4R
I expected Iris to be...taller. I see she had a growth spurt later. She seems so innocent at this time.
Christopher Green
they are both 15 here right? why do they both look so much better than Katia?
Kayden Garcia
Because Katia is supposed to be Miss Average Everygirl while Iris and Beatrix are two Goddesses. Even the store page here describes Beatrix as a enchanting, bewitching woman.
Jaxon Carter
>Also, it's cute that they call her Bea or Bea-chan on the store page.
In Katia, they tried to make a girl who could be anyone. Who could stand for anything. And in doing so, they made a girl who stands for no one, who stands for nothing. She's merely a canvas.
It seems though while Beatrix is still taller, she converged a bit in her later teen years. She's bretty short in their midteens. We didn't have good comparison art till now.
Owen Lopez
Will we be getting this or an updated one in the Codex you got for backing the Kickstarter? Would be nice to have one.
The F-35 has Blade Arms integrated from the start, and other provisions for melee weapons like swords causing no problems partly because American doctrine is shifting, and in light of having to start retaking the Eastern Hemisphere, there will be quite a lot of Hive combat. But also mainly because it's going to be widely exported, and a lot of the export nations use melee tactics. Better to just give it melee instruments from the start then having to compensate every single time a new country order comes.
Isaac Diaz
Ryan Turner
5 more weeks until Martyrs. Any expectations from age?
Oliver Ross
Jacob Scott
I want to believe all three paths will be significantly different, but seeing the previous, we may have kusoge of the year again.
Jackson Green
seeing the previous or seeing the previews?
Samuel Sullivan
>Any expectations from age? SM event in Strike Frontier.
Daniel Wright
I hope there's an SSR MiG-27 and an SSR MiG-21PF to go with the SSR Beato and SSR Irisdina, respectively.
Nolan Diaz
We will probably only get Katia in the pre-release event. Because they want to shill her as main heroine and generally players of these types of games are more into moe than semen demon.
Grayson Ward
>We will probably only get Katia in the pre-release event.
Jeremiah Myers
She has cards, just no sex scenes, like Latrova. It was the same in Next Answer, where she had cards, but you could only unlock conversations with Iris, Pham, Annete, Gretel, Sylwia, and Katia.
Dylan Wilson
It'll be Katia, Iris, and Lise.
Oliver Martin
doubtful unless this event will be special and will last 3+weeks.
Grayson Kelly
There's no SR TE cards though, so it's too early to say that there are no sex scenes for them. It is under my understanding that every girl is getting a scene.
Isaiah James
Latrova is also a 41 year old woman.
William Lewis
> It is under my understanding that every girl is getting a scene.
you would be correct. that's the point of these games, to collect and unlock sex scenes.
Isaiah Morgan
Yes, and? If that's okay for Benjamin Franklin then it's okay for me.
Josiah Scott
Yes, but think about it from the perspective of a Japanese otaku.
Josiah Rodriguez
>everyone from SM but her and Kirke have a scenario unlock
Thomas Edwards
Those two weren't as popular I guess. Now Beatrix is the focus of a prequel and Kirke got her own LN. If they want money from nerds who want sex scenes, they will put up sex scenes.
Caleb Adams
>Lise Happy days ahead.
Easton Russell
This was a year and a half ago, back when she was popular. Age doesn't market her because moe usually sells better then sexy. She probably intimidates a lot of Jap BETA too.
Ian Morales
>Age doesn't market her because moe usually sells better then sexy Not for SM it doesn't. The main fanbase is for Iris, not Katia. Most Katia merch is either going down in price or getting taken off the market because it's not selling. >She probably intimidates a lot of Jap BETA too. Maybe before BiS, but after that she has been on Irisdina's heels in popularity.
Jason Roberts
What kind of conversations do they have? I don't know JP?
Yes, and? Beatrix and Iris would also be 41 if they lived into the present time.
Asher Hernandez
>What kind of conversations do they have? I don't know JP?
Different things. You can raise their bonding meter by spending points and unlocking conversations with them. If you did well in the conversation, you maxed out their meter and got a card or some other reward.
Beatrix never had that, you just got her card. You couldn't spend points on her to call her to your room for bonding or anything. It was a slap in the face, especially because characters like Gretel, Pham, and Annete all had that feature.
Wyatt Lee
To be fair, wouldn't Pham be the type to wander into your room anyways? Anette I can see too.
Brayden Ward
It was probably laziness. Beatrix would be a difficult character to write, so they'd just omit her because "villains don't get interactions."
Justin Murphy
They just keep pilfering images from us. That Lise picture all the way at the bottom and the chibi pic I know for a fact come from here. I wouldn't have a problem, but they never give back anything in return; it's like a one way relationship, except they hold all the goodies and still won't share.
Anyways, some interesting shit from their thread. They think that the Beatrix is holding onto Jurgen's memoirs (what BiS basically is) in secret.
Jose Kelly
>naught BAD eroge end with Beatrix >Beatoroute isn't bad
>anime was Katiaroute
>that's not jam, that's blood >Liz is a virgin
>Anime Iris is too handsome; she's not beautiful like the original
>Why was dirty old man Axmann changed >Axmann was changed to be a better rival
Sometimes I feel like they're taking spoilers/discussions from us too.
Hunter Hall
>>that's not jam, that's blood Meant to say it the other way around.
Kayden Perry
>that jam comment I'll be honest, that would be one hell of a red herring if it actually was spilled jam in an SoL scene and Lise was just fucking with Theo for an overdramatized effect. Either way I hope they include the original blood covered Lise from requiem to balance the visualization out.
Also yeah, how do we end up producing more content than 2chan
Brayden Myers
The .png is too big and there isn't a colour version.
They could always pay us back with spoilers and summaries, couldn't they?
Hudson White
Since they're unlikely to do a BiS VN, how likely will it be we see a Beatrix flashback to get listening to Jurgen's tape?
Gavin Stewart
>there isn't a colour version.
BS. All illustrations are in color for the initial publication in Tech Gian.
Camden Foster
>implying they'll be giving Bea anything.
I think he's talking exclusively about the ebook compilations.
Isaac James
>BS. All illustrations are in color for the initial publication in Tech Gian. If you want to scan the Tech Gian Issues, be my guest. They make most of the pictures black and white for the compilations, even for the eBook one.
>>implying they'll be giving Bea anything At least they gave her her personality back, and that cuts out most of her awful interactions with her subordinates in the anime.
Caleb Evans
>At least they gave her her personality back, and that cuts out most of her awful interactions with her subordinates in the anime. We don't know that yet.
Jaxson Cook
leave the anime personality but add a mustache.
Liam Wilson
Her personality is intact in the first VN, they won't change that for the second one. And the scene with the Werewolves bailing the 666th already gave them much more personality than the anime, and makes some interactions of the anime impossible. Can you even imagine the anime Werewolves calling the 666th "heroes"?
Daniel Taylor
>you will never cut Beatrix' hair
Joseph Anderson
>Can you even imagine the anime Werewolves calling the 666th "heroes"? Weren't they doing that sarcastically?
Nolan Garcia
Didn't sound sarcastic to me. But I'll leave that judgement to someone who can actually talk jap.
Dominic Ward
So they're worried about age pulling a Mass Effect 3 and making all the routes basically the same thing with different girls.
Eli Ross
More like they could pay us back with scans of the color illustrations from Tech Gian.
Thomas Sanchez
>If you want to scan the Tech Gian Issues, be my guest.
I have no way of getting them, genius.
>They make most of the pictures black and white for the compilations, even for the eBook one.
Tell them to pic related.
Zachary Reed
I don't even know what to expect at this point.
Noah Gray
It could partly be considered that, but you have to understand that Werewolf battalion people ARE people. They've seen them save East Germany time and time again. And being TSF pilots, they know the sheer agony of the choice, the mission the 666th have to make when they have to ignore distress calls. If people in the West consider them heroes, pretty sure the Werewolves on some level feel it too.
In the books, Lise did her best to try to say barmy shit at the moment of truth so that her oniichan could have the resolve to do what he needed to do and kill her. She knew her end had come, she didn't want Theo to feel even more pain.
Elijah Russell
>She knew her end had come, she didn't want Theo to feel even more pain. Implying killing off Theo's close ones like Pham or hurting the rest of the 666th is not hurting Theo at all.
Levi Long
That's the thing. She knows, at that point, that her remaining alive will cause him more pain. She knows she has to die if he's going to be happy ever again, and she's trying to give him the resolve to do it.
Dominic White
>She knows she has to die if he's going to be happy ever again, and she's trying to give him the resolve to do it. So you are telling me every shit she did towards 666th is not to save Theo but to get herself killed by strengthening Theo's resolve to kill her?
Lincoln Young
no, prior to her surrender she was trying to take Theo back. After her surrender, she was broken by Suzy and basically gave up. It's probably because she thought he would die if she didn't.
Dominic Morgan
What would bully-mode Anett be like?
Adam Ramirez
>There's no SR TE cards though Well I guess that explains why there are no Stella or Sharon CGs yet.
Eli Perry
No, I'm talking about after her capture. She knew she was going to be executed, and they were making Theo be the one to do it, to prove his loyalty. Basically, they were going to kill Theo if he didn't. Theo was still hesitating.
She knew Theo wouldn't have the resolve to kill his beloved Lise, so she basically made him save his life. Even after everything she did, he couldn't turn his back on her.
Her last words were something to the effect whispering to him to forget her. So yes, self sacrificial till the very end.
Julian Ward
Why does she look so rapey?
Elijah Butler
She's learning to bully. She's learning to lob some stones. But unfortunately, as of late, her house is made of cheap Chinese glass, just like her TSF sword.
Ayden Anderson
I am worried about that
Cooper Russell
She just wants a cute dweeb to love
Bentley Price
Since this thread is dead you fucking nerds better not bump it.
Jacob Ross
Lise is way too cute.
Joseph Wood
Sebastian Sullivan
Fuck you, where did you get these? I think I recognize the artist, but who is it?
I see someone's head there. Is this cropped?
Jace Rogers
I got them at the artist place. The artist is 斬之助, you virgin.
William Gomez
Wait, haven't there been tons of TE cards? Or was that for the last gatcha game?
John Ward
We are talking about Strike Frontier right now, and the only TE SR+ card available is for Yui. While TE characters have cards, none of them are higher than HR which means they don't get CGs.
Sebastian Adams
Looks like we're never getting Schwarzesmarken BD Volume 06.
Cryska has a SR+ cards too.
Easton Morgan
My bad. I actually forgot about Cryska. Guess I was too focused on Latrova and Stella.
Luke Kelly
>Looks like we're never getting Schwarzesmarken BD Volume 06. Someone should check what the japs thought of it, maybe that way we'll find out why the it hasn't been uploaded yet.