Underwater Ray Ramano Fans
How do you feel that after fourteen years, Hakuoro was finally saved, is no longer god, and lives happily with his waifu and friends again.
Underwater Ray Ramano Fans
How do you feel that after fourteen years, Hakuoro was finally saved, is no longer god, and lives happily with his waifu and friends again.
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All smiles = Protected. Final CG
Didn't Haku leave Kuon behind?
Does he finally impregnate his harem?
So what, the whole point of the last new two was to give the story a good conclusion? Isn't it already a much better series than the first one?
Utaware False Faces had a lot of points I think
Showing another country that wasn't Tuskur, a different people who also thrived in a different way, the last real human on Earth, some closure on humanity. One man threw away his identity and self to protect the country where all his friends lived and he met everyone he loved. The old cast was still moving on and developing, Hakuoro had a good ending, everything worked out. The two countries are now very good allies.
Fun story, decent conclusion.
Hoping for a translation, There better be some Haku and Hakoro teaming up.
They only meet up about twice in the story. At the midway point and again at the very end.
Are homo sapien sapiens saved?
Side bitches got the chance to fuck him years ago, he's a committed man now.
So does Haku have a shadow side to him now, like Hakuoro and Kuon?
He seems pretty well adjusted
Seems like you only develop a shadow when a very traumatic event happens in your life, like your waifu dying.
10 years later and I'm not even mad.
Suara OP is fantastic.
If I am reading this correctly, Suara's Nov 9th release is all anime op and ed, false mask game ed and op, and 1 new op?
I don't think you're legally allowed to marry scrolls in Tuskuru.
He lived underground for years after coming back to life just to avoid doing paperwork
Haku had to become the king of handymen to earn his harem.
Who had it worse?
>Haku had to become a different person entirely, lead his country almost singlehandedly, die a few times, and become god to earn his harem
Honestly I can't say Hakuoro really did it that differently though, they fell into a lot of the same traps. Only difference is that one of them got laid a lot while saving the world. Haku just got kissed a few times by Atui and Kuon.
I'd say Haku had it harder
Wonder if Kuon ever found out
Didnt he became a god and leave.
Also chink guy posted some images of Haku, Ukon and Maroro fighting some insects.
I never paid attention to the sequel. This is kinda bullshit, isn't it? The entire point is that Witsuarunemitea didn't actually WANT to live anymore, it wanted to rest forever so its power would not curse mortals ever again.
And if it's not Witsuarunemitea, who is it and why should anyone care?
>I never paid attention to the sequel. This is kinda bullshit, isn't it? The entire point is that Witsuarunemitea didn't actually WANT to live anymore, it wanted to rest forever so its power would not curse mortals ever again.
>And if it's not Witsuarunemitea, who is it and why should anyone care?
You don't really seem to understand anything. Go play the first game again since you don't remember it. Hakuoro at the end of the first game said he was going to sleep for awhile, its not that he didn't want to live anymore.
For the longest time he did hate himself and curse everything, while also cursing himself. However he kind of broke through it thanks to his friends, they sealed him, and he said they would see him again one day hopefully. He realized that Eruru was the reincarnation of Makoto, and that he would always love her. He left his mask to her and he would see her again, somehow, some way.
The game ends with "someone" walking by all the characters a few months later, as they react to him. As he walks by, Kuuya calls him Hakuoro, and as he walks by Eruru, she turns around suddenly, and the game fades to white. He was able to revive just like he said he would and see her again, after he got over his shit a bit, and took a nap finally. He's whole again as a person. Either that or the human half of Hakuoro broke off from the god half, since it granted his wish of seeing Eruru again. We didn't know the full extent of what happened until this game, since the first game only showed that he revived and met Eruru again, but nothing beyond that
Hakuoro isn't exactly Witsuarunemitea; Hakuro at his core is a random archeologist who got mixed in with something he shouldn't have, and was killed in front of the fossilized god. From the start he's had a human half and god half. They fused together, but primarily we are seeing the human part most of the time. The only time he goes god part is when he gets rage.
Uta3 its shown he's fully human again, sorta
Basically, he gave his god-half to Haku, since he needed power enough to save the world and Hakuoro's daughter.
Hakuoro gave away his burden, so he's free to just kinda be a normal guy with Eruru again.
Oh, the mortal that Witsuarunemitea was possessing is what's let go. That's more acceptable. The end scenario of the game made it rather clear that Witsuarnemitea wasn't able to let go of its hatred, at least not for a long time. (Which is why it gets sealed away.)
The first game didn't really imply anything was left of the mortal's identity, though. So he's still got an ego after the god leaves him?
The human self is always a huge thing. Imagine Hakuoro as he always is, except without him being able to hulk out and turn into a dinosaur, or unearthly rage. That's pretty much the human ego; he's the same as he always was after all. He didn't lose his ego, this wasn't really insinuated, Witsu didn't overwrite him, Witsu just lives inside of him somewhat. They fused, but it wasn't quite what you're thinking.
Witsuarnemitea's hatred is just the archeologist's will turning into a wish, since the archeologist couldn't forgive humanity for killing his wife and daughter. Witsuarnemitea in its core form is just an amorphous wish-granter that has no morality of its own, it just adapts itself to the host. It melded with a human and felt what he felt, felt his anger, but Witsu itself didn't feel anything. Witsu just grants wishes of those around it in order to live.
Hakuoro's mindset and self were always mostly the human he once was, kinda.
Eruru wouldn't still love him if he was suddenly an entirely different person.
I thought he left for the afterlife, Chinese guy posted pics of the twins speaking with the deads and Haku chilling with Ukon and Maroro.
Its hard to tell what the fuck is going on in the story anymore. Its like whenever we think the story is over, it keeps going. That's probably where the final CG comes into play here Maybe in the true ending she finds him
Post game dungeon or some shit
Maybe it really is a super final ending.
I'm guessing something was lost in translation or this was too subtle for me. As far as I understood (from the first game alone, mind), Hakuoro was just a fragment of Witsuarunemitea and the human form it claimed didn't actually influence its behavior. Does that make Dii a fragment of the archeologist too? How's that work?
I think Dii was someone else who came up along the way, found sleeping godzilla, and made a wish for knowledge. So godzilla interpreted that wish by fusing part of godzilla with Dii, which gave him knowledge, but also took over his soul.
I forget, but someone explained it to me awhile back to be something to that effect. I used to think he was just Hakuoro's dark half as well, but it seems there's more to it.
I'd say the game is worth replaying either way to make sure, but Hakuoro was always going to come back one day since he promised.
Afterlife trio are going to make Haku alive again I guess, since someone is waiting for him.
That'd kinda make the connection between the two meaningless if Witsuarunemitea is devoid of a personal ego.
It wouldn't make sense for an amoral wish-granter to have a dark half at all, really.
It's either a dream or (most likely) the afterlife if there's Dekonponpo in it.
That one fat guy?
I wouldn't say its meaningless; Witsu is devoid of a self, which is why it needs a self to fill its void, it needs a wish, it needs a host. Without someone to fill its void it becomes a fossil again. Witsu's mind/power can be interpreted different ways, but certainly its time with Iceman did influence its behavior somewhat.
Since even when its dark half separated from Hakuoro and joined with Dii, it still possessed some anger for humans. However that anger was created because it bonded with a human which allowed it to feel such things.
Godzilla is like a parasite, or a symbiote, it needs something to feed off of in order to live.
We good/true ending now
Isnt his waifu dead? Her grave is shown in ending of first Utawaremono game.
You're thinking of Yuzuha, which isn't his waifu. She just asked for him to fuck her.
His waifu is Eruru, who is the reincarnation of Mikoto.
I guess that's fine then, so long as Hakuoro and the W-god are different (and therefore separable) existences. The first game didn't make that clear at all.
The ending of the first game really wasn't clear, all you knew is that "something" revived at the end to come back to Eruru, just like he promised he would eventually.
It doesn't even show what he looked like in the end. It was only clarified a bit in this game what happened.
... Though I will instead make a much more minor complaint that that totally ruins the badass line before the final boss.
Totes lame if it doesn't have the mind and body of a god all its own.
Its one of those things where he is and isn't. He was only such a thing because he was fused with Hakurro, and thus had a definite ego when he was fused with Hakoro. However the god can change hosts and still be the same basic thing.
I doubt I'm really explaining any of this quite right though.
Main point is just that Hakuoro can separate from Witsu and still entirely be Hakuoro. He's not someone else. While at the same time Witsu is sort of a thing as well?
I'll surmise it's some sort of colorless force that takes on the traits of its hosts, and while it has no default identity, it was given lasting form via the Iceman. (Perhaps it decays back into a colorless force over time [thus the desire to be sealed], and it only remained in that shape for so long because the Iceman was just so unendingly furious.)
I'll spare this thread my fanon weaving and say this new conclusion's fine.
I still don't know what is going on in that so-called underworld.
I think I may rewatch the first anime. I miss my doses of cozy interspersed between the horrors of war
play the game nerd
Did he interacts with his harem and friends at all or just 'ah i'm wake up from vegetables it feel so good'?
Any idea when Chinese guy will continue playing?
The itsuwari no kamen ova will never be subbed right ;_;.
Bumping thread, while waiting for new images from the underworld.
I do the same while waiting for :
14 years of wondering how they were and if they would appear again. Nothing. I really wanted them to be happy ;_;
Face it; bunny Hitler is a retard now.
I know that, user, but they should have at least been mentioned to let us know how they are. I'd be fine with Kuuya still being a retard and Sakuya not being able to walk. It's sad, I know, but as long as they would be alive and happy, that's all that matters.
Still no China.
What was the site again?
Guess they forgot about them in the end.
And now he can catch up with the paperwork again.
What is the difference in power between Hakuoro mask and those made in Yamato.
It's up in the air
Although some guy became false white god in this game, and Haku with his normal cursed mask still beat him wit his friends. Godzilla power rankings are odd, true full power godzilla in the original game was beaten by a few highly skilled humans.
It varies. The original mask plus the first emperor mask gained power when granting wishes whereas the false masks can gain power if the user sacrifices their lifeforce.
CG set is on the panda.
That final cg and the post plot with the underworld really seems like haku and Kuon find each other at the end of the game once more.
Thats what I think aswell, however chinese spoiler guy stopped uploading spoilers. Perhaps we will find out more if someone else finishes the underworld saga.
Anyone have any idea who is kneeling here?
Delicious Kuon
If only I could marry her ;_;.
>however chinese spoiler guy stopped uploading spoilers.
Nah, he's just stupidly slow most of the time
I think it's dekapopo or whatever
Looks like Maroro.
This story isn't really science anyway, by which I mean some parts are left a bit vague and up to interpretation.
It looks like him.
She's literally perfect and healthy.
Does Touka get any love?
Touka a best.
If she did you bet she used her tail to strangle the shit out of him.
She gets an ending scene with urto and kagura.
Then he would be in for some punishment which ends up in sex in the end.
Its a shame Haku cant you his godpowers to make the game 18+.