I say bye bye now and I look like a complete faggot whenever I do.
I do it without noticing, how do I stop?
I say bye bye now and I look like a complete faggot whenever I do.
I do it without noticing, how do I stop?
Other urls found in this thread:
I say "oi" when I try to get people's attention
Actively think and prepare of something else to say as parting words. Such as
>see you
>y-you too
>i'm a massive faggot please choke me with your dick
or whatever you think will make the other person view you as less of an autist.
Work at a grocery store and I give a slight bow to customers as they're leaving. May not even be because of anime but when I noticed it, it's probably a bit weird.
I can't believe this show bombed
I greet everyone with nyanpasu. At first they found it weird now they are used to it
I say vague shit while turning my back towards the person I'm talking to.
This can't be real, r-right? Y'all are just messing around, right, anons?
>nothin personnel, ningen
Isn't it BAI BAI?
Anyways I really enjoy japanese cooking. Probably more from Iron Chef Japan than animu though.
I act way too comfortable around people, and I sometime say some Japanese accidentally because I'm currently learning it. But I feel the rest of the thread, because I do a lot of this stuff too.
so anime turned you into a chav
Great I'm not the only one, do you also walk around with your hands in your pockets and with your back slightly curved?
Yeah, I do that
I definitely look retarded doing it though
To be fair in anime its mean to look kinda retarded anyway.
I make loads of hand gestures like double pointing finger guns to the left, turning my head while putting my finger to my cheek, double peace signs, etc, as if I was switching sprites in a VN, usually without noticing.
I've also accidentally adopted 「絶望的な」as a catchphrase since I actually do speak Japanese because of a certain hope/despair fest.
>I make loads of hand gestures like double pointing finger guns to the left, turning my head while putting my finger to my cheek, double peace signs, etc, as if I was switching sprites in a VN, usually without noticing.
I hope you're a girl.
What does with hand gestures plus I think I just make more weird noises.
Thankfully it's not quite far gone enough for anybody to call me out on my autism yet.
Shaft head tilt.
Peace sign to the camera
I don't talk to people
easier for me to give somebody a slight bow than to activate my vocal cords if it's early morning 2bh
I'm a CUTE Asian boy is that close enough
>double pointing finger guns
I do that, not because of anime, though.
i touch myself to pixels arranged in patterns of idealized beings
>double peace signs
I'll allow it.
I've caught myself closing my eyes while smiling
and when i get clear from their line of sight I keel over in pain from embarrassment
which is also what happens in anime fuck this
I do weird finger gestures and stand weirdly like jojo characters.
I cry in the bathroom.
I eat lunch in the bathroom.
y-you to
ITT: autists.
Sometimes when I listen to music in my car, if it's something like Intervals or Saturna, I'll do the peace sign on the eye thing before it gets to a breakdown.
You know what, I'm just gonna kill myself.
Does not everyone do this?
As far as I can remember it's used as a sort of exaggerated or patronising smile in real life. Is that not the case?
Put my palm out to the sun, fucker is too bright. Not my fault there and the usual rising your arm to say goodbye when parting with your bros whilst walking.
>bye bye
Where are you from?
In parts of Canada, the US and England using "bye-bye" isn't really strange or unusual even with acquaintances, and is common with both sexes for close friends and family.
Probably because that's how a lot of people were taught how to say goodbye as kids.
So you're British?
Metal Gear is anime as fuck
Yes, that would be the correct course of action.
I run to work with a toaster in my mouth.
sure, I've seen other people do it. it's used in a sarcastic/patronizing like you say.
I will use it in any smile situation, much like anime. Although I wonder if this is something that Japs/Asians do
I carry bags over my shoulder like this a lot now. Shit is comfy.
In terms of facial expressions and/or social interactions? No, I act literally the same as I did before anime because I'm not autistic.
But for whatever reason anime made it so I always stare at girls' asses as they are walking by when I'm in my car. I don't know why.
>tfw no snake jaw hinge boifu
>and the usual rising your arm to say goodbye when parting with your bros whilst walking.
Shit, is this not normal? I do it all the time.
I'm pretty sure that's just normal shit, user.
Somehow I don't think anime was the cause of that.
I do that a lot too, don't worry.
I don't know though, I never really noticed that girls can be attractive until I saw anime. Anime really broadened my way of thinking.
Are you 15?
I've always said "oi" to get people's attention.
>my car
Doubt it
i forcefully kick open any door i come near yet say tadaima quietly
i close my eyes when i smile sometimes
>not revving the engine intermittenly between randomly braking so you can keep pace
>not hollering at them
>not making eye contact
you are no normal son
Shit man, mentally, I honestly kind of feel that way.
15-year-olds can drive where I live, so it's not impossible.
Many times I've sat down and closed my eyes and wished that when I count to three and open them again I would be with my waifu. I've been disappointed every time.
I pick up a lot of terms from shit I do. I speak common German phrases because I took German in high school, shit like that. One thing I do is if someone does something good, I say "nice desu ne" without even thinking about it. Thanks, Kill Me Baby.
It was the opposite for me, anime raised my standards so high that I only ever actually crush on a passing girl once a year or so.
Nice desu ne
> I pick up a lot of terms from shit I do. I speak common German phrases because I took German in high school, shit like that. One thing I do is if someone does something good, I say "nice desu ne" without even thinking about it. Thanks, Kill Me Baby.
Echoing phrases is literal autist behavior.
I make hand gestures when I speak, even when I'm talking to myself. Whenever I sit at a table I take up the Gendo pose. I do JoJo poses whenever I get lost in thought while standing around. Champion head tilter. Single words of Japanese are slowly infiltrating my ordinary language, one nani or abunai at a time. My living room has a low table and floor cushions. I take my shoes off in every house I enter (say what you will about basic manners, but we live in barbaric times). I bow my head for greetings and partings. I pray before my figures every morning.
I will reach chuunilightenment some day.
Pin pon?
You say that like we're not on Cred Forums
If you kept your eyes closed, your waifu would be there.
>nice desu ne
Sometimes I binge so much anime I don't even recognize my own reflection in the mirror.
I tilt my head sometimes, and the smile to the eyes thing too.
That'd be it. I'm cautious about it, though.
I never crush on anyone though, just look at their asses as if I were browsing the panda. Business as usual.
>I take my shoes off in every house I enter
I did this before I even got into anime, it's just common fucking sense to not get your house dirty, wtf
I hold my hand up and let it fall when I turn to walk away.
I say "heeeh?" when something amuses me.
>S2 never
In my country is not seen wrong to wear your shoes inside of your house.
This reminds me I say "huh?" putting a lot of force in the h, which are actually fucking mute in my language.
Is that you, Ken-sama?
>ara ara
Slightly hit my head when I mess up.
Guess that's it.
I've learned to wrap my underwear around one leg when I masturbate
When no one's looking I do chuuni poses.
>never replied "you too" in the wrong context before reading about it here.
Cred Forums causes autism.
Neither it is in mine, but me or my family just never did it.
>I bow my head for greetings and partings.
I do this, especially when saying "thank you" at a store or back.
My friend does this, I feel like I should cringe, but it's actually kind of cute
I've develop a habit of bowing my head slightly whenever I run across authority figures. I never even noticed I've been doing this until someone pointed it out and called it weird.
>So you're British?
Or Jewish
I say variations of "ah" with different tones of voice to answer or react to alot of things. Other than my mom asking why I'm grunting like I'm angry, no one seems to care.
Well, everytime I ride my bike I always yell "DON'T LOSE YOUR WAAAAAY, nana naaa".
>Although I wonder if this is something that Japs/Asians do
it is
source: I knew a jap girl once who did it
How is this from anime?
Girl friend, right?
Same I do it in every non-causal situation too
When I eat at a japanese restuarant, I hear the waitress shout " Irashai" and I cringe because it does not sound japanese in any way, nor do they know what they are shouting about.
There was once where I ate at a better ramen place which was owned by a authentic japanese couple, and I ordered in japanese. They were surprised.
I laugh like pic related and thought I could get away with it but by accident I looked myself at the mirror while doing so and it looks so fucking retarded.
Not exactly anime, more like hentai
>having friends
You really don't belong here
I watched a lot of fifties movies awhile back, and lots of guys did it, too, so I'm not embarrassed like I was as a k8id.
>tfw oi literally means hi in your language
>tfw people think you're greeting them
I wish I could even have a slight crush on a girl anymore. It's been 3 years. Shit, I'm starting to feel dead inside when irl romance stuff crosses my attention.
I do shaft head tilts.
What language?
literally impossible
I bend my knees and lean back with my hands out to the side and scream "Wrrrry" Whenever im about to stop time.
oi also works to grab attention
>be in japanese restaurant while visiting family
>they know i've been taking japanese classes in college
>make me order the food in japanese
Most of my reactions come from shoujo manga.
Apparently, I'm a riot.
That sounds scary.
I don't understand why posing that is supposed to be awkward still looks super cool compared to real life.
I've been like this ever since I started going out with my ex. Had crushes left and right, got girlfriend and completely stopped. I haven't seen her in years and I just can't find myself being interested in anyone new.
I now regularly use words like "eh" "oi", and sometimes a "nani" "kuso" or other fagotty word will slip from my mouth. Sometimes I do little dumb gestures like the taping you head with your fist gag or bowing.
someone please send help[spoiler/]
Guess I should've added no homo
If it makes you feel any better I met him on Cred Forums
More like this except arms are wider apart, hands are more horizontal, and expression is more casual. I do tend to tilt my head a bit though.
I do a goddamn peace sign when taking picture with friends. It was so embarrassing
Shit, I thought I was the only one.
Reminds me of this
i head pat girls when im drunk, the next morning i get stitches from cringing
Do they like it?
I sometimes make deliberate movements imagining I am fluidly animated by a good studio
I was at a Japanese restaurant the other day and responded to the server with "hai" instead of "yes" by accident. It was embarrassing.
Two island nations on opposite sides of the globe and this word means the same thing in both (completely unrelated) languages.
Me too, I didn't even realize it until one day I thought my neck felt funny and it turned out it was because I always have my head at an angle like a retard
What'd they do? Cuz here, most of the chefs aren't even Japanese.
When I turn corners, I run into girls and then I end up on top of them with my hand on their boob and their clothes get all disheveled.
I also leer at my little sister.
how does it feel to be forced animation
I went to this restaurant and even tho the servers were all Japanese, irasshaimases and all, the cooks were all Hispanic.
Feels like an undeserved AOTY
I can't believe this hasn't been said yet but I lift my glasses using my middle finger even though the glasses aren't falling off.
I do these as well
I love when people do this. I could easily fall in love with someone if they do it enough unfortunately
I say bye-bee
I pretend to be Konata sometimes with my friends
I sometimes shout "Kanpeki no bougan des, it's perfect!" when I am on my own and excited about something
The most autistic in this thread
I run with toast in my mouth when I'm late in the morning.
Shit is so cash.
this 2bh
I have a rice cooker and make rice and Miso soup often because they're both really easy to make but that's not really strange.
When I'm having a conversation in Spanish I sometimes end up slipping and say a Japanese word that sounds similar.
Most recent example is when I used hebi instead of jaiba.
>this is just more proof
there's more? fuck
I'm a pizza delivery dude and I do this all the time when I leave people's doorstep.
He apparently believes that he looks half Japanese
i make curry rice
shit's cash
oh my god
That's not even toasted, it's just bread.
well he is going bald
I do that too because it seemed like the best metod to lift your glasses when i started using them.
I have been guilty of these at least once in my life.
Those two words don't sound that similar to me. Can you give another example?
Pretty amazing, really
Are we sure that wasn't brought from the English when they came to Japan?
>that hair
Who willingly keeps their hair like that?
I do that thing where I walk away, then say bye by raising my hand and some sort of finger pose / wrist flick.
I made everything from curry to tempura to gyudon. even made the dashi from scratch, buying the katsuo and kelp. Get on my level.
When I like something I yell DAISUKI.
Before I start sentences I say, "ano...."
When I ask questions I always end them with, "ka?"
People don't get it, so I always have to explain Japanese to them.
Stupid normies.
I think what you mean to say is
>Kawaii as heck!
I think it's normal to raise your hand and wave goodbye.
Unless i've been lied to.
Noone has told me anything about it.
This whole thread makes me cringe
I'm so glad I'm not obviously a weeaboo
Toriko has completely changed my relationship with food and cooking, in particular I say grace like he does before every meal.
The things you say, they hurt.
in pubic?
I do this when I reach home. Softly.
>listen to eurobeat
>try to slide my car any opportunity
At least it's rear wheel drive.
I look baller as fuck when I do it tho
I make a batch of dashi every week and freeze it in ice trays for easy miso. I've made a bunch of other japanese dishes as well but I'm usually lazy and don't bother with anything more complicated than throwing chicken in a pan with sake, mirin, and soy sauce and letting it simmer.
I don't do anything weird because of anime. Most of my friends are not interested or only slightly interested in anime, and my classmates and co-workers almost certainly do not give a shit. Even if they did I still wouldn't be saying Japanese phrases or doing other anime related stuff in public. I leave that shit at home and don't act like a fucking autist in public.
fuck why did I save the thumbnail
Jaiba is pronounced hai-ba. I'm still trying to improve my spanish vocab and at times end up using my gut feeling to say a word, especially if it is a word I don't use often. Can't really think of another good example at the moment, but it's more of a vocab problem where I can remember the japanese equivalent but not the spanish equivalent at times.
I wish I was Japanese so I could end every sentence with de gozaru de gozaimasu without looking like a faggot.
Seriously, nobody's mentioned the 'male protagonist in an awkward situation' head scratch?
This one.
That works, try adding in egg and spring onions to your chicken for oyakodon.
If you can get your hands on some mentaiko, spread that on bread and butter, and toast it. That shit is unbelievably good.
polite sage for off topic
No you're not.
I guarantee you there's a shitload of Asian twinks that like to pretend they're cute because of a terminal lack of masculinity, but you're just kinda greasy and beta. Sorry.
Not trying to be a dick, just alerting you that it's very likely you're part of the rule rather than an exception, and you should reevaluate whether or not that was an honest statement.
Spanish isn't your first language is it?
I know how to pronounce jaiba, that's why i tell you it doesn't really sounds like hebi which sounds like "heavy".
this is from personal revelation?
oh yeah, I did that today when my supervisor talked about going as a steampunk lady for Halloween this year
I do this too. It feels very natural.
>literally scratching my head just like this when I opened the webm
I'm not a twink though, I'm a /fit/ manlet. My demeanor and face are apparently pretty cute though, I don't really get it myself.
I do have awifeso I must be doing something right. Or wrong.
You know that kid who ran with his arms behind his back in high school? I was that kid.
I try not to remember my school experience too much. It hurts.
Don't know if related but I crack my finger whenever I finish my workout routine.
>messing up the spoiler on the most spoilerific part
When I was younger I would say ano and eto because I wanted to be a cute anime girl. I still do it.
Wait, these aren't normal? I could've swore I did them before I got into anime
also, I do the pencil spinning thing, no idea what it's called. and when I'm concentrated I can do it with both hands.
Visit a chiropractor soon
I wish I could pencil spin.
I've been trying to learn how to do it.
I can spit it once and the stop it and spin it again but i haven't improved at all.
if you're not an ojou people will still think that's fucking retarded
I don't do any of this shit. at least not in front of other people
how the fuck is this an anime thing you just have lice
In my head or under my breath, but no one seems to notice or care. Its just grace after all.
I've been doing it since 10th grade, so about 4 years. normies are always impressed.
I know this one's a joke, but it actually hurt to read this.
I always find myself doing Gendo's pose at meetings all the time.
>its actually kinda comfy desu
I do it to hide smiles when I don't want to be seen laughing at something, etc.
Now this thread made me conscious of it.
This image makes me mad. It looks like he's pushing the glass instead of the frame.
he's using his middle finger
I go "aah" all the time now for saying yes/indifference, for everything, I never have anything to say really to people so it's just my default thing, I have no idea why no one ever comments on it or how they even it's just a yes/indifference sound.
>Tfw oi means mean hi in my native language
They'll never notice my powderlevel
Learned how to show a decent smug face.
These quite frequently
I swear this shit is not confined to just anime.
I oftenly run to catch the bus. When I don't make it and see the bus going away I try to reach it with my hand and say "TODOKANAI".
i'd give anything to have a smug anime face
In russian oy is pretty normal. Though you seem like a fucking gopnik or vor if you use it. It's like "oi brah, you got a smoke?"
Just mentioning it made me crack my fingers like Kaneki
After seeing TG I was doing it almost exclusively like Kaneki but recently I've gone back to the fist over knuckle crack
>not going bye-me with your signature lukcy wave
I rub the back of my neck pensively when nervous
I don't even know why. I just don't know what to do with my hands when I'm uncomfortable and that's the first thing to pop into my head since I've seen it so much in various shows.
I dunno it's kind of weird for a man to say bye-bye to another adult, at least here in Florida.
>google alberto barbosa
>it's actually a meme
Does Cred Forums have one of these for each nationality or something?
I'm not Portuguese
I mix up "mira" with "mite".
what, if your like by yourself? If i'm by myself I do this shit all the time, like what are you going to Nico character songs and try to pretend your not going to do the fucking gesture?
I think it's called "the nod" when 2 guys pass each other and make eye contact they kinda nod at each other. It's completely normal.
this joke is ancient
>eye contact
This might be a problem.
Wait so miru isn't a japanese verb?
I developed a habit of putting my hand over my mouth kinda like when yawning when smiling. Because my teeth are fucked up and i dont want people to see them.
My waves have become a somewhat half-assed salute.
sometimes I put cold cans against my cheeck now, pretending it's a cute girl doing it.
whenever I make contact with another guy my nipples get hard and I get self conscious
Why is MAO so shit? she ruined the whole episode.
When I'm speaking Spanish, I mean to say "mira" but accidentally say the Japanese "mite".
They both mean "look". Mite is a conjugated miru.
>etto, sumimasen, "food" hitotsu kudasai
Holy shit those are some nice numbers there user
I do this a little but my Spanish is generally incoherent when I get nervous anyway, the bigger thing is I tend to use Japanese space words though a lot more when in Spanish now which just confuses everyone and it's hard as shit to avoid.
Fuck me this is not normal?
Sometimes I do the weeb 'delinquent' shit like the walks in pic related, or when they lean forward condescendingly while telling someone off.
Mostly around my friends that I know watch pleb anime
In New Zealand we use oi quite a bit.
what about oi oi?
>like the walks in pic related
I'm so sorry
>it was video game night at the bar tonight
>sonebody had a jap snes compilation
>ended up translating the menus for them
>thats so cool user, I bet girls think thats really attractive
Not good body language for conversation, and you shouldn't cover your mouth when speaking.
Hahahahahahahahahahahahahshaidfshalsjhdfgsiufehvb;eiroaulghweiraufblareuhgap;9hdw so popular user.
he was probably be sarcastic, you shouldve punched him in the man pussy
if its a close mate we just keep saying it until it gets their attention.
You trying to die?
making me want to re-read
I say "don't worry about it" a lot and I feel like one of these days a daijoubu is gonna slip out
Stop spreading bullshit. 'Oi' in Russian basically serves the same role as 'oops'.
>Not saying "Don'mind Don'mind" like a true weeb
I do that even though I don't wear glasses
Not dramatic enough.
>if they put a plate back ONE MORE TIME...
Metal Bat best S class by far.
How? why not "ki ni suru na" or "ki ni shinai de kudasai"?
>not Donmai
Do you even Yotsuba?
There's a radio station down hear that has the slogan "take it easy" and every time I see the phrase I say "Yukkuri shiteitte ne."
Only if no one is around, of course.
This is more due to Cred Forums, but still related. When thinking and sometimes talking I have started to use "s m h" "t b h" and "f a m" but instead of the twitter speak I use the filters, "baka" "desu" and "senpai"
I repeat common phrases. I've actually learned a little bit of Japanese by doing so. I do this subconsciously as I've been doing it a lot recently. Need to stop to not reveal my power level.
Not sure if this applies, but I also say "cute" when I see something cute which is all the fucking time
I usually mean it as "it'll be fine", like something technical is going to work out. Also I don't actually know japanese and am a pleb :(
I tend to say "It can't be helped" an awful lot
Kill yourself
thanks senpai
I do that once again I've cut a worthless object thing after I kill someone
I often say "maa ne" or "maa iika" when something doesn't go as I planned.
I can't say "two" correctly anymore.
What is this referencing?
Probably google.
I can't even talk properly, much less imitating anime speeches. While it saves me from cringeworthy moment, it really doesn't help at all to break the ice with people. It always feels awkward.
I do this if I don't feel like speaking or waving
It's weird, I used to do the Gendo pose all the time before I began watching anime, but around the time I found out about Evangeleon I stopped
Sometimes I'll yell out "IKUZE" as a joke when picking something heavy up or something doing something that requires intensity.
>everything ITT
Through all my years I accidentally said "ah" once instead of "yeah".
I reach out towards the sun/moon.
Some of you guys have serious problems.
Hold up, how else am I supposed to adjust my glasses? Every other way I try just smudges them.
Jack off more often.
Grab the arms and adjust them
And don't forget to say "fuyukai desu"
Well I did that before anime, I just have terrible posture
That's not nearly as bad as accidentally saying いいえ instead of 'no' while at work. I played it off by pretending that I was starting to say "yeah," but quickly changed my mind and said "no."
I do that, but if I'm in a public place with lots of people, I make sure to do it in a way so that it doesn't look like I'm flipping someone off.
>not hollering at them
You gotta wear a construction hardhat for that user
Eh I do that too.
I always adjust mine by using one hand to grab the sides of them, middle finger and thumb, and adjust them that way. My OCD will not allow me to adjust them in the middle because I need to put significant pressure on the sides or I'll feel like they are still loose. I used to habitually do it even when they were fine (again, OCD) and always bent the middle of the glasses over time because I'd put so much pressure on them. Not as bad with them now, but I've been tapping the same pattern with my right hand for at least 6 months now so take the bad with the good I suppose.
>I say "don't worry about it" a lot
Are you sure didn't just watch The Room recently?
I already kind of do that, just in a less cute way by default and without the words.
It's just normal, I assume. I can't think of a better way.
I sometimes say "Eh" like that "Eeeeeh?" girl from Nichijou, luckily I've only ever done it near family and they already think I'm weird.
My condolences, at least you're not damaging expensive glasses anymore though.
>or I'll feel like they are still loose.
Pretty sure that's normal, I did it 8 times today before I finally gave up and accepted it.
Yeah, then after fixing them I'd feel like it's uneven now, like I pushed the center part out and then I'd push the middle part in as hard as I can and do that back and forth until it reached perfection. My OCD is a lot less intrusive nowadays I've found, I do a lot of weird organizing stuff certain ways, calculating the half way point between where ever I am in the video and the end of it, shit like that, but I have a much better handle of it in terms of how it affects how badly things debilitate me. There's a lot worse shit you can have wrong with you. And yeah I imagine the loose thing is a common feeling, it's more the extent that I'd go to fix it.
I actually say "yare yare" for "troublesome" things. Nobody has ever commented or responded...which might be a good thing.
Well I can't say that I know how OCD actually works, but I'm glad you're getting the hang of it?
I started using "oi" to get the attention of my dog, now it doesn't respond to it's actual name.
Thanks, and yeah, I think I'm getting better with it, not sure it ever really "goes away" or anything though.
I just kinda figured it was a built in thing like social anxiety, you know? Something you can't completely get rid of.
I can go outside and talk to people with almost no trouble now but I used to, well, suck at it for lack of a better term.
I once skipped eating for over 24 hours because people I didn't know were around and I feared having to explain it if I secretly ate some.
Not in real life, but I have ended multiple sentences in other places online with desu because of the wordfilter here
kinda weird desu but nobody really said anything
I've always been crackingy fingers that way so when I saw Kaneki doing it I felt like a completely autistic edgy faggot. Still can't break the habbit though.
I would also love to adopt "ne" and "oi" as attention grabbers but they just mean yes and no in my native language, other than that I'm fairly normal.
Adjusting glasses and loudly sighing or single laughing to mock others
I do this without being drunk.
Funny, when I get drunk I just hit on fat chicks and get rejected until I completely black out from the drink and wake up the next morning in an unfamiliar bed completely oblivious to the shenanigans of last night. Is there an anime trope about this?
Shit nigga, you are me desu?
I often say tschüss instead of the usual goodbye.
I've caught myself subconsciously imitating Part 2 Joseph's "OH NO"s and Part 3 Joseph's "OH MY GOD"s a lot. Never a direct imitation, but there's definitely been a change in inflection of those phrases since watching JoJo.
I do this too desu senpai
There's gonna be a time when two completely unrelated languages fuse together to make a completely new one, like Esp and Jap.
I should know. I'm a Flip.
I say, "ehhhhhhh?" when shocked or confused.
I also say niceu sometimes.
>No, I act literally the same as I did before anime because I'm not autistic.
>I never really noticed that girls can be attractive until I saw anime.
When I find out something I get a smug face and go "ehhhhhh?"
i'm autistic enough for making every social interaction awkward as shit, there's no need to add extra autism flavors by using anime reactions
I've noticed that I occasionally bow after thanking someone.
Anime also made me gay.
Alright, which anime was this?
No, it´s not
ojou laugh
the one finger side arm adjustment
I end alot of my sentences with desu.
But it didn't bomb, there's just no source material to adapt.
My brother and I have been うんうん-ing at each other for about a decade now, I called him "aniki" for a while too.
We also have an inside joke of doing dumb shit when one of us enters a room the other is in and I've been giving him my best attempt at the Shaft head thing recently.
He probably means "bai-bai" which sounds weird.
live a boring, meaningless life
I used to do this, until I got pulled to the side by HR. HR thought I had low self-esteem and was bowing down like a dog that's about to get smacked. I got a long talk about how if I wanted to stick around, I needed to be more self-confident. I left soon after.
>was bowing down like a dog that's about to get smacked
Holy shit, is this what HR actually said?
Whay is wrong with bye bye?
Yes, and I didn't even bend down that much, more like a little nod, mostly to other coworkers. But I guess HR thought I was being questionably submissive.
He says Bye-bee
this is why your parents don't love you
sometimes I say "It can't be helped" and "everything is gonna be daijobu" or just sugoi as a joke. I always thought it's funny as shit if somebody says that. It can only be done around nerds though.
Anyone else do that really condescending rising "heeh....?"?
Found the redditor.
I twist my head around whenever someone speaks to me.
I stay inside and watch anime because of fucking anime.
Started learning japanese.
I-its just like one of my japanease animes
Hold up a peace sign to pretend I'm taking pictures with friends.
I like Konata because she is a otaku like me, except she has friends. Oh god I wish I had friends too ;_;
Konata also likes videogames and she is kawaii. And there are lesbians in the show and that's good because I like lesbians and i will never have a girlfriend. Why am I such a loser?!
Konata is like my dreamgirl she has a :3 face I love that. She is also nice why aren't real girls nice!? I got dumped a lot of times but I love konata and she wouldn't dump me because she's so nice and cool.
We would play videogames all day and watch Naruto and other cool animes on TV, and I would have sex with her because sex is so good. I wish I could have sex with a girl.
Alright, from least to most wierd
I do a sort of a nod or a small bow with my head as a thank you to when the stop to let me cross or a casual thank you or a hello to people who Iˇm not sure I should recognize.
I also sometimes cover my mouth with my hand when I laugh, as if I were a demure lady.
When I feel too distracted to start doing something, I might do a couple of Naruto hand seals to get myself to focus, but I´m too clumsy to actually bend my fingers properly.
You're cute. Let me touch you.
My official excuse is that it fulfills my college's GE requirements.
>no source material to adapt
>7-minute episodes
This blows my mind
are you me?
>Single words of Japanese are slowly infiltrating my ordinary language, one nani or abunai at a time.
This hit way too close to home.