Dumping because I noticed the fan scans haven't released this chapter yet.
Black Clover 176
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geez it's chapter 79
Fuck off from Cred Forums, cancer
wow this was a pretty good chapter
Diamond Head a general.
Meh he wasn't so powerfull and he is gonna job again.
Thank you, OP. I really wish Mangastream would pick up Black Clover, so we could get translations uploaded on time, like One Piece and BNHA.
unless he has a fairy too
>Diamond Head
Who is this guy again?
The guy who used light magic who fought against Yami.
Some guy who got shat on by Aster early in the series also probably his new rival.
>Why does he wear this mask?
>He pulled out his mask
Is he dead now or was it extremly painful?
I think his name is Mars? He fought Asta and crew in that dungeon
>Some guy who got shat on by Asta
But that's not what happened. He shat on everybody at least once, including Asta, until Yuno and his spirit shat on him.
>Yuno and his spirit shat on him.
Aww shit i was sure it was Asta who got him good.
It seems i gotta re-read it.
Asta was going toe-to-toe with him, but in the end, he was the one who got shit on.
Is that what Griffith looked like under the mask after he was tortured?
Thanks OP
>Griffith looked like under the mask
Pretty close also he didn't had a cock cuz king cut it off.