If I watch this on the plane during my trip to Canda will I go to jail?

If I watch this on the plane during my trip to Canda will I go to jail?


Idk where Canda is, but why would you?

No, they love popsicles there.

Loli is illegal here

it sucks bros



It all depends on your attitude. Pretend you're an artist kinda guy and they'll let you a free pass. Tell them it's your inspiration.

In Canada period. The courts have ruled it to be child pornography.

Why is loli so verboten?


No idea where he's at but it is in sweden. But you'd have to redefine the terms. 15 is age of consent here, that girl in the webm may as well be 15, but it still doesn't matter because there is no nudity and whatever you interpret that as is your imagination, it's not in the clip.

what case? is it under appeal?

The Supreme Court was pretty supportive of deviant sexualities and porn in AG v Little Sisters Bookstore

If someone complained to the staff on the plane, you would probably be told to turn off whatever you watching and possibly have the police called when you land.

Dead serious. Canada is a conservative country just recently.

whats a canada

This is Momo. Momo has boobs

I'm in Canada

don't even think of importing a Loli onahole or you will be branded a pedophile and end up in jail.

>Trying to legalize weed
>Won't legalize loli
Why is Canada so shit?

wasn't loli girls from 12 to 16 or something?
What's the current definition of loli?

Conservative government for 9 years and recently elected a liberal government.

Gee I don't know.

I'm ESL, forgive me, but are they really branding your body with a [pedophile] brand, so even when you get out of jail, when people see you they will always know you've been a pedophile?

That's really hard core of Canada.

Get serious for once, the law isn't tumblr meme territory. Australia probably has similar clauses but no one gives a fuck since there is leeway for common sense, Canada is probably draconian on this shit, you loli you jail.

2D girls have rights you know.

>That's really hard core

So is being a pedo in 2016 with all the pain, suffering and humiliation involved but fags still do it.

>sketching of a foreign artist have rights.

If they did, why do nobody ever sue those fucks for cultural oppression and suppresion?

That's probably wrong. Age of consent does not apply to fictional characters.

There was a discussion a few years ago about outlawing drawn pornographic material depicting underage participants, but it never made it past supreme court.

The bill did not pass since it wouldn't serve any purpose. After all, drawing a picture with a sexualized motive does not harm anyone.

>After all, drawing a picture with a sexualized motive does not harm anyone.

The law-making people don't think like that. They likely think of loli as a "gateway drug" to more dangerous things. After all, if you knew people were all starting with an innocent drug, and a majority of them ended up with the terrible stuff, wouldn't you try to prevent people from using the gateway drug?

No, the plane will more than likely explode before you get there. But don't worry, that means you win.

The people who make the laws and the judges who pass precedents are all old fags with "muh morality" in grained in them. They probably see a loli girl in the webm and think this is porn, even though the webm only suggests something.

Just stop watching when you enter Canadian airspace and then DBAN your drive.

>watching that show
Just fap to sad panda. Better experience

You should ask them to shoot their own children right at the head because there are studies indicating there are huge chance of them turning into criminals when they grown up when raised by unemphatic rigid assholes.

Because japan don't care, you don't see official comics in the west sexualising kids for stuff like fanservice reasons

I worded it wrongly, I mean suing the politicians and censorship boards that have issues with products of foreign culture like Japan and seek to suppress its distribution.

It's basically text book cultural oppression and discrimination no matter how you swing it.
Let the leftists taste their own medicine for once.

Cept that gas already happened in Canada

what the fuck is canada?

It has always been body type. It has never been age.
Flat and short are primary characteristics.

And yet, pornographic material featuring lolis is still legal in Sweden.

It's that America with lumberjacks and mounties riding on elks.

We haven't had a proper case yet as far as I can remember and no the "Translator" wasn't a proper case because they ruled that it was understandable that he had this material seeing as he was a Japanese translator.

We haven't had a single case where someone has been caught with a loli Sad panda stash on his computer.

>Tfw when you are from Chile and no one gives a fuck about what you see/download as long as it's not literal cp

The world's first post-national stateā„¢

>Sweden is overrun with Muslim rapefugees
>Pornographic Loli material is allowed

Wow, really makes you think....

Or you can do both.

normally I want to watch the source of my porn but I made an exception here

That is nice and all, but you could also get [Wizard]'s fapservice compilations, too.

Yes as soon as you fly over the border big guy.

dude non-penetrative bestiality lmao

Tumblr has nothing to do with pedo panic, that's all "concerned parents".

Maybe this is the first step towards the creation of legal monster-girls in Canada.

No because it is just really border pushingly ecchi.

why is she so fat?