Death Parade

>Death Parade
>Mob Psycho 100

Is this guy going to be the next big director? He's only directed two projects and they were both extremely good.

Death parade sucked.

He's got a bright future for sure.


Mob Psycho has a whole team of talented veterans, and Death Parade was not particularly good.

Death Parade was mediocre, while MP was good but with a great staff besides him. I wouldn't necessarily expect anything from him, let alone being "the next big director," whatever that really means.

In what fucking world was Death Parade "extremely good"?

Death parade was objectively one of the best of 2015, if not the best.

I mean, he's above average and I have my eye on him but I doubt he'll be the next big director.

Death Parade had consistently great vignettes and solid character animation, how was it not good?

It was kind of hit or miss, but I appreciate its ambition.

He needs a style that easily stands out if he wants to be famous. The more easily distinguishable his style is, the more famous he'll get. It doesn't even matter if it's good or not.

The writing was meh, and it tried to be deep and touching on top of being meh.

Tried and succeeded.

Death parade was garbage though

Death Parade was the meme of its season, you're not allowed to like it.

Maybe if you only watched 5 anime last year. Death Parade was mediocrity saved by a decent ending.

>a flop and a big budget show with mediocre under 5k sales

Death Billiards was miles better than Parade. That's probably why I was disappointed by it.

Pretty much this unfortunately. Directors establish themselves in this business not by having interesting ideas and means of conveying them but by establishing a set of gimmicks and then making sure to impose them upon every project they come into contact with

It was didactic shit. First episode was promising enough, but the second episode completely ruined anything good the series had done, which in retrospect was obviously not intentional. Instead of neutrally presenting you with two sides and allowing the audience to draw their own conclusions more like a Kino of Mushishi, the story preaches to you about which side is wrong or right and harped on about "mug primal fear" and all kinds of other pretentious garbage.

I don't think he's done anything above "okay" - I like the formal wankery in Mob Psycho but I wouldn't say that makes it extremely good.

That's retarded.

Death Parade was fine until the stupid final arc. The episode that tried to make serious drama with the comedic relief girl and the pop idol was fucking retarded garbage. I was cringing so hard.


Based Madhouse creating young talents

How the fuck does Death Parade's writing have anything to do with the director? Are you all retarded?

For the record I thought the had okay direction but nothing exceptional. Mob's direction was singificantly better but it was still nothing fame-making.

He wrote it and directed it.

>How the fuck does Death Parade's writing have anything to do with the director?

Yuzuru Tachikawa
Death Parade (TV) : Director, Screenplay, Storyboard (eps 1, 4-5, 12), Episode Director (ep 12), Original creator

So the writing does have to do with him.

I liked Death Parade a lot and when it ended I was very much looking forward to what he would direct next. Needless to say, Mob 100 didn't disappoint.

Fair enough, but it still doesn't make sense that this guy's claiming he could be the next big director and everyone in the thread is criticizing his writing. The two are different jobs.

Because he was also the writer, you faggot. Not like Death Parade's direction was anything notable, anyway.

Blame OP, not us. He's the one who brought up overall quality.
> they were both extremely good

>Rokka no Yuusha
>Akagami no Shirayuki-hime
>Concrete Revolutio
What fucking world do you live in?

The world where he watches two shows a season that look serious/Western enough for him and then dismisses everything else as garbage.

>any of those
You're as bad as he is

>liking anything ever
Yeah, what a faggot.

Only everything not having to do with anyone playing Shadow Games.

Which unfortunately was a lot

>not good
There's no hope for you user.

Quite a few of those were pretty good, at the very least better than Death Parade. What would you say was good from 2015?

Pleiades was middle-of-the-road magical girl show. Not good.

Yeah, I also liked a few of those.
But Death Parade is still my pick for 2015.

Still better than Death Parade.

It's almost as though you think anime is for "fun" or "entertainment." Time to wake up, sheep.

Eupho, Miss Hokusai, Somera-chan, YKA

Nope. Even if you don't like how Death Parade ended up, at least they tried.

This isn't a gradeschool classroom, I don't give a shit how hard you try.

What is even the point of this post?

Death parade sucked. But its still better than moeSHIT.

Tried to preach us to death? Sure. Just because one show is pretentious and takes itself way too seriously, doesn't inherently make it better than a show that doesn't.

Literally the best part of Death Parade were the Buddhist shitposters saying the void is the good end, you take away that it's an average show with nice visuals.

>I don't give a shit how hard you try.
Good, because Death Parade not only tried by succeeded.

How else do you explain Tachikawa landing the director job for Mob 100? Some people at Bones must think he did a great job. I think I trust their opinion (and mine) over yours.

Nice, I didn't know Hiroyuki an anime director.

>the director got another job after it so therefore you have to like the show

>How else do you explain SAO getting a second season? Some people at A-1 must think they did a great job. I think I trust their opinion (and mine) over yours.

Fuck off, retard.

>How else do you explain Tachikawa landing the director job for Mob 100?
Pillow director.

>there is some clear evidence that people in the industry hold another opinion than mine, but I'm not wrong.

One of these is not like the others

One of what?

You say that like that somehow isn't possible.

Nothing is impossible, follow your shit taste to the ends of the earth, see where it leads you my fellow user.

No, I just don't think you understand what an opinion is if you're insinuating two people can't disagree while neither of then are wrong.

But 2hat about question that still haven't been answered; was the wife a cheating slut or not?

I thought we decided to never broach that topic again after the multiple straight bump limit threads of Cred Forums crossboarders shitposting about it.

No, because the writer is fucking stupid and despite showing all evidence to the contrary, he just outright says "No she isn't because I said so".

Death Parade lost its luster very quickly and I wouldn't say it had particularly good direction, unlike Mob.

Only ConRevo was better than Death Parade.

Death Parade tried something that was a great concept on paper but it got tiring extremely quick. Once every episode was the same process with very little difference, there was no saving it. Plus the ending was mediocre which made the anime all that much more forgettable.

death parade sold like 600 copies