Tomoko thread

why do you think watamote was such a hit ?

Does she want me to pat her head?

maybe who knows

It made me feel better about myself.

I just guessing based on that speech bubble, her pouty face and the camera angle.


bad image heres the actual image

Anime watchers can relate to her.


Why is this there a anime/manga about me as a girl.

nobody cares about how you relate to this, its nice that we on Cred Forums relate to it but i dont really care about you k user


I know the feels myself why do you think I'm on Cred Forums

It really funny with great jokes with great characters and no fanservice.

yeah that's pretty neat


Vulnerable girls are cute.

Unfortunately it doesn't work the same way for men.

>we on Cred Forums
Fuck off back to /r/anime.

/r/ what a shitty place

You've got to change that .txt to .exe.
That would solve all our problems.

looks like I'm not dead yet




It fills me with happy thoughts

It wasn't a hit. Sure it's popular here on Cred Forums but it sold like shit.



bump for best girl

Don't let this thread die!


Oh goodie






>Such a hit
>s uch a hit
There we go.


Watamote is actually fucking garbage. Umaru is better.

You ingrates!


How are we not first page!?



It got popular on Cred Forums and Cred Forums and it turned into a meme that spread like wildfire to the point that it became r/anime's mascot for a good length of time.




Loser protagonist + girl(s) = best thing ever. Watamote is special because the loser protagonist is the girl.






>why do you think watamote was such a hit ?
If it was such a "hit", why the anime failed so badly in Japan? baka


Green eyes, I'd run away with you

It hit too close to home for female neets.
They don't want to see themselves or laugh at themselves.
They want to live through the amazing lives of the heroines on screen.
Not watch a reminder of how much of a thirsty loser they are IRL.


Because the stereotypical friendless NEET can relate to Tomoko.


You don't understand. Sometimes I live my life and come back to read Watamote and the thing that happened to her literally just happened to me.

>tfw I'm in lesbian with Tomoko
>she's just all about guys so I could never make her happy

But she is a lesbian





Was this funded by Cred Forums or something?

No but the manga got extremely popular on Cred Forums for some reason a few years ago, and that directly led to the anime being made.

>that directly led to the anime being made.

>that image size and quality
What the fuck user.






Let me fix that for you

I want to make Tomoko blush by giving her a light kiss on her lips and whispering into her ear, "I love you."

Why does Tomoko have shit taste in anime? Nemoto has so much better taste.


>tfw your repaint didn't make it into a gif