Cheerio user!
Cheerio user!
dropped this at around epsiode 6
Shut up you insane revenge bitch, not even love can turn off your obsession with revenge.
I think you're trying to say "chest".
Post more cheerio girl!
I've noticed a definite uptick in Kanagatari posts/appreciation on Cred Forums in the last few months. I think Re:Zero's popularity brought attention to White Fox, which then brought attention back to Katanagatari.
Katanagatari has always been one of my absolute favorite anime, so I like this recent development.
I thought it was just because of the upcoming Zaregoto adaptation. And people (including me) wishing that White Fox was doing it instead.
Just dropping by to remind you all who best girl was.
One question still needs to be answered.
[Spoiler] Who was best girl? [/Spoiler]
Cheerio too
>that fucking NTR ending
Togame can't be NTRed because she's dead.
>NTR ending
The artstyle of this show was GOAT.
It was a perfect storm. I wouldn't be surprised if before recently a lot of people weren't even aware that White Fox was responsible for some pretty good shows like Katanagatari and Steins;Gate even if they had watched them. They were not a well known studio at all on Cred Forums until recently.
It's a shame really. I've been a fan of theirs ever since Katanagatari.
Pengin is best girl
No, she is!
Why did a General had a loli as one of his right arms?
For dicking purposes.
You have some shit taste.
Nisio shows are so densely packed with content it's admirable
I'm not a fan of 24/7 motormouths but still it's nop notch quality
Better late than never though.
This thread pleases me
Is this related monogatari. I don't into nip
Same author but otherwise unrelated.
Downside is shitposting retards have temporarilly ruined any White Fox discussion because re:zero was liked by most people
Cheerio will forever be a phrase of encouragement in her honor.
>because re:zero was liked by most people
Is this a bad thing? I mean generally when a show that's been done with a lot of effort put to it and it's liked, wouldn't be a good thing for White Fox?
Here's an honest question from someone who hasn't read the novels.
Could a 100% nuclear Shichika be able to beat his sister in a fair one on one?
Anybody who actually prefers blonde bitch over the miracle that is Togame should seek immediate psychiatric help.
Doubt it. It'd be akin to saying, if I had a drill the same size as the Eiffel Tower, would I be able to drill through the Himalayas in one day?
Okay got it thanks.
I mean both are pretty cute and I like both so... Though I do still like Togame more.
seconding this
I like Shogi girl more
He's saying that all White Fox discussion inevitably ends up back on Re Zero now.
My brothers.
Shichika is a grade A protagonist.
Why do people always forget she wanted to kill MC in the end for something that wasn't even his fault?
Also blonde bitch got away with everything she did in the end.
Time to rewatch that dude-with-glass-sword episode for best fights.
You are saying this just because the better girl got the worse girl dead.
>12 hours to tell one punch line
He claimed that she was a part of his own body, so it's more like masturbation purposes.
Still mad she got a haircut. Fuck, what is it with Nisio having girls with long, gorgeous hair get haircuts? That's like the worst fucking bullshit thing ever. If you want a girl to have short hair, give her short hair. If she has long hair, let her keep it. This sort of "character development" just pisses me the fuck off. Also, I'm kinda mad she died. But more about that haircut. Fuck that shit.
Did she died?
Bread > Cereal
Nobody knows
Probably, since the build collapses during the end.
she wasn't dead when Shichika KO'd her but who knows after he split the castle in half.
Do you believe that Togame was just lying with all the bullshit she said at the end just so Shishika move on?
I guess it wasn't really dropped so much as put on hold.
It wasn't bad or anything.
I personally don't think she would of done it
I mean she can't kill him anyway even if she tried
I don't think anyone can except his sister
when you're voiced by the best in the industry you can get away with almost anything
>yfw when BOSS RUSH was happening
Everything about the show was fucking great.
Sister Murder Island episode was when it really clicked for me
Why did Shichika spare her/him but kill the other 11 swordsman?
Because she was innocent. She clearly didn t want to fight him.
Yeah, but I'm kinda surprised he held back. It seemed like he was on an unstoppable rampage.
Even though he was on a rampage he still is kindhearted. He still won't slaughter a girl who doesn't want to fight.
Best girl.
>doesn't want more of Nisio's Shaft
What are you gay?
Lmao cheerio cuz u died
She was a slut
Yes, the point of the ending was that he was holding back infinitely the whole time. It wouldn't be thematically coherent if he couldn't
Togame pls
Stay dead, best girl won.
His strength wasn't the purpose of being the strongest. It was the strength that could have led him to training others. Shichika wasn't meant to kill all the Americans by himself he was supposed to teach other Japs the fighting style.
It's why he doesn't know all the styles of the technique the other techniques he never learned were ones that wouldn't have been practical in the future.
As it stands he was probably only a little stronger than Sabi was at the end. It should be noted that as said in the anime and LN Sabi was for whatever reason holding back when they fought (probably could sense Shichika was too). Also in parallel to him Sabi was also an imperfect heir since his mother was never able to finish teaching him before Nanami killed her.
The ligh novel seems to have a lot more informations. Shame it will never be translated.
But i thought she was dead
Togame deserved it.
What was his masterplan again? I really lost track of it during the end.
I like both
I dont believe she would kill him but that is just me
>Is this a bad thing?
Yes. Re:Zero was entry level garbage.
The only way I can convince myself that I liked how the anime ended is if I assume she was lying to Shichika just so he wouldn't mourn her.
The music made it God-tier.
That and Hime fucking the Shogun over.
>I mean she can't kill him anyway even if she tried
Poison? Like, he's not immortal.
I thought there was an attempt made to translate it a few years ago?
Everybody's plans were too complicated for my simple mind to understand.
Fucking finally we get Katanagatari threads.
Togame Best girl
Main girl died, and main dude is with that blonde girl now
She was up to no good to be fair.
>this hair was cut
Every fucking time!
Americans never destroyed Japan. What the fuck was the prophecy actually referring to?
It obviously wasn't very compelling to you if you put something like Katanagatari on hold. It's only 12 episodes long.
Would you hug and take care of Konayuki as a younger sister?
I think it was something something alter history by switching out the shogunate.Not sure if he did it just because tho.
The US did destroy traditional japan in a way,they were basically forced by the outside to open up and modernize.They shut themselfes off from the world for hundrets of years.
to be fair, it was pretty funny that shichikas sister made him mad enough to kill her by cutting her hair...
This. Too bad SHAFT is gonna butcher Take's artstyle.
Her death scene was pretty cheesy until she said she would kill him. Something about her character in this scene made me 100% believe she'd do it even if she loved him. This made the scene so much better
He was trying to forge a perfect martial art over the generations so it would be a weapon to surpass America.
How does one show have so many best girls.
Cutting Togame's hair was a crime against humanity.
Wasn't her scheming eye firing up when she said this? As in she was trying to trick him into not feeling bad or taking revenge after her death.
SHAFT's PV's and character art designs for Zaregoto look so fucking bad, and they didn't even bother to have Shinbo direct it. My expectations are pretty much 0 right now.
I really wish they had given White Fox another go at a Nisio adaptation.
She did die when the building collapsed.
It was just writing convenience to make a funny gag.
>Nobody ever talks about the real best girl.
Fucking shame, I love these eyes so much.
I don't think shaft did a LEGITIMATELY bad adaptation yet.
Negima was bad to source material but it was fun on its own, so that doesn't count.
They'll pull it out.
Or 3-gatsu will just take all their lead and they'll fuck Nisio's ass.
Which I'm fine with because I love 3-gatsu manga.
It sucks that we have to bludgeon Zaregoto for ths but hey
What choice do we have?
This was probably the single worst show I've ever seen.
And I don't mean it was pure garbage.
I actually enjoyed it, but when it was done I was left dumbfounded at what happened.
Literally not a single thing in it made sense or had any rhyme or reason to happen at all.
Like it was a good adventure, but there was actually no story at all.
What the fuck were they thinking, whatever madman made it, my applaud to him for making the single worst enjoyable ride I've been on,
Shogi girl best girl.
Nisekoi was definitely a bad adaptation of the source material by SHAFT.
Never seen that.
But I've never heard people complain about the anime being a bad adaptation.
I think it was doing great.
How so?
Not gonna let this thread die
Who is your favorite Maniwa?
>picking anyone but Pengin
Seems like it's time for another rewatch of the last episode fight.
>Not the bug trio
Get that still pretty great taste out of my thread.
All the insect squad members were top tier.
I like how they initially introduce the maniwani as pretty basic bad guys, and the first 3 maniwani that show up die in a somewhat comical manner, then all of a sudden the story decides to make them real people with the Island episode.
>picking the most pathetic Maniwa of them all
Half the appeal of Zaregoto is the MC's unique design and they fucked it up completely. Looks nothing like her.
>Half the appeal of Zaregoto is the MC's unique design
It's a fucking book, she looks like whatever you imagine her to be.
people like you are the reason LNs are picture books for illiterate man babies
Do you have any idea how boring and/or shit a Nisekoi adaption could have been? I really enjoyed Nisekoi S1 despite finding the source material to be some of the most boring and generic material ever put to paper.
Shaft dropped the ball with S2 though.
>Literally not a single thing in it made sense or had any rhyme or reason to happen at all.
Oh, it makes sense alright - to people who have a really warped perception of reality (i.e. most of Cred Forums.)
Seriously though, there is logic behind almost everything in Kantanagtari - it's just really really warped logic.
Japan would have been a 3rd world shithole like Italy if it weren't for us. A shit ton of Japanese families even have a photo of this based motherfucker on their walls. You're fucking welcome Japan.
Also Hitei best girl
>A shit ton of Japanese families even have a photo of this based motherfucker on their walls
It wasn't just him holding back. The sword did exactly what it was created to do, protect its owner.
He is the only one who didn't get eviscerated and it is thanks to the sword.
>The sword did exactly what it was created to do, protect its owner.
But Shichika was able to beat the special abilities of all the other swords - I'd be surprised if he couldn't beat that one too. So while I don't believe he/she was killed by Shichika, his/her survival was not because of the sword.