Konjiki no Gash!! AKA Zatch Bell: Volume 22

Zophis and his army of ancient demons have been quelled, Gash bell moves into it's third arc as of volume 18! We are at the point where the series has really hit it's stride!

Gash bell is a Shonen action/comedy series by Makoto Raiku. The basic plot premise is that there are 100 kids from the demon world who come into the normal world to fight until only 1 is left standing, who is crowned king;

I'll be making a thread every day (can't give a specific consistent time of day yet due to IRL bullshit) and will post 1 volume every day until the whole run is posted.

Opening 1: youtube.com/watch?v=I0Ir4LL9Bkc
Opening 2: youtube.com/watch?v=_aMy1lJsRtE
Opening 3 (current): youtube.com/watch?v=ezEO8ekCfIw

Previous dead threads: pastebin.com/PVU45YWe
Previous active threads:
Volume 16: Volume 17: Volume 18: Volume 19: Volume 20: Volume 21

Other urls found in this thread:




It's time

The captcha is being such a bitch I forgot to do the FAQ


>Why should I be interested?
It has really fantastic art, good humor, great tactical fight's with great choreography and is really excellent at utilizing both positive and negative emotions for FEELS; admittedly the series is a little rough untill arc 2 rolls around, after that all the above starts to really shine and continues to get better; the art in particular.

>Where are your scans from?
NULL's release. their site is here: n-u-l-l.net/ and they can also be found on bato.to and mangasaurus. EBJ has superior digital volumes for sale on their site, but they are japanese only, I'll be buying and ripping them eventually. There's also some really amazing quality Portuguese scans, but only for like 20 chapters halfway into the series, and, you know, aren't in english.

A-Destiny has really amazingly high res scans in english for the last 3 volumes, but they aren't publically available anywhere right now other then the last 3 volumes as jpgs on otakusmash, and the translation is generally nost as good as NUll's I feel in most cases. They also have 18-30, but thye quality isn't much better then Null's and the translation is still iffy.

>Isn't Zatch bell that kiddy pokemon ripoff?
You probably saw the localized anime. The anime is pretty not great due to changes it makes and missing the last arc (nontheless, here's a link to the anime episodes: anime.thehylia.com/downloads/series/konjiki-no-gash-bell-), and the localization is fucking terrible. The manga is way better, but even it admittedly starts out only above average untill it gets into the second arc.

How was the movie?

I encourage you to post and respond to stuff as i'm dumping pages. It's far more fun for me while dumping if I see other people reacting to stuff that's happening and there' conversations I can reply to.

HOWEVER, please do not post images till I finish so the image limit isn't hit before then, and use your judgement for how often you post/how long what you are posting is. Don't overdo it.


Is captcha still being faggots?

How pissed was Alishe right then?

>holding up a fuck huge boulder from crushing friends and family
>some dumbfuck animal is ramming into your shins

>Alishe is a guy

Still don't know what the author was thinking.

I think every shonen has to have at least one androgynous fuccboi. I think it's in the contracts





does this volume end before or after the fight with leo? I want to know how close we are to seeing best boy zeon wreck shit.

Captcha seems to have unfucked itself finally, thank god

It ends right as Bankis steps out of leo's chest













Anybody still reading.

These dumps are usually more active then this

Im Here OP! Alishe is pretty cool.


I'm here OP.

Ye, I'm just reading while at work.

I think this is the only time we see Raajia used in a defensive style

First time reading here fampai


Still reading, this part isn't that interesting to comment on though.

We're waiting for the fights, stay calm.

I am, but won't lie with the captcha issues making it go so slowly I've basically got it on the backburner and hence not being active in the thread.

Sorry mate, I'd get a pass if you plan on doing this level of dumping

Fair enough

We in this, OP.

I would get a pass if it wasn't for the fact I just spent 250$ on the first G Gundam blu ray set.

I think I finally fixed the captcha shit though, I messed with my internet settings a bit and it all seems fixed now

Do they ever mention which demon made this, or how long ago? I know leo's clan somehow got it to the human world, but that's all I really remember.


Gash quints, nice.
>That volume cover
Is this the largest the gang ever is at one point in the series? It does grow and shrink throughout, but this cover does have quite alot at once.
Fuck that Mongolian, does he even help

Won lei is being guiltripped by everyone in this arc poor guy


Not really. In one volume we get a page like that shows it in the process of being made but that's it.

lol How do we know she's a mongolian I think im missing the joke

>does he even help

Isn't that a girl?

I'm not sure how I feel about won lei's plot line in this arc. It kind of feels like forced drama, and makes it seem like lee yen is never anything more than a damsel in distress, despite supposedly being pretty capable herself
Although it does give won lei something to do besides just be another good guy, I don't think he really developed at all the last arc.

Not Ashie, Karudio's book owner is mongolian

>those Tio and Kyanchome faces

Oh fuck me. First I think the Mongol is a guy, then I think the brown goddess is a girl. Damn it all to hell.

Yea, Ellie and Alshie being so active despite the curse makes Lee Yen look like total shit

That tio face though

Well, the thing is that despite the fact Lee yen is supposedly a huge badass herself that can participate in the fights on her own, we never actually see her do that?

Seriously you would think Lee yen would be stronger than that

You know, Lee Yen and Won Lei are probably the worst in terms of wins/losses in this series.



Fucking Kiyomaro


>forgetting about whoopi goldberg and her partner

Nice going Kiyomaro.



Fuck those guys

Speaking of...

The nun is growing on me


red leader standing by

>most generic nun design
>came late to the party
>has had very little screen time
And yet see fits perfectly in the group. What is with Raiku and pulling characters out of his ass without them feeling forced.


Get off this Taiwanese puppet support forum sunbeam.

this guy's a doozy

he's a big guy

Oh wow I forgot about this guy

And now I kinda remember him wew lad.

Was getting lost in the blood veins part of your plan?

He's pretty good at just executing on really generic tropes in general while still having them feel genuiuine

Like, the power of friendship stuff this series has is as corny as you can get on paper, but in pratice it works really well. Last volume there was also the standard "pick between two bad choices, take a third option" tropes, but it was executed in such a way that it felt well done

I don't remember him being so big


Thats some big maracas



I love this manga. Still one of my favourites after so many years. Gonna have to read it a 3rd time soon.

Also definitely recommend Doubutsu no Kuni / Animal Land. It's by the same author. It doesn't start off as exciting but it definitely gets there. It also has a bonus Gash Bell epilogue chapter in one of the volumes.

Nice quads.


One problem I had with Animal Land is that the ending arc felt pretty much like a rehash of the Faudo arc.


Giller was basically a better Clear, though

>Just do the opposite of what Momon says


>Sunbeam suggesting straight up murder



>fuck it, let's just kill him

That groovy lifestyle




>devs protect against sequence breaking

Fucking Railroad



Nah they just weren't prepared to take that route, as none of them brought high power modern weaponry. The party really should have stolen a large supply of high explosives, though how they would store it I don't know.

That was a fucking beautiful segue.



Momon seems to have finally gotten his shit together.

>Kiyomaro doing the hard work
>Momon already knew
Fucking hell

You know, I actually kinda really like the hearts design; now that I get a good look at him.


Yep. been reading it daily. not missing it now.

this the first time momon spoke a full structured sentence?







>Momon is the Sam of Gash Bell


I may not be able to carry the mantle of MC




Oh look, its the Mongolian riding not-Umagon.



Personally I think this past page was translated really poorly. I don't know what "erase their presence" is supposed to mean and a lot of the wording is just iffy

Are any of the anons who can read moon on that can look at the raw page?


>Erase their presence
Honestly, it sounds like a censored 'kill them'

That's my best guess as well but the series has never really tried to avoid saying kill or anything before now, and the context of the conversation seems to be trying to stay undetected, so...




It's some chinese bullshit that is as popular in manga as Ki. Basically you max your Stealth and walk around as silently as possible. Some versions also include "dropping your bloodlust" since enemies can detect that, supposedly.
Except that, since they're demons and actually have magic that can be detected by others, it's a real thing in this setting.
Japs being japs

>gash pinning earth with just rauzaruku

is earth a jobber?

You know I can't imagine how hard this is for her. Like she has no previous understanding of what these fights are like and she's thrown into one of the scariest most dangerous situations in the whole tournament. This girl has a will of iron

Just wait until his fiht with Goomu

>spell enhanced Gash pins no-spell-use Earth for a brief amount of time
>hurr he must be a jobber

The power of Christ.

Right, but in the contest of the sentances being said that doesn't make that much sense either.

Sauza says "it doesn't seem like the other demons have sensed their presence yet", but that's incorrect, we know zaruchimu has. He then says "Use your skilll to erase their presence".

That would imply Earth has a parituclar skill to mask their powers, but he has no such skill, and in fact, just goes on to raise his own power, causing them to be detected.

Then you have what momon and Leo say.

It seems like they switch from it meaning "to kill" to meaning powerlevels every other sentance.

whoops, should have also been quoting



user here OP. Reading with my heart content

Oh hey look. It's about time user, of all people, finally showed up. Thank the heavens you mentioned that.


Ah, you're right. It actually sounds like a pun. Since it would be bad for Earth & co to be detected, and the Kiyo group is lying there, Earth group will simply """erase their presence""".
But then Momon's dialogue is weird too... Yeah I don't know.





Likewise i'm 99% sure there's a mistranslation in this past page and in We already KNOW it can send faudo back to the demon world, that's the whole point. They shouldn't be acting surpised. I think what kiyo should be saying i "send him back to the demon world after the seal is broken"



They're surprised at his claim that he can do both

Fucking Kiyo

>Instead of one Japanese magical circle, you get five!
I still really like the simplicity in the demon symbol both here and on the books.

Right, but that's not what he's claiming there, he's only saying he can send it back, not send it back and lift the curse, which is what he should be saying

That's what the "Save your life" part is for


Wow, rude.


kiyo looks really weird in that panel

>headbutts and tosses a loli on her literal deathbed
Dunno how I feel about that one Kiyomaro-kun. Loli's are for protecting only.


>Sunbeam senses the yuri

>Ultra smug Sunbeam

Stubborn suicidal loli's deserve headbutts

Come on man this is basic knowledge.


>that smug Sunbeam

Wiki says Mongolian kid is a guy

I'm with on this one. She got what she deserved.

Wait seriously? That's a guy?

>both the Mongolian and the brown goddess are men
It's infuriating. What next? Fucking Suzy is a guy too? Just kill me now.

He has sideburns. Why are you surprised it's a guy...?

I can understand mistaking ashie for a girl, but what made you think Sauza was?


>not knowing Suzy's secret
Raiku was surprisingly progressive



Are those eyes the thing i think it is?

Yes, that translation is pretty screwed up.
Basically, Karudio learned how to erase his presence from Earth, and they both used that to go unnoticed. That's why Momon didn't notice them before they got close.
They then stopped hiding their presence in order to fight Gash, which lead to Zaruchimu noticing them in

It is and it isn't. Raiku never made up his mind, I don't think.

I'm pretty sure the text has referred to them as a girl before.

And every other instance of "erasing presence' other then those is "to kill"?

Mongolian-kun is pretty cute tbqh

This is a great page. No talking, just some nice panels of the characters SOLing it up and interacting with each other.


Don't you speak like that about Suzy.


In my headcanon Raiku gave Sunbeam and Prof. those eyes and mental abilities to foreshadow answer talker a bit so people wouldn't be so caught off guard by it's reveal.

What about Apollo?

I dunno I thought they were wearing a dress and they looked cute so I just assumed girl. On the other hand I always knew Aishe was a dude. Not sure how anyone could think otherwise.


Oh yeah him too. Even tho he didn't have the eyes he also was an example of heighten senses.


It's my personal theory that they all have aspects of Answer talker which is why their eyes will look like that but they haven't unlocked the full power of the ability, which is why they only sometimes have the power.


It has this crop-top thingy and stupid hair like a girl's. It would be kinda weird for a Mongolian to have that haircut.


I really like that Kiyo is shown to lie and bluff all the time.

this page looks familiar


>And every other instance of "erasing presence' other then those is "to kill"?
No, why would it?


Damn, this would've been one killer colour page.

Don't remember the guy with the blade arms.
Was he the guy Ted fought?


Because it refering to power levels doesn't make sense the other times it's said?

It's not just powerlevels. Like I said before, in jap folklore normal humans also "erase their presence", meaning that they walk stealthily, breathe quietly, etc.


So am I supposed to believe that Keith, the giant lizard mecha, Edge and cyborg, Edward scissor hands, eyeball ninja and edge-hair are all helping to revive Faudo without curses?
Or can I just not see the curses on their partners?

Not sure if spoiler since it was mentioned a bit earlier but anyway
They have the same intention to use Faudo for their own means.

Well, since every cursed person gets their fancy reveal panel, I'd assume they're not cursed.

Right, that's what I mean.

What I was saying about killing though is on this page , Riou clearly says "if gashes' sdemon power is erased or not" in the context of him surviving, along with some other times



That's just a word, not the expression. Clearly Leo is probably fancy language.
>If the opposite happens...

Oh it's right here too




I'm actually kind of surprised at how few of the spells used here use the term Dioga.


Current thread theme:youtube.com/watch?v=FGLUNq3GcQo

Just because Dioga isn't in the name doesn't mean it's not that strong.

Why didn't they piss Tio the fuck off and have her break it?

>Leo shoots the lion thing from his chest
How is his partner not getting fucked up

cool page



>everyone can hear something they shouldn't because of the sheer willpower behind the message

it's corny, but I like it every time

happened a lot in doubutsu no kuni too



all the double page spreads are great

So this is Faudo...

Not bad.


And now shit gets real.

Forgot how much Faudo reminded me of an Eva

Why the hell aren't Brago and Sherry here?

Did they seriously not have a strong enough spell to help break the lock?


Shits gonna get good now.

Why would they be here though?

For you


Don't forget to read this page with a very heavy NuZilunder ekcint.

I know, it's just there was such a focus on Dioga this arc that I would have expected a few more that actually used the word. Though I know that the true Baou is certainly above some Shin spells, but actually gets a Shin version of itself.

Probably weren't close enough for Leo to find them. And as if Brago would lose to any of his henchmen. And as if Sherry would give a shit about being cursed and do what Leo says. And as if Brago would let her.


How fucking old is Elly? She should be like fucking 4, what the hell is she doing talking in coherent sentences and battling?


>Tio's still afraid of heights
Glad Raiku didn't forget.

And here we see Faudo having a whale of a time.

It begins.

Old enough for me

fucking aussie shitposting even in manga

Wiki says 7, but I don't know how accurate that is. Also, she has a good reason for being as mature as she is, you'll see it eventually

She's a loli, don't gotta explain shit.

Also, still waiting on user with artbook to return


he was in the wrong place at the wrong time....

I love this running gag of demons loving aquatic meat.

Don't you fucking drag us into this m8. This is in New Zealand. Its those fuckin' kiwi's we should be gassing, not us.


I spilled my fucking milk. God dammit it.

jesus christ


>Won Lei's goofy face
Nice to see the straight man of the group finally getting in on the face action, even if it is tiny.

Look at those eyes. That whale is so fucking confused as to what just happened.




Here we go


>all those reaction faces


Sup tsunami.


Glad he only shot that in the Pacific ocean and not anywhere important.

He probably killed some people with the aftershock and tsunami


Yea unfortunately the manga ignores that an explosion like that would wreck the coastlines of literally everywhere in the pacific.



I always thought that Apollo has some sixth sense bullshit you see in a lot of media.





In 5 minutes comes the 2nd funniest gag in the Manga. For me anyway.

It's warm?

>It's warm?
Its wet




Fuckin' disco fingers



>drinking all that salt water

I'm surprised Faudo didn't have a bad time


So that was one hell of a large explosion. Wouldn't the US and Russia and the other nuclear powers be shitting themselves right now, wondering who did what?


"That function"

Why are flashbacks like this so contrite?



But the midriff



So I know this is a stretch that anyone has watched this but did anyone else get Castle in the Sky vibes from? From that time when Muska takes command of the Castle?



It's a belt or something. He's wearing a tunic

>So I know this is a stretch that anyone has watched this
>Castle in the Sky
user pls.
Although, now that you mention it, I can see the resemblance.

directed by michael bay


Nice team.

That is one fucking fantastic spread.


What a fucking spread.


We did it guys
We doomed humanity


Cool spread.


I rarely see anyine ever mention it and Normies only know Spirited Away.

That bit with the soldiers where a hologram of a floating Muska appears, he shows the detructive power of the Castle by firing a massive blast into the ocean, the soldiers shoot at him as an act of betrayal, which does nothing because it's a fucking hologram. The only difference is that Muska just dropped those fools into the ocean. No mercy.

>Leap to Faudo's penis!! He won't strike his own penis!!

Parco Folgore: the greatest master strategist of all time.

Folgore with the best idea as always

I wonder if this is foreshadowing that Kyanchome gets drunk on power hella fast.

Fucking folgore. He slays me

Never before have I seen good protagonists so happy that they managed to awaken an ancient demon to destroy humanity.

Two nukes really weren't enough, so Faudo decided he would be the third.


I refuse to accept that the mongolian cutie is a guy. I'm not listening and you can't make me.


There it is, my favourite gag in the manga. Folgore the fucking madman.


Even Kyomaro wasn't smart enough to realize the genius of the penis-clinging strategy.


Word of warning that there is obviously spoilers in the wiki. So go there at your own risk.

>Sunbeam riding with the sister

I ship it.


Based Folgore




Why don't they just teleport faudo into the sun.

>Sister Elle clutching Sunbeam's groovy chest, touching it, feeling it, sneaking shaky hands under his shirt and exploring the manliness that was denied to her for so long

2nd funniest joke sooon

Well it actually did happen



Not enough energy and they would kind of all die.

Not enough power, they also don't want to kill all of the demons and human partners that sided with Leo.

It literally says on that page that they couldn;t.

Did you just refuse to read the whole page?

>This Kind of Strong Kyanchome feels wrong
What does she mean with this?

just as keikaku'd

They can't leave Earth, I assume.

This page man


Here it is! The joke! I fucking love it.

>This fucking guy.


It was a good plan. It was a good plan... but...


This fucking guy

Yeah nah, fuck you.
Instead of just waiting a couple hours and sending the alive and rampaging Faudo to the Demon world (where he's still going to wreck shit and kill people), why not time a teleport in those 90 minutes and teleport him to the fucking sun? Plenty of time for everyone to escape Faudo and you can avoid the destruction of the demon world too.

yes that was a nice plan

>he can butterfly swim

Do you realize how far away the sun actually is? It could take thousands of years to build up that much energy

This fucking guy

so he is godzilla, an ancient reptile monster lives under the ocrean.



the demon world where the parent demons are and can stop him? and that's forgetting that Leo would also get teleported and he wouldn't want to kill his world


Why is the title always shown twice, anyway

Suzy's kiyosenses are tingling

Faudo, you mad demon.




Another thing is also thingling in her also


But its perfectly okay to just jump between dimensions? Nah range shouldn't be an issue in teleportation. Enough energy to jump 5kms or to the sun, what difference should that make.

>We have to save every single person
>But, its okay to let the initial destruction of demon civilians happen just because the adult demons "might" be able to stop Faudo, eventually
Faudo was originally sealed away because those demons were scared shitless of him.

This fucking page.

>Destroying a country out of spite

>Enough energy to jump 5kms or to the sun, what difference should that make
They fucking spell out for you that range is an issue, you fucktard


>Faudo is literally punching a city

>guy is in control of huge demon
>guy wants to use said demon to become king of the other world
>demon gets transported to other world
>"oh okay sure I'll let him rampage and destroy the place that I fought so hard to rule even though I can command him with no problems"



suzy's smile is precious and needs to be protected

IIRC, right here is where the anime diverged from the manga, wasn't it?

It's around now, yeah



>If I say it's an issue then it is. It doesn't matter if it makes sense
Fuck you, send him to the sun.

>Leo's actually a kind hearted guy who wants to be a kind king
>Even as a dictator, he'll still keep everyone alive and happy, he wont make sacrifices or deal with those he sees as unworthy
The guys an asshole, you're delusional if you think he wont throw a tantrum if teleported back or if you think he wont just try to usurp the current king with force. It'll be chaos .


Oh shit it's gonna happen


You don't need to be a kind king to see how stupid it is to just destroy the place you're supposed to be king of.
If you kill everyone, there's no one to rule.


It hasn't stopped those in power IRL from making that mistake countless times in history. What makes you think an asshole with magical god powers wont do the same.



I'm on my phone someone spoil it for him and tell him why sending them back to the demon world right now isn't an issue.

They don't know that though.

Everyone becomes a spirit when they're sent to the demon world until the king is decided
You asked for it.


Look at this guy, talking like he's hot shit.

>vanilla ice intensifies

I love Kiyomaro as a protagonist so much.


So fucking what. He just waits until the kings chosen then goes for the crown himself. It doesn't change anything except time. Faudo is still just sitting there, waiting.



When the King is decided, they literally have life and death privileges over every spirit in the demon world.

Leo is such a scum, I really hate this kind of characters.

Oh look, it's Vanilla Ice.

Wait until the end of the arc and you'll understand why Faudo would be a non-issue
That's as far as i'm saying

That other user forgot to mention that the King can choose who gets to change back and who are essentially dead. And that's for the entire demon world and all it's inhabitants not just those that participated.

user I'm sorry


I really love this exchange.


Wow, I can't wait for Kiyomaro's death next volume.


Okay that's just stupid. What if a total edgelord won and chose to revive fucking nobody. That's a hell of a gamble to put on the future of the entire demon "species".

Something tells me that Nitro likes to listen to linkin park and stay up all night.

>What if a total edgelord won and chose to revive fucking nobody
That's the whole point of Clear Note.

I'm almost fucking certain that's why the golden book was a thing in the first place

What do you think the villian of the next/final arc wants to do?

That's why the tournament is so important. Last arc!

It's almost like you read it, that's a good description of the final boss clear. Also the guy setting this up is a god that's motivation seems to be that he likes to fuck with the demon world.

the battle is called the trial of god and noone in the demon world knows who's actually in charge of doing it

That's why Gash is fighting to become a kind king, user.
Still, as long as endgame Gash, Brago and Kyanchome exist, Faudo wouldn't be able to do jack shit.

Congrats on figuring out the final boss of the story


that's what happens with the final boss of the last arc, it's an edgy little shit that literally has no personality other than "erase everything" and of course that's a big problem

is that a urinal demon


>toilet demon

Well I'm at a point where I don't want to read any more spoilers in this argument. Fuck it, I guess I'll just shut up and keep going.
I'm still firm on my sun belief.


>Toilet Paper demon
>Urinal Demon

What the hell japan

Not as bad as
>blow up a continent just because


Get out of there slenderman, you aren't a demon child.

kinda fucked up how they were just gonna let the partners get teleported too

>Dat Raiku frog demon

Riou truly is just a bratty piece of shit who needs a good slap in the face...or a hundred.


They're causing terror in India.


Now this is silly. This is some phone box tier bigger on the inside.

I'm sure the adult demons would send them back to earth. It's not like they live in hell



You know
Why kiyomaro didn't teleport faudo underwater?
Frodo face

Fuck why is she so god damn sweet?

Cause the water was too shallow.

...guess what the edgelord final villain's plan is

Because he wanted to follow it to make sure it worked, but didn't want to get teleported underwater.

End of volume 22

From here on out the Manga and Anime are radically different. Even people who have already seen the anime should be surprised.

On that note, are there even anime animeonlys still around? in the first 2-3 threads most people had seen the anime but never the manga but I haven't seen or heard much of that since then

i dunno if i should find this incredibly endearing or absolutely sad...

Well they did pledge allegiance to a kaiju about to destroy the world. A little interdimensional trips isn't the worse punishment, though I suppose the humans would be a little confused about their new life in the demon world.

Ah. Ah. Next volume's gonna be full of tearjerkers.

>this robot built by Takamine-kun has an answer for everything

Raiku is an absolute madman

Much thanks.

i for one wonder
how is it gonna be with a certain demon on faudo's side whose name starts with a C, and that other demon whose name starts with a T who has been looking for her

I only read the manga, and cried like a little bitch during the last evil boss fight

Aw shit, I get it

That's a cute little lamb butt.

You don't want to know

Well, I hope you're ready for the next volume animeonlyfags, because the next one is a goddamn rollercoaster.

He probably has a lock against attacking the demon world. If kiyo fucked up his targetting why wouldnt the demons do it too when they had so much time

>Kanchome's face

poor bancho/greaser demon...

At least she has a very badass moment in this arc.

That'd be a great edit

Yup, anime only still around. Thanks for the dump.



No, I think it means that Earth and co were able to hide their presence from other demons, which explains why zaruchimu is surprised to sense 2 demons near the device. Momon is commenting on how that explains why he couldn't feel them until they reached the door. At least if the anime subs are anything to go by.

Something about calling Gash a midget when everyone in the contest is a kid tickles me

I can't tell if 100 demons is a feasible number in this whole series. They're all fighting each other, many make reference to having dealt with certain types before, the 40 demons of the past fucked over a good number of them, a small number of them make up the main gang at over the course of the series, the endgame giganiggers have to be fucking up people left and right rather than sitting on their asses and gash alone has sent back over double digits at this point.

There's something like 20 or so demons unaccounted for by the end, but you're right in that the cast deals with most of them, so the rest of the characters had to have been sitting on their asses most of the time for it to make sense

You're missing the unknown number of fights that did not result in a book being burnt.

These threads make me want to play the Gamecube and PS2 fighting games again.

Everytime I see NOTUmagon and Umagon I want to play sonic adventure 2

ded wailord

According to this (this literally spoils the entire series so don't look if you haven't finished)


There's about 44 guys unaccounted for, and most of them were knocked out during the 100 -> 40 period

>based off the character from Final fantasy crystal chronicles

I know its super late but I think I figured it out, in this page there should be a mention of a timer/remote function specifically, not just a sending back function. This is because Kiyo brings up how empty Faudo is, meaning anyone inside it other than the organ demons had to leave and remotely activate it, which is the answer they need for sending it back after breaking the seal and this fact is what they later work off of

I never entered in on of these threads and I really don't care about the story in this one either but I'm here to say good job. It takes time and a lot of patience to dump a complete series like this and a one with over 20+ volumes at that. So thanks for your time

But did you read Gash Bell?

If you haven't then you should it's a great series.

OP here, thanks, I appreciate it.

You should follow along though

This sequence is perfect and it has a great use of shading