Am I gay if I have a crush on this guy?

Am I gay if I have a crush on this guy?

Yes. You're a little gay faggot who begs for cock. Now get in line.

Yes stop asking

Wait what?

You mean girl, right?


Why can't you have a crush on a high-quality man like Metal Bat instead?

Could be worse, you could have a crush on Puri Puri Prisoner

He has balls, as seen when mc crushes them

Implying you wouldn't go gay for Puri Puri Prisoner

>Am I gay if I have a crush on this guy?
if you want to pound his ass?

What was his name again?

I thought he was a girl at first, so no if you thought that and yes if you know.

Well, Saitama did punch him in the dick, so he's probably canonically a girl now.

I like Sonic better than most of the heroes to be honest, he is relentlessly self-improving and tries to aim high
Too bad he's literally the Pilaf/Buggy of OPM

I like him too. Here's my favorite pic of him.


It hurts when girls get punched in the crotch as well though.

I would know, I'm a guy who has punched many girls in the pussy

Humongous faggot, aka OP

user confirmed cocksucker,. Seek help immediatly

implying you would have a choice

But we all cute little lolis on Cred Forums, right?

So what's gay about it?

no, your dick is just confused

No, she's hot as fuck.

fuck off faggot