Berserk Chapter 348 drafts

These are from the new guidebook.
>More Casca retard dreams?
>Guts looking at something in the distance
>Casca in a coffin

Other urls found in this thread:

>coffin where casca is in has a band of the hawk symbol
>coffin is being dragged by undead horse
>dog barking at kushan ninja's (???) in the sky
>Farnese and Schierke on a battlefield

Something to do with that bit in Conviction?

The more I see footage of the game the more I want it.
>Wyald jump

I hope you all realize how big of a thing this is. People have been waiting over a decade for this. People have died before knowing if Casca could be healed. In that time wars have started and ended. This will be even bigger than getting off the boat.

>Wyald has his own BLOOD AND GUTS theme but it's ENJOY AND EXCITING

>tfw people died and never saw Guts leave the boat
Truly we are lucky to be alive.
The suffering is far from over, though.

Looks to me like the little ghost things are spearing the horse/dog, and that's what Farnese and Schierke are looking at
Also is that the eclipsed sun in the top left of their panel? or just a regular sun

Looks like that marsh where Griffith's eclipse took place

>we only have to wait half a year
Practically nothing at this point.

Fuck why the hell this isn't coming out this year

I was hoping we would get 350 chapters this year... Then a break until the anime...

Damn you... Miura...

The game also looks to be a major disapointment. I hope it's cheap....

You know this might actually be an interesting arc in a while

Focusing on Schierke and Farnese and who the fuck knows, finally doing something with Casca.

After this it better be fucking war against Griffith's High Apostles.

pls miura don't stop now

just finish it and die in peace

I'm not even going to get my hopes up. Miura will spend 3 chapters in Casca's dream world and will take another 5-6 month break.

And i swear to fucking God,if there is even any bit of humour in the next couple of chapters,I will fucking flip. Miura may actually trigger me to finally go ahead with a mass shooting.

fuck off edgelord

>tfw Muira might trigger the second beta uprising.

Not him and not an edgelord but he is right. Comedy has a time and a place and this is not it.

>implying we won't get Rickert's Wild Adventures in India

>They're literally on an island full of pucks
>now is not the time for comedy
nigger what

I was under the impression that the deeper into Casca's psyche we get, the more "normal" everything gets, and the last panel of the newest chapter more or less confirms that and ends on a really ominous note.

So these are probably just rejected ideas.

I don't think I've actually laughed while reading Berserk since the Golden age arc

We're in Casca's dream world now. This is serious shit we've been waitingfor years,nobody wants chestnut puck to ruin it.

I just want them to fully understand what Guts has been through since he clearly isnt going to talk about it

>that Guts in the lower left corner pondering life

What if that panel leads into another flashback arc for him? How would you react?

>fellow fans died waiting for this

How do we honor them Cred Forums?

It's the eclipsed sun. It is them inside Cascas dreams experiencing what she went through in the eclipse or at least at this point just what was about to become the eclipse.

What else would we need a flashback for? We've seen most of his life now.

the ghost things are banners stuck into the ground, probably hawk banners

I don't think that's Casca.

I think it's the broken Griffith in the wagon after his rescue. The battlefield is the ocean/lake that Griffith tried to suicide at

>has tits
>has the brand
It's Casca.

Scratch that I'm retarded. Guess I'm switching to the idea that it's Casca after her image of Griffith was shattered then.

Yeah I glossed over those 2 frames and was more focused on the one above and page 2.

that's a casca doll in a coffin

I don't think we're gonna get to see memories though, it looks like they're fever dreams or some shit.

Her dreams are probably of the eclipse which is why Guts always scares the shit out of her. Tons of crazy shit going on and then this one determined motherfucker seen clear as day fucking shit up and cutting his arm off just to charge for her.

With all the moeshit going on it looks like we're atleast gonna have some nice looking imagery going on in the next chapter.

Is the dog supposed to symbolize guts? I mean he has been compared to a wild dog several times and his inner malice/second personality takes the form of a black, bestial dog.

What if they turn memories of the rape into moe-shit? Would this place go into meltdown?

But the form is real.

Never noticed puck in this panel before.

Puck had enough decency to not sexualize Farnese or Casca

It looks like the dogs left leg is lame since it's favoring it in both panels, so it could be symbolizing Guts. I believe it was also Casca that first compared Guts to a wild dog too but I could be remembering wrong.

I sincerely hope that the humor goes back to this level of subtlety.

>Crippled doge Guts dragging broken doll of Casca in Band of the Hawk coffin
Welp, there goes the happy tone.

Is Casca finally relevant to the story again?

How long until someone tries to rape her?

never again

Gambino also had that dog named Shisu, and he lost a leg too. Definitely not relevant considering this is Casca's dream and all (and gambino hasnt been mentioned in ages anyway) but it's still interesting.

Also in the last panel there are 4 figures stabbing the doge, so they're probably symbolizing the Godhand.

It's iconic now, sorry.

Why was Farnese comfortable with Puck bathing with them???

have you seen his crotch? he has nothing going on down there.

I doubt this is relevant either, but we've also seen chains used as a metaphorical constraint for the beast of darkness. So it might reinforce that Guts' devotion to Casca is keeping the beast in check.

Lol middle girl is enjoying it

It would be stupid if Guts let it happen again.

>tfw no troll husbando
why live?

>that coffin

So I guess this mean's Farnese is out on using the belit huh

I could see them pulling part's of her mind back together & completing the body

I don't think that's going to be the case after the eclipse glooming over the last panel

And then that shit in the lower left corner kicks in.

>dreamland shenanigans and not just reenacting Eclipse
Now it truly has become fantasy.

I think the doll represents Casca's shattered ego.

>that high pitched voice

did he do this in the manga?

I remember him doing the Wyald Jump

Those are mermaids.

I checked the volume, he actually does call his attacks like that.

I'm still not sure how I feel about the voice, though. Wyald's a violent manchild, of course, but still, high pitch doesn't seem like it suits him.

His name is "wild"

Mind = blown

Maybe it's because his human form is a shriveled up old man.

My whole head canon for why Wyald was so rapey is that for a long time he was so old he couldn't get it up their anymore.

>Only 8 playable characters (Guts, Griffith, Casca, Judeau, Zodd, Wyald, Serpico, Schierke)
>Skullknight of all characters isn't playable
>No multiplayer
>Dumb as fuck game title
These are big letdowns in my opinion.I'm still going to get the localized game but it's really stupid to have Wyald as a playable character instead of Skullknight.

My headcanon is that he was a literal beta cuck that had enough and sacrificed his ntr waifu so he could go around forcefully getting all the poon he never got before.

The text says it's not her. It's a doll.

Skull Knight is confirmed playable user.

I only care about Lost Children being in or not. That's what I'll decide to play or not on.

Isn't that just the count's back story just with rape added?

If the count didn't have a behelit his wife would've caged his dick and destroyed his masculinity. I mean she stopped his rampage with one look. She would have probably manipulated him into not killing himself and accepting her slutty nature.

Why is there no doujin of that?

>accepting her nature

that's like having godo say he slew the dragon

Muira should draw his own doujins.I hope he makes hentai once Berserk ends and not some shitty loli manga.

But he couldn't kill her because he was so emotionally transfixed on her. Puck implied he still feels something for what he did as the pain and sorrow he felt from that day never disappeared.

The Count was destined to be a cuck if not an apostle.

>once Berserk ends

What are some monsters you guys hope show up? I'm hoping for a Minotaur.

I'm a bit too optimistic for my own good.

>No Ishidoro with super silly ultimate involving Puck.

Why live?

So he should become like shirow?

Speaking of Shirow is Dogs still good? I liked it but remember it getting kind of dumb.

explain further?

No stop memeing. Shirow. The guy who created Ghost In The Shell and Appleseed. He fucked off and started doing porn.

Oh wait never mind. I was thinking of a different Shirow.

>tfw people died and never saw Guts leave the boat
They are spared from the suffering at least.

>people have died waiting for berserk

They're all diamonds.

Plot twist: Casca won't be cured because there's simply nothing there anymore. Guts has been in denial all along.

she clearly remembers the eclipse & what happened when gut's tried to rape her though

"G: Let’s get into the serious questions: You announced quite a few playable characters by now. Have all the playable characters been revealed now, or there are more?

HK: There are eight playable characters that we announced, and that will be all."

The characters announced were Guts, Casca, Griffith, Judeau, Serpico, Schierke, Wyald, and Zodd, who also all had their gameplay trailers posted. That makes 8.

The horde already has spears in his back, in one panel it looks like the dog is protecting the coffin

Being able to remember things doesn't mean it's salvageable. Most crazy and mentally retarded people have functional memory to some extent, but no amount of hypnosis or talking is going to make them normal.

>There are eight playable characters that we announced, and that will be all
>that will be all
Fucking why? It was perfect opportunity to introduce Skully as playable character. God dammit

>Femto is playable
>But not skull knight

Alright I'm out now.

Come to think of it, Wyald did say that Griffith was more like a toy to the Hawks. Lots of toy/doll metaphors there.

I didn't want to feel this sad this early in the day, but god damn fuck you Miura.

And now I just noticed his Adam apple in this picture, jesus its like he's taken it in the ass and it goes all up to his throat.

It still captures good emotion tho.

they all do

Is Berserk going to be good again?

It is still good. Don't get butthurt over 5 chapters of cutesy stuff on a fairy island. It only looks long because of the god awful rate the chapters have been going.


The undead horse is actually a dog (Guts) which is always protecting the coffin girl (retarded Casca) even though it's so tired.

Who is the kid in the left page?
Moon child?

Miura decides when to add comedy to his work, not some guy on the internet who most likely didn't buy a volume of BERSERK

Looks like either more retard casca dreams like pic related or a casca doll.

Dicks cut for Wyald.


>No translation yet.
Pls throw a bone.

Jesus Christ.

Elaborate please.

Is he wimpering?

It's griffith's coffin. There is even a hawk on it.

That's Casca in the coffin with a band of the hawk symbol (as shown in the scans with the OP). The dog probably represents Guts (missing arm = missing leg) and how tired it is of protecting Casca. Casca is in a coffin because retard Casca is basically just a shell of her former self.
The band of the hawk symbol on the coffin is to show us that the Casca from those times is dead.


What's he going to do? Crawl inside her vagina?

Good. I'm sick of Happyserk.

There's not much to translate.

>Inside the coffin was a branded, broken doll. What it signifies is... And what are Guts and his companions thinking about...?
>Inside Caska's abyss...

>(text bubble) The black sun is shining.
>(text bubble) Look at the left paw of that dog...
>(text bubble) That symbol on the coffin... Huh.
>Inside the eerie-looking world there are Shierke and others, a dog dragging a coffin... But where is "here", exactly?

5 chapters of cutesy garbage after a bunch of filler chapters on a boat spread out over 8 fucking years

And if you read all that chapter after chapter it's fucking nothing.

Bingo. Which means she's not coming back. Even if she's rendered "sane" again, she'll never be the same Casca from before.

Her first appearance after the Eclipse indicated as much. Everybody is depressed as fuck and she's grinning and happy. Going full retard was an easy way out and she hasn't changed since.

wasn't aware that it had gone in a happy direction at all.

Could ask ourselves if she really wants to be healed, or what kind of consequences it will have for her to be brought out of a mental state that was she put herself in to defend herself.

Yeah, but, they have to get back on the boat to get off the island.

Who cares? At least things will be happening again. I hope she resents Guts even harder for taking her out of her state of blissful ignorance.

>implying the God Hand won't show up and use Casca's dreams to open a portal to Elfhelm to start the invasion
We are not getting back on that fucking boat

It may be very possible.

people are easily distracted. a few pages of cutesy stuff and they think the pain and suffering of the world of berserk has ceased. protip: it hasn't

>Who cares?
Why even bother reading if that's the case.
I care because i'm invested in the story.

It could very well be she will resent guts for it, she could join Griffith. Or she could feel the same way Guts feels about Griffith and also want to kill him.

Fuck those incompetent pirates.

It'll probably got to shit soon anyway. Enjoy happy times while they last.

very soon. for berserk. for use, it will take ~6 months

No, I mean it's been so long since something actually happened in this manga, I don't care what the outcome is so long as things get moving again.

He is a adhd retard who is in it only for the fights and gets pissy when Miura spends time building the story like the faggots who can't see what Miura is setting up by showing everyone happy in a nice and comfy place before going the eclipse shit

Fair enough, i think its really about how slow the release of the chapters have been. If you where to re-read now. maybe it would be different. But yeah, happy to be moving along with the story... in 6 months.

Basically shonenshit.

It was comfy like that before the first eclipse yeah, everything was going so well. The Guts left, and Griffith went full retard and fucked the princess before he had married her. It really did escalate fast. 0-100 real fast.

Well, of course.

casca got raped so hard her imaginary doll-self was broken

this makes my dick hard, i gotta fap to berserk again

>ywn fuck a girl so hard you break her brain doll
why even live

Casca has been retarded more than she wasn't, so i'd say she's hardly ever been relevant except that one love-like-a-truck scene

>implying she'll ever be relevant again
Even if she gets cured, she'll be useless. Even Isidoro would be able to contribute more than her in a fight.

>farny and schierke attempt to heal her
>almost there, but fail in the end
>fairy queen says she needs this special herb that grows near the capital of falconia to succeed
>que 15 more years till they get to the herb and 5 more back to the island

I don't see her as being relevant either, its really hard to see where Miura will go from here if she gets healed. She was good with a sword but i doubt she could hold her own against apostles and now there's mythical creatures wandering the world too.

I wonder if FQ can remove the brand

Why does he need hiatus again?

she's gonna die

>The Count, Zodd, Wyld, Griffith/Femto, Mozgus, Slan, Grunbeld, Ganishka all bosses.

How can I not be excited?

I was expecting that for years now, its probably what needs to happen for the demon dog/fox to get unleashed

>Don't you ":)" me

To promote the new anime.

Ded horse is band of the hawk prior to the eclipse. Casket is Griffith. Dog is Guts.

Caska felt like like the band of the hawk was done for, and they were just coveting a dead man when they rescued griffith.

Guts is a watch doh who doesn't know how to stop barking.


New Idolm@ster.

There's no horse in those sketches. The thing dragging the casket is called a dog in the speech bubble.

>to show us that the Casca from those times is dead.
For now.

No, she's dead forever. She might get cured but that doesn't mean she's the same as before.

>No, she's dead forever. She might get cured but that doesn't mean she's the same as before.
Why does Miura make Guts suffer so much? Poor guy had enough of that as is

This is some cool shit. I'm really hoping Berserk finally gets interesting again in 2017. It's time to end this shit.

look at this duuude

>Casca from those times is dead
Thanks God, i hope new Caska would be less retarded.

I hate post rebirth Griffith's design. I just want my qt husbando back.

These look really interesting and give me a little bit of a Bloodborne vibe. Damn this haitus


> I mean it's been so long since something actually happened in this manga,
Literally the last chapter had the beginning of Casca getting healed.
Guts got off the boat.
The whole deal with Rickert in Falconia pissing off Griffith and escaping with Silat and the Hindu mage.

And why? My interpretation is that she crumbled due to the continuous pressure after Griffith's imprisonment and the Eclipse. Which is why some parts of her body are missing. Solving the puzzle would bring her back, as the Fairy King said.

>pissing off Griffith
Griffith didn't give a fuck.



Why? Because she got raped by a demon incarnation of her idol while the majority of her friends were slaughtered right in front of her eyes. You don't just act like nothing happened.

>not a scene from the eclipse


>Berserk back to hiatus, Miura will no life in Idolmaster again, feelsbadman

>Why? Because she got raped by a demon incarnation of her idol while the majority of her friends were slaughtered right in front of her eyes
Same thing happened to Guts and he turned out semi-fine. Why does media in general overplay the impact of rape? Sure its a really bad experience but its not something that overturns your personality overnight

She had been crumbling for a while. Commanding the Hawks was clearly too much for her, realizing that Griffith won't be able to pull off any miracles ever again was another blow, Guts wanting to leave again was more, and then there was the Eclipse, which she spent being dragged around by Judeau and then raped by demons. It seems she just decided to call it quits and let other people take care of her from then on.

There's also the whole "being in such close, intimate proximity to a Godhand while having the mark of sacrifice" to consider.

Because he's a stupid cuck who causes most of his own problems.

And also watching Guts literally tear himself apart to get to her.

>you're just a mad dog
>all those dog/wolf metaphors with Guts
>skeletal dog dragging a coffin through a battlefield
wew lad

bravo miura

I though Miura enjoyed drawing Casca making faces full of pain

It didn't look like she cared about that, to be honest.

She turned into a fucking retard, and so did you it seems. She's not gonna turn into a happy girl when she gets cured.
>Guts turned semi-fine
Guts turned into a monster, he even nearly raped Casca all because of the eclipse.

Beats me. It's not like that shit's happened ten times over afterwards.

Hopefully he gets to do more of that.

Whatever happens, it's bound to be entertaining

Her final words were begging him not to look my dude.

>he even nearly raped Casca all because of the eclipse.
No, he got possessed
>She's not gonna turn into a happy girl when she gets cured.
I never implied this, but she isn't going to turn out that bad either. From the whole band she cared most about Griffith and Guts, both of which are alive.

>Same thing happened to Guts and he turned out semi-fine.
Oh ye, he just fine.

He's had it a lot worse than Casca though

>but she isn't going to turn out that bad either
>being this delusional
wew lad

Look up what the Beast of Darkness is, it's not some ancient spirit.
>I never implied this
You literally said that Casca might not be phased by the eclipse.

The truth is: She is. And when she gets cured, she's not gonna be the same as before.

She's a fucking mercenary warrior she can deal with it. More concerning is Miura killing her off right after

>You literally said that Casca might not be phased by the eclipse
I only implied that it won't have such a bad impact as you make it out to be. What do you imagine her getting her memories back would be like? Suddenly have a rush of memories of everything that happened? Or already knowing everything and merely having her sanity back?

>She's a fucking mercenary warrior
Not anymore fuccboi, not that everyone's either a magic user, a Griffith wannabe or has magic armor.

Casca is useless now and will remain useless into the future.

He maintained his humanity and became a lot more badass in the process

And that's why she is a retard now. She can become as she was before that if her sanity is restored, but obviously that event ill have an effect on her.

All i ever said was she's not gonna be the same as before. How exactly? I don't know. She might be depressed, unwilling to talk to anyone. Or she might go berserk and wanting to kill Griffith.

I was refering to it as a plus to her personality not her job, retard

>he got possessed
no, he let his negative emotions get a hold of him. the beast isn't some random fuckoff who possessed him like that spirit possessed farnese. the beast is a part of guts, his destructive power and bloodlust. which is why he gets stronger when he lets it out

What if Casca wakes up and tries to neck herself on the spot ala Griffith, causing her Behelit to activate and she sacrifices Farnese and loli witch?

Okay, so we get symbolism, there won't be actual memories. Casca's defilement won't be shown. Does it mean we will never see rape in this manga again? I suppose it does.

Edgefags BTFO.

>the beast isn't some random fuckoff who possessed him like that spirit possessed farnese
There's no proof to back this up, it could all be delusions.
>which is why he gets stronger when he lets it out
Its merely his armor that gives him strength and portrays it like so

He literally got possessed though.

Farnese and Schierke are gonna get memory raped

Second time he didn't, but I guess the violence of the scene and Casca being naked hit a bit too close to home.

Her personality's fucked to fambo jambo

That's because the Beast got stronger and Guts became unwilling to succumb to his rage as he was regaining pieces fo his humanity. There was no need to possess him or anything before.

>implying it won't show the Eclipse once they actually try and "cure" her

It started with him getting possessed though, not like anyone is arguing that Guts is perfectly sane though

He didn't strangle Casca of his own will anyway. Even the Beast wants to use her as a memento for Griffith's hate rather than just killing her.

Were you even alive at the time rape was last shown in this manga?

I think Guts is doing really fine for someone who went through the Eclipse. Casca arguably had it better and her mind just shut down.

Guts is actually tough whereas Casca is basically a little bitch girl crybabby

She handled herself pretty well during the Eclipse apart from getting raped i guess. Didn't she kill an apostle or two?

Casca is pretty normal. Not sure if Pippin or Judeau would have broke down after Eclipse like her, but they weren't appointed leader of the band of the Hawk for a year.
Guts is just a monster.

Taking anyone's toughness against Guts... is not a fair comparison. She has probably done better than most would have.

I also should remind you there are women who died from rape. And it was not monster rape either.

She fought valiantly.

His eyes are so dead looking.

>Caska in a casket

This is almost Kubo-level depth

Casca became strong willed even though she had her fragile side. She became an excellent leader for the band but it was weighing on her. Even during the eclipse she was leading them.

the real casca is hiding in the coffin, they'll open it and she'll be healed

>Finally off of the boat
>Finally restoring Caska's mind

Now how long until Puck looks like a fairy again, and not a super deformed acorn?

>Even during the eclipse she was leading them
And during that time she got most of them killed/deserted

Don't know what i can say to you user, other then stop trying to be such a edgelord.

He's more kawaii in acorn form you pleb.

Because you think she could have saved them from the eclipse? Many hawks were in the band for Griffith, but he got captured, they became framed as traitors. Of course many would die or desert, she however did her best to preserve the band and was the best choice although it was weighing on her a lot. You are shitting on her for no reason.

No one could have made a difference.
A better example would be Casca saving lots of her comrades by taking the lead after the king ordered their assassination.

No wonder - don't you see how separated all their buttcheeks are? Whatever's pushing them apart must be huge.

More important than healing Casca, is healing Guts, this fucking Beast scary shit out of me, he is scariest than anyone apostles cos he's inside Guts head

Let the Beast run free until it gets Griffith's head.

Also Casca shouldn't be healed she's much happier right now

Guts having friends now is part of his healing progress, if he didn't have his current group of friends. He would have fallen into insanity along time ago.

You watch to much shounens like Badruto when friendship solves every problem, grow up user.


He is right though.

Puck did the job fine.

Agreed, but this fucking Beast want kill all Guts friends. Otherwise, the apostles will kill them sooner or later

I miss the sea a little.

Caska wants to die, Guts won't let her. That's why she's attacking him in the beginning. She doesn't want to be healed, she just wants it all to end, that's why she never showed any improvement in her state of health.

How's that for grimdark?

Her dumbo side and sane side are completely diffrent person it was even shown in last chapter where the stupid one has child like dream and the real casca dream about post eclipse.

He has Schierke to stop him from going totally insane though, but yeah agreed i have a sneaky feeling it's been going to well for to long.

>She doesn't want to be healed, she just wants it all to end, that's why she never showed any improvement in her state of health.
Gaiseric, is it you?

Her dream is literally her in a casket and Guts not letting her rest in peace.

Yeah, he foreshadowed it. It's likely that this will end really, really bad.

oh no, casca dream land is going to be the new boat

>Yeah, he foreshadowed it. It's likely that this will end really, really bad.
Guts knows it, but still want to try. And want kill Griffith even more, for what he done with them.

That's why Guts was better off killing Apostles and making really fucking angry faces

>she just wants to die
Man, that is savage to Guts. I know this is often how traumatized people think, but dammit, doesn't she love him back?

Still, if she cannot salvage herself for Guts who would totally lose it if she died, can't she at least do it for her precious demon baby who is in this world if she wants it or not?

I'm gonna bet that they're gonna need to find a powerful memory to help cure her, and that memory will be of her and Guts bumpin' uglies.

>Caska wants to die
She doesn't want to have responsibilities, which is why she became retarded. She did want to die at a point, but after Guts' return it became different because he was willing to stay with her and support her.

No, the only acceptable way for this to go involving Guts being cucked as hard as possible.

>She did want to die at a point

No he isn't

>traumatized by being raped
>but I just remembered I had a relatively good awkward first time with Guts before that? oh he also tried to rape me months ago, but nevermind, CURED!!!

It will involve Moon Child in some way, mark my words. If she has shown caring about something in her retard state, it was her bby.

Agree with me or ill turn you into Mozgus fanatic.

Let's be honest, netorare Caska is better, than retarded Casca. Even if she drop Guts for some reason, this would be better, than Guts babysitting her for the rest of they lifes. Even if she leave him, he can be free finally, and go beat some shit from fucking Femto already.


I'm not even talking about the Eclipse. I'm saying over the year she was in charged the got most of them killed/they deserted. She's a shitty leader

Characters told she had been a great leader under shitty circumstances.

>Guts knows it, but still want to try
Then he's a fool

>doesn't she love him back?

Anyway, it's best off she's dead. That way Guts can stop being a mopey cuck and get back to doing what he does best - cutting things up with his giant ass sword and screaming GRIIIIIIFFFIIIIIITTHHH.

Didn't Judeau say that despite the horrible bullshit at the time, Casca was a damn good leader that kept everyone together?

Dead Casca is better than both though desu

And all of those characters are fucking dead now

Chapter 45 happened whether you like it or not m8

Judeau wanted to fuck her so he doesn't count

>it's best off she's dead
>Dead Casca is better
Fuck off already, pls, thks.

Are you talking about chapter 145? Potato Casca didn't do anything in it. 45 is way before she got retarded

In a mercenary band I imagine everyone wanted to fuck the only female.

I'm honestly surprised nobody did before Guts showed up.

>Then he's a fool
Guts has always been a fool trying to make his own path and press on regardless of whether it was a good idea or not. He may have the armor and abilities to back up his methods, but he shouldn't just suddenly abandon Casca and all because "it's foolish," it'd be out of character for him.

It helps that the majority of them saw Casca as a big sis. They all respected her too much to want to fuck her.

Yeah it was in the time leading up to the rescue mission. It was when she tried to kill herself, followed by some of the sweetest, most touching moments in all of Berserk.

Which is why in order to move forward she'll die/leave

And then she gets raped by demons and Guts gets mega cucked in what is essentially hell

Goddamn I love Berserk


>Casca dead
That would be really anticlimatic and shitty storytelling. If she was supposed to die she would have during the Eclipse and you would have got your level 121 edgelord dark knight. Who would be about as deep as a carton cutout.

Fuck you and your bait.

This shit was the most vanilla thing I've ever seen.

What the hell else would you call it?

You do realize establishing hope and then crushing it to a bloody pulp is what berserk does, right?


NTR as fuck

She was also seen as Griffith's woman of sorts, and obviously nobody would dare to antagonize him.

Its one of the precious few times you're reminded of just how young and innocent they actually were.

That panel of the Count's behelit reeeally makes me think Guts, or someone in his party, will use it eventually.

He got cucked, senpai

Griffith cucked Guts

Remember what she tried to do when Guts came back? Just before her confession?

My bet's on Casca. It's literally the only thing she could do at this point to remain relevant in the story

Similar to this and Guts and Griffith's water fight.
You tend to forget how young Guts actually is.

Most of the problem, even if Casca sanity back, she still marked, that means, apostles will continue to hunt for her

Ding ding ding. Guts' job will only be made harder because Casca is dumb as hell and will most likely be angry when she wakes up. If she wants revenge on Griffith Guts will have to keep her from getting slaughter-raped by his new demon pals

He should really, really dump the bitch

They can settle in Elfhelm.
The tragic part is that they wont.

See >griffith picture
>I'll.... [rape his fuckboi ass until he dies]

At which point was it crushed so hard, aside from Eclipse?

Which everyone knew would have to happen at some point given the Black Swordsman arc. And the reason it happened was not shock value, but explaining reasons behind Guts' antihero character.

Seriously asking. Jill lives, all the whores live, even the syphilitic one, Rickert and his loli are unscathed, not to mention the current RPG party. Why would Casca of all people die?

Like they do with Guts's party? It's not much of a problem. Schierke can lessen the effects and the whole party is used to these battles. Casca coming back would actually help because she can't fight. She is a burden usually because she needs to be protected.

Don't try to reason with edgefags.

>At which point was it crushed so hard, aside from Eclipse?
Dunno, but it's been long overdue.

>even the syphilitic one
Doesn't she die later on?

>Why would Casca of all people die?
Because she's all that stands in the way between Guts and Griffith, the two main characters. She's an obstruction, a hindrance. She's pulling Guts away from his true motivation, and thus needs to be removed.

>Casca coming back would actually help because she can't fight. She is a burden usually because she needs to be protected.
She can't fight regardless.

Berserk is an edgy series, faggot. Don't think this happy bullshit will last

>even the syphilitic one
>Doesn't she die later on?
No such luck, user. She goes off to live out the rest of her days happily with Joachim.

Really? I swear I saw some girl from before in the series turn up dead later. Vague description, I know.

Anyway, they probably got raped and eaten by trolls unless they made it to Falconia.

>Because she's all that stands in the way between Guts and Griffith, the two main characters. She's an obstruction, a hindrance. She's pulling Guts away from his true motivation, and thus needs to be removed.

>And then I can finally get my boss fight and see who becomes the next Hokage.

>She can't fight regardless.
Man, even in her retard state, she kill fucking bandits, like easiest thing for her. Her warrior reflexes, don't disappear.

Let Casca live so we can get haremshit until the end

I don't remember this AT ALL, time to read Berserk once more.

She was possessed, it doesn't count. Anyway, she can't deal with the weird fantasy shit/Apostles, nor can she practice magic.

They tried to have their way with her, she had flashbacks, they died.

>She was possessed
What? No.
>she can't deal with the weird fantasy shit/Apostles
All she needs is a good weapon. Even someone like Isidro is useful. She was the third best swordsman of the hawks.
>nor can she practice magic
Sauce? Your ass.

>Like they do with Guts's party? It's not much of a problem.
I mean, for her. Imagine, you come to sanity, after the apostles damaged your mind, and then they piled on you again, because you marked. This is edgy

>All she needs is a good weapon
>3rd best swordsman
Means literally nothing relatively speaking.
We already have 2 witches. We don't need a third

Can someone post the casca "slowly becoming retarded" pic?

>All she needs is a good weapon.
Guts had a broken knife and he still killed like 20 Apostles. And even he is barely enough again stronger Apostles.

Casca ain't gonna cut it. At best she'll be slightly below Serpico.

>At best she'll be slightly below Serpico
Don't insult mah nigga Serpcio like that. She'll be slightly above Isidoro

You're thinking of Jill from Lost Children? I though exactly the same. It's not her though.

What are you trying to say? As long as Casca is alive, the rest has no chance and the winner is clear. And they all know it so they keep back. True haremshit would start without Casca.

MC ends up with childhood friend in harems too

call it moeshit if you prefer

Uhhh Hannah from Enoch village? The one who died when baby trolls decided to recreate their favourite scene from Alien. Was only a handful of chapters she was missing for but I can't think of any other girl that showed up and died later that isn't the Queen of Midland or Rosine.

Don't scare me like that. Jill's great.

I can't remember who I'm thinking about. All I remember is that it was a girl's body and her face looked familiar.

>implying there are any winners in Berserk

Fucking Guts coming back randomly after two years and taking Griffith's pussy.

>implying Griffith cared
He was always butthurt about Guts

>implying there are any winners in Berserk

Apostles don't hunt branded, ghosts do.

>Apostles don't hunt branded
A you fucking serious, nigga?

>Wyald canonically uses enjoyment and excitement
>Darkhorse doesn't

What a joke. How can these people get paid?

>Dynasty Warriors has god knows how many fucking characters
>Berserk has 8

Then again what did you expect from the shitters that don't even have proper keyboard and mouse controls for their ports. It's not even about them choosing good keys, it's the fact that they won't allow you to choose any key you want cause they effectively split the keyboard for split screen and they refuse to budge. Oh and well lack of mouse support of course.


>became strong-willed
It's debatable how much of her will is her own and how much is causality. Caska was taken into the causality spiral/loop at a very young age, so can she really be considered "strong-willed" for merely chosing to not be murdered by the nobleman when Griffith threw the sword at their feet?

Can't forget about the brand

Guts passed out just from being near Femto
Casca had him inside her

It wasn't that long ago was it?

Troll rape arc happened in 2003

I dont think the brand really had tht much effect in the eclipse, I mean he was next to thousands of apostle and next to the fuckin god hands too.

Dynasty warriors have countless characters who share movesets, but you're also forgetting the fact that it was a sequel of sequel that kept adding endless characters.

The game is going to be fine.

Wyald is always best.

That guy was an exception.

It's true though, most don't because most people never survive the Eclipse.
>hunting something that never happens

To me, this guy was late to the party and followed Guts as an after meal to the afterparty.


ty senpai


You mean you don't think a Dark mage to be useful in any campaign?

Most of the Apostles seem to only care about the brand so far as that it basically is an excuse to go to town on the branded person, half the time they don't even seem to notice someone is branded unless they actually see said brand.

Anyone ever went back to when the Black swordsman arc specially when the God Hand is summoned?

I still think this summoning is so fucking bad ass and Guts being in two summons is incredible

It is really a interesting juxtaposition between contemporary berserk and past berserk, not implying anything

She also killed three rapists after getting retarded. using one of their own swords. It's not like she's completely gone.

Humans are social creatures, though.

>Caska wants to die
She defended herself against rape in one of the post-Eclipse chapters. She has self-preservation instincts still.

sounds like pre femto griffith

this looks like an abstract early 90's hip hop album cover

Doesn't mean it's a solution to everything. Lots of conflicts end in blood because solving everything with reason isn't that easy.

Man, wondering how Griffith went from best boss to that was a trip back then.

>Filthy extroverts are social creatures, though.

Don't fool your filthy NEET ass. You're still craving for social interactions, which is why you're here. The question is when will you save yourself and get out.

Anyone ever read

"Call me Conrad", "Slan", "Void" or "Ubik"

Do you think Serpico can take apostles?

I mean, even with the Slyphs he would stand no chance against apostles like Zodd and Grunbeld, what what about low tier ones like the Snake Baron?

With prep time maybe.
Without, I'd say it's unlikely. But it's Serpico, so he might make it happen. Magic weapons let him hurt them.

Snake Baron isn't that low tier, Guts struggled against him. If you're talking about more fodderish Apostles like the ones Guts took one during Eclipse then I guess Serpico could take a few of them.


he has already during the church attack, didnt he?

they are books that the god hand are based off of

Even Casca and Judeau were able to take out the weaker ones, so I'd say he's got a pretty good chance with his magic sword and flying cape.

They gave their lives for it though. It was more of a "cornered bites back" situation than fighting opponents on an equal standing.

That was a Kelpie. Just an astreal creature, not an apostle.

Does anyone have that huge cherry blossom tree from the guidebook?

I remember people are saying it looked like shit in the new chapters because the Korean scans were crap.

Turned out it wasn't, and the cherry blossom tree really was fucking garbage.

Miura's backgrounds are suffering because of digital art.

Depends on where Kelpie stands on the powerlevel chart.

I'd say it's above fodder apostles but under the fantastic 5.

>It's another "ripped as fuck dude with a stupid high pitched that belongs in a chipmunk movie" episode

Besides that...Holy Shit, he looks fucking awesome to play with. I don't even care about Skull knight, he looks great.

What if zods is berserks dad????

Humor me gentlemen, memes aside, how many chapters will Berserk end with?


I'm always impressed by how ripped Femto is in this scene, especially when looking at later chapters.

lotr tier world building right there

more like 5000

The only humans stilla round that could maybe take on an apostle besides Guts are Silat and Serpico, and it's still pretty unlikely.

he's not as ripped initially?

Here's my opinionated analysis of the symbolism:

>broken doll in a casket
Mindless, dead, incomplete, most likely referring to caska's mind and/or soul
>sacrificial mark, possibly on doll
this would confirm it to be caska in the casket
>guts looking at some shit with random comedic panel
guts is not even in the dream sequence so that can be disregarded as shitty comedic relief, possible sentencing of the heretic elf
>that little magic baby thing
maybe their uncorrupted child or perhaps the spirit guide of the flowerstorm king represented in the dream
>wasteland with poles and torn flags
this should represent battle, wars, and death, most likely referring to the band of the hawk and the eclipse
>the undead horse carrying the casket
This one is a bit interesting. Why undead? Possibly also another reference to just death, but the skull knight has an undead horse, so there may be a connection here. That it is dragging the casket across the wasteland suggests perhaps that it is a perpetual nightmare of some sort
>hawk symbol
definitely griffith, possibly symbolizing he caused this, or owns caska's soul or something
>the dog missing lims
can be guts, can be kushen he is barking at, can be he is guarding the casket


Play new Idolm@ster and not practice on his new tablet.

Shit art will continue 6 months for now. He could be using those 6 fucking months to do more pen work.

How much trouble could have been averted if Guts had fucked Griffith?

What if Griffith took Guts up on his wager to become his boy toy?

Even if Casca is restored I can't see her joining the fight. Everyone else is relying on magical artifacts to be of use sans Guts who doesn't need it because his sword is infused with apostle blood. Unless the Elf King can shit out some magical artifact for her the fuck is she going to do?

how can i get guts's physique?

the ninja things are tattered flags, possibly reanimated like those wagon wheels to be evil

lol, this is the end of berserk.

>miura starts a global eclipse, sacrificing us all to make the perfect ending to the series

Could Caska have made it solo with her defensive instincts and demon-babby's backup? She can merk dudes when she needs to

Nah. Babby is perpetually on the verge of death, and wouldn't help her for long.

How is this art acceptable?

Part 1.

Part 2.

get an axe

It never seemed fully intentional to me until the berserk armor turned him into freaking dogman

Now what do I do?



What the fuck is this shit?

Do they just slap "[NAME OF SOMETHING POPULAR] Workout!" to everything?


Miuara slims him down as his style improved.

Oops, forgot picture.

but then she totally looked like she was having some fun

I'd say he stands a chance against any that aren't high ranking like Zodd or Locus. Hell I'd say Isidro or an ordinary guy might stand a chance against really low ranking ones like this guy.

The real question is how well would Azan stand up against an apostle?

Ordinary Kelpie is average apostle tier. Kelpie in the rain is high but not top apostle tier.

>end of berserk
Found the underage bait. With global warming, summer seems to last longer.

I see what you mean, Femto doesnt show up much anymore but I think this is the latest

What the fuck is wrong with Skully?

Did he fuck up on purpose?

He didn't even try to stop Femto.

He said he was going to risk something but there would be limits to it.

yeah he did, he went up there with them was about to strike Femto, however Femto knew this would happen so he manipulated space to strike the wrong target

The Godhand has this ability, you can see this in volume 12 when skull knight tries to strike Void

He knew full well what would happen.
Now the Godhand can't hide in their dimensions. Now SK can fight them on somewhat equal terms.

I often forget how cool looking Femto is. Can't wait to get his figure.

I concur, he has a great design

Anyone else thinks the title of the game is retarded?

>The light turns into darkness.
I love this page and the symbolism.

you're right, I never really thought about it at the time

I love it because it also shows how artificial the light and Femto's human vessel is.

We're so starved for content, we eat this with a spoon

>Dark flame of fear and malice
>All I can do is burn myself and my enemies with it
This is pretty chuu2.

What on earth are you talking about?
All I see Farnese's perky tits and Casca's peachy arse in that image of yours...

What happened? Why they can't hide in their dimension anymore?

Since the hiatus was announced yet again I started watching Idolmaster, so I can maybe understand Miura a little bit more

Who's his favorite girl?

The dimensional planes have merged. Falconia itself was Femto's, which also means Void's brain realm, Slan's orgy walls, Ubik's whateverthefuck, and Conrad's rat waves are somewhere out in the world.

not that user, but I thought it didnt merge the worlds but gave them a physical from in the normal plane

Chihaya Kisaragi

I think Azan could even take on one of the named apostles, maybe not win though.

Why not read the books that he references instead? like Ubik, Slan ect...

That Miuara has been dead for years.

this was the first look at femto after his rebirth right,wonder if he felt happy after the hit missed him

It seem like he planned it, so it's less that it missed him and more like he manipulated it

He planned the whole thing.
SK was fated to kill a being twice reborn. For a long while, that was Femto, but when Ganishka went into Shiva mode, he became that being.

twice reborn? what does that mean? wouldnt that be any god hand member?

Any Apostle and God Hand are reborn once. Femto has the distinction of being brought back into the physical realm in a human vessel. He was reborn twice.

SK wasn't fated to do it. he attacked during a junction point, so it was outside the confined of fate.

not sure how godhand are twice reborn either, i dont recall him ever stating he was fated to kill femto ever.

the only twice reborn is ganishka as far as i know. how are god hand twice reborn?

alright, she was having fun, yeah, totally


alright, this answered my question, but i dont see how he was fated to kill femto ever

Would Guts even have bothered getting Farnese back if Caska hadnt burn the ship decree?

yes, you know, for the reasons he just stated on that page you posted.

I imagine he'd have at least stopped by


It's good Guts return for Farnese, cos if he don't, she may be death, from Ganishka beast apostles, like others on the party. I like that he realized that he can't throw the people dear to him, after Eclipse. But this fucking Beast still scares me.

>that sword

It's getting huge now

Does anybody know of a place where I can download good quality scans of this from like chapter 1 onwards?


My friend, but there no full list of chapters, i prefer reading online

What's the website that you use if you are reading online then? I prefer downloading but reading online is good as well.

I reading here, but there bunch of sites, where you can find it, like mangasee, and others.

All women enjoy rape, especially in Berserk.



Cool, thanks!


>red cloaks

What did Miura mean by this?

Literally all of it. This is one series where "give him the D" would have really solved everything.
>Guts doesn't leave because he thinks he needs to earn Griffith's respect
>Griffith doesn't go batty and doesn't fuck the princess as a rebound

If you look closely, Gambino also have red armor, so i think, this is just prefer color on this age

Could be possible Guts' mom was a part of some cult of heretics.

I wonder if we'll ever learn about Guts's parents.

And I don't mean shonen shit where the protag's parents are KANGZ or supernatural people and shit.

But it probably won't happen, as the story is just about a person and his struggles, and his lineage doesn't matter.

>retards STILL think Casca is going to just go back to being their tsundere waifu
Fucking morons. Giving her memories back is cruel really

of course that's not going to happen, nor do I believe that she will just be perfectly fine and willing to fight Griffith


>that neck

This arc seems to be more about Shierke, Farnese,etc learning who Guts really is, what he has been through and his connection to Griffith. Puck is the only one who knows all this shit. Casca could very well die during this arc.

It's actually exactly what I expected.

Schierke knows about the eclipse.

She saw a glimpse of it and she likely knows what it is from reading about it during her studies, but big difference to see it in detail like she is about to.

she only saw images user

Opinions on Hawk vs Falcon?

Your opinion is irrelevant. It's Falcon, a nod to Star Wars.

why is the game called Hawk? or even the official dark horse stuff?

>post yfw we get sk/void backstory



Now that Casca will be sane again she will need an elemental power to fight apostle like rest of the crew got from Flora, Miura should go full captain planet and give her hearth element
"The power is yours!"


>Miura won't use the 6 month hiatus to do the Eclipse revisit in ink
>he'd fuck around for 5.5 months playing im@s and then rush the new chapter before deadline and do it all in shitty digital

>Histerical Casca will come back
>Good change...

Will the guidebook ever be translated?

Work on the second anime season, officially. Fap to idolm@aster, in reality.