

they actually work on the game or just another New Game! wannabe?

This is one of the few good looking anime coming this season.

That's what I want to know from any sourcefags who've read Stella


That was my first thought too.

>nobody has read the manga
Either Cred Forums is officially dead, or this show will be DOA

Of course no read it, there are no translations.

Raws do exist though.

girl on the bottom right is Marui Hitoha, right?......right?

Girl on the bottom left looks familiar.



Show ruined.

Will this get delay subs again like new game? It's airing on AT-X first then public channels a day later.

But seriously though.

I hope they actually talk about coding and shit like that.

But that's sort of my point.
People read New Game! prior to the anime, so this show will nowhere be as popular as that. Expect maximum comfiness

Another show that is going to be ruined by Cred Forumseddit


This came out before New Game.

but new game is more cute so it got an anime sooner and because of that this got one too

>and because of that this got one too

They've been in production for roughly the same time, dumbass.

>cherry arai
This is a good image

I have high hope for this. And that Ping Pong girls