How the fuck is a Pianist supposed to solve a crime?
Danganronpa 3
Same way Haijime and Naegi did, by having some common sense and child-level deduction skills. And the villain won't have analyst skills that only random luck can beat.
by fingering the culprit, how else
>the robot is literally named Hope
The memes are real.
She doesn't do shit, YOU do.
If you don't play she won't be able to do anything.
I think that strategy only works if the culprit is a girl. What is she supposed to do if she can't use her pianist dyke powers?
Junko Enoshima is innocent
Will she coddle Kaede like a baby? Saying "there, there." as Kaede cried in her lap?
No, but they will fuck.
I want to marry Mitarai!
> "I can fix the entire world with just a video"
> "guys we gotta stop this"
can anyone tell me how is Mitarai even wrong?
>Just caught up to both sides of the anime
>mfw Juzo is gay and Junko used this to blackmail him
Holy shit this entire thing is comedy gold.
She holds the...key.
Why can't they do that before/afterwards?
the memes were real
You could argue it being morally wrong to brainwash literally everyone, even if its for seemingly good reasons. Its the question of if the ends justify the means and taking away agency from the human race.
Why not at the same time?
I want to hug this shortcake therapist. Consensually.
Mentally ill people and mentally ill characters go well together.
I guess we'll find out later!
This is it, folks, the very last question. Will Hagakure be right? Or wrong? Personally, I won't like him at all if he turns out to be wrong, his prediction has been wrong twice now and it'd be really nice if he got it right for the third and final one, and not something incredibly bittersweet (even worse if Donuts dies).
I want to be dommed by Junko.
v3 discussion belongs on Cred Forums.
I want to go ass to mouth with that shortcake therapist.
it was never yours.
you got rused
Hopeman must love Mitarai's HOPE Anime.
>tfw no more MANLY Hajime's rebuttals
my favorite meme
>Kaede will use her skilled pianist fingers to fingerfuck Maki so hard that she can't think and will do anything Kaede wants
So this is the power of the ultimate pianist talent
Isnt the real Gekko disabled?
Why did nobody wonder why the robot was in a wheelchair?
Not that there's much to go on but it looked like she was probably standing when her head got twisted off.
>Punched Naegi in order to defend his bro
>Knee'd the fuck out of Anxiety fag because he knew that he was the traitor all along
>Had a misunderstanding with the Gozuboys
>Saved Hinata from getting killed by HPA
>The master of chair throwing, that one miss on Kirigiri was because he was a merciful hero, and not just to flex his muscles and check dat ass (because he only want's Munakata's ass)
>Went full ham on the evil old man mastermind and crew to save the FF
>Roundhouse kicks the everlasting shit out of Monaca's puppet in order to stop the second coming of Junko Enoshima
>Unable to stop some mentally deranged kid from blowing up half the school because he was too busy being a hero
>Had a misunderstanding with the donut but spared her
>Survived 2 missile barrages by an evil robot bent on destroying all hope
>Called out Monokuma's bluff with his cameras, recording his mad-ass pecs and didn't give a fuck in general about any of these plebians
>Became the world champion in boxing, becoming the undisputed best with bare hand combat before even leaving high school
>Too Alpha to mess with the bitches and instead neglects his own feelings as being the third wheel to protect his love no matter what
>Only took a 2 episode rest before kicking the shin of everyone again
>Took a fucking spear to the shoulder, impaled into a wall and shrugged it off like it was just a mosquito bite
>Was not seduced by Ruruka's sweets because he was so loyal to Munakata
>Has enough consideration to the normies to at least use them as a coatrack
>Even at the world's end, he was still gunning for a piece
>such a straight forwarded bro, he bends his own sexuality
>saves the manlet when he's in need, cutting of his hand to be the savior he truely is! Saving everyone with the power of determination
>Single handedly stopped the killing game, physically and literally
That was good, my friend.
Reminder that a fucking housekeeper managed to destroy the FF from within.
You will never suck on Kaede's thicc belly fat
With the FF's funds she can easily make two such wheelchairs, one for the robot, one for herself. She's Usami's operator, so it would be in no way out of place.
Two hopes will finally clash
You misunderstand. She will commit the crimes with her brainwashing sonata.
Her leg is bent very weirdly too.
Why is Junko such a bitch?
Will Chisa come back for the finale?
Guys, I just found this leaked clip of Kibou-hen's finale!
It's kind of hard to talk when your face is on someone else's genitals.
Does that mean Saionji can brainwash people by dancing?
I'm coming for your high score, bitch.
More importantly, what crimes did she commit? This is an innmate academy right? So they're all criminals aren't they?
Which Dangan's armpits smell the most like dick?
I want to talk about inventions with her
Thats a bit of a bummer, it would make her being the Good Version of Monaca more interesting if she were wheelchair bound and a tech genius.
Kibou-hen is 30 minutes of the hope video played on loop with Kodaka repeating "DO YOU RIKE MY ANIME YET?".
If I pull off her ahoge will she die?
With the power of HOPE and FRIENDSHIP
It worked on me.
Is it looking pretty likely that Maki has something to do with the Monakumarz?
I fear for it. For what it's worth the conclusion she got in Future 12 was good enough for me. Though I'd appreciate a shout-out in Hope, and not just her but every FF member really.
I want to see them hatefuck each other so hard.
I don't think it means she wouldn't use it. That chair had a lot of features. It just means there's no reason for her to be disabled.
Fuck off. You can't beat her. She killed kids and took down her husbandos dreams without getting caught.
Ryota is now Nagito's best friend.
It would be extremely painful.
Musicians are brainy. And I don't mean singers
So, is Kaede a dyke? /u/ doujin when?
For boys she'll have to use the fist
If they mention her in hope. It'll just be them figuring out Chisa was controlling Tengan and basically orchestrated all this.
Chisa a shit
>people still insisting on the fact that DR3 didn't retcon anything
why do I even bother
Honestly, she probably did use the chair even if she wasn't disabled because it's a good way to keep people at a distance. Which would be important to her with her shyness and all.
Even if she didn't use the chair, she'd have to be constantly carrying a computer with her to talk for her.
I'm going to miss the old genki Chisa. She was extremely likable before the lobotomy and it feels sad to see her abandoned and even hated by most viewers now.
Why is Monaca so cute?
she's a big girl
Maybe this time you're lead to believe all their talents are there talents but the plot twist is they're all made to believe they have someone elses by .
This means she is the detective but she thinks she's the pianist. The robot isn't a robot and can therefore be murdered etc.
Because you're a pervert, Nagito.
Plus, communication through something like Usami isn't exactly unheard of in therapy and would suit her very well. If she got some screentime I don't think she'd be quite as socially crippled as the description says, but the chair would still be very helpful either way.
There's still a good few of us still around that love and support our girl Chisa.
See you in the last thread Juzoboy. It was fun.
Which retcons?
It's just a couple of vocal haters
Why? Monaca and Kotoko are so fucking cute!
If Monaca is the big bad of V3 then it's automatically trash bc Monaca is a shit character with a shit design
I thought he would get a mention in this episode. No love at all for him.
I'd destroy her from within, if you catch my drift
Most people don't exactly lavish her with praise, either. She's just there for them.
People generally remember the most recent part of a character and/or show.
If an absolute god(dess) gets created but then later on does something wrong a lot of fans will hold that against them, unless they do an epic redemption. On that same note if you start off with an asshole it's easier to redeem them too (see: Juzo). Basically a character's final act(s) is how fans will remember a character usually.
Either way she ended up being one of my all-time favorite fictional characters, which I didn't expect at all. Class 74 is love.
Junko is worse.
V3 is literally a game about a girl who's the SHSL Fingerer going around and collecting girls' panties. You figure it out.
I hope Nagito was being gentle with them as he turned them into adults
what happens when hopeman watches [HOPE]anime?
We really need to start translating these Mukuro strips
Junko "breaking Izuru's will", Izuru being the one who killed 2000 people, Koizumi outright hiding the Twilight Syndrome murder. Plus the fact that it was SO heavily hinted that Junko manipulated them. Mikan pretty clearly says that "her beloved" was the only one who accepted her, and that it was "everyone's else fault" that she turned that way, obviously hinting at bullying.
Even if you can explain those things as "well junko lied", it's obvious that's not what was intended in the first place.
So is Munakata dead or will he have been saved by bullet timing magic
I hope he jackhammered the shit out of them.
You're gonna stab her? What the fuck user.
Not really.
>Last minutes of Kibou-hen
>They get Mitarai and convince him mindhacking is wrong
>FF Soldiers get back to normal
>Hagakure, Togami and Asahina are all buddy-buddy
>Naegi mourns Kirigiri next to her corpse
>He stands up and wipes his tears
>"For the Future"
>Hajizuru looking at the distance
>Someone walks behind him
>"Hinata-kun, right?"
I want to see Junko hatefuck Mitarai
In the head
With a fucking jackhammer
Fair enough.
>Izuru being the one who killed 2000 people
Are you talking about the Reserve Course? Because that was always suicide.
Dude, you can finger a guy easily.
Ever head of the prostate?
Those first two points are wrong.
>'In the end, Tengan was the true hero...he knew that he had to die, in order to bring about the greater hope. Right, Kirigiri?'
>Kirigiri nods solemnly
>Hajizuru crosses his arms and moves to walk away.
>'Wait, Hajime...where will you go now?'
>(Long pause, turn around) 'Wherever the future takes me.'
>Flash forward ten years
>Hajime in a graveyard leaves a flower onto a single tombstone
>Kirigiri, Naegi and their child Juzo Tengan Kyosuke Makoto watch in the distance as his SHSL advanced aging takes effect
>lies down to die at the grave of his beloved Chiaki
>'This is good....isn't it?'
This. What does the picture says?
I'll miss you.
Yeah, you'd know wouldn't you, ya fag
It is said it was Izuru the one who drove them to suicide, right? Or am I misremembering that? If so, sorry, and scrap that point. The rest stands, though.
you would think there would be plenty of doujins but alas
Kaede is gay for Imira
Juzoboy, do you have Steam? Can I add you? I'll miss you a lot ;_;
>On that same note if you start off with an asshole it's easier to redeem them too (see: Juzo).
Thinking on it, I'm surprised people haven't mentioned this as one of the ways in which Kodaka is a hack writer.
>Junko "breaking Izuru's will"
Chiaki's death? He seems pretty done with her in Despair 12
>Koizumi outright hiding the Twilight Syndrome murder
Now showing it doesn't mean that it didn't happen
>Plus the fact that it was SO heavily hinted that Junko manipulated them.
See pic related
>Mikan pretty clearly says that "her beloved" was the only one who accepted her, and that it was "everyone's else fault" that she turned that way, obviously hinting at bullying.
And she was brainwashed into think that.
I'm not sure about the 2000 students now that I think about it (I seem to remember it is stated it was Izuru the one who drove them to suicide?). How is the other one wrong?
The only thing that bothers me how after the (amazing) Juzo character development a lot of people have side-lined or pushed her away.
A lot of people here think Juzo is a bro, and fujoshis are suddenly all over Munasaka deeming the girl a threat or imagining Chisa lovingly supporting them. Wait, what? Why would she ignore her own feelings to support someone else? That doesn't make sense. I am curious how Juzo x Chisa rapport between each other is though. Does Juzo think of Chisa as his sister? And Seiko as his imouto. That'd be adorable.
>brainwashing video to rid the world of despair
>next game theme is lies vs truth
>if nobody can cause despair there will be hope
>definition of hope is a feeling of trust
>how do you break someone's trust? lying
>white lie
>a harmless or trivial lie especially one told to avoid hurting someone's feelings
>its just a small white lie its no big deal right? you wont get your feelings hurt if you don't know about it. its just small lie
>rid the world of despair by forcing everyone to hide behind a wall of small white lies piling up one after the other to have it eventually break and cause despair
Mitarai will cause a new form of despair to rise under the guise of hope
Juzo doomed to be forgotten, he's dead and gay.
>Koizumi outright hiding the Twilight Syndrome murder
It was off screen but nothing in Despair said that it didn't happen.
Nagito and Ryota are the HOPE BROS!
I'm not even meme-ing. That's her character.
The only thing that I've been aware of is Sato's appearance and Izuru meeting Komaeda
Another victim of NISA's mistranslations, like Komaeda being scared of airplanes (when he's just scared of the concept of ejecting from a fighter jet).
>Tengan walks in behind him
>Begins an hour and a half long scene that explains how Junko wasn't actually evil at all and was PRETENDING to be the Ultimate Despair to create Ultimate Hope. The world was doomed soon anyway to warfare or a virus or whatever shit and she took the way out that would let humanity survive
>"Did you rike it?"
Yes, She is.
At least Monaca is actually funny and can do things without Brainwash.
>Koizumi outright hiding the Twilight Syndrome murder
Did they change anything here? I thought it was implied to have happened, just offscreen.
>Mikan pretty clearly says that "her beloved" was the only one who accepted her, and that it was "everyone's else fault" that she turned that way, obviously hinting at bullying.
We know that at least the suicide video makes the target see things related to their history, so from Mikan's perspective that's probably what happened.
Junko breaking Izuru's spirit was just in the localization. Or so I've read on Cred Forums, anyway.
that got explained ep 11 despair
wtf I hate despair now
>Sato's appearance
Her face is hided with hair in DR2 so it doesn't change anything.
>Izuru meeting Komaeda
Despair 12 says that class 77th memories about Izuru were erased
Despair a shit!
That's why hope is so superior.
Milkan's bullying that made her the way she is happened prior to Hope's Peak.
She absolutely is.
It's still a rectcon, unless they planned the mindhack video when they originally wrote that line.
Excuse me Director Tengan, but why did you risk the lives of the entire Future Foundation to convince Mirai to broadcast his brainwashing video? Why didn't you just force him to do it or better yet, just take his phone and computer and broadcast it yourself you senile coot?
Can a man dual wielding katanas truly be killed by a firing line of faceless Smiths?
The law of anime says no.
>monacafags trying to say she's better than junko even though in-universe she is LITERALLY a junko wannabe
>People in this thread still believe Kodaka wrote the atrocity that is Future arc
Computers are tough.
Four Naegis in a row
How hardhearted to trample them
Ultimate Pianist is a code word for he has a cock.
Either that or she raped somebody.
Nothing gay about knowing where you might get cancer.
She looks up to her but, never wanted to be Junko.
So? The wannabe was better in the end.
He's done with her, but he never seems to be angry or hurt by her. Quite the contrary, Junko never controlled him in any way.
Was she brainwashed into believing... bullying drove her into despair instead of a brainwashing video? That barely makes sense.
That pic is literally the only mention of brainwashing in the whole game. If the game wanted to bring that point across, then it did it horribly. There's a reason why everyone who played the game assumed something different.
He greenlit it. All of it. He wrote a 200 page scenario, too.
Did he write Hope arc?
The fact that the wannabe is better than the real thing speaks volumes to how shit Junko is.
>DR: Hope beats despair
>DR2: Chase a future even if it means dealing with despair
>DRAE: Hope can be bad and despair can be a stepping stone
>DR3: Free will beats forcing hope or despair
What will we learn from V3?
Hey I found a listing for the DR3 soundtrack
>Wrote a 350 page outline of everything they needed
>They still fucked up
The hope ahoge people will teammup in the end in some manner.
I am going to fuck this maid.
Forgot link
mind hacc through piano songs
well he didn't direct a single future ep
Why does it matter when Despair arc is the worse of the two?
I guess that's true. The way the scene was presented made her appear rather innocent, imo. There's also the inconsistency of: why would Koizumi, Hiyoko, Mikan and Ibuki be wandering around the reserve course student building? Though that's mostly unimportant.
>He's done with her, but he never seems to be angry or hurt by her. Quite the contrary, Junko never controlled him in any way.
It's your fault for believing NISA translation, They never said that she broke his spirit in DR2.
>Was she brainwashed into believing... bullying drove her into despair instead of a brainwashing video? That barely makes sense.
Considering how the brainwash works in Future, Yes,it makes sense.
Being the original doesn't mean you're always going to be the best. Monaca is much better on her own, even as a wannabe.
No shit, he's a writer, not a fucking director.
>Wait, isn't that brainwashing, too?
Well then, that makes me feel like an idiot.
>There's also the inconsistency of: why would Koizumi, Hiyoko, Mikan and Ibuki be wandering around the reserve course student building?
Nothing says that they weren't friends with Sato.
You want an actual reply?
1) He had no idea Ryota was working on a Hope Video and if he had one where he had stored it.
2) Why didn't he force him to make one? I assume creating a Hope Video under duress/stress wouldn't bring out the best out of his abilities.
3) Why did he choose Ryota as the new World Leader? He's getting old. He's looking for a replacement. It's also why he's resorting to drastic measures such as the Killing Game. He hopes to give Ryota the resolve to carry that weight and stop being a pussy. Just saying "stop being a pussy" doesn't work.
I hated obnoxious genki Chisa, I only like her because she's been despaired. Without it she'd be pretty generic meido waifu.
Of course they will. The OP even spoils it.
Naegimom looks a lot like Maizono, huh
Kaede will sing and play piano in the end, to defeat the mastermind with the power of music, like Walkure
That's just Junko.
>that gif
I'm going to miss Hopeman so fucking much goddamn. At least he's getting an OVA.
yet he directed the better despair eps
The suicide video and the brainwashing video aren't really the same thing.
I guess the NISA translation thing is true, though. Didn't know it was inconsistent.
God I hope she comes back for Side: Hope.
But she was fun now she's just generic despair slut.
It's not. It's combining brainwash removal techniques with therapeutic guidance. If anything, that line is a good illustration of Junko's character.
Nothing says a fake can't be better than the real thing.
>Free will beats forcing hope
>The suicide video and the brainwashing video aren't really the same thing.
When did they say that it dioesn't work in the same way?
I want to cuck her and make her take care of my offspring.
I like how Monaca was pretty sensible in the end. She realized how pointless the despair vs. hope battle was and basically said "fuck it. I'm going to be a space NEET." I prefer her over loldespair Junko
No, user, you weren't supposed to actually answer his questions properly. He asked those questions rhetorically, because he was so convinced they were unsolvable plotholes. Now you've embarrassed him.
I vastly prefer good people, and not only was she fun as hell, she also acted in her own vacuum with Munakata and Juzo, unrelated to anyone from class 78. She was a strong and compelling new character in a medium that normally doesn't have the easiest of times with that.
That she's an idiot who is academically smart but not actually smart?
NAGITO BTFO ing MITARAI wouald be the best ending ever
She tries to make you think what she says is 100% true when it generally isn't.
I want "The filthy Komaeda show" as series or picture related.
>neet could force people into hope without conflict unlike everyone else in FF
>neet had the greatest autism for hope
>Tengan even admitted his time was short and was better to trust the next generation then do it himself and risk anything going wrong post mindrape
Pic related, it's your hope
Anyone else excited about V3 before watching DR3, and become uninterested with how shit it was? I wish I had just stopped at 2 and pretend it ended there.
>The only good things to come out of DR3 and ZTD were memes
I literally started talking like Plinkett this episode because of how balls to the wall stupid it was
I bet you're one of those people who suddenly loved Nadeko after she went crazy yandere because you love random generic edge.
Your taste is shit, and you most likely have a corruption fetish. That says nothing about a character's quality.
Ryota is Nagito's HOPE-buddy and best friend too.
I'm gonna miss these lesbo degenerates.
Is this really how they're going to end it?
No, and I don't know why people think this. They're used to making games, not anime, so it's not that surprising that DR3 turned out the way it is. With a game, they can do whatever they want with as much time as they need. With a show, they have to consider episode length, how to end episodes, etc.
There's still a chance V3 could turn out great because games are their home turf.
What's her dysfunction
Lets name all the good things about Chisa. I'll start
>great smile
>cutest mastermind
Why couldn't they have made DR3 a game?
Is this mind control hope or despair
I'll end
And yet Hopeman persists
>Posting a character who's motivation is the same as Junko's.
>Knows where children belong
What if they made V4, or V5 as an anime to end this series like they did with DR3, would you watch it?
>SHSL waifu material-tier talent
Also I want to add that the Killing Game might have been a test for the FF leaders too. If they passed and could talk it out peacefully Tengan would've disabled the automatic message to Ryota.
Why do I think this? When Munakata suggests to kill off people by majority vote one by one until the attacker was found, Tengan went "Are you serious?". So it's not like he was condoning indiscriminate killing. If the FF leaders killed each other then they just weren't up to it to become hope and instead became a stepping stone for true hope (Ryota). Another reason is that the Killing Game can be easily disabled if you talk it out. If everyone talked, investigated, worked together, they could have found the solution and maybe not have as many deaths.
>this thursday
Good things about Chisa
>great smile
>cutest mastermind
>Knows where children belong
Doesn't work. At least with the current trial/detective/fte format
No time for FTE's for Naegi, damn near everyone is out to kill him and the few that aren't are either dying or separated.
Won't be able to see all the deaths. See Ruruka's rotting corpse that no one still gives a shit about.
No point of trials since everyone except that edgelord was killing themselves
I'm so tired
I'm so tired of this anime and being fed this shitty writing
Please, for the love of hope and future
Let Thursday be the last day we have to watch this
Good things about Chisa
>great smile
>cutest mastermind
>Knows where children belong
>SHSL waifu material-tier talent
It's not like DR3 is a great sales success anyway, you could go full VN.
>With their fears and insecurities undone by the hope video, Touko and Komaru let their passion take over and have a sweaty sex session
>Mitarai has Asahina do nasty shit because mind control
>Monaca's in space, so I don't know where to go with that
Sometimes sameface is just sameface, Freud.
wtf i hate despair now
So are we gonna say that DR3 never happened if Hope Arc's a flop?
Muh Complex Motives.
The power to Mindhack.
I'm not even meme-ing. that's Mitarai's character.
How do you even start to give human Chiaki a happy ending in, say, a Zetsubou-hen IF? The deck was pretty stacked against her the moment she bumped into Hajime.
wtf i am despair now
Forgot to link
are they stuck like that forever?
The degeneracy is strong.
A miracle
Chisafags? No, please... I don't like her... Because she is a fucking despair! I hate despair!
I'm actually hyped about V3. DR3 was bad because it dragged a lot of stuff from the other games and the plot got a bit big (and ridiculous) in scope.
I'm hyped about V3 because it's finally a clean slate with new characters and hopefully a simpler plot.
Only if Mitarai isn't stopped before the video ends in "30 minutes".
DR should have a Carnival Phantasm like spinoff just so we can see just characters fucking around and interacting with each other in a normal setting more.
Monaca just flies back down to earth to look for Komeada so she can get filled with HOPE again.
Hypnosis cure #2:
Bonk them on the head
>kind & thoughtful
>spreads hope
>strong sense of justice
>cherishes memories & spending time together
>fiercely protective of the ones she loves
>voiced by Mai Nakahara
I love her
I hope she gets one in Kibou-hen.
The diverging point is the last scene they had together at the fountain.
She confesses her feelings for Hajime before he leaves and that causes him to hesitate and in a moment of uncertainty he finally confides in her about what he's about to do.
That was why Despair Side was at least kind of fun at first.
>spreads hope
This kid begs to differ.
That's the point. Glad you got it.
No more than I would say the games never happened.
Trips confirm
Good things about Chisa
>great smile
>cutest mastermind
>Knows where children belong
>SHSL waifu material-tier talent
>kind & thoughtful
>spreads hope
>strong sense of justice
>cherishes memories & spending time together
>fiercely protective of the ones she loves
>voiced by Mai Nakahara
At the end of the day Tengan would have killed Chisa. Unless they reveal he knew she was a UD in Hope side that would have never worked.
Who did it worse
Umineko or DR
Or tell them to have HOPE sex with you while they're braindead
That sounds pretty boring. I'd rather they re-introduced trials instead.
DR should invite other writers to make DR entries.
Juzoboy isn't one person, user. Juzoboy is the hope within all of our hearts.
I've shitposted the copypasta multiple times but it usually isn't me.
That's hypnosis cure#1
Umineko is better than all iterations of DR.
We're talking about regular love-filled meta Chisa! I want her to punch Junko once.
what are your predictions for thursday's twenty minute (20) episode?
Combine that with Junko and Mukuro both dying in some way before being admitted and you have your happy ending.
Neither. Both are masterpieces that every mystery author should look up to.
>Super Danganronpa 2.5 Kamaeda Nagito to Sekai no Hakaisha
Well I guess I can't argue with the truth.
Not really. The brainwashing did. Though yeah, if Tengan placed Chisa there on purpose that would cast a bit of shade on him. But maybe he knew Chisa was already despaired and wanted to see how Munakata reacted in the face of true despair.
She realized the wonders of space, while Junko did not. She came out of this mess a more satisfied person.
>Someone gets punched
>Naegi and co get mindhacked
>Hajizuru shows up just to snap them out of it
>The other 4 SDR2 survivors show up and do nothing
>None of the comatose kids wake up
>Episode ends on another FUTURE ending
Both are pretty bad, but right now I'm siding with Umineko. Even though Umineko shat on it's own fanbase directly
... I take that back. Both need to die in a fire
It better not be shit. It's an OVA so it has to have little to no QUALITY right?
Junko mistimes one of her bombs, accidentally blows herself up. Mukuro gets the news in the middle of a firefight, causes a lapse in concentration, she's shot to death.
Inspired by an user's post
>You play as Monokuma, leader of the Monokuma's Empire
>Your goal is to create a true financial empire with Killing games and diffuse Despair in the world, without getting caught by Hope's armies
>You'll start with a small killing game, where you'll learn how to motive the murders, make views, force the rules to the partecipants
>The killing game will end up with a winner, corrupted by Despair, who will serve you as a mastermind
>You can use it to host a killing game, which will produce more masterminds for more killing games, or you can send them to diffuse Despair around the world
>Masterminds will become better after every killing game, while also using their talents to create improved killing games, which will end faster, will earn more money etc.
>Things wont go always smoothly. The partecipants can find out the mastermind and force it to flee (or catch him). Worse, there's even a chance they might find out your location, making them alert Future Foundation
>Future Foundation will send its soldiers to stop you. To defend, you'll need to create a robotic Monokuma army, and you can even join the battles yourself, wearing artifacts such as the Gungnir Spear
>Killing games would be very varied, 2 or 3 mastermind can host the same game together. Some partecipants might be dangerous and can easily ruin your killing games
>Some dangerous partecipants might be SHSL Detectives, who have an high chance to find out the mastermind and your location; SHSL Hopes, who greatly increase morale of all partecipants; SHSL Luckies, who ignore every rule of the killing game and might end up being either useless or incredibly dangerous
>Rare events such as Izurus showing up in your killing games might be game ending, as they'll attack your base personally and they might require an entire army
>There could also be a Free Mode where you can "hang out" with the partecipants from your killing games and even make them personal maidos/whatever
Would you play it?
It means nagito will appear next ep
It's confirmed 48 minutes.
How valuable a lie is towards reaching the truth (at least, I want this to be the moral).
This would be easy money for the series right now.
bro its an hour long special
Source? Or that's BS.
He set up the killing game to begin with, so all fault lies with him for whoever dies first even if they do solve the killing game.
It's close enough.
Or it could just be a prequel. After all, half of Danganronpa 3 was set in the past.
>they stop the video
>Komaru and Fukawa snap out of it
>find themselves naked on top of eachother
>awkward silence followed by massive freak out
That would at least be a funny moment.
I need this.
How does it feel knowing I just straight up lied to you?
Does it make you despair?
No, I'm bored of the edgy side of the series. I want the character side to be in the spotlight again.
>he doesn't know Tengan was Chisa's puppet
I'm pretty sure Touko is the only one who'd be bothered.
As is, Komaru's just trying to wear her down until she agrees to scissor.
It led me to hope.
NG codes now make no fuckin sense. With no one behind the scenes to watch the killing game. How the fuck would the bracelet know you've broken your code?
>Because Munakata's murderboner for Despairs enforced the air of a killing game, Tengan decided to go "fuck this shit, FF is doomed"
I'd believe it.
>yfw it ends in a shitty cliffhanger and season 2 is announced
>more Juzo teasing from Junko and possibly despair Chika
>bringing back dead characters and possible character development
>DR1 cast interacting with DR2 cast
>More smelly UDG lesbians
Literally a win-win
>If a lie is a believable lie...
>You're saying it might become the truth?
Is this what shitstormfags felt during Re:Zero's ending?
But user. DR has always been an edgy series.
Yea, how DID those bracelets detect someone breaking their NG code?
I mean, you might could say it monitored your heart pulse or some shit, but they were all a part of a killing game with an unknown murderer, what if someone accidentally got too panicked and poisoned?
>the spoiler in the ED lyrics was "everybody loves despair" because ryouta is killing the ability for people to feel sadness so they become hope zombies
For the love of god, please let it end!
DR began as edgy. It still is.
The edge was greatly offset by the casts before. Not only has DR3 completely failed to do so, but V3's cast does not interest me in any way whatsoever, so I'm dropping the series after the final episode.
Who would be the Lancer of the series?
I can see some of them like Kizakura's being easy all it had to do was check whether the muscles in his left hand relaxed.
Maybe they functioned like lie detectors, if you knew what your code was you'd obviously get stressed out if you met the conditions then the bracelet would pick up on the fear and trigger the poison.
Good riddance
its just weird
some of them you can get around with GPS and various heartbeat sensors, but then you have bullshit like Seiko's, Izayoi's, or Bandai's that cant possibly be detected by technology
Post ahoges
>the Twilight Syndrome
i liked that part in SDR2 bacause it created such a good contrast with the class from the first game. while you get the feeling that without junko then naegi, chihiro, togami and the others would have been fine and happy then the second game show you things were wrong in hope's peak from the beggining (twilight syndrome, wanting to brainwash a kid to create a talented machine, etc)
which is why the despair anime fails at a "start of darkness" story imo. instead of showing the fucked reality of the kids that made possible for junko to manipulate everyone, it was just brainwashing and the general feeling that "if it wasnt for junko things would be okay, no problems at all"
Just ask the 16th participant.
nothing, cumaro is perfect
>Maybe they functioned like lie detectors,
Your theory here might have been plausible had no one been going around trying to kill one another. Since obviously fightin with your life on the line is going to stress you out.
Basically Kiznaiver OP is hope.
For Bandai and maybe Seiko's I could see there being a 360 degree camera in the bangle.
cumaru naegis dysfunction is being too cute
I can only wish Komaru good luck with that
please post gun memes I don't have any
NG Codes were always retarded, but let's just see if we can justify them all with some silly, stupid logic since this is all retarded anyways.
>Answering a question with a lie.
Never activated, probably only for show just to make people not suspect Tengan
>Opening doors.
Sensors in doors that could detect the bracelet and trigger it.
>Opening his left hand.
Detecting which muscles are contracted?
>Letting anyone step on her shadow.
Fuck this and fuck you
>Having Kyosuke Munakata die.
Pretty easy, probably some sort of vital sensors on all the bands
>Hitting anyone with his bare hands.
Some sort of velocity sensor or something of that nature set to trigger if it exceeded a certain speed? No clue how to justify if he used his opposite hand.
>Letting anyone leave the playing field.
Easy, sensors on all exits, one bracelet exits, boom dead Ruruka.
>Putting food in his mouth.
Elevated blood pressure occurs when eating I think, so there's that.
>Using his talent.
Dumb, fuck you too.
>Witnessing violence between participants.
Tengan just hated this guy, probably would've died in 10 minutes regardless of what happened.
>Being pinned for a three-count.
Having a bracelet be above his bracelet for 3 counts?
>Being hit with a kick or punch.
no clue
>Passing the 4th time limit with Makoto Naegi alive.
Easy, if Naegi's bracelet is still active, dead Kirigiri
>Running in the hallway.
Elevated bp/breathing/fast speeds?
>Turning right
Eh who cares about this one, it was a bot and bracelet was never shown
So yeah. NG codes are just a huge plot device for bullshit
Isn't that how the Anthologies for 1 and 2 came about? A bunch of mangaka doing their own 4koma?
Admittedly I'm no professional on stress but isn't there a slight difference between dread and sudden fear?
Like the Bangle could pick up on an instantaneous reaction of fear and shock rather than just being stressed out from thinking there's a murderer?
The one's given the hardest codes to track normally were also two of the best fighters so it's possible.
Juzo or Mukuro
the one that ends up not being lancer would also fit the bill for Caster
>How the fuck is a Penis supposed to solve a crime?
You tell me.
>NG codes make no sense
this is a show with robots and brainwashing anime.
The likes of Maizono does not deserve those sevens
Tengen's bracelet could have an actual lie detector for authenticity
Juzo's and Koichi's are pretty similar and probably operate in similar ways
I have no idea how the fuck Bandai's works
The black farmer didnt stand a chance
She can pull if off. She just has to have HOPE
robots are real
brainwashing is real
The bracelets we did see activate were feasible, what if some of them just didn't really work and Tengan had Bandai die from his instantly so players wouldn't risk it?
Why can't it be a love fuck?
>Junko "breaking Izuru's will"
Just a bad translation.
I want Megumi Ogata's voice
explain Izayoi's
someone should make a >komaeda's friendship with hajime ended, now mitarai is my best friend
It will, it just started with hatefuck before the lovefuck..
Post ahoges
Kirigiri did say that the NG codes were probably put in place so that no one would be able to trust each other.
I could see Tengan giving the people he hoped might survive bangles that didn't work with codes that would be almost impossible to trigger if they were being careful.
Reporting in, brother!
Haha, indeed! Well said, brother!
Just realized that Kaede has a backpack same as Chiaki. Sign of a Mary Sue?
who shouldve been the protagonist
what did he have against Bandai?
If this doesn't play for the finale I'm going to kill myself
Naegi's lucky dick wore off on her.
Tengen doesn't like niggas.
How the fuck is a no-talent nobody like Hajime supposed to solve anything?
Old people tend to be racist user, also if Bandai knew his code he should have stood outside the fucking room.
Cry more.
>Elevated bp/breathing/fast speeds?
It gets weirder when you remember that he is allowed to run in rooms and does that a few times. He's only forbidden in the hallways.
Tengan probably figured there'd be violence off the bat so he just triggered it himself when he knew strawberry seed saw
Can't wait for her to be murdered or raped by Tenkai, will have a field day on tumblr.
It could be both
It is a series with a boy that becoma butter and another turn into a SSJ.
I can make one if needed one of these days, my friend! Then any of you can add me. I've got a busy day ahead but when that day's over I'll search for something so the two of you can add me!
GPS or whatever
now see, Munakata is allowed to close doors and touch the handle, but he cant open them is one of the weirdest ones
Too bad the robot will be the first victim.
Building wide bracelet tracker that monitors whether his bracelet is in a hallway or not.
So in that sense he wanted the following to survive provided they never got caught by the suicide videos
>Munakata and consequently Chisa
>Great Gozu
Since those are presumably the easiest NG codes, at least that's what I feel
I'm excited as fuck, but it will be so long until we see it.
A detector that checks for sugar content in his mouth? Main problem would be making it hard for Izayoi to detect.
If it's eating food and not just putting it in your mouth, you can have it be in his stomach.
I can't believe fags can't just accept NG Codes are anime magic while MINDHACC and full-on memory rewriting VR games are A-OK.
What's wrong with all of you
Hey, drop the hope video or else. That's cheating.
I doubt he wanted Munakata and Chisa to survive but he decided to deal with Munakata personally, and Chisa was luckily the first victim of the "killer".
Probably can justify that there was some sort of trigger or detector that would get set off if a door is moved from closed to open but not the other way around
Brainwashing and memory removal are actually possible in the real world, obviously just not to the extent as Danganronpa.
NG Codes can probably be explained as well we just have to figure out how, which is why we're discussing it. Though Kodaka will probably write it off as a simple AI in the bracelets or something.
she certainly has lots of that now. Too much even.
Who knows how far that will go
>NG Codes are anime magic
>Meme magic.
Is this foreshadowing SHSL Magician as the mastermind of DRV3?
if 0 she's lived
if dubs Izuru healed her but killed her again.
No one said they can't be real.
It's just describing them how they work is fairly difficult. We already knew mindhack was a thing since DR2 since it was mentioned twice like how Sonia's country tricked people into thinking they were bleeding out.
Robots, androids, sure why not.
You fucking monster.
Stop that.
Post Murako!
This is pretty much XCOM: Danganronpa Edition with killing games instead of battles. The old as dirt XCOM, not the newer one, of course.
Hajime has a nice ahoge
Oh wow. Good job izuru.
This should have been canon.
>THICC ahoge
My fetish.
what have you done!?
In case you end up doing it AlexSCG
I'm gonna have a guess that this is /d/ material, Touko has a dick, and they BOTH have armpit hair.
I haven't seen it, but the artstyle is familiar.
They're never going to explain how they work, I hope you realize this, user.
We might learn who made them/what talent was necessary, but that's about it.
>Teru/Seiko combination "mind controlling" everyone through food to be in heat 24/7.
Might be cool
you mean like Super Prison Level Inventor?
I doubt they'll do it in canon, but someone might ask Kodaka in an end of series interview you never know.
It's still pretty fun to speculate regardless.
Of course not, doesn't make for good discussion though. This is kohacku though. It's going to definitely be developed by a former SHSL whatever that essentially allows him to bullshit even more
So who actually told Mitarai to go to overseas building because Tengen didn't want him there?
Hajime's Ahoge is cool!
I love Juzo.
>Chiakifags on suicide watch
He is a branch leader, He probably heard about it.
Here's my reply
Think he went on his own accord because he wanted to be proactive instead of always hiding
As do I my friend.
Satan pls.
Touko's also got an ahoge
It seemed to be said pretty clearly that his solution to eliminate despair would basically remove people's humanity, since it's the source of despair itself. We'll probably get Hajima and Naegi next week talking about how destroying Despair doesn't necessarily create actual hope.
wtf I hate hope now
You fucking bastard.
Will we get Hajime, though, or just Izuru?
That's a cute Juzo
Probably Yukizome.
A shame that there doesn't seem to be a single vanilla doujin with these two
Kodaka don't
Negative emotions like fear, anger, sadness, jealousy, and even greed are really important. You're not a person without those, and society wouldn't be possible if people couldn't feel those things. Mitarai is turning everyone into happy zombies.
hope animals
Hinanami happy ending!
and genocider too
could cut things with hers
You literal fucker
>luck stat is capped
More like
>STR: 10
>INT: 80
>LUK: 255 (cap is 99)
>VIT: 3
>AGI: 15
Her game isn't even out yet and she's already a decent meme.
The other twin tailed, red eyed Mikan/Junko/Hajimeme-Kamumemer or nothing to do with these 3 at all girl and the "Hopebot" or "Robo-ahoge" were pretty good meme material on their own, but this Soni- ah, never mind, this Kaede character is looking like she'll be taking the high note.
Really looking forward to see how her whole gimmick will work.
>inb4 it's freaking Junko again who somehow survived (despite claiming she's dead in the latest episode of future side) gone through another one of her makeover personas (Ryoko Otonashi) and memory gambit herself into this prison in order to make the player feel the despair of playing as the bad guy and helping her all along Kodaka, you madman
Did anyone save the SHSL prediction for the characters of DRV3?
O fuck.
Jokes apart
I thing that at this point we can all agree that Chiaki is dead, with one episode left there are no miracles for her
Sorry guys
Chisa. This was all part of Chisa's plan. She let Tengan go on with his plan and then hijacked it at the last moment.
No. A miracle will happen! It has to!
Dammit user, I don't want to a yurifag. Stop.
Got it noted in a notepad, my friend! I'll look into it after I'm done with today's day at uni!
>doctors can fix any mental illness by removing parts of frontal lobe
>guys it's illegal
Can anyone tell me how lobotomy is even wrong?
not much ahoge is shown in this one but its still there
Here's your answer:
We got em right here.
> would basically remove people's humanity
I doubt it.It´s probably just a reset.Hope afterall was the last thing in Pandoras jar.He just released it so that everyone can start over.
I only remember Irima being a street racer. Gonta is obviously right.
Someone shop juzo right where and how Mukuro is laying there under her boot heel.
That'll show him for being and over faggot and part of the whole happening by not reporting the truth about her to Persona4 but bending over to her will instead..
>juzufags will still defend that shit
just see these pics as another form of slowly brainwashing you into liking it
You should know, user, if there's ever a time for miracles it's always in the final episode.
You are on the writing team for Danganronpa 3. Right as you finish animating the last sequence for Kibou-hen, you are informed that the plot outline by Kodaka you have been given was actually a fake fabricated by a despair-loving intern. It is too late to schedule any more episodes, and you now have 20 minutes to make a satisfying conclusion for the entire Hope's Peak Academy saga. What do you do?
It kinda feels like a waste to just reuse SHSL detective like this. Why not make him a policeman or something?
They are confirmed.
He didn't make it easy for Seiko to survive. Remember, she's the pharmacist + potentially Cure W. He definitely gave Gozu a good NG code because he liked the guy. He even grunted when his death was announced.
Here's the most popular "Juzo getting humiliated by Junko" pic we have.
too bad I'm into this shit
I already like it. I just don't want to lose control in my liking of it. Shipping ruins lives, man.
They reuse the Lucky student and student council president before.
And for some reason i think that Cap talent might be fake
So Kodaka can make you think he's going to immediately kill him off but actually not, so you think he's going to become the leading man of the game, but then he's killed for real lategame to throw you through a loop.
I agree. He could have been the SHSL Officer or Prison Guard but still had enough of an intellect to be the game's go-to detective. Nagito and Chiaki aren't detectives but they were still smart enough to do sleuthing.
I hope this Detective title actually leads to something because otherwise I'm disappointed.
Juzo comes back and munakatana rock the fuck out
>That'll show him
It literally happened in the anime though, why not just take screenshots
>instead of being psychotic you're retarded instead
That's like curing a sprained ankle by cutting their leg off.
He had a girl's voice
It means that he is going to die early on.
How do you do that?
How do you keep having hope in this moments?
Am I rotten inside or something?
Or you all are just trying to lying yourselves?
Who contacted Ryota? Possibly Chisa but I think she got caught off guard too.
Who killed the guards?
Who moved their bodies?
This could all be answered by the 16th participant. Also, did the 13th head go to Jabberwock Island?
Make it that every event in the HPA saga was Junko calculating the possible future.
She arrives at the answer: space is cooler than Hope or Despair.
If you consider turning someone mentally ill into someone retarded "fixing", sure
Peronsally, I thought he should have be SHSL Private Investigator.
I was looking for our predictions before they were actually released/ translated to compare
>Who killed the guards?
>Who moved their bodies?
It's in times like these you can't give up on hope!
>Possibly Chisa but I think she got caught off guard too.
No indication she was caught off guard. She was the only one who didn't turn around when Ryouta appeared so she expected him to appear.
You're right and I actually forgot about those for a second, but those feel like talents almost anyone can have. That's actually the point of lucky student altogether.
That's a fair point actually we know he takes his hat off sometime in the game, maybe he tells us he has a different talent too.
It's one nice reset, seeing how everybody who sees it starts following Mitarai's orders
We Equilibrium now
I don't have any expectations, user. I'm just along for the ride.
So I believe in hope! You always have to have hope!
The anime gave me class 74 and I'm happy enough with that!
>Who killed the guards?
Who moved their bodies?
Must have been Miayabot. Only one that could move during the sleeping gas and guards necks were twisted the same way that Miaya's was.
i guess that is understandable. it can ruin things.
Still. I don't take it too seriously like some others do. it's just for fun
Isn't that just a detective working in a grey area of the law?
Bet he isn't enjoying that at all.
Bet he''d wish it was Persona4 instead, that fag.
What do you lads think about this ahoge?
Kirigiri comes back alive and is now the SHSL Zombie, followed by a 20-minute long sex scene with Zombigiri jackhammering Naegi.
Her talent is most likely a lie along with the maid's.
As long as he isn't a Mary Sue as Kyoko was in DR1 I don't mind. DR3 Kyoko is love.
Tengan and Kizakura seemed to have a decent relationship but he had a bitch of an NG code.
What if every one of those talents is a lie?
I don't suppose anyone has the picture where its nagito putting a party hat on hajime for his birthday while his ahoge pierces it and chiaki is there?
Weak shit.
It's just leading up to yet another "look towards the future" ending and you know it.
The poor guy was killed since the moment that Kodaka gives him that talent.
Will she be a cold bitch that's actually really sweet and heartfelt around kids?
But this bitch was a cunt to the normies.
Is araragi the most powerful ahoge user?
it moves and shit
and forms into shit
I get it. It is cute, I'll admit.
That's the narrator, who is now confirmed to be Despair Chisa and thus not 'really' her.
They are legal but you need a license to be a PI. They also help out more with civil cases than they do criminal cases.
Normies are worthless
What's next, are you gonna protect cockroaches?
Normies are useless roaches anyway.
Sure thing, bud.
Except Theater Chisa is not very despairful
You are smalltime.
Anymore. She was before.
V = Victim
C = Culprit
M = Mastermind
S = Survivor
What is google trying to tell me?
No bully.
Now that you mention it there is actually two kinds of detective in Japan isn't there?
The one you mentioned is actually what Kyoko was, the Kirigiri's are private detectives who can be hired by anyone.
Maybe cap-kun is specifically a police detective like Dojima and Adachi from persona 4.
She liked kids so much, they had to imprison her
Didn't the box cover mention doctor as one of the talents?
Did this play anytime in the series? Where did you find this?
Do you like pulling stuff out of your ass? Meta Chisa never was Despair.
We don't know what happened during the Reserve Course segment anyways. It was sped forward for good reason unless someone's suggesting they should have spend an entire episode on it.
considering the JP danganronpa fans.
They probably would gotten more doujin if they were gender swapped
I guess her and Haiji will be best friends then
muder mystery needs a detective
Tell that to SDR2.
i guess so
"I am Junko Enoshima II" - a literal line, said by Monaca
Shut the fuck up.
So did you play the game?
Whens the game coming out?
Early 2017 for Japan.
Komaeda wouldn't like Ryouta, because Ryouta's "hope" isn't true hope. It's just a pale imitation.
May for english? That'd be awesome.
Is this confirmed? Where is that picture from?
>New Dangan refute V3 everyone killing each other back-to-school
Amazing title