I've seen trap threads and do like traps but I really wonder; why would someone want to BE the trap rather than fuck one?
Trap thread?
>why would someone want to BE the trap
Because dick tastes good senpai
>why would someone want to BE the trap
You must be new here.
We're all little girls with cock envy
>why would someone NOT want to BE the trap rather than fuck one?
I won't argue that but I'd rather suck the dick of someone cute than someone who is overtly masculine
That will change with time, trust me. The manlier the better.
Posting best trap
Let's see how long this thread lasts before it devolves into ERP and blogging about hormones.
Because they have to exist for you to fuck them user.
Isn't that where they all end eventually?
If you fapped to traps long enough, you'll have that tingly feeling in your butt when fapping. That would be the start.
Is it bad that I got burned out by trap oversaturation I get back to fapping to cheating thicc girls?
hey ash isnt a trap he's a dude and he could kick your ass
Get the fuck out of Cred Forums
>why would someone want to BE the trap
Because being cute makes it easier to get pussy.
OP here
I'm not sure what long means but
I've messed around with a few traps here and there over the last few years and a few tried some butt stuff and I tried on my own; really don't like it nor do I like the idea of being pretty buy damn does putting my dick in pretty things feel great
>not liking cute boys
What are you gay?
You're one to talk.
Girls are supposed to like boys user.
Exactly. But outing yourself in a dress does not make you a girl.
girls love girls and boys love boys
the world i wish for is filled with joys
playing with their bodies with various toys
making all kinds of indecent noise
Happens to every fetish. It also depends on how much content is being released that really gets you going.
I've been in a similar position lately, my backlog of non-trap stuff grew so large that there's been enough quality stuff to go through to keep my attention for a while.
We're all cute girls here user, I think you might be in the minority.
Traps are fine and all, but how do you feel about reverse traps?
I'm similar, with the only difference being that I do like the butt stuff. Unfortunately, a majority have it in their head that if you want to bottom you're a trap and that traps can't top. And on that note I'd like to say I sort of despise everyone perpetuating it. It's very simple
aesthetics > all
I only want to fuck and get fucked by people who I find attractive. And I only find feminine attractive. But everyone has to complicate things.
Get out normalfag
If we mean Kashima in particular I want her to ride Hori hard while she's dressed in a tux and Hori in a wedding dress but I never really think about them often
They're gay; easy
That's true but that's doesn't mean I don't want to ravage his cute twinky body, why else is he prettier than every KoF girl?
OP here, but you don't have to look like a girl to be gay right? Why want the look if you just want dick? You can get dick without the need to look like a girl
That's a pretty good one m8, love the idea of Kashima fucking him while in boyish clothes.
The dress part is fine too.
>tfw almost no lewds of kashima
Reverse traps>>>>>>>>traps
Go ask your off topic question on tumblr.
t. faggot
AA6 spoiler
does this count?
1000% yes.
Fuck off
Pot calling the kettle black.
Holy shit how do you fuck up anatomy this hard
Who the fuck's penis is that much lower then their stomach
The best part of trap pictures were they are wearing underwear is seeing their cute little bulge.
Gotchu Fampai
I used to think that the "Cred Forums is making me day" jokes were just that. Jokes.
I need to take control of my life again.