What are your thoughts on Mob Psycho 100?
What are your thoughts on Mob Psycho 100?
it was alright, disappointing in some ways but refreshing in others
It's shit.
i don't understand how or why ONE became a manga artist
It's really bad.
That was what his parent always thought
Overrated shit.
one punch man ripoff
dissapointing ending
meme anime just like OPM
It's fucking horseshit. As in, the worst parts of horseshit that smells like puke.
Poorly made normalfag propaganda.
Completely inferior to OPM in every single way.
Below average writing + above average animation = average show
Saiki was better.
It's a fucking OPM clone even by the same author. It's boring as fuck. It's shit.
Terrible ending on an otherwise decent show.
Generic shonenshit that pretends to be 2deep4u and retards eat it up harder than Eva and Wanpiss.
It's really, really bad even for an anime.
Been a while since I saw this post.
Anti action battle shonenshit anime. OPM is miles better that this turd.
Only redeeming quality was best girl.
>22 / 4 / 10 / 1
>people are asking OP's question
Well he got his answer. It's shit.
>people are unironically praising the bejesus out of this fujoshit
On an unrelated note:
>doesn't support the anime industry despite liking/praising the anime
>torrents anime and manga instead of supporting the author
Even Reddit:zero fags are better than you fujoshits.
Reigen is literally worse than marche.
Best anime I've seen in a long time, some believable characters, some amazing fightscenes, and some of the best laughs I've had from an anime in years.
9/10, would enjoy another season
Shit taste.
Watch more anime.
Fucking great show
better then the rest of the horse shit that gets praised on Cred Forums. Great animation and good characters... it just doesnt have cute girls as the main focus so Cred Forums spergs out
would watch a scond season
>mobfag in 100% damage control
>28 replies
>13 posters
That's sad even by my jaded standards
Why does this anime make you so mad?
Upset people aren't praising this as a masterpiece anymore mobfag? That's what happens to shows that never gets a second season. Deal with it.
because it didn't have little girls to masturbate to like the regular shit that this autist posts too
ep 8 of mob had great animation, but these fucks would rather watch loli's argue about coffee or some other dumb shit
Because the anime is shit?
I like it when adaptations to stay close to the source material in terms of tone and humor
Wish Nougami Neuro had such a lovingly crafted and written adaptation instead of whatever the fuck the anime was
just like how One Punch Man would never get a second season right dumbass?
Because it's not anime. It's normalfag propaganda approved by Prime Minister Abe himself. Why do you think sribbleshit like this would get an anime in the first place? Obviously not because it's good.
Go back to reddddit faggot.
>great animation
Sorry to break it to you mate, but great animation =/= good anime. But its fine too, you mobfags can keep your shit away from our lolis.
poor's man one punch man
I miss it already
Mob should have gone SSJ 100% Bankai killing intent gear second sage mode desu senpaitachi.
>Fujos have shit taste
Not surprised there
Even if this gets season 2 you mobfags would still lose because there is more action that you all hate in it.
Don't be so salty user-kun
>being this butt flustered
I was right on the money. you're so socially inept that it upsets you when a show can be good that everyone can enjoy (and its not even mainstream anyway)
I'd lost interest by the end. The same thing happened with OPM. I like the characters, the novelty, the humour and the visuals, but I just don't care about the plot/action oriented parts.
>good show that everyone can enjoy
A group of fujoshits is not everyone.
>show doesn't have lolis doing cute things, it must be fujoshi!
confirmed autism
Meme show that is only riding on OPM's success.
>fujoshits this delusional
I think you are the autistic one, user.
Nice projecting with the lolishit. The show is over so why don't you fuck off back to reddiit, tumblr or wherever the fuck you came from cause it sure it seems like you won't try to fit in here.
>if someone doesn't like my little girl shows then they must be a normie! normies are badddd they hurt me sob sob at school I need to be around others who only watch girly shows like me desu~
I enjoyed it more than OPM
How ironic.
it pisses you off that OPM is getting a second season doesn't it sempai?
I don't understand the hate for this show.
Try to communicate it in a way that isn't a personal attack and help me understand
But I love OPM because it's not fujoshit.
>inb4 delusions
Not listening to your bullshit, fujo.
Fuck off mobfags. :)
Oh wow, I didn't even realize the epilogue changed the anime's artstyle at all until people mentioned it. There's something enjoyable about the way ONE draws his characters.
But OPM is more fujoshit than Mob.
I liked it.
>im a special snowflake so the rest of the world owes me everything
I liked it but the fanbase/hatebase is retarded and obnoxious.
There's absolutely nothing wrong with shitting on fujoshows :)
Exactly. Underage retards everywhere.
Stay mad fujofag :) :) :)
It was a huuuge disappointment
The fights were amazing and the ending was sweet.
But everything else felt like filler. eg Mob exorcising random ghosts and ritsu being a dick just to try it out was a slog and didn't really add to the story.
really good but im a sucker for animation
Better than OPM in every way. 8.5/10
old news
>Not fujobait
Come on now senpai
more buzzwords please
I'm not him
Old news that could see the future.
Mobfag OP replying to his own thread to shill Mob by saying it sucks. This shitshow would never reach OPM level of greatness.
Finale was paced too slow and ended up disappointing everyone, no good music choreography.
There were tons of threads hyping up Mob Psycho's last episode, but once it actually aired, it was actually hard to find a thread for it.
Not sure if a lot of pretending by both sides in this thread.
It's just one Mobfag with dynamic IP who talks to himself like a fucking delusional mobfag he is trying to shill this shitshow.
Excellent storytelling.
I really hope haters here just merely pretending and shitpost for the sake of shitposting, I mean even leddit and mal have better understanding about final episode I expect more from Cred Forums.
There was 3-4 max thread on airing day discussing the final episode it just mobfag doesnt act like rezerofag spamming thread please don't tell me you prefer mob going berserk rather than reigen masterpiece moment.
It had character developement, genuine humor and a great artstyle. . .basically i'm pretty sure it wasn't anime.
Do you even know what shill means?
>being this butthurt that people don't like his normalfag pandering anime
He was a webcomic artist as a hobby and his stuff became popular iirc.
It's not just a style shift, ONE did the actual key frames himself.
>normalfag pandering
is that what this is about? are you genuinely mad at an anime for saying that brooding sociapaths with "special powers" shouldn't rule the world, but rather pull themselves together and contribute to society?
better then one punch man
I'm saying that Reigen is full of shit.
>you are your own main character
>but not these people I refer as chunnis so I'll try to force my shit onto them even though they are like that on their own choice
Of course he was full of shit. Most of what he says is bullshit made up on the spot and full of double standards. You seriously haven't grasped that part of his character? It's presented as good advice because Mob is gullible and beleives it. There's an entire arc later where Mob questions his words and leaves Reigen for a while.
>There's an entire arc later where Mob questions his words and leaves Reigen for a while.
He should leave him for good then because he is a terrible teacher.
it's actually really nice that he's made it this far
in an industry completely dominated by visuals and attempting to make something look appealing, this dude has done what he's done by not giving a fuck about any of that.
whether it's been effort on his end or luck is moot, the fact that it's happened at all is amazing.
you seem very angry with fictional authority figures
The end result was that Reigen often does it with good intent and the people he talks to and helps often end up happier and better off for it.
Reigen is a good person in the end. And that's what mattered most to Mob.
Where do you think you are?
>unironically defending a bunch of manchildren for trying to take over the world.
Sometimes I forget where I am.
Fair point, but a sense of perspective can be a very helpful thing in life.
The fact that people often seem to forget is that shishou is amazing
Yeah he's not bad for a fraudster.
AOTS easily and one of AOTY strong contender. Only buttblasted chuunifag and waifufag hate this masterpiece and I pity those poor souls.
I like how in the later Claw arc the Scar members point out how stupid they all were when talking about Claw and how none of them actually have the skill to rule because they're all dropouts from society and their powers just let them destroy stuff.
Yeah I just caught up with boss arc its really nice of ONE to show their resolved feeling.
Reminder that Claw boss wasn't wrong till the end and not even Reigen can convinced him. Mob only managed to get through him by relating him with his shitty crush for Tsubomi.
I think that it really shows that anime are gonna die in about ten years if they dont renew themselves.
Only if otaku suddenly stop having disposable income.
And I can't tell if this means you like it or not.
in the future all the otakus are going to be hooked up to dripfeeds while jerking it to vr porn, they won't save you.
Not being convinced of the opposite view point =/= being right.
The greatest evidence of him being wrong was how easily his plans and organization fell apart and how alone he was. For all his talk about being a superior being and better and more deserving than everyone else at the end of the day he basically had nothing to show for it. Even at his peak his greatest accomplishment was leading a big group made of manchildren and people nobody else wanted.
I mean, he is technically a complete fraud, but in the end doesn't he always solve the problems of his clients? If it's actually spirit related he has Mob do it, and if it's just the person being paranoid/superstitious he takes a different approach that improves their situation anyway (such as with a massage to relieve stress and physical pain). They're not getting what they paid for in the latter instances, strictly speaking, but their situation is improved regardless.
I am your brother son
Good job, Ruppel's fox.
Reigen explains it as that they don't really come to him looking for an exorcism, they come looking for peace of mind and relief, which he gives them and they walk away happy. And unlike a typical scam exorcist who just does a pointless ritual or sells them useless charms, he does something that actually alleviates or fixes the problem.
What I like about Claw boss is that even if he doesn't go 180 at the end like most antagonist. It really shows that he won't give up his manchild ideals just like that but he obviously learned something from mob. And he also took full responsibility for his actions and is prepared for whatever is going to happen to him when he is captured.
I love it.
It wasn't full of disgusting anime cliches.
Mob had plenty of cliches retard.
This show is disgusting. Fujo pandering to the fucking max and people STILL unironically like it. Sometimes I wonder if people here are being retards for a living.
meme anime
>Calls the show disgusting and accuses it of pandering.
>Posts love live
It's almost like the fans who unironically like it are fujoshits.
the visuals are great, but the story was just ok.
>It wasn't full of disgusting anime cliches.
are you kidding me?
Newfag should stop playing the samefag guessing game and leave it to the oldfags.
Oh nice, a mp100 thread--
>almost nothing but baseless shitting on the series filled with buzzwords and shitposters refusing to acknowledge any logic or reason
Never mind. Bye.
Flop Psycho < 100 sales
Go back to tumblr, attention whoring fujo.
See the reason this show is shit on it's because the normalfag watching this keeps forcing that their point of view is the correct one just like Reigen in the anime.
>hurr chunnis are bad
>muh society
>muh contribution
They won't listen to any other point of view because they are too indoctrinated by their normalfag views that it's pointless to even discuss anything with them.
>implying shitposter here gave an actual argument rather than abusing buzzword and old meme.
you are projecting so hard i thought you were telepathic for a moment. seriously though that attitude is pretty pathetic.
Its full of cliche subversion to put it correctly.
Just because you think it's buzzword doesn't mean you should dismiss their arguments. It's not right.
How am I projecting?
Got bored of it after about 5 episodes.
I loved it. The animation was good, the humour top-notch, and its expression of ideas and values clear, consistent and well adapted to the theme.
It was the only malaysian motion picture I watched this season, and now I don't know what to watch
at least you gave it an honest try.
Mob was outsourced? Didn't know that. I guess SEA monkey can animate shit.
wew lad. I sure am glad to see that you're so active in this love hate relationship.
AOTS, and a strong contender for AOTY.
>8 out of 27 (You)
Step up your game, kouhai.
hey one of those was mine. Hi mom i'm on TV
stop samefagging you're making yourself look bad
>with that meme last episode
Only Mobfags can be this delusional.
i know. It's as if they are born with one less spinal cord.
I used that term in lieu of 'chinese cartoon' only for humour.
only 2/28. Try harder.
It's decent even though the season finale was absolutely disappointing.
nice thread OP, this animay is so badd amirite?
Overrated with shit animation and art.
>if I keep posting this meme it will be true I swear
2/10 for dedication.
they are like the Cred Forums of Cred Forums
I like it but I think the dry humor works better in manga format.
OP asked for an opinion, and I gave mine to him. if you only want praise, make a fanclub.
mob had a very weak start, a great half and an average end. the visuals are unique, the story not so much. reigen is great, but the other characters are kinda meh. it's like boku no hero only with a stupidly better production and less girls.
This is the worst thread I've seen in a long time. Good job OP.
Hypnosis punch was shit in the anime so you're right.
>A long time
You just started posting this season right?
Pretty meh tier anime. 6/10 overall. Watchable but not memorable.
I took a break from Cred Forums over the summer. Apparently coming back was a mistake.
>H-he found me out
0/10 definitely didn't see that coming.
>same exact timestamps
I liked it better than OPM. OPM's humor relied too much on le saitama is too strong joke
But I'm not OP. Keep forcing your meme though cause it's funny to see how you make a fool out of yourself every time.
Why are you fighting over yourself? Dont you have anything better to do?
People wouldn't watch this if it has no Sakuga. You know I'm right.
It was so much copy-paste of OPM, that I'm surprised one can love one and hate the other one; especially if he loves the second one he watched.
Explain? OPM had a better story and better/more fight scenes
Mobfags hate OPM because it's too childish for them due to the lack of 2deep4u morals in it. OPMfags hate Mob because it's 2deep4u for them and it doesn't have good action and the fights end in non standard ways.
Best anime of the Year for now. Bones perfectly adapted one of my favourite manga into anime form. Solid 8/10. Only other anime this year coming close would be Rakugo. Maybe next season can suprise me with a few ones that could could become great too. Yuri, FlipFloppers, Izetta, 3gatsu, Fune wo amu and Occultic nine just to name a few i have interest in.
>that OP
>Those first 10-15 replies
Damn, now I feel stupid for replying to this thread.
Shit taste.
Holy ballsack, that gave me cancer.
Character design is so utter shit no amount of sakuga can make up for it.
Thanks most of Cred Forums has quite the bad taste so it doestn suprise me that you dont like it, but that doesnt help, if you dont point out how or what you think is supposed to be on my AOTY list.
Just finished it. Thought it was pretty good. Nice animation, likable characters that grow as the plot progresses, a fitting MC, and cool art style. I can see why people don't like the last episode, since it betrays the buildup for Mob's power, but honestly I think it fits.
>tfw too noob to instant ip change
Teach me your ways senpai.
>meme episode
How does it feel to get cucked by based reigen edgyfag?
What are you talking about
OP, stop making a new thread please. Sincerely, Cred Forums.
it's always a mistake