Tell me Cred Forums, is Ciel the baddest motherfucker who ever lived?
Tell me Cred Forums, is Ciel the baddest motherfucker who ever lived?
First of all, she doesn't die; even if you kill her.
As you can probably tell from the OP pic, Ciel works for the church. But Ciel isn't some little boy molesting, senile old man. Do you know how Ciel spreads the good news? With a pile bunker that would normally take seven healthy men to lift.
That's right: she preaches with a steel column inserted hydraulically into the chests of heretics. How does she do this? Because she's Ciel.
In case you're thinking "Well this is all cool, but I'm sure a magus would easily destroy her one way or another", let me tell you something about Ciel: she is one of the most powerful magi in the world. Why doesn't she use magic instead of a conceptual weapon or impossible to hold "swords" then? Because it would be too damn easy.
Now we all make a lot of noise about how cool it is to not care: to be impressively indifferent to events which would make weaker men wet themselves. But have you ever wondered what it's like to TRULY give not a single fuck?
Well, there's only one woman who knows, and her name is Ciel.
This all pretty impressive but I know what you're thinking: Immortality? Implausible strength? Sounds pretty trite.
Well. Not only is Ciel constantly punishing heretic scum and laughing in the face of death, she's also your cute senpai, working for your good when you're not looking and always there to offer you emotional support in times of crisis.
Do you know what else Ciel can do? Stand on top of light posts. How many people do you know that can do that while also working for the church and being a cute senpai? I'm guessing approximately one: Ciel.
So she works in a secret church organization as a killer of things too horrible to reason with or contain and coaches young, unwitting students as they awaken to their supernatural bloodlust. Do you know what Ciel does in her free time? She drinks tea. And that's fucking classy.
Not only does Ciel drink tea, but her passion for good curry echoes her passion for the preservation and advancement of the human race. No heat is hot enough to quench Ciel's thirst for justice.
When Ciel isn't drinking tea, counseling wayward peers, or ruthlessly disposing of unholy abominations, you can find her helping out with community service projects. Ciel has a deep appreciation for the vitality of any community she finds herself in, and takes it upon herself to help contribute to that community any chance she gets.
All this to say: Ciel achieves the accomplishments acquired in the lifetimes of one hundred men on her way to work after a leisurely breakfast. Every single day. The defense rests.
We may now commence discussion of the nuances that compose the glory that is Ciel (formerly Elesia) "Bow" the 17th Roa.
Now allow me to tell you 5 things about Hisui.
1. She's a maid
2. Her strength lies in cleaning and general housework
3. She's very cute
4. HISUI!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
>IP count of 2
this is why Cielfags are the worst. No one cares about currybutt, find something else to do.
>baddest motherfucker who ever lived?
No, she's just best Tsukihime girl
Yes. As in the worst.
>Baddest Motherfucker
But she's the one that got fuck, user.
>Patrician taste
Akiha, Hisui, Sion
>Average taste
Sacchin, Arc, Kohaku
>Shit taste
If only others could have such based taste OP
It's not hard to be best girl when the other alternatives are an airhead Mary Sue, a negative chested psycho killer, a sex doll, a sluttier sex doll and a dead waste of potential.
>>Patrician taste
>Sacchin, Kohaku, Sion
>>Average taste
>Akiha, Arc, Hisui
>>Shit taste
>Kohaku over Hisui
literally damaged goods
Where is Rieswaifu on that list?
>Patrician taste
>Akiha, Hisui, Sion
"I want my women to be just as introverted and serious as I am"
>Patrician taste
>Average Taste
kohaku,hisui,roastbeef,sacchin,white len
>redeemable shit taste
>unredeemable shit taste
But is she used goods?
This is important.
Literally nobody cares about things like that, Cred Forums.
Literally everyone with common sense cares about things like that, nu-male.
Good job confirming where you're from with that buzzword.
Yes, I'm from Cred Forums, now you can return to Cred Forums or Cred Forums or whatever normalfag board you came from.
Nobody with a white girlfriend and a black child, maybe.
Ciel is a lying cunt with french fry fingers.
Pretty sure Cred Forums is the board that harasses women for daring to have sex with anyone but them, so it might be a better fit for you. Cred Forums doesn't give a shit whether someone's a virgin or not as long as they're sexy, because we're not insecure misogynists.
>Everyone who likes conservative, pure girls is an insecure misogynist
I take it back, maybe you should head back to tumblr.
It is a simple fact that the fewer dicks a girl has taken, the happier and healthier she is.
Ciel's well-traveled, receptive butt is a miracle to the universe.
>Everyone who likes conservative
Speaks for itself right there. Go cry about virginity and da j00z somewhere else.
>All conservatives are stormies
Why are you so triggered by someone having a different opinion to you? That one user was only sharing what he thought of Kohaku as compared to a superior girl, and you felt the need to attack him for it.
The remake will be shit. Go look at the redesigns, if that's an indication of the level of quality of the product as a whole, I hope it never gets released. I can't even post a picture of them because I refuse to have something that shitty saved on my computer.
Why are you so triggered by women not being harassed and insulted for being raped? It's the rapist who's bad for raping, not the woman for getting raped.
This anal, curry slut? No, just no.
Can you project a little harder for me please?
In what way is a fictional character being
'harassed and insulted"?
Honestly I haven't even played Tsukihime, although it's in my backlog. I just can't stand retarded regressives such as yourself mindlessly attacking anyone who appreciates a virtuous woman.
>hurr shes "damaged goods" and inferior because she got raped!
See, you're shitposting here about muh purity even though you haven't even read the VN. Fuck off to Cred Forums, secondary.
>It is a simple fact that the fewer dicks a girl has taken, the happier and healthier she is.
Are you saying that Kohaku is happier or healthier than she would be if she hadn't been forced to take so many dicks?
No one is saying Kohaku is a bad person, at least no one reasonable, just that someone who hasn't spent their whole life being raped would be a better wife.
>appreciates a virtuous woman.
And you, how is does someone being raped make them not virtuous? It was against their will, that's like calling a prisoner of war a coward for sitting the whole thing out. If she was willing going around taking all those dicks, yes she would be a whore. Or a slut since she didn't get paid. But she didn't, so you're argument doesn't make sense.
Yeah, why wouldn't she be inferior because she got raped? I'm not saying it's her fault, but it's perfectly reasonable for a man not to choose a woman who suffers from all this trauma, and probably has emotional issues as a result.
You also seem pretty convinced I go to Cred Forums because of by previously expressed opinions, which I do not, buddy. I can't stand Cred Forums, it's full of retards and stormfaggots. Which is a little offensive when half of your extended family is Jewish.
Yeah you have a fair point there, as I stated previously I haven't read the VN yet and I misunderstood the situation. From what I understand Kohaku is absolutely virtuous.
pls don't forget about me
Do you think people are "inferior" for getting beaten up or robbed too? Rape is just a crime like any other, and like any other crime, it only reflects badly on the perpetrator.
>This anal, curry slut?
What does this mean? Is she not pure and good waifu material?
You forgot about how she does anal
>Kohaku is absolutely virtuous
That might be going a bit far in the other direction.
While sexually she may be fine, some of the other traits commonly associated with virtuous people, well lets just say she's lacking in those.
Getting beaten up or robbed doesn't leave people mentally damaged to the point they pump someone full of enough drugs that they start going crazy.
As I said here , Kohaku isn't a fundamentally bad person, but she definitely has problems that wouldn't have arisen if she wasn't raped constantly throughout her life.
Of course not.
I would never forget the most best of all girls.
>Getting beaten up or robbed doesn't leave people mentally damaged
It very well can, and rape doesn't necessarily cause mental damage. Remember, Makihisa took out his general aggression on her as well.
Of course she is.
Except obviously it doesn't. It's like saying when criminals get beat as children, it's not really their fault when they go out and get addicted to drugs and stick up liquor stores. Although previous trauma can be indicative of what people will be like in the future, people are responsible for their own actions.
And it is perfectly reasonable for a man not to want to get involved with a woman who's been raped. She is far more likely to take actions that would be bad for the relationship and her partner.
>And it is perfectly reasonable for a man not to want to get involved with a woman who's been raped. She is far more likely to take actions that would be bad for the relationship and her partner.
>t. Cred Forums
Didn't Roa run a sword through her hands and then rape her?
>t. Cred Forums
great counterpoint, your superior logic and reason really got me there.
And your missing the point me and the other guy are trying to make.
No one is saying that Kohaku should be looked down upon for her rape. But people who have been raped bring baggage to a relationship that other girls wouldn't. And if you don't want to deal with that baggage, then you are perfectly justified not entering a relationship with them.
Not wanting to be in a relationship with somebody doesn't mean you think they are inferior.
That just makes her more attractive to be quite honest.
Sacchin best route.
I don't remember actually, and I'm not the one who made the image either. I just saved it to troll non-Cielfags with.
Sarcasm hurts user.
mai waifu, close to 10 years now
It literally is Cred Forums-tier bullshit to believe that women get "corrupted" by rape or whatever. It's literally just violent unwanted sex. It can be shrugged off just like a beating if the rapist gets brought to justice and the victim's surroundings aren't victim-blaming fundamentalist fucks like who project "baggage" onto them and reject them.
>close to 10 years now
Is that a challenge user, because I've been with mine for about 20.
No, the fact you say it can be shrugged off clearly shows you have never known an actual rape victim. I'll let you in on something, the non-Jewish half of my family are Italian catholic, and I have first hand seen the life-destroying affect of rape on people very dear to me. Not wanting to get involved with someone who is much more likely to become an alcoholic, and much more likely to beat their children isn't me blaming them. It's a basic act of self-preservation.
i dropped tsukihime after trying her route after i finished arcs
she is incredibly boring and ugly
There is nothing Cred Forums about believing that someone who has spent their entire life being abused sexually and physically will be damaged by that abuse.
It's even confirmed in the VN that it's had an effect on the sisters, as Kohaku and Hisui used to have opposite personalities. Kohaku tries to kill Shiki. She is not healthy mentally, and to argue otherwise is the height of stupidity.
She's also the only girl that doesn't win in her own route
Ever considered reactions like yours might be what caused them to turn out that way?
Kohaku's mental health was affected severely by the years of rape and abuse for sure, but going "USED GOODS WOULD NOT FUCK LOLOLOL xD" at anyone who's been raped is Westboro Baptist Church-tier retardation.
do i miss anything if i skip her route? honestly i want to go back and do akiha and hisui's routes but each time i think "i'll just do the rest of ciel's i dont have much left" and quit for another month after 5 minutes
Not really. If you did Arc's, you're fine
In what way do you assume I treat rape victims? Like I said, it's not their fault, I don't attack them. I just refuse to get romantically involved with one, and it makes perfect sense to do so.
So if you had a girlfriend for several years without suspecting a thing, then learned one day that she had been raped once long before you got together, what would you do?
I would leave her for being dishonest with me, regardless of the fact she was raped. If I have been with this woman for years and I don't know every major even in her life I doubt it's much of a relationship anyway.
What I want to know is when the fuck does the translation for fucking T-Moon Complex X08/X09 come out since the actual doujins have been out for a while. Same for the fucking April fool's 13
Fuck, I need to learn moon for anything not Fate-related, I suppose. Fucking cashcow
I don't do that. If someone wants to get involved with a rape victim that's their prerogative. But I personally never will. I only started arguing because you said that was an illegitimate stance to take, when it isn't.
And to answer this, I'd dump her.
Not because she was raped, if we went that long without me suspecting anything then she clearly either wasn't damaged or has overcopme it, but because she kept something that big from me for years. Months, I could understand, as the relationship is still forming, but by the time you start measuring the relationship in years, plural, all that shit should be out in the open.
Rape is a natural course of action in the animal kingdom. Can you tell me objectively what's wrong with it?
Best Melty
>I would leave her for being dishonest with me
So you go around asking women if they've been raped? Smooth.
>all that shit should be out in the open.
Except it's clearly none of your business if you're not mature enough to handle it.
If we were together for years then sooner or later I would've already asked if she was a virgin. If she answers truthfully then I would've broken up with her a long time ago. If she lies then I would leave her because she's a lying whore.
I would point out that you've resorted to baseless ad hominem attacks, but really you ran out of notable arguments 10 posts ago.
>I don't do that.
To add onto this, I don't even particularly care if a woman isn't a virgin, though if she bragged about it,or claimed that losing it didn't make her any less virtuous, we would have an issue.
I thought the only animal that raped besides humans was dolphins. Because dolphins are the worst.
>Except it's clearly none of your business if you're not mature enough to handle it.
Again, if we can go for months without me suspecting that there might be something wrong with her, then it's fine, because as I've established, I'm more worried about the mental side-effects of rape than the fact she is no longer a virgin. It's the lying to me for years part that would've caused the breakup in your hypothetical scenario. And before you say she never lied, lying by omission is a type of lying.
>I would've already asked if she was a virgin.
Followed by you rightfully getting dumped for being a misogynist creep and crying to /r9k/ about it.
Fuck off, cuck.
Try being a bit less obvious, Cred Forums.
Try responding to people other than the obvious troll.
>Not condoning rape is being Cred Forums
I'm done arguing with a basement dweller. Have a good day.
>baddest motherfucker who ever lived
Nah, that's her love interest. She's still the greatest fembro in type moon.
>condoning rape
It's literally the other way around, though, considering you're the one who's punishing the victims instead of the perpetrators.
I've played a shitload of Melty Blood but i have no idea about the story or lore or anything. How do i get into the story?
>tsuki 2 never
Can Nasu ever get off the Fate cash cow?
Given how badly the remake seems to be coming along, I wouldn't want a Tsukihime 2 regardless.
>Patrician taste
Hisui, Sion,Aoko
>Average Taste
kohaku, Akiha, roastbeef,white len
>redeemable shit taste
>unredeemable shit taste
>literally who taste
>>literally who taste
I'd a sensei
I just want to know how she goes from this to sugoi.
Remember that time he fucked that dead cat?
Shitel sucks cock.
Can Ciel kill servants?
No, but they can't kill her either, so it all evens out.
How do you pronounce Ciel?
This one can.
She's perfect you should be able to figure out how I say.
This is a nice thread
What's wrong with that bayonet
it's a pile driver
where's arc asshole?
You telling me Gil can't kill her? How?
Can Ciel defeat Kotomine?
I honestly can't believe I forgot her
Yes that kind of pile driver miniaturized, you might see it called a pile bunker. You see them fairly often in mecha anime.
With the remake, the chance of Tsuki 2 is sealed anyway, isn't it?
I curse this fate everyday.
This guy knows what's up
Interesting. To further my studies I request the names of three mecha anime aside from Tsukihime which involve a pile driver/bunker
Ciel is stronger, on top of being in higher church hierarchy.
Best maid swooping through.
>is Ciel the baddest motherfucker who ever lived?
You forgot to mention she isn't the best girl, not even on his route. Silly user
Funny how Ciel narrowly loses the worst girl contest to Whorehaku.
>Kohaku is worst girl
That's not what the polls say.
And your girl is at best average-tier.
Can I just list mechs I know & their shows it's easier that way
1)ATH-Q58 Berserga DT Votoms
2)Alt Eisen I'm pretty sure It appeared in SRW OG and inspectors anime
3)EB-AX2 Graze Ein Gundam Iron blooded orphans.
similar concepts
Hibiki's punches in symphogear
Big O's piston punch.
Image attached is from Graze Ein, it pretty well illustrates how this type of weapon works.
seeing Hisui cry makes me sad.
Oh damn
Neat, thank you
If you're in a contest to be the worst and you lose, doesn't that make you the worst?
Like Upper Class Twit of the Year
>mfw all I did was call Kohaku damaged goods like she is and it starts a shitstorm between tumblr incarnate poster and a poltard
Why is she so cool?
I didn't really care about her in the VN but after Melty Blood Sacchin and the cats are my favorite Tsukihime girls.
Fucking route when, Sacchin is amazing.